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Very Sad Health News For Keith Lee…WWE Antifa Cancelled…Lost Respect…Andrade WWE…Cody Rhodes

Intro 0:00
Origin of Too Cool faction 0:25
Eric Bischoff on losing respect for Tony Khan 1:18
WWE’s planned Antifa portrayal of Retribution 4:15
Deonna Purrazzo on signing with AEW 6:19
Deonna Purrazzo’s reason for leaving TNA 7:00
Deonna Purrazzo addresses controversial NXT reputation 7:37
Dana Brooke signs with TNA 9:08
Kurt Angle’s role in a new movie 10:53
MLW’s home set to change 11:41
Cody Rhodes called the people’s champion 12:25
Booker T open to a match against the Rock 13:13
Giulia’s negotiations with WWE 13:34
LA Knight not afraid to face Logan Paul 14:00
Samoa Joe downplays AEW All In brawl 14:36
Keith Lee set for surgery 15:45
Kota Ibushi health update 18:00
Andrade is back in WWE 18:41
Randy Orton on WWE spoiling his return 20:00

With a former WWE star signing with TNA and more this is wrestling Hub my name is John and you’re watching the wrestling report before we move on make sure you subscribe to wrestling rambles with notifications on and don’t forget to like the video touching on how the to cool group

Was formed in WWE Scott Garland said on the aew unrestricted podcast what happened was that day I go to get a coffee at catering at WrestleMania the way I remember it there was nobody else in the room and I go to get a coffee all the lights go out and a spotlight shines

Down on me and I feel somebody to my left and I look and it’s Vince McMahon he’s getting a coffee at the same time I said thank you sir for putting me on WrestleMania it’s a huge moment for me I don’t know if you know this I used to

Wrestle as Scott too hot Taylor in the independence for a while Brian at that time was Brian to sexy Christopher I know you have us in the Battle Royal tonight I don’t know if there’s anything to it and he goes hm let me think about

That and next week we show up on TV and we’re too much I’m too hot he’s too sexy explaining his issues that he has with a ew president Tony Khan former WCW president Eric Bishop noted on his 83 weeks podcast I think there’s a lot of great things about Tony but I lost

Respect for him and I’ve talked about this before I don’t want to spend a great deal of time on it it’s old stuff right but I’m a ridiculously loyal person almost to my detriment sometimes often times to be honest and I don’t mind if someone wants to take a shot of

Me I’m kind of used to it like you know I’ve been on the spot for whatever in terms of getting hate from those that don’t think I’m qualified for the job or should have the job or did a great enough job or whatever right fing point

Of Doom I don’t mind that because I actually have fun with it now VV the podcast and doing things with you it doesn’t bother me but when someone who I have a ton of respect for that deserves even more than I can give when that person is disrespected by somebody it

Bothers me more and when Tony KH came out and said if Ted Turner knew 1% about wrestling as I do WCW would still be around it was such a fundamentally ignorant statement and by that I mean no knowledge no experience that’s the definition of ignorance right I’m not

Using it to rise ly but at that very moment I went you’re just another guy your show is on the Turner Broadcasting Network in Turner Network television and you’re criticizing and disrespecting not criticizing disrespecting from a position of absolute ignorance a guy who built the Empire you’re trying to

Survive on and it’s so disrespectful to me I can like somebody but if I don’t have respect for them they’re just another person I don’t make any exceptions for people like that in terms of reacting to them and having fun with them on social media things like that

That’s fun for me right I get a kick out of it some of the stuff just makes me laugh it’s so funny but when Tony came out and made that statement it’s like no he’s just another Dave mster dirt sheet wannabe with a lot of money granted but

That the fact that he was born into a fortune doesn’t necessarily make him any different than anybody else and anybody else that was working the street that came out and made a stupid comment like that an ignorant comment like that about Ted Turner I would treat them the same

Way but it’s not because I don’t like him it’s certainly not because I’m jealous I think about this three or four times a week what if I had been working for aew all this would have been because of me you know what I mean it just and

It comes with the territory but I am so grateful that I’m not there that I’m not anywhere near it actually I’m sitting in this chair talking about it objectively because I can because I don’t depend on them for an income and thank goodness for that but man thank God I’m not there

And it’s really not anything other than just a lack of respect because of Tony’s stupid ignorant comment that he said about Ted Turner that changed my perspective from I like this guy don’t know him very well probably a total of 40 minutes face to face don’t know him

But I generally liked him and because I had respect for him and I could put myself in his shoes when he was launching his company revealing the original intentions for the retribution stable former WWE star mace told wrestling news the thought was and as I understood it

They weren’t sure where they were going but the initial thought when they had the little guys that’s actually how I ended up in retribution was they had the little guys with the ski masks on making a mess and then everybody bragged on it because they were like look at how small

These guys are Drew McIntyre would kill these guys so the next week they said Vince said get some bigger guys so they actually got some performance center guys and I managed to sneak my way in as an extra long enough to get unmasked and actually get called up but as I

Understand it we were meant to be antifa wi Fox because it was on smack down found out that there was an antifa angle on SmackDown on their Fox program they said hey stop so confusion happened they were like how do we pivot this because they had already dedicated a decent

Amount of time to this angle and then they gave us super villain masks I’m like cool let’s lean into being I really wanted to be like like Power Rangers yeah I wanted to be putties we looked crazy but like I feel like there’s a Vibe for that yeah but they just it

Never really got back on track some people didn’t want to do it and then they ended up it kind of just lost Ste team and they lost interest in it and when they lose interest in it you don’t win and the only way things work is if

You’re you know if you have momentum and we never had momentum at any point but it’s funny to hear that you liked it because I get it all the time when I go out and I do things people are like oh we loved retribution and it’s so interesting because that entire period

Of my career was in the Thunderdome so we had no life crowd I was never retribution in front of an audience so we had no idea how the audience was reacting to it we’d obviously look on Twitter and Twitter you know notoriously more negative it would have been really

Fascinating to know how the audience would have reacted to the retribution angle just because that lets you pivot you know like if they’re like oh these guys are actually scary then play into that oh these guys are kind of ironically goofy playing to that but we’ll never know it’s an alternate

Universe recalling what led to her signing with all Elite wrestling Diana perazzo said this on talk is Jericho so I knew my contract was coming up in impact and I just kind of felt like if it was time to leave it would be now if this was the territories now would be

The time to leave right and Brit Baker actually connected me with Tony KH and we just got to talking and I knew the first Dynamite of the new year it was going to be in Jersey that’s where I’m from so I was like that would be a dream

Scenario dream come true if we could do that and it all worked out during that same interview perazzo also mentioned why she ended up departing TNA I was the champion for a very long time in Impact I got to work with all of the women that were in our locker room and

It was just like what other stories are there to tell everyone kind of put me over at that point I’ve beaten everybody they kind of figured maybe I was on my way out so I got to do the favors and put everyone else over on my way out it

Was like what else is there to do there’s no one new coming in that I could work with I don’t know what else there’s to tell here going over her time on NXT in WWE di perazza revealed why she had a controversial reputation there telling

Talk is Jericho I think I was a little bit too vocal about the things that I thought weren’t right or should be changed and then when it came to me being TV ready or whatever I was very vocal about like like just tell me what

You don’t like and what you do like and I’ll do the things you do like and I’ll work on the things you don’t like just be straight up I’m a 100% honest person just be honest with me no one could tell me we don’t like this or we do like this

And finally I just had a breaking point of like this isn’t working for anybody it sure as hell is not working for me so either you’re going to tell me what I’m doing wrong and I could fix it so I could be on TV because I came here to be

A TV star or I’m not going to be a TV star and you should just let me go and yeah I was let go 4 weeks later I’ll always be just straight up this is what my problem is this is what I need Clarity on and I need that back it’s

Like a mutual respect thing and I think I just got to a breaking point where I’m like you’re not respecting me so now I don’t respect you this isn’t good for anybody because I remember sitting in someone’s office like in a screaming fight and I’m like that’s not who I am

Di pazo the professional doesn’t do that but now I’m like Jersey Diana angry at home and you don’t want to bring that to work so I think it was very vocal and it got me a bad reputation and then I couldn’t undo that confirming her contractual status

After appearing at a recent TNA event Ash by elegant formerly known as Dana Brooke in WWE said this on ring the bell it is official the big secret is out I am signed with TNA Wrestling which is an amazing opportunity and I cannot wait to explore that Knockouts division she then

Said this regarding her appearance at TNA hard to kill it was spectacular while that Knockouts title match was going on I just wanted to make my way out to the ring and let my presence be known and watch an amazing match with one of my old co-workers Trinity so I

Was really excited to show up in watch her against Jordan which was an amazing amazing match but also wanted to make a statement and let everybody know that my eyes are on that Knockouts title she would also reveal the meaning behind her new name telling busted open r radio Ash

By Elegance is a different side of me but I try to live my life every single day as being super elegant elegant is a word but I feel like it has a variety and many multiple meanings it’s classiness it’s elegant it’s beautiful it just means so much that I’m

Definitely going to bring that element into the ring and show everyone what class and elegance truly means Trinity was a co-worker of mine back in WWE and I love the progression she had made she was actually one of the girls I had spoken with before making an appearance

On TNA and she’s like girl this is the place for you you have so much untapped potential that TNA will be able to bring it out in you another person that I had spoken with was Mickey James and Mickey was like this is the place you have so

Much potential and TNA is going to bring it out of you you have a locker room of badass women to perform with bringing up his role in an upcoming movie with a UFC Hall of Famer Kur angle noted on his podcast they haven’t decided a definite date yet but it will

Be within the next 6 weeks I have a movie I’m going to be shooting it’s called The Ranch Randy Couture is going to star in it with me we’re going to be brothers it’s a movie about a ranch Randy is a war hero and I’m the scumbag

Brother I’m Mr red white and blue why am I not the war hero it’s a good movie we’re working with Michael Tad Ross if you don’t know who he is look him up you’ll see he’s a really big time Hollywood producer I’m excited about doing this with Randy I haven’t done a

Major Motion Picture in eight or nine years so this is really cool when it comes to future plans for Major League wrestling it was reported that fightful has learned that mlw’s effective resident in Philadelphia is coming to a close after super fight outside of their presence and involvement with whale Mania the

Majority of mlw shows have emanated from Philadelphia since late 2022 with the exception of a few New York shows and Tijana mlw already has New York on the Slate for February 29th Tampa Petersburg for March 29th and Chicago for May 11th we’re told that they plan on traveling

To more cities as opposed to returning to Philadelphia nearly as often talking about Cody rhods Diamond Dallas Page said on busted open radio that the reason why this the Wrestlemania 40 Main Event works for Cody rhods and Roman Reigns it’s old school everything about it is old school let’s build the big

Pay-per-view which is doing the biggest business they’ve ever done as far as numbers are concerned they’re doing the biggest business that’s what it comes down to and Cody roads is a humongous reason for that now he’s the original people’s Champion was Muhammad Ali Dusty rhods Diamond Dallas Page The Rock and

Now it’s Cody that’s the people’s Champion they want it so bad mentioning the possibility of having another match against The Rock Booker T said on his Hall of Fame podcast it would be he can still right now even still I think that the Rock and I could

Go out there and give them one more where fans will say that you still got it but I got no itch to scratch going over a new Japan Stars negotiations with WWE Dave mster noted on wrestling observer radio that Julia never got an offer at least as of a

Couple weeks ago like two weeks ago for whatever reason they didn’t go after her I don’t know why asked if there is a Fear Factor to facing Logan Paul La night told sunrise in Australia Fear Factor look Logan Paul’s been doing this about what 3 minutes and I’ve been doing this for

About 20 years so no if anybody’s got a Fear Factor here first of all one of the clips that you showed had a little taste of it nobody could hear it but I walked out there and basically laid the law down as far as what’s going to go down

If it was ever going to be me and Logan Paul in the ring downplaying the brawl that took place between CM Punk and Jack Perry Samoa Joe told ESPN there was a little bit of an incident we got it broken up we went out there and wrestled man

That’s the gist of it everybody wants it to be a lot more than what it is but that’s what it was and to speak any more on it would be pointless unless you’re trying to get a scorecard and stuff but trust me it wasn’t that type of a fight

Not to me I’ve seen fights break out stuff happens but again that’s me I’ve been in these situations I’ve seen that I’ll find it funny when people are like oh Joe’s cool with it I mean n man it was a high stress situation sure but I mean it’s one I’ve seen happen many

Times we get it squashed out we had a show to do we we had 81,0 35 fans waiting out there and that was my focus because that’s what it was about at that moment we’re about to go out and have the best night of our Lives giving an update on aew Star Keith

Lee House of wrestling wrote that Keith Lee and swerve Strickland were scheduled to give fans the singles match they have long clamored forward aew World in last month unfortunately the match had to be canceled last minute due to doctors pulling Lee from action in Lee’s Place Dustin roads unsuccessfully faced off

Against Strickland one leg two legs irrelevant Lee began a post shortly after being pulled from World’s End ask cage I was there you saw me just because doc pulled me does not make you safe you may be chosen but I’m real wherever the next meeting happens I swear to God you

Will regret every syllable that’s a promis little homie in a post on social media which came from a private account that house of wrestling was asked not to share a link to Lee gave the following update on his condition took roughly 19 years but I guess it’s my turn he writes

Time to get fixed here’s two double surgeries certainly one way to start 2024 Lee did not provide any other details on his injuries or what surgeries he will be undergoing House of wrestling is we’re going to find out more details and will bring them to you when we have them Lee and Strickland

Began tagging in February 2022 and adopted the name swerve in our Glory the two men captured the aew World Tag Team Championships a few months later at Dynamite fighter Fest night one defeating defending Champions the Young Bucks and team Taz in a triple threat match during their reign they were

Victorious over top teams like the Lucha Brothers the gun club and the acclaimed the latter of which eventually dethroned Lee and Strickland at Dynamite R slam the two began to Schism during their tag titles rematch against the acclaimed at full gear with Lee ultimately walking out on Strickland after being pushed to

Use excessive force they attempted to remain a unit but fully split when Strickland partnered with Prince Nana to form the Mogul Embassy Lee’s last aew match took place on the December 23rd episode of aew collision where he defeated Brian Cage revealing what could be next for him after suffering an ankle injury Kushi

Wrote on X the report was delayed it appears that the ligament had been completely torn there were already fewer ligaments in other places so I was completely immobilized in a cast that came down to just below my knee next I will decide what to do with the left

Side and the right one will be coming back every two weeks my shoulder isn’t in perfect condition either so I’m planning to fix everything this time we apologize for the inconvenience I would like to think about various things later for information regarding Andrade jumping to WWE following his aew exit

Shan rosapa fightful said Andrade has finished up with all elite wrestling and has an agreement with w we the path there was a roller coaster we’re told that andrade’s original deal was only for 2 years but there was injury time added that extended it that ended up

With him being signed through the end of the year aew Talent said that Andrade was often very open about his contract status and that his deal would be up in or at the end of 2023 numerous Talent also said that he mentioned that he planned to stay with aew and was

Considering another but by the end of his run had told wrestlers he was headed back to WWE several in a eew actually expected him to show up on WWE programming the week after he left aew it would also be added that we’re told that Charlotte pushed for an Andrade

Return to WWE and andr had actually pushed for Ric Flair to come into a ew addressing the fact that WWE spoiled his return to the company at Survivor Series Randy Orton said this on WWE is the bump kind of let the wind out of my sales

After it was all said and done I got a great reaction no one stepped on anyone’s toes they got Randy Orton back two different reactions two different people on a personal level I was happy to have him back CM Punk and this was your pro wrestling news update I hope

You’re all having a great day thank you so much for watching and I will see y’all later


  1. "Bischoff was there in AEW for a time in there early years If I remember correctly sooo WTF Eric? Huh huh huh ???"

  2. Wishing kieth lee a speedy recovery. Proud of Dana brook and wishing her success in TNA and mad respect to purrazo for standing her ground. There was nothing controversial shes just honest

  3. I agree with Tony on that comment. Ted barely knew what wrestling was when he started WCW. I think Tony is a subpar booker sometimes. But the man followed and was an avid fan pre-AEW. There are pictures if you dig around of old pictures of Tony Khan posing with WWE people at several different WWE,NJPN, and TNA, events though out time.

  4. Sending best wishes to Keith Lee on a speedy recovery. Health comes first big guy everything else can wait. Take care. ❤❤🫶🫶🙏

  5. Bischofff needs to stfu because if Tony Khan calls him to get him on the show. I bet he drops his scruples and morals for that check😂

  6. Tony Khan is only buying wrestlers. It's a shame that he doesn't know how to keep them. When will he realize money doesn't give you knowledge. And he gives big salaries to wrestlers yet they jump ship. Why because Tony Khan has no idea how to run his show. Volatile work environments don't keep people around long . People who work 1 time in 3 or 4 months can't pay their bills that way. As for Bischoff when will he realize that no one gives a damn what he thinks. Maybe he should keep his thoughts on his own blog. He might find out just how many listens to his riderick.

  7. Bischoff made money in WCW, with solid profit. TK has chased away his only draw. His ratings are in the potty, no one is buying merch, and nobody will ever pay money to watch the Bucks, or Jack Perry wrestle

  8. WWE’s planned Antifa portrayal of Retribution<<<<<And this further proof WWE is run by groomers and will never be as good as AEW. And to Eric Bischoff STU you ran WCW to the ground it least Tony Khan still makes AEW entertaining even he has a huge roster.

  9. An antifa angle? That was a….well, a choice. Glad they didn't do that but if they called it Retribution then it could have been interesting.

  10. Imagine Eric bishoff trying to say he doesn’t like you anymore😂😂😂 thats a good thing with that weirdo

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