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Cowboys hire Mike Zimmer as new defensive coordinator over Rex Ryan, Ron Rivera | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Skip Bayless, Richard Sherman and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the Dallas Cowboys. The Undisputed cast react to news the Cowboys have formally hired Mike Zimmer as their new defensive coordinator, replacing Dan Quinn. Reports surfaced former NY Jets head coach Rex Ryan was in the running for the position, which prompted the Undisputed cast to decide if Dallas made the right move.

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Cowboys hire Mike Zimmer as new defensive coordinator over Rex Ryan, Ron Rivera | NFL | UNDISPUTED


Well they was negotiating obviously and and Rex was still in play until they finished it up with Zim but I like to Pat myself on the back from a couple weeks ago though okay did that I said that they’re they’re going to they need

To talk to Zim and and uh I think they picked the right guy I think they got the right guy Rex would have been great too skip but I think in this situation given the fact that Zim spent 12 years on the sidelines in Dallas did okay defensive back coach couple years under

Dave Campo and I was like Campo was the head coach of the Cowboys he was can you believe it that was so long ago God those are bad years and then he spent four with Bill parcel’s so there’s some familiarity there he understands the way he coordinated for he coordinated for us

And there’s familiarity he understands Jerry Jerry understands him he knows the city like he just knows what being a Cowboy is all about right so it works perfect you got a great offense now you got a to put your defense together if you hire Rex Ryan you’re you’re putting you’re becoming aggressive gaping

Cavities and holes wide open in the secondary if the blitz doesn’t come all those sort of things we had that last year whether we blitzed or not but go ahead but but you now have a coach who is not as aggressive but it could be aggressive at times who’s coordinated

Pretty good defenses right in in Cincinnati as well as Minnesota did he’s not far removed from coaching you know he’s just a head coach a couple years ago so he’s still fresh and as you kept saying he was hovering around Dion’s program all year in col exactly and on top of

That you know how we always talked about Dan Quinn waiting to be the next guy well I wouldn’t run away from Zim waiting to be the next guy if it don’t go well with Mike McCarthy either what what I would say I mean he he has been a

A really solid head coach Minnesota was really comped for a number of years always had great players discipline sound scheme but I thought I I thought near the end for Zimmer teams found answers for for a scheme that that’s why in 2020 they were 29th in points allowed

27th in yards allowed 2021 they were 24th in points allow 30th in yards allow because the league is cyclical and he did a great job early on if you look at 2019 they were fifth in points allowed and 14th in yards low they figure things out right now it’s it’s teams running

Too high hey keep a cap on the defense we don’t want Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson and and Joe burrow bombing everybody we want to make him walk the ball down the field and game manage I think it’s going to evolve back to cover three and and guys going

Back dropping a safety in the Box not letting people run the ball as successfully as they have but I hope that he he adjusts with the times and I think that might be a reason they didn’t they didn’t hire Rex Rex hasn’t been in the game in a long time and this scheme

Is very pressure Centric it’s it’s very he might he might drop a d tackle into the deep third and Blitz everybody else you know he he he does a lot of unconventional things and I think Zimmer runs a very sound scheme a scheme you can explain a scheme that has answers

For just about everything you know it may not be as sound against the run as IR said yesterday and rarely are their top 10 and and run defense but he’s usually right there in points usually right there and I think it’s going to be sound they’re going to be good in the

Red Zone they’re going to keep points off the board even if they give up some leaky yards at times so I think could be a good fit but it’s just such a hard situation to walk into because expectations are so high and if you’re not meeting him ke right now everybody

Go well of course I mean but when you talk about his the end in Minnesota he didn’t have any players remember Anthony bar and those guys they got to the end right but when those guys was good when they can play they was on on point but

Then at the end they just didn’t have nobody on defense Fair they got some people in Dallas I got some people in doubts I saw Dion Saturday in Vegas he Raves about Mike Zimmer believes in Him played for him at one point in Dallas even said boy maybe I should have

Hired him at Colorado and I think they had some talks about it but for me just I’m I’m speaking as a fan Mike Zimmer as sound as he is and that’s the operative word he is as sound as it gets he’s not exciting to me he’s

Not charismatic to me he has no Sexy Rexy in him he has no it it’s it’s meat and potatoes it might be fet minion and Yukon Gold potatoes but it’s meat and potatoes and to me and I know him I covered him when he was the DB coach he

Can be just as dull as a Tuesday night oh no question all business all business yeah no smile and this locker room still lacks a fire starter an igniter an emotional leadership type personality that I thought Dan Quinn was at times and yet Dan Quinn’s defense the last

Time I saw it gave up not 48 cuz the final score was 48 but Dak got picked six so it gave up 41 points to Green Bay in a wild card home playoff game in which they were favored by seven and a half points against the youngest team in

The NFL well that’s not a great sell for Washington I thought or for maybe that’s why Seattle said I don’t know and yet you you would have liked Dan Quinn to go back to Seattle and obviously you played for him but Dan Quinn would put his hat on backwards and

He had emotion to him he had he had po to his personality that I I liked and I’m going to miss that and now we don’t have any of that on any front because Mike McCarthy is a bump on a sideline log and Dak has Charisma about him he’s

He’s a great guy and I think he’s well-liked but but there’s something he doesn’t have a an like a fire starting leadership intangible to him in the locker room he’s he’s not one who can say the right thing at the right time to lift up the whole locker room

Into a a frenzy I don’t know who did that for your legion of boom teams it was a number of cam cam Mike Bennett sometimes you you you got a lot of times cam Bobby at times right and yeah I would I do my fair share but I I I think

I agree with you I just wonder what they’re going to do with the staff because if you keep Al Al is going to be a great motivator but I think you have to elevate his role and I’m surprised he he was the assistant DB coach and and

Michael irin would come in every Monday just raving about the job that he did with the secondary go ahead right because it it’s no coincidence that since he’s gotten there you’ve seen double digit picks you seen the interception for Touchdown record be broken you saw you see all the success

From these DBS you do and I think he deserves a bigger role in this defense and I thought they would Elevate him maybe not to DC but to to to assistant like d DC where he would have more impact like maybe if Zim’s in the in the

Box then he’s on the sideline managing because I do think he can be an emotional leader I think he got has a lot of respect in that locker room but I’m I’m with you because you talk about all these games where you look like the team comes out flat flat and you’re like

They’re just not motivated and he’s not a motivator and maybe Dan Quinn is the one motivating him at times and I just don’t see anybody Mo Z Zim just speaks differently though he’s a he like you said meat and potato he’s all football all business but inside that locker room he

Will be a certain way I can promise you that he’s intense I he’s very intense he doesn’t have a problem if you blow a coverage come on over here with me where some coaches I I would say he coaches somewhat like fear where guys can play

Play knowing if I make a mistake I’m in trouble yeah opposed to a rck coach yeah true which I mean I think that’ll be fine but I think I think to Michael Parsons on his podcast point you just this generation just doesn’t do well with that they don’t do

Well getting coached under those circumstances getting coached with fear or or a Stern hand or or a dictatorship you said this many times it just doesn’t go well that’s why a lot of these coaches have ajusted and they’re like hey you know kind of go with the flow

Give give some take some you know communicate to to Travis Kelsey point if that ever happened to Bill bich or you you never even think about it happening to bill bich because it was such a Stern way he ran his team such you knew if I ever did that I probably wouldn’t make

It on the bus home yeah like you’d be gone before halftime and so it’s just can he adjust to this new day and age of players not being able to be coached by fear you tell a guy you might crash him for the whole game if you say you make a

Mistake I’m snatching you guy goes out there he going to make six mistakes because he’s so worried about his job and he’s guys just have been mentally fragile a lot of times all right back to Rex Ryan there’s something about rex that brings energy and Intrigue to every

Situation he steps into because he’s great with the media he right now is the media he is a quote machine he’s exciting to play for because he’s edgy in his approach but he’s very good at what he does he really can coach hardcore defense cuz his father was as

Good as it got and his twin brother who I know very well much better than I know Rex was very good I know he had some bad days in Dallas but but he’s been around for a long time they know defense your friend and Mine Dennis Thurman coached

Right under Rex for many years and I’ve talked to Dennis at length about rex that they did some numbers on Tom Brady back in the day they did they made it hard on him because they would take W Wes Welker away from him and just like

Oh he’s lost right and I once I got excited about that over the weekend I I wanted it to happen cuz Rex was campaigning on live TV on ESPN for this job saying there there are Super Bowl ingredients there and I think I could be a little bit of an upgrade he’s he’s

Putting it out there obviously over Dan Quinn that’s a mouthful because Dan Quinn’s really good at what he did but Rex is saying I think I could be a little bit of an upgrade and I want to be back on that stage cuz that’s it’s a

Big St look if they would have hired Rex I’d have been jumping on the table just like him it’s it would been a great hire but this is not a Mike McCarthy hire right this is a Jerry Jones stepen Jones hire because as I always try to tell

Y’all familiarity yeah yeah I’m I’m I know him I know what this is I don’t necessarily know Rex I coach his brother worked for me but I it wasn’t a great experience not successful so you just you got got to think like they think and

I think I I think Rex has done a great job in 2009 he had the number one defense in the land points and yards they had a great defense that was the year Aras had his best year um they I think they went to the AFC Championship

Game the next year they were six in points allow third but it it’s been over a decade since since he’s had those kind of rankings and you we we go outside of scheme because I think scheme he does a great job he puts it more on him than

The players he says hey I’m going to call the blitz that gets you home instead of hey I need you to beat this guy oneon-one I’m going to call this play to get this stopped instead of I need you to be a smart player and and diagnose it and understand this I’m

Going to put it on me which is fine but then I think Personality yeah I think Jerry’s like I’m not going to be outshine being Hest I’m be outshine because Rex Ryan is fun to hear he’s fun to interview could you imagine him after a huge win or a huge loss either way

You’re going to hear be like what’s Rex got to say after this game and I think right now now you hear the Cowboys you like what does Jerry have to say after this game what is Jerry going to say what what is Jerry going to do after

This game who is he going to put this on how is he going to respond and that will change yeah Rex more than Zimmer to me would be a threat to Mike McCarthy as the next head coach but to your point the bigger threat would be to Jerry

Jones and nobody’s going to be a threat to Jerry Jones so it’s Mike Zimmer that’s what just happened yeah well I mean you got to live with it not me we’ll talk about it we will talk about it unfortunately okay hold on just a second the 49ers are

Favored to win next year’s Super Bowl again how thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed


  1. It just seemed like the one major thing that this defense lacked was discipline, be it gap support, or in the secondary. It will be interesting to see how good this defense could be with players who really learn how to play defense the right way. That includes adding true linebackers and adding genuine size up front to complement the light speed guys that they already have.

  2. As a die hard eagles fan REX WOULD SCARE ME CUZ HE CAN CALL PLAYS BUT MIKE WE BEAT HIM 38-7 🤫🤫🤫🤫

  3. God, just knew with the big mouth's of Maich Parsons,, and Jerry Jones,, he just knew The Cowboys just need another big mouth blowhard with the cowboys

  4. With the Cowboys it's not the coordinators or the players or much of anything else it is heart and the will to win….think Chiefs.

  5. Green Bay hires their defensive coordinator and silence from the sports media. Dallas hires theirs and the media is all over it. Talk about bias….

  6. These player's need to step up Mentally and don't settle when u win couple regular season games in a Row ..and start thinking u have the best team and defense and talking loud in the media just Stay quiet and let your play on the field do the talking

  7. Coming from a vikings fan, what a lame hire… burned out in MIN after his simple double a gap blitz scheme was exposed. Cant adapt to these new offenses.

  8. The cowboys should have been hiring Steve Spagnuolo for the head coaching position or the defensive coordinator position because he won four superbowl titles in the last two decades as a defensive coordinator

  9. "49's are favorite to win next year's Superbowl How?"…Skip is casually hilarious!😂😂😂

  10. Zimmer is what they need. They’ve had rah rah guys. They need a “boring” “business only” guy who will instill some discipline into one of the most undisciplined teams over the last three years

  11. Why does Skip need a show? If Zimmer can get the right guys and get them to play with 100% fire in their guts then who cares what his energy is! Rex hasn’t coached in 7yrs! Why would you hire someone who hasn’t seen the field for that long?!

  12. Keyshawn Zimmer not only coached GOOD defenses he's coached some GREAT DEFENSES over the years for both the Cowboys & Vikings… towards the end of her tenure with the Vikings things were not so good ie: that's why he was left go…but looking at the whole picture he's pretty damn good…..I'll take em'!

  13. Mike Parsons given way too much credibility Michael Parsons is no damn Lawrence Taylor PERIOD! BUT YOU ARE GOOD. Shut your mouth and don't say nothing for 7 months Mr Parsons!

  14. They need to go get at least one linebacker if not two. Devin White maybe? Idk who will all be on the market.

  15. Look around the league, scoring was down and all the best defenses rushed the passer and play a ton of cover 2. There were many young coaches that they could have hired instead of Zimmer.

  16. As long as Jones owns the team, it doesn't matter who they hire. They will never win anything. Jones = losing in the playoffs. Great businessmen but no football iq. Jimmy Johnson has proven that and it is still aging quite well. Coming from a 45-year Cowbitches fan. Cmon Sherm, there are no expectations! L in the playoffs is the only expectation.

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