The Good Good Desert Open With Daltoosh and Scootsy!

Huge thank you to Good Good for having us out! Even though we didn’t play our best, it was still a very awesome experience! Can’t wait for the next one!

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Oh that’s our King go that’s my hero go in go in Scott that’s so good the pin Scott Chuck the dart if we can make Eagle that’d be great that’s a peak moment in my golf I can’t even lie oh it’s not an ideal shot it’s not ideal

It’s not ideal but it’s fun and that’s why you Play very long yeah what’s up we game we don’t play golf don’t judge us God help us heads up heads up heads up everybody this is stupid all right what’s going on everybody Welcome to tou off as you can see we are in a place where we shouldn’t

Be at the good good desert open I’ve just been told that I’m up first I got about I don’t know 300 people’s eyes on me so I’m going to hit a nine iron and try to not kill someone here we go this 6:30 tea time first on the tea from

Austin Texas the man who is celebrating his birthday tomorrow please welcome dalon Del oh get a little left that’s not bad that’s not bad Mr Creator and social support good good for G’s biggest truck please welcome SC sco te Marshall let’s go going on oh get right good swing Scott that a good

Swing all right M sh take a long ball hey we’re off app I mean look at this get it get it get get this get this get this who would have thought just a little gamer like me all right all right that’s one start all right what a start that’s

I couldn’t I can’t feel my arms that was I didn’t know what to do there that was pretty nuts look at that important group over there thinking they’re all important and [ __ ] cuz they are yeah like what they’re only hosting the tournament’s up bud you want to meet me

In the middle all right let’s do it he’s not going to be he’s not going to so good to See oh you got really tan like did you actually oh no no no I was I was for like 3 weeks dude I was looking horrible you literally look like a thumbnail right now like you know like click me baby click me look at all

These CS just feed what what can we talk about get me out of here get me out of here all right to say right now other than thanks for tuning in welcome to the freaking good good desert open I’m here with young scootsy back again on the

Channel it’s been a minute I’m back it’s been a long time and I’m so happy to be here it’s been too long but the boys are now one over through one as a scramble On a par three and let the drink start flowing if we’re following daily Cup rules then

We’re already winning we’re already on top the leader about 10 down about 10 under feel like a million bucks honestly like the everyone around here I feel like back in my old days when I was playing hockey in front of of a crowd and I feel like I’m right at home so I

Think the first T nerves always get the best of everyone but I’m making great contact with the ball so I’m not losing faith in that so we just got to put together some good golf we’re just getting started so lot of golf left how about this how about this DJ rhetoric

Caddy of the Year stepping up to the I’m trying I’m in my rookie year uh some would say that I’m just a Human Highlight re when it comes the Vibes so we’re we’re trying to keep the street going if you hear if you see me on

Screen you’re going to hear da da five’s high top 10 it’s all we’re looking for like us all we’re looking for sir dumpy stay there sit oh right let’s knock in apart hey thanks thank you I’m learning on the job man who’s paying this guy make a

Wish you can write me off after this round love it that’s all right all right that’s all right that’s all right we just got having fun unfortunate that’s all right fortunate so that’s all right good little to this guy possible winner of today’s tourney how do you feel there’s

A lot of expectation on these shoulders right here you know I’ll tell you what I brought I brought a fantastic partner I feel like I mean to be fair I didn’t have to go out of my household to find him yeah I know um which helped and I

Don’t know if y’all uh know this but George was a three-time All-American he got 100% cut made percentage on the PGA tour and when it comes to really really thick moments with a flat stick in his hand he performs so today I think it’s going to go One Direction One Direction

We are going to take home the championship uh in a huge cash prize at the end is it a big cash prize I’m not sure at all could be I just completely I just completely made that up we love charity this is my partner Scotty’s Canadian cool accent I love all

Canadians I’ve never met a Canadian that I didn’t like not one me too all two of them they’re great all two that I’ve met I’ll tell you what they’re great people we do our best funni your action to they talk like this sometimes they say all right what’s your what’s your

Go-to Tim Horton’s order medium double double and then I toasted everything bagel with herb and gr cream cheese tonight’s going to be awesome tonight’s going to be lit it was nice to meet you nice me you as Well that’s in play we’ll take it your bless you like that 190 count it count that woo oh yeah is that’s a strike these are some golfers with me yeah you’re there’s water over there take a little bit of Arizona with me that’s all right yeah

You think I’m up not enough beers here not enough beers in this group you want one just only one only one I’m an alcoholic I need them all them all hanging left a little bit sit I think we’re Okay it’s really really slow really slow yeah thanks guys I go sometimes hey Scott take no way we missed that right dude thank gentlemen told you Mar where’d you put the marker right there sure I’ve had three wrong lines every time and I haven’t had the

Integrity to just fix it want me to just go right into the guts [Laughter] yeah I told you not to give it up that’s all right why did you let me putt first I don’t know I give you reads I don’t know I don’t know we’re not we’re not even try we’re not even trying it this at this point thank God I got clean we

Just we just mentally checked out big pressure moment here no spill see that oh you’re broke it’s all about the Tilt in the air bubble shotgun Mulligans are In let’s go loish let’s go lowish we’re even for plus three Flawless fantastic Round of Applause they can’t play ball but they can drink fantastic damn right damn right that shot all night ladies and gentlemen cut come join me cut it doesn’t cut it doesn’t cut hey come join it’s

Fine it’s better than mine so P so pure we can take mine though thank you appreciate it so doesn’t cut no it’s good though that’s good cut my whole life we bogy from there I’m just going to putt it on the green and give us a

Chance to miss our fourth Putt in a row got to bring out the PO I think I’m touching a wedge on this the Texas wedge is an egregious call but I love your confidence no just got to get it there you know yeah like that play to that’s a

Sensible play there that’s a six okay we can miss that I mean three Footers are Kryptonite tonight said needo are Kryptonite Three Footers are absolute Kryptonite tonight we’ve missed three for three so far all right we are due little left we are due I can’t wait how hard we celebrate after making

This so back we’re so back got that there you go so back good job bud great Pace dude never a doubt except when it looped around the whole six times around the world but we’ll take it one at a time one at a time we’re coming

Back get a load of this guy popping out left and right good see you I would ask you for some tips but I’m just not even going to go there no let’s not do that no I’m just going to go out there and swing just have fun in the dark that’s

The point that’s what we’re here for on do let’s go baby let’s got something going here all right toou with the driver oh yeah stop going over there sit let’s go take that why it started good and then it went over there and I need this guy to fix my swing in my

Life no problem to shot [Applause] boy well done T yeah me wedges are lame dude they’re so lame same thing same thing same thing I thought I was out outside the hole it was not it was just dead center just dead center here what I say got fans apparently I didn’t think

I’d have any fans what’s up gen look at him man at the lid on that guy on come on man look nice I didn’t want to be translucent you know can be you guys are hot you guys are hot stay hot stay hot boy yeah I’m [ __ ] just famous Uhoh find one we’re going to find mine we’re going to find mine we’re going to find mine for sure go find it mine made such good cont I just came if we just I’m making such good contact that should be okay that’s a putt Bud hopefully Whoa We Are that’s a putt

That’s a putt that’s a putt that’s a win do y’all want to wait or do yall want it we’ll wait that’s insane that’s an insane play by y’all Y out hung told us to play the furthest ball out yeah I mean the cameras are on you guys just turn into different [Laughter]

People looks okay to me looks really okay to me looks really okay to me that’s a good pot wow that just died all right that’s a great that’s a great putt yeah it’s got good try m good Try Stay Stay Stay oh never used three balls only used two I heard that from someone and it’s stuck you want to hold this you got a Pocket wow what a fun place Pack it up pack it up we are dialed pack it up baby we’re done one for one it’s all you need see you there sit out take her Bud okay okay yeah I love that go in go there good shot bud it’s awesome oh more Pace it was good have

Some legs Lieutenant bad oh I had it shot had it it goes right M I had it yeah good three boys that’s two that’s number two that’s number two that’s two that’s two it’s a year and a half ago actually year and 3/4 ago started did you think you’d be here here

No I didn’t but with the networking capabilities that I have when I get a handshake in and a conversation I can do just about anything not really I’m kind of lucky to be here things have fallen in my lap thankful to be here for sure it’s pretty crazy it’s pretty sural

Hasn’t hit me yet but it will I’ll sleep on it we’ll wake up and we’ll do it again at 8:00 a.m. shotgun start real hung over on the birthday love to see it scoy there is there hang there hang right there and sit I de oh it’s barely it’s still on

The green grass you’re fine good shot good swing good swing good swing good swing yes let’s have some fun touch keep going that’s a well struck golf ball B it’s on the green let’s go good shot is it yeah yeah yeah it is good shot too

Getting R okay cool boy where is it it’s on the green hey huh it’s on the green you hear a crazy stat what first G who is it really shut up be careful on this one I know dude I could easily go down I like that stay up good roll good

It’s good putt he’s back let’s go more pars hey just start stringing them together that’s two baby start stringing them together two pars ham anden got the bar stool guys here we got freaking Dan Rap over there we got [ __ ] other people and then they’re di do I got us a

[ __ ] Prime Time tea time too this is great like the people tea off at 500 coverage doesn’t start till 7:00 there’s going to be like three or four groups that are like already done playing before coverage even starts we’re going to be on TV we’re going to be on TV on

Peacock I know you guys the live stream’s already over by the time you see this but we were on TV just think I’m going to try and secure a spot for the Midwest open in June 18th for good good next live stream event by peacock I will

Definitely be in yeah especially when we freaking outright win this I think after this performance tonight they’re going to ask us back for the rest of [ __ ] with an average of seven cuss wordss a hole a score of six over 40 beers drank and the love of 25 200

People oh yeah scooty yeah there you go Scot quck cutting it’s a dart yeah good shot yeah had a boy scoots really good good shot there you go there you go there you go love the pace t a good pot that’s a really good pot there good pot T put her away good

Pot let’s go that was a bad read you guys are Al say hi go yeah go go let’s go let’s go hey get out the road I just want to sh I oh my God I want to shoot shot he’s Tad boy he’s Tad boy he’s Tad boy I want you to cheer

Up yeah specific oh why are we green Marines bro that’s my hero go in Scott that’s so good right at the pin that’s so good so good buddy that’s so good baby come on you’re fun to watch you’re fun to watch now it doesn’t matter we’re

Good nice have you ever seen have you ever seen always hockey the guy that does the the crazy trick shots and the [ __ ] stick flipping and [ __ ] like yeah I saw you uh who are you with Kai the other day I saw you yeah we did a

Video with Kai the other day yeah that’s you he do some stuff with like s you Z Bell Z Bell yeah yeah yeah you’re so famous take care buddy there’s people on the cart path it shouldn’t be on the cour path hey relax hey relax hey hey

Relax nice relax hey relax for so back you were due yes if this was an 18 hole tournament we’d win yeah probably lit we what do we what are we probably hey y’all going to make birdie [ __ ] this is part four bud come on no that’s what that’s what they’re getting

At this is our side gig dude we’re Gamers Scott Chuck the dart if we can make Eagle that’d be great that’s a peak moment in my golf F I can’t even lie that has a lot on it way more than we thought oh my goodness hey Natty e Natty e Nat

E no good try good birdie boys good on the board we’ll take a circle on the board yeah that’s actually that’s six under that’s six under I’ll take that I did not give you anything on that that was my fault solo Circle we’ll take what a horrible putt from a loser good birdie

By Scott though had four since I’ve been here shot at home and a and a mix drink on the way we have an hour and 15 minutes till tea off I’m right on brand very on brand I mean if I get to my zenzone we have a chance the Zen Zone’s hard to

Find but if I can get there we don’t have a chance CU all these [ __ ] live in the Zen Zone we can compete for fifth yeah but how many people out here do you think they’re drink are drinking six how many people are drinking like you not a damn one not a damn

One after help we sleep at night knowing that I drank the most today we’re not playing the best golf that we’ve ever played but I mean with a big crowd like this this is completely new to us but we just want to thank good good we want to thank peacock NBC we

Want to thank everyone at YouTube for allowing us to do this this is one of the craziest things that anyone could imagine as a content creator being on a live stream in front of hundreds of thousands of people so thank you thank you guys this is amazing you guys have

Truly spoiled us and we’re very lucky to be here thank you Come on around it’s a good swing to yeah yep it’s not bad oh bouncing all the way there it didn’t bounce it’s so it’s so slow slows down it’s so slow very long yeah I had to call him out the guy CHS me you’re not going to

Chow me what the hell that’s a long three-footer you’re going to love it that’s yours as well I’m shocked how much mine just came to a halt Sarah’s joining the chat say hi is it chat no it’s it’s the comments you you know what

We’re doing oh I didn’t know if it was a live thing going on I don’t know what y set up I don’t know what you kids set up these days that’s fair I’m glad someone’s drunk oh yeah GL someone’s having fun happy birthday Sarah shut up I got to be so bad you

Just passed a [ __ ] out I know but I was taking pictures and we to see off that’s huh not live that’s okay thanks that’s what I was saying to them you just said what’s up Chad after we told you not well I did say say hi to Chad oh that’s our

King do it at this go in let’s go that’s my party Mr T I I I always wake up on 14 he’s back I always wake up on 14 back you pulled it that was so sad dude what a loser try you lose sleep on those they’re capitalize sometimes you Chuck a

Dart to 6 fet and you both miss the putt stop making content at any point no I just post having videos I know I feel that’s nice I know life you’re still cool to me I I got spray T I was going to say you look spray

Tan you’ve been in the the cave for too long you have to add a little it’s like 3 weeks I was looking transluc you see my vein let me get yeah like what a Gody swing it’s good ball Scott stay on stay oh wow that thing ripped oh my

Goodness on English honor some Chad on that one butd that was special sit no not that was nice night bite it doesn’t oh I tried that was really good effort tou everyone loves you are you guys are you guys playing together a team yeah we are against each other oh wow who you

Got [ __ ] how’s it going man uh my buddy Lucas Clark he’s he’s just like a he’s just like a good gol yeah pretty much I don’t know I saw your post earlier swing’s not feeling too good apparently not but I do respect the fact I do

Respect the fact that you watch my story so that’s nice I mean youst you post some good ones but thank you thank you got some content flowing we got to get together sometime in film of course where you at I’m in Jersey but you’re out oh you’re in Jersey you’re out in La

Aren you no Austin oh okay Jersey huh Jersy you can’t really play right now can you no no it’s tough I haven’t played in 3 months and I’m just coming out here just don’t know the course freezing cold 5,000 5,000 Spectators yes yeah that that was like a

Month and a half yeah whatever dude whatever me got yeah I follow along I appreciate it hold that out of the banks I play better Hammer yeah yeah well all all the all the spooky voices inside my head go away when I drink you get spooky but no you get to

That Zen Point there’s a Zen point and then it gets and then it’s bad scramble it’s bad I’m the glue guy oh this could catch the hill give me the hill catch the hill give the hill give it to us give it to us oh oh all right that’s not

Bad on the Fring Fring I think you can see that yeah you kidding me perfect oh stop it and dead ohau it itau the green that’s a good catch can I up Bobby cheers I I don’t want to distract you brother can I Facetime my my brother that’s perfect

That’s not distraction at all this is literally my brother in Christ my brother no no distraction at all come on come what’s up what’s he gaming on what’s he playing what you playing what you playing poppy [ __ ] bro this is awesome there he is Chip her in chip her in you’re so

Do yeah trundle trundle good touch oh good effort good effort good effort good shot would that be cute wouldn’t that have been fun as heck oh it would have been so great but you know what it didn’t been fun as heck get there go go

Forever oh I might do the same thing I just got off FaceTime with a kid I would I was so unlocked I was so unlocked I was just FaceTiming with someone got a boy come on a boy gentlemen what a day I guess it

Was fun it was a pleasure I guess it was fun good round would want to do with anyone else I wouldn’t want to do with anyone else by the way your next week yeah come on really W that was appreciate you that was the good good

Desert open what did we finish second to last with five over probably no we’re four over no the guy that was fallowing no one drank more than us no absolutely not we absolutely we want to drink CL Sarah’s here follow her on Instagram we’ll pop our Instagram upang right

There [ __ ] weap she’s here we love it um it wasn’t great we’re sorry about that but it was fun it was fun next time we’ll do better this is the first time with this many people under the lights but if you watched it all the way till

Right now thank you so much appreciate the support and we’ll see you in the next one a lot of vids coming soon go ball go golf go ball shout out good good yeah golf peace goodbye


  1. I'm really happy that you made your own content! The live broadcast was dogshit. It was literally only the good good crew + a couple of extras. May as well have just been a stupid goood good video. Who know there were over 20 teams…… you couldn't tell.

    This is the team that I wanted to see!!!

  2. We need a daltoosh and bob does sports collab. This collaboration needs to have a crazy amount of liquor consumed as well.

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