Bridgestone Golf PGA Demo Day 2024

In this video we meet with Bridgestone Golf at PGA Demo Day 2024 where we are introduced to their new Bridgestone Tour B Golf Ball with Mindset Technology. This is one you won’t want to miss!

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Hey fellow garage golfers Roland and Gilbert here with garage Golf and today we’re here with Adam with brone Adam how you doing bud good how about you guys do good good thanks for coming by we like to meet with you guys every year at the

PGA show tell us a little bit about what you guys have going on this year so this year we’re launching the new TB series and it is an update on our lineage line of the RX rxs that are under designed for swing speeds under 105 and the X and

Xs for swing speeds above 105 what’s new on that golf ball this year is the reactive X system and the reactive X system is the culmination of two technologies what’s new this year is the mid layer which is the accelerate mid layer and it’s a little bit denser mid

Layer that way it’s a little bit faster off the te and then also around the greens it pinches that cover for a little bit more and then the second leg of that reactive X system is the reactive IQ cover so those two working in tanum together make up that reactive

X system so this particular series of ball isn’t dedicated for someone over a certain handicap it would work for anyone across the board just based upon swing speed yeah absolutely so the design of the inside of the golf ball the core is designed for a faster swing

Speed or a little bit slower swing speed it matches up much like the shaft of an iron would match up with a swing speed a little bit better okay awesome very cool all right so we’re going to talk a little bit I think we’re going to break

This down and talk a little bit about some of the technology as well right yeah there’s some exciting new visual technology on the golf ball that we’re excited to share we’re going to jump into that next all right so we’re back and now we’re talking with David and

We’re going to be talking a little bit about a new technology on the golf ball tell us a little bit about that David yeah so we just developed a new technology called mindset we developed it with Jason day and his performance coach Jason Goldsmith and it’s a three-step process that allows golfers

To take the analytical part of the game and separate it from the athletic part of the game okay and we’ll show this to the people on camera as they go through it but we basically have what three steps here with the design process yep so it’s a three-step process the first

Step in the process is identify your Target and in that piece of the process you’re really information Gathering okay so you’re figuring out the distance you’re figuring out the wind and you’re figuring out the club that you want to and then the second step in the process

Is called uh visualize the shot path and that’s when the golfer is really connecting with the target so they’re imagining what the shot would look like or they’re feeling in their body some people do a rehearsal swing okay to kind of feel what that’s like but the idea is

They’re connecting with their target so that when they move to the third step of the process focus on the dot they’ve internalized that Target connection right right and then they’re just free to perform okay so we got three circles so you work from the Outer Circle back

In back in okay very very cool and what has your what has your testing been like with it so far as far as people have tested out and gone through that process right so we’ve done a couple of different types of tests we’ve done tests we’ve brought consumers in and and

Had them use it train them had them hit their normal shots and then train them and had them um hit shots again you know that process has showed Improvement in in distance and then also in putts made okay um and then we’re starting a longer term testing process where we’ve got

Consumers that are that are getting trained in the process and playing it over a longer term and we’re seeing in the the first bits of those results we’re seeing players drop as many as two to three shots per round wow that’s awesome it’s it’s good to know that it’s

Not only for t- shots but also for putts as well so that’s pretty correct it can be used on every shot so when you’ve got ball in hand off the te and and while putting you can you can line it up and you can Orient the pattern when you

Don’t have that you just focus on another part of the the golf ball and use that as the the green do to speak yeah gotcha okay well very cool anything else you want to go over we haven’t covered here today regards to your golf ball line yeah so I mean as Adam

Mentioned you know we’ve got the new tour be launch and now with mindset we’ve got super exciting stuff going on with bridgstone hope you give it a shot very cool if you guys have any questions make sure you reach out to us anytime roll in at mygarage

We’re here to answer any questions you have until the next time keep on golfing we’ll see you on the next one all right so we’re here with Amelia she’s this is her third year with Bridgestone four-time All-American golfer and she’s going to talk to us a little bit more

About the process of how we use mindset and how she would go through a normal swing process here yeah so like David mentioned earlier he walked through the steps three steps in mindset first identify your target so for me see that red flag over there about a 100 yards

Away I’m hitting a driver but that’s going to be the target where I’m going Gathering you know some elements we got wind in our face uh Next Step visualize this is really the big component that uh is important to sort of train and kind of figure out you know how you like to

See the shop best but we want to get as Target oriented as possible so I like to see a pretty straight shot and I’m also going to do a little bit of a rehearsal kind of feel exactly what I want to do and now when I step into the shot the

Only thing I want to be focusing on is this Green Dot that is the third and final step not trying to be super technical at all I’m just going straight into the ball and I’m just really looking at that red flag when I stare at the Green Dot I’m still thinking about my

Target I’m just piping it right down the middle huh and there you go those are the three steps thank you for walking us through that yeah you’re welcome all right so M you’re going to talk us a little bit more about how you would go through the putting process with the SCF

Ball as well yes exactly so very similar three-step process identifying my target obviously the hole so that’s pretty self-explanatory and then the visualization component so it’s a little it’s uphill breaking a little bit right to left so I’m going to pick my my Target and I’m going to really see that

Slight curve in in the ball so that’s really really important with putting and then I would say the Green Dot is the most important just having that focal point when you’re over the ball and then and then when you do end up putting you want to keep your head fully down and

Try to keep seeing almost the ball as if it were still there um and then so I’m going to get over the ball I’m going to be super Target oriented thinking about the thinking about the curve seeing it nice there you go very nice all right

So Adam tell me a little bit about your thought process when you line up the golf ball cuz everyone’s going to have a little bit different thought process here right yeah Mia was talking about the adaptability kind of of the marking and people will use it a lot of

Different ways Jason day actually puts the marking on top and he’s looking down on top of the golf ball but we’ve seen a lot of people put it towards the back and use the Green Dot as like actually the impact spot as a place to kind of

Put that emphasis on where your driver is going to hit okay we’ve saw people you know change the line on top to where it’s a swing path thought so the Green Dot moves on the inside of the ball you’re thinking of a draw I’m catching

The inside of the golf ball and my swing path needs to go out to the right same thing if you’re going to hit a fade you can kind of move that dot to the outside and think about your driver impact coming across that way let’s zo on the

Golf ball bit and kindy of show me like if we were to see I can get it right there okay now let’s say we’re pointing straight here and we want to hit a draw how would you rotate the line of the ball in relation to where you want your

Club path to go yeah so You’ want to move the Green Dot towards the inside and then make that Top Line and kind of go to the outside you want the swing path to be inside the out but you want to hit the inside of the golf ball so if

That’s a straight one and you want to hit a fade you do kind of the same thing swing path inside Green Dot towards the outside where you see the arrows pointing is the direction you’d want your Club face to go yeah exactly very cool very cool and I think that gives

You a really good thought process on what to work on when you’re on the tea box or even when you’re lining up your putts as Emilia mentioned earlier so absolutely very cool awesome thank you so much yeah thank you

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