Golf Players

MINDSET || Jason Day explains the 3-Step process

Introducing mindset a breakthrough mental approach that enables you to separate analytical thoughts from athletic performance step one of the mindset process is the red zone identify the target my name is Jason Goldsmith and I’m here with Jason day and we’re going to talk about the mindset process

Yes what you’re really doing here is you’re gathering information for the environment and you’re having to make a decision so that’s the very first step we’re at the cave club nin tole par five for this I’ve got a driver out essentially I’m looking out and going

Okay I kind of want to make sure that I’m on the right side of the Fairway so what that means is that there’s a tent in the background and I that’s where my end goal will be once I identify that’s my my target that’s my goal then I go

Ahead and go okay well what type of shot do I need to hit like in regards to where’s the wind you know what the temperature is um is there anything that I need to gather information wise to help me hit the shot uh the wind is down

It feels like a North northeastly to be honest I haven’t looked at the weather but there’s water to our left there’s a hazard to the right so I know okay the only information I really need to gather is the wind because I’ve got plenty of Runway I don’t need to worry about

Running long or anything like that I know I needed to fail it step two of the mindset process is the yellow zone visualize the shot path so here you want to do what Jason does and ask a question what would a good putt look like what would a good shot

Look like you want your brain to create a visual image to give your body something to commit to here so essentially step number two is like once I gathered all the information I go okay well it’s very easy I’m going to hit driver it’s par five wind’s off my left

Uh there is Hazard down the left I actually like to move this away from the hazard I’m going to pick out there’s a tree about 20 yd left of the tent that I’m going for I’m going to ask myself a question which we talk about all the

Time and I’m going to say what does a driver swing look like starting at that tree and fading onto the tent and as soon as I start asking that question immediately the brain will follow with an answer and then some people can visualize with their eyes open like if I

Get closer to the greens I can visualize better with my eyes open but for me personally like the further it goes away from the hole I need to ask a question close my eyes to get the feeling of okay that’s what it feels like that’s where it’s starting that’s the way the ball

Flight’s going to look once you visualize your shot path the next step is the green zone focus on the dot what this step does is it allows you to focus your eyes on a DOT on the golf ball and your mind the ability to know where the Target is in the space as

I’m standing here and I I’ve gathered all my information I’ve said what does a driver look like fading from the tree to the tent I I close my eyes I feel it I can sense it through my body I’ve had my practice swings I open my eyes look at

My Target and as I’m coming into the ball I’m still looking at my Target because you want to be aware of of trouble you want to go okay there is Hazard down the right side there is hazard down the left side but you got to identify and understand that like hey

There is that going on because this is a tough t-shot a itors they kind of get over it and go oh they gathered their information they may have visualized and then they get up there and they go oh there’s water left I don’t want to go there and there’s trees and water right

And then they they’re not committed to the shot cuz sometimes people get up there and and hit a shot and they hit it into the trees and go oh was focused but they they don’t really quite understand that they’re is Chatter in there but you

You you’ve done it for so long that you kind of missed it well that’s because they don’t have a process that they do repeatedly if I’m distracted from my intention my body no longer has the information to perform gotta but once I have that Visual and I’m 100% committed

To that visual my body’s ready to go so once you have a process that you do every single time and that’s why we put the cues on the golf ball is the average player will now recognize oh hold on a second there’s dialog going on in my

Head I’m not supposed to be in my head I’m supposed to be connected to my target you could really focus on anything you focus on the golf ball focus on the B focus on the one the mindset three-step process is there to remind you to say okay I’m going through

These steps once you focused on the dot the next step is to swing away and utilize the mindset process on every Shot

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