Golf Players

What’s Your Handicap? // Catching Golfers Lying

Check out @CEOofGolf
Had a blast at the Waste Management Open! A little crazy buts still fun.

Experior Golf:

We hope by watching this channel you’ll learn how to have fun on the golf course even if you stink or you’ve never even picked up a club. Our goal is to show you fun and interesting ways to have a blast with your buddies on the golf course. Let us know what you’d like to see next.

Today my buddy remik and I are roaming around the Waste Management Open to find out how honest golfers are today we’re going to be asking them what’s their handicap and if you’re new to golf a handicap is a number indicating a player’s skill level where a higher number suggests that players less

Skilled and if they can prove it we’re going to give them some cash money we’re kind of away from 16 there’s been a rain delay so we figured perfect chance to ask people and catch people potentially lying about their hand caps everything’s expensive here it’s like 8 10 bucks for

A drink oh yeah 10 bucks for a hot dog so they can prove their handicap money money they got some money see now this is always the part where going up to random people like oh excuse me I’m filming a video but hey it’s all right hey if you’ve never been

To the Waste Management Open so far it’s been a absolute blast and it’s been better because he’s been showing me around because otherwise I’d be like where do I go what do I do all right you ready I’m ready I mean you can hear the music from all the way from 16 right

Now gentlemen I got a quick question for you so I’m going around asking golfers I’m assuming you guys golf right I’ve tried to play a couple yesterday what your handicap is so I’m filming a YouTube video so we’re just asking your handicaps we just want to see what’s the

Average that we’re seeing out here I have an index I’m an 8.3 8.3 I’m a 13.4 13.4 I got a fake hip what else three St my heart so you’re unstoppable then right count as AAP and he has four former wives that’s actually that’s that’s do you guys can

You guys prove your handicaps that’s my next question yeah cuz there are people I’m not saying I’m one of them that will lie about their handicaps oh you’re smart you lie to the high side yeah oh my low was 83 I’m an 86 86 did

We give it to him I don’t know that’s close enough that’s close enough that’s close enough all right hey next next round’s on me there you go what yeah yeah there we go cuz you didn’t lie if you would have lied oh that say 8.3

That’s my low so I that’s it works it works we’ll allow it I never lie about my golf hey 10 bucks I don’t know if it’s worth okayl assciation prove it jimy I don’t believe a liar that’s not that now he wants to see I don’t know what my gin is get out

I’ll look it up right now I can figure it out right now say lessly I can’t I can’t give me come on okay can’t pull it up because I don’t have my G number I’m going to find it later I’ll send it to you if you find me

Yeah I think very this sounds very very suspect I’m just yeah yeah I love it I appreciate it guys thank you good that could have gone better 50/50 yeah you want to ask the next one I’ll do it all right ask like a group of guys like same deal it’s whatever you

Want man hey hey I’m nervous I’ve never done anything like this before what like you did it so well you’re like gentlemen here today to enjoy this beauti beautiful like a church faster up there he’s nervous this the one I’m doing okay uh doing a little YouTube video today where we’re asking random

Strangers through handicap and uh do you guys have a g the G number guy right here guy there you have a g number sir I do nice uh what is your handicap 9 9.1 9.1 9 oh no hesitation yeah he’s like all right whatever by the way guys I am a

49er fan I hope go ners let’s go go ners Brock py are .6 9.6 is that what did you say what did you say I forget what you 9.1 9.1 do we give it to him you guys are his friends is that is he is that a truthful does that count yeah

Absolutely I’m pretty sure I’m a 156 but yeah 156 what does he I shot 89 at gwk gry Hawk’s a tough course play I we’ll we’ll give it to him next round is on us guys right on so we got it okay we can’t we can’t give you that he said

13 He said 156 you said 156 oh he did okay okay appreciate it thanks you guys appreciate it go ners good dayers how do I do how do I do I feel like they stole our money they kind of did I we need to be more strict yeah if it’s not it’s not

Within like two decimals maybe yeah right two plus or minus two yeah plus or minus two okay but they are pretty darn close they’re not saying like so 156 and he said 158 right he said 158 but he was really 156 oh so he’s better better oh

So that counts that counts that counts we’ll let that count but if it’s worse I think if it’s worse but if it’s better then we’ll we’ll let it count what do you think for sure if if it’s better for sure we give it to them yeah or if

They’re within point cuz that’s like all right like like how much does it fluctuate within one round right exactly exactly so 2 or three I like that I like that let me know what you guys think in the comment section below if we’re being a little bit too lenient um I mean you

Guys know like going up to random strangers is so awkward nice you could tell you could tell you were feeling it I know I was like I didn’t want to go like gentlemen well the best part is you literally put up a roadblock for them

Where they had nowhere to go I know I was like changing locations we’re on the Move We’re Going Mobile Going Mobile man on the street actually Brian and remik on the golf course she call his new series Brian on Brian on the course right on the course that actually

Catching Liars actually kind of R I will say I will say golfers tend to be way more honest than like if you were to ask K how tall are you you’ll get lies lies lies but yeah we get a measuring tape out when it comes to golf pretty honest

They’re honest even to where it’s like it almost like helps them you know what I mean so like your handicap allows you to get strokes throughout a golf round so you almost kind of want to be worse yeah you almost want to be brutally honest about your game so you get more

Strokes right yeah cuz if you’re too good if you’re also if you’re too if you’re not honest and make saying you’re worse than you really are yeah you’ll just get they’ll just they’ll tell okay you’re sandbagging real quick question what’s your handicap um I would say

Eight eight yeah can you prove it can I prove it can you prove it I I don’t know how I don’t have any G number or anything that no I don’t it’s like 8 to a 10 okay well if you could prove it yeah I had some cash for you no way but

Uh oh man now he’s going to try it look at him pulling out his phone now I might have score I might have some old pictures of scorecard what’s going on how we doing doing good man how are you I’m doing great joining the rain huh yeah yeah

Nice seeing you man good to see you too so famous so famous out here see cicap is over a period of time so it’s true I can’t I can show you a scorecard like close enough that’s what I’m saying I don’t have an app to be I don’t know if

We could do that man okay we’ll get in trouble so okay that’s okay I appreciate it I appreciate it do see you guys well I don’t know dang do you think he was telling the truth or was he line that he didn’t have a g number I don’t know I

Think how do you know your handicapped yeah you got to have a gen number bro you can’t just pull up a score card what is this I he could have filled whatever on that scorecard you know what I mean could have shot three under hey guys what’s up dude we’re filing a little

YouTube video here just asking random strangers a handicap um if you guys want to be in it we’re just uh you know where your hand cup is I do what is it 14 14 no bueno 20 plus 20 plus can you guys prove it uh probably probably hey if you

Can prove it we got some cash for you guys we got some cash for you I don’t record my scores so now okay no but you said 14 right 12 it says 127 oh 127 okay okay so yeah better than what you said it’s better I yeah so yeah yeah that

Counts we got the r next round on us man awesome have fun guys have a going Eno I appreciate you man thank you later brother see you hey you know what turns out people are like to onest two on no that’s the thing either they they show it to us and it’s what

They say yeah and the ones that don’t show us oh those are the Liars those are the yeah those are liars like And subscribe before we go broke you guys definitely need to go check out remix’s channel links down below he is what’s your now what’s your

Handicap my handicap you’re like a plus two right I’m like a plus two yeah now I play college golf though and a little bit of professional golf I’ve played with him if you guys watch YouTube golf you guys know that you guys you guys know that he is legit he’s really good I

Want to ask him to prove it sure what’s your handicap uh right at 100 30 then right if it’s at 100 what would that be 100 uh be uh like 28 okay oh 28 okay yeah can you prove that um I don’t know do we have a picture of a scorecard do

You have a gin number or any index where you can show I don’t have any of the apps okay well we had some cash if you could pull up uh your gen number so that’s the rules un show us an official handicap handicap then we’re giving out

Cash but okay fair enough yeah yeah no I can’t do that no but hey you an outfit of the day you do you really do you got to be freezing though I got hailed on in this the rules are the rules We Can’t Break The Rules or else they’ll get mad

At us no that’s fine that’s fair but I appreciate the honesty that’s what we’re finding golfers are normally pretty honest okay that’s we not the golfers I golf with hey have a good one have a good one take it easy what’s your name uh Noah no

Lac okay you from La yeah yeah uh kind of all over c local caddy here TPC Scottdale no what’s your handicap uh 23.2 something like that slowly cranking down now can you prove it I can oh 23.2 if you’re off by more than2 then that is a DQ

Uhoh the rules are pretty strict cuz we we think we got robbed it’s even better than I thought 21.8 I like that well noes it hey hey appreciate it round hey at least I made some money today there we go appreciate it absolutely appreciate it all right take care enjoy

The rest of the day man we went broke real quick all right well we went through cash way faster than I thought I think we were too lenient we got robbed earlier I don’t know you guys think should we have we should have been more strict yeah let me know what you guys

Think next time that we do this in the comment section below what the guideline should be when it comes to asking people hand Gap should be2 decimals off or exactly on the dot let us know yeah I I honestly think it should be if it’s anything above like what they say DQ

Anything lower then yeah of course they’re they’re lying for the worse whatever I don’t know yeah all right we’ll see you guys see


  1. Need to be what's your handicap? I'd they say 23 and they are a 21.2 they are lying to get stokes no money.. Prices right style closer they are the more they win.

  2. Old guys have nothing to hide they walk around the locker room with it hanging out. Only ask groups of 4 or more young’s guys and ask, “who has the lowest handicap of the group?”

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