Golf Babe


Paige Spiranac rejoins the show (4:33) for the first time in maybe 6 years? With just Riggs and Trent we talk inappropriate haters, early days Instagram and YouTube golf, Riggs getting a big head, going viral for both ripping a drive out of Trent’s mouth and bruising Trent’s ass after a drive gone wrong, and much, much more.

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Intro – 00:00 – 2:03
Paige Spiranac Interview – 4:33 – 1:06:55

Wait are we like the ogs of this we are we are is like the same exact that we did when we did this six or seven years ago and we’re still doing the same thing I know you’re hanging out with tiger and I still have my tits out you know the

Progression of our careers [Applause] right foreplay presented by bar stool Sports um we got a very special show we have Paige spanic joins myself and Tren a little bit of back because myself and Trent early on we did a show with Paige Trent kind of went crazy viral for the

First time in bar stool golf video history if you will with Paige so we kind of relive all that and we love Paige she’s awesome she’s cool we make jokes she makes jokes about her tits about our tits about trents and mine we talk about haters all kinds of good

Stuff so it’s a fantastic conversation we got to give a huge shout out to the good good crew thank you so much for having us last last night I hope everybody enjoyed the broadcast um the entire deal the fact that we’ve now done multiple we did a corn fairy tour we did

A good good broadcast and that they allow us to be a part of it and just the fact that everybody that’s kind of made and and and created their own brand and all that in the world of golf YouTube golf social media golf coming together in one place fantastic time I know the

Weather’s not great in Scottsdale right now we’re kind of going to battle through it um but again I just have to say thanks to those guys hope everybody enjoyed the entire thing we’re going to have Frankie Trent Dan the entire crew on next week we’re going to break down

Phoenix Open week we’re going to talk all about the Genesis which I’m going to down in La Dan will be there I’ll be there um and we’re going to kind of react to the entire week to the Super Bowl all that good stuff but uh a little

Bit of an OG show a fun show myself Trent Paige I think people are going to love this um we had a lot of laughs a little bit of a um a walk down memory lane and just a fun conversation with I don’t know that anybody you know Paige I

Don’t know anybody has more followers in the World of Golf and Paige brct so enjoy this chat with myself Trent and Paige folks we’re here to talk about Swag golf if you’re not familiar with swag golf just listen up just don’t do just listen for a second they’ve got literally the hottest drops in golf I think our drops are cool I think when we do merchandise and we sell stuff it’s

Extremely cool it sells out eventually it’s fun to say that it’s fun to put the little banner up there and say that it’s sold out swag golf when they drop head covers when drop new accessories their stuff sells out in seconds I mean seconds they’ve got gear they’ve got

Head covers they got Putters they got accessories they got apparel their stuff it’s got thousands and thousands of threads in one head cover and these things sell out in seconds so make sure that you’re following swag golf Co on social go to swag go to their

Website make sure that you’re signed up make sure that you’re ready to go because they’re designs are amazing the quality of their head covers are amazing they got the kind of head covers that literally if people leave their bag out in a certain suspect area and they’ve

Got a swag golf head cover on there people will steal it and I know I know stealing is not good I’m not a big fan of stealing stuff theft bad illegal actually but we say all the time at the Barcelo classic when people steal uh our

T markers we go back to our design team to MB to our marketing crew we say you guys did a great job you did such a good job that people want to steal our stuff swag golf does such a good job their products are so sweet so cool so limited

Edition that literally people want to steal them people do steal them so make sure that you’re signed up they’re made in the USA they got curated collection based on different PGA events they got all kinds of uh WM Phoenix Open stuff this week um they’ve got a lot of Pop

Culture stuff you just never know what’s going to drop next so make sure that you visit Swagg make sure you follow swag golfco on Instagram be in the loop for the latest drops their drops are they’ve become events in golf that you simply cannot miss so get

Involved be ready follow the swag golf crew go to the website swag and make sure that you get if you get one of their products just one then you’re going to get a million because their stuff is that good so make sure you’re following them make sure you’re paying

Attention Swagg and make sure you’re following them at swag golfco all right ladies and gentlemen we’re joined by an extremely special guest who has a lot of history with the Fourplay crew especially the originals myself and Trent which we were just talking about we got Paige spanic I’m sure you’ve been

On the show five or six times at this point I think this is only my second time really yeah you guys got big time and then just abandoned me knew what it is you’re too busy hanging out with tiger yeah you don’t well that was a good one time anymore that’s true that

Was a good one we’re not going to the last time you know I think we shot a video or did anything you left a gigantic bruise on my ass I broke your ass so it’s like I had to have my distance for a while you know it was

Really hurtful what the distance or the bruise the distance yeah need trat my life the appeared hurtful it was and it took a long time to go away but that’s in the past that’s in the past it it appeared too within like 20 minutes that

Massive oh cuz we did do a podcast after we did that video and then yeah was just right after night we pulled them down and there it was yeah so before before like YouTube golf was even YouTube golf we did some crazy videos you did the one

That went really viral with her where she hit at uh Jacks Cracker Jack Cracker Jacks which is now out of business that by the way was a 100 years ago that was crazy how long ago that was it’s weird how it happened too and now thinking

Back on it you just sent a DM and you’re like hey I’m going to come out to Arizona do you want to shoot shoot a video with me and I said sure and you flew out to Arizona just to shoot a video it was like a YouTube cold call I

Was just looking for S like content to make and I was just aware that like I wanted to make golf content and I hit you up and you were nice enough to say yes it was me and Gaz yeah back when Gaz was a cameraman now he’s what is he head

Of Social barcal Sports which is insane my first video with London video was me and Gaz too met him at the airport the night before we took it right out of London I think that might have been the first time I met him too when we flew to

Arizona and then went to whatever the place you guys were talking about yep and you would never hit a ball out of someone’s mouth before I think that was the first time you had done it very first time and you’re like he so this is what we’re going to do you’re Trent’s

Going to lay on the ground he’s going to stick a rubber tea in his mouth which is so disgusting surprised I’m Not Dead from some bacterial infection and then you’re just GNA hit a ball right off of his face and we ended up doing it a bunch of times well you were very

Nervous up top which I was too and then we sort of got to it and then we you did it successfully and then we were like well we got to get a couple different angles then I got a little too confident on a couple of yeah you were swinging

Hard you were swinging really hard and then just no care for your facial structure and that was bad I didn’t have we didn’t have health insurance of paral Sports at that point so was like we still probably don’t I’m not sure I don’t know what the paperwork says you

Put me at ease though when you said regardless if you hit it well or if you break my face it’s great for Content well I’m a Content guy you know what I mean that’s if risk life for Content have been clearly if yeah if get it

Clean it’s great but if I stand up and my teeth are on the ground that’s a win too even better but you did great that was you you took a risk with us that day and it paid off and I’ve seen rigs in a thong we talked about that earlier too

We did a one-on-one match in like 2017 or 18 maybe something like that yeah so six years ago and um in that video we were doing crazy wacky stuff we were doing we did like a bat spin yep we a dizzy bat speed golf speed golf shotgun

Challenge shotgun mhm we had all kinds of crazy [ __ ] Hitting off a Trent’s ass yep which you hit Trent’s ass I did that that is where well again I just want to clarify yep everyone is like how could you do such a thing the tea was we had

To figure out how to set the tea up and so we’re like clench and we’ll just stick it in your ass cheeks yep but the the tea your your ass is just it’s swallowing the tea up and I’m watching this thing just see tight ass like it’s

In quick sand I got I got a dumper sorry and I’m taking it back and I’m like I got it I kind of got you sp it up yeah I like I have to go down after this thing cuz the tea is just slowly disappearing

And just you set you set you can set a drink on that thing you got to tighten that ass up Trent it’s just falling through there man yeah that and then yeah and then I’m just jealous cuz I want I want some of your cakes yeah I

Mean listen it’s I clearly I got something going on back there in a good way I mean you too though thank you hockey compliment got how’s Frankie’s ass his his lower half just like his legs are it’s like’s like anemic okay so it’s not a Fourplay thing not everyone

Has a great asset no it’s just you know this only the guys who started have great asset he’s got some good features I don’t know that his like lower half is one of wait are we like the ogs of this we are we are this is like the same

Exact [ __ ] that we did when we did this six or seven years ago and we’re still doing the same thing I know you’re hanging out with tiger and I still have my tits out same [ __ ] dude at one point today I you know of our careers right we’re filming a

Video today and at one point I looked at Paige and I was like you know and it was getting cold and windy it started raining yeah I was like you know I I got an extra hoodie but I feel like and she’s like that’d be bad for the brand I

Can’t have a hoodie on I really think anytime we come out to film a video like if if there’s a drought in Arizona which I’m sure there will be if you guys ever need rain we’ll just come out here please we play a video with paig the

Last time like it’s going to rain it’s it just doesn’t [ __ ] rain here here you go well we are kind of doing the same [ __ ] but I feel like things have elevated like for you can you you go to courses kid you go without being bothered ever you know it’s so funny so

I needed to practice get ready for the good good event that um we’re playing in and I was like I need to hit off the grass so I just found this golf course and I walk up and I always get a little nervous when I go to new golf courses

Cuz it’s Hit or Miss in the golf industry you either love what I do or you hate what I do and so I’m walking up and everyone is just heads are turning I’m like okay well this is on the side of they hate what I do and I hit a

Couple golf balls and I just get swarmed by people and everyone was so nice and so chill and like it’s crazy this community within Golf and I know you guys get it too just how friendly everyone is and how like appreciative of the fact that we just put everything out

Out there and we try to create entertaining content and we trying to do good for the game and they’re appreciative of it and they like what we do and it’s it’s cool to see when you actually like are in the mix do you get I know you get hate online and you’re

Great about responding to it and you’re funny about it and even your comment about your T all that stuff like you’re very lean into it which is awesome do you feel like you because we say this whole time we get we get hate but almost never in person do you ever get any

Negative do you get Negative in person interactions I’m trying to think of any hateful comments that someone has ever said to my face and I really can’t think of anything I would say the weirdest and hardest thing that does happen in person is that I have I don’t know what it is I

Have so many fake accounts of me and I oh like of yourself of myself yeah people create fake accounts and they start like these you know fake relationships with these men online to try to get money this is a world I’m pretty interested in actually really

Just I I find that like guys get tricked man yeah and it happens a lot so like I would say they come up to you in they’re life they come up to me and they’ll sit down and they’re like like you told me to be here at this

Time and I’m like I’ve never met you before come on yeah and it happens it’s been happening quite a lot so those are like the negative interactions but I I’ll say like when I first started doing this 99% of it was negative and so hateful and it’s really changed over my

Career and I don’t know if it’s because I’m just desensitized to it now and so when I see a negative comment I don’t really I’m not bothered by it when I was originally when I first started doing this or just that people are starting to see golf progress and they like

Different types of content that’s out there I think it’s definitely progressed and I think people now are used to seeing nonprofessional golf is golf content whereas that used to be the only golf content the only consum golf content in the world was professional golf and any golf commercial that you

Saw even would be professional golfers or maybe like actors that are hitting a bad shot and then like Charles Barkley comes out as like the the swing hel guy at Dick Sporting Goods or something but like generally the only golf content in the world is professional golf right

Like I feel like when you started doing this it was like how good is she and if she’s good why isn’t she trying to become Pro like I don’t think that exists anymore like even just for everybody where like he’s saying the goal was always in the past was if

You’re going to be putting yourself out there in terms of golf content it was because you want to get to a certain level now you just make golf content make to make golf content which is what we do well there was no golf influencer when I started doing this and there was

No path that was like hey this is what you do and this is the content you create and these are the platforms that you do it on and you collaborate and there was none of that so I was just trying to figure it out as I was also

Trying to play the first year of doing this and even knowing like how to interact with different um partners and sponsors and and how to create content for them because again there was really none of that going on when I first started doing this and so it is nice

That there is more of an ecosystem now where you can collaborate and you can ask questions and it’s not just kind of like you’re out on an island by yourself that’s so true it has changed so much do you ever feel like you’re like the queen

Of the castle and you have to defend it that you’re like people are coming for your ass like there’s a lot of uh competition up incomers that are trying to like take the crown you know I think that cuz you did create a whole world yeah like you like I’ll give you you

Deserve that credit that’s absolutely true there’s like this whole world of oh absolutely you’re the original and there’s plenty that I think there’s lots of girls out there that like almost fake it to try to be a you like that aren’t that into golf but they’re like wow this

Is great like I could just kind of show whatever and swing a little bit and guys love golf and hot chicks so that’s great whereas you’re like you play professional golf for phenomenal like that’s you know you’re the real deal but I feel like people try to like that must

Be annoying at times people trying to like piggyback off of what you did you know I think it’s different so when I look at like my mail counterparts within industry and I feel like you guys are all competitive but supportive and you’re down to collaborating you’re down

To push each other to get better and even the comments that I see it’s like they love when you guys are doing stuff together but with the female side it’s always like the comparisons are so harsh and it’s like this person’s better golfer this person is hotter this

Person’s you know and and it gets you in this mindset of yeah I want to be the best one and I want to be number one and the only one and no one else can compete with me but that’s such a Negative mindset to have and so I’ve switched it

Over to this is great you look out now and you go to the driving range and there there’s so many more women who are playing golf and there are so many more women who have a job within the golf industry that didn’t before and there are so many female golf influencers and

Even if they’re just starting to play for the first time because they want followers or money or whatever it may be or maybe it’s because they love the game they’re still playing golf and we’re still getting more women into the game of golf which ultimately is a good thing

And that’s why we do what we do is because we love this game we want to grow it and we want our children to play and our children’s children and it just needs to be a more welcoming environment and I think that we have done that and I

Feel that I hopefully have made women feel more comfortable on the golf course of wearing things that are cuter and they can wear leggings now that was never a thing before so I see it as a positive and a good thing and not trying to get in this negative mindset of okay

Yeah I want to be the hottest best you know only female golfer out there cuz that’s not healthy I think that’s a really healthy way to look at it yeah like that really I me no I meant the other one I meant the other way I meant the other way

Everything else before that was perfect I would be very intoy on that content where you were like [ __ ] everyone else I’m the hottest baddest [ __ ] no one else should be doing this like let’s go bab I mean we’ll see I could try that right try leaning into that too you

Start wearing like all black and you’re just murdered out I uh well it’s funny cuz we like we grew up in bar stool originally had much more of that mindset towards other media and it depends now that it’s not like there’s much more personalities and so barol has evolved dramatically and people that

Have their own franchises can have their own sort of approach to that kind of thing but Dave’s approach obviously for a long time was like [ __ ] everyone else we’re the pirate ship it’s all about us and if you’re not with us you’re against us and we will bury you and so it was

Sort of easy to kind of have that that mindset whether it was conscious or subconsciously like you had that and then you know us with golf it is really cool now that we’ve tried to embrace that we’ve tried to reach out or when other people reach out work with them

And when we did the good good trip to the Bahamas like we sit down at dinner afterwards and everybody actually does share ideas and out they’re like oh this these thumbnails we’ve learned this on YouTube and that and then our guys will say something about how we film stuff

And they’re like [ __ ] we never really did it that way that’s a good way to do it so it is like a you know collaboration is kind of becoming the new content word that’s annoying I think but it is like a collaborative effort where people are truly like being around

People that are like-minded and have the same interest and are doing a similar job I think that’s a lot of the time why actors end up you know dating other actors and actresses because like they have a similar lifestyle and you can sort of relate on that and talk about

Stuff that you’ve been through together and it’s fun when we go on these trips we end up a lot of the conversation does end up being around what’s going on in YouTube golf or social media golf we live such weird blessed but like weird lives and sometimes it’s hard when you

Don’t have other people that you can talk to and relate to about these situations cuz people can see online hate but unless you’ve been through it you don’t really know what it feels like and you also can’t complain to people who have real jobs so true so true it

Just we just sound so spoiled and bratty about it but you do need people like an outlet to just get it off your back too what the Hate Thing You Do find and it’s not necessarily A positive it’s a negative of the internet but the hate goes everywhere like we’ll look at

Groups and we’ll be like man I everybody loves them they’re so great and then you’ll talk to them and be like dude people hate us we’re like they do and they don’t but cuz when you’re in it you all you focus on is that so when you we

Meet these other people and they’re like we get the same thing it’s like all right again it’s not a great thing but it’s just the internet is the way that it is so it’s likees it feels good to know you’re not alone right even if it’s like someone else know that everyone

Else is getting [ __ ] on too 100% you get miserable because you get [ __ ] on sometimes great I really do think that’s like been that’s been a nice thing when you meet these other groups they’re like oh yeah man our fans some of them they hate us it’s like that’s interesting

It’s just an interesting part of the whole thing when that part about when you said going up to the range and getting nervous depending on who’s the hair and all that like it’s a little different for you obviously women are held to a toally different standard and judge differently which is unfair but

Like you’ve clearly like I said leaned into embrace it but for me like if I go up to a public range and I’m going to genuinely try to like practice there’s a lot of people up there I try to find the Bay next to like the oldest people see

That’s my audience though that that’s where I give me like a 65 old dad and he like he’s like can I I got to get pict that is myet and he’s like I got Instagram six months ago I can’t believe you’re here this is incredible or he’ll do the

Like oh my son’s a big fan oh really sure is that why you had me write it out to your name this but no I uh but I’ll go up there and it’s like if I can tell somebody gives you the Double Take or something there’s some young guys up

There that probably like follow our stuff or they give you a look I get so nervous hitting balls just spraying drivers cuz you’re like I know no matter what I do these guys are going to tell their friends like oh hey we saw Rick’s sets some balls they’re going to follow

Up and how’d it go they’ be like oh was a [ __ ] disaster like [ __ ] they standing there trying to hit balls and you’re like I know they’re hearing these shots that I’m hitting so when you talk to people like on the Range what is one thing that they say after cuz I always

Get like I met this guy yesterday and he was like I’m going to tell everyone that hates you that you’re actually a good person I’m like who’s everyone who are these people a couple hours I got to text my everybody in my phone’s like going to group chat like paig sucks

No and that’s like the biggest one that I get that they’re like yeah I thought you were going to be horrible and bad at golf and you know stuck up and you’re actually like a pretty decent person that’s the number one thing that I get

Yeah number one um I would say ours is topical so usually someone like if we’ve put out the tiger video now almost anyone I see will be like dude that tiger video was something they’ll pull up some nugget from the video and talk about that or like before that I get a

Lot of like have you broken 90 yeah it’s stuff like with our video series mostly that’s a tough one that was yeah yeah yeah I’m going to have to make you respond to that I what have I I haven’t broken 90 yet no she just said that’s a tough one what do you

Mean that everyone always comes up to me like oh have you broken 90 yet oh I it’s I see it see I’ll spin it I I welcome to the Spin Zone yeah here we go everybody get ready I um that means they paying attention that’s nice yeah I like that

You know what I mean it’s like if they didn’t ask me that it’d be like I don’t know what we would talk about it’s an interesting question you bring up but when you have something like that despite sometimes it being like it’s basically a way to ask like do you still

Suck at golf yeah despite all of the lessons you get and all the equipment you get and I say yeah but it’s I think it’s nice because they’re invested in the in the video series they’re generally nice about it they’re not like they’re not like this guy you know he

Gets all this stuff and he still can’t do it they’re like genuinely curious I know they’re genuinely like have you broken 90 yet and I’m like no so far no you’re genuinely responding genuinely responding no it’s close though an honest man try to be I’m rooting for you

Thank you yeah I know we’ said this a lot I think you’re going to do it this year for sure I think so too you’ve been hitting it in these videos like we we’re kind of random luck but like the last three months or so of videos that we’ve

Gone and shot they haven’t been formats where we’ve kept score right so you’ve played I feel like extremely well into a level that would have broken 90 but we haven’t been in a in an environment to do that I think that’s right and it’s a little bit of the no pressure thing is

Helpful yeah when you go out there to like all right we’re shooting at breaking 90 very nervous yeah when we’re out there to shoot like a two- man Scramble with a good good crew I’m I’m so relaxed it’s so nice I wonder if there’s a way we could trick you I’d

Love to get hypnotized well that too separate video okay where we tricked you into being like yeah this is a 2v2 match we’re filming and but we’re actually you guys are really making me these things out you’re really making me finish these holes I don’t understand you know like

We just were like actually like rig’s got a two-stroke penalty back there so this is important you got to make these like why and and just trick you add them up at the end and see if that makes a difference what if you need like a emotional support dog or like some type

Of emotional support I can hold your hand through it that’d be see that would be nice yeah that would be really nice I do think I can help I think I bring the best out in you I think that’s right I really do think that she’s like we have maximized

Your physical talents now that we’re going to try to get emotional creatures in here to help you no I think that’s right we that might be an Avenue we can explore yeah cuz it’s yeah cuz I’m a mess out there when I’m trying to break 90 and I just need like deep breaths

Maybe a little hand holding and that’s it yeah do that um you’ve got a big week this week so you’ve got Phoenix open and then Vegas yep and then Phoenix Open again yep a lot of travel a lot of travel you ready for all that I always say yes to

Everything and then the week comes and I’m dying during yeah future you and then I finish and I’m like why did I do this to myself but the last thing is going to be the waste management so Saturday is going to be a great day everyone knows that that’s the day to go

And I think I’m going to have a little fun this year really MH interesting okay that’s the way to do it I guess I I think it’s the way to do it I’ve never actually done it that way but this year might be the year you got to do it at

Least once yeah it’s fun how is the Phoenix open for you do you have is it chaos is it like you get swarmed pretty good yeah so you have to I mean it’s goes to a driving range you got a whole pool of reporters around I mean you guys

Know this too it’s like our main demographic all in one place it’s true it is true so it’s really cool but it it’s hard when we’ll tell people like hey like I need security or I need help and they’re like you like right why div yeah all

Right and then I start walking and all of a sudden you’re hounded they’re like oh my God we need to get her out of here like now um but again everyone’s so nice and so cool it’s one of my favorite events all year long I everyone needs to

Go at least once in their lifetime bucket list for sure I agree no it is I uh I’m pumped we’re doing most stuff through like Thursday we’re kind of busy and then I think Friday or Saturday I’m going be able to just go to the tournament for the most part and hang

And that’s my favorite couple days of the year what’s your favorite way to do Waste Management well I will say what we get lucky now is we get the media credential and then I talk them into getting an inside the ropes pass and I kind of use the

Argument that you just made where I’m like hey I really need an inside the ropes pass and they’re like okay what exactly you going to be doing they don’t do that anymore but they used to it I’m like no honestly I just kind of need it

To like get around okay what is your favorite way to do Waste Management when you don’t get inside the ropes access and immediate credential like before you guys were the coolest thing that we did I think we said this in the last show but thank you famous was that’s not the

Right word we got up at 5:30 or something we got there the doors open at 700 you know 100th in line or something breakf Breakfast Club we ran as far as we could so much further than which farther than one think so you kind of

Need to trot I would say one should do a healthy Trot instead of running and we got there and we got like third or fourth row seats in the bleachers and it was Saturday we were there at 710 or 15 however long it took us to run maybe

7:20 and didn’t see a golf shot until after 11:00 a.m. and they’re throwing burritos up in there as the guy that rolls the greens rolls and gets closer to the edge the whole crowd it’s really fun and it’s super fun my favorite is when they put the flag

Stick in the yes y in the hole in the yes and so that was I think that’s the coolest way to do it because now we kind of do it the bougie way where you got people know you have a suite on 16 and I pretty much take the media credential

Should walk inside the ropes for a little bit duck into 16 and do it the bougie way which is great and it’s more comfortable but if you’re going to truly just like do a once in a-lifetime experience I don’t think that’s the way to do it I honestly think doing it the

Fut way so there you go do that awesome 5:30 get out there so which way is the fastest way to get to 16 when you’re running there is it I don’t think we you’re asking the wrong guys back on 18 or do you go through the driving range

And go up number 10 if I was doing it again I think I would do it that way but the way we did it we were we don’t know we had never been here before the first time we’ been out here we were like dry heaving and not even we weren’t even

Close to the hole we were a third you guys were sucking wind walking up like a small little Hill so I can’t even imagine Grandma were motoring by us and me and Trent are just dead on the side of the we’re old now it’s like we’ve

Been doing this a long time so little Hills it’s like I can’t get up there okay so you think through the driving range up past 10 or you just follow 10 all the way up no cuz I think you want to come in the more I think about it you

Want to come in if you’re looking at it you go under the The Underpass and then you have left is up 18 backwards I think you have 10 and then you have straight ahead which is through driving range kind of then you have to cross I think

It’s actually left because you want to come in from the left which is where the bleachers mostly are yeah you know what I’m saying yeah if you’re looking at 16 from directly behind it you want to kind of come in at like 8:00 that’s where you go in

Yeah and so I think that’s the move might be to go up and around and it’s an easier walk cuz they kind of have that do they Coral you at all like do they do they make you go a certain way I can’t remember no it’s it’s Anarchy dude it’s

Anarchy and that’s we kind of ran and it was too much like when you’re at CVS and there’s a hundred different options for like a headache right we got out there we ran through we’re like yeah we’re like oh [ __ ] where do we go you guys do it with me this year no

No no dude no way absolutely not no I just know that Friday me will not do what needs to be done for that to work that’s too early for me to get up okay and then I got to get up and run it’s like if I were going to get up and

Like get a massage that’s a different it’s like get up and then run till you can’t run anymore and you’re still probably like 35% of the also I got a media parking pass you kidding me I’m going to park right next to the [ __ ] I’m going to park right there I’m going

To walk in whenever I want maybe 10:30 and people say we’ve changed I mean of course I’ve changed I was 29 now I’m like almost 40 yeah people asked me they’re like so how are the foreplay guys I was like rigs was really cool

Back in the day and his head is just the size of the moon now thank you I appreciate that yeah you know good things wherever I go a lot of work you got to work really hard you might as well thank you you know what I mean

Might as well change yeah I like well Trent wasn’t much slower to say no to that Saturday a.m. thing I was a little that was more of like a workout thing though not oh yeah that’s like um I don’t want my heart to burst I don’t want to have a massive coronary episode

At TBC Scottdale is more the the for the content we’ve done it so we did it we did we film that I’m sure we did yeah we did we did remember and then Frankie and I at the Whistling Straits Ridder cup did the same thing which was just a

Couple years ago and it’s just it’s exhausting you don’t realize how hard it is to run until you actually have to run and I don’t have like a runner’s body like my knees is there it’s it’s like no no no no no my time is like two or three

Times a year at the airport when I’m running to make a connection I have to run and I’m like okay I’m at D9 and I got to get to like D68 and the that you know the tram’s always [ __ ] broken at Miami International and you’re like I got to

Run I’m not going to make it and you get to like D14 I know and you’re just dead you don’t take private planes everywhere I wish that would be sweet that’s a whole other thing you know that’s like way above our pay I do laugh sometimes people resp because we travel so much

And I’ll have an issue and [ __ ] about it online they’ll be like I can’t believe you guys aren’t flying Prim like do you understand that these flights would be $40,000 every time to like how Mone we’re not yeah bring it in we’re not doing that so nice but yeah that

Would be sick but no no no no I’m American Airlines baby Delta just cuz they fly out of here all the Time you should not have to worry about where you buying tickets to your next big event we’re talking game time and we are talking game time is the official ticketing partner of bartool sports it is our favorite fast and easy way to buy tickets for all sports music comedy

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To use Redeem Code 4 f o r e for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price Guaranteed I wish we had better weather whenever you guys came I feel bad what it’s scotdale I’m looking out here it’s horrible I I got to be honest I don’t like Arizona yeah I know that sound I don’t want to be mean about the place

You live why not I’m not a desert guy I don’t like Des or golf I’m I definitely don’t it’s I lose a million golf balls yeah Target golf yeah which I I can’t I can’t hit a Target um it’s just yeah I don’t know something about the desert

That I don’t like my parents live out here they love it so I don’t know see I like dry hate humidity M um and I and I like nice weather ironic to say but New York’s not perfect but yeah I don’t know the desert just doesn’t suit me for

Whatever reason I like the space I just like that it’s what are your favorite top three favorite Golf Course courses here um not private I actually don’t think any of my three favorite actual golf courses are even private I think the weoa Saro course is my you love weoa

W that golf no one loves wopa more than you I love that Golf Course uh it’s core khaw it’s a little bit more open there’s no homes on it I just love it uh then I would probably say greyhawk Raptor course I just think that’s even

Like even if it’s not as picturesque as some other courses it’s like a great Tough Golf course it’s why I think it’s been great for the ncas and they used to have lpj they used to have PJ tour out there like event out there so I think

That’s up there uh that’s number two for me and then I would probably say I would put a sneaky one in there it was like Raven have you played Raven yeah down by the airport yeah I love that golf course it’s Treeline it’s totally different it’s easy easy which

Why I like it uh every all the fairways kind of funnel back in yep delightful so good and uh and it’s just such a different look like there’s a few holes that that they legit it it almost looks like you’re up in like Flagstaff or something on a few holes where you’ve

Got just like like tall trees lineing in both Fairways Green Green Grass and like a little mountain peak in the background what that’s camelbacks whatever’s down there and it’s just such a different look so I like Raven a lot I would give honorable mention to like Campell back ambiente course yeah that one’s

Excellent um quino people love I’ve only played it once but very Scenic um papao sneaky good too papao I only been to once and I played like nine holes there so I didn’t see the whole thing but it’s got the ASU facility and all that what

Are your favorites cuz we I will say not but I do think this is like the number one dm or email that I get coures to play in Arizona uh you named a lot of really good ones I would say I’m really bummed out so ASU carsten was

One of my all-time favorite golf courses okay and it’s no longer here I was going to say I they ripped it up yeah um used to be asu’s home course before they moved to Papo and I played so many Junior events there I love that golf course it’s one of my favorites um

Mountain Shadows is also just a really good um par three course for a lot of people I so growing up Junior Golf I would practice at McCormack Ranch all the time and I would clean the Pro Shop there to get range balls and I just have

A special place in my heart for mccor granch I like mccormic Ranch because you can spray it yeah it’s a good course for me yeah I had a guy last year as one of my buddy’s friends from back home and he was one of these guys that was like

There’s no way rigs is that handicap there’s no way rigs that handicap and he was coming out here for a bachel party of like 12 or 15 guys or whatever and they invited me to come play around and they were like our buddy chirps you

Non-Stop he wants to make a a bet with you and I can’t remember what I had to do if I lost but it was something it might have been a lot of money or something like that but if he lost I already lost that bet unfortunately we all saw uh for anybody

Who burned into my memory I can see it right now ah it’s all right sorry about that content imagine what could have been burned in your memory you know I’m aware I blew it uh but he came out and they were like if basically if I won and beat him

He was like a seven handicap or something he agreed he was trying to play straight up I was like no I’ll give you a couple Strokes cuz I was like a four or five at the time so I gave him a couple I think anyways he had to buy all

Of our merch and then wear all year long last year he had to wear bar stol golf Fourplay merchandise yeah and I beat him like two in one or three and two or something nice and so he was saying like four or five holes in CU they were

Originally I think we were going to play at TR and or something like that ended up getting we ended up playing at McCormack and he was like about halfway through I could hear muttering being like this is a perfect course for him I should have never let him play it McMan

And it’s a little tree line but it’s almost like wide open wait what’s your handicap now I’m actually like a four or something like right now but I had a guy tweet at me today very interesting I’d never seen this he had a he was comparing or he just takes my actual Jin

Handicap and then he has an on camera handicap and he was like rig’s current handicap on camera is like a 7.6 and he’s like his actual is a 4.1 he’s like I he said something he’s like I can’t decide if that’s like within the margin of error or whatnot but he’s I’m

Claiming it’s a vanity and I was like I think that’s actually within the margin of air pretty good and I say last year there was a stretch where I was horrific but I went and posted all those and I mean I post 8889 all that stuff and it

Doesn’t affect it because you have one decent round and that’s the only one that counts yeah that’s true so it like literally just doesn’t even [ __ ] effect it you can post cuz we did the Wisconsin trip I think at Aaron Hills or something great place for golf oh so

Good awesome I love Wisconsin but even on that trip cuz that those are actually some of the more recent scores that were posted for like on camera stuff maybe the most recent but it was like I Aaron Hills or something I posted like an 84 or something on camera and then like

Another round I was post to like an 89 and then at the Leo I topped like three t- shots but still shot like an 81 that was like all on camera and it’s like that still comes in as like a six handicap difference or something so people don’t realize how handicaps work

And we go through that battle prob every week the time yeah and you shoot like an 89er you can shoot those high scores they’re not going to use them anyways they’re throwing them out right so I’m like that’s so that’s what and I this time I don’t blame people they’re like

There’s no way he’s like a four I watched him hit horrific shots because La especially it was off the tea it was like awful and so I get people for thinking that but if you understand the handicap system and like the one people that will never let me play as a higher

Handicapp are like my buddies from back home that I play with all the time they’re like yeah no we’ve played many matches where that’s just what you you shoot your can shoot 76 or 77 occasionally if you shoot one of those out of 12 rounds it makes you that

Handicap and so it is what it is but like my average for last year was like an scoring average was like an 81 and a half or something like that 82 and like that just comes into whatever the handicap index is and that’s also we play hard [ __ ] courses yeah we don’t

Play easily rated courses on camera very often so it is what it is that’s the thing that annoys me is people are like I’m like lying I’m like I literally go out I hit the shots and you fil I film it write the number down PL the number

Into an app I don’t know like what else you want me to do that’s not I’m not claiming anything that USGA is claiming that I’m not claiming anything blame the USGA I’m just like I don’t know what he want me to tell you but I did see that

Guy put those in there and he was like he’s a 7.6 on camera and I was like that’s actually not that’s better than I thought it was going to be after the last six months that I had on camera so I was hitting it horrifically for a

While but all it takes is one of those rounds a decent round and that’s what holds your number down someone asked me a question the other day I do these q&as on Instagram and it’s made me laugh out loud and I want to hear both of your

Opinions on this who would win in a fight Ricks or Robbie Berger from Bob do Sports who would win in a fight in a fight I feel like it’s pretty evenly matched what an interesting question I know right I don’t know Robbie well enough to know if he has any like dark

Side I think he’s in better shape than I am but I will say I’ve got like fire in me and you the hockey background too yeah that actually was going to be my answer too cuz I I know I don’t know Robbie that well either I mean I know

Him a little bit but obviously one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met but I know rigs has fire and I think that’s important in a fight that could be the only difference maker I think but he might have it too I don’t know who has

That will to win yeah again I can get angry and like there could be some burning P fire in there OB are you just sitting with your headphones on scrolling through hate comments that you get that’s hting Strokes only I was just saying I was trying to think about how

If we were in a fight how could I get myself cuz he’s such a nice dude I don’t know that I would be like mad I’d be like this is funny that we’re fighting how we’re actually going to fight I don’t know you and Robbie whereas like

If I was genuinely pissed off I think I would win but if I was in just a normal mood and so was he I I don’t know he’s definitely in better shape he like works out I don’t think like I don’t work out yeah that’s an interesting one but I

Yeah I would just I would say rigs but I don’t know I don’t feel all that confident out of all the golf content creators who do you think could win a lot of fights we’re pretty wimpy crew over here could win the most fight like

Micah is like Jack yeah he is Jack got like you know um but he’s not he’s not a huge guy yeah so his reach and all that but he’s I mean hits the ball farther than Rory he’s absolutely it is telling that no name jumped out to me you know

What I mean it’s not like this guy is the guy it’s like we’re all kind of like trying to fight each other dainty little just would people yeah I guess no who oh yeah I don’t know there’s not one who’s like who would dominate I think

It’d be a pretty the parody is there you know if you almost if you counted like Francis Francis is a pretty big guy shredded he’s a good golfer too yeah his game is pretty damn good he’s he’s got the mental side of it’s tough for him I

Can relate to that he can he can the wheels can come off immediately Francis he and and negative actual inperson interactions he might have the craziest one I’ve ever that that this one’s so funny he was at a bar and it was over like New Years or something like that

And it was I don’t know maybe Nantucket or somewhere like that and he was at a bar and somebody came up to him and was like you’re Francis from Barcelo he’s like yeah and he’s like you’re the worst and Francis was literally just at the bar then getting a round of drinks

For his group of friends or whatever and he’s like ha you know whatever the guy was like no like you’re awful I can’t can’t believe I that have they not fired you this is before he actually got fired Fran was just like all right man like whatever cool and then the guy walked

Away as he was with his buddies chanting fire Francis fire Francis in the bar if you’ve known Francis for more than five minutes he’s a guy who is not going to take that well he’s not going to like fight that guy but he’s going to go home

And be like I am a piece of [ __ ] I’m the worst person who works at this company yeah that’s one of the rare ones cuz I’m with you guys like I don’t get that you don’t get it in person what’s the best fan interaction you’ve ever had I was

Playing the ACC event Tahoe and this guy goes I got a tattoo of you and I look and it’s entire thigh tattoo of this naked girl holding a golf club and I’m looking at it whoa um like whoa it’s like they look a little small but thanks

Wait wait hold on we’re filing that under best why best interesting yeah all right interesting okay I see you’re get sentimental with the good one so no one wants to hear that um yeah I don’t oh yeah like what’s a crazy one they’re all kind of similar yeah I’m trying to think

Like there are definitely some uh some like sentimental ones that I know have occurred and like there’s like we had a I don’t know if it’s like a fan interaction we had a guy like legitimately proposed to his you know girlfriend at the barso class oh yeah

Uhhuh and like set it up through us and Lisa and orchestrated the whole thing does she love bar or is that just a tough beat for her got to be on the other side of that one I wonder we all did kind of debate like this is risky

Like Jumbo Tron or the Baro classic 20 Pi she was she was into it and they did it in front of like the Baro classic big letter signs and Pinehurst and stuff so that kind of stuff is like well okay these people are pretty into it that is

Cool yeah uh I’m trying to think of yeah I I don’t know I mean it’s hard for the fans to reach you when you’re inside the ropes yeah like I don’t know these interactions you guys are talking about yeah I don’t me these people anymore I’m just covered up through

There I don’t know what you’re talking about excuse me ah um they’re all honestly like 99.9% of them are great yeah great and even the ones that you’re just like the the only ones that are I would even not even negative but the ones you’re like all

Right is last a little too long other than that it’s like nice to meet you oh appreciate it and that’s kind of it mhm the heavy breathing sometimes I always I’m the one who makes it awkward I think I’m the one who keeps it going too long

Cuz they’re like hey bye I’m like so like what are you do on let’s hang out he bye I don’t understand you’re like can I get a picture yeah can can we take a picture add me on Instagram uh well Wednesday night or yeah this is coming out Thursday so last

Night uh you played in the event but we’re talking before it occurs so oh yeah good luck thank you your game ready to go really nervous really see I get really nervous when people watch me play and when there’s any type of competition I am a mental headcase mental head case

It doesn’t matter that’s the way I look at it that’s the way you got to try to do it again I’m a guy who talked about for 10 minutes that I can’t break 90 because I’m GNA cry on like the 1550 coold but like for especially for a

Scramble I always just feel like all right let’s just go it’s not that bad no I how are there going to be a lot of fans out there 2500 okay now I’m a little bit more nervous than I was isn’t that crazy yeah DN probably be more than

That by the time they all we’re right to be nervous yeah and and I’ve played events in front of people and it it’s okay and I think it’s because the bar is set so low for me that people truly don’t think I can make contact and so

Even if I make contact but it’s a bad shot they’re like wow there you go that’s nice she can hit a golf ball so I was try to keep that in mind that is always amazing to me like where does that come from that people think

You are horrible at golf like I don’t get that someone came up to me the other day and they were like so you and Robbie play a match how can he beat you I’m like what what what I mean if I give him like 20 shots 25 shots right like if you and

I played how many shots do you think you would give me I mean I was going to ask what you’re consistently shooting but it’s over 90 um it’s a good place to start I probably we know where the well it depends like if we play from the same

Te’s if we play from our like respected te’s I think that’s a big thing too cuz I always like you guys played same te’s like 6,400 yards or something yeah I would probably 10 10 aside I think that’s probably Fair pretty close yeah I think probably like

A shot a hole I think that’s pretty close yeah I yeah yeah cuz I think you you average if you took out a few outliers you pretty much bogey you play bogey golf yeah and you have a few big blowups where you that’s why you shoot 94 or

Something but like bogey gol would put you at 90 I think you play around there MH and she’ll shoot around even right mhm we might have to do it I think we should you want to I want to okay that’s something we could do shot a hole 18

Shots that’d be fun yeah match play though I do match play Yeah from the same te’s okay same te’s I like your chances Trent daddy something we could try that’s the thing so the event the good good event they have all the girls playing from the same

Te’s as the guys really yeah and I ever think that’s fair you do or don’t I don’t think it’s fair okay I think that we should play from our respected te’s because they always say well you hit it far for a girl I’m like well how about

The guys who hit it far for guys like they should move back even far right that’s fair right that’s very fair yeah that shouldn’t be a disadvantage for you no um I will say at the barcal classic I believe we had you playing from women’s te’s right forward te’s yeah and then

Our match was a huge debate on what te’s we were going to play from we end up playing the tips which was just bad for all of us I don’t know why we did terrible for all of us we we Tred to avoid that as much never a good idea

Done that D we play the tips we talked about recently we did the play the tips at Tory Pines that the least fun I’ve had on a golf course it’s such a long golf course too you’re just you’re you’re hitting a million shots and you’re not even like to the Fairway yet

That’s what I tell people all the time because no one wants to move up tea boxes they’re like well I paid for it I want to see the entire golf course I’m like no you want to have fun and if you move up a tea box or two you’re going to

Play significantly better like yeah absolutely and have more fun doing it I always say play from the fron teties learn to shoot under par and then move back if you can’t shoot under par from the front te’s or even far then you shouldn’t be able to move back a great

Point it would help Pace a play it would solve so many problems the te thing it’s it’s like a masculine thing it’s like no no I’m going to play I’m going back there it’s like it really is it’s like you can swallow your pride on that

You’re going to have way more fun but nothing’s more embarrassing than topping it off the first tea from the tips and you’re like what do I do now right it’s like you got to adjust you got from the forward te you still got a chance you

Might be able to get home it’s true you know it’s really true mhm you don’t have to take your pants off either no NOP no you don’t is that a girl thing for girls what do girls have to do if you don’t make it I guess you’re it’s we play from

The front te’s already we we always play the properties so that’s never an issue for us hey unless you play in the good good event you play yeah then we’re all the way back again so I don’t think that we can even give it a run or give it a

Go cuz we’re playing against like if it’s I don’t know 175 I might have to hit 65 iron and they’re probably hitting nine iron a lot of those guys hit it really far they do and it’s an adjusted course right it’s not like it’s like par 3es a lot of them

Yeah it’s all par 3es okay mhm I think I’ve never played there that makes me less nervous too it usually yeah I think it’s also off a m that’s beautiful I’m living everything’s coming up Trent I’m feeling great we might win this event me and Frank it already happened people know that we

Lost you know people know people are are you nervous to this is I always think about are you nervous to come in last place no that’d be hilarious that’s the thing that’s the beauty of this world at least the one that I have created in my

Own like Lane where it’s like good is great and bad is expected yeah so it’s kind of like doesn’t matter matter I feel like you’re one of the only people that never gets hate it’s not true but it’s it’s certainly less you’re so beloved by everyone not everyone it’s

But it’s certainly less than my counterparts which I don’t know what the reasoning is I agree with that I don’t know like you know it just is what it is cu I don’t like when people get hate I think that’s annoying it’s like you don’t have to watch this what’s the hate

Comments you get well the they get frustrated with the breaking 90 stuff oh like break 90 already come on dude like you’re not practicing enough which is true and like they’re just but it’s still supportive though it’s like hey I’m rooting for you please just practice a little bit we want the best

For you I mean I I I read your comments and makes me feel better about my comment section sometimes than you it’s just it’s bad do you do you look at them do you read them no nowadays I don’t yeah there’s no positive to looking at

Them there really isn’t and I I really don’t understand any of it like it’s like you we have a gun to everyone’s head that you have to watch our golf content or anybody’s golf content it’s like you better we’re making you watch it it’s like a government mandate you

Got to watch golf content and if you don’t like it you get to say that you don’t like it but it’s like you don’t have to watch it and then you don’t have to be frustrated well it’s hard too cuz then it’s like you say you listen to one

Of the comments and then someone else is upset because you did what they wanted and I get that all the time they’re like you know zip your shirt up and zip it up and they’re like zip it down I’m like I’m just playing a game my hand is exhausted I’m like it’s

Like hot or cold tell tell me tell me when and you’re not going to win and it’s like and the the [ __ ] part of it is like people will tell you to ignore it and you do largely if you can but if you don’t it’s going to hurt like you’re a

Human being that’s the thing that sucks it’s like you can ignore it or maybe you look at every once in a while and people are like just ignore it or like the these are people there are faceless people that you don’t know but it doesn’t matter for whatever reason it’s

Like that still sucks yeah so I would say too like we’ve learned that or I’ve learned that if you anytime you do respond they almost 100% of the time will be like I was just trying to get a laugh out you I’m a huge fan like we’

Love to play to I’d love for you to come out and play with my buddies when you’re in town like almost every single time so that part like you kind of learn that there’s this wild disconnect between the comments and real life and like Frankie made a great example like a couple years

Ago he was like I he’s like it was wild for me to think that someone is like holding their iPad in their kitchen and they’re commenting this incredibly mean thing about how horrible looking like I am and my game’s pathetic and your content’s awful and he’s like then they

Just look up from their iPad and they’re like cooking dinner with their wife and their like daughter running around and he’s like that’s insane I was on a flight and this sweet older lady sat next to me and she was making Valentine’s Day cards for her grandchildren and in between that she

Was hate commenting on Instagram like the most horrendous horrible things and I’m sitting there like watching this like expression didn’t change yeah nothing at all and it was almost like a therapeutic moment to be like they they don’t care they really don’t they’re not yeah they’re like you think that they’re

That mad but they’re just like I’m going to say this mean thing and I’m going to go on with my day yeah it’s so strange what if we what if we start doing it like what if we start just random peoples or like no like the yeah why not just pick someone

A day and we can’t start spreading hate on this why not too much positivity right no we need more of it it’s yeah we can’t start doing that although I bet it feels awesome to be me to people probably yeah I bet it feels amazing why

Do so many people do it it’s got to there’s got to be some sort of juice to it I can’t even fathom it it’s comes off as so mean it’s definitely mean just a mean like to S you know I just don’t I don’t get also just like that’s the

Internet it’s going to be that way forever what if we just start hate commenting on each other’s content that would get the people going should we do that be like what’s happening dude that would see this podcast probably lead to some text being like are you like are

You serious with that com that was me that was really mean I’m gonna be what’s just positive positive positive positive positive positive Max H has a trump card on me whenever he just TW whenever he comments or tweets anything mean about me it gets a trillion likes he had one

On Instagram the other day about like my handicap and it’s just like buries me you can’t win those no there’s no way you can win it’s they heard enough like when the anonymous people get a bunch of likes on their comment like they commented something a bunch of people

Like agree with that guy but when it’s Max hom it’s like oh yeah we definitely agree with that Guy it’s time for the ultimate Face Off The Beard bowl is here as the two best teams square off to see who the champion of facial thz is our friends at manscaped are prepping everything you need for game day do not let your beard be benched I’m a big beard guy gives you

A nice jawline if you don’t have one I got one I’ve created one I actually did a fun uh contest not even a contest just just an eye test uh with our good friend Robbie burger and our good friend Fat Perez we were hanging out me and Perez

Having a drink and Robbie said you know what I think the two of you both use your little beards beautifully you’ve manscaped them nicely let me do a little test of who’s created the best beard jawline and we did a little bit of I me

I can’t hear it as well we did a little bit of this guy the point is if you’re going to rock a beard it’s incredibly important that you keep that thing clean manicured well and manscaped is going to do that the manscaped beard hedger Pro kit is the ultimate franchise player to

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Drawers for uh full of guard yards which is huge I on the road all the time literally all the time we haven’t traveled much yet but we’re going to I took a 100 flights last year point is you can’t have uh an entire operation going on with a million different things

When you’re traveling you need that thing to be easy simple the beard hedger has all of that you can get 20% off and free shipping with the Code 4 at that’s 20% off with free shipping at use Code 4 F gear up for the the real halftime show

Uh make sure that your beard takes Center Stage that’s use the code 4 for 20% off in free Shipping favorite pro golfer that you’ve interacted with unbiased what unbiased well I would say the first one that jumps in mind is Kevin kizner yeah kiz is um but like outside of that not the obvious like can’t say Max Joel tiger or kiz I it’s your whole ecosystem I mean

Who else yeah we don’t do videos with anybody else um I mean I this might be fall in the category that some of you just didn’t mention was Rory Rory is amazing we did we shot videos with him a couple years ago I just like people who could be not

That you you can be but you could be a dick cuz you’re Rory maroy but he’s just like the nicest dude ever or even not a dick but you could just be shut off right you could easily just not give much of an effort and everybody be like

That’s fine we got him that was cool it’s probably a long day we’re putting you everywhere you’re in every video you’re in every ad Shoot but he was just like what are we doing yeah he’s really cool and he was super he was very engaging he was like even the cameras

Weren’t around we were walking and the cameras just weren’t right there whatever and he was just genuinely asking questions responding laughing to stuff like he was great he was very candid this was like two years ago or whatever and it was right after tiger had just released like a brand new swing video

Like post maybe his accident and Rory was like how about that swing it look good just shooting the [ __ ] with us about Tiger’s new swing that came out and stuff so that’s a really good I’m a Rory St yeah we are big Rory St that’s a good one um I would

Say uh Callum Taran is a guy that we really like I just met him so nice really cool he’s a really cool dude I always too like like he’s English obviously I always like when people from other countries like us I always think that’s cool just cuz like I know I know

Bartool and whatnot is like big in around in our culture in us and I know that it’s not that moved we do golf and stuff but like that guy’s all the way from England and he’s like friends with us that’s cool you’re about to drop a

British accent really I was like I can’t wait for this Do It um what about you um so I just shot content with Bryson D Shambo yeah and he was drastically different than I expected him to be he’s got that side that’s great yeah that’s really great and I think that was the

One that was most surprising of course you have like Jason day and Tony F now and you know the guys that we mentioned earlier they have that reputation of being such a a great nice you know Family Guy they’re they’re just good people and you meet them and they exceed

Expectations but with him like I publicly hated on him and like said you know things that you just would saw like you’d see little you know Snips here and there about like what he was saying what he was doing he was so different shockingly different it’s it’s he’s an

Interesting one just depends on I can’t see that from here I got bad eyes oh Sam Burns we recently did something with we did a he’s like the nicest dude ever um but yeah the Bryson thing it’s kind of like depends on when you catch him yeah

He can be awkward and like standoffish at times but then you’ll get him like you got him where he’s like it’s like why don’t you be like this at least try to be like this all the time I feel like a lot of the pros who have a reputation

For not being very nice have actually been surprisingly nice in person Ian poter Sergio Garcia Watson’s a good one for me he’s always been awesome with us and super friendly and like honest and candid and we’ve [ __ ] on him and like I’ve heard about he can be hot or cold

And same with Bryson like he can be hot or cold and I think Bryson too is a like when you catch him in tournaments and certain modes where he’s really grinding and frustrated with part of his game I think he’s really zoned into a different whereas when when we catch him like we

Haven’t really caught him you know off property or like Bahamas or wherever you guys were which is like he’s probably going to be not in that mode almost the whole time but we’ve caught him at tournaments in that same chill mode like the US Open last year when he came up to

Us at La country he was awesome and he’s in on the jokes and all that so some people are a little more hot and cold which I respect everybody kind of runs differently one will never get no he hates us he hates why would you do we

Talked a lot of [ __ ] for a long time but it you know it’s just all in good well you know it wasn’t in good fun we kind of so it’s hard when you are just saying things for oh my gosh likes or the first absolutely and then

You have to meet them and you’re like I can’t believe I said all of that stuff I’m the biggest coward ever the first five years of our barsol careers just didn’t you just never think it’s going to get as big as it’s going to get and you’re just like let’s throw stones this

Is the most fun to do and then you’re right you meet them and you’re like ah or you don’t expect them to actually look at what you’re saying I said something nice about a player and they reached out like thank you so much for the support I’m like you you [ __ ] saw

That I know like you saw then all the other stuff I was I was like oh my gosh this is great we’re just now we’re on the other side of the commenter thing that we talking about oh that’s so true we’re literally just we are just throwing grenades at

These people online and now we have to meet them what the [ __ ] that’s a really good point I’m glad you brought that back cuz I would have blind just been like this all this stuff is so crazy it’s like you were literally just talking about you’re [ __ ] on the

Imper and then you’re standing right next to it that or just the fact that like we have a digital footprint forever and I tend to forget about that and then I like I’m going to have kids and I’m going to look back be like there’s a

Video online of me seeing how many hot dogs I can eat in 10 minutes in a bikini like lovely lovely me jumping into just a toxic pond in a thong because Paige branck beat me in a video this is what it is you know content I feel like all

The best content happens when we work together we it’s we have good chemistry us our crew and you for sure we’re long overdue long overdue so I think we need to we need to have a rematch yeah and you and I will be your emotional support

[ __ ] does that work that that was her not me I didn’t say that but yeah I we might need some emotional support out there at some point yeah because I can’t break 90s still all right Paige Panic thank you for joining us appreciate it uh let’s

Get these matches on the boook and good luck even though this was last night in this world we’re living in right now it’s tomorrow night good luck in the good good desert open thank you I appreciate that thanks for having me thank you


  1. I like the vs idea. Trent vs Bob, or Joey d. Across the group by handicap vs who you are near. Busta jack , Bob does sports , foreplay , and the gals.

  2. paige is a massive reason there is growth on the female side of this game…and we like it too…i love paige and im happy i got to be a part of this culture

  3. If Riggs is four handicap I am Michael Jackson. Guy can’t even hit the ball all be it his short game is good. Bit c’monnn

  4. Probably not the place to discuss this but to be honest, I will not watch a Paige video if the… girls aren't covered. As a girl dad, not the example I want to set for my girl. I imagine that the 65 year old pervs at the range are into it, but l think there's more value in being known for your golf skills, which she obviously possesses, than your physical attributes. Damn I sound like a dad. My 2 cents 😎

  5. Paige…..tiger finally breaking the ice with yt golf…….I'm sure he's watching……maybe short game or putting lesson😉

  6. Love to see trent break 90 while Paige is in the group. That could really keep him focused and finally do it.
    After nearly a 10 yr hiatus from golf that break 90 series was a great idea. Trying to do the same at 40+ yrs of age. Trent lets do this!!!!

  7. Paige, big fan you are awesome, beautiful, and have a great swing, love your stuff on Bob does sports. My granddaughters are all going to have an opportunity to play golf.

  8. So if Dan actually did his job as a golf reporter you guys would be talking about this young kid from New Zealand Kazuma Kobori…just won his 3rd even in a row in Australian PGA tour…. absolute superstar in making

  9. For Break 90, try to see if you can have Jon Sherman of Practical Golf on. No swing changes needed, you’ll break 90 with the knowledge and course management he’ll be able to share.

  10. I like that the Waste Management exists, but more so that that energy is contained within the Waste Management.

  11. I’m always the one who says I’ll play from the white tees. And see the sigh of relief in the face of my playing partners.

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