Golf Players

CJ Donaldson is back!!! and more for WVU Football

In tonight’s episode I discuss the Country Roads Trust’s news this week that it has partnered with CJ Donaldson for the 2024 season; thus, returning to WVU Football for next year. Plus, I take a dig deep on what I think is working and where WVU is struggling in terms of its talent identification and recruiting processes… and why it’s downright driving me up a wall that a certain nearby big time program is dominating recruiting in my backyard over WVU #hailwv

Yo what up everybody it’s your boy Carson Fox with another edition of Fox on West Virginia Mountaineer Sports talking some football tonight and I am so excited and thankful because CJ Donaldson my favorite player on West Virginia is coming back Country Roads trust announcing earlier this week that

It has partnered officially and as they have done for the whole uh winter season fall into winter season with announc ing these Partnerships essentially affirming to the fan base that these certain players from the football program will be back for 2024 because of this commitment to the trust CJ Donaldson was

The very last one on my indispensable list so what an accomplishment for not only Neil Brown but this football program Country Roads trust what an amazing page that this program has turned in just a short while I mean it’s kind of crazy when you think about it

The nil only became legal in what July of 2021 so we’re coming up on what three just two and a half years and how this program was gutted really gutted going into the 2021 season didn’t suffer that as bad but still some big losses going into 2022

2023 missing out on about three three players potentially that could have maybe been potentially saved because of nil and we chronicled this Caden Prather uh Jordan Jefferson Charles Woods being the three most uh notable but how West Virginia was able to repain them so well 2024 I don’t have any issues it’s

Incredible that in my indispensable list that I came up with I think right there at the end of the regular season in between the bow yeah yes exactly preparing for the bowl game when the crazy month of December with national Signing Day the early Signing Day with the transfer portal opening back up

Looking ahead to a bowl game we were closing the chapter on 2023 while opening the uh next chapter into 2024 I said this was pretty much the indispensable list and Donaldson becoming the last one on this journey Garrick green Nico maral Jem White Cole Taylor the entire offensive line trayon

Ray Rodney Gallagher Shawn Martin Trey lean Josiah Trotter Ben cutter Aubrey Burks Anthony Wilson wow wow wow wow Mountaineer Nation Country Roads trust stepping it up in support of these Mountaineers and Neil Brown this entire football program and doing a phenomenal job and retention setting up for what

Could be the most look forward to year in 2024 since 2018 with Will Greer my boy David Sills uh Gary Jennings and that awesome offense that West Virginia had with Dana hogerson at the Helm of the program but I want to stick with Donaldson’s commitment just uh to start

Out this program tonight um what what I will say um thinking why why so late Carson I think that I mean as much as and I love this story last year and I really think spoke to CJ Donaldson’s character but who knows you you never know these things without knowing these

Guys personally but saying how much he appreciated how West Virginia found him you know Travis tricket now out of the program but Neil Brown also on a Florida recruiting trip finding him at G Prep High School down in Florida uh wanting to you know giving him the leniency to

Change his position to play running back leaving the tight end position that he played in high school flourishing Chad Scott really taking him under his wing you know to from 200 and um you know 22 into 23 not only teaching him the position but teaching him different you

Know techniques and way to protect his body to limit injuries and the pounding that he took in just seven games played in 2022 I I do I really do think that he you know after that first year being really the the biggest name on the Big

Man on Campus just as a true freshman that CJ Donaldson felt wanted felt really desired felt loved and last year made a significant um nil interest in CJ Donaldson now looking ahead to year two of him of him um and and and like I’m not going to fault any of these things

But I just want to acknowledge the reality is when he started when he took his helmet off in that pit game for the cameras cost a personal foul you know unsportsmanlike conduct penalty in in the game you just wondered even there just me as the Casual fan is the

Collegiate Fame for CJ Donaldson going a bit to his head and counter you know in addition to that is and this is what I think that fans were really dogging him during September that I brutally defended him for was is he trying to mimic his game off Le’Veon Bell if you

Watched him run especially during those TC you know Texas Tech TCU games there were times when you know he was waiting waiting waiting for the blocks to set up and like a Zone scheme before he would find the perfect hole to hit to try and get a you know that was exactly Le’Veon

Bell’s same running style in the NFL and I think it can work but it also you know how you saw after after that stretch of the Season he got into his head kind of Adit you know admitted that these were his faults listening to coach Scott on

You how to potentially change his game and boom you look at the next couple of games against Oklahoma State and Central Florida and he went over a 100 yards and looked to be himself again it was unfortunate that yeah he separated his shoulder torn torn laborum from that hit

By I think it was Danny stutsman or someone else on the defensive line from Oklahoma on that goal line stand in that Oklahoma game tees is laam but what a warrior to complete that game play through Cincinnati hurt with just five carries play through Baylor hurt with

Just five carries you know and then get surgery so what I think it is is and I don’t fault the man to get back to my original point with CJ is uh it the position of running back is a grind it is a battle it wears you down you are

The boulder that crushes if you if you watch like old war movies even from like you you know older um you know shows like last Kingdom something on Netflix that comes to my mind is like when bodies meet bodies in a pile or Game of Thrones and you just you know crush them

Together that is CJ Donaldson as your running back he is your Warhammer he is your gr from Lord of the Rings Breaking Down the Walls of minth that is what he does for this program so well so with that the the risk for injury and just a long sustaining career is probably the

Most high-risk position on the on the field I feel like it’s like linebacker running back cuz they meet in the hole and they Crush so uh if he wanted to wait out the transfer portal season um to potentially I don’t know you know you always got a claim tampering in this

World of college football that somebody’s talking to somebody to present you with the best offers and if he thought that he could potentially make more money out on the open market maybe that’s why he didn’t sign uh with country true roads trust through the let’s call it early signing period from

When the transfer portal opened to its close going into spring practice getting awesome Health Care uh surgery getting rehabed and like let’s be honest he’s per he’s a perfect fit for this offense he’s a perfect fit for this offense uh anybody out there would love to have CJ

Donaldson in their back field and I think deep down he he knows that um even just some of the like if you look at the comments section on my recap of the Oklahoma game that’s exactly what everybody you know from the Sooners who are tuning into my video uh

We we’re saying that CJ Donaldson the running back absolutely love to have him now only 1071 attempts which is lower than what I projected for him preseason I thought he could get to that 200 or more Mark you know playing 12 games is great but you look at that yards per

Carry average at 4.7 so for a total of 798 rushing yards for the season yes you love the 11 touchdowns and that’s phenomenal he’s an awesome short yardage back but dropped 3.3 yards per carry in comparison to as a true freshman uh but still the touchdowns were there and you

Saw like I said in in certain flash moments where it was like that’s the CJ Donaldson of 2022 he had it all along um whether or not he was battling an injury at the beginning or middle of the season with an ankle I’ve listened to some

Other shows out there I don’t know but I definitely think it was that one in that Oklahoma game he got popped on the goal line I know exactly the shoulder it was I know the exact hit saw it on replay countless times I know exactly that’s

When he when he did it so if he wanted to field offers per more power to him glad to have him back not holding that any anywh against him but that’s the reality of the world of the sit you know of the situation is you got have guys

You know 18 to 22 year olds who are making business decisions all the time so even though he’s the last player back to return absolutely ha happy to have him and what I mean by him like he he is so perfect for this offense because I I’m really struggling over to find any

Sort of comparative player over the last 20 years to CJ Donaldson at his size and speed combination 62240 uh I don’t know anyone like him now I like Jahim white don’t get me wrong I am amazed by his speed the way that he’s able to hit the outside and on

Straightaway carries it will be a phenomenal combination and triumphant honestly with Garrett green also who’s running the ball over aund you know was one of the leading rushers at the quarterback position in all of college football this past year it’s going to be a great uh display once again with the

Left side of the offensive line going going to be phenomenal we’ll see we’ll still see what happens with you know what three guys who are in their all in their sixth years Fifth and six years of um playing college football Brandon y dequay hubard Nick Malone or maybe a

Xavier Bosley challenges to start at that right tackle position but the left side and Wyatt milum at left tackle and Tomas remac at left guard the the left side’s going to be uh the strong side like to like Remember the Titans so I I like uh Jim White’s game phenomenal

Incredibly impressive uh it deserves all of the recognition that he got as a true freshman but I think it’s a great I hate to use the cliche thunder and lightning combination between the two with Donaldson as your 1 a and Jem white being your 1B because a Jem white size

Taking the kind of pounding that comes with a full game schedule you know 11 power five opponents in the Big 12 you saw come Baylor come uh the bowl game West Virginia was down to Jem white who was taking a lot of carries needed to be spelled after taking what three uh three

Carries in a row on one Series against Baylor and then they you know either bring in jayen Anderson or uh yeah to bring in Jaylen Anderson so with DJ Oliver transferring I think you have to keep Anderson as your third back you’re going to see the the number of carries

Split I feel like pretty evenly across the board with G green with Donaldson with Jem white but I think that this is a goal I’m just putting already in early February for CJ Donaldson is reaching that 200 yard Mark playing a full complete Game Ser I mean om Mar on Hampton from North

Carolina he he took over 200 carries you know by himself so if he wants to make it to the pros and I know injuries are freak the injury against TCU was a freak injury and then what you know what are you gonna do you tear your laum in a a a

Metal unmetal iron sharpens iron moment and in Oklahoma at the goal line but I want him um you know I just want him to be able to play a full 12 games for uh schedule for 2024 get over 200 carries break the thousand yard rushing Mark and

If he can get into double digit touchdowns once again he’s going to Garner um looks for the NFL he has the size he the size speed combination is there and that’s what you have to have at the running back position in college football now again my argument and why

He might have can be considered to have a sophomore slump and it’s like oh you know why you’re if you’re a fan out there who already wants to move on to Jem white and like you know was thought that Donaldson might be dispensable my argument what I’ll stay consistent with

What I said after each game recap in totality of the Season Brown Neil Brown’s conservative play calling Garrett green inexperienced injury that he suffered in the pit game um and was battling through in the T by the TCU game like uh and then he he wasn’t a newbie anymore CJ Donaldson opponents

Knew that you just had to stack the Box load the Box sell out against number four and you could stop West Virginia’s offense because you weren’t getting beat Over the Top by Garrett green so that’s why I think he was held in check in addition to yeah so those are my primary

Reasons my second like sub reasons being he was trying too hard to set up tackles to set up blocks in front of him like Le’Veon Bell to find the perfect holes and instead of trudging full speed Barrel through a head to either make your own holes or just run people over

Instead of you know know picking up four plus he would just pick up two or get dropped you know get dropped in the back field and once that flipped come Oklahoma State and then uh UCF you saw the difference so add in Jem white and I

Think this is going to make for a deadly deadly combination in 2024 going to be very interesting to see how uh Chad Scott and Neil Brown divvy up those carries to keep him fresh cuz you don’t want to burn out CJ Donaldson into the second half of the season but I know I

Get as I said in my last video talking about the schedule what their first eight games of the season are really going to determine how far how far West Virginia can go for 2024 because November lightens up October’s a gauntlet September with including August 31st and behind uh Al together is um is

It’s not that much easier so um check mark let’s go through this this one more time what Neil Brown needs to do between now and next season and let’s just say Neil Brown in program by extension U but to put himself in the best position possible for

2024 and I I I just I’ll just stay stick there with Neil Brown so retain the indispensable list done that’s a great that’s awesome you’ve done it win the bowl game done a lot of momentum for 2023 replenish dep an upgrade in the transfer portal they’ve done that at

Cornerback I still think they need to do that at safety given the losses that they had on the interior defensive line um or just defensive line in general I think there’s some opportunity still potentially at defensive tackle or you roll with what you have by adding TJ

Jackson at the opposite side and another thing that I said on this list was making a defensive philosophy schematic change with the Bandit position and that’s exactly what they’re doing by going to a more traditional 34 with two outside linebackers and two middle linebackers look so that’s going to be

Very cool to see how that’s deployed I think first in the spring game um but you know we’ll see how that plays out this um this upcoming year finding one last gem for the 2024 recruit High School recruiting cycle and they did that on Signing Day by getting DayDay

Farmer the four-star wide receiver from Florida uh thank to watch for Zack Frasier and beanie bishop or I’ll include Doug Nester listening to a lot of podcasts and a lot of Scouts that were at The Shrine Bowl the Senior Bowl over the course of the last week and I

Think Doug Nester at his size what 67 320 or something like that is a very intriguing Prospect I mean Colton mckivitz is now starting for the San Francisco 49ers um and it’s up coming Super Bowl this weekend so if Colton mckivitz can make it as a starting offensive lineman

For one of the best teams in the NFL I don’t think Doug Nester is like that far behind coming out from where he was as a as a right tackle starting for three full seasons at West Virginia uh playing a lot as a true freshman at Virginia

Tech Doug Nester was really someone who I think went underrated throughout his entire WVU career uh here and continued to get better pass protection run blocking as long again as he could avoid some injuries or getting rolled up on I think he might be a day three pick very

Could be because um maybe everything on taped and all the stats tell me beanie Bishop is uh is it has that caliber but you see a picture of him at that Mayo Bowl leading up to it and how much Garrett bigger Garrett green looks next

To him it’s like whoa can he go up against a Justin Jefferson a um George Pickins a uh Devonte Adams like we we’ll pause I mean I don’t want to I don’t want to like degrade the guy phenomenal amazing one year here in Morgantown in the old golden blue but just translating

To the next level no idea couple of things else I want to talk about and I’ll try and close the show in between 30 and 40 minutes if I can couple of different podcasts that I uh have listened to in the last week and this

Plays in part with what I want to talk about as the last Point that’s the thing that I don’t know is the big question mark on my on my list for going into 2024 and and what I think is the next level in the trust the in addition to

Winning games but more important getting the jimmies and the Joe’s who that West Virginia needs to compete uh to be a top 20 or top 25 definitely but top 20 program in the new world of college football with the domination of the SEC and the Big 10 from a revenue

Perspective and the the the teams that they have is leveling up in high school recruiting and this kind of came to a head this earlier this week when Force the guy I’ve been mentioning in a couple of my episodes fourstar 6’3 220 lb outside linebacker from Amman Christian

High School uh not terribly far from me here in southwestern Pennsylvania but Amman Christian being in the city of Pittsburgh desan brunett choosing the Penn State NY Lions had West Virginia in his top five had visited there a year ago had been to multiple games apparently this past season and chose

The chose the nitty lions and this is following a stark Trend in uh recruiting that I’m noticing is that Penn State is dominating the state of Pennsylvania but more specifically the wp uh which is southwestern Pennsylvania right here where I live unlike I’ve seen in my lifetime and it’s making me

Completely ill uh I looked at I looked this up between their recruiting classes of last year 2023 so this year 2024 and then next year 2025 and the the names I mean one two three four five uh six they and now Bernette seven fourstar players from the DWP specifically that have now either

Signed committed to play for Penn State and I know this is this is even worse like making pit fans even sicker because that’s their that’s their stomping grounds that’s their backyard that’s what they’ve relied on for for decades but West Virginia was just as competitive I feel like or even you know

As recent as like I I can think of some of the guys that they pulled out drayvon Henry off the top of my mind I know quantel Reigns didn’t necessarily make it here but was another fourstar guy out of Alaqua Quinton Martin had West Virginia on it on his short list but you

Know ultim ultimately choosing Penn State it was a borderline five-star running back from B Vernon not very far friends with r Gallagher thank God for Rodney Gallagher uh being the one WP guy that West Virginia can really tout to incoming recruits on visits to say like

You can be here because it just seems like that pen uh Penn State has a wall around the state of Pennsylvania and they’re capitalizing everyone from Scranton to Waynesburg to Philly to eie and it just hurts because um we we all know the challenges that West Virginia faces pulling in high level fourstar

Above instate recruits um or even guys who are you know border into three star recruits doing a great job with their I feel like their um uh walk-on program and pulling some High Caliber guys uh The Clement Brothers um brce bigs was a guy who followed alongside Wyatt milm um

Those are ones who come like Judah price was the top player in the state of of of like one of the top performers and comes on as a walk- on uh to wanting to play for the Mountaineers so like they’re doing great with that instate recruiting

I think and of course getting big fish like Zack Frasier Wyatt mym has really changed the narrative since the Dana hogerson era but it’s like right here I’m 40 minutes away I’m closer to morgant town than you are in Charleston or you are even in South you know

Southwest Virginia all the way down to Bluefield or even into the Eastern Panhandle so it’s like West Virginia not being able to have any of these wins in in Pennsylvania I’m just really struggling with understanding that and I listened to a couple of podcasts recently one

Earlier this week and I think one a week or so ago um two two of the guys who are leading the charge in West Virginia’s recruiting um Trey ner um who’s the director of recruiting I’m I’m as he laid it out in this country roads webcast with Jed daning and Owen Schmidt

And West um talking about what he does for the high school recruiting perspective and then listening on the on the flip side to Drew Fabi onic West Virginia’s new general manager scouting director you get it and I can’t like knock these guys at all for what they I

Mean they eat sleep breathe live this they live it they live recruiting and if you’re a recruiting junkie like myself uh you understand what it takes it takes watching all kinds of film all hours of the day to try and identify talent I mean the way that ner found a z Jennings

Out of this recruiting class you know just reading the Cincinnati Inquirer and checking out on box scores of weekly high school teams in the Cincinnati area and seeing week in and week out this guy Zade Jennings you know he talked about this um really really shining for his

High school program and you know identifying him there all the funnels and levels it takes for these recruits to meet like a baseline you know level of as a player that West Virginia wants to pursue being evaluated by multiple people going up the chain uh sending out offers

Um getting to visits into their high school then obviously getting them on campus multiple times all the communications that uh that go into this it is it is a 365 day a year routine because you you saw was the overlap that comes right there in December you’re finishing one

Season while what 30% of your roster in Neil Brown’s words are eyeing up ventures in the transfer portal so you don’t know where you’re going with that while at the same time you’re trying to find the perfect talance of scholarships for guys that you think are going to

Stick around for the next year while weighing if they have covid eligibility uh additionally so if you want to retain them or not or if you want to expend some guys who aren’t necessarily panning out to the transfer portal to then how many can you bring in from the transfer

Portal while balancing that same number of scholarships with high school it’s nuts it’s nuts you have to eat sleep breathe and Drew and Trey definitely get it and they love it one thing that I will be a little bit critical of and I think I I even like commented on on

Their tweet where I had had the link to the the post about the the show was there was a segment in there where I think Trey was trying to necessarily grapple at the right words to say and it kind of came out a little bit muffled

And um kind of to the extent of if you are captivated as I and I think think a lot of fans are by the stars because stats have shown if you can load up on Superior five-star fourstar talent that is how you compete at the highest levels

Of college football and I know that this world has changed very much so since 2021 with the invention of the transfer portal and what you can do with one year twoyear fill in guys but still like I I look at the RO rosters and comparatively

To let’s go back to Penn State who I just was talking about 45 four or five star guys coming out of high school they’re going to strap it up August 31st for Penn State to six for West Virginia that’s what the disparity to me that doesn’t make sense and it

Just makes me wonder what is West Virginia’s recruiting strategy and that is what Trey was T like alluded to and you get this sense by The Narrative that comes down from Neil br you know saying that West Virginia is a developmental program and I get it that

Is you will make a break years by guys like you know Pat White that you find who was a converted wide receiver who turned down playing a wide receiver at LSU to play quarterback at West Virginia or own Schmidt who was a D3 star um and and translated perfectly to division one

CJ Donaldson who has the size speed and every combination to play running back and you you have to have those Diamonds in the Rough that turn into gems for a program like West Virginia because you’re not being it’s Pro you know proven for decades that West Virginia

Recruiting at a top 20 level is especially getting into the top 10 and top five like Penn State has been flirting with for these last couple of years is they’re not making they’re not having those wins for a number of different reasons and I don’t have enough time in tonight’s video to get

Into that but it just felt like the strategy is to go all in on some of th on those kinds of players and to like you know let the ship sail on all those guys that are in the Rivals top 250 and you know let them fly and that’s

Where I I just struggle with that attitude because it’s just I I think but I do think that having a guy in place like Drew Fabi onic and this isn’t a knock against Trey whatsoever but who has that experience you know I looked it up Trey graduated a year younger than me

In in college so he’s right around like what 29 2930 and we you know we think we’ve seen it all we’ve done it all but you have a guy like Drew who’s has what 35 years worth of experience between college and the NFL scouting level so bringing him in developing the scouting

Reports using him for the transfer portal recruiting hearing what he had to say I just think is going to be a blessing for everyone within the department especially these coaches because to ask them in today’s world with a general manager is exactly what this program program needed I know give

Or take with the nil but even just from a roster management standpoint prior to the transfer portal and nil looking at the different uh looking just as I do depth chart years of worth of Eligibility um at each position going in and out and and like asking coaches to

Do all that all the time while again focusing in on guys as young as eighth grade trying to identify the next eighth grade five star uh getting everything right with your fund raising and your boosters building your coaching staff retaining your coaching staff your um and managing these players genen gen Z

Let me tell you about them trying to manage people like that and keeping them focused 12 months out of the year with the grind that that is the demands upon a uh college football coach are astronomical and it’s pushing guys out across many different sports uh in in

Today’s world who really just want to get to co you know coaching football as I was listening to uh Josh Pate from late kick saying about Boston College’s coach leaving the game early and wanting to get into the NFL Gary Partridge Pit’s best coach on the defensive line better

Than Nardi deciding to leave pit and go to the NFL to co to coach these guys who just want to coach ball as the oldtimers would call it are leaving the game because the demands are so much much greater in 2024 than 2020 2014 2004 1994 you name it it’s you get

The jimmies and the Joe’s and the X’s and O’s to an extent will take care of themselves it comes down to coaching prowess comes down to big games conference championships and the college football playoff otherwise you’re going to win 70% or more of your games if you out recruit teams just ask James

Franklin you know uh Jamie Chadwell down at Liberty formerly Coastal Carolina can coach the pants off James Franklin knows offense knows Ball but James Franklin is the greatest like raw raw motivating I don’t know how that these kids love him the way and and Happy

Valley the way that they do but they do I mean proof is in the pudding by what they’re doing in high School recruiting and and and transfer recruiting is they want to come play for Penn State so that’s what I want to see that’s what I

Want to see I know it’s February 8th there’s a long time till what next December when it’s the or who knows when the next uh the 2025 class Signing Day is do they move it back to February do they keep one in December how does that

Go but this adage I feel like of giving not giving up that’s not what I’m trying trying to say but it’s like using the you know summer camps almost as like your your your scouting Arena you know in morgant town seeing that those kids kind of express interest and just

Limiting yourself to that pool of players potentially for who you see going forward through the recruiting process like you got to expand that I said in Pre episodes there are Lincoln Riley was in ironon Ohio an Ohio Kentucky border town just a few weeks

Ago to look at sha Terry who is a highly coveted West Virginia recruit who’s gaining offers by the boatload Lincoln Riley in Southern California in somewhere in nowhere uh you know Kentucky Ohio you got to as West Virginia let Neil Brown and this brand play nationally in some expanding markets

That um that that West Virginia did not do this well whenever they joined the Big 12 because Dana hogerson didn’t know what he was doing Andor was just so lazy to recruit in these Emerging Markets like Texas um or you know some other of the schools in in the Midwest states so

Letting that West Virginia brand with the success that was built in 201 23 and if West Virginia has another good year in 2024 using Neil brown brown and the and the other you know really committed dedicated hardworking staff members in this brand to ex ex expand to some of

These Emerging Markets potentially to gain interest to build affinity and to get some recruits out of places maybe West Virginia hasn’t ever recruited before I get it Don nean said it right and it’s totally understood that West Virginia is the state all of its contiguous states but any other

Regions that out outside 6 to 8 hours so you can get into some other Midwest Northeastern into the Carolina schools then recruiting the State of Florida they are kind of the guys that are passed over by Florida state Florida Miami and finding some anybody else in

The Southeast and trying to get some of those guys but identifying some different Talent elsewhere is where I would like to see this program go and bring in more I mean it like I was ready to say for my n High School recruiting uh national Signing Day special that

This was going to be on paper according to Rivals the worst recruiting class that West Virginia had had in a long time it was a couple decades but then they pulled DayDay Farmer they pulled Trayvon Dunbar on on signing day and it flipped the narrative and it moved West

Virginia up the rankings but still 44th 44th in the country in rankings got to get higher gota got I think shooting higher and again there weren’t a lot of there there weren’t a lot of needs necessarily um that immediately needed to be filled by any sort of true

Freshman for this program I said it then on national Signing Day and I say it again for 2024 but still high school recruiting has to be like how Johnny Majors did it back in the 70s is loading up on as good a talent as possible as you can find with players that are

Interested and then siphoning off like the way Penn State does if guys can’t cut it you’re overloaded at one position letting them walk through the transfer portal and West Virginia’s got to start getting some of those big fish names like uh desan Bernett who passed on him on West Virginia earlier this week

Getting some Playmakers at these positions especially defens ly because as I’ve said before I think West Virginia is an offensive school and will always be an offensive school from for the you know for its history is known for good offense defense you e and flow you e and flow through the decades

Through The Years so getting a stud stud safety getting some beef on the defensive line getting some David long like linebackers getting some awesome um you know rasul Douglas now beanie Bishop um uh P Adam Pacman Jones Corners I know that’s just three but I’m just saying

Like West Virginia’s got to build up that depth defensively for for the future and I hope I hope that as they they will be afforded um that West Virginia will be afforded the patience now because of what country roads trust can do in retention to let upand cominging guys like a Corey McIntyre

Let’s say who can marinate for a year with a red shirt who can see some snaps here and there as true freshman and then afforded the ability to grow as a third year fourth year fifth year player and not get poached by other teams and then buy into the program that seeing success

Development contending for conference championships putting guys into the league all the things that I beat to death on this program that’s how you build a program that West Virginia can do that that now it’s from trusting The Climb to make the Ascension and then having the kind of su consistent success

That great franchises and uh uh schools you know and baseball for me it’s like the Atlanta Braves or like or the St Louis Cardinals always the standard or you know yeah the Yankees too for an example but it’s like you have a great farm system what you’re doing with your

High school recruiting and then you bring them up you develop them there so then they boom they stand out as Pros as when they’re in their third fourth year and the only way to get them there is through this nil type of retention the Country Roads trust is exceeding and

Doing great with so kudos to Stephen Ford I think that uh he and his team at Country Roads trust alongside Ren Baker are the most powerful people at West Virginia and just doing an amaz amazing job in their partnership and collaboration being unique and creative and working hand and glove and tandem

The new nil shop that unveiled on today the amazing event that they did for the West Virginia baseball program a a weekend ago uh every the Partnerships with um the you know beer sales whiskey sales like all right we got some things going now that

Shane Lions is out of the helm thank God he’s gone like okay Making Waves basketball different story but football it’s like I have to be excited where West Virginia is at as a program from a standpoint right now so still a lot to happen between now and August we’ll

Follow the story lines I’ll continue to bring that my thoughts for you to share what did you think about everything I had to say tonight I kind of dabbled over a lot of different stuff from recruiting retention CJ Donald specifically are you happy to have him back in Morgantown do you see him

Breaking 200 carries 1,000 yards um over double digigit touchdowns in 2024 and of course staying healthy most important if you did you liked all this smash that like button like to have you as a subscriber as well now over 200 uh going into the 2024 season leave your comments

Here on YouTube or you can follow me on Twitter at Carson fox27 appreciate it it tell your friends tell your family tell your dog that I love doing this and bring we’ll bring it to you each and every week uh thanks Mountaineer Nation let’s go we’ll talk again soon oh and

Just before I finish I am working kind of on a series of videos just to let you know I’m really excited to bring to you very in the very near future uh taking a look at kind of the comprehensive Fan Experience as a West Virginia fan on

Game day on site talking about tickets talking about concessions talking about things you know outside of mil push car stadium and everything that we’ve done and like uh that West Virginia’s done as a program and like how it’s built up and why 2024 could be this year that

Everything comes together and you should buy season tickets or a mini package or something like that so really excited to bring that to you very soon talk soon hey West Virginia


  1. When Baker was hired I thought it was for appearances because someone had to go and they didn’t want to get rid of Neal until that contract $$ came down but damn if it don’t look like they were playing 4D chess. What a great hire and what a turn around for this program.

  2. I noticed Donaldson was trying to hard to look for lanes instead of doing what he does best.. one cut at straight downhill

  3. We start winning consistently which I think is our future, the top recruits will come. We started to get top guys with Devine, Tavon, Geno, but RR left and ruined it. Then Dana’s lack of recruiting skills set us back. I think NB is the guy because he and his staff can identify 3 star gems. He had 3 guys at the senior bowl this year and Mesidor will probably be there next year.

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