The consequence of a loose grip in proper disc golf backhand sequencing. More tech from The Method.

In this relatively short video, I discuss how important it is to keep your grip loose while X-stepping during a backhand. I will follow this video up with a demonstration of the form it produces.

All right when last we left off I was discussing method 2.0 stuff specifically the critical leverage point the center of mass of the disc as it’s accelerating in a high G field when you accelerate it quickly with your legs where the disc gets super heavy and your brain almost

Predetermines and Maps where your swing is going to be fastest to correspond to that it’s a thing you can figure out intuitively once you’re using the method properly to accelerate the disc quickly but there’s been a key piece a key Connection in my form between the form

That I was able to produce without a disc in hand and I’ll demonstrate it right now the easiest thing in the world biomechanically so quick and efficient basically everything braced forward if you look at my form in these swings and what’s producing the inner it’s basically perfect form but I

Couldn’t quite get it to translate to throwing a disc it was really frustrating I would add the inertial mass of of the disc into this into uh into that swing into this mechanism that my body is producing and I could not get the disc to come out in the right spot

Perfectly my brain was anticipating that I needed to Bear Down on the disc it would create tension through my arm involuntary tension the thing that sabotages so many people and that involuntary tension would transfer to my left foot oddly enough so I would take a stride and I’d be thinking grip tight

And this leg would turn overturn I’d still be bounced but it would overturn and change the angle so that when I would stride I would stride out at an angle where my feet were not pointing linearly towards my target the consequence of that is that I would drag

The disc in a circle to accelerate which prevented me from feeling a lot of the late leverage before the disc came out and invariably made the throw a lot less powerful it made it a lot less fast um it did however make it spinny and Powerful so what I changed was this all

I did was I focused on keeping the back foot completely lateral and straight and the other key piece of this was that I made my hand loose a loose floppy grip which is something I experimented with about 6 seven months ago and I was really holding in on the method at the

Beginning and I needed to uncouple that intention of gripping the disc tightly and then gradually I was able to start gripping the disc hard again and make everything work but it was still screwing me up at the end and so I made this tiny little change all I did was

Just cradle the disc gently in my hand like an egg like you’d hold an egg so that it was analogous to how my hand felt when I threw without a disc and the thing is that because my brain now knows where the disc is going to accelerate

Right here my brain knows when to Bear down on it when to hold it and grip it tightly I already understand it at that point I’m powerful and fast when I need to be and loose and Whippy at all the other times grip the disc lightly cradle

It gently I’m going to demonstrate in a video it’s coming up in a sec just how effective this is stay tuned for that thanks for watching


  1. I think this is huge. I’ve done tons of dry swings but bearing down in the dry swing doesn’t ever feel powerful. It’s always been most powerful to keep the hand loose and whip it through. It looks kind of gnarly in slow motion since it’s very whippy at the hand and elbow. I’ve never translated it either into throws. Long story short: I’ve had the same exact problem you’re describing for a long time. Love the concise info!

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