Pro Golfers’ Strategies: Tackling the Ball Above Feet Lie

All right the ball is above my feet so if I typically was making my normal stance right here even though it’s just a little bit this is probably only about 3 or 4 inches high you my club would typically B be down here now it’s here

First thing I would tell you I want you to do is go ahead and lift that club up and take some practice swings a little more level that’ll give you the feeling of what it’s going to feel like with the ball above your feet a little bit so

Practice swings on that level lie is very important number two is again we don’t want to fall backwards so really try to stay in a good solid position with your lower body now again I’m going to it’s going to be easy to close that club face up because the club’s a little

Bit higher so aim a little bit to the right you’re probably going to pull this shot depending on the severity of the LIE you’ll pull it more this one’s not too bad so I’m only going to aim about five yards right of the flag so again

Keep my lower body pretty steady take a nice practice swing so I feel it above I’m gonna aim a little bit right at the Target because I know I’m gonna pull this a little bit we don’t have to hit it hard at all pulled it just a tad right there

Because of the LIE Club face closed but if you remember those things ball above your feet it’s going to be a lot easier

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