In this video, I compare seven different models of game improvement irons against each other from each of the main brands in the game.
We will also take a look at the performance difference between each one while also looking over the specs that might differ from one model to another.


7️⃣ Iron Leaderboard;

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7️⃣ Iron Explanation video;



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⌚️ Time Stamps;

00:00 – Intro
00:58 – Numbers
03:51 – Leaderboard
04:49 – Conclusion

#Golf #hitthebell

So it’s that time of the year again where we take a look at the best game improvement irons for the year of 2024 now there is going to be a few new models on from last year with the likes of the cawe AI smoke the tailor made Qi

Cobra dark speed and even the title is t350 now these ions are all within 2° of loft of each other with just a slight difference in the L angles as usual so they will likely play into what the outcome will say at the end as everything that I am using for the

Testing will be done with just a standard ha so I put all of these straight to the test by taking 10 shots with each one and we’ll take a look in a second at just how they compare up against each other when using the same s taper shaft and tp5x ball throughout and

So the standout ones when testing I would have to say to me were the Cobra and the Callaway the Cobra for how good it felt especially compared to its previous models and then the Callaway for just how fast it felt coming off the CL face compared to the rest of the

Models and these all translated into the numbers as well with Cobra and will Wilson having two of the fastest three ball speeds for the third year running but the surprising one especially taking the Loft into consideration is that the cawe was quite an easy clear winner and

So that didn’t come as a surprise that it was the quickest it’s just the fact that it isn’t even the lowest lofted one and in the last three years the Cobra and Wilson have always been the top two the thing with the Callaway is that every year they do like to confuse

Things with completely changing up their lineup and really their comparable model to the rest of these models that we’re testing is pretty too much class as a players distance iron only it has been even more Del lofted to the same Lofts as these with them offering a similar

Thing in a high launch model but making that Loft higher than any of the rest of these and so it’s basically as if they’ve swapped the two Lofts around in the game improvement and the player distance iron well that’s again also translated into the numbers with a

Distance of 14 yards extra carry over the shortest iron which was the Ping at the bottom of the list which is generally where I would normally see the Ping place for me or there or thereabouts with the rest of them fitting in line with the Lofts on each

One other than maybe the tailor maid which was just a fraction bit shorter than expected but probably due to the slower ball speed and that is quite surprising seeing that tailor made with the lowest ball speed but when I was testing it it didn’t feel that great and

I’ would probably have to say that that and Wilson were probably the least of my favorite feeling ones off the face but as it is a game improvement iron it can make up for that in the numbers with the dispersion and as I mentioned this is actually the first time that I haven’t

Seen the Wilson being the longest one of these tests that I’ve done and I think that was down to it spinning the second highest only being behind the Ping with then tailor maid having the lowest amount of spin as well as ball speed and the peak height and descent angle looks

In favor of the Callaway once again with the tailor made also Rock Bottom in that as well with the Wilson as usual in the game improvement Style Just comfortably the widest of the bunch on both the front to back and the side to side numbers which is what I usually see in

The game improvement style but that tends to be normally because it is traveling the the furthest then the title is an Cobra we’re also showing quite a wide spread between shots especially compared to the rest but with Callaway having the best overall front to back and side to side grouping just

Meaning that it had the tightest Circle if you were to draw a circle around every shot hit with each one however if we do look at the tailor made that had the second lowest gap between the front and back numbers out of every single club that I’ve have ever tested which is

Getting close to 200 which is hard to believe in how underperforming I was finding it up until them numbers and something that I didn’t actually realize at the time on how good that was although I don’t think that still quite makes up for the rest of the numbers I

Think if it had a bit of a better side to side dispersion then I think you could arguably say that it would be but everything else it just seems to be a bit too far behind in all of the other numbers we we take a look now and see

How they fit into my 79 leaderboard it maybe comes as a bit of a surprise to see that the Muno at the top of the list although it was actually the top of my leaderboard list for the game improvement style of irons last year but

It did go under the radar slightly and I didn’t really pick up on any of its numbers basically just didn’t do anything spectacular but it was just pretty good all around which is normally what you expect from a Muno iron so I thought that the Callaway would maybe

Placed a bit higher than what it did I just think a combination of the low spin and just being on the de side of the price bracket probably just brought the points down a bit too much along with the fact that it was just averaging a

Bit too far off line which given it was by far the longest just Mak sense as generally anything going a bit further will be a bit more difficult to control and just a bit harder to keep straighter and that’s the main reason why the ti L

Was rock bottom of the list along with being way higher priced than anything else on the list and I can never understand really why some Brands would charge quite a lot more than other brands in that similar sort of style when they’re basically just doing the

Same thing think for me if I was going to purchase one of these sets then I would personally be able to rule out the bottom two for what I’ve seen on my numbers the tail mate just was wasn’t feeling very good for me at all and the

Titleist I was having a bit of an issue with going a bit too far out to the left with that it is the most upright of the lot so that could be a good thing if you do have a problem with going too far out to the right obviously you could adjust

That a bit and bring it back in slightly with just changing the LI angle and maybe a different shaft option but again it is just showing similar numbers to the rest of them but with a significantly higher price to it so yeah once again it would look like Muno would

Be my personal favorite and best option any really of them top five with them numbers I would be pretty happy with and it goes without saying as usual that it is always worth trying them out for yourself as you will probably see different results to what I’ve seen but

Hopefully this might just give you a bit of an insight as to what to expect as usual cheers for watching and I’ll see you all in the next one


  1. Mizuno is solid. I have a buddy with them, sound's not too different from my MP 243.

  2. Ive got the qi irons. For some reason i get so much height on my iron shots im able to stop them pretty decent. Ive also gone up a club in distance wise with them conpared to the stealths. Only bad thing id say is just feel.

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