Most Successful Irons You Are Overlooking? Wilson Irons Head-To-Head

Wilson irons have the most Major titles of any golf brand, yet they are often not considered when players pick new equipment.

So, is there a new iron line-up worth testing this season? I got my hands on the Wilson Staff Model blades, Wilson Staff Model CB’s, Wilson Staff Dynapower Forged and Wilson Staff Dynapower irons to find out!

I also did a little nearest-the-pin challenge to see which iron I was most accurate with.

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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel! I am a +2 golfer from Leeds.

This YouTube channel aims to help you improve your golf by offering up-to-date reviews on the latest golf equipment, stats on how scratch golfers shoot low scores, and course vlogs to help improve your course management.

I also partner with PGA Golf Professionals such as @jrbackhousegolf to bring you tips to improve your golf game.

If that wasn’t enough I’ll make sure you’re on top of the latest rules of golf!

Wilson have wrapped up the most major wins in the iron category so why are we still overlooking all these great models I’ve got four of the current lineup to test out look at the differences and see if you should be gaming them and if these are just the most underrated irons

In golf so I’ve got Wilson’s four irons for 2024 here the dino power STS in the line we saw this last year it came out in kind of conjunction with the woods release and this was a really strong product off the back of that they brought out

The brand new dino power forged which has a really similar texture or you can see some of the like Tech here on the so it kind of feeds through but this is a forged offering so it’s a little bit more of a player offering not quite as

Forgiving but going to maybe fit that market of people who want a little bit more forgiveness a little bit more distance but don’t necessarily want a full cast club now then we drop into the serious like jaw-droppingly goodlooking clubs look at these blades and CBS not probably the most forgiving but

They’re going to feel great and they just look so good don’t they right we’re going to see what the difference is between these four I’ve optimistically pulled six iron out in all the models we’ got 150 yards uphill into the wind I’m thinking like is the blade going to

Get all the way back there am I going to fly over the back with the dino power it’s going to really interesting to see the differences in like distance height trajectory and also field obviously got a vast difference in terms of that full blade up to the cast dino power so we’re

On the 14th here at all Woodley and since we’ve got four models we’re going to do a little nearest the pin I’ve got some different balls marked up for each Club so can’t be any cheating there I’ve got one blank one PX blue dots and pink dots we’ll see will the blade surprise

Me and end up nearer than the other clubs depends if it gets to the green or not right first up we’ve got the dino power this is the only cast offering out of the four we’ve got here the big technology points are variable face thickness this was actually one of the

First models that Wilson used AI in to develop this so they used loads of iterations lots of data collected to kind of work out where the face needed to be different thicknesses this is combined with the power holes that we see on the bottom more heel tow

Weighting which drives up the M gives us more forgiveness so what we should see is high whole flight here and a lot of distance well when I tested these last year the 79 went like 170 yards or something stupid so see how this works here today it is freezing cold and not

The middle of summer so that’s going to play into this now you can definitely tell these are more of that into that players distance game improvement area when you put it down of the ball they’re a little bit bigger you can kind of see the back of the club Behind the ball but

Actually like the fact there’s not too much offset sometimes in this kind of category you can get massive there which is not a personal preference oh I hit that so thin but I think it’s actually still going to reach which doesn’t bird well for if I strike it definitely four marks for forgiveness

There because that was a horrendous strike and I’ve still got like a 30 foot for birdie I’m not sure I’d be saying that after hitting that kind of shot with a blade what better that’s not bad you know about 12T it’s definitely set a marker now what I like about these

Compared to some kind of game improvement more players distance clubs is they’re actually pretty neutral down the target line they do have a kind of a little bit of draw bias but it’s definitely not as excessive as some of the models so if you’re someone who fits

In that category who wants a bit more height wants a bit more distance wants some more forgiveness but you don’t necessarily need to draw the ball more this is a good option I think it just opens these up to like a bit more of the

Market oh that was such a nice high ball F I mean I was literally hitting that like three quarter because I knew it would be long otherwise and that still got to the back of the green serious distance with these so on some of my clubs these carry 15 yards further than

The I’s Eye game which is a bit mental so you have more distance these definitely fit the bill you can kind of see the size differences here between these two models they share Lads of technology in terms of like the power hole technology on the bottom and the

Variable face thickness but this is just a little bit smaller and it’s more forged so you’re going to hopefully get a slightly better feel and probably lose a little bit of distance I would guess let’s go blue dots for this one now the size of this is a lot better I really

Like this there’s seriously very minimal offset which is probably not I would have expected um for this size of iron the top Pine is probably a little bit thicker than some other models like this but I actually think it’s a really nice compact shape it’s very shiny oh the feel is so

Different you can definitely feel there’s an element of Forge in here Oh I thought that was straight at it but it’s just spun up short need to give a bit more of a hit oh I’ve blocked that so much I can’t get over how nice these

Feel though so for like the size of the club head and the tech that is in there they definitely feel a lot softer than I expected and there’s a noticeable jump between the two models this is really tense cuz I don’t know if this shot

Needs To Go close to be nearest cuz I just I can’t get the depth perception of if that first shot that’s real online is nearer than the other one to the right also why am I trying to play against myself and here it’s the pin this so

Confusing I literally win no matter how this goes oh that’s nice go in I thought that was in but it was long that was nice though sounds really good and impressed with the level of forgiveness to be honest and the distance that got up there that’s nearly

Carried as far as the dino power it does kind of make you wonder like what is the difference between the two models there cuz that’s nearly getting up as far but I’m massively getting on feel interesting I do think the other one probably is a little bit more forgiving

On like the T strikes just cuz there’s a little bit more like extreme waiting and I am partial to a few T strikes sometimes okay we’re halfway through iron testing and while I’ve got your attention for a minute if you’re not subscribed it will make a huge difference you could hit that subscribe

Button it really helps boost our content and helps more people see it and just means we can shoot more exciting stuff in the future right let’s go back to those blades Okay CBS I just love the look of these this is where you get to the stage where you’re like I really

Wish I could G these then you get to like the five and the four and you get a little bit nervous now as with the kind of two Dino Power irons the tech kind of matches up with the CB and the blade to be quite consistent and a big thing

They’ve done is remove quite a lot of weight from the bottom of the huzzle to try and have a more flowing feel but to also help the CG so if you imagine a golf club you think the middle is the middle but actually in terms of center

Of gravity the center of the club and the center of the gravity aren’t always in the same place and that’s because we’ve got this massive huzzle with loads of weight up here so taking more weight out here brings the center and the S of gravity to match more which just gives a

More neutral ball flight and kind of takes away that bit of draw bias that maybe you might want in a more thicker game improvement Club but like a Tor proo doesn’t necessarily always want that they like a neutral ball flight night to be able to add their own shape

To the shore and we see more and more toall players now who don’t want to hit a draw they want to hit a thir so Wilson have brought that in in both the CB and the blade sure although this looks really compact from like behind there is

Still a little bit of thickness to the Top Line I don’t think it’s actually too intimidating over the ball oh it’s so soft though I’ve hit that so far left though you know what I find really weird when I test different models is that you don’t necessarily always hit the ones

Furthest that you should like sometimes if you feel more comfortable with something that’s smaller and suits your eye you actually end up hitting it just as far which is what I’ve seem to have happened here although I did pull that like 4 ft left so that could also have something to do with

It right come on I can’t my CB car be the furthest one away from the pin that literally makes no sense it’s literally all about control and feel maybe it’s cuz it’s less forgiving showing off my lack of Direction control oh that was nice definitely doesn’t quite fly as far

If you don’t strike it perfectly that’s made the green but it’s hiding behind the bank of the bunker really the wind H just decided to try come up a little bit more he actually put a good shot in with this oh girl it’s so good for line but I think it’s

Short that’s close I can’t tell see what the blade has to say about this I feel like this is a club that just everyone wishes they could use like just look how good that looks that’s got to be up there with like one of the best looking

Blades oh just a nice little players But that could be the one what’s going on thought I was going to be terrible with the blade my misconceptions are all over the place you can definitely see how they’ve got more cuty as we’ve gone along definitely see the difference in like CG and

Waiting oh it just feels so nice I can’t get over how soft that is no it’s it’s traveling too definitely flies a little bit lower especially on the not perfect strikes I actually can’t get over how like consistent and good that’s been it’s like 150 carry with

6200 spin that do right last ball to haul it out with optimistic thinking it has a chance actually the blaze just actually done it on everyone else maybe I got some new irons to go in the back let’s go look at the results if we take my one like really dodgy pull

Out of here that dispersion is impressive I mean the blades got the two closest shots never mind just the closest this one’s literally 3 feet 6 feet and one that somehow hit all the way to the back of the green initially I was worried about actually being able to get that club up

To the pin and I’ve nearly knocked one over the back it just just go to show you you can have all different Technologies like different size of clubs don’t have like a misconception or a thought before you get to you fitting about what you have to use I think it

Really shows you should try all different models and see what suits you you could definitely see a difference through the range in terms of height of shot and shot shape through that that CG and different weighting but in terms of actual distance it was interesting how I

Kind of adapted to that I would say there was more forgiveness in some of the other models I definitely hit worse strikes with some of the dino Powers but then it kind of goes to show you actually going down to a smaller Club sometimes Mak you concentrate a little

Bit more and actually hit better shots they’re right there now I think you have see across the board there the performance was really good it’s quite interesting because coming into this I maybe had like this idea that these two were going to be quite similar and these

Two are going to be quite similar and there might be quite a big gap in the middle but actually they kind of gapped up the clubs really well into terms of the difference in like distance and forgiveness I would say kind of the biggest jump here is actually from the

Dino power to the dino power Forge in terms of that difference in feel from that cast to forged product but if you’re someone who Mish hits it a lot and wants extra forgiveness on the off-center strikes I still think this is the best model now which one suited me

The best is kind of like blowing my mind because I definitely would not have said the blade at the start of this but it was clear it was the most consistent I was hitting it nearest the pin and I was like controlling the shots best with

That and I think if you can I think if you end up in a position where there’s a blade club that you hit really well and are comfortable with it’s like a no-brainer because the spin so good you’re going to control it and it feels

Super good too and I mean you just look like a player with this in your golf bag now another big Point loads of people might miss when it comes to Wilson is these Dino Power models are like 300 cheaper than most other offerings similar to this across the

Market which is a serious amount of money when you’re considering how good the performance was now the CBS and the blades are a little bit more expensive they’re pushing into their like 1,000 Mark compared to 7 to 800 in these depending on shafts but they’re still cheaper than other options by like1 so

Not only is the performance really there but also so is the price point I think it just goes back to that Original Point like one these are super underrated but two they’re not just underrated their really high performers now I’ve started my pck my stick series and after hitting these I’m

Seriously thinking we need to do some testing with these cuz these irons could be Gamers guess you’ll have to come back and find out about that when that video goes live


  1. I've got a set of 62/63 Dynapowers and they're beautiful irons.
    Wilson's Fluid Feel hosel goes back to the late 1950s, but the idea first surfaced in the hickory days with the Carruthers patent at the end of the 19th century.

  2. My first full set was a Wilson blade. Made me use blades ever since. Take your time with them and concentrate and you’ll be fine.

  3. Got D9 irons and Dynapower driver hit all of them great, i’m slightly tempted towards the D9 forged.

  4. I love Wilson’s they are real value for money, I have the D9 Forged and if I were changing them I would go for the Dynapwa forged, look quality. Keep up the great work Wilson 👏👏👏

  5. Great striking Hannah! Those blades look great. I've just moved to a blended set of srixon zx7/5/4 and loving the accuracy of the scoring clubs. Much better front to back dispersion

  6. I ‘ve been using Wilson blades for about 6 months my PXG’s feel like cricket bats now. I hit them better than any club I have played with, except for length.

  7. some awesome strikes there Hannah well done your looking amazing as well i like the dynapower forged i think for me i am 59 years old and a 8 handicap so i think they would be great time will tell be safe be well and cheers from Vulcan Canada

  8. I switched into the Wilson CB from a Titleist AP2 and the Wilson feels so much better hands down, love the shorter blade length and they fly further than the AP2 on a regular swing while maintaining spin – BUT – and it's a big 'but' because the Wilson heads are heavy….I've been playing the Modus Tour 120x forever and figured I'd get it put into the Wilsons "just becaue", but it didn't work out at all, I ended up going to a Modus Tour 105x which is 8g lighter so I could get my swing weight back to where I'm used to….still no complaints but (another 'but') I would encourage anyone keen on Wilson to get fit …..I didn't have the option so I've fit myself, but its a caveat for sure….also noting that I wasn't up-charged for the Modus shaft so Wilson are very flexible for shaft options, which is a massive plus

  9. It was nice to see you admitted, like all of us, to having preconceived ideas regarding the models. Bladed irons should be much wider used than they are. If you use easier forgiving chunky monkeys, your ability to improve is reduced. With bladed irons, you open up a whole new world of trajectory and flight control. This debate has been going for 50 years so I don't think my comments will change a single thing. When you know, you just know quietly.

  10. Great review Hannah, Wilson offer great clubs at great prices will try the Dynapwr and forged version. I think you should go for a Wilson fitting just to see which iron could be for you. Thanks for doing a Wilson test so underrated and perhaps give the woods and balls a test they are surprisingly good too.

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