Tiger Woods ‘overwhelms everything in golf’ | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Michael Bamberger talks about Tiger Woods’ return at Riviera, Tiger’s chances of winning another major championship, what comes after the PGA Tour for Tiger and more. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #TigerWoods
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Tiger Woods ‘overwhelms everything in golf’ | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Golf Central on YouTube is brought to you by the Paradigm AI smoke woods and irons from Callaway well hi again everyone I’m Jimmy Roberts and this is your golf Central update 2020s will be big for Riviera Country Club and Los Angeles Golf US Open of course was at La Country Club last year

Riviera will host not only the 2026 US Women’s Open but also the Olympic Golf competition during the 2028 Summer Games and of course Riv continues to host the Genesis open as it has for 50 of the last 52 years Tiger Woods making his 2024 debut at Riviera this week here’s a

Look at what Woods did competitively in 2023 tied for 45th here a year ago made the cut at the Masters but was in obvious pain during a weather delayed third round he eventually withdrew and had surgery on his ankle a couple of weeks later he played twice in December

First at the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas and then with his son Charley at the PNC Championship Tiger starts the tournament with Justin Thomas and Gary Woodland they will tee off at 12:25 Eastern on golf Central talked about Tiger’s return with author Michael bamberger all right listen let’s get

Right to it what should we expect you think from Tiger this week well not much I mean uh he’ll plays 72 holes it people think of Rivier as hilly because you go down a big hill to get there from the clubhouse to the first it’s really not that hilly but it

Is a long course it’s not an easy walking course we’ve seen tiger struggle with his walking the few times we’ve get to see him to play but when we say you know what do you expect from Tiger I mean that’s in terms of a score that he

Produces just the fact that we’re seeing tiger on a golf course playing competitive golf is great for golf and exciting for golfers and and Jimmy just very briefly let’s look at this two ways we’re talking about one of the greatest athletes of all time still at it we’re talking about Ted Williams and

Secretariat and Muhammad Ali right here in front of us so that can’t not be exciting but on the other hand tiger last won in 2019 at the Masters well excuse me he won it but 2019 he won twice in Japan at the Masters then the pandemic came hundreds of thousands of

People are new to golf who have never really maybe seen tiger play competitively at all and they’re going to get a chance to see tiger on a golf course you and I have had the privilege of doing that for for decades and it’s a thrill all right look let’s let’s move

Beyond this week he’s 48 years old amazing shape talent and determination but also countless surgeries he’s tied for the all-time lead in PGA Tour wins we know that and he’s three behind Nicholas and Majors so I’m G to ask you what people most often ask me does he

Win again and if he does it does he have to pull a rabbit out of his hat to do so I don’t see how he can it was a miracle that he won in 2019 he had the gift of malari hitting into the water on 12 and

15 that austa he played extremely well in Japan when he won having said that I think we should go to a much higher authority than I to answer this question which is Big Jack himself Jack Nicholas who said never he said it repeatedly he said it a thousand times never again

Never bet against Tiger Woods because he will prove you wrong again and again and again and he probably will even though all logic tells you he can’t win another major um that means he probably will because he has defied expectations at every single turn just consider the fact

That he’s going to walk this golf course for four days uh given where he was after that uh that near tragic near fatal accident that he had a few years ago all right so he is without a doubt one of the most competitive people that I have ever covered and I’m just

Wondering when he can’t scratch that competitive itch anymore what do you see him doing I think that’s an that’s a profound question and the biggest challenge of his life and I think Michael Jordan has faced this Challenge and a very few others who have been in

That extremely a rare eror um I think one thing this sounds like a boring answer but it really is true he is extremely devoted to the cause of Education certainly raising his kids being the best father that he can uh but that doesn’t really scratch the competitive urge like it does maybe

Business does we’ve seen him venturing into into new things building golf courses now his own you know more a clothing line with more of even more of his own stamp on it um but as Arnold and Jack have shown to lead a fulfilling life you have to have something Beyond

Competitive golf I would like to see I think this is wishful thinking I’m a fan of the 15 over uh Champions Tour and I think it would be cool if tiger made a real commitment to it uh as Arnold did Jack really did not um and try to be the

First person to say when the US US Open maybe not the first G play but in a single year us Senior Open uh us British Open excuse me British Senior Open and Senior PJ Championship all in the same year um but it’s going to be a challenge

What you’re asking is going to be the probably the biggest single challenge of the rest of his life he joked about being only two years away from being able to ride in a cart but I I’d have to imagine there is some appeal to him at

Least at the very least for the US Senior Open I mean here’s a guy who’s won all these USGA championships we know about the three Juniors and the three amers all the US opens and an opportunity to win a senior open as well so you’d imagine there might be some

Appeal there but it’s awfully difficult for me to see him playing on a week- toe basis don’t you think well yes period and let and even on the senior tour 54 holes out of a cart is something he’s never going to do I’m sure that was a

Starting point for his dis well among many other things for his his lack of interest in in in live golf uh but I would definitely just between that and I would say the three most significant senior Majors the we we just mentioned so yes the fact that big Jack won it

Arnold won it Gary player won at the icons of the game of won that us Senior Open I think that would be a really significant thing it would be great for a great Championship to see him play in it take it seriously contend and win uh

For sure and uh in my opinion if you look at the totality of his usj record he is already by far really even with all due respect to Bob Jones and Jack Nicholas the greatest player in the history of the game in terms of usj competitions and now he has a chance to

Uh to to further that and I I think it’s a good point Jimmy I think he’ll take that seriously he takes everything he does he takes seriously so he can’t not well that’s without question you know he’s taken that position on the policy board as well but I I want to end this

With one other thing um a lot of rumors running around that the Ryder Cup which is next year at Beth Page some speculation that tiger will actually be the US Captain if so those three days are going to make Saturday at the Phoenix Open seem like a Sunday school

Class don’t you think is that what we get do well and uh I I know that they’re already talking seriously about how you prepare the crowds how much alcohol you can serve them New York being New York uh Ryder Cup fans being Ryder Cup fans we saw what happened um uh just just

Earlier or last year in in um in Europe and Italy uh so yes uh that’s a major distraction people thought it was going to be Phil’s year they thought there might be two there has been some talk about whether tiger would really want to be the captain or not but we know that

It’s his job if he wants it and yes uh given that it would be New York given that it would be tiger on the main stage given that it would be coming off a US defeat uh it would be one of the biggest sporting events

Uh go way I was going to say in golf history but probably go Way Beyond Golf because when tiger stamp is on anything whether it’s a clothing line or a golf course that he’s building or his uh his PJ to a record or an inaugural Ridder cup captaincy it’s huge he he he

Overwhelms everything in golf because he’s the only person in golf with all due respect to Phil uh Mickelson who really is bigger than the game just like we saw when Taylor Swift showed up at Super Bowl suddenly that Super Bowl opened its doors to literally tens of millions of fans who otherwise wouldn’t

Be watching I don’t know who it was who coined the phrase but it’s true tiger doesn’t move the needle he is the needle Michael bamberger always good to be with you look forward to talking with you out on the golf trail as Always


  1. The coolest thing I saw 20 years ago at Riviera was Tigers fans weren’t just golfers. People just wanted to see him

  2. The Bethpage RC will be a disgrace to golf….I predict the event will stop at one stage due to Euro player safety concerns

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