PING PLD Putters (2024) | The Swing Report

The new 2024 PING PLD Putters feature five new PLD putter models added to the PING PLD putter lineup, including the Anser, Anser 2D, DS72, Oslo 3, and Ally Blue 4. Throughout a comprehensive milling process, each of the PING PLD Putters boasts high quality and a premium look in addition to superb performance.

0:00 Intro & Tech/Specs
2:14 Testing
11:08 Final Thoughts

In this video, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald swings by PING Proving Grounds to test and review the new PING PLD Putters with PING master fitter James Lee. Specifically, Drew tests two new PING PLD putters mallet designs — the Oslo 3 and the Ally Blue 4.

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Hey golfers I’m Drew molder second Swing Golf here on the Ping Proving Grounds with Master fitter James Lee and we’re here today with some new ping plld mil putter for 2024 so um the Ping PL line I mean it’s it’s been years and years but they’re all excellent they got they’re a

Ton of play on tour right um and so there’s there’s no reason to I guess stop the momentum for Ping so um the 202 24 mil line here we’ve got four of the models I’ve got the answer the answer 2D and then you’ve got the Ali blue and the

Oslo 3 so uh maybe some new shapes but also some ones that are returning so um I think the what I look at with these Putters is just the the mil finish and the Milling process that goes into it obviously delivers an extremely soft feel and some really consistent

Performance for correct corre yep so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go through a full putter fitting and see which model you fit into yeah and I I currently play for those that are following the channel they might know a little bit already I play a ping

Hardwood uh so I’ve so you’re a mallet guy I’m a mallet guy that’s that that’s about as extreme of a mallet as you get out there so I my first instinct is to say hey I like these two but um I I’m going to yield my uh my opinions to the

Results of the fitting here so I’m going to we have the uh the the pink putter uh fitting app um the mobile app so we’re we’re going to use that um and then we’re also you know I we we have to talk about the grip because you mentioned it

A little a little bit at the beginning but there’s a new grip for this series so tell me about that so this is the pp58 we have an l and we have an m so we have midsize and we have large what’s neat about this this is the old style

Pp58 without the squishiness yeah yeah it’s like it’s one of those classic like you’ve seen even like both staff and non-staff tour players you watch golf and you probably see somebody with this little ping grip on their Putter and know they might be playing something

Else and so to have it as like the the go-to option the stock option for these Putters is really really cool so um they they feel phenomenal I mean I’m looking forward to hitting some putts here so um I guess without further Ado we’ll start we’ll start the putting here let’s do it

Let’s do it how’s this uh what does this putt do little right to left okay I like that that’s a good putt for me little right to left all right that was a bad stroke see I like this though because so my putter obviously has a very very soft

Feel with that hardwood and the soft insert right um I think I might be looking to get something a little be little yeah and I’m I’m interested in something a little firmer a little bit more of a pop yeah coming off the face okay I like the rounded shape more than I

Thought I would actually okay I I will say that for feedback this is a new shape though isn’t it yes so let’s putt with this one now okay I me five putts and then I haven’t this is yeah this is a new one that’s going to be just a little bit

Heavier this is almost the shape is almost like a mini hardwood right a little bit that’s why I said I I like that one for you but we’ll see if your closing angle warrants that that felt like my best putt so far yeah I’ll be honest kind of like your

Chip Shot out of the bunker yeah yeah nice it’s raining them I’m on fire don’t let me get hot I hit it too hard all right God that’s a close call so I am going to put this app on there which one did you like better oh man lookwise and feel

Wise I know that one close to thewood as far as look a little bit more sare yeah here hold them side by side while I put your information in here I do think I like the the alley blue a little bit more yeah good yeah because I think it

Is just because I’m used to the hardwood to that hardwood look right hardwood shape okay yeah all right you’re G to give me five putts okay I’m going to put this on there okay all right let me get those for you so same thing you’re just doing okay just

Hitting putts at the hole five putts and then we’ll talk some numbers I don’t have to do anything on here it’ll just read it no okay it’ll just pick it up make sure read it y we’re good what if I just go five for five why not I jinxed

It I shouldn’t have said anything that was my big mistake there that’s like looking at your scorecard before whole 18 right when you’re five under right yep it’s like oh you’re playing so well yep that’s the classic like you everybody tells you like to don’t think about your score don’t know your don’t

Know where your score is at you just keep playing right cuz the moment you do you start getting putting pressure on yourself o okay all right Perfect all right let’s go through these numbers sweet so this is equivalent to a handicapp and golf so you’re a0 eight when it comes to

Putting okay this is a consistency app it doesn’t know where the hole is at it’s just based on your stroke okay and it’s five categories we’re going to look at first one being closing angle so you’re at 4.9 degrees and what that means is how much rotation you have when

You start your downswing till you make impact with the ball okay all right so you rolled a plus four in that category see how tight that dispersion was closing angle really good reason why that’s important is because there’s straight slight and strong Arc Putters now you said you like this one but

There’s more on the strong AR side right so if you had Mis Tendencies to the right this could affect it also and still leave it out right because you don’t have enough rotation to square up so we’ll look at that impact angle it doesn’t matter if you close Square open

It’s as long as you’re consistent okay so being close that means you’re a little bit of a right aimer and you compensate by closing it a little bit nothing wrong with that as long as you’re consistent Tempo so this is what we use to fit for head weight and you’re a 2.6

So that’s 1.8 to about 2.0 is average okay anything slower than that you want to try to fit someone into a heavier putter really hence that’s why you like the hardwood and now sure y the alley okay I’m a slow tempo putter right and there’s nothing wrong with that but for

What will happen is if you have like an an style Putter and your um Temple is like 2.6 what could happen it could start walking back on you because your Tempo is slow so that’s why when we use this a head weight we want to make sure

That we have something a little bit heavy to keep you more stable got it okay so Li angle so when you were putting that toe was up in air a little a little bit so what we want to make sure is that it’s level and if you look

Here you’re at 24.3 and standard is 20 oh really so we need to flatten that out little bit now I’m not going to flatten out 4.3 degrees you being a good golfer you’ll adjust yeah you’ll see that flat and you’ll drop your hands to get that

Toe back up a little bit so we only go maybe two degrees on the flatness flatter than what it is and then shling minus point3 so I’m not going to make any changes there so that’s that’s pretty good I have some people that come in and their hands are back and they’re

Adding looft the ball’s I got to take off some just the opposite if you’re driving into the ground I to add some so we won’t mess with the Shing there so but how comfortable were you with this putter I mean I I was comfortable yeah um so you made some

Good putts yeah um you missed a couple to the right and again you’re 4.9 which is a slide AR category slide putter but it’s nothing saying you can’t be in this sty of a putter especially if you like looking down at it you’re used to what you’re currently playing it’s a little

Heavier for your Tempo yeah yeah I think it’s I mean I I like I’ve said before I certainly like the the Mallet and this shape is actually really nice I like it I think um I think it would be one of those where I would be kind of deciding

Between maybe even these two with the the stroke type you know right um because you said this is a this a this is a slider this is a strong AR right so might be something where maybe I hit more so more putts of the Oslo 3 kind of

Get used to the look yeah the look a little bit um but I think I will say throughout all the putting I mean first of all look at how the consistent those putts were even though I missed them they’re all in the same spot right um

And then the feel on all of them is so good too like it’s it’s a firmer which is what I’m looking for but um and then I get the feedback I need when I miss one maybe slight toe you know I I feel that and that’s something I might I

Don’t get right now out of the hardwood it’s just so soft that I miss it off the Healer off the toe it’s like it’s so soft that I don’t even really feel anything sometimes um so yeah these are I I love these I love these Putters and

This I think this would be the one I would start with and then let’s say I you’re still having that that slight Miss maybe I’d toy with the oso 3 that would be I mean that’s why it’s important to get fit and not just grab a putter off the shelf because you don’t

Know what your stroke type is right you don’t know what your Tempo is and using a heavier putter to fit you for a slower Tempo is going to be better or using a strong Arc for someone has a lot of rotation is going to be better than a

Slight ark or even a u a straight Arc right right yeah so that’s why it’s important to get fit for a putter yeah it’s uh and as as our our putter fitter fitting team always says you know is the putter is the one club that you use

Unless you chip in you know this is the one clip you use every single hole you’re going to use it you better you better get fit for it right so um but yeah the the ping you know the 2024 mil PLS are are clearly winners um you know we unfortunately there’s not the

Ds720 here and um you know as we go into the next section for our final thoughts and recaping things uh I think a lot of people are going to love these in 2024 for sure so James the testing and fitting complete for Ping 2024 plld mil Putters

Um we specifically tested the Oslo 3 and then I have here the Ali blue 4 which uh I lik this shape a lot I also loved the feel from both models um I think the the Milling pattern clearly works really well for paying and uh golfers a really

Responsive and yet kind of firm feel that I think people love so um but kind of can you recap a little bit of the the fitting process that we went through with the the mobile app there and ultimately what you were able to kind of

Do to hone in on my putting stroke so as we went through it you know I asked you what you are currently playing and you’re currently playing um the hardwood which is a little bit larger but it’s kind of squared off also so you kind of gravitated towards this and these are

Both in that strong art category yeah um so we went through that and we went through the whole app and it showed that your L angle was a little bit upright so we had to flatten that out yeah your shaing was great um but the biggest

Thing was the tempo and your Tempo was like 2.6 which is a little bit slower than average so that usually warrants a heavier Putter and we usually fit for head weight yeah based on someone’s Tempo so it’s a perfect fit for you yeah yeah and it’s it’s almost funny cuz this

I almost I look at this as like the hardwoods little brother almost it’s just a little bit smaller it’s kind of more compact than it but it definitely for me gives me confidence in what I like to see so um let’s talk a little bit more we talk about who’s it for a

Little bit with all these kind of videos and um with these we talked about the stroke type and so like for example the the answer the answer 2D those are the kind of the almost the they have you know there they slight archetype poters right um and then the d72 is that a

Straight one mostly yep okay so and it’s all based on your stroke type right you had a lot of rotation well I say kind of mid to in between slight and strong so that’s why you’re able to to get away with this along with if you didn’t have

Any right misses then we were still able to go but if you came in and said I missed it I miss it right and you had a slight Arc as far as rotation I probably wouldn’t put you in these models because then it’s gonna be harder to square up

Gotcha so that’s why it’s important to know what someone’s stroke type is and that’s where we can just go gravitate towards one or two models and kind of now we’re in yeah for sure for sure that makes sense because that everybody’s putting stroke is a little

Right so um but within this line you have Putters that are going to kind of cover pretty much any at least in the stroke range right you’re going to have Putters that are for a strong uh Arc you have you know the straight uh putting stroke covered and anywhere in between

So um that’s what I like about the series you got it’s just kind of five additions to the plld sort of story line of Putters um but there’s multipose yeah they have purpose for any any type of putter out there absolutely so um James this was this was awesome uh these are

Going to be big time winners as we were talking about before golfers Get Fit for Your putter because it’s the only club unless you chip in every hole it’s the only Club you’re going to use on every single hole so make sure it’s fit for your putting stroke and your game and

You can do that with the Ping PL mil series for 2024 so James thank you for the time today uh really appreciate pleasure uh a lot of fun and uh I’m looking forward to having these and get these in customers hands in 2024 Awesome N

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