Golf Babe


Ladies & Gentlemen, dive into a fun episode of Pillow Talk, hosted by Ryan Pownall, with the iconic Jada Stevens as our guest and the legendary Phoenix Marie as our co-host. Learn more about the experiences and milestones of Jada Stevens throughout her career industry. From her early days to her current endeavours, get an exclusive look at her story.



Jada Stevens

Phoenix Marie:

Ryan Pownall

Episode 140
– Producer Terry

But Jada doing this 14 years you must have had down the road some like miserable experiences I’ve had some crazy ones like the craziest let talk about milk I was just about to say so they would fry eggs with this milk so you would like put milk in your [ __ ] and

Then put into a frying pan well it’s not always white milk when it comes out yeah it might come out later like I was done with the scene right and I’m pumping gas I have little short jean shorts on you and I’m like oh my God am

I going to fart like what’s going on ladies and gentlemen welcome to P Out I can’t sing but welcome to the show babies ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite podcast this is pillow talk I’m your host Ryan pel big one today for the number one adult show in the world back on the show from one of our most legendary episodes back in the

Day with Bob meny yes we scared the [ __ ] out of Bob what a show he’s and he lives in Vegas now lives in Vegas now yeah big red rock guy yeah good guy but better girl better girl we love her Phoenix Marie one of the goats one of the icons

One of the Legends still going still going still going I want to put the cleats down no M the cleats like everyone said uh all my guy friends they’re like the minute you get married the minute like you quit porn like there needs to be an announcement an award

Show something that like yes everything gets hung up Phoenix Marie Hall of Fame yes I agree [ __ ] and the first person I actually introduce that Hall of Fame if I had my own would be my bestie like my wifey which would be Miss J Stevens Jada Stevens the bestie the wifey best and

Wife you guys are best friends we are you know I saw you guys on Netflix recently yeah what is that I was watching the Chris Rock thing and I saw both your names pop up we both were like it’s both of you right am I crazy no so

Um it was really cool Chris Rock did the tambourine tour and um he’s a big fan of porn is he a big porn guy yeah well of me for sure big guy and big J Ste and we I actually took my mom my dad and my

Brother to go see him out in Palm Springs and then he’s like look my first family photo I get to meet the parents and I’m like oh my God Chris stop like I’m all red and then we just happen to be in Jersey and he goes I’m actually shooting the Netflix

Series would you and J like to go and I was like and Brooklyn who’s going to say no to that yeah so we had a whole Brooklyn like Adventure we got to go to the show we got to see it live and okay skip to the good part did you guys [ __ ]

No but it was crazy because when we left when we left everybody’s like yo love your work love your work and it’s a room full of [ __ ] like leg big ass Legends and brothers and like I’m just looking around like oh my God I got to get out

Of here and I’m looking at J let’s go eat let’s go eat I’m hungry so yeah we’re we love to eat you know what porn stars are the celebrities to the celebrities yeah that’s a fact whether they want to say it or not they they they’re at home jerking off like crazy

To and they obsess over you girls and then they finally get to meet you they’re more excited if meet you then you are to meet them yeah I what sucks is they will never admit it out in public to anyone else right but to you girls they oh this video baby they’ll

Say whatever yeah they’ll send me [ __ ] airtight photos of me with like three big old [ __ ] bbcs in my mouth and my ass and my [ __ ] and be like no we’re straight like I’m aren’t you like supposed to be like Godly higher level like when the [ __ ] did that happen

They’re the worst ones I’m like bro but Jade I take from you that you’ve been hit up by every celebrity but you’ve ghosted them all uh I’ve definitely made my Hit List oh you made your Hit List I’ve already compl completed my Hit List we like to name names here it’s a safe

Place I hate these names but these names are good I mean I’m it’s a fun game it is I’ve had a lot of there’s a lot I don’t want to go over all let’s give a top three top three star power I [ __ ] hate you I I you you

Know and later we can bleep it out if you want yeah if you want and I and like I even said like my guy but unfortunately Bob was actually mentoring him or like he’s part of his like new thing member when I said Brian oh yeah

Yeah and he’s like no no he’s one of my guys so Locker yes erer I mean okay just to be fun with it top top three Trey songs Whiz Khalifa and Ike Taylor oo wow the black boys the black boys yeah okay so we’re done well are you going to show me

Something different can you show me a good time I don’t know if I can show you much different than ik Taylor’s dick let me tell you I don’t even know I Taylor’s Z looks like how do you I know I think that you’re underestimating yourself

Well your friend did have a good like I love I love black penis but you know there’s some good ones in between wow Jada love good to hear are you getting red over there Ryan a little bit hard over here no let me do a little like a

Sack check yeah I have been taking my vitamins okay I I’ll sit here and wait while you do the sack check if you’d like I mean Ryan lets other people take their cloes off it’s about time I I’ll whip it out okay you want to see my dick

I’m with it I love it let me see if it’s in a good State cuz there’s a lot of different softies I have I’m not looking there’s like 11 different okay let’s see I love it he’s ready to whip it out I [ __ ] love it

Okay can I can I just no it’s not in a good state I’m dehydrated I’m tired that’s it you I haven’t worked out today I haven’t taken a dick pill in a week I’m pretty sure I can make it work I’m sure you can make it work girl

So Jada uh the pornography you did it 17 years is it no I’m 17 14 years oh you’re 17 yeah see I got the number somewhere 14 years how many scenes is that probably like 400 scenes three to 400 scenes W that seems low lot she selective she’s selective okay but it’s

Actually a lot like that’s a lot of mainstream scenes like 400 yeah there’s girls are not now like girls don’t do that many mainstream scenes like true okay cuz they’d be [ __ ] the Olaf yeah but I mean we put in work for mainstream companies and that’s a lot of titles

Maybe it could be more than that I might be I’m going to give you more I’m going to put you more like the six I’m just thinking like I’ve got 275 on browsers alone and I’m at 150 on naughty I’m at 123 on bang so you think

About those like bang I mean still I would say like you came back they quality good scenes you know what I mean like J every time I see you which always pops up you’re a big pop up on the home feet of the Hub girl for me I wonder

What you are doing cuz I’m a booty guy I’m a Bo yeah I’m all booty you know it you know your friend you yeah you know oh just you H you’re a titty girl I’m not a titty girl what are you I am you know what’s [ __ ] up is I never get

Voted for tits or ass they just put me in a porn store category and I was like the [ __ ] is this like I’ve got all of it so because you’re the overall porn star but like we’re not this is my my face yeah my ass is my face your face is

Gorgeous so [ __ ] that but this is literally my face she got me everywhere I need to go right like you’re you’re in the category my [ __ ] got me everywhere you’re in the conversation of best basketball player she’s like best point guard okay you know what I mean

Which is great she’s cool you’re the best point guard does does Jada have the best ass ever in porn yes yes you do of all time you do there’s nice asses but mine is of all time through the whole time and still to this day the greatest

Ass of all time good for you and it’s still delicious yeah and you got to see some photos out of our private album that we share with each other great photos great photos the albums like and you you would take anal mhm okay cuz you know what I have a problem with girls

With the big booties that oh I don’t do anal wonder who that you’re talking about you you know Oh I thought you said we Nam names here oh you could bleep it out later okay we’ll B it okay Alexis Texas there you go it’s like hey CH doing you know if if

God gave me a dread dick I’d [ __ ] with it if God gave me a big ass she did one oh she did only one I don’t think you ever no she did one she did one no she didn’t do dread any crazy one God she did he’s like I

Watched it did you did you right now she told us I was no no no no uh it probably isn’t no no no so I don’t think it’s out yet she didn’t do dread in the she didn’t do Dre so she did two scenes with Dread oh so her first one was vaginal

Right okay so so I wouldn’t be surprised if her second one anal there we go yeah but she did one mainstream and it was an angel and it was her uh husband yeah her husband that doesn’t count that doesn’t count and J let me say this though whether you like

Anal or not you have an obligation to the adult world to take it up the butt yeah especially when you have a nice ass exactly you know if you want to have a flat backboard on your booty and have a nice pair of tits cool stick it in your

Vagina give some [ __ ] titty [ __ ] all good right booty queen anal I agree I mean I’m an anal chick like 95% of my scenes are all anal I never did a little bit of edge good for you isn’t it nice when you ask private you’re almost a virgin

Really literally that’s how I looked at it I keep my [ __ ] for my private life and a lot of scenes though when I’d be scrolling on the Hub it was always like you and another girl and a dude like BGG Queen they loved that but I’m like

Definitely a one-on-one type of okay I was wondering like how bisexual are you I love certain girls certain I love girls that love girls not girls that like I love girls you know no it’s there’s two types of bisexuals these days yeah yeah yeah it’s the fingers

Like this yeah I don’t like that oh you can tell oh yeah okay how can you tell you better your face in my [ __ ] number one is if they’re doing this to your [ __ ] and they’re like this she’s straight and yeah or it stinks she’s gay

For p yeah the vagina’s reek you know that theyve never had another girl down there before gave for pay yeah foray and then the real daos I make them pay they get in there literally make them [ __ ] pay yeah and you are you’re you’re full leso and you are too like could you

Marry a woman no could you you like dick too much I love dick I love dick I love girls but I love dick I have a side piece involved I’m very like open that way like you get married you bringing girls for three Sims yeah if you act

Right yeah exactly if you act right and you don’t if he brings home the Benjamins he’s nice to you yeah you’re taking care of me and my ways then absolutely yeah fair enough I agree fair enough and how do we feel about dudes now cuz when you guys started porn 14 17

Years ago it was like porn stars you know there was Johnny Manuel Mick BL there was like Roco frd you know Jules Jordan Jules Jordan is even the perform those guys and now every dude with the camera and a dick is a porn star they’re not a porn star okay they’re not porn

Stars no they’re not they’re just kids that are horny [ __ ] per yes it’s an excuse to [ __ ] porn stars dang and do it so the girl gets paid and there’s a camera and then she didn’t cheat on her boyfriend and because it’s content exactly right so it’s all a big fugazy

Yeah big fugazi right I like the Italian part big fugazy and funny enough these dudes don’t even make money as much from their scenes with porn stars they never do no they only get paid for the gay [ __ ] yeah yeah so they’re really just out here [ __ ] enough that’s that’s where the money’s

At yeah and that’s cool go do that but but like dming you a thousand times to [ __ ] you is just cuz he wants to [ __ ] you yeah yeah will you agree yeah 100% 100% just had to get off my ch just that but then that goes into the next

Generation of porn girls we call them porn girls they’re not porn stars I’m sorry how many box covers have you been on oh I’m sorry you’re an only fans girl so you’ve never been in a box cover in your entire life yeah go sit down on the

Corner because all you do is you [ __ ] at home and you’re lazy so star needs to be earned earned absolutely and it’s like I still give them credit for the hustle because we didn’t have this back in the day that’s fine but you’re not a porn star porn star right right right you

Girls are porn stars you’re Stars Chris Rock jerks off to you your porn stars on dvd plus many many more yeah many many more that Jada will not name and I will not but Jada doing this 14 years you must have had down the road some like miserable experiences I’ve had some

Crazy ones let’s talk about those stories we always love those they always go viral for the pillow talkers mean like which I was like [ __ ] you want to help me out with which ones like are the crazi let’s talk about milk and I was just about to

Say with Jason Jason no Jason is the director for evil angel okay and he was known for doing the most hardcore scenes for girls when it came to anal so like for me and Dana di Aron Dana de put cat toys in my [ __ ] and like a little

Ball and it had like a little jingle jingle and then like cat toys yeah and then I’d shoot it out and like she was dressed as a cat and then she’d go and Chase it in pot and then put in her mouth and then shove it back in my

[ __ ] so there was also the other side which is the milk enemas so they would fry eggs with this milk so you would like put milk in your [ __ ] and then put into a frying pan well there’s certain things that can happen when you’re playing with a lot of

Fluids it’s not always white milk when it comes out sometimes it’s chocolate or it might come out later like I was done with the scene right and I’m pumping gas I have little short jean shorts on and I’m like oh my God am I going to fart

Like what’s going on like what’s going on and I’m like squeezing my legs pumping the gas the milk shoots out everywhere this lady next to me in the gas like shoots out I’m mind you I’m on the car like this and it shoots out and the lady next to me is like mortified

She’s like what the [ __ ] did I just see oh my God but yeah it’s like that was like two hours after the scene I was cashing my check like and that like legitimately crazy that’s porn star [ __ ] that’s porn star [ __ ] it’s like we’ve done like me and my

Toothpaste story we had that discussion yeah the toupe three no toothpaste thought you said toupe no toothpaste well I don’t know the story oh well Jay like maybe put you know Aquafresh has three stripes yeah so it’s three stripes G or toothpaste he squeezed it in my

[ __ ] and then I pushed it out and it not even streaking like it was perfect three stripes in three stripes out and then he he had three other girls then brush their teeth and pry up in my [ __ ] and they were digging in and brushing their teeth out of my [ __ ]

Spitting back in it Jesus Christ Phoenix it’s called pretty sloppy number two she number two number two they need more of that yeah let me ask you this okay is it the sio directors that are like let’s [ __ ] do the toothpaste thing or are people like emailing them and being like

There are definitely emails we want toothpaste and Phoenix’s ass ASAP bro it’s definely a niche you know but it’s pretty crazy cuz they really go overseas to do a lot of these so that just shows you it’s usually overseas like it’s the sickos in Europe yes yeah they’re freaky

Like Beyond freaky I’m like vanilla compared to that but yeah like I’m a regular freak I just love like anal sex I love doggy Mish like but you must have shoved a bunch of different things up your ass like 100 I’ve literally gotten golf balls stuck up my ass golf balls

Pink ones yes pink golf balls Jason again exactly okay this guy Jason used to be put on the stand I so I have stories for days with that I know he’s like like here you go like in order to work with him he’ll actually ask you to

Like be at home and this is before like the internet really really happen would be hey put a golf ball on your [ __ ] and shoot it out okay now I’ll shoot you and then he’d shoot the girl is a qualif to sure you could do it I literally put

One up there I was like oh maybe if I put another one it’ll come out you know what I mean put another one up there and I’m like oh they’re no string later remember when Christina got it stuck she had to go to the girl Lind Lindell and Jason got those out like

It’s literally they had to take like tongs whatever happened to missionary sex so we’re not doing that anymore I I love missionary sex I love Ito I come the best in missionary and Spoon those are like mine okay best way to make you come Jada like Mish for sure because I

Love like just the whole like eye contact dirty and it rubs my CP but I also love spoon I’m a lazy [ __ ] sometimes so how you come from spoon it just it’s the way that I guess my [ __ ] is the position and I don’t know it’s

Just something I love like we don’t get to do we don’t get to do that in I feel like the spoon sex you I need like a 14inch dick just to reach around your ass I mean I I love schmedium schmedium is good it’s like literally like you can

Get away with five and six inch yeah baby girl oh medium that’s bad that’s that’s the boyfriend dick that’s what you can go any hole any hole anytime any hole that’s what she means it’s like oh I love that look dread is good maybe to look at but

That’s hor like if it was in personal life we wouldn’t be [ __ ] that yeah dread dick should be chopped off and just put as like a trophy y that’s if I felt him if I look if I wasn’t a porn star and I felt his dick in the club

I’ll would be like oh no so you girls do that you give little check I’m a sack Checker I’ve done it how do forever do girls do that to me and I don’t know I do it I could have got a lot of sexual harassment things so now I sit here

That’s got to be illegal what if we [ __ ] check in you well that’s just what I do if y’all would have did it you could have did it but I think about that and I’m like damn I could have had a lot of so how do you do it okay we’re

Talking at the bar you’re like this guy’s cool let’s have a drink or whatever and you know of course I’m going to be playful before I do it but I’m definitely going to like I almost tried to do it to you when you shook my

Hand you almost tried to do it to me yeah when you tried to pull it out for me I almost sack chicked I definitely sack check Charleston did you yeah how was it in the picture you didn’t see it I I did how I mean it wasn’t too excited

Yet but I’m feel like it could be a grower you know gr what do we prefer Growers a showers I like a grower like I think that give a fck you know as long as you can get it there Fenix you’re a size queen though

Aren’t you I am you like your big [ __ ] F I love big dick it’s fine yeah yeah I know are you [ __ ] off camera these days both you uh no not lately not lately no I’m just so selective I’m so picky with my [ __ ] so picky with your

[ __ ] what city are we in Vegas city you live in Vegas Jes I live in LA oh yeah do you live in LA I do uh kids back boys kids back help me you’ll have a cute little [ __ ] boy influencer kid that comes over and not

Right now plays with your booty no no I would love that I would love one right we both are like okay and how often are we shooting at home content o stuff are you mixing it up are you getting guys like Damon dice no where is he at right he is R out

He’s like I would love to though I literally like I said just started back shooting boy girl so I would love to have like porn star guys porn star guys back in the mix yeah okay you’re home mhm let me tell you by the way girls when you’re doing off content enough

With the tripod thank you I pay people to actually shoot my [ __ ] there you go I invest the money I’m like no no no you’re going to come with me because they want to see the exact same thing they saw out an evil angel movie want the gaping [ __ ] they want it POV

Style and whatever M talent I get I’m paying you to do the same [ __ ] or seeing the tears like for male Talent you actually give them a check like some of them yeah sometimes like mcbu doesn’t do like free content shoots okay so but he’s amazing with anal and if I tell

Mick like Hey listen I want a red light [ __ ] District scene he knows how to make like the tears come out of my eyes and the spit coat your face how does he do that it’s a certain way you hit the back of the throat in a during a blow

Job yeah during a blow job he knows how to hit that yeah so it’s about putting your head back and then you just have to hit it and you it’s like a [ __ ] gusher and he does the thing with his leg like this yep and he does exactly

Yeah I know that move he he’s pretty good at that move and he goes he goes or what about he do actually like deep throating oh he does it for girls so that’s another thing is a about these guys so it’s really funny with the bigger dicks will tell the girls please

Don’t deep throat me you’re gonna hurt me and like Lex a problem they have no Lex and Manuel have scars on their dicks from girls like K9 [ __ ] like cutting them mid scene so luckily I had like the biggest mouth I’m like I’ve never had a problem with

That but I’ve like seen Lex’s like dick and where like they choed his [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God like he’s like [ __ ] I have a small mouth but I just know how to work it right so I’ve never bit a dick unless they ask me to too but like

Which there are guys if you have a huge [ __ ] what do you expect like Jay you like giving [ __ ] I love [ __ ] that’s my favorite thing oh you actually enjoy it I love it see that’s another thing like the lesbian thing where girls are pretend every girl says I love to

Suck you date them tell her Phoenix it shows wife off a girl that loves to suck dick it’s a 50/50 dice roll yeah it’s like literally my favorite part I could suck dick and come like that’s like suck Di and come yeah I might not even need

Sex it’s true wow she favorite part she’s trying to get wied yeah she is she is wifey material hello I’m a cancer we’re Wifey materal I’m I’m gonna hit him with the water bottle the closer you come closer to oh my God Brown Point okay how about this okay eating

[ __ ] some guys have it some guys don’t yeah 90% don’t 90% don’t 90% don’t okay teach us there’s all these [ __ ] with banana classes how do I eat a [ __ ] I mean if a guy is willing to show you how to suck dick I guess you could show them

How to eat [ __ ] but but it’s just like yeah but no one does that but it’s the best you just have to have experience you got to every girl just keeps quiet and then makes fun of him in the group chat the next day well that that’s going

To get to happen regardless but um but you can definitely just experience like I love a guy with experience like that’s how you get better you said like we want them guy you tell me you have zero body count I’m like well Al so my rule is

When a guy comes in the industry and you ask Damon who’s over there now uh I was like I’ll see you at 250 scenes and they’re like what do you mean I’m all oh no you can’t [ __ ] handle me [ __ ] fist pumps yeah like there’s no I know

Right why is everyone talking about Fister it’s scary it’s very scary I do get I you she never fisted me ever you fist my ass and like yeah actually I was doing the browser’s House reunion yes and I said okay I most iconic moment and everyone just said the same thing when

You let every girls shove their hands in your [ __ ] at the same time yeah so there’s like 12 hands up there seven and they made a friendship bracelet girl what the [ __ ] yeah I said everyone put two fingers in at least and then like Ryan Reeds like little tiny fingers she’s

Like I was like B you have two hands in me she’s like oh God I love like yeah I know that was like well cuz we were down to dude so as we both have discussed there’s every other porn star guy and then there’s the porn star guy aka me right

It’s like I [ __ ] these chicks better than the guys do so [ __ ] you in that you love it I do I love it I love to [ __ ] and like I just look at these guys and I’m like when there’s only two guys it’s 17 girls well on average the most each one

Can have is five so now we’ve got floating Seven Girls Fair who I got a direct seven Girls then and then you did your thing and I did it responsible leadership leadership that’s it leadership really [ __ ] up was they said no anal and I was like I could have

Had all [ __ ] 17 girls if they’ have said anal I’d have been like let me show you guys a party trick but no Jay what’s the most dudes you’ve taken out once one scene eight you did eight yeah blow bang or gang bang it was a gang bang it was

My one and only oh I tried it I had it was cool but like I said it big scene for you it was huge it was for Elegant Angel yeah yeah yeah I see it a lot you know I don’t like to watch the gang bangs I’m like my poor baby yeah poor

Baby there so many di in the face it’s over stimulating for me just put it that way cuz I love to give attention to the main focus and I just feel like that’s all over the place were they white guys or black guys there were white there all

Of them were white there’s one one black it it was like James Dean it was like you know back in it was back in the day maybe there Prince was the only black guy Prince or was it that’s terrible like I don’t even remember all but I

Remember the day remember the day and you remember what you thought after the day yeah and you said never you said never again yeah it’s not my thing it’s I’m like to each his own but I like I said I love one-on-one sex even threes Sims I loved threes Sims as I was

Younger and as I’ve gotten older I’m a one-on-one kind of girl I’m with you on that you know thre Sims are a little busy yeah you know what’s going on I love you I love you baby it’s cool to mix it in but love like I said 101 sex

There nothing like it I’ve never done a game bang a blow bang or anything with more than three what how come never ever you just never want because I said I never thought it was attractive and I never wow I was like they wouldn’t let

Me say that all right I I literally I was just like that wasn’t my thing you know what I’m very proud of you yeah me too I was just like you know what now all the male Talent Manuel and Tony rebas and and Kieran all of them are

Like I really want to see you in a gang bang scene and I’m like why why is there this need to see me in this game bang scene they’re like because it’s the same thing as like a reverse girl like five girls on top of me and then what would

Happen is i’ She-Hulk out of it and I’d start snatching people he goes I think you would handle that the exact same way is you would have seven dudes basically going like where do I go she wants me everywhere [ __ ] help me so I’m just like

I can do it I just don’t find it attractive I feel you I feel you I feel you and I’m like y’all better put all that come inside me so pick a line of who goes first and I haven’t seen a lot of boy boy girls for you am I

Crazy I’ve shot a good bit of boy boy girls DPS though huh they’re probably more DPS than oh the big booty requires DPS yeah that was it was definitely a lot of and DPS for me um that’s all I really got I’m like we got a lot of three but I

Was definitely like stingy I didn’t mind that because like I said I saved my [ __ ] for my private life so I thought I was like winning that’s a win-win for me so you would actually do scenes anal only yeah maybe like a dip in the [ __ ]

Like one position wow but once it goes there it’s not going back in there oh God I Go Everywhere I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah I’m like no not going back in there let me to ask you this full start to finish 30 minute [ __ ] scenes is that

Not the worst day in porn no it’s the easiest day are you kidding me I told you I love it so it’s easy for me oh you like the [ __ ] I’m a blowob tell you what I jerk off to and now and again I’ll throw in uh the Joi hand job on a

Real dick videos yeah I like those so you know that used to be a big site for Bang Bros okay like they literally had a hand job and then it was called Mono job I like it yeah I think cuz I I’m jerking off I’m like this kind of feels like

What she’s doing right so then my thing is Left-Handed right-handed I’m left I’m Lefty so you like The Twist on the top I like the Twist on the top I know so crazy you do know I [ __ ] a lot of dudes I’m a lefty too though are you Lefty you

See we I think being a lefty for us is beneficial in bed because for the foreplay I get to go over here and she gets to go over there we get to finger and touch each other yeah right I don’t know how all these righties are hooking

Up it’s like a crossover someone has to take it out yeah we’re just Superior don’t all righties want to be on the right side of the bed I want to be on the right side of the bed right of course right and for us when I get to

Bed and a girl’s like oh that’s my side and she points at like the left no no no we’re going to be [ __ ] yeah yeah how am I going to DJ ddles you and how are you going to tug me how often do you like hand jobs like

If you were to be in a relationship for long periods of time not bring up anyone but like do you like like hey baby I just want you to [ __ ] stroke my [ __ ] at least once a week really yeah you prefer it over sex is it a la not over just

Like it’s like she’s not in the mood can we just do this okay you know or if she’s really not in the mood I like to just like she’s playing on her phone like pull her pants down like stick my face in her ass to like lick it and

Smell it and jerk off jerk off I like that’s hot I like doing that and she just no one does that I know no they don’t that’s hot that’s my I probably do that more than sex what the [ __ ] he’s a booty man I love it oh a [ __ ] guy I

Like to yo if I can’t get Love to Worship the booty I’d love to worship it yeah if I can’t get hard whether I’m too drunk or you know nervous then I get in there I smell it and I lick it and [ __ ] it starts to move

Booty smells good though true it really does do oh eating ass okay okay is there always or Which Way well I do no matter what well do you want it done to you no I do I’ve only had that luxury twice in my life okay yeah Kay awesome K tell me

The Lamborghini doors don’t come up that the oh the legs yeah well okay I saw actually in my notes research for you you said you won’t eat a guy’s ass unless he’s in a manly position yeah cuz that’s just that Vision sticks with me not any position a guy be I know but

It’s so it’s I I do it that way if it’s in the moment I can yeah because it’s the blow job see you do it okay you’re giving head you go down to the G and now you’re going to the ass and that’s different we’re talking about full on up

Like that’s lambor doors come all the way their [ __ ] leg I skipped my last eight Hot Yoga I’m not that flexible first of all just it’s very just not masculine I love like so what is the masculine way standing up no you can pull them back you be like that but

They’re not coming up by your head like now your [ __ ] there you’re you got to go up a little cuz then your neck’s going to break no they you can pull them up they’re not coming up by your head period yeah you’re just are just like

This is perfect cuz now I have full control of the dick the [ __ ] the balls the taint and you can literally go up and down [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and then you can be stroking it while you lick the [ __ ] put pressure with your nose on the taint while you’re licking the

[ __ ] wow you’re [ __ ] money there’s just ways to do it okay and that’s the difference also between porn stars and these o girls is they don’t know about the balls the G the ass they just do a little [ __ ] blow job maybe on their knees for the POV right that’s another

Difference yeah huge difference yo that is a difference and you know what’s funny is like a lot of the new guys that are like trying to be porn stars don’t clean their [ __ ] and I’m like you wanted me to lick what yeah there is a scene how

Clean should it get though baby wipe and stick your finger in your butt okay okay so here’s the deal wash your ass yeah well no you they come to set washed right like and Prince came to set and always took showers right on set so it

Relx a lot of the M Talent will do that but if you’re we’re at home and it’s like take a baby wipe [ __ ] put wipe yourself and then put your finger like just like this and be like like how far in in the boot literally like if like

That okay like what now my tongue yeah it’s long it’s long as [ __ ] so obviously you’re it’s like a small toy in there that’s a common that’s a common porn courtesy yeah wow so you got to finger your booty yeah a little bit or make

Sure you do what you got to do and then wash your [ __ ] ass 90% of the guys are [ __ ] by anyway so there’s that too it’s the only way you’re wo pause what what did you just say because the only way you’re putting your dick next

To another dick inside of a hole where there’s a very small film of skin is if you’re good with other dicks you think 90% of male Talent are by yes and you know what’s funny is we had this discussion me and Lexington still on Vlad DJ Vlad right and I looked at Lex

And I we just went in aace racial and I was like I’m telling you like 85 to 90 and then literally that year seven or eight guys switched team they said I got the cosign Phoenix Phoenix said that she called me out so I’m out and they

Literally all s of doing trans and gay I mean it is it’s majority of the industry male Talent is what about Damon we you think Damon’s a little gay no he’s gone damn it well then let’s tell us how you rly no no like and that’s another thing

Is Damon likes boy boy girl scenes but his fetish cuz he’s told me because we did this scene and it was our first scene together he goes I love the fact that you I liked watching you get [ __ ] by Rocco Johnny castle and then I liked

Watching you [ __ ] me and then the fact that like you’re sucking my dick and you were taking it and it was just like a really sensual Synergy that you do and it was hot and I he’s like Okay cool so but it’s like he’s watched my porn

Before he [ __ ] me so for him it’s like I’m live watching Phoenix Marie getting [ __ ] and my dick’s in her mouth like this is pretty cool and that’s exactly how I described it okay if you put it that way it’s a little less gay yeah okay and so there’s that person that is

Like that yeah but 99% are like more oh my God look at we’re both when you do you can do double anal and your dick still stays hard yeah that’s they’re touching that wall is paper thin Yeah it’s you’re sharing juice like sharing juice your pre-come is in there and so

Is his and they’re they’re both in there and they wiggling my next thing is like you know I did so I’ve never done more in three guys right so we had to get a floater guy for one of my scenes because they were like there’s no way three guys

Can keep up with you for two hours I’ve never heard of a floater in my timee tell me what that is so Tony T thought I would be willing to and it’s not his fault at all and like he everyone else knew the rulle is three no more than

Three and he goes no Phoenix like at some point one of these guys is going to need a break and I thought about it after by the way the scene’s done I’m all these [ __ ] were taking turns taking breaks I didn’t get one [ __ ] break like that’s true I’m doing

Double anal and then uh vag at the same time and so for a photo I look at uh Cheyenne Collins who’s been retired for years I look at Cheyenne I was like cheyen come here just stick in my mouth that photo is the most searched photo of

Me because it is the only one like you’re literally double anal vaginal penetration and you have a dick in your mouth ER like that’s crazy well and for me I was like I was just like every hole is fill just come over here like it’s fine

Just for this one photo and now we’re good and now it’s done so you didn’t mess around with that stuff I mean here and there shut the [ __ ] up i i dabed in it but I definitely wasn’t all the way in it like my my P is so tight like it’s

You have a nice tight [ __ ] yes it’s very tight my vagina is tight okay can I ask you guys this yes with [ __ ] is it that like is it true that you know a [ __ ] a girl that [ __ ] a lot of guys has a wider [ __ ] or is it straight up just

How your [ __ ] is so some women um I’ve noticed smaller girls can take bigger dicks inside their V yes yes yes it’s a crazy thing um it’s the anatomy of your vagina um you can do kull also realize every single time like for me and I know you do it too cuz it’s

A it’s a fun thing that we can do is if a guy is not super huge we can literally squeeze your dick and jerk you off with the inside of our our vaginas so we could when we’re riding on top this could be us but you plan so I’m just

Saying like I know she does it and I know I do it cuz we both we call the the gorilla grip we call it yes we just sit there and go on top and we’re like dot dot and we’re just grabbing your dick and looking down at you like you want to

Come early [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I think working girls know that trick cuz they want to get it over with I don’t know it’s that I want I just think it’s fun to [ __ ] with them I like to [ __ ] with the m talent I make them come early it’s

Very empowering to know that you have that power you know what I mean you see men all wish we had that power on women you do some do some do they do to talk a good game few yes that’s very true there’s there are okay dirty talking

Dirty talking how do we like the dirty talking I’m a medium Dirty Talker I love it but I don’t like exaggerant or too much of it you know what I mean or you’re saying [ __ ] like what like hold on what okay so I was talking to Kieran

Lee today and he said show me how you Daddy talk you know so I was like I was like well first I’ll tell them like you know your [ __ ] is so [ __ ] perfect and tight it feels so good you know you go a boring boring okay what do you say

Ken hold on I saw you dirty talk with Angela White right I loved that I it was decent yeah thank you thanks Jada go ahead go ahead though I’m listening okay he goes boring boring okay how do you dirty talk here and he goes I’ll grab

Her by the neck I’ll go in an ear and I’ll say dirty [ __ ] you [ __ ] so the deal is if you want to get him off and my favorite thing is just sit there and do this I’m all hey I’m all is it wrong that I just got [ __ ] by three of your

Friends right before the scene that’s why I’m so [ __ ] wet down there is because all of your mates already just [ __ ] coming you’ll say that to Karen [ __ ] yeah and guess what K comes in two seconds you dirty little [ __ ] or the breeding fetish is huge it’s like oh my

God I already had like five guys come in me today I really need you to come inside me so this way I can have a baby please oh my God that like mortifies me I don’t want to think that’s crazy and you know what that [ __ ] turned me on

Oh my God that’s the last thing I want to think about I love a cream pie but I don’t want to think about that she loves it oh at first I was like what the uhoh see I like that Jada show us what you

Got um I don’t know I just love when you like stretch my little [ __ ] hole out and get it nice and [ __ ] hard in my [ __ ] yeah she likes to watch it and feel it grow you know what line I hear girl is saying now and it’s a good one

It’s uh use my hole like yeah use me yeah use my hole man no which one give me your specifics okay you know what I mean right right right use my ho I’ve said it I’m like I I’ll be honest I’m like but usually it’s like use my

[ __ ] hole use that dirty little [ __ ] [ __ ] because he wants to get your [ __ ] [ __ ] hop or like something like that you know dirty talking manatory you know the craziest Dirty Talker for me and as like crazy as Kelly Divine I was like God okay okay

What was she saying just I can’t even I can’t even repeat it cuz it’s just bizarre it’s just like some people get in a mode and it’s like hold on I don’t know if I’m horny anymore you like you know it’s like bizarre but I love give

Us an example I like I mean Max feel bad Max Phils and like I literally was like your dick is so [ __ ] small we should have turned the scene into [ __ ] anal like you really [ __ ] people with this and you think you’re a point star like

Are you [ __ ] kidding me what the [ __ ] are you trying to do to the poor guy literally but that’s like they love that [ __ ] too that’s not dirty talking that’s it’s hum it was not bullying yes it was it they love that I wish I had that in

Me like people love me to humiliate them but I just can’t do it because I’m such a sensual somebody just came but anyways yeah people love to be humiliated and degraded and I just that’s her specialty it’s the dumbest [ __ ] in the [ __ ] planet uh really I’m all so

Every time I like [ __ ] up a girl and she’s like oh my God this is the best thing and the best sex I’ve ever had in like the last five scenes or five months I’ve ever done is usually because I’ve called them the worst names and done really degrading [ __ ] to them Scarlet

Scandle literally came running up to me and then her husband was there and he goes the way you like curled her body and like threw her up against the mirror okay for girls submissive girls but for dudes to say that little [ __ ] tiny [ __ ] and that makes them come there’s so

Many they love it I had a I have yes there is a lot and I actually have a guy big fetish yeah a guy has owns the uh only fan name the small [ __ ] I just met him today and he goes how will I get you for Content I was like I’m under

Contract was like you’re not wrong person you’re going to have to and I know that might be an easy day for some girls may be happy with some tuxedo condoms and like whatever but no no no no no I got to be able to feel it but

It’s it’s almost as though the big dick porn star days are almost dying no a lot of the new guys are not packing no they’re average why I don’t [ __ ] them they’re average that’s why I don’t [ __ ] them yeah cuz they’re scared SC over here that too well go dread it Go dread

It up so that’s the only one I haven’t had I know that’s I’m saying go dread it up and there’s this other guy uh brick what’s his name brickzilla I did brick I haven’t seen yeah brick he’s bigger than dread I heard no way oh I mean I don’t

Know and then I’ve heard of this uh Danny D who I just met mhm apparently he’s nuts too yeah he’s got a giant one um his uh he’s done both sides his other name is Matt Hughes so you guys both been Danny deed no I have yeah and it’s insane it’s easy

Day she’s like it’s easy easy day okay who’s your favorite talent to work with um I love JM I love JM the best reviews this guy yeah I’ve always loved him I’ve done my first scene ever in porn with him so it’s always like a porn Crush yo

He has slept on cuz he’s not a big name for like mainstream normies right but [ __ ] like you’ve seen his dick before guaranteed in your favorite nice and a nice [ __ ] like yeah everyone loves JM he’s done yeah he will literally bring girls food like if he’s all hey uh yo

Like Melissa I’m going to grab food like are you hungry like I know it’s it was great yeah it it’s either before or after make sure you’re taken care of like he’s all hey are you good like did I go too hard did I do this like you

Were in the washing machine cuz we did a laom mat scene recently and like he’s all were you okay like I felt like it was pinching you and I was like no no we’re good and he’s like okay and he goes can we rub the oil off of you a

Little bit like just super just a gentleman yeah a good a good [ __ ] I who else do I like who do I the new the new kid on the Block Alex Jones never [ __ ] okay I think somebody told me that I had done a scene with him back in

The day for Bang Bros and they had to show me but I didn’t remember I’m horrible like if unless you make an impression on me I’m yeah no he used to struggle back hey girls are is the hype days of Johnny Sins over no I actually haven’t [ __ ] him I was supposed to

With Angela the other day that’s crazy actually yeah I mean I haven’t I don’t think he’s amazing he’s a sweetheart he is incredible and he’s incredible and amazing sweetheart but since he’s been out of the game you know he’s not out time moves fast so much person content I don’t know I

Feel like Johnny’s days are dying bro who would you pick as the goat yeah now you have to take some time and I’m gonna let you know who the real goat is after that the real goat is Manuel Ferrara okay yeah yeah I can agree with that and then did he learn from

Though is that Johnny okay Manuel Manuel learned from Nacho and from Roco SU see we don’t know those guys but we’re talking know those hly those are like no one here anyone [ __ ] water you heard those names thank you thank you have you yes because they actually okay the the three I’m

Talking from normies okay top three then you’re gonna say is Kieran Lee Manuel Ferrara and Johnny Sins yes yeah okay because you’re gonna give browsers you’re GNA give a Manuel because he’s manal that’s the podium and then there’s the you know European Jordi El Nino of course Jordy I love Jordy okay he’s

Fourth really yeah interesting okay go ahead continue now I want know because he has a [ __ ] name uh I think he’s number one cuz he has the name then cuz he’s more famous than all around he’s the most famous right he the most famous okay fair okay we’re talking American

We’re talking American okay well I mean that’s just like it you know International Star well you have to remember man’s technically French yeah so now you’re cheating again and then number five tough one is it Mick Mick is the most consistent male performer Mick that’s the five you got

To wait for the pop other than that yeah when you want a hard dick that can do anything and [ __ ] cement make blue yeah make blue there’s the five okay uh I would add a couple others but yeah I’ll take yours you’re going to throw in some

Like internal [ __ ] no I throw in like Lexington Steel because he is the OG goat um um I think that he was underrated Mr Marcus at his prime you got to throw in some chocolate yeah um I really was into and like me and Lex were going to

Date the only award I’ve ever won was from Lex so uh I dated Prince um Mingo was cool Mingo was of me he wanted girls tiny so that’s the Dream Team I just named but LeBron James who’s on fire right now it’s dread yeah I haven’t done

He’s just the most talked about goat what about Jason because thanks toena and Adam like Jason got [ __ ] like who’s Jason Jason love I haven’t worked with him I haven’t worked with me either Jason’s a Luca donic yeah but I I mean I would have to test

That out I would know he just looks like a pretty boy to me who Jason love yeah he’s the king BBC okay right I mean I think if I I think he’s very he’s so hot though he’s hot yeah he has like a great way of carrying

Himself I just don’t know if he has a personality I think he’s more of like a quiet [ __ ] yeah which I can’t deal with I’m like if you I heard he has like a billion sugar mamas that just send them I’m sure he does like the type

Right can’t even hate on that Legend mhm um okay now we’re going to go girls okay the goats you guys Go the goats okay we’re definitely on top top five for sure top five Alex J Fire Alexis Fox yeah okay no Alex Texas okay J Fire Jada

Fire and Pinky who the [ __ ] is that I loved I loved rosem Monroe rosem Monroe was she was so [ __ ] hot who are pinky pinky pinky was from our era for sure Pinky and Roxy Reynolds and Ro and uh Cherokee Cherokee chery the ass what pinky you guys ever heard of Pinky here

Okay came from actually he’s a porn guy which one I’ve seen his vids very nice see okay we’re way past our time but this was amazing oh that’s CU I brought you J to Stevens this was probably the easiest episode I’ve ever had to get through yeah there was no

Alcohol today yeah wow what yeah crazy crazy well I had fun guys I had so much fun Jada Stevens you’re an angel you’re so sweet and I know this is rare to get you on the show so I really appreciate it Fenix thanks for making it happen you

Look so good today thank you and uh can’t wait to get the tea mhm all the tea and this is pillow talk we’ll see you next Tuesday bye guys


  1. please bring Tory Lane and gianna michaels they may not be the most beautiful girls but their personalities are unmatchable to this day in my 20 years of watching corn

  2. wtf jordi el nino 4th and you didnt even knew who nacho vidal and rocco are, man as an 14 years fan of porn i gotta say ryan you need to do much more research, still love your content its was a good one 🙂

  3. Jada and Phoenix helped me grow up and pleasure the girls in my life so good. You outdid yourself with this one Ryan, you also funny af bro, your Mick Blue impression had 💀😂😂😂

  4. Totally Loved this episode Ryan!! Could not leave my lap top for a second!. Phoenix Marie is so dam smart and Hot!!. I Loved Jada Stevens!!. Adorable and so cute!!. This episode is 10+.

  5. Damn your a young boy, you never heard of prime Pinky, Rocco and Nacho?!! 🤣 I’m glad they put you on game lol

  6. Jada Stevens – Candace Jackson & Phoenix Marie – Melissa Marie Hutchison Legends DIVAS 😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥❣️❣️❣️🇺🇸 !!!

  7. Phoenix would be riot to hang out with 👍👍👍 she’s be an awesome best friend.

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