Golf Babe

How To CLEAR YOUR Hips Through Impact In The GOLF Swing

Master The PERFECT Impact Position With These 3 Revolutionary Rotation Drills!

🏌️‍♂️ Unlock the Secret to Perfect Golf Impact! 🏌️‍♂️ Struggling to replicate that flawless impact position of pro golfers? Say goodbye to inconsistency and hello to lower scores with our top three transformative drills. In just 30 years of coaching, we’ve perfected techniques to advance your hip and torso alignment for that game-changing shot.

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00:00 intro to great rotation in the swing.
00:26 consistent great shots
00:46 the body positions at impact
01:38 drill 1 thorax opener
03:30 the club face importance
04:00 the brains role in adapting
05:00 Tiger Woods Story
05:28 the wiper drill to rotate through impact

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Thanks for watching the video Master The PERFECT Impact Position With These 3 Revolutionary Rotation Drills!

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If you’re anything like me I bet you look at the players on TV and look at that impact position they create and think Jesus I would probably need surgery to get into that position so today what I want to share with you is three of the best drills I’ve come

Across in 30 years of coaching that will allow you to get closer to that impact position now it’s important to get Clos to the impact position because what it’s going to do is give you more consistent grade golf shots we all hit good golf shots but it’s about being consistent

That’ll be really the game changer to lower those scores and put a smile on your face and make you enjoy and be happy once you’ve played your rounds of golf so the best plays in the world at impact would have a pelvis position or a hip location that would be forward

Towards Target and rotated between 35 and 50° but torso that would be about 20° open the shoulders would appear pretty Square as you look at them cuz the forearm and the arms how they sit in the the rib cage and get into the golf ball so it’s very much a very open Twisted

Position and a lot of people would think that they need a huge amount of flexibility to be able to get there and you might need some for sure but we can obviously help by flaring the Lead Foot and presetting our hips if we need to but real the reality is this video is

All about really you getting into the places before impact that allow to get into that impact position consistently let’s share with you my three best drills for doing this so drill number one is very much about getting the thorax or the chest to open up through impact and the best way of

Feeling this is basically to take your lead hand on the golf club and take your Trail hand and fan it and place it just below the lead hand like this you’ll see here and what that does is basically make you open up that chest through the board like this and opening up the

Chest opens up the lower half as a point of reference we get rotation kind of for free by moving laterally and moving more downward so if I move down and laterally and then rotate for free to get to the golf ball so that comes again as a a

Precursor to how we can open up through the golf ball so moving more laterally and down if we get any object if I push it laterally and down you’ll see how it starts to rotate to the left without me trying to rotate to the left so that

Will happen in your golf swing also so getting back to this drill this kind of hand drill the best way to feel this is getting down to this halfway you know this delivery position here and then feeling how do I get to the golf ball

How do I turn to the golf ball I would do a lot of practice Wings doing it for sure and then I would definitely try and hit some balls where you feel you get to the same position and then from there how do I chip a little shot away down the

Fairway and that felt felt to me as if I had to just move my body so much in order to make contact in the golf ball and that’s what we’re trying to do this drill is very much about you gaining awareness and feels of what your body

Should be doing in that bottom part of the Swing obviously if we can move the club on the correct plane and down and with the lateral movement as we’ve already talked about we will start to get some of this without trying to encourage it it’ll just happen drill

Number two and it’s all about the club face if the club face in that delivery position is in what I would class as a strong position so more closed or even super closed the only way then we can hit the golf ball straight is by rotating and holding the club off to get

The ball to go in the straight direction if the club face is open we have to then stall our body and flick our hands to square that club face up and that becomes quite instinctive we find a way to make the ball go straight we are very clever our

Brain is our own GPS and it works that way so in order to get our brain to let our body open up through the ball the more the club face is closed and the more we almost see the ball going left and think okay how do I stop that by

Obviously by opening up the body the Torso and the hips will do that trick so what I’d suggest you do top of your swing work it down to this delivery position Club edges inside the hands strengthen that face as much as you can and then from that position we’re going

To try and hit the golf ball as straight as we can or even to the right that one pretty straight it had a tiny bit of Fade to it but that was really really solid and it felt really Dynamic through the ball I’m stopping it’s not a real swing but again the more

We do these things the better I even saw a clip yesterday of tiger was talking about when he used to do a pause drill he hated it and it took him a year to feel comfortable doing it this is essentially a pause drill so the best

Gos in the world are doing these things in order to get their body and their swing and their path and the club face to do the automatic things through impact that they want to happen so why shouldn’t we but at the same time we want to do it little and often so it’s

Not a chore and it’ll help our body move better through the ball drill number three this is one I pinched off another guy that I saw online a guy called Jay Kelly this is what he calls or we would describe as like a window wiper drill

And it’s great to get you to feel the body opening up and also the hands orientating more left around the body which is something you should do as long as the plane is correct so how this one works is you would swing again back down to that delivery position take your

Right hand off the club and then swing through your left hand only and because your left hand has the free Freedom it tends to work more in in the deeper position here and because it works in in the deeper position the left shoulder and the rib cage and the Torso all opens up

More Through The Hitting Zone again this is a difficult one to hit shots with but certainly a great one to do some practice Swings with just to feel how open your body will feel through that contact zone so let’s try and have a go so again top of the Swing delivery

Position right hand off that one for me is probably the most difficult of the three but they all give me a great sensation opening up what I would do then is if there’s one that particularly worked for me or resonated with me that might become my practice swing on the golf course and

Then go and hit a golf ball normal but trying to feel like yeah let’s just open up let’s be committed to getting through the ball and that one there fell quite free quite loose you know I’m quite tight and stiff um I’m getting to that age as well so

That one fell free and loose so the one practice swing and after doing the three reps of the drills I definitely felt I could get through that golf ball a lot easier than normal give it a try if you’re looking to improve your golf and become more consistent


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