Golf Players

Wednesday Night Live! Hobby Talk With Maiden and Special Guest@MrJmangini

Hello and thank you for joining us on another wonderful Wednesday Night Live! Today is Wednesday February 7th 2024 @MaidensWorldOfWax and I am very much looking forward to tonight. We have a very special guest @MrJmangini and his amazing collection can’t wait to see what he brings to share with all of us and I can’t wait to ask him questions so sit back, relax and get your questions ready as we dive into the wonderful collection of Mr. John Mangini!! Thanks for watching and have a great day!!!

Hey what’s up everybody welcome to another wonderful Wednesday Night Live with with Maiden oh there maiden and Tim and we are joined by the one and only Mr John manini tonight glad to be with you guys oh man this is a this is a blast already and Sensei Domino coming in

Early coming in hot it’s good yes now Tony’s a great as well yeah he has a he likes his uh pre-war pre-war card tobacco japanese cards any vintage really ttms uh ttms are an interesting side note to uh the hobby that I’m just discovering so that’s yeah we’re just

Now getting into that that’s fun like I finally got my first one ready to send off I finally got my first one back although it was only one card experiment um yeah I was pretty soaked about that so who’d you get first well you’re GNA

Do a video on it that’s right don’t you don’t want to spoil no no no well I could I could do it now and clip it or it could just show it later so yeah I just show later but I’ll show I’ll uh I’ll show you feathers and then I’ll

Just uh I’ll film a video because some people don’t get a chance to watch the live so um of course it just ripped over the stats stupid me I set this out on the 20th of January I got it back the six of February pretty quick days oh

Yeah and it’s from a Mr uh Darren Shannon now it’s on the Pro Set he signed it in blue right on thank you Mr Shannon Mafia yeah it it’s the card too right some of those cards are really hard to sign yeah I like the OPI uh but yeah

Thanks thanks Mr Shannon that’s uh really cool my TTM return and it was sent no top loader no sleeve aroon no Penny sleeve no nothing and the corners are still pretty crisp sounds like some of the cards I’ve gotten back from eBay y they’re WRA like

A fish yeah I got some earlier this week it was in a Ziploc baggie I’m sorry sometimes you open it up and it’ll be loose and you’re not expecting it to be loose you’re like what the Yeah Absol got people in here what’s up Blue Rock TV how how’s it going we got

My man Lou [ __ ] Scott is in the house got Robert Springs what’s up Robert Robert Tony hey budget what’s up Brian how you doing buddy and Tony what’s up Tony yeah I was hey Tony I was just showing my first autograph that I got in

The mail so I’m going to do a little thing about it there probably short or something now after all this time what uh what made you decide to do that at this particular time because I opened up a crap ton of cards and I need to do

Something with them yeah got a bunch got a bunch so so amazing and gracious of the players to do that because they get all that mail and they really don’t have any obligation to do that exactly and I know it has to take up a ton of their

Time yeah and John for me um I saw that opportunity to reach out to some of those players that I liked watching as a kid as a young fellow that either played minor league here or in the AHL that I got to meet when I was a younger fella

And had them sign stuff and then lost it obviously as it got older uh like Dave Reid and Gary Roberts I don’t know if you’re that big of a hockey guy but I’m Canadian so that’s that’s a pass uh but some of those guys played here and and

They were huge Heroes of mine grown up so so that you know that’s the real answer me I was a big hockey fan in the 90s uh when the Penguins uh were good you know once we got Mario Lemieux because I was a penguin fan and then in

The early 2000 NHL package and I watched every game every night like I just was a fanatic about it and then they had the Olympics uh which was that was a fantastic Olympics for hockey then of course they changed the rules after that because everybody loved that fast play

Uh so I I know all the players from back then I haven’t been following it so but uh we used to get the AHL cards back in the day you know and try to try to pick some of the upcoming POS possible Stars yeah yeah like BR holl Brad Hall

Spent like half a season here almost a year here um got to meet him when I was young he was a super cool guy and and you know that’s Bill Ranford uh there’s so many that came through here you know and that yeah I got to play uh I got to

Play golf with Joey Mullen oh nice know this but at at the time of his retirement he was the all-time leading American Born scorer in NHL nice I didn’t know that that’s not saying a whole lot because most of the great hockey players weren’t American but there’s a couple Mike madano Jr

Ronic those boys they can hold thead big madano fan fan and Jr Matt Matt Dean fan and Paul Korea and they sign my my man though was Joe sack I loved him yeah for sure hey how you doing but one of my friends hear Zach’s collections uh Zach sent out a TTM

Request to Dominic Hosk in the Czech Republic and it came back so it’s amazing I oh wow I think it’s because again people that are our age that are reaching out to these guys is because we watch them growing up we enjoy them and there’s a personal connection there you

Know that’s what it’s about yeah I have a Pat I have a Patrick leim up on my wall um some I don’t know some uh but when he came up with the Penguins he set the uh consecutive wins by a goalie for a rookie record my man um speak

Playing yeah I forget where he was playing but he was uh man it was so sad to watch because play off and he had U not given up a goal in so many games um and he had to go like it was like a minute 40 some

Seconds left for him to get the record and at the very end of the game he gave up a goal oh man right at the very end sorry it’s skipping a little bit the audio is kind of jumping around oh yeah yeah he was he was going to uh he had like the

Most consecutive uh games without giving a goal giving up a goal in the playoffs and he was about to break the record I to break it and there was like a minute 42 left or something and it was like within the the last you know little bit

Of time he gave up a goal oh man I I was watching that game I was really rooting for him but that was that was a long time ago my memor is a little hazy on it that’s the story of my life right there is it m

Too Patrick man he had he had signs of Brilliance when he was on he was on yeah that’s right he was he sure was hey Rook how you doing hey cam thanks for coming Bank thank you I’m just gonna run quickly just great a few people here hey

Titus how you doing hi Lou thanks for coming NCR my buddy George from Ohio uh national parks princess nbp how are you DL she’s awesome what’s up Prin at like 896 now man she’s doing pretty well lately oh nice yeah yeah she’s super supporter of mine and I’m glad to

See all these people here and Rook what can you say she’s awesome she’s legendary I check her out for sure sweet yeah for real now you guys have an agenda I don’t so I will let you so just really quick my first TTM that I’m going to send off I saw this

Guy signs is in the top 25 so I was trying to search for somebody that I knew I might have a good possibility of getting back and I saw that he signed so I figured why not I’m gonna try to sign send this uh Bobby chance yeah oh yeah

He’s a good signer he’s a good signer and he was a good pitcher Yeah man so I figured why not if you’re gonna try it might as well go big right yeah hey and you know what all you can do is Chance yourself hey that’s right yeah I have uh I have

I have probably his toughest card here where do I have that why does that not surprise me he have a great collection John to show you guys back in the day you know everybody knew about this card this was like one of the most sought after cards but over time you know these

Things get lost and new cards become popular um if I can find it and like most most of the hot dog issues you know they’re all really scarce the rodeo meets oh nice oh my God that is cool okay I just fell over like if I wasn’t

Sitting in my comf chair I would have passed out did from 55 this is the Johnny s too you know Johnny s yeah have two of the Bobby shans because it was such a big card for me growing up nice those uh those wieners cards are some that I need to still look

For got the I’ve been looking for those um the cons wieners the cons yeah I have a nice Clemente here oh60 fantastic yeah these have great backs with stats and player bio those are so sweet hey ttim put and then you have the oh I’m sorry I’m not you got me all

Fluster I can’t even think straight yeah this is their first day there you go thing about the stal meire is there was one year I believe it was 53 I believe uh one year they actually sold them at the stadium or gave them out with the

Hot dogs uh so those ones are you probably find them in better condition than the ones that were in with the hot dogs because you know these are all low grid beat the hen back really but they still present great that’s a yeah they look fantastic oh yeah I like those and I

Like the uh Red Heart dog food cards as well some of those are of my favorit yeah here’s something Vint these are bag red that is awesome how cool are those that’s dope yeah I got a bunch of those those are fantastic cards nice yeah the and the Mickey man stack of

Here I got got one usual too yeah see tired that’s that’s a cool one oh sweet autograph mini nice yeah yeah that’s that’s a nice set those are looking cards with vibrant color yeah the red hearts are something I’ve been starting to pick up lately and I end get

A heck of a lot cheaper everybody’s on to them now right end up picking up a billy Pierce last week oh nice yeah the thing about the red hearts um from the other food issues of the of the time is that they were mail in rebate could still find them in

Really nice condition but like a lot of the hot dog cards you know they’re they’re it’s super hard to find them like that and the Dand um those nice on the Dand came in bags of potato chips so they’re almost all lower grade I mean you can find them

In five in the modern era people were probably cleaning them make them look nicer than they are right yeah I know uh when you guys were mentioning about your Cracker Jack cards and trying to get the stains off how people soak it and all that kind of stuff it’s like with the

With those uh wiener cards with having all the stains on it you definitely know it’s authentic at that point right just today um with one being cleaned and uh you know it it came out so white and a little faded that uh just looking at that card I would guess it

Was it was cleaned like sometimes you could tell you know some some of these cards they didn’t they didn’t have real white borders even to begin with white you know that’s suspect to me yeah definitely I saw that Babe Ruth uh one that you posted earlier it was so clean you could can’t

Even see the picture anymore oh yeah yeah yeah that was a that was a joke but I I found that on eBay it was so faded yeah you could barely see anything I was like [Laughter] wrong you know what it could have been it could have been that’s why uh because

I I mean it it didn’t look like just Sun fading I mean it was that that thing was so badly faded there was almost I would guess it was cleaned well what’s gonna happen with the D and the wiener cards is that they’re become like the Beatles uh

Butcher cover so many people have tried to restore that cover that the original pce overs will actually be the ones that hold value because they’re getting scarcer and scarcer by the day because people keep trying to peel the cover off to get to the butcher it’s gonna be the

Same thing you’re G know that Hobby’s own damn fault really because this this super emphasis on tens uh so uh when you can sell a 10 for you know5 $10,000 more than another card it’s like you see a card that’s worth 20 bucks in uh near mint condition you know Raw say tenos

For a thousand so you’re creating that Vibe where people were need to try to improve those and they don’t need to but they want to I’ve never really been that into condition myself I don’t I don’t need my cards to be absolutely perfect under a microscope I find it all yeah especially

At 30 times magnification it’s like what good like that’s just crazy and I collect the card not the grade so definely for me like if I can get like I don’t care if I have five or 50 if I can get a 70 Hank Aaron for

Anywhere between five bucks and 10 I’m G to do it all day long and I don’t care what it looks like I’m just gonna get it right like that c no do I have some higher red ones yeah but it’s still it’s the love it’s the love of that player

The love of the card the love of the hobby um for me anyway right I’ve always gone on that right well like back in the day with the backet they was only two there’s only uh two lines of price on it it was like the you know it had like the

The mint and the the other price you gota see a back well before The Boom Like back I think back in even 2015 2016 you know if you had a PSA 67 or even a five that was garbage you’re like n it’s trash I don’t want that even if

It was vintage because it was because there’s only so many small collectors it didn’t matter like I picked up a bunch of Duke Carter uh Duke Snider cards in 2015 for like two bucks a shot and they were clean 57 Duke 58 64 and I got them

For two three bucks each because nobody was collecting baseball cards then you know Jackie’s rookie Jackie Robinson’s rookie card 50 bucks oh I wish I would have grabbed that now though but I was going for case of beer and in a night out with the boys so I didn’t want to

Get too hard into it at that but you know to show you right the red hearts are the same thing uh serial cards vintage serial cards wiener cards what’s the other Franks um 54 I believe is it Wilson’s I can’t remember yeah you’re talking about the

Talking about the 54 Wilson Franks B go nice thank you yes those are great those are beautiful cards fantastic there’s a beautiful Campanella in that set too is wow I love that yellow in the back that’s great makes it pop those are beautiful yeah I need a few more but I

Should have got the Gil Hodges before he went into the Hall of Fame they all these collectors and they only collect Hall of Famer so when these guys get in uh all of a sudden their their cards shoot up because now there’s all these people that didn’t never had

Their cards that are scrambling to get them you know that happened with Ted Simmons you couldn’t give that Ted Simmons into the Hall of Fame and then it was selling you know for hundreds Harold Baines need I say more yeah yeah I remember going back when he got in and digging through u

Pull out yeah he knew you had yeah Derek cheeter was like for the first like six years of his career like he’s a common and then when he got really good everybody’s like oh my God D cheater I I like d cheeter you know but

I’m a blue jays fans so when the Yankees come to town man it’s visal it’s it’s a tough one um you know yeah it is it is but I got to see Jeter’s last game and ironically John it was Ricky Romero’s last game in the MLB

So it was a win-win it was great nice what’s up Alex here’s that uh the Becket so back in the day you sorry you can’t really see it but you only had the two lines of prices for your for your guys and uh that’s all that really mattered

Back in the day you did wasn’t like a 10 or six all that give you like a near Min and what a VG or something and then you you would basically um you basically decide on your own you know how to adjust that for lower grades right just

Kind of guess yeah pretty much yeah I mean condition you know in the in the 80s started to become important nobody really paid that much attention to condition I mean you didn’t want the card like beat up or something yeahi like you hear right now

It says the uh the 52 tops Mickey Manel in good condition is $9,000 there you go imagine imagine yeah right we used to keep these cards loose in in shoe boxes and stuff flip them play games and we didn’t think anything of it really some kids would rate their

Initials on the back of their cards and the other kids didn’t steal themet you know is when I remember I it started to become common to use top loaders and stuff and when they first used top loaders they didn’t even use a penny sleeve with them you just put it

In the top loader and sometimes those Corners would get dinged yeah that’s why you know knowing how kids collected back then and knowing uh you know not even talking about the 30s or the 40 it just blows my mind when I see uh these so many cards in nines and tens from those

Eras in fact when I I see you know when I see cards from the turn of the century in nines eights like I’m not buying it like I I I believe those are altered I’m just not buying it because those cars didn’t come out cigarette packs probably

In a nine yeah right exactly exactly they were put in with caramels and crackerjack now some of them were mailin some of them you could mail in for like in in 1915 you could mail in for the Cracker Jack cards but they’re so thin and flimsy and they came with an out

Pasted into so you tell me who had the foresight in 1915 to keep these things in perfect condition see my theory is they were in an album because all the old cards even from the 1800s the the cards you find in the top condition were in albums all

These years stored in an album and they’re near pristine but they have uh back glue on them now the thing is is the glue back in those days wasn’t that good wasn’t like the glue we have today so you could get them off the pages maybe St them or whatever and normally

There are remnants back there right and so they’ll get like 1.5 uh so I suspect that those ones that are really sharp were in an album stored all those years that’s why they’re so sharp on the front and the the back residue was probably removed they were

Either soaked or something and I know that uh in some instances that can come back you know i’ I’ve seen it yeah there’s H I heard you guys talking about uh how uh the Orlando had some that was coming back into um and there was stains was

Reappearing and stuff like that now I end up uh but I mean only time we’ll tell that and I’m sure many of them don’t uh but I just I just think that those have been tampered with just not I just see you know you see so many these

Days and it’s just suspect where did these all come from yeah that that’s we were saying was the Vintage autograph thing you know they’re coming out of the woodwork all these old vintage cards autograph right the same deal um I’m not saying there’s anything up it’s just

It’s suspect right now I was watching that and it got me thinking because I have this one card that um is pretty beat up but I don’t know if it was graded like this or if it happened like for example like you guys were saying it

Was put some sort of solution on it and then something happened later on after it got slabbed but um it was this uh 51 Bowman Gil Hodges speaking of Gil Gil’s gonna make his appearance but it’s got mold all over it I don’t know if it’s focusing very well but all those little

Black spots are just moldy and it it wasn’t like that when you got it um it was like this when I bought it what’s it great so one one but it’s hard to say like I there goes now it’s focusing yeah like it probably just got mold from where they stored it

Yeah probably it was probably in a damp basement but this is one of my favorites even though it’s all moldy and everything it’s still pretty cool 51 Giles man it adds character how many people have one that looks like that right it’s one one one

Right well it’s I’ll bet you I bet you you can’t remove mold either yeah I don’t know how ask one of the experts yeah see what kind of bleach I’d have to soak it in it would end up looking like that Babe Ruth all right yeah that thing had to be bleached

That bab Ruth that thing was that thing was something else um yeah we’re getting into that era where like like you said there’s big big money involved right so people are taking their chances but it was like that in the record Community too man with the Be Beatles uh butcher

Cover um you know the trunk cover was worth 500 bucks and the butcher was worth like 50 60 Grand and then people started peeling yeah I mean somebody’s cards are life changing money yeah right yeah for sure changing money for I mean you could pull a pack now you guys you

Follow my channel so you know how many cards I have yeah I mean you could pull a card out of a pack today that’s probably worth more than my entire collection out of a brand new pack it’s so ridiculous how how that works like I

It blows my mind how a new rookie card is worth like so much more than a Hall of Famer or somebody that has proven themselves and all that kind of stuff you know it just blows my mind yeah you can have like a one one super fractor

That’s wor like you know 7 or 800k and then next thing you know you turn on the TV or you flip the newspaper and oh no I yeah so it’s a gamble it’s like anything it’s any any anything like that for sure right yeah you know that is not a new

Phenomenon where people pay up for the hot rookies but it’s just to a different level now with the amount of money they’re paying for these rookies I mean you’re selling out 40 or 50 Grand and they they could be absolutely nothing so you either have to have just money to

Burn or you have a very big you know that gambling Personality yeah I don’t know right well it’s similar to putting 50 $50,000 you know on a on a sports team or on black at the roulette table that’s essentially what it is I only do that on GTA I don’t

Do that in real life but yeah George from North Coast railroad mentioned uh s 50 40s to 50s Comics look admit they had had to be touched up and that’s another thing that’s happening in the comic book Community as well is that you know they’re steaming they’re cleaning

They’re Tri you know like they’re cleaning it up they’re bleaching they’re you know well when they have the option uh when you send it in to get graded that they can press and clean it for you before they grade it like you get it’s only a matter time I think it’s

Before they have that option like some uh I know that some hobby shops are offering that before it goes graded um that they’ll clean and touch up your card before you send it off yep yeah yeah I mean the thing is is like for the grading companies if they

Can’t catch it then you know if you can’t beat them join them right right if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying I mean they have to they have to legitimize this because they can’t catch it yeah they have to it is in their best interest to legitimize restoration

Exactly it’s sort of like when the uh recording artists don’t Embrace people recording live shows now they record their own live shows they put on their website and they charge it Fe to download them there you go can’t beat him Jo you have to be able to Pivot right

Like and and that’s the that’s really the the th the the key but yeah some people have some pretty strong opinions on the on the C cleaning hits and Bobs but you’re right back in the 80s we only cared about four sharp corners and that was it you know are the corners all

Whack yeah no perfect she’s meant by I can send her on down the line you know yeah you know that’s that’s an interesting phenomenon you brought up because it was all about the corners and now it’s more about the centering and the image and and like for me and I know

For many the corners are pretty secondary with um vintage cards uh where back in the old days it could be offc Center but as long as that had short sharp Corners yeah you know it could have image flaws but everybody wanted those sharp Corners yeah oh yeah yeah I got a

1972 uh Willie maze it’s offc Center but it’s it’s clean I call it my crooked Willie um but that’s the example right like you know now is it is it the in action yeah is it the in action yes yeah that near impossible to find Center that thing 90% of them are are

Like that that is itct one of the toughest cards to find centered that and the 1976 George Brett really tough one too right right like because every time I find a centered one I buy it let me guess were you a Warhammer colle because that’s the same

Level of giving a kidney for that kind of thing right like it’s you’re going to pay up for that stuff now esally the Geor you are yeah yeah see things change I remember when there wasn’t a rookie card when that wasn’t even a thing right oh

Yeah you know and you would look at those you go to a show and you look at those dealers that rookie card on the top ler you’re like oh my God right oh when they yeah when they first came out with the rookie card we were so enamored

We were we were going back through our old cards looking well first we had to figure out which one was their rookie card right you didn’t have a whole lot of if the stats match you know like you do now yeah exactly they have the rookie

Logo so so we had to try to figure it out yeah for sure and then you then you started looking at again sets like the Wiener sets uh redart like talk Stam usual you know certain players didn’t have contracts at tops you’d only found them in the food product so which one’s

The real rookie you know talk about mantle 52 tops or The Bowman you know like um yeah it gets it was dicey so I think PSA and authentication has helped with that at least but again we were talking about PSA the other day like if people are

Grabbing every nine they can cracking it resubmitting it for a 10 and not updating the the registry that registry really isn’t all that accurate it can’t be there’s no way it can be accurate oh yeah you know everybody’s not reporting every time they they crack open a slab so they can

Get that thing taken off so and they used they used to crack and resubmit but now they’re cracking cleaning and resubmitting yeah yeah fixing the corners cleaning it exactly so it’s a whole new that’s evolved too exactly and now you’ve overstated both Registries right because now you have a a proper

Quote unquote 10 but you still have the nine showing which blows up the pop count again there’s people that collect just on the pop count do they happen to be born after 1985 or 1995 maybe but some people do um you know and that’s their bag but again

If you’re going to go by that that’s not really accurate either and Tony brings up a good point I was going to mention that the Don maddingley rookie is what started the rookie card interest was that 84 Don Russ maddingly rookie that everybody was chasing back in the 80s

That that was the first yeah that was the first big one however I Valenzuela and Tim Reigns in 1981 I think 1981 was when it really started but definitely the Don matting Ley without question without question was the first big one everybody chased there’s no doubt about that but I think

It started to become a thing like around 81 that’s remember where we were excited to get those cards I was still excited to get a Tim Reigns repe it wasn’t a thing from my recollection for the Ricky Henderson so in 1980 that was not a a deal because I

Remember when the rookie card became a deal and that that Henderson became popular I went back in my boxes that year and I had nine Ricky Henderson rookie cards and believe me they wouldn’t have all been in that box if the rookie card thing was a thing when I got

Them yeah yeah yeah it’s funny course I grew up in a small town in Western PA maybe I just was late learning about it I’m here in Idaho so it’s always a couple years behind everybody else again again T Tony Sensei Domino coming in with the comment 71 stolen bases and 88

Games for Reigns people weren’t talking about Ricky they were talking about Tim Reigns see that’s the other bit I chased his rookies yep him man and Tony Tony Peña because I’m from Pittsburgh and Mookie Wilson and Hugo Hui huie Brooks had rookie cards that year too speaking of the Expos was one we

Chased oh yeah speaking of the Expos yuie played on the Expos most most of your Mets from the 80s played on the Expo yeah had a fire sale like three times like here take everybody we don’t care Ellis Valentine man he was a good player he had a cannon for an arm he

Just didn’t have a very long career yeah we got a question for you oh yeah yeah see here Alex has a question for you he says uh how do you feel about the people that clean the card for submission yeah I mean it’s it’s here to

Stay I don’t necessarily like it um I don’t know what anybody could do about it if if the grading companies can’t catch it yeah like I said to tell and uh if it looks off to me even if it’s slabbed I I stay away from them

Because I I just don’t know what the long-term effects are going to be maybe nothing maybe nothing if they’re putting it in distilled W water maybe nothing I don’t know all I know is I I always learned a cardboard and water and now I have to rethink that maybe I water on my

Electronics next because I always thought those two didn’t didn’t go together it’ll yeah I have very mixed emotions on it I don’t I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other despite how I may come across uh because I a lot and it’s more to get everybody thinking and it’s

More like asking questions about it than than stating a definitive opinion on it it all feels icky to me is is what I say but I don’t really have super feelings one way or the other I guess it but when I watch it I have to say when I watch

Some I get like a little sick in my stomach it’s it’s it’s it’s not fun to watch feel weird it does feel weird but you know what as a record collector because I’m also I spent 30 years collecting vinyl um people who were fixing warped records dish records you

Know ones that had storage warps or they’d be you know dish in the middle and they were like baking them and pressing them and doing all this stuff and I was like oh that’s icky but then I thought about it if it’s an original say Beatles record that you know there’s

Only 300 printed and you have one of them take the risk you know it’s like it depends unless you’re there like I had a a swan Beatles record that’s worth like 1,500 bucks I got it at the Goodwill for like a quarter but it was it was wared

So I I sold it as such it’s worked did I try and fix it no I took the bath on it I got 600 bucks but I only paid a quarter for it so I don’t care um I would have felt icky if I would have had

It fixed and try to pass it off as original that team seems dishonest in the way now if you said hey I’ve restored this like a car if I’ve restored the car and I told you it’s a full restore do you know what you’re buying I’m cool you’re cool we’re all

Cool but if I tell you it’s original numbers pain matching car then I find out it’s the wrong color and the numbers don’t match well you’re a fraud and I’m a fraud so I’m stupid for buying it and you’re a fraud so it’s it gets close to that level you know it really

Does yeah one of the things I always say is ignorance is bliss so somebody gets a card they clean it they submit it to PSA PSA grades it puts a nice high uh and then it goes back to the guy who cleaned it he sells it for a

Boatload and the buyer is super happy with it so it’s like where’s the where’s the victim right the guy’s Happy who cleaned it because he made his bank psa’s happy because they made their Bank it was willing to pay that and they they like the card and they’re happy so it’s

Really in many ways a victimless crime unless unless a year down the road your PSA 9 gets all funky and looks like a PSA 2 right or that yeah or the looks like who knows it might might mold out yeah yeah I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t know it maybe

Nothing will happen I wanted to get back to something when you were talking about pop reports you know what’s something I find hilarious is uh when people list uh I don’t know they have like a 19 three and uh they’ll say only two it’s a pop two right because there’s only two

Graded a three and I’m like yeah because no dumb asses turn in you know pay grade 1978 and a three right right so of course it’s low pop that doesn’t mean there’s not a million of them out there correct s them in rating and and there’s

A lot of cards like that where you know it’ll be a 10 and it’ll say low pop and I’m thinking yeah because nobody sends that card in I know but you know what we don’t have in the world John is we don’t have uh PSA 10 1990 tops Brian Clutterbuck scum

Stash hats gum me hat we don’t have a PSA 10 I am gonna get one even if I oh oh sorry here we go look at that there you go with this skuzzy hat um and yes it’s in a snapdown just because um we’re going to get that bad boy into

Two a 10 somehow yes and it’ll be a PSA one because no dumb ass is GNA get a like clutter Buck PSA 10 90 bus yeah the only people that get those graded are the the set registry people that’s it because I mean until a DA aie

And a PS 10 grand nobody’s grading a Don ass unless you need it for your your registry right or you’re a dick and ass collector C like this guy you should see my dick pole collection I got tons all kinds man yeah Pete laco I got a bunch

Dude like Harry bird 55 Harry bird Bowman let’s go ni yeah I hooker tops card cards oh yeah why not you might as well right if you’re gonna enjoy the hobby enjoy the hobby that’s right like here this is one of my favorite cards look how off-centered that is that

Pat Riley rookie but it’s beautiful awesome you know it’s it’s a beautiful C you know some of them look really great like they’re just so unique looking yeah I have a 1941 playball Joe de magio that’s like a diamond cut and it’s like sideways but the thing is it’s like mint

Otherwise it’s like mint otherwise but I guarantee you it’s the only one I guarantee it nice I love it like that’s the thing and I love the diamond cuts they’re just fun F I got I got a whole section of 84 tops there like a big stock to that’s

The way they came who’s PSA to say that they’re not nice that’s the way they came out of the pack yeah they were right and and if you lived in Canada you got the dull saw bladed OPI cards that you look I love those I love the rough Cuts

1973 OPI baseball they’re notorious for those rough cuts and I se them out the rougher the better nice but you know PSA will grade those a 10 because that that’s the way they came yeah exactly it’s it’s factory like like that right you know right yeah I don’t know what

The hell they used it’s like they CH chewed it off right okay sorry I’m gonna let everybody know it it’s a small army of Canadian [Laughter] beavers just go to town on they were on the government cheese they got a degree in philosophy they couldn’t get a job so

We got them over at the OPI plant par there you go yeah hey back to your uh back to the names you were talking about you do you know that uh Steelers quarterback from like 1969 no I I’m a Bills fan so that that hurts my heart uh his name was Dick

Shiner oh oh yes yes and fair hooker is the other guy but I don’t collect football cards from so it’s I gotta kind of reach out I’m trying to get the baseball done I’ve been chasing down Harry bird cards actually and there’s another one another yeah oh totally def how that I

Know it’s I’m gonna write this down he wasn’t a very good quarterback so they’re cheap sounds good to me bud there’s a there’s a hockey card Ron tugnut yeah I got a bunch of tugs hey hey you know what actually tuggy tuggy does ttms man and his yeah he’s he’s

Dude get an autograph tug nut yeah he’s awesome bro like no jokes um he’s a big big thing up here man I’m telling you dick sh I got it man here we go yeah oh yeah dick pole I got his rookie I have all of Dick Paul’s cards here’s the

Funny thing about him he was a great coach he was actually Greg Maddox pitching coach he was a pitching coach for the Expos and had he not got a comebacker in the eye he probably would have won the Sai Young at least twice he was a great pitcher before he got hurt

So we can all make fun of the name and stuff like that but the man could throw a slider like nobody’s business nice yeah oh yeah no no jokes I’m serious like Greg Maddox like come on bro got Josh mentioned uh Rusty [ __ ] yeah he was he was a manager for the

Mariners for a little while he was he sucked I don’t I don’t know Rusty Cuts 84 tops I believe he was on the Dodgers at the time I’d have to check um you know what card set I do love I have all those sets but I don’t I don’t

Remember him this is one of my not one that stands out these are some of my faves I can’t couldn’t find my oscar gamble in time because my son and I got into rid of a kafuffle this morning but some bad choices of life that he’s made

Uh so I didn’t get a chance to rip through so I only have this one handy but it is the hostess I love these Hostess cards oh nice the panels I absolutely love those things there you go I love the Oscar Gamble from that one it Rivals the 76

Tops traded it’s actually a pretty good one but H MCC was no slouch is pretty yeah the Oscar Gamble and Hostess isn’t it the same image uh used they used a lot of the same images from well from a lot of the same cards like for instance the Willie

Staro and Dave Parker uh in 76 Hostess from 75 tops and I think there’s a I’m just look thinking about my Pirates I think there’s a John candalaria that’s the exact same image as his rookie card in 76 and I think there’s an Oscar gamble that either the same or similar image to

That but that that is just classic class well he’s got one in 75 as well when he was playing with Cleveland and I think those three images are pretty close I’d have to check them side by side I I will now um back to my list and yeah we’ll talk about that

Oscar gamble nice yeah it’s in my long box somewhere hey I had a couple questions but um OS in like two minutes I gota be right back I’ll be super quick what let you do talk really fast and I will be right back so go yeah put um yeah okay

No problem John what’s your favorite food and beverage set and card that you have of that set oh man I you know I I love them all so much and now I don’t want to go I don’t know if I could I don’t know if I

Could pick just one I I you know I love the Kellogg’s cards I love the poess cards love all the 50s you know some of these are super super rare but they’re not necessarily the nice you know the d d set the d d set’s definitely one of my favorites yeah but

You have like the cards are the most rare like I have this H Briggs this 1954 Briggs uh Willie Mays you know crudely cut or they’re you know not NE well the hand cut ones are fun I love the hirer root beer cards from 58 I have yes I have yet to

Find any 58 hires around here at all I like the tle teas one yeah I have I have a couple of tley myself yeah yeah I just love this one because it has the kid and and Wade bogs and I’ve I got this I out like out of

The tea myself I think that’s my recollection and I I just put it in here uh that like that I’ve had that uh since it came out uh this this is one of my most special pieces and and and you know they don’t have the the emblems on the hats and I

Know a lot of collectors don’t want anything to do with those cards but it’s never bothered me no me neither um I personally myself enjoy the panels the hostess panels from 878 88 from Canada they had some pretty cool stuff Expos Blue Jays oh yeah those are

Fun but I love the MSA discs and I think you’ve heard Timmy and I talked about this a few times I’m a disc guy man like I’m I’m a fan of all discs if it’s circular and there’s cards I’m in you know I just got some more in today too I

Used to so I used to get those at e my my grandmother lived in this small town outside of Pittsburgh and real small town um movie I am4 was film and man those people were so excited because you know they don’t film movies there but

There was this ice Le in town and my grandmother lived in an old you know this highrise we C it the highrise it was for elderly people that didn’t have any money and and it was state funded and everything and and up with and knew uh Liv there together and they used to

Play cards and stuff and I used to go stay with her and she would walk me up town to the ice leaves I get like a milkshake or something and I would buy those things I would get those uh so I remember uh getting them as a little kid

And so they’ve always uh been very dear to my heart uh I remember getting cups too with like Terry Bradshaw and stuff but you know I don’t know if I just have a bad memory because I I can’t find them I I’ve searched for them and I don’t have

Any in my collection so I don’t know what ever happened with those but I have a vivid recollection of getting those but anyway yeah I have uh these I came to learn I never knew about like these are crane potato chips yeah um I love knew that yeah these were made for all

Different kind of companies and products and I I think they they change depending on what area of the country you lived in right uh like in my in my neck of the woods it was nice they’re e yeah iy’s ice cream yeah and then U Carl okay John I’m going

To look I think caral had a football set with Terry Bradshaw in it it was a black and white pencil portrait similar to what they did with the basketball players I’m wondering if that’s could be it oh I I have these um like the football ones they have the waterer Payton rookie

Oh nice yeah yeah 76 crane yeah yeah those are nice cards man I I’m a big fan of crane big big big fan yes I like the I me Pepsi ones but I like the holiday in ones those are I think a little tougher to find yeah I

Don’t see the holiday in ones as much as I do and the green border really like pops it really I like I like them they really look nice yeah I like them too and then do you about the um oh man I don’t have one handy but do you remember the Burger

Chef they were smaller discs yeah it came in a box and there’s like a whole like five of them on the front of the Box yeah yeah yeah yeah like um like a place mat right yeah seen them before yeah the yeah those things are really cool yeah I have the Pittsburgh Pirates

Like in full form I have one of those but I have a I have a number of those those pretty cool nice so I had I have a Chris chamblas they’re kind of cool autograph oh nice oh that’d be sweet so I had a quick question it’s kind of a like okay well

Anyways do you know what the what year and what card was the first card to be included into a Serial box for a prize uh it’s a non did you say yeah cards uh for a prize that was actually included into the box and not serial box and it was a

Non sport card yeah it’s they they had two baseball cards in the in the Box in the Box hold on what did you say say um they had uh in the set they had two baseball cards in it um it was baseball related cards but it was still like a non-sport type

Set you got me all right I’m me turn turn my camera around so I can the first Kellog card um I have over here was a Christy Matthews said in 1930 and that was the only baseball player the rest of them were non sports however that was cut out so

That wasn’t inserted in um I I know they did like stamps and weedies in uh getting closer mid 50s yeah in the 50s weedies had yeah um I I don’t know I don’t know that if there’s Bas you said generic baseball players I’m assuming um it wasn’t

Actually a player it wasn’t actually a player it itself um it was like a a cartoon so anyways it’s the 1933 oh it’s 1933 weedies and it had a Skippy and uh it was a Skippy cartoon character so I try to get this glare off of here

Um can you go big screen yeah here sorry there we go so there’s 1933 Skippy at skippies um and they’re included in your weedies box that’s oh damn now I have to take notes 1933 weedies baseball yeah so in this set there’s only 12 cards in the set and um two of

Them depict him playing baseball uh Skippy which is uh Skippy okay and Skippy was a cartoon character that they used um at the time and this is before Skippy peanut butter interesting interesting yeah there there’s a big huge lawsuit between Skippy the Skippy that Drew this guy and Skippy peanut

Butter but uh so you got Skippy at the gym this is card number two and um I’m going to have to thank my lovely wife for these because she got these for an early Valentine’s gift and I can’t take the credit for KN the she

Got you those yeah she did you got to go marry her again my brother oh right yeah for real though now you have to tell your said Valentine’s Day is my birthday so she might shopping again and on the on the back of them it says uh this one’s develop your punch a

Skippy at the gym developing your punch and on the back it always tells them a little couple good things to do uh you see got it says boys and girls be like Skippy do the same three things he does every day when you get up in the morning

Wash clean all over and brush your hair that’s give your teeth a good brushing and eat a big bowl full of weed with milk or cream and sugar that’s right make sure there’s lots of sugar and exercise and uh that’s the way that’s the way to have big muscles strong bones

So you could win games that’s right and make sure you drink beer after 9:00 am. that’s right but only on Saturday than Elegance but only on Saturday so here’s a card number four in the series oh my gosh we got Skippy socks the bag do you have the whole set um no I

Don’t I wish I did um dude these are these are pretty sweet man and on the back it pretty much same that’s live I watch you had a bunch of great cards and brought me oh thank you so much brought me back he does he’s got

A great eye and then uh this one’s a little bit rough but this is card number five got Skippy and training hitting the roow machine that’s a short print one actually I remember no but if I remember it’s funny some of those exercises you use today all right right I think what

Was it number five and number nine I think of short prints yeah I know five was but other than that that’s all I got on those two just these three yeah so this was a fantastic gift I was very surprised to get these I never heard of

Them until she told me about him she said for the win she uh she she drives back and forth she has a like a 45 minute commute to work so she listens to a lot of talk radio and and that question I asked was one of the uh

Questions on the uh talk radio show dude I’m tell and another trivia we got the first year of Mother’s Cookies cards I know I showed this on here before because it’s very cool I love it you have we got 1952 Mother’s Cookies yeah that’s that is from um got uh Fred

Sanford of the Pacific coast League played for the Portland beavers that’s right yeah because you showed this on our Sunday show Once yeah I I had to it fantastic you can show anything anytime Bud like seriously just don’t drop your shorts in public you get arrested oh no

I only do that in the mornings that’s right after 9 o’clock beer time yeah six o’clock in the morning I drop shorts every morning that’s right and then about 9 I’m no I’m just joking but yeah you do drop shorts at 6 I’ll show you uh hey while you’re on that subject let

Me let me show something that’s interesting okay that’s true there is a because I have this Mother’s cookie of Piper and he is he is significant in baseball history because he talked Willie Mays into playing on his team oh liie May was a teenager and ended up mentoring him

And uh got him up and and Willie Mays attributes his mentorship was so successful the mother’s cookies are cool there’s not a whole lot of you know there’s no big names uh of course they have The Rifleman and he you know I mean I think

He had like one or a couple at bats in the majors so he had a cup of coffee there but because he was a movie of Fortune and this is Jean Baker and he played for my Pittsburgh Pirates uh so I I wanted to get I like to get him you

Know somebody that played in the majors and then of course Piper Davis just for the story yeah that orange one has so great colors on it that that’s fantastic it’s pretty cool Jee Baker cards look look nice if you ever see if you ever run into them he has pretty good looking

Cards you know he’s like Jim gillium I I’ve never seen a Jim gillium card I don’t like they’re all cool looking to me yes oh well I got the camera over here I ended up pulling my Roberto Clemente cards because I know you like Roberto

Clemente so I only have a couple and so it will be really quick so get the uh a couple’s better than none that’s right here I’ll put it up there there we go we got The Deco yeah the 69 Deco Edge peachy version of that yeah yeah cuz it’s offc centered H

Yeah good one that’s how you know it is oh actually no that one’s an American one yeah these things are fantastic they’re like got this that’s a great image of him though I always loved that card yeah8 game card too oh and of course uh Serano had that hanging in his locker in

The movie Major League that 68 game at Clemente yes oh ni that is true and I end get this one I’m not sure what year this is it’s some promo card I just thought it was really cool what is this says Legends of the game Roberto Clemente okay and uh

Clemente has no badl looking cards no he’s another one I think I I think Nolan Ryan’s in that League too for me I I don’t think I’ve seen a bad Nolan Ryan card I know people crap on of them that they don’t like but I like the 76 tops

Nolan Ryan he’s just sitting there and he’s like all gamed out and stuff and he’s like you know I like that one yeah he has some nice ones I I particularly love his 7 to4 yes I do too U nice but his 68 69 uh yeah 68 69 are pretty

Cool got this one in today so I was from a distance okay nice now which one is that this one’s the orbakers yeah I just learned about orbakers recently believe it or not I just got my first ones oh nice after all these years I never I never crossed

Somebody sent me or Bakers and I was like never saw this one before nice yeah see the Oddball collectors on YouTube man like we need to get together and have like an oddball conference from time to time because there’s a lot of knowledge that’s compartmentalized that could be shared

Yeah I mean you know tops cards are are great but there if if you know if you want to get out into the world a little bit there are so many great cards out there because cards were distributed in all kind different companies and all kind of different ways all kinds of

Shapes and sizes that’s why I always say I I hate the word Oddball because car there’s no uniformity to cards unless you just collect tops yeah tops have uniformity right but the rest of them didn’t I mean you look at the 33 gouty the t205 you know those aren’t the same size

The 41 40 playball they’re not the same size 39 playball you know everybody had their Thing going turn this around again it’s like the tall booy basketball cards I mean those are some of the greatest cards ever and the 76 basketball cards love oh speaking of basketball sorry sorry for the camera movement um so you I was watching your your show a while

Ago and um you got me you started you showed this set and it just got me absolutely hooked on the set and I had to get it I don’t I still don’t have the full set but um it is the uh 72 the icy Bears yeah oh yeah yeah I got I love

Anytime yeah anytime I get a chance to show these I I love to because you got me into these and uh once I saw these and I had to search and try to find as many as I could and ironically John icy bears are what Tim and I bonded with I

Was like oh you know icy bear you’re okay with me and you’re showing the the caral ones earlier caral Canada uh no they’re from the Canada these ones I don’t know no caral from the Midwest they’re not Canadian at all no no no icy bear oh I oh no I don’t I

Don’t know I can I’m not sure me a second I think they might be from New York that’s why if you’re familiar with them you know New York Canada Border there sometimes I don’t know it’s pretty close I don’t know um but I this is why

I’m glad I’m on because I was on that live you you started to show those and as soon as you as soon as I caught a glimpse of it I was trying to comment icy bear icy bear the the chat me would be so much better if the chat could be a little

More interactive uh if YouTube could figure it’s hard to type and then there’s a delay oh it is it’s frustrating sometimes so in there yeah I just love these they’re fantastic that here guys were showing some uh miscut ones so I have this uh what’s unsell miscut like

On the top yeah you know that one um I it’s funny I that that reminds me of the dude on Enter the Dragon like if he had a mug shot you know like like Aero their head shot I don’t know why he reminds me of him yeah W unel always had

The afro rocking didn’t matter what it was 90 Hoops or 196 on top even in his coach cards he had the little afro going yeah yeah he was great man Wes onel was awesome yeah I just got a is I don’t know where it is hey do do you guys know

In 1976 wake something like seven to nine cards in the 76 basketball set do you know that really wow I did not know that that’s it yeah so the speculation is that the photographer lived in DC because most of the cards he’s in you

Could see not most of them but a lot of them and you could see the player whose card it is or in the background on a lot of different cards huh interesting didn’t notice that yeah I did a I did a video like showing all of them can’t remember how many there

Are but there’s quite a few I’ll check it out yeah that’s cool unsell fan that’s the set to collect nice run up photographer that and uh players and whatever so I always think when I see this card always think of how much the photographer hated this person no it’s how much need

Keep like this guy like whoever picked this picture for for him to for this to be his rookie card picture just had to have something out for this guy like he must have hated Jerry Sloan Jerry Sloan must have said something wrong to him or something to be able to give him the

First picture just like this yeah I want to I want to show you something next time you find that card you know me oh I I I got you Maiden I need that for my 7071 set John I’ve been working on I’m like 20 cards away from

Finishing it awesome yeah like no jokes I’m serious about that set it’s going to be in a five or six better not even playing so let me show you this Jerry SLO same picture they yeah and that’s from the poster set yeah that came the

70 tall boys yeah and if you yeah I have I have a whole got them all do you have them all cuz you’re hard to get I I might so I have all of these in addition to the sloon and then if you look up here I have the Wilt Chamberlain hanging

Above my hoop let’s go oh nice that’s let’s go I’ve been mean to ask about that I bought that I bought that hoop at Hobby Lobby it was like I don’t know 20 some bucks and I couldn’t pass it up I use it as a display I’m like I’ll

Display some basketball cards up there nice oh yeah I was wondering if the if the net had any significance or something like that like if it was from a college game or something no it has zero significance it was just in fact it’s the only it’s the only piece in my

Room that is not uh everything around is so that’s the only thing I have really um and uh I just placed it in the wrong place because I wanted to use it to like throw my my papers play Nerf Nerf basketball I used to play Nerf basketball nice I remember that slamming

On the back of my door and all that yeah oh I had so much fun doing that oh man it was um 69 tops basketball tall boys had the rulers in them oh yeah they did huh posters in them yeah like the big giraffe type of those yeah John

I think I saw a video of you how rapper of 7071 don’t you basketball um 76 I do I have uh there were four rappers in 76 I have have all four but the interesting thing is that they have an ad for an NHL uh waste basket and it’s kind of interesting if

You’re buying basketball cards that you’d want an NHL yeah yeah hockey is the furthest your mind yeah for sure you know just wasn’t popular in the United States like it wasn’t Canada no so it’s just an interesting choice of an ad to put on there like you know maybe baseball or

Football uh before that back then in 1976 Americans didn’t watch you know heck they didn’t watch basketball that much let alone hockey dude nobody in America watched hockey really until way Gretzky hit la and then hockey was big big big time NHL was big time like if

Gretzky would have went to the to the Red Wings like his original idea was um they would NHL wouldn’t have gone down to the States and expanded the way they did but when they figured out that they could sell out in La down south in the West Coast Hockey they’re like CH Ching

Cha ching let’s do it and it blew up and it’s blown up big time you know which is cool it’s great you’re going to expand again and it’s awesome and yay um I would really like to see the Quebec Nord EES come back but thing is with Canada and Canadians

In certain areas of Canada if the team doesn’t win they don’t come and if they don’t come they they don’t make money and then they can’t get better players and then they close shop and go somewhere else that’s business yeah you know and and look I’m going to point to

These guys as much as I love them people when they would start to lose in the fourth or fifth people would leave you can’t go any you got to support the teams that are there but mreal is a hockey town they got the Canadians right and the legacy of the 2000 gazillion

Stanley Cubs they won you know rocket rard reality yeah rocket Rashard Gila Flur rocket Richard’s little brother all of them John Bello yeah Henry Henry was his brother right yeah the pocket rocket as they called it yeah yeah Jean Bello Coro all of those totally means something different

Nowadays I’m I’m I’m a leaf guy though so I’m waiting to be Vindicated from 1967 10 years before I was Born well you had this guy that dominated Stanley Cup in the 70s yeah kend R oh nice meet him did he win he’s pretty cool am I right on that yeah you are yep six yeah yeah he cool because um now when he became a politician hear

About him in the states anymore no he was a politician and a senator but when he was a politician he was campaining around and doing the rounds I was like damn boys this is Ken Dy we gotta go check this out we gotta go be Ken Dy

It’s Ken Dy Canada United States H Canada oh okay yeah Kendra is a Canadian yeah he’s a liberal uh he was part of the Jean ketan government he was a senator for a while yeah so um uh Phil Phil um Phil Esposito and um Chico macki I guess they grew up together they

They were or they both came from the same town in and uh I I happen to have been to Sous St Marie Michigan when I was a kid and I always thought they were Sous St Marie Michigan I didn’t realize there were two different Sous St

Mares yeah there are but they’re not too far apart from each other actually no no but yeah and um they they had a couple of really prestigious hockey programs over at the soue well the OHL right like the the the Ontario hockey League’s legendary like you get

Guys like Bobby or and Paul coffee that came out of that um when gry you know he think the greatest hockey player ever yeah Bobby or is pretty cool not gonna I’m a Le fan I got certainly had a better argument before grety came along yeah oh yeah well then

Then you talk about you know it’s the LeBron versus Michael Jordan versus Will Chamberlain versus Dr J versus magic it’s hard to compare a defenseman you know everybody W scoring yeah yeah bobor was was am that’s why one of my yeah one of my favorite hockey players

Was Paul coffee man I used to love to watch him play and he could you know he used to take the the the puck Coast to Coast good scoring defenseman but he was also a badass defenseman and one time I had tickets right up against the glass

And you know like I said him and lemie are my favorite players and uh so I I had tickets up against the glass this one time and don’t you know Paul coffee got into a fight right in front of me and the guy he was fighting had his

Right against me and Paul coffee St in these blows and it was like in 3D because I’m up against the glass watching his fist come at me it was awesome that’s awesome it was awesome one of the greatest experiences of My Life One of the chances of H getting

Into a fight facing me right at chances that’s awesome well where I used to live in Ontario kiter uh Paul coffee was an alumni with the Kitchener Rangers organization the OHL team there the Juniors and uh he’s royalty there like he has all his Junior stuff and then you

Start looking at the line of guys that have gone through their junior systems like you know Larry Robinson all these names Max Do’s another one like there’s so so many names of these guys and Paul coffey’s like numbers retired big sign big thing like man even when he played

With Edon they wouldn’t have did what they did without him and that team that team was legendary man even before theyit up and gr fur and and Gretzky and sick team dude moose coffee Gretzky fure Kevin low that’sa tienan H Marty Murley like like there’s seven right there I

Forgot about Murley yeah yeah he was nuts like I’m a big fan of the tough I have you mentioned Larry Robinson I have this Sports Illustrated autographed by him and he’s coming down he he’s up against this guy and he’s th he’s throwing a punch at him and and they

Caught it like in midair right before he hits him it’s awesome I had autograph that’s sweet the I’m a big fan AES yeah know I like I like that era of of hockey the BR the the grinding the hardnose type of style of playing um that’s my a

Of hockey I collect those guys specifically autographed guys like Ty DOI and Gina OIC and Dave Tiger Williams and and those guys because to me that’s what hockey was about it was about roughing people yeah you know um you know Salman right who sir saling yeah Boro saling yeah yeah

Boro saling you played for the the Leafs yeah the the first big European player right like U yes sir he was in the NHL and he took a lot of [ __ ] and man he he took a like a a puck to the face or something he had his whole stitches down

His whole face but he was uh he was a really good defense he has some cool cards too one of the best skaters I’ve ever seen in my life and I remember when I was yeah I’m a Leafs fan like die hard since I was little like since I was old

Enough to walk I’ve been bleeding blue and and I could yes I did and I and I remember my cousin and I were making fun of his name because we’re stupid little kids and immature judgment turs and we were like six or seven and uh my uncle CH snapped

His head at me he goes it’s Bor Boro Salman get it right pay attention to him you like hockey because we were both playing hockey at the time do you like hockey learn how to play like him and ever since then it was like what 8384 I

Watch watch that guy till his retirement and you know what I think is really cool uh we just had Jay Pyon show up hey Jay thanks for coming J um that the Leafs finally recognized boro’s contribution to that organization they raised his number to the B his number to the

Rafters he was bad bad sick with uh Parkinson’s I think it was or one of those degenerative type diseases so at least he got to get the recognition that he finally deserved after taking all the crap and it was crap from the other players not necessarily the fans as well

It was other players yeah and in Toronto itself the organization itself they held him back it was because again he was one of the first he was like yeah and I mean they beat the hell out of him too because they did yeah he was tough

Player and he you know he it’s it was similar well listen I don’t want to compare this um maybe maybe not the significance but you know what what I mean they did not welcome him so it was kind of like when Jackie Robinson was playing and they used to beat him all

The time yeah a little bit for sure yeah a little bit just because uh they didn’t want them there and and clearly they didn’t and it changed the style of hockey yeah it really I mean you got you gotta admire a guy that that could come

In and and you know back in that era of hockey they beat the piss out of you and you gotta admire a guy that just stands there and takes it and is an exceptional player yeah and and he had a long career too right yeah and for most people who

Didn’t know as much as we drink the Tim Orton coffee Tim Horton was an animal he was a raging alcoholic he used to beat his own teammates he beat his like he was a nutcase he was absolutely off the wall like Doug Harvey who was a raging

Alcoholic at the time said that this man was made him scared you know really they tried to lock up his alcohol and he took the door right off the hinges they were like not today fellas you know but PR big strapping young fell you know like those

Guys were tough they all were it’s like the old baseball players from the 20s they’d smoke a pack of cigarettes drink five or six be they go play ball for the afternoon just the way they did things you know yeah Tim play Tim Tim played

For my penguins at the end of his career Tim Horton that’s right there’s a funny story about Tim Horton um I guess when he opened up his when he first opened up his coffee shops he was still playing and uh they weren’t paying him what he

And so he threatened uh he said okay well I have you know I have I have another income now I have coffee shop I don’t need this job and then they ended up giving him the pay raise nice but uh you know everybody was tough back then back to that point they

Would say Gordy how would hit you and no one would ever see it like he the way he would he would hit you but he was a lot more physical then he appeared yeah it was all elbows with him it was elbows yeah he he gave he come by

You and hit get a shot in and nobody would see it we were well we some of us were old enough to watch him sort of finish it off there when he came back when he was the old guy skating around the ring couple of times there to get

Whatever to be the eight 80 year old guy and he was still roughing people up like he was he was a tough guy they were all tough guys Bobby Hall he played a long time man oh Bobby man I love that picture he’s missing his two front

Hockey yeah Bobby too man Bobby Clark and the Broad Street Bullies the Old Philadelphia Flyers berie Pan the goenda he wanted to he was tough too man Billy Smith from the Islanders the old Islanders Dynasty from the early 80s before the Oilers Billy Smith Mike boss man Mike

BOS was a beast yeah and then La Fontaine yeah man like they were crazy you know Mike the Mike bossy rookie cards still one of my favorite alltime cards in my collection and I have I have one coming nice God only knows how long it Tak Canada they could take a

Month I know I I get it the other way now I paid $2 to ship a $2 card from the US to Canada so you know it it’s it sucks we got to get some kind of pipeline going here and I mean cards CIA FBI whatever the heck you are cards

Cardboard pictures of men pictures of men that’s right Su Sean how you doing but but yeah like I love the 50s era of hockey I love collecting that era too um I love collecting 50s era anything really I think it was a cool time definitely you know and I love I

Have a big hocke collection I don’t I don’t show it that much so people don’t realize it nice I love that yeah I do too like a pretty large substantial I got uh so from like the 1912 set which five they don’t know for a fact that Imperial

Tobacco um set they don’t know for a fact what year that was but they they may mark it I believe it 1912 or 11 I think 191 anyway I have the um Fred Cyclone Taylor from that set he’s the uh I don’t know that’s my understanding he

Was the first great scorer and then I have the Art Ross to yeah Cyclone Taylor was the first big scorer of the time yeah and Art Ross was known to be the first defenseman to take the [ __ ] Coast to Coast right yep Art Ross and then there yeah yeah there’s a couple of

Those guys that were in and then you get into the next era which is the 2030s and you get into the Diamonds the matchbooks and certain things like that um they’re pretty cool too um that’s the thing that is becoming more inv Vogue now that more people are restoring the more of the

Mainline stuff is getting into more of that older vintage stuff that people didn’t really pay much attention to because it’s still original right like mat they’ll figure out a way to put the matches back into the matchbook Soon those are worth 50 Grand I can assure you somebody’s going to find a way to put those matches back in there oh yeah for sure man it’s always the you know they have those Dixie Lids right from the ice cream uh they’ll find a way to put ice

Cream yeah I’m just joking around but no it’s true they will they will if there’s money involved that’s the thing right when there’s money involved yeah you yeah you know the Hobby’s just worth too much money these days so uh I don’t know like uh the the people that collect just

Like you guys and like me uh you know you get priced out of things and uh it’s just not the same I was telling you before we started this when I was growing up you know the the cards they were cheap and and anybody

Could be a member of the hobby I was a little kid with a just a pocket full of chain go by cards all day long right and now you can’t be a poor person and and participate in this Hobby and that’s something that makes me sad for kids uh

You know because we didn’t have1 $200 packs or even $40 blasters or whatever it is ridiculous 25 cents 50 cents and you would get a lot of cards free when you bought products right that’s one thing they don’t do now either cards for free Hostess cards for

Free uh just about anything you bought in the 80s and 90s yeah exactly exactly it my man now the only thing you get for free is when they when the men crack open the when they open packs they they’ll give away all the uh all the regular cards right we

Mentioning we were mentioning something about this before but uh I was at a card show and I was watching these uh kids I’d have to say they’re like early teens right so uh they’re opening up this box of football cards like brand new Panini something rather was just in a box and

They’re open up with the cards and just throwing the cards on the floor at the at the show like you’re sitting on the outside of the show and just on the floor cards all around them like you had to walk around them to be able to walk

Past them walk around all these cards on the floor and almost the whole like probably couple hundred bucks worth of cards there well they’re not worth but I mean what they just paid for the Box just sitting all over the floor and these kids don’t care they’re just

Sitting there W looking for the autograph or or the rookie or looking for ell Cruz the 20th th000 O’Neal Cruz now I like O’Neal Cruz so for him when he got injured last year me too man he was on a roll wasone cold I love O’Neal Cruz man I hope he bounces

Back but like you know that that’s the problem right and they’re devaluing their own hobby they don’t see it and then the black case guys show up at the shows try everything things like you know they they think they’re playing poker at like the Bellagio bro it’s like

You your balls haven’t even dropped yet what are you doing you’re still pissing yellow and you’re telling me what $10,000 is worth go home your mother’s not paying me to right now you know what I mean like right they and then it comes over to YouTube

You have all these videos that it’s like thousand at this card shop and it’s like well good for you I know congratulations I don’t know I don’t yeah it’s all about it’s all about the money well and and you know there’s certain people that we you know we could

All point the finger at that are blamed for that overhyping and the influencing and stuff but you know what they’re just doing their own thing too and I’m not going to judge anybody on how they do or what they do I’m Not Gon to you know

Throw a rock in a glass house you know or but but there are certain elements that I find it’s just a statement of society in general you know where the people like the younger Generations really have not been forced to think for themselves fend for themselves or

Anything like that so there is that you know that little Tommy that’s going to show up at the show with a $20,000 card and thinks he’s walking away with the Babe Ruth well you know every generation does that right these young people today it’s

Like when uh if you listen to Ty back in the in in 1960 you know he would those players were kind of frustrated at the Modern players didn’t hustle enough and they got paid too much and you know like you listen to Charles barklay and some of the

Basketball players that played in that era uh talk about how nobody plays defense anymore and they they don’t gain uh you know so every generation changes and and every generation goes through that but you could see like um so you know they’ve changed the game of baseball so that people hit more home

Runs everybody loves home runs they made the the bases the size of manhole covers so we could get more stolen they changed the way they clock pitches to make it look like a pitcher throws faster than he actually does because they used to clock it when it crossed home plate now

They clock it when it leaves a hand so they they do these little tiny things to make the game more exciting and bigger and larger then the NFL changed all the rules so that we could have 52 to 49 fo and uh you know look at the NHL you

Didn’t see 10 to nine hockey games in the old days that’s not how you play hockey it’s like nobody wants to see a 22 to 19 soccer game like that’s not what the game is about but it’s all about the scoring and uh nobody has an attention span any sheate truly the

Nuances of the games and that has come over into the card collecting world where you don’t appreciate the little cards anymore you just want that home run y That’s My analy for the day and and to quote Charles Barkley when you’re bagging guys you better roll off them that’s

Right you know what I’ve never looked at Charles Berkley the same sense I and I love him more and more by the day honest to God God bless his heart I tell you that panel that the NBA team has you know with Kenny The Jet and Shaq and and

Of course Charles that’s such a great thing man that’s like I love it they got lightning in a bottle over there some of the funniest [ __ ] that you’ve ever heard comes out of char they go at it pretty good too they do they do some good good

Arguments it is and and glad that Kenny the Jet’s back because he tends to be the adult in the room a lot of the time anybody that watch teams in the late 80s uh Dan Marley you don’t even know how exciting defense can be no and do

You remember when uh Michael Jordan went up against Bill lamb beer and Bill lamb beer like not today boom just down Bill used to Buddy he just literally and then the next year Jordan came back 20 pounds heavier and he didn’t fall down that time you know right

But like Anthony Mason was the same thing I mean Dennis Rodman was just you just brought him into rebound man that’s all that’s all you needed him to do he would dominate a different game would dominate today’s rebounding he would just be the master again because nobody does it well everything’s turning into

An allstar game like baseball is the only All-Star game of all the sports that even has somewhat of a real game feel you know the NBA is just highfly they don’t play defense NHL they don’t play defense I mean you know that one Year my man Mario Lemieux had seven

Seven points and and that team had seven goals right every time he went down the um I remember Marshall folk one year had seven touchdowns they just let him right run right down the field like I don’t even watch they absolutely no fun the only one I watch is uh the Major League

Baseball All-Star game yeah I agree you should just I mean it’s just like a skill you should just have a skills competition really if that’s what you want it to be and then in football changed it yeah and the Pro Bowl used to be after the Super Bowl and then it

Played in the Super Bowl because every year like you could pick probably from those two teams five pro bowlers who were the best in the league like what the hell is a pro bowl without Patrick Mahomes without pie without um you know Bosa uh without Travis kelse you know what I’m

Saying and without players yeah so uh it’s it’s just not even fun to watch anymore at least with the NBA you have the skills like you have the slam dunk competition three-point you fun to watch the actual a fun one to watch because I can you can only watch so many

Dunks when you watch a plays of the day for NBA it’s just dunk after dunk after dunk after You’ been watching it for 30 years uh the excitement kind of Fades and now now they get excited when they copy somebody else’s dunk that they did

Back in the day like uh was it last year I think they copying mailman’s dunk and uh so they’re going crazy every time they copied a mailman dunk and I was just just like come on guys well I’m sure yeah you had like GI gianis put up

What 64 points at one week and then next thing you know um Luca daic he what’s he put up 60 yeah 60 yeah they all brought their barbecue sauce who was it embiid that put up like 70 yeah yeah somebody put up 7 74 points

Then blew his leg out and then he blew his leg out so guess what and beid a nothing yeah he’s done I I didn’t hear that I yeah he’s one of my favorite players yeah no he’s done at least for the next little bit and then you know you got the

Other guy waving around you know out there on Instagram right you know the whole face of the NBA you know like what are you thinking again I think honestly and this is just my criticism of the generation that’s coming up is they’re breed like logic and common sense is

Almost it’s bred out of them now like they don’t have people are not forced to think for themselves and it leads to really poor decision making I guess hey man I get poor decision making skills from way back in the day and I was able to read so you know I can just

Imagine that you know well you know I was just talking to uh people about this because I I’m old enough that I got beat in school if I up like you get paddled I got PD by the damn wrestling coach and you don’t let me tell you something you

Don’t want to get paddled by the wrestling coach had to stand there and take it or a series of Catholic NS I couldn’t tell my parents that I got that I got hit I couldn’t even tell them because my dad would have hit me again and so uh nowadays you know if your

Teacher hits you it’s a lawsuit they’re getting fired yeah yeah yeah for real though hell break yeah our parents they didn’t want you acting up yep because you know what you you guilty until proven innocent exactly my dad was the same way I got one for acting up and

Another one for being a rat why hell you telling me it’s already been dealt with what are you coming to me for yeah you know and you know what honestly I’ve talked to my my pops about this my dad’s 76 years old and and I said to him you

Know like it was a different time he goes yeah but I still wiping your butt and and he’s right like you know we were taught how to think for ourselves and yeah you know what I went to Catholic school too for a little bit and when I

Was young and you know what series of Catholic nuns were no joke either and they had no problem laying it down you know and but you learn yeah well I me but we were accountable like you didn’t do that [ __ ] like if okay so if you went

Online if you if you if you went up to somebody and you said a tiny fraction of the [ __ ] that people tell you online on your videos I mean for that you can’t do that in person I know kick I know yeah and you know what though because because

It’s the internet and because they’re trolls I like to have fun like the other day right when that guy’s like did did did you write the story and I’m like no it was actually a guy from the flea market named slippery Pete and he said if I give him a hand if

I give him a hand job then he’ll let me have the story for the show and he never replied back I was like funny thing and you know what else somebody else told me to do next time somebody trolls like that pin their comment at the

Top and just mess with them because they got to keep coming back to the video to watch it again as they typing so keep going guys thanks for the watch time I appreciate every and I always say make sure you hit the dislike because it helps the algorithm it really

Does if you got a video with a 100 likes YouTube allo will think hey it’s all of his friends all of his supporters but if you get real people that dislike it means it’s real engagement they all go really like yeah man like that’s straight from like YouTube content creat

Can you still see your dislikes can you see those anymore uh no not publicly but you can when you go to your content page on your channel you can but you outside I don’t know where I don’t even know where to see that when you go to content

Just scroll over to the right it’ll be like uh like content dislike ratio and usually you know say like 100% or 80% or you know I got I know one guy oh sorry John go ahead no oh I was just gonna say there’s there’s a little

Bit of a delay so I I keep finding myself starting before you’re done I apologize oh don’t worry about it man um but there’s one guy that has over 3,000 views on one video and he’s got more dislikes and likes he’s like I don’t care just keeps going up and up and up

I’m like right what a way to think about it though because again back to the old adage someone’s business or what someone thinks of you is none of your business so you’re not going to change their opinion anyway they’re going to force it or they’re going to form their own so

Just cool right on dude and keep going and you get to have thick skin to roll around here in these streets it gets rough you know I try to put the negativity out out so for the most part mind yeah I I don’t mind if uh you know

It’s just a a critique or something or you know somebody’s upset about something but just the the Flatout rude comments or whatever I just delete block them but you know some stuff but of course I have farmer than first I want to do that did you guys

Ever see the South Park episode where Cartman uh can’t handle all the negative comments on social media so PC principal calls in Stan well no one will do it so Butters ends up doing they go through his feed and pull out the negative comments and only give him the the good comments so

That he’s in a good place Liv e chamber yeah so yeah that’s what I I try to do that so like negativity I try to just block them delete them I don’t want to have to look at it y oh that God only knows how many there are oh no dude I I

I do that too but I first I make fun of them and I keep the comments up for a little bit just to keep them screwing around and then they get bored of me playing with them because I’m like oh I got to do for the next 20 minutes sure

Let’s go ahead and again I guess it comes down to it right like when I was a kid I used to have to do a lot of work that face the public so when I was used to people like you know you’re this you’re that you’re this you’re that and

It does get to you um but after a while you’re like I don’t really care what you think like think about it if they’re taking the time to tell you how much you suck that that really tells you how much they suck like honestly don’t you have

Better things yeah I mean I’m always like just move on man yeah my favorite called me old somebody called me old or something they they me some stupid they were like coming at me and I don’t know I said something about uh I don’t know

Of uh well you know come try this old man or something like that and he’s like what are you threatening me I am the great cor yeah are youing me t for my five states away five states away how am I threatened I don’t have idea where you

Live my favorite is when they start talking crap about it and they keep talking to each other about how how bad it is so then they end up leaving like eight different comments in like one thread and so it just keeps going and going and going it’s like thanks for the

Engagement ass yeah know for real you know people are people could be so so mean and cruel card show here in Charleston and I I met a little kid came up to me and he’s like you’re on YouTube and I said yeah and I said you know my opening

And I said you want to do my opening and he’s like yeah so I had him do my opening and I I made a short out of it and the first comment was a rude one the first com little kid it’s like what the hell is your problem right I mean a

Little kid everybody’s gotten so mean to each other and everything’s so combative you know whether it’s the house the housewives shows or our government or whatever it is everybody’s just at each other’s throats off and it’s just getting it’s getting really annoying it it’s really disheartening is

What it is if you let it get to you it really it’s dis hurting because you’re like haven’t we moved the the the ball a little bit further than this in 2024 and then you’re like no no not at all dude let me tell you something any class

Anymore no no one knows how to treat people no one has any class did you ever think in your wildest dreams you’d see somebody [ __ ] slap the comedian at the Oscars like there’s no class anymore right at all now and all that on okay yeah yeah no I’m with you that’s

Supposed to be like setting the standard for class of like watching those people oh they’re all nuts they’re all cultist I tell you what I was a huge Will Smith fan I can’t even stomach to watch it I watch a movie of his anymore I can’t I

Can’t stand him anymore hey what more for the people in the back he like for real no I I mean that like seriously no jokes that was absolutely disgusting and every it’s the worst kept secret the world did you see the speeches at the at the Grammys oh they’re all weirdos

Serving nuts talking about not wearing underwear and uh I mean was just outrageous yeah no I didn’t even see the Grammys and then why Society is so like weird but yeah so that’s why I do baseball cards and stuff because it takes me away from all this stuff

Right but you know what it creeps up absolutely that’s what a Hobby’s all about it’s a fantasy land to get away from but it does creep up man and you’re right you got to squash it down when it comes up I just like like a

Cat I like to toy with it I’ll kill it yeah that’s that’s what that’s the difference between collecting vintage and modern because I do both but mod these guys are still developing and you don’t know who’s going to be an [ __ ] yet and you don’t know who’s going to

Get arrested yet and you don’t know who’s going to never play again you have that history you know where where they stand and you don’t have those risks involved number one for the amount of money you’re spending and number two you know like if I collected Will Smith all

My life and then now I don’t like him like what a waste what a disappointment to me like and I went through that with Antonio Brown I’m a big fan I have a signed helmet over here I bought all his rookie cards all his autograph rookie

Cards which I don’t even go out of my way to do that but I did with him and then he turns he turns out to lose his damn mind yeah and uh so you know that doesn’t happen with old players no that’s true that is true and that’s and

That’s the thing right and you know um I feel bad because I got a close friend of mine that you know he he was quite hard on uh that fell from Tampa Bay and he he’s in he’s in for in cash and uh you know you might as well

Just throw those out in the U burn barrel right yeah because I think he’s probably going to jail that fell oh yeah I don’t think they released him yet I think he’s still wander Franco who’s that wander Franco oh football I was thinking football sorry oh no uh but yeah say well same

Same thing with the johnar guys the guys that were PC and John Morant like sorry uh is this the handgun Relic is this the uh flash Muzzle you know Relic that’s embedded in the yeah I mean you know what what John Morant did wasn’t the smartest thing but it you know it wasn’t

Like the worst thing either I mean to recover from it I don’t want to downplay the whole thing with start to recover from it what’s up Don how you doing or Dan sorry Dan but but you know what I mean like I I don’t want to downplay the signific I know I know

Exactly but tatis right I was a huge tatis collector bro big time Big Time big time all in all in all in and this was right at the top of the hype right so of course you’re paying pretty heavy for a lot of stuff and next thing you

Know peeds and he’s a jackass and you know he’s a drunk and he’s this he’s that blah blah blah I’m like oh that’s great you know might as well just burn these you know Peds don’t B honest with you because I mean I I I never I’ve never used any

Kind of illegal peed or anything but at my age like I still work out you know I I take a lot of supplements I don’t take anything illegal I don’t take steroids nothing like that but I understand where these guys are coming from and let me tell you something things forever uh so

What’s not fair is the guys that get caught you know like Starling Marte and and him I mean some of them get a pass like David Ortiz tested positive did he not yeah he in the Hall of when you see this many people this many people get that means that it’s way

More widespread these are just the guys that get caught it’s like in the NFL like they they caught a few people for marijuana use and they keep catching them because once you once you get caught then they keep testing you but they’re not testing everybody else all

The time and it’s like my God like 60 of the country it’s legal in like Six States why are you even testing for it because it certainly doesn’t help you play football it’s not gonna help you play it was certainly an Open Secret in the NBA locker room you know that was a

Certainly an Open Secret in the NBA locker room that most people were smoking pot a lot of guys I can tell you know NBA guys personally that I’ve met over the years that told me you how’s that help you play marijuana it makes you stupid and slow like it doesn’t help you

Play well it does the opposite I mean you know Court you forget where you’re going ja you forget Court you’re at right like when you’re driving you forget where you’re going everything looks for some people it keeps you from going to jail so there’s that Dirk says

Dude throw me the ball man yeah man well what’s funny is like when you’re driving you know they like going like 25 miles an hour they think they’re going 55 uh so I mean you know how’s that going to help you play ball right no what like I remember in the 80s

Larry Bird smoked after the game smoked cigarettes like that g be good for your lungs like whatever as long as long as you’re not ordering a pizza on the on thr pumps off a stripper’s butts before games in the ABA yeah well you know what they’ve been stealing signs since the beginning of

Baseball stealing signs since the beginning of baseball in the 199 Braves admitted to stealing the signs uh they had a guy with a towel up in the Dugout uh during Harvey hadex is 12 perfect Innings uh so this has been going on forever Bobby Thompson’s College shot

Was supposedly he knew what pitch was coming I mean that’s why they have signals uh but caught at it you’re like banned everybody hates you you’re a cheater unless you’re New England Patriots then then you get a pass then you’re good because I you know Bill bich got caught with pictures of my

Pittsburgh Steelers but uh that’s okay I guess right so they they pick and choose who they want to be out yeah because that’s just that’s just a game that’s just a game if you’re not cheating you’re not trying yeah that’s the way it is like

NASCAR too back the thing for me do you guys know what they’re getting all I ever hear is peeds I don’t know what they’re using do you guys I I thought it was human grow hormones is that is that what they’re getting caught with that’s what I heard

But again they they use brand names and those change every five seconds right so yeah but I mean you know there’s ways of boosting your HGH naturally through certain amino acid um you Tak it on an empty stomach hell if you want to do a interval training where you sprint for

Like 30 seconds that boost your hghh levels so there’s other ways to do that the only time I’m running is if it’s on fire yeah there’s certain things that you can eat that will make you test positive for amphetamines like seeds you could have a false reading of

Amphetamines so I I don’t know what they’re taking if they’re taking shots of human growth hormone then yeah that’s a problem man because that’s that shit’s powerful yeah definitely look at look at Hulk Hogan now he deflated like a balloon bro speaking of weirds Vince McMahon freaking deflated

Like a bad balloon too huh yeah what look at look at the uh look at the NFL players in the 70s and early 80s I I I said on my video man those guys all those linemen were on steroids nobody gave a [ __ ] yeah um right and you know

So uh I mean who what who what would help you more uh would steroids help you more to hit a Nolan Ryan fastball or to block on the front line of a football game you know obvious obviously it it helps football players exactly and exactly Sports Carson things I’m exactly with you on

That too 100% well you know when I was growing up and uh you know I went to Camp I was around a lot of uh a lot of my coaches played professional baseball and stuff they didn’t want you working out they wanted uh they your muscles too

Tight and uh affected your throwing your throwing and uh they they they did they DEC discouraged um work it out and like with weights and stuff like that so uh when that whole steroid era came around I found that interesting because it was total opposite yeah it was weird right like

But you know you can’t deny that Barry Bonds went from 180 lb to like 400 lb in like a summer like I’m exaggerating think that I don’t understand here’s the thing I don’t understand is he the only man on the planet that took steroids and got fat like steroids are supposed to

Trim Roger Clem rer Clem’s neck was bigger than my body like yeah but I mean he you know I mean when guys get old they get they get fat you would think steroids would trim them down a little bit like when when I think of steroids I

Think of Mark Maguire Sammy Sosa you’re built like that you’re not fat I always wonder that’s true I always wondered that about those guys yeah I always wondered yeah the same thing yeah it’s you know when you look at Willie staro in 1983 you’re you’re not thinking he’s on steroids no but I’m

Pretty sure he’s doing a couple of rails here and there you know hey man I love Pops hey man We Are Family there’s a heck of a lot going on in that family let’s go say but you know what I love Pops Pops and I love the Cobra I think Dave Parker

Should be in the Hall of Fame he’s gotten a bad deal because of all those rumors you know with the partying and stuff but I think Dave Parker people that got caught y right speaking of Cobra you had quite the awesome card you showed the other day the was it

Cincinnati Cobra was that who it was the boxing card yeah yeah Ezra Ezra Charles yes F ass yeah that was awesome I had one like yeah I got a burke Ross uh the other day too awes and I have I have his ringside card coming too because I collect that

Set oh nice so what so I see that you you like to collect like the type one type two and three type photos and stuff like that um what would you say would be your favorite out of those type of photos just I I really don’t collect

Many many photos um I I just have a few I have a handful so this is a Clemente from 1967 nice and it has the news like the the the write up and then this is cool um this is a uh a type one uh Hack Wilson from around 30 you

Know early 30s nice and and this one if you if you take a look at it it’s identically three gouty so it’s probably the picture that was used for that but those are painted on and the bats in a little bit of a different position and

My guess is that they used this picture but took a little artistic Liberty nice that’s really cool yeah Hack Wilson was pretty good I mean the Clemente is not a type one uh but it’s a like two years later or something it’s in the time period uh but

That’s that’s hard not to love even though Clemente is my man and that image is phenomenal yeah I like seeing that in the background since that’s a type one that’s uh probably a little a little more meaningful nice now speak speaking of type one and type two if I don’t get on

A treadmill that’s probably going to be a conversation we’re gonna be having soon right you gonna have to take those those shots hell no um now autograph wise are you are you a big autograph collector do you do you go after autographs or is it just one of

Those type of things that if you see it and come across one then you go for it yeah the thing is is I have a lot of autographs but I it’s funny because I have a lot but I tell people I don’t collect autographs and like I don’t go up to

People and ask them for their autograph like when I go to the nation or card show I think this I think this past show I went to like a year ago was the first time I ever got a uh a player signature it was Eric green who played for my

Steelers and I was a huge fan of his and I was kid with him for some reason uh and I got his but um but I have them it’s like if I see something that um that stands out to me uh then I’ll get it uh especially if it’s a player I

Really admire or or just a card like uh I went through a kick where some of the cards that are kind even though they’re not maybe big players but they were cards that I remember you know getting as a kid I would get those signed just because they’re kind of nostalgic to me

And uh sometimes you know if if a player doesn’t have a card um you might you know get an autograph on a great card or um like I have a red gra signed uh sports cter card oh nice you know red gra doesn’t have many I I think I think

The 55 is and and the and the this um 33 Sport King I think those are his only two big ones um if I’m not mistaken I do that but most you know mo mostly I’m a card guy for foremost I’m a card guy I I

Like the cards and uh many most of the time I don’t want them signed most of the time like I just want a nice example of the card nice I saw I saw you had those open up those uh Stadium clubs the new stadium clubs those look really nice you look

Even better in those slabs that you end up getting those things are really clean looking especially with the new labels they sent Club is phenomenal yeah I could show them to you yeah those things are really cool they look really nice yeah I was said

And I love the the all the big rookie cards but that that Adalie rushman um Adalie rushman uh disappointed me I don’t think it’s a very nice rookie card you know it’s just him like without a hat on in the dug sorry heard I know I think microphone moving my camera oh

Nice so I got these uh these are um those around these are the these are the mag Pros that Zion cases is making now and they’re they have two magnets here and then they have a label equals one has a price tag on it so if you sell

Cards you can put it in here and write the price on it or if you just want to know how much your cards are worth I guess you could you could do that use it for that too one is uh like just a a generic label with lines on it so you

Could custom customize and write the Third one is just the mag Pro but uh they don’t publicize it but you can reach out to them and have individual labels made so for me I just got a bunch of these personalized ones but you can also have them individual so if you want

To put the the the specific card or whatever you could put oh that’s cool John’s collection um you know Mel blunt rookie card or whatever you want to put yeah that’s neat or if it’s a like a one of one or one of five you could put like

Right on the label and they make different sizes so if you have the oversized so they have 35 Point 55 Point uh that kind of thing and their customer service was exceptional um they don’t sponsor me or anything I’m just sharing my experience but I reached out and

Asked if I could have some labels made because I don’t like theirs I was trying to create my own but I was struggling with it I’m not really that artistic and uh I couldn’t figure out how to so I reached out to them and say hey can

I can you make me labels and and they said yeah we could design a logo for you or we could just put the name or whatever and I’m like well I just want my name on there you know my collection name and uh so in like 10 minutes I had

A whole sheet of different um fonts and different designs for it and she’s like okay I’m gonna send you a PayPal I paid it and she shipped it the same day so she created the label gave me options and shipped it to printed them and shipped them the same exact day so

That’s I mean where do you find customer service days right that’s crazy I see D this morning oh Double D my man Dylan I was gonna say I could see Double D getting a whole bunch of those for his uh his own graded collection that he likes to

Do sorry I thought you said he was in the chat yeah he’s do he’s on this um so he would always do those uh uh card saver twos with the the label on them and he would them all yeah they look amazing he has them all in his room and

And they’re so uniform so now’s kick great display yeah awesome so now he’s on this kick for one touches so he has a secondary collection and they’re all going into one touches and then he puts like a label up here um W look it through your box you can read it and he

Has them all typed out uh yeah so man that he must spend hours doing that stuff oh I know man be that’d be crazy I spent hours just organizing cards by the year and all that I can’t imagine doing all that too I Thrill Is is uh curating my

Collection you know I I I I’ve been spending I spent a few weeks where you know I still have cards that have uh you know holders from 2001 right um some of them probably from the 90s uh you know the old ones that had yellow in uh with the cloudy

Top of the the the top loader and I spent several weeks getting I got all kind of new holders and stuff and I’m not a big rating guy uh I like some cards look good in one holder and and other cards look better in other holders

And that kind of thing and I just sit there for hours and reholder and organiz you know if I have a little set of 15 cards or something i’ like them all to be very uniform and uh again you know I’m not a big Raider I have over 100,000 cards I

Have like all the cards you show I have those kinds of cards and number one it would cost me a million dollars to grade all my cards and send PSA you know 20 or $30 to grade a $2 card it makes no sense agreed I agree that’s why like

When I buy when I look for buying cards and it’s like a card that I’m interested in and I can buy it for under what it costs to grade I’m all for that like especially when it’s especially if you’re not going to sell it yeah exactly

If you’re not going to sell it who cares what what number somebody else assigns to the damn card yeah definitely it’s all about the money let whoever inherits your collection worry about that right right so speaking I’ve in here in collections um I was going through my

Dad’s stuff and I end up finding some old old uh cardboard gold uh sleeves like card sleeves oh yeah and they got awesome and still some some screw down holders you know with the with the screws included abely card yeah so cards here’s another you know they still make those I’m surprised

They do but they still make them I have a whole bunch of them right is that still 85 Cent still has 85 Cent label on it expensive right would those those like inch loose SES I’m just playing I’m 20 bucks just for right yeah you know what those sites are

Great for they’re great for stamps they’re great for the old um the silk that look like the t205 they’re awesome for those silks because nothing holds them and if you grade them they get all bunched up over time and you can they look like crap um so I would never

Grade another one um but those uh those loose sites man they hold those silks because they’re very fragile but they look spectacular them crystal clear so I use them for that and I use it for very flat things like stamps yeah I hear you I I um I’m not a

Big fan of screwd downs no no no I’m not falling asleep I’m just comfortable plus I have a Minecraft game on on the GH I was I’m farming I’m farming iron right now so so um when on the is getting late for me it is getting late over there PR

Um almost I only got a couple more questions and we’ll go ahead and end this here but um you guys can go man do what you want man but uh I had a question for um on the topic of like uh preserving cards and um all that kind of

Stuff so sorry so sorry I got to stop you right there did you see what princess just said oh his eyes see everybody wants to watch me fall asleep on your stream oh right see I did it on yours so right I’m not giving you satisfaction at all ever we

We were talking about NASCAR once and I ended up falling asleep I was I was gone I was checking out instead of waking him up made made be such good pal puts some on the big screen that’s right viers have when I’m talking that was awesome Zach now you

Guys I enjoy both of you very much both channels I enjoy watching on my own time as well see there’s a difference between watching to give back people that help you and there’s a difference between watching stuff you actually want to watch and you two good point good you

Two a good point you two I really enjoy watching a lot and um you have so much knowledge John you have such a nice collection and and um thank you again for entertaining my offer to come hang out with these two dares for a little minute I’m real I I I appreciate the

Comments was excited to come on because you know I watch you guys and you you guys just have a good vibe like you just you love cards you don’t you know you’re you’re into kind of cards that I I collect it takes me back to the way I

Used to collect before uh you know grading and all this stuff that goes on today uh yeah you guys have a good positive vibe thank you and we try so much we try and it’s the thing like you know we need to keep it keep it moving

As they say you don’t have no room for that drama stuff that that’s right so um on that on that uh I just need couple more questions for you really quick just saying go ahead don’t let me stop um on preserving cards what do you think about opening up old packs of cards

Because I do a lot of that and um I found when I open up I find all sorts of different conditions inside the pack of cards and um especially like the old tops um when they have the bubble gum on it what do you think about opening up

Packs to preserve the card or do you or are you for keeping the box and keeping them all inside the car in in the packs and keeping them sealed well for me I have a hard time keeping them sealed because I want to know what the hell’s inside there I have

That are still um still closed I haven’t opened um none none graded um and I know there are a lot of people that that collect the the unopened like Brandon Brandon’s baseball cards for instance uh for me I I open most of them I just can’t stand it and you’re right like

Over top bubble gum you know not going to be good and the early 2000 Bowman cards they stick together like a brick Oh yeah so a lot better yeah in some ways opening it is better to preserve them depending on what year it is and so forth but that’s

Also why I would never an unopen pack um I see all these guys doing that and man they get all these cards that are like they think they’re going to get all these tens and they get sevens and sixes and there’s all kind of issues with the

Cards and you paid it you know top dollar you’re better off I don’t know like you’re very buy you’re better off buying a vending box that you know hasn’t been searched and go that way if you’re going to go for vintage and opened vending boxes are

Still the way to go now you got to know how to tell whether one’s been screwed with or not and some people are really good problem they’re resealed and repacks and Frankenstein packs and even if they [ __ ] that goes on these days it’s hard to trust anything right even

The ones that are that BBC sealed ones you’re still going to get have a chance of getting screwed over on that like that Pokemon with the I think we can that we’ve been DED fellas yeah I don’t know to me that’s just another you know gambling aspect of

The hobby which a lot of people have fun with and hell if you have 25 Grand and you can buy a 1950 something pack I mean it’s a blast right but it’s a blast for about two seconds yeah well I got 25,000 reasons I can do something else with

Yeah to when you’re 19 I mean you know two minutes later you want your money back like it’s over like right you had you had uh was it really worth it or it’s like putting a ton of money on the roulette one number and you get that

Thrill but then as soon as you lose it’s immediate regret I think that’s how it would be for me an expensive pack of cards yeah that’s how I feel like new modern cards how feel about two tattoos so he talking about opening of cards and so I got to open up just at

Least one pack of cards because that’s just the thing I like to do and um like sorry I said one pack we’re gonna do two so um let go turn this there at just turn it around really fast we got we got some 86 I have the

Hardest time not opening a pack like I I stare at it stare at it finally I just open I only open sometimes when I’m down to like one pack of it I’ll keep go ahead I’m sorry no I just wanted to say I’ll show

It to you like I have like one and um also with the rack packs I do this um because their weight weight um better for this where is it but like I I keep one that has a Ken Jr rookie card on it oh ni right oh yeah

Let’s go yes n p that’s that’s kind of the exception to me because that that’s the only card I would be looking for in that pack anyway right and I have it you know I know it’s there but it’s kind of cool to see it in its original state

Yeah and you wouldn’t be finding your bellly R and I face card in a Solo anyway so there’s no point opening it that point well I might have to open that one because you wouldn’t be able to tell where what what which version it was right that’s true yeah huh

Killing me I’d have to know yeah that’s how I am I got to know I gotta see what I gotta know what’s in there you know guys you know it’s just not fun to collect unopened stuff for me I had a whole bunch I used to do that

I’d get like a box and I’d keep a bunch of unopened packs and I’m like yeah someday in the future you know and I ended up opening them all I hear you I bought six packs of 90 or six boxes of 90 oi I opened up every one of them it’s

Way but that was hockey and that was a good rookie year so I had to I had to choose right yeah let’s see who took it I had 79 of pachy hockey how could I not open that I I I have to know if there’s a Gretzky in

There like that big old [ __ ] that they got in saskatch one yeah good Jerry kozman took it for the team he’s got the gum on the back now I’ve open up somewhere gum is is leeched through so many of these cards it’s been like three or four cards

Through where it’s all just ruined with the with the gum it is that right it affects that many yeah like one of the the last box of 86 that I bought I pretty much just threw away 100 bucks because there like four four cards out of each pack were at least trash because

The gum would leech through and uh ruin them all I don’t know what the uh how it was stored but man it was just horrible not very well you know how you can clean those you you you you can um there’s two different ways number what I like to do

Is I like to take a you ever use a pressure washer yeah I gotta put it on the sidewalk and I I I put a rock on it I pressure wash it and then I put it in the the the washing machine and then you know once it once

You soak it in the washing machine then you just throw it in the dryer or the microwave oh there you go see that’s a way to do do that my records and then put it in between two pieces of glass and just let it sit for a little [Laughter]

Bit we got Jerry kozman in that one we got Ramon Romero these are great looking cards too this this box is one of the one of the better 86 boxes I found actually it has been pretty good to you hey believe it or not the 86 and 87

Tops are among my favorite sets of all time I don’t care if they’re worth nothing oh right I just love them they’re fantastic like the what is it the 85 in the tops football I think it was 85 in the tops football they had the black top on the

To yeah the sideways cards yeah and they had the the black border on the side yeah I love those ones those ones are great I have that set I bought it from somebody and he had like an there’s an unopened pack with it there’s a a a and then

The and all the allstar cards I think that’s the set I’m thinking of he had everything he was he was kind of a completest was that a Tom defiler yes Tom defer they left out his middle name the great diler yes d stands for David you fch of freakers

Lights oh God I don’t you showed yet no that’s how we roll up in this got Jim Slayton get to a save point save some of those for TTM Tim because like they look really good signed got Cil Cooper yeah I got a ton of uh Hey C Cooper was a good

Player yeah he was 100% I agree absolutely I got a bunch of CER wasn’t it CES yeah I got a bunch of Milwaukee Brewers police sets with CES Cooper in it oh nice I love Cooper was a good player I like to watch him play you

He was kind of like um who was the other there was another player that was similar to him good night D for coming he see you princess have a great night thanks for stopping by DL rules we got Mike young for the Orioles now the Orioles is the only team I’ve seen uh

Not the only team but uh when I went to the east coast was I was able to see the Orioles play so that was that was fun where do you where do you live uh I’m in boy Idaho you’re up in like Idaho Idaho

I KNE I knew W close I’m a big Mariners fan I used to live in Seattle area for when I was a little kid so I was able to see I went to the kingdom a couple of times when I was a little

Kid yeah I work I I lived in uh took in second place but uh in Baltimore for like a year and a half and I used to go to some games fantastic Stadium ohce yards is a beautiful Park man got uh Tom Tillman oh there we go got some dick dick Williams

Yeah and we got oh there we go is Dave concepion Big Red Machine great short stop Big Red Machine I liked him I I got to watch him a lot because they were they were such a good team they were on TV a lot because they didn’t many games back then that’s one

Thing I missed now is the televising of games yeah baseball games just to be able to try to watch a baseball game nowadays is ridiculous yeah SE we talked about that Adam and I and Tim last Sunday about Adam’s 86 tops TTM set you have to get the MLB package otherwise

You don’t get to see too many games now that’s that’s what I always say about like the NBA is so popular in America and NHL is not because try to find try to find a hockey game on these days it’s it’s near impossible right like every

Once in a who is it ABC that has like a Saturday game but I mean you know people have things going on on a Saturday so if you’re home it’s nice but you’re like but that comes from the Canadian thing of hockey night and Canada hockey night

And Canada was Coast to Coast on Saturday nights so that’s where the getting that from that’s always been a staple here in Canada okay yeah well they they would have they used to be on TV a lot more but if you if you go on TNT I mean they have games on every

Night NBA gam you get you it’s so easy to watch basketball so easy Steve garby for the Hall of Fame man there we go Steve Garvey for the hall and Dave concepion for the hall I agree Tony there’s a lot of guys that should be in the hall that aren’t hey I

Don’t know if you remember that goddamn Pete Rose you know let’s say we’re putting Pete Rose in the goddamn Hall of Fame really oh right yeah start with that Maiden I don’t know if you remember this but um Steve Garvey uh his first All-Star game he was a wrri in and he

Had a million people write in his name yeah and and you know what I don’t understand why get yeah like the hobby love that he deserves you know um yeah for sure it’s crazy um you remember when we were young his 71 rookie card how how that was like

One of the biggest cards in the hob that was that was the card yeah right bigger than Nolan biger than bigger than Nolan’s rookie like it was it was at that time yeah it was at that time and then you know Nolan Ryan just caught fire when he started breaking you know

Getting all the no hitters and yeah racking up those strikeouts and then all of a sudden his rookie c yeah now I think there’s also like you know D Murphy is one of my favorite players I watch growing up Dale Murphy should be in the hall too there’s so

Many guys but I always started it with those I always said Fred McGriff should have been in so they did write that wrong so there is hope guys There’s Hope for guys like you know Dale Murphy do it for Dale h of Fame when it comes to the

Ballad if you don’t go back to the veterans committee or whatever it’s it’s just all about stats and you and longevity really it is so if you had a good seven-year stretch or even a good 10e stretch but you don’t have 3,000 hits you know you don’t have that many

Home runs you’re just not getting in no matter uh what what I call the you know the visual test so when we watch somebody play you could you know they’re awesome but then when you tally up their their stats and they they played 15 16 years their stats look you know don’t

Look too good oh right compared to a guy that played 23 years well that’s right unfortunately you know Don maddingley why the hell that’s that’s why Don’s not in the Hall of Fame if you’re looking at that that factor you know got one more quick pack of the 87

Donis oh he’s pulling out the popups got the 87 popups I have them man I love those I love these things are fun um if I remember correctly didn’t didn’t you buy the Roberto Clemente puzzle um put together or something I I can’t remember I think that was you I I’m not

Sure man no I don’t put puzzles together they drive me insane oh um the puzzle from the donr yeah yeah so I have the puzzle um I bought that way I don’t know if somebody didn’t they come in packs yeah I think it used to coming one the card sized one yeah that

One yeah the card you know what you’re thinking I bought a Willie star Joel that was put together glued together and he signed it that’s the one that was from 90 Don Russ that was the n90 Don Russ buzzle was wiie yeah pops man like I told you before

He’s one of my favorites too man pops is awesome you know I got hitting lessons from him oh that’s cool yeah Steve blast’s baseball camp and he he uh he taught us how to pick up pitches uh coming out of the pitcher’s hand it was awesome oh that’s pretty

Cool we got Mr Seinfeld Keith Hernandez here in the popup okay so how many uh Gold Gloves did he win oh I don’t know not want more than any other first baseman in history do you know how many I think it’s like six six or

Seven check 11 oh wow was it 11 I think I would ever get he’s not in the Hall of Fame wow this SEF not in the Hall of Fame well he should have been after that spit that went around nobody cares about defense anymore cares about defense

Anymore aie Smith wouldn’t get in now that’s true but he did do the backflip so that gets him in on uh on the visual Jr when he played Short had he led the league in erors every single year not just his position the entire league and they’re you know they’re

They’re saying how he’s the next how they already put him in the hall I’m like does nobody care about defense anymore so uh I I kept saying they needed to change his position now what happened when they finally changed his position he won a go glove in right field

Right ch he just couldn’t make those they were all yeah they were all throwing errors he just didn’t he couldn’t throw to that to first base that shortstop throw that’s a tough throw man anybody that’s played Short that’s a tough throw to make consistently it is oh yeah it’s a long

Ways from third to First Eddie Murphy you have to be very accurate yeah there’s a murf there we go we got Eddie Murphy yeah shout out to Double D so is he the second best is he the second best switch hitting home run hitter of all time no well I don’t know

What that see Chipper Jones Mickey man Chipper Jones Cher Jones was a better home run header than him oh I no no Eddie Murray Eddie Murray had more home runs I think I can’t remember it’s late I’ve been eating obviously mant is number one oh yeah that that’s think that made

Mantle very special he hit as a switch hit oh we got the [Laughter] checklist nice well wasted one on that there we go well that’s all on that one not too bad those are great though I just bought I just bought that Eddie Murray believe it or not oh yeah

Nice well I like these I like these cards these packs these ones are fun I like the oversized the uh I think it’s the 8 two either the 82 or 83 the ones that are sideways man I love those they’re beautiful those are great yeah yeah they’re they’re beautiful they are kind

Of cool and put them in a binder and still have them yeah I I still have them from that year let’s see how quick he switches up it’s almost like he’s a pro at this all right guys I’m G have to get go that far yeah I gotta get going it’s late

East Co thank you so much Mr manini for uh stopping thanks for having me I think this is the longest I ever went live before how many how long have we been on here almost pushing we’re pushing two and a half hours right now yeah it’s

Been fun not too bad I thought it was longer than that it felt like forever right thanks for thanks for including me this was fun oh man this is a blast you’re welcome anytime man you’re welcome anytime he yo for real John thank you for being awesome you’re a legend definitely your

Shit’s awesome you’re on point I like your show thanks for hanging out with us and uh it makes me feel special to be at that table with these these people like yourself Adam and some of the other uh people that I respect in the hobby so

Thanks for coming on man yeah yes I appreciate that I appreciate that I do too for real okay guys all right hey see you guys thanks everybody we’ll uh see you next time yeah no Sunday show this because of the Super Bowl coming back on the 18th see you on

Next Wednesday then yeah we do it all again all right see you guys thank you Rules by


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