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2024 NHL All-Star Mock Draft 😱 | Who goes #1? | The Drop

Arda and Wysh are back to draft All-Star Teams! Let us know which team would win the All-Star game in the comments!

00:00 Mock NHL All-Star Draft
00:54 Wysh explains the rules
3:00 Arda makes the first pick
5:16 Forwards coming off the board
10:54 Defenseman coming off the board
13:02 Arda and Justin Bieber’s team
13:15 Greg and Michael Buble’s team
13:27 Team Chaos: Connor McDavid and Will Arnett
13:40 Team Data: Nathan MacKinnon and Tate McRae

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So as everybody knows it is Allstar week the festivities actually get started on Thursday with the allar draft on Friday the skills competition and the All-Star game itself on Saturday all on the ESPN family of networks but wish let’s focus on Thursday the draft is back and we

Thought why don’t we get into the FES of spirit and do our own ESPN the drop NHL Allstar mock draft but there’s only two of us and there are four teams so what are we going to do about the other two teams wish so we have a simple solution

For this ladies and gentlemen which is that Aro will pick one team he will represent of course Austin Matthews and Morgan Riley and Justin Bieber by proxy I will of course take on the role of an honorary Hughes brother along with Jack and Quinn and then we’re gonna have two

Teams drafted through particularly odd means first off Nathan McKinnon and K car what do you think about when you think of the Colorado Avalanche and their success you think about a very very smart front office that is analytic driven so we’re going to draft a team based solely on the Athletics net rating

Numbers generated by Dom from the athletic it is the datadriven team that is captained by Nathan McKinnon and kale marar the other team we got one more team and obviously that’s the Conor McDavid Leon dry cidal team and when you think about the Edon Oilers you think

About what ARA you think about starting off terribly and firing their coach and you think about them going on huge gigantic winning streaks to get them back into relevancy and trying to win the Stanley Cup and be the favorite to win it they’re team chaos so for that

Team we are using a an AI randomizer to filter the names through and we’re going to go one by one down their list that will be team chaos and at the end of the day we’ll find out who the best GM is is

It me is it you is it fancy stats or is it chaos team uh Team fancy stats brought to you by Dom of the athletic team chaos brought to you by Pete Blackburn and DJ Bean shout out to those guys our our friends in uh in multiplatform

Podcasting djmp exactly uh all right so let’s go through this do I get the first overall pick ARA we’re going alphabetical and a becomes it goes before G it comes before D and it becomes it comes before c so obviously sir you pick first uh now are we doing

Goalies first are we doing players take the goalies off the board first take them off the board first and I should say for the data team on this one since Dom does not cover goal tending necessarily in his player ratings uh we’re going to go with the top goali Le

In goals saved above expected per 60 via money Puck so again above board all of it data driven let’s go with the first selection team Arta chooses Connor heluk you know know I had a feeling you might go there uh so team wish will then go with Thatcher Adco as my pick solid

Choice uh that means that team data uh well actually I guess team chaos alphabetically would go next so team chaos shall select uh eigor shurkin that’s the next name on on team Chaos’s board maximum chaos okay maximum chaos there and then team data will uh snag

Jeremy Wayman as the next name on the goals saved above above expected list good good good numbers there yes uh solid Duo so or solid uh selections by all of us they’re all great Goenda to pick another goalie okay yeah uh wait so hu San Demco and shesterkin are gone uhuh uhhuh look at me I’d make a terrible general manager just skip golender Al together I’m already you’re the guy who gets yelled at by bman at the draft for taking too long come on

You’re on the clock uh we’re all waiting for you a you know what I know that he hasn’t had the greatest year but I’m gonna go Jake ottinger give me Jake he’s gonna be great in the All-Star Game I truly do not have any problem with that

Pick I think Jake ottinger is probably the best goalie on the board still I uh will take wah BofA I’ll take Bob off off the off the board I’ll take Sergey babski which means that cam talit is the randomizer choice and and Alexander gorv is the data choice so there you go there

Are your goenda I think you did pretty well for yourself there Arta I think I have a terrific tandem uh congratulations to me for winning the All-Star team game and do I have to point out both American do I have to point it out please does

Anyone want to trade Dom would you like to make a trade uh Team randomizer uh this is like uh playing like NHL 24 where you’re putting in trades where you’re like trying to give the least to get the most to see if it’ll work fre denied yeah yeah yeah uh with my first

Selection as a player uh it’s hard to go oh man yeah you know what it’s hard to go against Nita cooch off he’s gonna he probably win the Art Ross let’s go cooch off all right so cooch off the board there uh for you I will take David

Pastak off the board I when I think of Allstar games when I think of Flash and I think of a man who wore mirrored sunglasses to a game in Lake Tahoe I think of David Pastak uh random randomizer team chaos see this is why we call it team chaos ladies and gentlemen

Because the top pick for team chaos and I’m sorry Connor and Leon I know you want to play with you know Sid or Pon or someone it’s Travis conne he is the top pick for team chaos so he’s off board go sorry to say ARA and then uh for team

Data uh Sam Reinhardt to the surprise of no one very high in Dom’s ranking so Sam Reinhardt joins uh team data with McKinnon and marar my next selection is Sydney Crosby I’m going Sid break my heart yep give me Sid thank you I really wanted Sid on my team I

Need I need I need that that level of leadership uh with him off the board with him off the board and cooch off the board uh give me uh you know who I’m going to take who I think is going to be fun uh give me Marner he’s going to be performing for

The home crowd uh give me Mitch Marner on on my team the Hughes boys and Marner I see no reason why it can’t be great uh Team chaos again we mentioned chaos a few times in describing this team Connor Leon great news you’ll be well protected Tom Wilson joins team chaos bya the

Randomizer this randomiz is really trolling us today this randomizer is incredible go home randomizer you’re drunk uh data team data Elias Pon is the next one on Dom’s ranking so he joins team data I I need some I’m gonna up the personality quoti I’m gonna go completely off the board

With my next pick give me Brady kachuck that’s my next I like that I like that you need you need a little a little bit of a personality there um holding up the banner for the k family um okay listen I already took I already took Marner I I

Feel like when you watch these All-Star games usually it’s somebody to cater to the home crowd that ends up being MVP or whatever give me slick Willie give me Willie Styles give me Willie nander he’s off the board he Jo can I say you’re gonna be the home team I am I mean

Theable the Hughes boys are lovable and I’ve got two Leafs and I don’t have Bieber the most decisive Toronto adjacent person involved in the allstar game uh Team randomizer takes Brock besser probably their best pick so far and then team data takes Krill capris off Krill the thrill dollar dollar Krill

Y’all is a member of team data with mckin andmar you know what would be funny yes if we had more time to do this I would persuade you to trade Marner and neander to me so that I could just complete the Leafs Voltron for the allstar game I guess again this is why

You are a terrible general manager because the person I’d for is Matthews so you could never complete the Triforce with my chips that I can play in this trade this is terrible you’re right you’re right and you know what fine let them be separate it’ll be more fun that

Way all right let’s see you know what uh I can see Philip forsberg pulling off something magnificent at the All-Star Game in fact I would encourage it I’m the guy that’s going into the locker room and being like Philip as many michigans as you want buddy uh so Philip

Philip forsberg is my selection I like it I like it to that end you know when you think about a guy who really loves playing an All-Star game because maybe he doesn’t always get to flaunt the offens of fireworks where he plays although maybe he will now under Patrick

W who knows uh Matt barzel will be my choice take mdy off the board I’ll take him on my team I’m sure him and the Hughes boys know each other well from uh lamenting about all the attention the Rangers get next one on team chaos JT

Miller joins our our boys Connor and McD Conor and Leon of course yeah not a bad choice right there with Miller off the board Miller was going to be the next choice for team data now they’re going to have to settle for Sebastian AO the Finish flash one of our favorite little

Players in this league uh AO joins McKinnon and marar I’m gonna go with the hot hand right now give me Frankie vetrano why not give me Frankie he’s gonna be a personality guy and also he’s had a hot start so he’s gonna keep it going in the All-Star Game I like it the

Internet’s hockey boyfriend Frank vatrano joins team ARA uh okay listen if you’re taking uh vrono then I’m gonna take this guy off the board give me uh Nick Suzuki another guy who really loves playing in the All-Star Game look when you’ve been wallowing in the muck and meire of irrelevance in Montreal which

Again is very odd to say but we’ve been there for like a while uh you look forward to the all-star game I remember watching the joy of Nick Suzuki’s eye as he played like brisbee hockey golf or whatever the hell that thing was uh he’ll love to play in the All-Star game

That’s for sure uh Suzuki off the board the next choice for team chaos Robert Thomas uh one of my favorite players Robert Thomas was also going to be the next pick for team data which means that they will go to Vinnie tro Vinnie tro the big replacement for the Rangers joins McKinnon and

Marar I’m going to select Rasmus delene as my next pick I’m going to instruct him to be as defense ensive minded as possible first and only time that’s ever happened at the allstar game finish your checks dump and Chase I want some good clean trap hockey out there I’m I’m

Really shocked actually that there even is a defenseman in this All-Star Game outside qu and and and kale um all right another guy that I think really loves the All-Star experience it’s Flash and Dash you don’t got to worry about nobody coming down and pulverizing you because

You’re 5 foot6 uh Alex the brink KET will join my team the cat meow joins his American Buddies the Quinn the Quinn and jack on my team okay uh randomizer Clayton Keller is the next pick for the randomizer the next highest pick for team chaos let’s get cracking baby Oliver Bor

Strand joins McKinnon and marar on team data Dom cracking his knuckles saying a very good choice my friend indeed uh I will then with my final pick select Kyle Connor that’s a that’s a solid last pick by the way I I dude you could do a lot

Worse than a guy who scores like every third shift I not bad at all you can not bad at all indeed um all right so from the ones that are left here I guess I will take um is Keller off the board yeah okay Keller’s off the board uh all right I

Take yes I see the guy I’m gonna take ARA is a a ray of sunshine a human rainbow somebody who brings joy to whatever team he’s on be it well I guess the San Jose Sharks or an All-Star team it’s Thomas hurdle one of my favorite single players in the world which means

The final pick for team randomizer is Elias Lindholm and the final pick for team data even though he’s a minus two in net rating is Boon Jenner so those are your Allstar teams folks to recap team Arda Austin Matthews Morgan Riley Conor huk Jake tinger Nikita kucherov cydney Crosby Brady kachuck Philip

Forsberg Frank vatrano Ras stene Kyle Conor team Greg the Hughes boys thater Demco Sergey bosski David Pastak Mitch Marner William nander Matthew barzel Nick Suzuki Alex the Bret and Thomas hurdle team chaos Conor McDavid Leon dry idle ER Gore shurin cam talut Travis concy Tom Wilson Brock bester JT Miller Robert Thomas

Clayton Keller and Elias linol and finally team data Nathan McKinnon kale marar Jeremy Swan Alexander georgiev Sam Reinhardt Elias pson Krill capriso Sebastian AO Vincent tro holiver Bor Strand and of course Boon Jenner I’m feeling pretty good about my team I don’t feel really good about them

Scoring on your team necessarily cuz I think you got the two best goalies perhaps on the board outside of Demco um but I mean listen I think we’re all we all have a certain John scottes curiosity about team chaos I think at this point I love my team Nikita

Kucherov is GNA lead the way Sydney Crosby is gonna just dish him apples all night Brady kachuck is going to be the Vibes guy Philip forsberg is going to give me a couple of sports center top 10 highlights Frankie vetrano is going to be in the mix Rasmus is going to play

Stay-at-home defense and Kyle Connor is going to pot some as well I I think I’m going to win this whole thing honestly well I think that’s probably true unless of course I’ve got a little bit more Maple Leaf magic than you do with Mitch Willie on my team baby why wouldn’t you

Let me trade ah


  1. AI sorry to be not so polite but fucked up my and my child hockey players life…when we talk about personalities and human capital AI should not be trusted

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