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Analyzing the Haason Reddick situation | Eagle Eye Podcast

Dave Zanagaro and Reuben Frank tackle the biggest stories surrounding the Eagles as the offseason gets underway:

0:00 – The offseason is officially underway
0:56 – Haason Reddick situation
17:14 – Nolan Smith
23:48 – Super Bowl reactions
40:05 – Ad Break
40:36 – Position coaches
42:20 – Roob’s phone
50:12 – Stay or Go: QBs, RBs, WRs
56:29 – Hall of Fame class
1:01:19 – Eagles going to Brazil for Week 1

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Hey everyone and welcome to the Eagle Eye podcast presented by Nissan Ruben Frank Dave zangaro Ru how you doing I’m doing well it’s now the off season isn’t it it is officially the off season even though there’s not really any such thing as we’ll get into today a little

Bit Yeah but it’s kind of it’s kind of sad when it hits you there’s no football anymore until till the fall yeah it’ll be a long time I was excited to watch the Super Bowl we’ll talk about that game in a little bit we we’ll obviously start with as son reic in a

Moment uh and the news that came out about him but we have some stay Oro a little bit later some coaching updates for the Eagles and this is our first podcast since we found out the Eagles are going to Brazil so I want to talk about that a little bit too yeah make

Sure your passports updated it is I checked we’re good to go good H but let’s start with the Hanan reic news it came out on Super Bowl Sunday before the game that reic had been granted permission by The Eagles to seek a trade that was from Ian Rapaport of NFL

Network not shocking that like we knew something had to give here with this contract what do you make of the report what do you make of the situation yeah I I guess it’s not shocking just because it just seemed like there wasn’t going to be a real neat resolution I

Just don’t think they were going to sign him to a long-term deal um and I don’t think he certainly wasn’t going to be happy playing on on the final year of his deal so something had to give like you said um I think this past year and I

Don’t know if the Bradberry situation directly affects the reic situation but generally Howe doesn’t like to and you know Hassan reck’s not an old player but uh I I think he’s in that range where hoe really has to think long and hard about do I want to give money to a guy

Who is either declining a little bit now and he was really good this year but he wasn’t as good as the previous year and at his age is he gonna you know did we see the start of of a decline the Bradbury decline obviously was dramatic

As dramatic as any we’ve seen But in that range it happens and I think one thing that this team in in 2023 people you know what happen to this team they just looked old and slow and I think there were a lot of things that contributed to the collapse but

I think Howe wants to get this defense younger and faster and I don’t think a multi-year deal for Hassan reic fits into that approach interesting I hadn’t really thought about his age as much uh in terms of this he’s 29 he turns 30 in September has obviously been really

Productive four straight years with double digit sacks two straight years with double digit sacks with the Eagles this past year you’re right it was a drop off but early in the season not to make excuses for him but I will he had the thumb uh and that clearly affected

Him and then late in the season I mean everyone was bad the defense was just a wreck uh he was dropping more it was the whole thing was a mess so I have a hard time like just pinpointing him yeah but you’re right I mean overall the numbers were down he wasn’t as

Effective yeah and and you know he’s a guy who I don’t I don’t know I mean I like H I think he’s a he’s a good guy he’s fun he’s fun to be around um I don’t know if he fits into uh just just what they what what

They want this team to be moving forward and he’s a guy that speaks his mind he’s a guy that uh doesn’t pull any punches when you know when they switch coordinators and everybody else on the defense is like well you know we just got to you know go go do our jobs and

You know we had you know Sean was a good coach and Matt’s a good coach Assan reck sat his locker and said this is this is really hard this is hard to do I mean this is it’s obviously affecting us and uh the change was you know made things

Really tough for us and um that could be a part of it I I just think um and look it’s a position where they obviously need help so I think on the one hand you’re like how do you not sign Hassan reic when you don’t have any productive

Edge rushers other than him and but on the other hand they’ll tell us that they believe in Nolan Smith and they’ll you know I’m sure they’ll add somebody um but if you do trade them it’s it’s risky because obviously sacks were way way down especially the second half of the

Year you could say he was part of the problem you could say he could be part of the solution with a new a new staff um it’s a it’s a tricky situation and I’m really curious to see how it plays out yeah I want to get into Nolan Smith

In a little bit but let’s let’s lay out the Hassan Reit contract because when I think Nolan Smith really kind of is a big part of this equation yeah which is why I want to get to it in a minute but first I want to lay out the contract

Because Hassan reic when he signed three years 45 million it was a little surprising that they got him at that at that price because he had played really well he had back-to-back sack years in two different systems so you’re thinking okay this guy has been productive they

Get him for what I thought was a really good deal at the time and he proved that to be the case really quickly as 16 sacks he’ll count the playoff ones which hey he did he was great in the playoffs gives him 19 and a half yeah until the

Super Bowl and we know the field was a mess so yeah he he quickly outplayed it he he wanted a new contract almost immediately he didn’t have any leverage last year it was it was clear he was unhappy with the contract but he showed up and played because when you have two

Years left on a deal that you just signed you you don’t really have a leg to stand on but now I mean according to over the cap he’s the 17th highest paid Edge rusher in the league that’s way too low yeah he’s a top 10 Edge

Rusher well well above top 10 well above 10th I guess is what I’m saying the impressive thing about him I mean I think about I guess he’s had double digit sacks under four different coordinators the last four years um he’s a really good player he’s a he’s a

Really good pass rusher and um he’s going to get his 12 13 sacks for somebody next year most likely wherever he is no I will say that I don’t think them giving him permission to seek a trade necessarily means he’s gone because we’ve seen we’ve seen in recent

Years them give this to Fletcher Cox they gave this to Darius Slay the opportunity to to go out and kind of see what the market has for them and I think this is a little different because I’d argue reck is still in his prime whereas other other guys are probably Beyond it

But I I don’t know what the market holds for reic he should have gotten more two years ago and he didn’t get a ton I I tend to think there would be teams willing to pay him more than maybe the Eagles will so if that’s the case and he

Can get that then it becomes well what’s the compensation what are the Eagles yet in return they can’t give this guy away yeah I I just think teams and the analytics say you just don’t want to give up a ton of picks ton of Premium

Picks for a guy who’s 30 or gonna about to turn 30 when’s he turn 30 September September um you don’t see a lot of guys that age I mean it happens you just don’t see a lot of guys that age getting traded just because how long is he going to be this

Good know how long is he going to be a double digit guy two more years one more year I don’t know um the you know the analytics tell you that there’s a certain point and he’s getting close to that point where whatever position you play um except maybe o line but your

Your production is going to go down it’s just inevitable and you know they kind of gambled on Bradberry and I like the Bradberry contract because he was so good in 20 uh in 22 and didn’t show any signs of any sort of decline he has his

One of his best years um I had no problem with that contract but here we are so I I could see how he saying I’m not gonna make that same mistake and you know maybe they offer reic some kind of one-year deal to try to

Um you know keep him for a year and and see where he is as a I don’t know I um it’s hard to imagine him playing on the third year of that deal this year but it could happen no that’s not happening I there’s to me there’s just no way he

Plays on that thirdy year of the deal the way it is you wouldn’t think um but it’s it’s an interesting standoff and and I’m not sure there’s a really simple solution yeah and you want a happy player too you don’t want a disgruntled player the Eagles have been pretty good

To not have those types of situations kind of lingering with the team if he shows up on the thiry year of that deal he’s not going to be happy I don’t think he shows up if there’s not some movement yeah but if he does he’s not going to be happy with

It and I get that and and from a cap perspective too uh he was already a pretty good candidate to either rework the deal or to give an extension because of how high the cap he has the highest cap number on the team this upcoming season so yeah there needed to be

Movement one way or the other this seeking a trade is a way for movement to get started whether it comes in the form of a trade whether it comes in the form of an extension yeah yeah and I mean how he’s good at this stuff and he’s creative and

He knows how to structure things to work for both sides um I think that I think that’s the most likely scenario is that they figure something out where there’s there’s not a huge uh a huge risk for the Eagles uh if if his play does decline

But it gets him enough extra money on top of what he’s supposed to make this year to keep him happy um I don’t know exactly what that would look like but how’s pretty good at doing that well I’m trying to like so you look at the edge

Rushers he has to at least get in the 20s yeah right now he’s at 15 million per year like he has to I would think maybe like 25 a year so you’re talking like a two-year $50 million extension yeah I mean that’s what players of his level get uh Edge rushers his ability

And his production uh it’s a lot of money I think the fact that we got to this point is a pretty good hint that how he’s not in a real big hurry to to do that kind of thing um you know I mean I’m just speculating but I don’t think reck and his

People do this if they feel like they’re on some sort of path to uh a deal like that yeah and it’s funny because like we we it comes up in terms of seeking a trade and that’s not really what this means it’s not like his agent is going around saying what will you

Give the Eagles for Assan reic it’s more about establishing his value right uh that’s the important thing because any any kind of trade would come with a built-in extension for the player so it’s really about establishing his value and going back to the Eagles and saying hey this is what team X offered

Us uh or would offer us if he was a free agent now obviously that’s a little different when he’s under contract but you try to establish the value and then if the value is a lot higher than the Eagles are willing to go then I think

You go and you try to figure out okay well what’s the compensation because we’re not giving away one of our best players we need to have a good return and that’s a little tricky too I if you’re talking if you’re the Eagles and you’re looking at this saying well we

Need something back where do you think that what do you think they ask for I don’t know like I said I mean he’s he’s not a young kid um you I don’t think you’re gonna get a one for him no I think the asking price should be like

A two and a three yeah that’s I don’t think you’re G to get a one I think a two and a three a two and a four um I also I mean I you can ask for one yeah negotiations work right like well so that’s are two ones to start but I mean

If you’re sitting in hoe roseman’s desk right now I mean is Hassan rck a $25 million a year player I mean the numbers say he is but if you’re Howie and you’re trying to figure out what went wrong this past year and who do we want to be

In 2024 as a football team and do we want you know do we want to pay him this kind of money I I just don’t know I don’t know the answer to that I’m not sure how he wants uh to make that kind of financial

Commitment to a guy who’s going to be 30 when the season starts say you’re hoe we’re not we’re not thinking about what he’s thinking you you are Howie at this point you’re the GM what do you do what where do you kind of lean on

This well if I was how I would be doing the podcast thank you uh I’d he did used to have radio show which is crazy to think about he did um I’d be I’d be concerned about giving him 25 million a year I would be too but I’d look around

And say we we value pass rush we yell at from the mountain tops that we value the The Trenches we have a proven commodity who he is 29 and I know he’s played a lot in the league but he might still be getting better as an edge rusher which sounds weird

Because he’s he’s been in the league for a while but he hasn’t been an edge rusher for as long as as a lot of guys at his age right a pure Edge rusher so yeah I understand the worry there and I don’t think he’s as good as some of the top

Tier guys in the league I don’t think he’s miles Garrett I don’t think he’s TJ watt sure I think he’s in that next level that next level is pretty darn good too I’d try to keep him I I would try to I I’d be n nervous about giving

25 mil year I’d maybe offer two for 40 and and then maybe settle on 2 45 yeah I think that’s a good approach I think two you know 22 23 a year is a little more palatable but it just it just sounds less I think part of the

Equation also you mentioned Nolan like do we know exactly what Josh sweat is after you know he kind of declined the second half and that’s the tricky thing because he’s entering a contract year as well yeah yeah this would you feel more comfortable paying he’s significantly younger yeah he’s three years younger

Than Hassan reck he is still presumably an ascending player but I also thought he really weighing down the stretch when he had to play a ton of snaps yeah oh he clearly did um what you go eight straight games without a sack and seven or eight and didn’t really

Didn’t really get close close during that stretch I think he might have had one in the in the playoff game one or one and a half U but I’d be more comfortable pain sweat than reic just because of the age and yeah I think uh swe right now is at

133 on the extension he signed a couple years before 21 yeah I mean if I think sweat would be guy for me just because of the age difference yeah and we we talk let’s talk about Nolan because I think he’s a really and by the

Way I mean it’s not like reic took off the second half of the Year either I mean he he struggled down a stretch too yeah well everyone did everyone did yeah and you have to really understand was it the player was it the the coordinators

Was it the scheme was it the position it seemed like the situation was just so screwed up that like I I have a really hard time holding it against any one individual like they all deserve blame but like saying well reic really fell off but yeah but like look at everyone

Else too so no I mean like everyone we’ve talked about on the Pod like AJ Brown well second half of the Year Reed blankinship well the second half of the year you know it’s like everybody on the roster except Briton cvy tailed off the second half of the Year Nolan Smith he

Kind of flew under the radar this year he had a disappointing rookie season and this is a guy that in training camp there was a lot of hype about we were all watching him every day going wow this guy’s really good he even took some of the hype away from Jaylen Carter

For a while in training camp and then obviously Carter starts off the way he did and all the focus is on wow what a great first round pick and you lose sight of Nolan Smith who barely played yeah it was a weird year and it surprised me how little he played early

Um his snaps finally increased I don’t know what the last five six weeks um but the production wasn’t there um I I don’t know what they have in them I I don’t think normally you don’t you know you don’t condemn a rookie especially at that position if he

Doesn’t produce you know we’ve seen so many rookie Edge rushers but the fact that he was a one I mean I think you forget that he was a first round pick since he wasn’t their first first round pick but he was it was at the end of the

Round but he’s first round pick you expect more and it was it was almost like he became an afterthought I mean there are some games you got four snaps like what are you doing here and it felt like a common question for really Shan Desa early in

The year like when’s Nolan gonna play more and he kept saying Yeah the Snaps are coming and they they didn’t under him at least yeah and his answer would be like well you know we have we have sweaty we have you know we have reic we

Have BG getting his snaps um you know who are you going to take off the field well then those guys all started you know well not BG as much but the other two started kind of struggling and Nolan finally got some snaps but it

Was at the end of the year and um even when they traded Derek Barnett you thought okay yeah if if you’re gonna do that it then let’s see Nolan Smith then we didn’t really see more of him at that no not for another month after that uh

Yeah and they keep saying you know I mean how he said it his at his exit interview whatever you want to call it uh you know we still believe in the player we think you know we think really highly of him I just I haven’t seen it

And I’ve learned you don’t you don’t draw conclusions about a rookie you know about his career after one year we’ve seen so many I mean BG certainly uh a good test case I mean it took him six years to get going but it was a major injury in there too yeah

There was uh and he’s an extreme case and every player that has has his first five years are not very good doesn’t mean they’re going to be and we’ve done that with how many players like BG did that so yeah yeah know it’s been five years but um but one year I mean

Certainly uh you don’t want to draw any conclusions but I would have liked to see more um the shoulder I think is a concern because I mean he kind of like jokes about it like oh there’s my old shoulder again I’ll never forget when he said

That to me after the preseason game he was like sometime it’s my baby sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t what yeah like he said a jokingly but like he meant it like that was alarming it’s alarming for a first round pick like you big investment in

This kid yeah yeah and then I mean he left a couple games with it I think um it was obviously an issue during the year so uh always has it wrapped yeah always um yeah we’ll see I mean he’s I I don’t know if though you know

Maybe we’ll hear in the next month that he underwent some kind of procedure on it um but they certainly need more from him in year two and especially I mean it’s really hard to evaluate that position when I mean BG’s 35 I think he’ll be here but

You know he’s going to give you what he has but I don’t know how much he has yeah and it’s not a guarantee they still to sign him he’s going to be a free agent yeah your two top Edge rushers are entering the final year of their deals

Reck is been given permission to seek a trade Nolan Smith is an unknown the only other Edge rushers are you know returning Edge rushers are Patrick Johnson and teron like they don’t T Jackson don’t have much there yeah I knew you’re were going to get out of the segment without you

Mentioning teron Jackson and Patrick Johnson well those are the guys who have been around who have played a little bit yeah Um you know I I feel like they’re going to have to bring bring some reinforcements in you can’t go with you know whether it’s a free agent or draft a guy somewhere I mean I’ve got him drafting like seven different things in the first round so

And they do have three picks in the first two rounds they have trell Lewis maybe like he finds something here as a former draft pick yeah yeah but it’s uh it’s a scary position and and such an important position and and that’s yeah that’s what I was I was getting at

Was if if you can’t in a modern NFL if you can’t pressure a quarterback I don’t care who he is he’s GNA pick you apart you know could be average quarterbacks become really really good quarterbacks when they can stand in the pocket and not be pressured and we saw that the

Second second half of the year you know guys like Kyler Murray and Baker Mayfield they’re not great quarterbacks but when you don’t pressure them you know you throw Tyrod Taylor I mean those guys are not Elite quarterbacks but against this team they were pressure wasn’t the only problem it

Helps when you cover someone and that was an issue too but it all goes hand in hand I think they’ve they’ve got a lot of difficult questions at that edge rusher position yeah we move we don’t know who the edge rusher coach is going

To be if it’ll be a you know we don’t mean yeah I do think fangio is going to help but you gotta have the players too yeah we’ll follow that reic situation throughout the uh the offseason it’s there needs to be some kind of resolution and I don’t know when it’s going to

Come Super Bowl it was a boring game for a lot of it but it ended up being pretty exciting at the end yeah it really did uh and that happens a lot we like God this game sucks and then like you’re like oh my God this game’s incredible

Although what a punter battle in that first half huh oh yeah I know you love that stuff that was your kind of game long field back and forth man Dave loves his special teams um yeah that the one yard line yeah that was that was a great play

It was the punt covered Super Bowl in the first half he just stood there and the ball came right to him it was amazing um I was actually in uh I was in a restaurant in ardore last night I went to a concert in at the

Ardore Music Hall and uh they had the game on on NFL network but it was like that sped up version where they just take out all the irrelevant plays and and then it comes on like three series later it’s great because you watch the whole Super Bowl in an hour and and that

Was like a five hour game it’s like one of the longest games ever but um there were so many so many huge plays and and momentum changes I mean that third down at the end of the fourth quarter if the 49ers convert the game’s over yeah was a

Third and four um I thought the chief’s ability to get pressure when they really really needed it was incredible spags what a job by spags I mean that was a really bad defense before he got there a few years ago he was kind of like a laughing stock a little bit after being

A fa failed head coach people were like why are they going back to spags he’s been great he’s been incredible and uh yeah and momes I mean ability to perform at an extremely high level when the stakes are the highest and the pressure is the greatest um that’s such a rare trait in

Any sport and I mean the way he played at the end of the fourth quarter in overtime I mean you think about what’s what’s at stake here and he’s playing flawlessly I mean they got fourth Downs that if they don’t convert the game’s over he’s just let’s go run for 10 10

Yards I mean he is such a special player that draw play was awesome it was incredible um and yeah there were so many plays like that I mean um that that pass to Kelsey to set up the tying field goal I mean I thought for a second he might get

In um but there was just so many so many huge plays at the end what did you make you know um Shanahan’s getting getting beat up a lot for for taking the ball I get it but that’s not why they lost no I I there’s a bunch of different

Strategic elements to this rule which is what makes it so fun I would have like me personally I would want the ball second but I understand Shanahan’s thought that you get first you get first crack at sudden death yeah like if both teams score now you can say that even if

You score touchdown and kick the extra point the second team can go win it with a two-point conversion sure but there’s no guarantee they do that and then you get first trck of sudden death I know all you have to do is get a fuel goal so I understand

His thought process but I’m I’m more in line with Andy Reid and I’ve always been like that like I want to know what I need like whether it’s bowling or darts or whatever like I want to know what I have to get and that that’s why I would

Want the ball second yeah I’m with you um and I know the the Niners came under some scrutiny for some of the guys didn’t really understand the new playoff rules but well that’s not good that’s not good though it’s not good and the fact that you know the

Chiefs had been really prepped well about it but again either way you’re trying to score a touchdown I I think G that that awareness of the exact situation is is is important but again that’s not why they lost the game um I mean I think there’s there’s a good

Lesson there and I I love the fact that was it Chris Jones said you know Andy’s been telling us about the playoff overtime rules it’s training camp it sounds like Andy Reid um but again I mean I thought Andy burning that timeout was gonna kill them that was yeah

Terrible something it was like play the hits Andy yeah yeah but um though some he I thought he called a good game offensively I mean there was some great play calling in there he went with that same motion for the game-winning touchdown unbelievable unbelievable yeah if it works just keep dialing it up

Right it was special yeah and you know in overtime like once I think the first play in over their their first offensive play in overtime after the Niners kicked the field goal I think it was a mo like 12 yard pass to um to Kelsey out to like

The 37 and now you’re like you know what they’re going to score they’re going to get seven here you yeah but then mvs has that dummy play where he’s going the wrong way yeah oh that was awful yeah that was terrible um the look on mahomes’s face after that play was

Hilarious he was like what what are you doing you had a six-yard gain yeah he has trouble hiding his but I think it was a second and 14 then I think they got like eight yards on third it was that the play that set up

The uh the fourth and one four two I think but anyway I don’t know um but yeah it was uh once they started rolling he’s just like they’re they’re gonna score here and um yeah the Hardman I mean how about how about starting the year with the Jets and catching the game-winning touchdown

In the Super Bowl talking about two extremes yeah I mean I always liked Mico Harman I thought he was gonna be a good player well he was he was good enough Sunday yeah but I I hear you um yeah it was I I just kept sitting

There saying I’m so glad I have to write 10 observations right now how about Travis Kelce too like does nothing in the first half except assault his coach and then in the second half just there’s Travis Kelce him and Patrick momes are gonna figure out out yeah there’s this there’s this thing

With the Chiefs where like they’re just going to figure it out like and that’s why I think there’s no Panic they when they haven’t scored what their first I don’t know six possessions or whatever it’s just like keep keep going just keep working keep doing it there’s there’s never with

Momes like he’s not eventually he’s gonna figure it out this is back toback years they’ve beaten better teams in the Super Bowl down 10 and halftime both times and and uh that’s why the whole spags thing that defense like they’ll keep you in it until Mahomes gets going and I

Thought that’s why the defense like I don’t know you can’t vote for the defense as MVP but their ability to to shut down the ners and pressure pry um that Chris Jones pressure was huge auk was was auk yeah um or was it Jennings someone was open it would have

Been a touchdown yeah I yeah on that third down yeah yeah yeah but I mean the the for the the Chiefs defense keeping keeping them in it keeping it close while the offense kind of figured it out and you could see the offense the chief’s offense just kind of figuring it

Out and once they get into a rhythm you just can’t stop them and that’s the other like with seven seconds left I thought Andy might take one more shot at the end zone I would have in the fourth quarter yeah but I kind of I thought

Romo actually made a good point and Romo is all over the place well he had to make a good point eventually with how much he talked during that game yeah I hear you um my man’s getting paid by the word I think Andy probably felt like they had

The momentum seven seconds left it’s close like the last thing you want is to but you got Patrick Mahomes I know trust me get rid of the football if it’s even if you take a well you can’t take a grinding but like even if you screw up

The play he’ll get you out of it yeah it but I think Andy felt like let’s just let’s just get it to overtime we have the momentum our defense is playing great they’re not going to stop Patrick I I kind of like I I was yelling for one

More play but was it six seconds or seven second it was seven right I think it was six I think they changed it from six to I think seven I think but it was it was close it was close but um it yeah it worked out uh and you know

You you start talking about these two guys legacies and I mean three Super Bowls for Andy now three championships um he’s piling up some numbers um he’s only five behind belich for playoff wins I don’t think Bill’s getting anymore I just don’t think he’s he might

Coach again in 25 but I don’t think I don’t think he’s getting any more and what what’s amazing about Andy is that he’s he didn’t win any titles here but you know you look at where both teams were before he got there I mean Eagles had won two playoff games in 18 years

Before he got here and the Chiefs the Chiefs had won like they’ had like nine losing Seasons our last 15 years they hadn’t won a playoff game in 10 years they’ never had back-to-back Seasons with a playoff win before he got there so he’s taken these two franchises

And just kind of revitalized both and I mean he obviously he brought Doug in who won a Super Bowl so his impact here went beyond when he was a head coach um and then you look around the league and his coaching tree and yeah it’s incredible Tom Melvin’s got three Super Bowl rings

Now Todd Pinkston got a ring Sunday happy for Todd he’s a good guy running back’s coach running back’s coach yeah um Mark do Mark Donovan’s up there on the podium former Eagles team president it’s an incredible thing and I I think it’s hard for a lot of Eagles

Fans because you’re like why couldn’t you have done that when you were here um and you know he’s taken a lot of what he did wrong here and learned from it like clock management and timeouts are still a little bit of an issue uh but um he’s become a better Coach and certainly

Hav 15 and then you you know then you start I asked you this on online the other day is Brett vich a Hall of Famer I mean just just to go into Andy’s office and say this kid at Texas Tech we got to draft him he’s the best quarterback I’ve

Ever seen Texas Tech right and um and and here they are Soh I’m happy for Andy he’s a good man and Pat Patrick Mahomes is 28 you’re you’re uh your friend James Palmer asked a great question of um you know the chief’s owner uh uh which Hunt is it I forget which

Park hunt yeah one of the Hunts um and he said what’s your what’s your P we’ve heard a lot of rumors about Andy what’s your pitch uh to keep him to make him stay and he said Patrick Mahomes is under contract for eight more years it was a great

Quote and then he said and um I fully expect Andy to be back next year um so yeah it was a fun game how could Andy walk away now I it’s hard to imagine I mean I don’t think he does this to I mean he’s already a Hall of Famer it’s like Kelsey

Like how you walk away but um but Andy’s not taking the physical well maybe he is taking the physical beating but uh you know what I mean yeah well kelse just keep Kelsey away from him Jason Kelce took quite a beating when he walked into that bush in a

Postgame party Jason’s been enjoying himself the last few weeks you think you think excuse me yeah I think he had a good time out there uh that’s all I have did you care about any of the other hoopla that goes with the Super Bowl I did not I just I

Don’t watch halftime shows what do you do during halftime um because even like like I I just want to be a part of the conversation I want to know what people are talking about yeah I just don’t care about the conversation um what did I do

During halftime I think I uh I went through some track results milrose games on brand oh the milrose games were Sunday morning there was some great performances a lot of world records did you watch The Anthem yeah and it’s interesting um a friend of mine was in the in the U one

Of the musicians that recorded Ron Kerber who’s in the Philly pops um He’s a Philly guy obviously he lives here and he was one of the musicians who recorded the backing track for uh reeba McIntyre so that was really cool what kind of deal with the devil does she

Make that she looks the same now as she did 30 years ago yeah I don’t know I can’t really I don’t have an answer for that um I thought it was okay it was it just still a little too we talked about this a little too flourishy for me at the end

She said Brave twice right did she yeah I heard well only reason I heard that I didn’t really hear it but apparently that’s a big deal because the first Brave is the end of the song for for betting purposes oh interesting people bet on the anthem yeah the over undertime yeah

They actually this this guy Ron who was in the uh one of the musicians who recorded it um he he’s actually got to sign something that he won’t like tell anyone how long it is oh that makes sense yeah he’s got to sign like a waiver or something but

Um yeah do you remember Dr Z who used to write for Sports Illustrated zman the legendary guy um he would time every national anthem he would sit there with an oldtime stopwatch and you know be like h two minutes in 12 seconds he was the best uh Paul zimon

Was the first guy that ever did preseason stats uh he he kept preseason stats every year like now you get them all in NFL Jesus but back then so he would call me like Saturday morning after like a Friday night preseason game like you know I need uh I need Keith Byer rushing

Stats from last night but uh yeah but it was uh it was a fun day it was a long game and I just I don’t know how many times I just felt like it’s really a lot more fun watching this on my couch on TV than being on a scaffolding outside a

Stadium trying to write 10 observations and getting ready for a postgame show I love my job and I love doing that but it’s a lot more it’s a lot less stressful this way yeah I like covering them from inside the stadium that’s fun yeah there is something there’s

Something to be said for cover them it’s it’s a hell of an experience it really is all right let’s take a break we have some other stuff on the other side you deserve a car that Thrills you a car that puts Goosebumps on your Goosebumps at Nissan we got everything from

Turbocharged SUVs to 100% electric vehicles that’ll make your heartbeat faster experience the thrill for yourself and Shop your local Nissan store and today celebrity Cook Steve Marano brings his Italian American Cooking back home to Philly enjoy Marano’s Prime at Rivers Casino and Steve’s Famous meatballs with

Sunday gravy prime steaks and more make reservations at Morano’s Prime on Open Table all right Ru we’re back here the Eagles coaching staff still coming together uh we know most of the major coaches on the team they’re still filling out some of the position coaches we had some news within the last

Week what do we have okay what’s in the last week uh yeah so I appreciate you setting me up but I’m not exactly sure on the timing here have to okay sure well we know sorry to do that to you Christian Parker is a new one sounds

Like he’s going to be coaching defensive backs uh I I don’t know if we talked about Joe Casper already but it sounds like he’s coming with fangio to coach safety so it looks like they have that part of the defensive coaching staff in place now curious to see if

They keep a Nichols coach or if they or or if they keep that position because I think that’s a valuable one but yeah uh Parker’s a good hire I I was excited for them when they looked like they were going to get Carl Scott and then that fell through but Parker’s another upand

Cominging coach who who looks like a pretty good candidate yeah and I think the one thing about all these guys they brought in is they’re just more experienced than the guys they’re replacing and it’s weird like the eagles won’t announce anything until all the coaches are in place that could be

Another who knows when that’ll be um but so I mean there’s guys like we don’t know that they’re officially not going to be here we’re kind of assuming it sure looks like the entire defensive staff is going to be replaced you know maybe Vic fangio like one of the young like assistant position

Coaches and and decide to keep him sorry about that I forgot to mute my phone before the Pod um but it sure looks like it’s GNA be a completely different defensive staff um I think you were away when Stout tweeted out a video talking about how much he was looking forward to

Going to Brazil which was like I’m watching that I’m like potential spam sorry man I get a ton of those calls you know what I get now I get the uh it’s like a local number yeah and it’s just enough to make you think is that like my dentist office or something

And the answer it and it’s just a recording yeah yeah they’re getting very shrewd the way they at least the potential spam you it’s a quick uh quick silence but those other ones are tricky now yeah or worse it could be me like oh yeah you always call me from those block

Numbers um but yeah so Stout sent out this tweeted out this video and I guess it was the Eagle’s way of telling everybody that he’s gonna be here he’s really the only assistant we’re assuming Kevin Pula will be here because he’s he’s kind of Nick’s most trusted guy and

Nick kept talking about him stop talking about him at his at his exit interview uh not really an exit interview year on press conference yeah I like to call it an exit interview um but uh other than that other than Stout like we don’t know anybody who is

Going to be here now there’s some positions on offense they haven’t filled yet so who knows maybe Aaron Morhead will still be here but it it looks like a huge huge amount of turnover on the staff which is the right thing to do certainly and very unusual for a team

That didn’t change his head coach yeah we’re finding out more about the defense which makes sense fangio’s been around longer they hired him first they hired him as soon as they could yeah so like that’s coming together pretty quickly another one this one was from Tim mcmanis uh that uh Bobby King who

Coached linebackers with the Titans is coming so likely their new linebackers coach which is an interesting one because they they interviewed some really veteran candidates for that job and ended up going a little more inexperienced throughoute interviewed Mike Caldwell twice um I think they really wanted Mike

On the staff and you know Mike’s another guy from that 99 Eagles team who became a successful coach in the league one of like 13 guys that became a head coach or assistant coach in the NFL from that team from the coaching staff or the roster

Um they interviewed him for the DC job before Miami cut ties with fangio and then they interviewed him for the linebackers coach under fangio um and he ended up going to the Raiders I believe um with Antonio Pierce but uh he’s a good coach and it would

Have been a good hire but U yeah didn’t work out there but the only what what is what is left on defense we don’t we don’t really know the structure of yeah that’s the tricky thing we think they’ll have some sort of a we don’t think I

They have had kind of two defensive line coaches they’ve had the the interior guys under Tracy rocker and then the edge guys under Jeremiah Washburn and if you had to ask me one coach I would keep on on the defensive side it would be Washburn so maybe he’ll be

Back could be um that’s that’s the thing about without announcing them like we don’t know how many guys are like how you know we don’t know how many guys at each spot they’ll be so we don’t know what the structure will be so it’s hard to speculate but on offense we don’t

Know receiver running back or tight end right right so as of now you know those three guys Jamal Singleton and um Jason Michael tight ends coach and um Aaron Morhead receivers coach I mean I guess they’ve either told them to go look for another job none of them has or they’re kind of

In limbo waiting to see what happens it’s it’s it’s a weird situation I think it’s interesting um Brian Johnson got hired by uh Washington uh unnamed unnamed position so far um they have a QBs coach they have an OC so maybe he’ll be passing game coordinator or something uh

But each of the coaches have gotten another job I mean like um DK McDonald went to Kansas like they’ve all been lesser jobs um well he’s going to be co-defensive coordinator there yeah but I mean that’s a step down from the NFL okay I I I would

Think um you’re farther away from being a DC certainly for being an NFL DC I mean it’s probably a good job but I I just think there’s a commentary there about what the league thinks of the Eagles coaching staff last year I mean Shawn Desa isn’t anywhere is he I

Don’t think he’s gotten hired anywhere Matt Patricia hasn’t gotten hired anywhere yeah but he has a lot of options rubbe there are teams are calling him for both sides of the football one of the one of the GM by the end of this off season that was that was

A legendary tweet that was great it’s like just quote the agent while you’re at it just don’t don’t say Source um but like none of I mean Brian Johnson got a lesser job um so it I mean it it’s you know none of these guys is being interviewed were

None of these guys were interviewed for coordinator jobs or anything so well Brian Johnson was yeah he was um he wasn’t going to get it I don’t know that well he didn’t yeah all right were they sham interviews is that what you’re saying I don’t think he was ever gonna

Get certainly wasn’t gonna get a head coaching job that I agree with um what OC jobs did he interview it for that I don’t remember I think it’s in my Google Document I put together took hours um but yeah I don’t know I just think to there’s a commentary there on

What the league thought of their coaching staff the fact that none of these guys was a hot candidate for anything I they interviewed for some things but Alex Tanny got hired by I remember the Browns yeah I believe so yeah but they I mean they have a they

Have a quarterbacks coach too so I don’t know what his title is going to be so still a lot to be determined especially on offense like you said running backs receivers and tight ends so you would think want to get something in play soon yeah but they’re way ahead

Of where they were last year if you remember last year they I mean they were so far behind after the Super Bowl they didn’t even announce we didn’t even know Desai was the DC until the combine is that right yeah we’re still a couple weeks away from that

Yeah yeah so that’s all I have on the coaching search I’m sorry that’s all I have on the coaching search yeah I think um Kell Moore just arrived in Philly on Monday yesterday um so uh he had to get stuff settled with moving and and all that so

I guess he’s he’s at the NovaCare now I’m sure he’s working on finishing out of Staff uh St or go we started our series online you guys can read that we have one each day over the next couple weeks we don’t need to go through every player

But let’s go through the first three positions and some of the tricky ones uh we’re going on offense first so quarterback obviously Jaylen Herz is back obviously Tanner mcke is back under contract Marcus Mariota is the one that’s a little tricky you and I both had him going think there’s any chance he’s

Back I guess there’s a chance I don’t think he’s a very big one and by the way off topic but on the Mariota topic I thought that piece they did in the pregame show on Hawaii that Marcus narrated part of it uh was extremely well done did you notice I very quickly

Sent out my Q&A with Marcus about Hawaii did I missed that but that’s good work by very opportunistic by me U that was extremely well done it was a very moving piece um but no I don’t think he’ll be here I think there’s a chance they like they like um Tanner mck

Is a two yeah and look if they get to camp and they’re like uh maybe he’s not ready then you go find someone but if you can get your sixth round pick to be your backup quarterback for three years that is a huge boost huge huge because

He’s cost controlled as a six round pick he’s making minimum of the minimum and isn’t costing anything against the cap and he’s here for another three years uh running back the only one that I think we all feel pretty confident will be back is Kenny gainwell just because he’s

Under contract he doesn’t make a ton as a fifth round pick in the final year of his deal and he’s a good player yeah so we know he’s back after that It’s Tricky yeah and Swift’s the the most interesting one I think it’s more likely

Than not he’s not here um I do think there’s a chance he’s here running back contracts are weird and I don’t really know how much like you look at my sanders contract and what he got and and the production they got out of him um are people going to look at at DeAndre

Swift and say well he’s a product of that offense and that o line as well um I don’t think that’s entirely fair but I think people are going to say that and I mean my sanders production dropped precipitously after they gave him that huge deal and he earned that deal by playing

Behind this o line and running backs don’t get big contracts anyway so I I think if teams look at DeAndre Swift and say well he’s just another mile Sanders then his price might come down to the point where how he’s like all right I’ll bring you back you know I think

He’s a good player and I think we talked about this last week I think there’s more there um I don’t think they used him properly at in a lot of times I don’t think used him enough a lot of times so I still think it’s likely he

Won’t be back but there’s a chance yeah you and I both had him going I think like if there’s not a deal out there and he has to take a cheap oneyear deal somewhere he might as well do it here yeah yeah and I I think there’s May it’s

A fair chance I think it’s about a 30% chance we’ll see the one agency is gonna be so much fun that’s just that’s like one of my favorite days uh I don’t like that day no no it’s all playing defense I don’t like it it’s fun but it’s

Fun so you don’t like fun things it’s fun as a fan okay uh the only one we were different on a running back was Boston Scott you had him going I had him staying I think I could go either way I just think the the Eagles see more value in him than a

Lot of other teams and I know he didn’t play a lot this year but it was just because the guys in front of him stayed healthy yeah he’s a pretty good insurance policy he is he is I just wonder if he might just want to try his luck somewhere else getting a little

More playing time but I’m not sure I don’t know if that is out there for him I agree and I think I I wrote that but just a hunch but he could he be here receiver I think we agreed on everything I believe so yeah I think the only guys

I had back were AJ and Devonte and cvy and cvy yeah yeah and I I think that’s right I mean I I don’t think quz is gonna be back certainly and Oz I maybe but like I I I didn’t see it I didn’t see it either now I do think

One of those young receivers has a chance to come to camp and win a job I just don’t know which one it would be yeah my out of that whole group nagat is the one guy because I just really liked what I saw from him in Camp um you know

A lot of times you see these receivers flashing early and then they just kind of like they just kind of get swallowed up they lose their legs you know Camp is hard Camp’s not that hard anymore but uh I thought Nagata really had a consistent Camp right through um he caught the ball

Well he’s got good size so if any of them have a chance I mean he’s at the top of my list but they’re all long shots Jacob Harris is the other guy that like I’ll be keeping an eye on but I can’t put him on the roster right now

Right on a little bit of a hunch what’s your thought on cvy as more than a punt returner do you think he could be a little help you out in the slot a little bit I don’t uh and I like cvy I I just I don’t see it okay

Yeah you you do a little bit I think he’s a shot I think he’s a chance okay I I he catches the ball well he’s elusive he’s quick so he’s got some some things to work with u i don’t think he’ll ever be a you know Big Time offensive player but um

You go four four wides and put him out there he’ll he’ll get you eight yards yeah I’d like to see him get that shot I think he’s he’s earned it by what he’s done on special teams but yeah uh yeah I’m not very bullish on him as as a

Receiver but that said like he’s well worth his roster spot oh yeah yeah he’s gonna be here either way so yeah sure a quick a few quick things here the Hall of Fame class was announced since the last time we did a pod no Eric Allen

That stinks it stinks and it a lot of people are asking me why I think he hasn’t gotten the recognition he deserves this is his first year as a finalist and I think there’s two reasons and I think one of them is people look at those teams from like the late 80s

And early 90s those Eagles defenses as that was Reggie like and Reggie is the greatest defensive end I’m Not Gon to say Edge rusher because he was so much more than that he was an oldtime defensive end that played the run and rushed the passer you know back then

Defensive ends were 290 you know now they’re all the edge rushers are 245 because you know you don’t get paid by stopping to run um but I think there’s a sense from some Old-Timers that you know guys like Clyde Simmons and Seth Joiner and Eric Allen

Um were just products of Reggie which is so not true um but I think that misconception is out there and I also think the fact that those teams didn’t do anything in the postseason is a is a factor it shouldn’t be uh maybe for a quarterback not for a quarter who had 58

Interceptions and nine pick sixes um you know they won one playoff game during that whole stretch in in New Orleans in ‘ 92 um so I think those are two factors Eric’s got only two more years you get 20 years after your five years after you retire you get 20 years of Eligibility

This was his 18th and his first year as a finalist and after that you go to the seniors committee and they have this huge backlog of guys from the 20s and 30s no jokes please and he’s facing an uphill battle so I haven’t looked at who what other defensive backs are eligible

Next year what are their first timers um it’s good there is a late push for him though yeah yeah hopefully he gets in he deserves it jar Evans is the other guy Philly guy didn’t didn’t get in kind of didn’t anticipate he would but he was

A great player great player this is a good class it doesn’t really have a like a lot of classes have like that major headliner I was surprised Antonio Gates didn’t get in I would have voted for him ahead of certainly Devin Hester yeah um I was happy to see Andre Johnson get in

Surprised that he kind of leap frogged the other guys but like certainly deserving to me yeah just a great player who was on some really bad teams right and a cool dude is he just uh very cool just like Peak coolness like I I think a lot

Of what we see in Jaylen Herz like this the cool common collected is Andre Johnson influence interesting they’re very Sim about you I mean is did he influence you that way is that where your cool comes from yes very similar I thought me and Jaylen would Bond over that and it didn’t

Work it’s still early speaking of Jaylen uh Jaylen Carter did not win Defensive Rookie of the Year which if you would have told me that halfway through the season I would have been shocked yeah but he fell off he did still had a great year he was second it was close I think

It was 16 first place votes for uh for Anderson and 14 for for Jaylen but 13 people left jayen off the ballot entirely he was only on 37 out of 50 votes I voted for him second I voted for Anderson first and I think the guy from the Rams third

Um but yeah uh I didn’t vote I I thought long and hard about it but um the production just wasn’t there second half it’s a shame for him because if he finishes the way he started he wins if he finishes the way he started he’s a

I’m saying like if if you like flip them I’m saying oh I see you mean so if you had a slow start and a big finish yeah um very well could be the case yeah very well could be do you like being a voter

For that stuff I do okay I do and I take it really seriously I spent a lot of time on it uh I send my team to I think to you and moh to tr shoot just make sure there’s no big time gaps in there

But I do a lot of research and uh I take it seriously I just like it’s impossible I can’t criticize I can’t sit on the outside and criticize oh they did this and they did that if I’m not like doing it myself and putting in the time so I I

Do like it okay I want to be a Hall of Fame voter but they haven’t asked me one day one day maybe uh the last little bit here that we found out the Eagles are growing in Brazil that’s fun yeah um first first South American regular season

Game um a lot of fans are not happy about it because they lose a it’s a home game yeah but they had nine home games they had nine home games so you still get eight um but you do lose one I don’t know how it works as far as what you pay

For I don’t know if you pay more when there’s a year there’s nine games compared to eight I don’t know how it works but um I think it’s kind of cool um it’s a Friday game we don’t know what time it is it’s two two hours later

There so I’m not sure how they’ll do that um but ium be Friday evening I hate the idea of the NFL playing on Friday what is that it’s high school football yeah but they haven’t started they don’t start that early yeah but I don’t like it I feel like they do I feel

Like they’re creeping into high school football territory and I don’t like it yeah I think I think they don’t start I don’t think most high schools start the first weekend of September yeah but if football Friday well they’ll start to expand it you have Cherokee schedule on the wall there behind you I

Do not no I’ll look up their schedule but uh yeah I I don’t I don’t think it should be a a permanent thing or a regular thing but one game first weekend I’m okay with that okay how do you think the Eagles will handle it you think they’ll go down like a week

Early that’s a great question long flight to go down for two days for two days yeah um I don’t know and we don’t know the full schedule come out in May um I’m wondering if they’ll give them the Monday night game after that just to

Give an extra day of rest oh yeah that might make sense is it usually April you get it April May we get April May May um that would make sense and yeah I mean it’s it’s going to create some interesting logistical I mean I don’t think you

Could fly down Wednesday at 12 hours and play a game Friday yeah that’s the thing like I I wonder if they’ll just go down and do a full week of practice down there somewhere yeah that might make the most sense maybe I’ll I’ll come down for the

Practices and then just fly home for a pregame postgame gosh what am I gonna do all week if they’re practicing in Brazil I don’t know I’m excited about it if I get to go you’ll go okay I’m confident um yeah have you been where have you been to South

America uh just Peru and Argentina just Peru and Argentina that’s a flex right there uh yeah I haven’t been to Brazil so it’ll be fun although it is like it’s an hour flight from Sao to to Rio it’ be cool to go to Rio too that would be

Yeah who does that song when my baby goes to Rio who does that when my baby who does that song Come On Dave I have no idea what you’re talking about you know that song Rio oh there’s also the Duran Duran song Rio that’s a different song that’s a great

Song um Rio there’s a lot of songs named Rio apparently yeah Sergio Mendes great Sergio Mendes had one anyway we’ll do a podcast on songs named Rio when we’re really look really short on topics in June anything else no I just got back from a little trip it

Was fun I was down in uh West Texas out in the west Texas town of El Paso yeah Marty Robbins yes yeah wow it’s a good pull impressive uh yeah it was fun I was down song At first became aware of because the you know the

Grateful Dead did it back in the early 70s all the time um it’s a good tune I was uh I was once it’s a long story but I was at a bar with Marty morning wag and his wife uh I was doing an appearance with Marty

And he was telling me about his career and how he coached in El Paso and I started singing that song and he and his wife joined in and so I’m sitting there in this bar with Marty morning W and his wife um who’s wonderful singing uh yeah singing that song uh that

Was it was an interesting experience Marty’s got a good singing voice all right anything else here no let’s wrap this up if you enjoy the eagle podcast please do us a favor rate and subscribe wherever you get your pods if you’re watching on YouTube please click the like button subscribe there as

Well we’ll be back with you later in the week uh that’s it for rub um Dave this has been eagle ey presented by [Applause] Nissan


  1. Nolan smith – there’s major concern for the shoulder. Guys that run 4.39 at 240 with elite college experience don’t fall to end of rd1 unless the league knows something. Eagles took a chance. Even if his game improves, scary situation.

  2. There was never going to be a “sudden death” 3rd possession. Chiefs have openly said they were going for 2 if it came to it. Not the only reason the 49ers lost, but Chiefs knowing the rules and their exact OT strategy speaks highly to the chiefs attention to detail during preparation and the lack of detail for the 49ers. Very unlikely that attention to detail in preparation is not also present in other areas and a clear advantage in big moments for the chiefs. The 3rd down Mcduffie blitz completely confused SF.

  3. Cant hide Nolan Smith this season its time to see if he sinks or swims. I hope im wrong but it looks like another miss in the draft by Howie.

  4. Nolan Smith and N.dean both are undersized players. Dean doesn't even look like an NFL LBer his body looks soft. Unless he changes his workouts and diet , I doubt Dean can stay healthy and be a full time NFL STARTER. I'm sorry Dean looks like a huge bust .

  5. At least Haason wants to play here and stay an Eagle. Would be much worse off if he requested a trade

  6. I've seen so many great CB im 44. Eric ALLEN IS A NO DOUBT HALL OF FAME PLAYER PERIOD. He was amazing. Has the numbers sorry but whom ever votes I've lost respect for .

  7. I would try to see if the broncos would take reddick and draft picks for surtain.

    Kc had elite pass coverage and average pass rushers other than their interior rush from jones.

  8. Ask yourself who else is left? If we don’t bring Hassan back who else is out there that can provide double digit sacks?

  9. Nolan Smith won’t be in the NFL in 3 years. My biggest concern coming out of the last couple drafts was that the Georgia defenders would not translate into pro players. Looks like that might be where we are headed.

  10. Sweat had nothing but Mamulas down the stretch. He was a big disappointment. I trust Reddick because I’ve seen him do it.

  11. Why would anyone coach worth anything want to work for this franchise. The incompetence of this owner, GM, front office is on full display.

  12. Not sure how not knowing the playoff rules even matters in this outcome? Each team had a chance to possess the ball!!! What does it matter??

  13. Until they change their philosophy, they'll never win a super bowl. They have to many needs and not enough money or picks. Howie don't draft wrll. They had to get rid of the caoch. They won't win more then 8 games . They're going away from the rpo . That what hurts is. You can't change him.were going way down hill. Get picks for riddick bc were not going anywhere.

  14. At least the 49's lost. There were insufferable all season long about last year. Of course, I wanted the Chiefs to lose, too.

  15. Dave said Brazil is 2 hours ahead of Philadelphia, which is true now, but when the Eagles play there, it will only be 1 hour ahead due to DST.

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