Why You Can’t Stop Flipping At Impact




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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Now if you can’t stop flipping going through the golf ball adding Loft and you really want to get that nice sharling awesome compression but no matter how many drills you do you can’t get there and why that is is because you are not targeting the root cause reason

To why you’re flipping flipping is always caused by something else in the golf swing it’s not a fault that naturally happens alone so we’re going to get into the five main reasons to what causes your flip to happen and a fix for each reason so first one here

Open Club face this is by far the most common reason to why you flip going through the golf ball so what we’ll see we’ll see golfers quite often in the early swing have the toe of the club pointing either dead straight up or maybe slightly behind and then when they

Get up to top that toe is dangling underneath the shaft there if they maintain that position going into the down swing you have to flip because that’s the only way you could square up the club face if you try to lean the Sha forward here and try to get that

Compression you will hit the ball way way right cuz sharlean and to the degree that some golfers try to get it that will open up the face more so for us to be able to get rid of the flip we need to get rid of the root cause reason in

This case and that is the open face so most commonly I will see players open up their Club face for two reasons and one grip the obvious one a lot of golfers have a grip that is so unbelievably weak to where you might see one to maybe one

And a half knuckles in that l hand and the right hand that line between thumb and the meat of the hand pointing up towards mid chest or left chest there very very weak or the only way a golfer could get away with that is having a ton

A ton of bow in the left wrist but we’re going to get into wrist angles a little bit later so the easier way to go about fixing this problem with far less time is making sure just that grip is standard so two and a half knuckles in

That left hand and with the right hand there the line between thumb and the meat of the hand is pointing towards right armpit area so once you’re there you are going to be in a much better place to keep that club face square and then be able to present some decent Loft

To it and not flip because you don’t need to your Club face isn’t open but then some golfers could get into this nice grip and then straight away throw it away by having this big left forearm rotation so if you have a lot of left forarm rotation look at my watch see if

I was hitting the ball over there it’s pointing just to the right of the Target now the watch fa is pointing up and away that is the technical term my left forearm is pronating and you can see what does that do whip the club on the inside and massively opens the face so

That’s going to cause cause it to be open for the rest of the Swing you’d have to flip so from there what I’d want to see golfers do I’d want to see to get to sha parallel in the back swing hands are in roughly a fist distance from the

Right leg Club face and Club head is slightly outside the hands my left forearm cannot roll it can’t pronate to get there so if I can do that look at where my watch face is pointing diagonally down not up towards the sky so if I can get to this position here

You can see Club face angle matching my spine angle hands in club out stop there swing up swing through that’s going to keep my club face squarer let’s do one here hands in club out then that’s going to give you a way squarer Club face and that’s going to

Help you stop the flip so number two and that is as you’re going down in the down string your arms are far too far away from you so many golfers are trying to push their arms more out there’s a big Trend at the moment of throwing the Club

Into the golf ball and I can’t begin to describe if that is done improperly how damaging that is going to be to your golf swing that are far easier ways to get it done getting into the golf ball because when I see golfers really pushing the hands out away from them as

They start to move in the down swing as it get to Shar parallel you will start to notice this the hands are way outside the body so this is where we never see a topall striker in this position because if your hands and arms are moved more

Out in this direction more away from you you’ve moved Mo the swing more away as well so then if you’re going to get to the golf ball without chunking it you have to throw the hands and arms into the shot to be able to catch up your arms are ultimately playing catch up

From that position so this is where don’t get confused with this being arms stuck behind you as in trail arm being behind you club path issues this is arms being trailing behind the body stuck behind in the front and back sense so we need to have the hand hands and arms

Being a little bit more in front of the body we see all the top ball Strikers in the world here at Shar parallel in the down swing where we have the hands roughly around the trail leg and then from there all they need to do turn and

Boom they’ve got this good position to where if you’re here you’ve got to throw so that’s where throwing movement really hard for a lot of players to make that work it can do it again it’s really really tough it’s not the most powerful way to swing a golf club so a lot of

Golfers will do this move the right way naturally more golfers than not but for golfers who are suffling with the flip it is quite common so this is where we all have some degree of the arms moving towards a Target cuz I normally say with my videos which is still absolutely true

We want our arms to do as little as possible if we’re moving our pivot nicely the hands and arms will follow but some players do just have their hands and arms way too far behind them they’re going to need to feel more towards the target movement of their

Hands and arms to be able to make this work so what they need to do that golfer is to grab the club like this so this is what we call the Rory maoy drill he suffers with some things just like that when he’s obviously not swinging great

And you’ll see him do this where he’ll be gripping the club with the left hand on the grip and the right hand is on the middle of the club sha there and he’ll be getting up to the top and he will be then turning shifting and making sure

That right hand is on top of that right leg so he’s getting the forward motion of his arms activating a a little bit more again this is only for golfers who struggle with this if you don’t struggle with that don’t do it so that’s where

Really need to grind that in and then we can replicate that same feel and that’s really going to help you sink up the arms and the body a little bit better and of course then what’s that going to do that’s going to help you fix your flip and start to compress

It a little bit more so my brand new winter Improvement plan is in full swing and it’s not only proven to be incredibly popular but it’s also providing unbelievable results and what this online lesson plan is with myself it is four lessons per month for under the price of two individual lessons

Unlimited communication so messaging back and forth with myself any questions you have you can ask me whenever and also I have now included not only on my winter plan but on all my plans on skillist free access to all my video courses so if you sign up to any of my

Plans winter one absolutely included you can get all my courses so whether it’s the new early Extension Course rotation shallowing or over the top you can watch all of them for no extra cost with that subscription and of course if you just want to pick up one of those awesome

Guides which are absolutely packed with amazing information way deeper than I could ever go in here on YouTube and with amazing drills that are tailored to you specifically you can pick those up individually also over on Skillet the link for all of this is down in the

Description here and if you also want us to have individual lessons with myself so I’ve got three different packages of individual lessons you can absolutely choose from those too so if you don’t want to do a plan that’s absolutely fine I’ll be more than happy to work with you

Regardless so let’s make 2024 season your best season ever link in description for online lessons with myself so number three here and that is your left wrist so we see so many golfers maybe be at the top of the back swing in a great spot nice flat left

Wrist and then from there they start to put that left wrist into extension or cupping that steepens the sh for one opens the face two and just the sheer structure of that left wrist in that CED position if you maintain that going through the golf ball you’re going to be

In this flippy position so only if your grip is very strong can you make that work and still get some nice compression in because that leis being cut with a strong grip keeps the club face Square so this is where for golfers with standard grips no go so this is where we

Want to keep that left wrist nice and flat as we go down we actually see the best plays in The World Slightly move into some flexion so bowing very slightly as they start to that that downswing and you can see what’s that going to do it’s going to keep the club

Face square and also as you’re turning through it’s going to get you in a really nice compressed structure there so here’s the drill with a glove to be able to get in that position so what we’re doing we’re putting a te in the front side side of a glove there so you

Can see just in the front here because if now I’m starting that downswing and I’m starting to cup that left wrist the T starts to jab into my left forearm so what I want I want to keep that t nice and flat against my forearm going

Through the swing if I can do that I know that I have created a flatter left wrist which means square of face which also means better angles going into the shot so I’m not necessarily trying to hold the position I’m just making sure this doesn’t jab into me so let’s do one

Here okay so I’m just keeping this left wrist nice and flat on my wrist and then that’s going to give me a really way better position and not flipping through it so number four what this is is golfers starting their downswing too quickly with their arm so we had with

Golfers having their arms trail behind their pivot now this is golfers who get all out of sequence with the arms so this is be where a golfer will quickly start with their arms in the downswing and when you quickly start with your arms not having the body start that down

Down swing you are going to have to make room for the arms to pass through the shot and that normally means standing up a little bit stay tuned that’s another point in a minute so if your arms are going first body has to back out the way

To get the arms to pass through you will lose your angles you will flip doing that so we want players of course to have their hands and arms work last in the sequencing lower body mid torso goes first and then the chest starts turning and that brings the hands and arms along

For the ride so a great little thing to do to help have that sequencing so then you’ve got all the room in the well to be able to turn and get this nice Shar lean is a pause drill so getting up to top of the Swing pausing and then making sure the

Last thing to move is the arms so for golfers who suffer with this specific problem is going to be absolutely brilliant so up to the top pause and then from there just making sure lower body mid torso is turning making sure arms are the last thing this is where

You see golfy so individual so this is where a couple points before the arms trailing now it’s someone who’s getting the arms too active so this is where it’s different for absolutely everyone which is why lessons are so important which absolutely there is a link in the description for online lessons with

Myself on skillist and all my video courses I offer as well so at the top pause arms are the last thing to move so you just pausing for a second then swinging down through that’s going to help you ton with that issue so reason number five said this a little bit of

The last one coming out of posture so if you are standing up in the downswing you are naturally going to throw your angles and why we have given this its own point is because there’s so many little ways you can stand up and reasons why you can I’ve filmed the

Video just like this a good couple weeks ago which is why you always stand up and why you can’t stop standing up in the down swing gives loads of points for it so I’d recommend if this is your issue watch that video as well so what we know

If we stand up rotation will stop hands and arms are going to fire and then there we go so one good thing to know if something in your golf swing stops you from having a continuous nice turn going through the golf ball you will most

Likely flip at it we see it all the time people stool out their rotation coming out of posture is one of them so what we going to do here cuz there’s so many root cause reasons for standing up steep shaft is one of them stands up to get

The club moving back on path as we know arms moving too quickly makes you stand up on it open face can make you stand up on it so many reasons so let’s do a that just targets the visual of standing up keeps you more down that’s with this so an alignment

Stick so if we have an alignment stick underneath our arm half fit comes out in front of us if we get up to the top of the Swing here and now as we start to turn down we stand up we’re going to notice how the left arm is naturally

Touching this when I stand up the stick points more in front of me and it detaches from my left arm but if I’m staying down in my posture the left arm is going to stay nicely attached to this stick until impact area but the stick is going to be pointing down towards the

Ground as I’m turning through and then once I do that from this angle you’re going to see where do I get I get into a lovely compressed sharling position so keep this stick pointing down towards the ground if it stands up you’ve come out posture and make sure that left arm

Is touching the stick all the way into impact CU as you turn through you start to side bend the hand PA will SL slightly start to drop so here we go left arm touching the stick stick pointing down towards the ground there we go go absolutely awesome

So those are the five main reasons to why people flip going into the golf ball so there’s a fix for each one so if you enjoyed that video click the like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every

Time I put out a video


  1. My left knee tends to slide towards the target along with my hips. I see the pros staying within a line coming up from just outside their left heel. No idea how to achieve that myself.

  2. After recovering from an injury I developed a flip at impact (was afraid of ground/injury) and spent the entire last season battling it with a local pro. Some of these I haven’t tried yet will have to review video and see what applies. Fingers crossed!

  3. Only started to flip when the pro moved me to a weaker grip. I thought my hooking/ flipping problem was needed to go to a even weaker grip, i actually needed to go stronger.

  4. I just discovered this video and your channel.
    1. Thank you for a video like this. I frequent Rick Shiels and Danny Maude. This actually seems like the first video that may be what i need. I’ve been plagued the last year by something in my swing that makes my shots short, and sometimes to the right. That goes from everything from my 4 iron to my wedges. I’ve been trying so hard to figure it out. I got a couple lessons from a local professional, but never quite locked the correction down. Irons used to be the strongest part of my game until this happened.
    2. I’m going to look at signing up for the lessons you mentioned in the video. I’d really love to get my game back on track.

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