Hailey Ostrom

Good Good Open Practice Round With Sara Winter!!

Sara and I teamed up in the Good Good Desert Open! Here is our practice round to get ready for the big day!


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What’s up you guys welcome back to the channel we have a very very very special guest today Sarah winter welcome to the channel for having me I’m so glad to have you here so we’re at Lookout Mountain today we’re going to do a nine hole scramble we are prepping for the

Good good tournament which is tomorrow so by the time you see this that will already be done but we need to get prepared so we got two man scramble two woman scramble and yeah we’re going to try and go low yeah that’s the plan okay let’s get

It part five dog leg right first shot of the day first swing of the day feeling good and since we’re playing a scramble it’s a little less pressure here perfect should be good I’m never on that right side but that’s probably where I’d rather do right I’m assuming

Yeah nice great ball okay Sarah and I did not plant our outfits but we’re matching we’re matching we’re so cute it’s cold here I feel like I’m in Canada okay we’re gonna take Sarah’s ball she outd drove me and I don’t know why I’m measuring this I don’t even think this

Is going to work from this far definely not getable that looks like it says 218 that looks so far for some reason should I DOD I’m going to D the do queen I feel like I just get more roll out of it than a three would like even if you miss a

Driver off the deck it rolls farther than if you miss a 3-wood she’s convincing me I’m about to take my driver out I’ll go first and if I hit it out of bounds then you do the smart thing okay you’re not going to hit it out of bound

Nice okay really good think should be up but how did I draw that I don’t know but I think that was really good okay she convinced me yeah we might as well we have to be aggressive Haley at all times yeah that’s true I always say I’m like

In a tournament I wouldn’t do this but on social media I’ll do it yeah we have each other to bail each other out so nothing to lose just waiting for my back to pop wow that was good oh it’s kind of snapping over there that going to roll

Opposite of snapping snap that way so Sarah and I met at a cactus Tour golf tournament when we were playing professionally and oh God we became friends because we chatted the entire round but we both played like absolute garbage and I think it was probably because we were just chatting the whole

Time we’re doing it again right now like oh my god um okay I think I’ll go first because I’m not very good out of the bunker so we chose the bunker shot over the shot over there which was over the bunkers I feel like this is kind like

Give and take more green to work with we’re not crazy shortsighted I don’t know what I’m doing break nice I mean that was you made it sound like you’re like awful out of the bunker that was good it’s really inconsistent but I mean that’s not horrible nice it’s got too much spin on

It okay I went right under it you want to go first for pting or do you want me to go first what are you thinking yeah we got to figure this out before tomorrow I would say normally I don’t go first but I’ll go first I like I’ll go first either

Just started out right on the line to put the got to hit it first hole par On a par five not ideal not ideal for the girls but we’re just starting out warming up that’s why we’re practicing today yeah you want me to go yeah you

Can go we’ll keep the same order are you like superstitious I am I feel like all gol all golfers are okay ooh that looks good Haley nice Haley is safe on the green so that means I can take dead aim at this pin and go for put it in the hole go for

The hole not that I don’t always do that anyways draw good sit was that long was that long yeah oh barely I mean the Green’s not that big it’s hard when it’s kind of dark for me cuz I should be wearing my glasses oh I’m a snowboard girlly now

Yeah I can see that so I’m going snowboarding in Whistler which apparently everybody’s like that’s so sick and I’m like it means nothing to me it literally I don’t know it’s like a non- golfer going and playing austa yeah I think that old hole maybe yeah I think so too

Okay wow that broke so much and I had like did not hit it good like not hard enough but that broke a lot yeah oh my God so good I mean it’s only two of us putting so like normally in a scramble you make all those mov mov on

The green but you have four people putting the same putt odds are way higher I think people watching scrambles expect it to be like it seems like it should be easier but it’s hard with just two people yeah like people that can do really good with tu sus it’s impressive

We have a par 4 here one of my favorite par 4S don’t know why there’s nothing special to it I just like it um driver sometimes I block myself out on that right side by that tree so I’m not going to do that going to aim a little bit more left imagine

That so good that was a good drive a bomb Healey good drive do you ever miss a fairway kind of hurt my back what do you ever miss a fairway I feel like you never miss a fairway not often you’re so I like my driver a lot is that your

Favorite Club yeah I try and say it’s not I try and like pick a better answer like my putter but no it’s my driver for sure mine’s my driver or my putter I’m just going to swing as hard as I can because Haley is sitting perfect in the

Fairway nice great ball a little Healy but it’s on the in theway might be a little you’re like a little Blondie these days I know isn’t it weird we’re matching cuz my whole life I could never Dy my hair with modeling and pageant they always made me be really dark so as

Soon as I retired I was like I’m going blonde yeah you got me oh Haley got me Haley bombed it at okay 122 okay Haley we need a birdie yeah no none more of this par stuff bir Eagle whatever birdie or bust that is right at it nice Haley you’re dialed thanks you’re

Actually so good at golf do you ever like have a really good round and you’re like should I just go pro again like do you miss um no sometimes I just have cuz I don’t practice anymore so sometimes I go out and I play like really well and

I’m like why did I practice so much before why did I grinded I don’t think people understand that you used to grind your butt off like I remember I know people don’t you cut for so long like you did a 100 a day every day or something I remember all that yeah you

Worked hard that it’s impressive and for what to win the shootout mhm draw Kick left nice nice look who’s talking we’re on oh this is falling I’m a mess here we go Nice Shot Haley thanks okay do you want me to go first or do you want to just finish

This off no I think we should keep it going it’s all right I just really wanted her to make her own birdie so yeah you were doing it for I pushed that on purpose that just I think it just came off your Club weird Yeah no we did the same thing okay do you know what this is actually good because if none of the putts are dropping today they’ll drop tomorrow true maybe I maybe you need to put putt first on the next hole we’ll see if that helps yeah we’ll mix it up up we’ll just

Keep cuz it’s not us yeah it’s definitely not us it can’t be us you know we’re not the problem Vibe we had the vibe Wrong five so good maybe it’ll go right in between those two or not yeah it’s literally short of those your driver is automatic it’s

Crazy thanks Haley’s perfect once again so I’m just swinging as hard as I can nice Carrie I don’t know in I think so but that’s all right we have one in the middle so we’re good driver off the deck into this par five I still don’t think I

Can reach it but Sarah’s convinced me that this is the way even if you miss this it’s rolling all the way up there oh see look at how much that’s going to r i mean yeah it still works like for a Miss hit why would you ever hit three-wood true that’s probably

Probably where my 3-wood would have ended up either way haly’s up there I’m just going to grip it and rip it be good get down it’s in the rough yeah it’s just behind that tree okay okay 108 okay Dart time oh I hit that really thin go that might work though go yep

Okay even your misses are straight what is it so thin go go nice great shot I think that’s going to be so good one of those should be close yeah I think yours is really close let’s go okay should I should I try and go first this time yes

Just feel it out I mean we’ve used your drive we used your approach shot just make the putt now just make the putt you got this oh I thought that was in I was about to walk it in I almost picked up the te going to say something but

There’s nothing worse when you say good Putt and it doesn’t go in I you’re just like like yeah that’s really awkward okay it’s my time to step in haly did everything this whole so it’s definitely definitely uphill I mean I you got to hit it There go go go yay we got our bird you nice job finally took us a minute but I think we’re getting to a good a good thing now we probably look so lame cuz we’re so excited over one birdie but that just shows we’re really relatable yeah I feel like everybody is

Excited over birdie yeah who doesn’t get if someone makes a birdie and doesn’t get excited then yeah I hate on tour I want to golf with you when guys are like they get bird they like and they just walk off like I would be like hell yeah

Hell yeah you want my ball here you go par three one face 52 oh yep might be okay yep you’re on nothing spectacular there went that American flag tea let’s see if I can get one up there right by the hole draw nice great shot we’re on yay that’s

A long part I mean longish part three that was a good shot okay are we sticking now with our lineup it worked last time until it stops working then we have to figure out a new plan oh do it do it oh my my gosh gosh

Thought that was good that look so good okay that was I think the line just not as firm um yeah or do you think higher I think maybe just a little bit higher yes yes I thought that was it good part okay we tried I mean that

Wasn’t an easy pot but yeah that was a tough one won’t feel at that time part five I feel like we’ve played a lot of part FES yeah what’s going on um part five that’s it and don’t want to go too far right obviously as you can see uh I

Would aim more like at that tree that comes into the Fairway okay oh my God I just almost missed the entire ball I literally hit that I think I was looking at this and I’m like oh I have it tight teed up so high and then you’re over and then I like stressed

About it over the ball and I just pulled up let’s see if I can handle the pressure yeah you can no Haley it’s okay no be so bad you’re fine hang on I think you’ll be fine oh yeah yep you’re good we’re fine I hit that so it kept rolling but so bad

It didn’t go far enough to go out uh well here I am like almost missing the entire ball okay that was not how I drew that up but this could be the greatest comeback on this hole we’ll drive her off the deck now I’m not doing

It here because I don’t I I need to keep it straighter Al worst that can happen honestly my my driver might be just as straight as my three would at times okay we’re going to this is going to be good we’re going to make a really cool birdie here oh yes

Haly yeah that was really good that was so good that was like one of my better three Woods all I was thinking was how cute these birds sound up here like okay I’m going to do the same thing cuz it works for her so all I’m going to do is listen to the

Birds I was thinking how cute they sound I don’t know why I’m hitting a driver I just have hard time focusing so this seems like it’ll be fun get down get down it might be too far ooh oh I hit it good though yeah that’s does that matters ooh

Haley I think that’s a little long is it yeah really good nice shot long I don’t think it’s going to break a ton just at the end a little bit but like it kind of looks like yeah that’s I’m just not going to overread it okay I just hit that like what

Okay I don’t know what just happened I think I just blacked out this is in the hole nice I mean okay didn’t really do much but oh that’s good we want to be making birdies on par fives but some days the putts don’t drop yeah and

That’s okay Par Four one of my faves is it I think I say that about most holes though there’s never a hole that I’m like oh I hate this hole I’m like this is one of my favorites that’s a good mind to have a really pretty hole so

Really open there’s really nothing I need to tell you just bomb it down the middle it’ll be good I’ll follow your lead there’s a bird to bring you good vibes yeah apparently I really like the birds today she’s back best Drive of the day

Wow do I even have to hit like that was so perfect yeah you do because I think you hit it further and that’s sometimes I’m very still short nice good ball thanks really good really hitting it off the heel but the thing with this driver is even if you m

Hit it it still goes pretty straight which is nice that’s nice you have so much power behind your swing like you really do get turn it up if I want to she said like when she gets to the top she’s just like okay let’s go get into

It our balls were literally right next to each other so touching we get to take both of them oh it’s moving on me okay I might be in the bunker over there oh I saw it bounce well okay you’ll just put it closer I will try draw draw draw

Draw okay I mean it looks great good shot we’ll see hopefully it got a really good kick or something you can’t see anything from down here not ideal oh you could chip it in you like it I kind of like it I mean I’d rather be cutting but like I like chipping

Haley Haley I like chipping I can see you just chip it in the girl got some soft Ms is what we say in Canada soft Ms I love that yes go in go in oh my gosh talk about soft Ms I mean look at us the problem is though we’re hitting the same

Good shots at the same time and then when we’re not hitting good shots we’re both Dy we’re very much on the same page okay well I feel like those are good we’ll just give those to us oh yeah let’s see how soft we have that was cool hands soft mitts

Well 87 H it’s getting stuck okay I’m going to hit my 52 and I learned my lesson many times ago that I no longer Tee It Up on this hole why because I every wedge shot I was just getting underneath it oh okay and I think it’s

Just cuz you normally never tee up a wedge go be good it’s short okay you think that’s playing longer like did you hit that good I I picked it a little okay so not super I would maybe play like five yards more just because we really need to get it up

There and at least you have that back stop either way yeah that’s so good be good sit come back all right it’s fine we got one that was definitely thin but yeah we both kind of hit a little not the purest of wedge shots but

Hey we could putt that maybe I just feel like if I just putt it with my wedge 100% like that it’s just going to pop that was so good I mean that was exactly where I wanted to land it and that still just rolled out so yeah I

Think the putter is probably okay a better option just have to get this on the green like oh no so annoying gosh I think I do what you do like I kind of line it up but then I get over it and I’m like yeah that’s not the right line

So now I just stopped lining it up because I never use it okay Haley you got this Okay oh let’s go clutch all right par save all right one under through eight okay let’s go that is the best Drive of my life not to be dramatic that was so good but I really like that one yep yep nice good drive thank you 135 with

Some wind with some wind wind happening in two it was in two yes maybe like one 140 yeah I’m going to play 140 I think that was really good that was really good be good oh nice get in the hole Haley I think it’s a little shorter than it looks

But oh I pulled it darn it no I think that will it’ll kick down yeah great shot really really really great shot our balls are watching again okay that was dramatic I like walked away so dramatic like I pulled it like okay great shots great shots pretty

Close we got one chance left to get two under which is not our goal which is so good if anything we’ll just you know we are really good at giving each other compliments and so that’s good get it oh I love the aggression of that putt

This is definitely not going to be left short that was too outside dang it all right pardon we’ll have to be good with one under today and 18 under tomorrow yes that’s the goal thank you guys for watching thank you Sarah for being on the channel and I’ll put

All of her I’ll link her stuff below and like comment subscribe let me know who you want to see next next bye


  1. Hailey, great video and I am close to you here in Chandler. We need to play a round someday as it would be a blast. Take care and keep up the great golfing.

  2. Sara is right…. you never miss a fairway…. aside from that little, errant pull on the par 5. Your green in reg stats must be pretty high too. Top golf, love the channel, vibe and energy you and Sara bring. Keep up the good work ❤

  3. Great video and a very good game. Some really nice shots from both. Where were all these beautiful and charming ladies who love golf when I was a young man who loved golf and never found a female partner who did ?

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