Golf Babe

🤣DIRTY JOKES COMPILATION! – The rich old lady stopped to reverse her Rolls into the parking space

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If laughter is your favorite form of therapy, you’ll find the best medicine here.

Remember, a day without laughter is a day wasted.


An engineer found himself standing before St Peter at the Pearly Gates of Heaven the gates were magnificent shining under a Celestial light and St Peter was there looking busy as he warped on his laptop the engineer a bit disoriented but curious cleared his throat to catch St Peter’s attention St

Peter looked up a bit distracted and then his eyes widened in recognition ah you’re the engineer he said scanning the information on his laptop screen I see here you’ve been a sign to Hell before the engineer could react or a protest he found himself standing in

Front of a fiery cave there he was greeted by none other than Satan himself holding a menacing Pitchfork in one hand Satan with a slight grin pointed the engineer towards the large flame engulf cave the engineer taking in his new surroundings hesitantly walked in however after spending some time in Hell

The engineer grew bored he began to think of ways to improve his new environment he started designing and implementing various building improvements he created new land use plans constructing large developments with modern amenities even managed to install air conditioning in all the structures over time hell transformed

From a place of Eternal suffering to a sort of infernal Paradise massive homes with refrigerators large swimming pools and waterfalls sprang up and the engineer became extremely popular among the Dennis of how one day God called Satan to check in on how things were going in Hell how was it all burning

Down there in Hell God asked Satan sounding quite pleased responded hey things are going great we got air conditioning new homes swimming pools and there’s no telling what our engineer is going to come up with next God shocked and incredulous exclaimed what the hell you got an engineer St Peter

Must have messed up again send that engineer back to Heaven immediately Satan however was adamant about keeping keeping the engineer no way everybody likes this guy and I like the guy and I’m keeping him God growing increasingly frustrated threatened oh yeah how do you like a thunderbolt up your ARS Satan

Unfaced and laughing retorted I just jump in my pool ah fuming God then said listen you demon you send him back up here or I’ll sue you sat and finding the idea amusing laughed and said ha yeah right and where are you going to find a laer in heaven

Haha after a long and tiring day at work a husband returned to his home as he entered the house he had a particular craving and an idea in mind he found his wife in the kitchen busy with some household chores without wasting any time he said to her quick get me a beer

Before it starts his wife wanting to be accommodating went to the fridge and fetched him a cold beer she handed it to him and he promptly chugged it down SA ing the refreshing taste no sooner had he finished the beer he turned to his wife again and said with a sense of

Urgency quick give me another before it starts his wife slightly puzzled by his behavior but still willing to oblig went back to the fridge and got him another beer the husband quickly chugged down the second beer as well just as he had done with the first then almost like a

Broken record he said yet again quick get me another beer before it starts by this time the wife’s patience was starting to wear th she looked at her husband who was comfortably seated and showing no signs of getting up frustrated she responded if you want another beard you lazy

Bastard get your fat ass up and get it yourself the husband hearing his wife’s exasperated response murmured under his breath had started a man in search of new employment opportunities came across a vacancy at a local construction firm eager to secure the job he went to the firm’s office to apply the construction

Firm was well known in the area for its large-scale projects and team oriented work environment upon his arrival he was greeted by the foreman a Burly man with a No Nonsense demeanor who was responsible for overseeing the construction workers the foreman began the interview by explaining some of the

Duties and responsibilities that came at the job we take turns making the coffee here the foreman stated matter of factly he looked at the applicant and asked do you know how to make coffee the applicant wanting to make a good impression responded confidently I sure do satisfied with the response the

Foreman moved on to the next question and can you drive a fork Clift he inquired the applicant was momentarily puzzled with a somewhat bewildered expression he replied why just how big is the coffee maker in many traditional wedding ceremonies it’s quite common to hear the groom assure the bride’s parents with a

Promise he often says I will make your daughter very happy after marriage this is a heartfelt declaration symbolizing his commitment and love towards his future wife and a gesture of respect towards her family however have you ever noticed that during these moments it’s rather rare to hear the bride making a

Similar statement to the groom’s parents no because women don’t lie there was a wealthy and sophisticated elderly lady who was driving her luxurious Rolls-Royce around town she was on the lookout for a place to park as luck would have it she spotted the only available parking space

In a busy area deciding to take it she began to carefully reverse her grand vehicle into the spot however just as she was slowly maneuvering her car a young woman in a flashy and compact sports car appeared out of nowhere with a Swift and cheeky move the young driver

Quickly slipped into the parking space before the older woman could finish her maneuver feeling quite pleased with herself the young woman rolled P down her window flashed a daring smile and said to the older woman you got to be young and daring to do that the older

Woman unfazed by the turn of events didn’t respond to the young girl’s comment instead she kept reversing her Rolls-Royce as if the sports car wasn’t there the young girl watched in shock as the older woman’s card gently nudged the sports car with steady and deliberate Force the Rolls-Royce pushed the smaller

Vehicle out of the parking spot the sports car rolled down a slope gaining speed until it crashed into a wall at the bottom and to the horror of onlookers burst into bright Flames after successfully parking her rolls Roy in the now vacant space the older woman

Stepped out of her car with an air of calm and composure she turned to face the young girl who was standing there completely dumbfounded the older woman said and you’ve got to be old and Rich to do that in a quiet neighborhood there was a resident who suddenly heard an alarming

And terrible noise coming from the apartment next door worried about what was happening the neighbor quickly decided to call the police hoping they could handle whatever situation was occurring soon after the call the police arrived at the scene ready to investigate the source of the disturbance they approached the door of

The noisy apartment and knocked firmly announcing their presence to their surprise the door was opened by a woman in her hands she held a golf club specifically of five iron which was covered in blood as the police entered they noticed a man lying motionless on the floor of the living room the scene

Was shocking and the officers immediately checked to see if there was any chance the man was still alive one of the officers after examining the man turned to the woman and said he’s dead then seeking to understand the situation he asked her ma’am is this your husband the woman looking distressed nodded and

Replied with a quivering voice that is correct yes the police trying to piece together what had happened asked her directly did you just hit him with that Golf Club the woman tears starting to for in her eyes admitted yes I did she then broke down sobbing uncontrollably in her emotional state

She let the bloodstained golf club fall dramatically from her hand to the floor she stood there covering her face with her Palms continuing to cry one of the officers observing the gruesome scene and the condition of the man on the floor asked the woman in a serious tone

Wow he’s a mess can you tell me how many times you hit him the woman amidst her tears and distress managed to reply I don’t know put me down for a five Farmer Brown and his wife had a day like any other working hard in their vast Fields as even approached and the

Sky painted itself with the Hues of dusk they started their Journey back to their cozy Farmhouse however something unusual caught their attention far off in the distance amidst their crops they saw a collection of bizarre and flickering lights curious and a bit cautious Farmer Brown and his wife decided to

Investigate as they drew closer they couldn’t believe their eyes right there in the middle of their field was a spaceship gently descending to the ground the couple exchanged bewildered glances wondering if this was some kind of dream to their amazement two aliens emerged from the spaceship these extraterrestrial beings approached the

Couple with a friendly demeanor they explained that they were conducting research on human life specifically focusing on human Intimate Relationships the aliens then made a rather bold proposition they wanted to switch partners with Farmer Brown and his wife for the night purely for research purposes Farmer Brown and his wife

Though initially shocked found themselves intrigued by this strange request after a brief discussion they agreed to the aliens proposal the night passed and the next morning the aliens departed leaving Farmer Brown and his wife to reflect on their extraordinary experience Farmer Brown bursting with curiosity but trying to maintain a

Casual demeanor couldn’t resist asking his wife about her night his wife with a hint of excitement in her voice admitted that it was the best intimate experience she’d ever had Farmer Brown surprised and eager to know more asked her to elaborate she described how the alien initially seemed underwhelming with

Attributes similar to a human but much smaller but then something incredible happened the alien reached up and twisted his left ear causing himself to grow significantly in size not stopping there he then twisted his right ear and to her astonishment he transformed even further becoming more impressive than

She could have imagined upon hearing this Farmer Brown was taken back he recalled his own wild experience and exclaimed no wonder that alien lady was trying to rip my ears off in a cozy bustling Pub there was a group of friends gathered around a table enjoying their drinks and sharing stories

The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses one of the men looking a bit frustrated decided to share something personal with his mates he leaned in closer to the group and said guys you won’t believe what’s happening at home my M has started

Charging me $50 every time we have a bit of fun together he shook his head in disbelief expecting sympathy from his friends the other guys at the table paused for a moment exchanged knowing looks and then one of them trying to suppress a grin replied that’s not bad mate she charges us

$100 Jack a regular at his local Social Club experienced something quite unusual one evening as he was enjoying his time there he noticed a young woman at one of the tables what con’s attention wasn’t just her presence but the fact that she leaned over the table in such a way

Their bare backside was visible to everyone around to Jack’s surprise and amusement he saw that each of her buttocks was adorned with a tattoo of the number six this peculiar sight sparked a fla in Jack’s mind he couldn’t help but feel that this was some sort of a sign or an

Omen of Good Fortune excited by this idea he quickly made his way over to The Treasure of the club with a feeling of optimism he purchased a ticket for the upcoming prize draw the ticket he chose was number 66 inspired by the twin six t scene he felt a surge of Hope dreaming

About the bonus prize of £1,000 that was up for grabs the next night the following evening Jack arrived at the social club unfortunately he got there after the prize draw had already taken place eager to find out the result he turned to his friend at the bar and

Asked was the winning ticket 66 his friend looked at him with a sympathetic expression and replied no sorry mate you were close Jack asked what was it then his friend answered it was 66 there was a man who found himself in a pickle trying to figure out the

Perfect outfit for a fancy dress party he was invited to after much thought he was struck with a spark of inspiration that seemed both amusing and clever to him upon arriving at the party the host opened the door to find this guest standing before him clad only in his

Briefs the S was both shocking and puzzling perplexed the host couldn’t help but blurred out what on Earth are you meant to be with a mischievous grin The Man replied a premature ejaculation I just came in my Underpants two doctors who specialized in caring for older people were spending

Their afternoon gazing out of a window and they spotted an elderly gentleman shuffling down the street at a snail’s pace his legs were awkwardly spread wide and he barely bent his knees as he moved that looks like a severe problem with how he walks possibly indicating the beginning signs of a condition related

To the nervous system maybe Parkinson’s disease suggested the first doctor however the second doctor had a different take I don’t think so it’s more likely to be joint pain possibly arthritis or maybe he’s feeling the side effects of taking too many different medicines including sleep aids the debate continued with the first doctor

Insisting his walking speed and the way his legs shake and are spread out makes me think it’s definitely related to Parkinson’s the other doctor countered but the issue could be because of the negative effects from a mix of medications let’s make a friendly wager over lunch on my diagnosis the first

Doctor proposed we should go and ask him politely to see who’s closer to the truth about his condition approaching the elderly man they explained excuse us sir we are doctors specializing in the care of older adults and couldn’t help but notice your cautious and slow walk we have differing opinions on what might

Be causing your difficulty could you share with us what your condition is the old man intrigued by their interest responded i’ like to to hear your guesses first then I’ll let you know if either of you is Right confidently the first doctor said I suspect you might be

Showing the early signs of Parkinson’s disease or is it an issue with your nervous system sorry that’s not it the old man replied the second doctor then guessed could it be arthritis that you’re dealing with or maybe side effects from taking multiple medications again the old man shook his head no

That’s not it either so what is the problem then the doctors asked genuinely curious with a mischevous smile the old man shared I thought I needed to pass gas but I was wrong about that too during a festive gathering in a college an American young man spotted a

Swedish girl and asked her if she would like to dance with him as they moved to the music together he wrapped his arms around her gently and mentioned in America this is what we referred to as a hug the girl unfaced and with a smile responded yah back in Sweden we Embrace

People the same way and call it a hug as well as the evening progressed and they became more comfortable with each other he leaned in to give her a soft peck on the cheek proudly he told her in America this gesture is known as a kiss with a

Nod she replied yaah in Sweden a gentle Peck like that is known as a kiss too as the night Drew on filled with laughter dancing and quite a few drinks he let her out to the quiet of the campus lawn there the ambient shifted and they found themselves in a more intimate moment

Amidst this he ventured further engaging in a more physical act with her and proclaimed in America we have a quirky name for this we call it a grass sandwich without missing a beat the girl with a hint of Gest in her tone said yah in Sweden we call it a grass sandwich

Too but we usually put more meat in it a lady made her way into a doctor’s office feeling a bit uneasy about the manner in which the doctor was eyeing her as the consultation began the doctor instructed her to remove her clothing for the examination feeling uncomfortable with

The idea she hesitated and then requested could you please switch off the lights before I take off my clothes complying with her request the doctor turned off the lights to make her feel more at ease in the dinm room she wondered aloud about where she should Place her garments after taking them off

Where should I put my clothes she inquired the doctor responded you can hang them over here right next to mine A manager found himself in a bit of a pickle when the elevator he was in stopped working leaving him trapped between two floors in a panic he started making a lot of noise by Banning on the elevator walls hoping someone would notice his predicament after a while his

Efforts paid off and he managed to get someone’s attention they took down his name and assured him the help was on the way to get him out of there however the rescue wasn’t as Swift as he had hoped it ended up taking two whole hours for the elev elevator repair person to show

Up and successfully free the manager from his confined space once he was released from the elevator he rushed back to his office eager to catch up on his work upon arriving at his desk he was greeted by a note left by his secretary the note read the elevator

People called and will be here in 2 hours a gentleman decided it was time to enjoy his retirement so he treated himself to a relaxing Caribbean cruise fully intending to bask in the pleasures of life unfortunately his dream vacation took a dramatic turn when the ship he

Was on went down leaving him stranded on a deserted island with nothing but bananas and coconuts for company several months passed and he had adjusted to his new Solitary life when out of the blue a breathtakingly beautiful woman arrived at the island rowing ashore he was astonished and asked her where did you

Come from how did you end up here she shared her story I arrived from the other side of the island I was also a passenger on a cruise ship that sank I ended up here and made this place my home he was amazed and remarked it’s incredible that you found a rowboat

Intact she corrected him oh this old thing I actually gilted myself using materials I found on the island the ores were carved from the branches of a gum tree I crafted the bottom of the boat from palm branches while the sides and Stern were fashioned from a eucalyptus

Tree curious he inquired but how did you manage to get the tools for all this work she explained that wasn’t too difficult there’s a place on the island where the rock is very unique when I heated it up at just the right temperature it turned into a kind of

Iron that I could work with I used that to create the tools and then the boat the man was utterly speechless the woman suggested why don’t we roll over to my place so they did and soon they arrived at a small but impressive dock as he stepped under the shore he was

Dumbfounded by the side of a beautifully crafted Ed Stone path leading to a Charming cabin and an intricate treeh house the woman showing her prowess once again secured the boat with a rope she had woven herself as they entered her home she casually mentioned it’s modest but it’s home would you like something

To drink he was quick to decline saying No thank you I couldn’t possibly have any more coconut shoes she smiled slightly it’s not coconut shoes I’ve got to still how about a tropical Spritz is a astonishment grew but he accepted her offer and they sat down to chat exchanging Tales of survival and

Adaptation after a while she told him I’m going to change into something more comfortable feel free to use the shower upstairs there’s a razor in the bathroom cabinet no longer questioning the Wonders this woman was capable of he found the razor she mentioned a Marvel of Ingenuity made from Toro bone with

Shells sharpened and fitted as blades he thought to himself this woman is extraordinary what will she think of next upon his return she welcomed him adorned only in flowers and Vines her presence more enchanting than ever she suggested they sit closer and as she moved near she hinted at a desire for

Intimacy given their long isolation as she looked into his eyes she teased we’ve been alone for so long surely there’s something you’ve been longing to do he was overwhelmed with emotion barely able to contain his excitement tears Welling in his eyes he asked you me to tell me you built a golf course

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