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Scottie Is An All-Star & Gradey’s Career-High | Raptors Show Full Episode

William Lou and Blake Murphy give their thoughts on the Raptors’ blowout loss to the Pelicans, which also featured Gradey Dick scoring a career-high 22 points. Later, the pair react live to Scottie Barnes being named an All-Star injury replacement in the Eastern Conference. Next up, Mo Dakhil of The Athletic shares the latest surrounding the Clippers and helps cook up a few mock trades ahead of the deadline. Finally, Will and Blake go through their own fake trades involving a few current Raptors players.


0:00 – Raptors/Pelicans Recap
35:57 – All-Star Scottie!
48:53 – Mo Dakhil on the Cruising Clippers
1:15:44 – Mock Trades!


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Hello and welcome to the Raptor show on the sportset radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup it’s time to get fired up make sure you find the Raptor show where we listen in to podcast And subscribe and please R to

View the show I’m your host swl I uh am barring Blake Murphy’s headphones for the day so Blake I’m sorry if they’re permanently outstretched forever after this uh but uh yeah how you doing man thanks for letting me your headphones as uh it is crazy my headphones are doing

The javil McGee 2 net dunk right now that’s that’s what’s going on here is they’re just spread out wingspan uh we’re GNA see how how much they survive this I got bad head head going on I g throw a hat on next time cameras off me oh man great haircut by

The way I know the headphones are covering up most of it thank you yeah shouts to uh shouts to BJ at Hollow ground you know um and yeah I mean again this is why I wear wired headphones I understand it’s probably why I should also wear contacts out of

Glasses as well anyway you look good man don’t wor about it thank you thank you I am I do like I fear for my my family though I fear for my headphones that’s uh yo I want you to put these headphones on after the show after I’ve worn them

For two hours I wanted I want you to see the tensile strength okay um speaking of getting absolutely dominated like my headphones are right now Raptors lost last night oh man okay so yeah 138 to 100 for the Pelicans um when the Raptors finally mercifully hit 100 points at uh

The end of the game my mind immediately went to does that mean we get free pizza pizza because we’re back to those days like we are firmly back to those days Raptors no chance down 10 to two to start dark calls the first timeout doesn’t really do anything uh they’re

Down big the whole entire time Brandon Ingram goes off pretty much every Pelican put in a highlight in that game I couldn’t believe they’re throwing lobs to Cody Zeller this is all expressed in the react pod it’s also like I know he he only shot two of seven but it was

Like that’s NA Mar Marsh’s full YouTube mix now is last night like those the handful of assists he got I know he had a lot of turnovers too but like that’s it that’s that’s Naji Marshall’s whole bag is that game no man Jaylen McDaniels

Is going to be on a lot of Naji Marshall YouTube mixes man you want to start with McDaniel where do you want to start with this because I already talked about this game where do you want to start with the last night the positive Grady dick or the negative Jaylen McDaniels I’m a

Little more leaning toward the negative and like look Jaylen McDaniels was not the only negative here he didn’t even come in basically until the game was at I mean he shouldn’t have come in at all yeah but he played the whole fourth quarter and it was the quickest I’ve

Ever seen someone rack up four turnovers and three fouls I’m not I’m and like the turnovers were completely avoidable completely careless and like I I feel like I’ve done an okay job expressing disappointment with Jaylen McDaniels this year having come into the season with not high expectations but like it

Didn’t seem like that bad a deal when they signed it he was solid in Charlotte he was really good in a small sample for Philly down the stretch last year he was like Philly one of their trade deadline Acquisitions like like this is a guy who other teams thought was good and wanted

To trade pieces for the deal seemed completely reasonable um for a guy this young to just like not only I guess he’s 26 so he’s not even that young anymore but the the drop off this year has been pretty dramatic and I know sometimes that’s like okay well a guy came into a

Situation where he was odd fit he didn’t know his role he couldn’t find his footing or whatever we’re like 50 games in now and and it’s been a minute since he flashed some good stuff it’s it’s been tough uh that was just like unacceptable on

Any level what he did and then and I get it it was like a 30-point blowout in the fourth quarter but the type of mistakes the elementary type of mistakes the fact that he like was taking it one-on-one so many times as well um the fact that he

Allowed Alvarado to to sneak in from behind for those steals like d like look it’s already garbage time the least you can do is just like get it through you know go get come through with a little bit of Pride he was wait opportunities where he was getting dunked on or he was

Ducking out of the ways for dunks too it was just pretty bad obviously that was not the reason why the Raptors lost but um yeah I mean at least you would like to see like what Chris did in in the fourth quarter or what Jordan Noir did

In the fourth quarter what pretty much anyone Grady hit some shots in the fourth too so and yeah and like none of these guys had perfect stin but yeah bush had 11 and six with a block yeah in his 12 minutes of garbage time he’s going to start and end his Raptor career

With the same thing third unit productive third unit minutes by the way I I looked this up last night because there was nothing else to do in the fourth quarter yeah Chris bue now in alltime Raptor bench points okay has 41% more bench points than the person who’s

In second place which is Terrence Ross wow he’s got over 2700 career points off the bench for the Raptors and T Ross is next at like 1800 something like this is of all history wow and even if you wanted to include the playoffs then Patrick Patterson gets a big bump or

Whatever bu is still lapping every Patrick P got points in the playoffs yeah apparently this newed to be he bumps the number two if you include the playoffs um one of my favorite stats is uh I went to game four against uh the Cavs in 2017 the first sweep of two

Right and I I bought tickets in advance obviously otherwise I wouldn’t have chosen to go to game four and we started deari Carroll and Patrick Patterson and they literally combined for eight points sick and I was just like you know I was out on it after that point anyway that’s

Great yeah you know this was a bad game last night when we’re already reliving bad 2017 memories uh last thought on McDaniels is just like like I do think this is indicative of something that’s irked me about this team generally which is this should be at this point in the

Season a team that is very hungry and a team with a lot of guys who either have something to prove because Emanuel quickly wants to prove the Raptors were right to bet on him and he should had a bigger role and he’s head it for RFA Scotty should want to prove that yes

He’s the number one guy I actually thought Scotty was solid last night it was he had a really difficult job of toggling between Zion Ingram and JV and look I’m I’m not sure like Prime Kawai slows down Ingram in the third quarter last night yeah I mean he was hitting

One the one where Yak rotated over and contested him like as much as you can seven Foo or everything he’s falling backwards he’s literally getting fouled by yakob and it’s still a perfect switch like the level of offensive Talent the differential between the two sides was

Just kind of nuts and and to me it was like look Pelicans are a good team they’re like seven eight games above 500 now they’re in the playing picture in the west um even compared to that level of a team the Raptors didn’t have anything close to the Firepower like CJ

Would have been the best score for the Raptors last night Ingram would have been the best score Zion would have been the best score yeah and that does concern me because like I know second half of back toback the Raptors did play poorly whatever but the the level of

Talent disparity between the two sides was like the biggest shock to me yeah like Trey Murphy had a bad game and still looked like the best player on the floor at some points when like Zion and Ingram were sitting it it it was tough and we know I’m fond of Trey Murphy but

Not the best so I I think you know the so again where I was going with that is just like that lack of compete level up and down the roster right now and like we saw from Grady and bushe and a little bit from war last night fine but like

This is not a team that should based on where they are and based on where all these guys are individually in their career they can’t be coming out and having this poor performance out of the gate like it’s it’s inexcusable even with a talent Gap um the other thing I

Thought with respect to what you’re saying about like yeah well this is a Pelicans team that’s only a play and level team in the west that’s how big the Gap is do you not watch this Pelicans team and anytime I watch Like Zion only took eight field goal attempts

To play 22 minutes last night like they they have an even higher upside if they maximize here don’t you think the Pelicans should be better than this I think they need a distributor or anything else yeah um because they have CJ running Point like assist last night

Yeah exactly and so I think they definitely need a natural distributor with the group but they have a lot of really great pieces Zion obviously is his own wild card onto itself um but yeah no I I agree with you I think maybe a defensive Center might also help in a

Way just cuz I there’s a ceiling with JV teams you know not spark JV hiive will invented JV hiive I still have the email from the first piece will ever wrote for Raptor Republic hey can I put this up what do you think of this piece it

Created jva so don’t don’t turn your back on your boy I’ve been long enough to to have inflamed JB Hive and now Scotty Hive so you know it’s uh damn I’ve been around for a while but um they need a so the Pelicans need a defensive oriented Center and a distributor yakob

And Dennis shuder for all their young guys well yakob looked good last night you want to talk about that I mean yakob so obviously the first game against Houston was really really bad ends up fouling out in 20 minutes two games since he’s missed two shots like he’s I

Think 15 for 17 um and he’s been pretty solid defensively I mean it wasn’t enough to slow down the Pelicans but still I thought he he tried his best did you like the idea of him guarding Zion yeah I thought it was fun we we Orin had

Mentioned it that we’ve seen some teams do that Center on on Zion and then have someone else guard JV that way you know if it’s a McCollum pick and roll if if it’s an Ingram pick and roll you have some switch ability there and then uh you know Zion’s not generally spacing

Out to above the break so your your Center who’s on Zion can still provide a little bit of help from there the risk is always well then Zion’s lurking in the dunker and if that Center has to help over you’re going to get yammed on relentlessly it really only came up the

One time and it was when Zion kind of attacked out of the corner and had that like crazy barkly finish along the Baseline they did did a good job holding him the only eight field goal attempts uh generally so I I thought it was fine I thought Ingram was the the primary

Problem also thought New Orleans does some Des despite the lack of of natural Distributing they do some clever stuff around Zion with just how they like obviously there’s nobody in the league who’s not going to need help when Zion’s guarding them y but the Pelicans do a

Good job of spacing uh vertically so like normally we think I think we think a lot of space as horizontally right like get guy get a guy in the we side corner make sure that the help has to come very far but the Pelicans when they

Go to Zion in the post a lot of the times they’ll have like four above the break or three above the break and someone not all the way low so that you can’t have that like Baseline help come over you’re you’re everyone has to be from kind of the free throw line and

Above um it didn’t come up a ton again because Zion just they didn’t have to run a lot through Zion yesterday um but I came away more encouraged by the Pelicans I I think I’ve been kind of a Pelicans Downer this year despite liking a lot of their talent because it just

Doesn’t look as good as I think it should when I tune in and like the Zion at Center lineups haven’t looked all that great and stuff but I came away yesterday being like man this team can really cook offensively and there should be a higher gear here I don’t think

They’re that far away like um I look it almost like in the way where Minnesota like went up a level of seriousness when they got my Conley like even at Mike Conley level Distributors who set the table yeah get everyone involved organized would be good like this would

Be a good kyar team for example yeah if uh he were to look in that direction which I don’t think he would but they’re only 13th in offense that feels inexcusable the players that they have there Zion is infamously unreliable too but that’s that’s only part of it he’s actually

Having a relatively healthy season I also just love Ingram bro how could you not love Ingram at the end there like it’s like the prettiest like I I understand that like we’ve done the thing over the years about mid-range shooting and stuff like that but he’s

Got like some of the prettiest moves to get into that mid-range package and he’s like like very good at it like to the point where like you would never complain about the shot diet for um for Brandon Ingram of being like an inefficient shot diet generally like

He’s so good at getting to his mid-range spots and getting their shots off it’s like it’s it’s like I I know KD is the common comp for him like he’s a poor man’s KD it also kind of reminds me of like playoff kawhai and how kawai’s been

Playing lately where like even if it doesn’t look like he’s going to beat you to that spot and get the shot off he can still get it off no matter what there’s just that that quick up and then Ingram’s obviously got the the length on

Top of it maybe I just also really want to talk about kawhai today no we trust me we’ll get lots of kawhai talk later on but um the funny thing is you know there was that graph that went around recently of like highest release point in the league right like what’s the

Height of the ball when it’s getting shot and obviously KD was close to the top and Wy currently is number one like Ingram must be like number three in the league in terms of just high like I don’t even know how you’re supposed to contest it again yaka perto fully

Outstretch trying to contest ends up fouling him and he still switches a shot I like that at least Dennis shooter was at the very end he’s like okay five threes is enough the crowd is all standing up everyone’s cheering we’re down 30 I’m going to take it upon myself

To make sure that Ingram can’t get this final shot off um because they were desperately trying to work dble handoffs to get back to him and I think he actually got the block but aside from that that was the only moment of Defense played uh Grady dick scored a career

High 22 points last night um yeah Grady’s turned the corner since coming back so what you see from Grady at least yeah I think it’s good man you’re starting to see some of the uh some of the off ball stuff that you know obviously he’s going to need to hit

Shots right like that’s that’s it that’s what’s his bread and butter in the NBA but the difference between you being just a state a spot up shooter and having a little more to your game to where you were a lottery pick is some of that off ball stuff some of the being

Able to work as a screener and then after you set the screen get into something to be able to pump fake out of the corner and get into something base like keep your defender on your hip as you I think that was against Naji Marshall too actually they kind of pump

F out of the corner and then get him on the hip for the for the little short Corner shot um those are the kind of things he has some passing Verve too that we’ve mostly only seen in transition but if the Raptors develop we you know have more space in the the LI

Gener or he starts playing a little bit more with the starters you’ll see that come to life I just been I’ve been encouraged that again the shot is the most important thing but how quickly the shot being back a little bit and we talked about this early in the season

Where even though his shot wasn’t dropping in the first couple games he did a lot of this off ball stuff he did a lot of the movement stuff that at least helps your team like there’s a gravity to you even if your shots aren’t dropped dropping and then when the shots

Weren’t going down the confidence seemed to fall apart where like it was a lot of pump faking when you don’t need a pump fake pump fake step into a floater range shot that you don’t have in your package yet or travel or something force a bad pass because you don’t you know trust

Your ability to side step for a three or something like that and then we saw a lot of that with the 905 where like yeah there was no point guard down there at that at that time either it was awkward but I’m I’m a little I’m a little

Surprised and very encouraged at how quickly it’s come back at the level given where he last was when I saw him with 905 which was it was improving but he didn’t look ready for the NBA yet yeah I mean to make the comparison like

At a same age when we I did this number with you but like he was shooting wors from three at the same age compared to Bruno in in the G League which is obviously look he’s a much better shooter than Bruno I’m just my point is that he was really struggling with

Everything for him to come back and bounce back this way is really promising I think number one for him to score twice on Baseline out of bound plays that’s going to be huge for him as as a movement shooter they should look for him a lot on those instances and that’s

Something where he can find a way to get his rhythm I think number two is just like um because he establish himself as a shooter some of those up fakes you know step through finish at the basket just open up a little bit more in his

Game um and I think the number three is just like you know what I guess the only upside to a game like last night is like you can play free now you can play free like McDaniels and take a three on1 pull up three but uh yeah I mean the other

Way of playing is like especially as a shooter you know um you get to take as many shots as you really want be more like selective with it you don’t have to hunt it every single time and yeah I was really happy for Grady to to break out

Um I thought he was he sounded really mature in the postgame too he like didn’t really want to take any celebration out of it he’s just like look we lost yeah um it’s tough and like he’s he seem like his head is on straight you know what I mean yeah and I

Think look it’s been it it has there’s no way it hasn’t been a bit of a humbling first pro year for him like like we talked about it when he first went down to the g- league like I I basically asked him like you know is how

Is your confidence he’s like I haven’t had a cold streak since I was like a child like I’m not worried about my jumper but as that extent that was at the start of the g-league then you’re talking about a month later you’re still in the g- league and then like you’re

Pulled out of games for this conditioning program um you know I don’t think it has I don’t think you have a choice but to let that humble you a little bit and he’s really seen how much work he has to put in he’s also probably you know it’s it’s probably front of

Mine that in his third game of his career he got 16 points in in a close game against the Sixers and then very shortly after that he was in the G League because things came apart so I I wonder too if that’s fresh for him that

Hey this this only lasts as long as you’re playing this well I also thought it was really good to see that from him a night after in a double overtime game he only played 10 minutes and yeah he was good he was good in the first half

He just never saw any time the rest of the yeah he I was just a little worried that maybe you know he had the Chicago game where he played a little bit more but didn’t get on the board he only took one shot in 20 minutes in that game and

Then the Houston game was not a very good game for him and then okay against OKC you barely play you know where’s the confidence level at where’s your Readiness level at um so I thought I thought that was good and yeah I’m with you like that the after the game

Immediately going to the yeah well we lost like like what that that’s you you want guys to say the the right things and feel the right way about those things so those are uh those are good were there any other positives from the game for you nah honestly yak and Grady

That was it you know and I thought you look if that’s the last we see of bue that’s a good way to close it out not saying that’s happening for sure but uh it does feel like a full circle kind of thing because that’s how he used to

Always break out was in those like garbage Time moments and by the way the Raptors were the ones delivering these type of blowouts to other teams but they would put the third stringers in and Chris would come in and he would actually be very productive and he would

Always get his Buche 3 in which was a thing back in the day um so last night there was a lot of talk about okay are the Raptors going to give up the most ever points that they give up because I think the record is 100 46 points

Allowed um oh sorry were they going to lose by the biggest margin I think the biggest margin was like 46 points yes I’m I’ll I’ll double check this while you’re setting this up but I’ll I’ll yeah I think I saw it from Karine or KS

One of those two maybe both of them and it got me thinking hold on this is a pretty bad loss rap is losing 138 to 100 but is this even a top five loss of just this season forget like the franchise record of losing I think 46 points right

Um um 152 is the most they’ve given that was oh this one came up because against Utah they gave up 145 and it was the third most ever yeah I think it’s 46 or 48 is the the uh the worst blowout ever either way not good yeah so I was thinking well

This is a bad blow up but it’s not even it might not even be a a a top five loss just of this year alone so I’ve presented and gathered uh some of the losses and I’ve just put them into four different buckets yeah and I’ll just present them real quickly there’s the

Heartbreaker bucket so this one are games where you actually had expectation and you lost in in some way so for example uh earlier this week OKC when they lost on Sunday blowing a 23-point lead double overtime multiple chances to win it at the end of regulation and overtime and then of course the

Conversation about Scotty afterwards that was Heartbreaker for me the Chicago loss this is game two of the Season you remember this one where they were up 17 Midway through the third quarter OG and some fouling out out yaken fouling out of that game uh a bunch of Miss free

Throws down the stretch opens the door for Chicago to come back you have uh Chris puset jumping at a couple of demard Rosen pump figs then you got Scotty with the turnover Pascal with the turnover and Alex Caruso hitting the game winning three what the Pascal turnover was the Caruso offensive foul

Yes on the inbound yes yes okay yes um that’s another Heartbreaker category the Lakers loss all I got to say is this is shame 23 to1 free throw disparities right the darkhole rant they lose that game by one point uh the Anthony Davis moving screen on RJ Barrett Scotty

Barnes is an Allstar oh wow okay nice that’s well congrats congrats to Scotty Barnes okay we will pivot I guess in the second section but congrats to Scotty this is awesome yeah NBA Communications just announcing right now that Toronto’s Scotty Barnes and Atlanta’s Trey Young have been named by Adam Silver as injury

Replacements on the Eastern Conference team for the All-Star game they will replace Dell embiid and Julius Randall so we will actually have one All-Star at the game Scot bares old dark was right uh we’ll see about Mar no who we still don’t know but uh yeah okay well congrats to Scotty that’s

Awesome anyway that was a Lakers loss um the Utah loss was also pretty tough they’re up 17 with five left in the third quarter common theme they lose the fourth quarter 41 to 21 Jordan Clarkson outscores everybody on the Raptors basically and uh talks his talk like all

Through the end of that game mhm and worst part it was my birthday as well that’s a tough one that’s a tough one the bright side this year they won’t have an embarrassing they have had a lot of embarrassing losses on my birthday uh they’re not making it to early may this year

Soto clear Blake um okay if you had a worst Heartbreaker loss if you had to pick between the four the OKC lost the Chicago lost Lakers lost Utah lost Utah one is the worst for me oh okay interesting the I I think the Lakers one

Is eased by just like that was such a good Darko and it was actually a rare kind of like unifying moment for the this year where everyone was on the same page so like the sucked but I think the Utah won a because like Utah was not this yet right

Like they were still in the early stages of this they were coming off of barely beating Detroit and they were down Clarkson and marinin in that game but I remember tweeting when the Raptors were up big in that game like how did Detroit lose this team without without CLK

Without oen as well so he was the one who bowled out that’s right yeah he had eight assists I think so um that is uh that was the one for me that not only did that seem like a really bad loss in the moment blowing that lead against a

Utah team that hadn’t figured it out yet but to me that was the moment where if you had any belief remaining that this was a good team that just hadn’t played well yet the meaning the Raptors I think you had to let it go at that point so

That’s that’s a tough one cuz that was a that was a like overall feeling change if you were holding on to a little bit of that hope still okay so that’s the worst Heartbreaker one I think so what is yours uh that Chicago loss is pretty bad it

Remember when Dennis came on the show and he’s like that’s one of the worst losses of my career yeah he’s like I never emotional damage that was actually emotional damage because it was also a repeat of the playing game which I think was also the part that sucked also like

Like to make everything about us obviously um while they were winning late in that game and I don’t I don’t usually start writing until the game’s over cuz you just never know but I had a good idea for a good lead and I wrote a really good lead for if they won that

Game and it got scrapped so I also lost that what was the lead it was it was basically like a kind of more like psychological thing about no matter how much we want to change and no matter how much we have the best intentions like when the chips are down and you really

Need to pull out a win or or you really need you know WEA in basketball or otherwise you’re going to rely on what you know and what you trust the most because that was the game where the Raptors when they were in trouble started spamming whoever Kobe white is

Guarding we getting that switch and we’re going in the post Scotty did it Pascal did it OG did it um whether to score or to pass um so I kind of crafted around that and a little bit of like I doubt they’re actually going to stick to

You know the system when the game is on the line but uh anyway it all got scrapped for this game was silly that game was so silly okay the second category straight up sad losses okay ones that are just like you don’t really have that much you know expectation

Going into it and they still disappoint you right so the Brooklyn loss um they were tied 94 all at the 4minute Mark the rppers end up losing by 12 they scor one bucket in the last four minutes have you watched that Brooklyn team since yeah that Brooklyn team sucks their signature

Win of the Season like that’s their only highlight O’Neal knocks down like six threes or something like that the Charlotte lost so they were down 38 to 22 after the first quarter to the Charlotte Hornets they fight back they actually take the lead in the fourth quarter they lose the lead they’re down

Three Scotty gets a generous foul call um from Terry roir who ended up stepping into his Landing space or something like that he goes to the foul line again down three first free throw misses it it’s immediately game over he makes the other two but the Raptors can’t come back they

Lose to the Charlotte Hornets uh the Boston Celtics lost there’s multiple there’s three of these now but uh maybe four of these there might be four Boston Celtics losses already wow they swept Us in half a season they’re not winning in the Atlantic division man oh man oh the

Boston lost though um this one was no Tatum no porzingis no Horford all at home they started Sam Hower and Luke cornette against the Raptors and they also played what uh Jared Weiss called The White and the whites lineup which was dere white plus you know pton

Pritchard Ste Muk um Luke cornette and Samer uh was this this was the Scotty can’t back in game no this is a different one that’s a that’s a different boss and loss there’s so many but this one the Raptors fight back they actually fight back all the way cuz

McDaniels of all people came up strong in the fourth quarter Scotty and Pascal carried them the whole entire game they get into a tie game on the last possession OJ and Obi gambles for a pass guarding Jaylen Brown he doesn’t get the steal Brown gets downhill throws a lob

To Luke cornette game over right this was a bad one and then this one I just have aggregated all three into one the three Philadelphia losses part one two and three because Patrick Beverly literally came out unprompted and said the Raptors got no dogs played the Raptors afterwards after beating the

Raptors said again no dogs then he told the story about how Dennis shudder came up to him a little bit or Scotty bumped him on the shoulder and he’s like again yall don’t have no dogs and the Raptors lost them for a third time this season so we’ll see if the Raptors beat

Philadelphia last week of the season this year but uh yeah the dogless Raptors any of these straightup sad ones stand out to you Charlotte’s the worst one yeah I agree I they’re just so bad you know how I feel about Terry Rosier yeah being on the wrong end of a Terry Rosier close

Out just it’s not good like I I guess in a season like this like the Boston and Philly losses aren’t great and the the no dogs thing sucks but like they’re not in the class of those teams I’m not going to get too upset at those losses

But Charlotte punking you like like I just I picked the two games Jord Clarks and Terry Rosier punked you like I got you yeah let me let me give you a little preview of what the other picks are going to be if there are any games where

Players like that punked you yeah this shame segment there was one didn’t Grayson Allen do it to them too uh wasn’t he talking his talk was he we’d beat Phoenix the one time we played them yeah yeah but Grayson Allen was doing a lot of Grayson Allen was no Luke Canard

Luke oh my God mixing up my that’s a pretty good one yes yes losing to the gries at home that one’s really good that was pretty good is that in here anywhere is that no I actually that one you know what that’s a late edition a

Good one the the Memphis hustle beat you and Luke Canard had a Jackson Jr had like six steals in the first quarter mixing up mixing up Luke Canard and Grayson Allen is so fad you know what again White and the whes lineup and then the third category is no shows so just

Real quickly Utah the second one where they lost on the road last game of the road trip gave up 145 points lost 145 to 113 gave up 81 points in the second half the Houston loss that just came this past weekend allowed 84 points in the

Paint to the Houston Rockets lost 135 to 106 in the first meeting with Fred since the exit uh the New York Knicks loss is the first meeting with OG since OG uh was traded they lost 126 to 100 were not competitive at all throughout the game the worst part about this precious sucha

Shoots 9 for1 for an immense double double against the Raptors and has really launched that game alone launched precious atua’s career with the Knicks because now he’s actually pretty entrenched and getting pretty good performances for them but and then the final one uh the Raptors lose to the

Celtics 117 to 94 which doesn’t even sound that bad but the Raptors lost all four quarters fully healthy and still only scored 94 points um so yeah you got a favorite noow I think it’s Utah again man there’s something about the Utah Jazz when you see s fento yeah late I

Guess late road trip and stuff like that know whatever all of these ones are just like dude they’re all there the fact that there’s so many of these like the Pelicans loss should very much be in this list yeah and I just like I get it you’re not a good team and and

At at some points when you’re not a good team you’re going to have those games but they’ve been too common for a team that again should be very hungry yeah they should be very hungry well last last category is just called losing to Detroit honestly that one somehow

Doesn’t seem that bad I lost my mind after seeing that one no it was I think I just like like Alex had been marking it on the calendar for us for weeks oh yeah yeah and then the trade happened and then it’s just like it it just so

Obvious that it was going to happen that game was just so sad to me man um Pascal trying his very best and and going off in the third quarter and it it just Kevin Knox banking a whole bunch of jumpers the Kevin KN the the Pistons made every mistake possible down the

Stretch remember how many steals were in the L last minute of the game and they still lose that one so yeah they uh snapped the NBA record of 28 games straight of losing yeah that’s uh it’s a lot of bad losses this year man I think the Utah collapse one is is

My worst loss of the year like the one that hurt that not hurt cuz like I’m not you know I didn’t think this team was going to win a championship but the one where it was like the most reality check oh yeah of the of the losses yeah for

Sure like losing to Boston and Philly a bunch of times was not news to me right I don’t know do you feel differently what’s your like what what’s your top three worst ones I answered all these I know that you listed them you that’s your part of the activity but I think

Losing to Detroit is still my worst one I don’t man like I doesn’t like come on it historically it’s going to look real weird that that loss is so bad because the Pistons lost like six or seven straight games after that win so the Raptors were the only thing keeping them

From like a 35 36 game losing streak or something like that like it would have been incredible um that was just embarrassing I mean I think honestly some of these reunion ones are pretty embarrassing to me like you’re seeing Fred again and this is what you look

Like again when you see your when you run into your ex which actually happened to me over the weekend by way yeah what you want inter ex you hope that like you’re wearing a good outfit like you know you’re in a good space whatever um like you running to Houston looking like

That it’s like you like were out in sweatpants getting milk from the corner store and they’re like oh there she is yeah you’re you’re fresh from a reaction pod yelling about Luke Canard Jacob Gillard that’s why they’re an next and she’s like oh nothing’s changed nothing nothing’s changed uh the

Nick one is also bad for the same reason it’s like we’re seeing OG again we’re trying to compete against and it’s like not even close guess the two sides Fred’s here Friday Pascal’s here next Wednesday yeah we also there’s a bunch of Clippers losses in here too um yeah

It’s it’s it’s been tough man so I think the biggest takeaway from here is there have been a lot of bad losses yeah and you just mentioned there were a bunch of no- shows there were some games where they got behind big and couldn’t dig out

A bit so it’s time now for the spicy stat of the day brought to you by new chunky spicy soup are you ready to get fired up oh I’ve been fired up go you’ve been fired up on all of these um like a basketball for no reason in modern NBA

Times it’s not that unusual to get behind double digits and be able to come back you’re still not helping yourself out but the Raptors have been doing it at such a crazy rate that we look you could have made the case early in the year that worse days were ahead based on

How often they were falling behind I saw some people make the case that better days were ahead because they kept being able to come back and things like that well nope they have trailed by double digits 27 times in the first half already this year what only Utah Charlotte and Portland Utah

Charlotte and Portland so two tanking teams and a team that was in the wilderness until the last six weeks or so only those three teams have been down by double digits in the first half more it gets worse so they’ve Trail by 30 by 10 plus 36 times overall that is 72% of

Their games yeah that is more frequently being down double digits yeah then in the Tampa Tank season wow in fact for the last time the Toronto Raptors were getting down double digits at this rate you have to go back to 1997 98 wow we talking Damon stmy level we’re talking

Damon stmy as he’s requesting a trade out of here level um so look some of that is scoring is just up in the NBA three-point shooting is higher up you’re going to get down but but the Raptors are six and 30 in those games when they

Get down 10 or more it is we’re past the point of like comeback kids Kyle Lowry 30o fourth quarter they were down 10 like after 2 minutes last night so yeah 6 and 30 and they have not been getting down by double digits this regularly since the third season of the

Franchise’s existence I have a sub spicy stat for you oh my I that’s a lot of spice already man my stomach hurting yeah where’s the little the little graph on there yeah the meter that’s feel I’m on a hot ones right okay um Jaylen McDaniels and Bruce

Brown what about them are both so jayen McDaniel favorite Raptors at the moment jayen McDaniels isus 50 as a raptor yo Bruce Brown’s already minus 60 what I tweeted I tweeted a list out without explaining what it was earlier yeah so these are two of the 10 quickest minus

50s in franchise history McDaniels has still only played 287 minutes Bruce Brown has paid 245 so some other name too many for both some other names on this list so we’re talking minus 50 or worse in less time than McDaniels and Bruce Brown all right hit me you’ll get

Landrew fields in 2014 2015 okay that was Landfield was like one Nar elbow or like or too manyar elbows or whatever he literally had a broke like a a nerve issue I’m I’m going to excuse him yeah he’s playing one-handed exactly uh Anthony Carter in that if you remember

Him briefly being on the team in 2011 head as big as mine yeah Aaron Williams yeah I remember him yeah one of three Williams on the team at one point 20% of the Raptors named Williams and these are by the way getting few worse and worse

As as we go here uh Michael Stewart in 20201 okay yeah before my time but sure heard of him the first the first Messi guy Julian Stone minus 50 in 119 minutes what oh yeah I remember yeah the Raptors needed a backup point guard so badly

This season it was him competing with DJ Augustine competing with white bikes yeah uh okay and I mentioned 1997 98 the last time the team was getting behind this big this regularly in only 70 minutes with the team over six games Roy Rogers was minus 56 in 70 minutes yeah

Still better than Roy Bell’s sorry I don’t so stupid yeah we’re all right that’s uh that was your uh your spicy stat of the day and your spicy shout out of the day brought to you by new chunky spicy soup are you ready to get fired up after that one I’m

Ready to curl up in a ball with a bowl of soup is uh is how I’m feeling after those ones I’m ready to take a break that’s what we’re doing I’m here I W you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to

You by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup when we come back let’s discuss Scotty Barnes making allar team welcome back to the Raptor show on the sportsite radio network I’m me play Blue from my co-host Blake Murphy shouts to producer Derek brandale for playing Drake today of all days and playing

Started From The Bottom no idea what you’re talking about no idea why that’s appropriate or inappropriate today whatsoever just a classic song that it means nothing else uh yeah speaking of starting from the bottom um SC Barn I guess he kind of didn’t really start from the bottom he’s the number four

Pick and one rookie of the year yeah you’re right okay that doesn’t really fit in this this transition but yeah as uh we said before the break Scotty barns named an All-Star Reserve by Adam Silver alongside of Trey young um yeah your initial thoughts on this yeah it’s cool

I mean we both had him on our hypothetical ballots neither of us have a a vote and for those who don’t remember you know the starters are determined by 50% fan vote 25% media 25% players neither of those groups fans Media or players had Scotty in as a

Starter not a surprise there the coaches vote from there we know historically the coaches really value uh winning record as kind of a a tiebreaker it didn’t play out that way necessarily in the Western Conference but in the East it did um but we had we thought you know we we both

Had Julius Randle getting injury replaced on our ballots that bought us an extra guy and then the Joel embiid news has come down since so um the fact that both of us had Scotty Barnes on our ballots obviously we believe he was deserving of one of those replacement

Spots I think it’s cool I think Barnes has you know earned it this has been a trying year for the Raptors in a lot of ways and this is a nice bright spot for Barnes and for the franchise I’m sure and for the fan base I I know you know

The fan base has been really really hungry for this um ninth Raptor only to be an All-Star so it it already puts him in in pretty interesting you know there’s Lowry Bosch Vince Demar Pascal Antonio Davis Kawai and Fred and now Scotty Barnes It’s a pretty pretty thin

Class for a franchise that’s existed for over 25 years now yeah for sure um I think first off uh this is an instance where it’s like I’m leaving here with something like yeah at at least this season will be over and you know what else ever comes from it we’ve seen

Scotty take this jump forward now we want to see him get back to the levels that he was at the start of the Season whether or not that’s going to be easy to do with the roster changing so much is difficult to say because there were

Other sort of players here who can made that a little bit easier but nevertheless like the best play on the Raptors all season has been Scotty Barnes him taking this jump forward um has really um been the number one reason to tune in like you tune in to see him

Take over play both ends of the floor grow his game now of course that’s going to come with ups and downs right and we saw that in the same game the OKC game he played like an Allstar for three quarters and then was kind of not near

The ball for the overtime periods but again that’s going to happen with a young player I think the most important thing is you see him play at an Allstar level already just getting to stay at that level and then continue to raise the level of his teammates cuz I think

The next step once you make the allstars hopefully you get in that environment where just like for example Scotty’s been named to the select team to the USA um group for this summer now it’s very unlikely he goes to the actual Olympics and makes the final 12 but you get in

That environment you see how other great players work how they develop how they interact how they carry themselves and you know you get the same do the same thing I guess at all-star weekend now he’s this is already his third all-star weekend because he was in the rookie

Game the sophomore game you know but still um you get more and more reps in that sort of cont context and and hopefully makes them hungrier hope it makes them want to come back and continue to lead the Raptors and and let them grow because I’ve said many times

Like the the team has been handed over to him firmly and he’s the youngest guy which I think the team has ever been given to to be honest there may be some instances where I suppose you could say Vince but there wasn’t even much of a

Team to give at that point you know um and so there is expectation because this is the market that’s gotten really used to winning as well so however he finds that next step to translate the production into winning is going to help that’s not all on him he’s going to need

His teammates to help he’s going to need the front office to bring more people in he’s going to need the coach to you know even put the ball in his hands more deliberately or deliberately at certain moments but overall he’s played an All-Star level all season that’s why you

And I both had him on our All-Star reserves and um yeah salute to Adam Silver man come on the Raptor show and he’s also put the Raptors into the allstar show so he enjoyed all the banter is why uh is why scardi Barnes is there I also think look these things are

We make a huge deal at them and and they’re important like the end of guy’s career how many times it made the All-Star how many times it made all NBA it affects your earning potential you know with the all-nba stuff whether you like it or not um it’s it’s probably

Something next CBA we need to move away from but but it’s a thing that’s real this is also like we talk about Scotty and his role in his development day-to-day this is a nice opportunity to take a snapshot take a breath yeah like hey his scoring is up Five Points a game

He’s up a rebound and a half he’s up an assist the game his usage is up five percentage points but so is his true shooting his true shooting percentage has taken a big jump his assist rate is up with barely a noticeable uptick in his turnover rate like everything is

Moving in the right direction except the team’s record which isn’t a oneperson thing so I think it’s also just you know the arguments of who should make it who shouldn’t oh this definitely helps those by the way sometimes the tone on you know Raptors fan based discussions

Around Scotty or our other pieces or whatever it’s a good moment for everyone to just like take a breath appreciate how far Scotty’s come here in year three relative to year 2 and it’s uh it’s extra reason to tune in uh on Allstar weekend out do you think we could get

Him in the dunk contest think we could elbow him a little bit and be like hey if jaylen’s going to do it honestly anything to get NBA players into the D contest I’m down I mean what do you think Scotty’s best done with NBA players in no I mean listen I respect

Mac but come on man yeah um yeah what what do you think Scotty’s best dunk has been like just I mean it’s all he’s a power dunker right like to me it’s not the Finesse stuff it’s the it’s a you’re dunky you’re putting like it’s definitely one of those ones where he’s

Like grabbed an offensive rebound and like Drop stepped on top of someone those are my favorit SC there was the one last year where he dunked all over either vich or I think it was vich he like had him in the post and then like took one hard dribble turned around and

Just like banged on one hand he’s had some pretty good like two-handed dunks as well the thing with him is when there’s a fast break which is usually opportunity for like Terence Ross to bust out of windmill or Paul George used to always do the 360 something like that

Uh Scotty bar signature Dunc is let’s actually look back at them wait from the catchup and then uh do a quick dunk on them um but yeah I would not be opposed it’d be fun to see him do some of the activities yeah by the way uh Sam said

Folk pointing out that uh this is also the youngest a raptor has ever been named to the allar team H so Scotty dude according to according to Samson we got a know from producer almm in the chat that says Chris Bosch is the youngest Raptor Allstar he was at 21 yeah well

Chris Bosch and I was going to say Chris Bosch and Samson can find it out uh Samson and omit can uh can fight it out for that one Bosch was in his age 21 season so it’s possible anyway we’ll double check that at the break cool um conflicting notes sorry everyone so

Before we go though and take another break uh a bunch of trade deadline news topics around the Raptors so first one uh Dave McManaman friend of the program come on the show uh I think our producers already reached out so that’s not a reveal but anyway dve mman of ESPN

Uh wrote that d’angel Russell has been mentioned in trade talks uh with toron with Toronto Brooklyn and Atlanta obviously the Lakers have been connected to dejonte Murray but then again you saw literal Hawks fans chanting we don’t want you we don’t want you at d’angel

Russell when he was at the foul line is that going to necessarily inform whether or not he’s going to go there who knows but I mean you could see for example Danel Russell being taken into Toronto as a third party might see Bruce Brown going in these kind of Trades you SE

Bruce Brown connected to the Lakers as well but yeah your thoughts in just in general taking d’angel Russell back for I mean look uh he’s not going to fit the core of what you’re doing long term like he’s he’s 27 he can opt out of his contract

After this year which is a positive and a negative because you know if he doesn’t opt out that’s 19 million that’s a good chunk of your your offseason flexibility there um D’s a cool player and like I I like his game aesthetically but like he’s he’s not going to be a

Piece that you add into the quickly RJ Barnes core you would be looking at the next move for Russell and either taking him on because you anticipate dealing him again in the offseason if he picks up his option or just you know treat him as an expiring or whatever it would be

About the other asset you can get in a deal like that I think more than D’Angelo Russell specifically unless you have a strong take on on DLo um I mean he’s been balling out yeah he’s a good player just he’s a good player I think it depends on what you

Think of quickly longterm yeah um not to say that deand Russ is gonna be your longterm but do you want cuz you saw even yesterday’s game for example quickly was struggling and darko’s option as it typically is is oh there’s a problem with the Raptors it’s time to

Put Dennis shter in the game and you think that’s changing with d’el Russell in there though we got three-point guard lineups I suppose uh he did that in OKC but I mean yeah I I think that if it depends on whether or not you feel like quickly needs a second point guard to

Play off of I think it’s for quickly he’s probably having more bigs to play off of to give him more space on screens or lob threat or things like that but uh yeah I mean at this point I wouldn’t be opposed cuz he could put the ball in the hoop

But I don’t really see a long ter fit for wrestle here in Toronto yeah I I don’t know he’s not a guy who’s like going to raise the the floor for you no and I I wanted to throw some of the I have a mailbag up at sports that

Goes into some deadline stuff thank you to everyone for for all the questions last night and I wanted to throw some of them at you maybe we can do that in segment 4 as well but the DLo thing the Raptors being used as a third party in

Trades in general even if it’s a Bruce Brown trade you know the Raptors are we got d’angel Russell out of a Bruce Brown trade I’m I’m okay with that for sure yeah and like I think you’d hope to pick up an extra draft asset set somewhere in

There um but more interesting than the specifics of this cuz you could throw ruy in there instead you could I don’t know could it’s like a couple people threw PJ Washington at me as like what if a three team shakes up this way more more specifically though the idea of the

Raptors are set up to have a bunch of cap space this season right now we know it’s not the greatest of free agent classes we know that cap space is about more than free agency alone it’s about using that flexibility to pick up assets are you okay with a trade that say bring

Back longer term money if it means in Russell’s case he can opt out so he wouldn’t be the long-term piece you’d probably be looking at a prospect or a draft pick in there to to sweeten it but say a ruy where he’s got a couple years

Left in and that is part of the thingy are you okay with that use of the the cap flexibility the Raptors have built here or you more in a clear the deck and it’s only prospects and picks that matter to me mode we play jayen McDaniels and gave him the Ultimate

Green Light last night I’m okay with uh taking back ruy aimore in any context um but yeah in general yes I’m okay with that I the the cap flexibility thing I mean right now the Raptors have a good use of it and they taken some extra

Picks like kind of like okay seide I don’t mind but at the same time I also want to see player because again like Scotty just got named an All-Star right like when Chris POS was named an All-Star the next season the Raptors changed management changed whatever and

They got enough pieces in that they could win 47 games that year that they won the Atlantic division which by the way the Raptors have not won a single game in that division this year um like if you don’t bring in immediate pieces or not even immediate pieces but like

Players who can play rather than picks all of a sudden you’re just wasting another All-Star campaign for example right at least when when Chris made his first All-Star the next year he was like definitively an All-Star and the Raptors were definitively a playoff team so I’d ideally like to see players over picks

Um real quick Fred cats also said that the Knicks are offering Evan fornier and draft compensation but not Quenton Grimes in a Bruce Bown deal I mean it would depend on what the draft compensation is specifically the the Knicks have a bunch of yeah they they have a lot of picks

That they can use now you know they have their own first this year they have firsts from Dallas Detroit and Washington that are all protected but like rolled over to the next year they don’t turn into two they don’t turn into seconds until 2027 um 20 2025 in Dallas’s case 2027 in

The other case so they are real firsts and then they’ve also got an additional Milwaukee first at some point all their own firsts so there’s some real draft Equity there in addition to having a handful of extra seconds okay and then last one from John grisy of the athletic

Timber rolles are monitoring kyar and Dennis shooter yeah hard to figure this I have a Dennis shudder to Minnesota trade for you for later but it’s not the sexiest okay what a tease you’re not getting NZ Reed it’s not the sexiest yeah you’re definitely not getting NZ

Reed but uh who knows maybe you got Leonard Miller but anyway we’ll take another break been your host will you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports radio network I’m your host

Llou joined by co-host Blake Murphy and we are joined on the line by friend of the program Mo the keill of the athletic of bleach report of the jump ball uh what’s going on man what’s going on Mo good to see you again it’s good to

See you I mean not a lot we just we got a busy week ahead of us we do have a busy week ahead of us um actually you know I wanted your reaction to this because this this news broke uh while we were on air in the last hour but Scotty

Barnes named On All-Star resered by Adam Silver alongside of Trey young obviously Julius ran and Joel embiid are injured cannot play in the game in the Eastern Conference your thoughts on Scotty Barnes making his first All-Star appearance I think it’s well deserved you know I think it’s uh some people

Might consider it not the same because it was a uh uh situation where he was uh added as a reserve but that just shows how deep the league is in terms of how much talent we have but he’s earned it he’s been really solid and and after

What people deemed a step back year last year he’s really stepped up to plate and this year with the Raptors kind of just handing the team to him I think this is a big step going forward I know you caught a little bit of the or you caught

Most of Raptor’s Thunder the other night I don’t know how many of of these post trade Raptors games you you’ve gotten to take in in full but what have you seen from Scotty since the kind of you know in the the postp passcal era acknowledging that a lot of that was

Without purle a lot of that was without a couple of their their guards out injured um but what You’ seen from him kind of with the RS in his hands a little bit more here I mean to be clear and honest I I only caught like the last

Couple minutes of the fourth quarter and and the two overtime so I didn’t really get so and and to be honest those weren’t great Scotty moments so I don’t know if we can really go it but I think going forward though for the organization I think you know it’s it’s

Putting him in positions to be the man and be that guy I don’t know if he could be that personally I think he’s probably more of a number two um kind of more like a Scotty Pippen in that sense but I think uh you know I

Think they’re trying to put him in those situations and find out yeah well that’s the whole thing right we got to find out because if he’s if he ain’t number one on the Raptors nobody else really has that ability to be number one right so you got to give him that chance he’s

Young um and yeah you know this is a nice reward for all the effort and the work that’s that it’s taken to get to this level uh things like his three-point shooting for example taking that jump um you know from just below average to close to average above

Average for a lot of this season uh and it’s a nice reward we want to talk about the other teams um around the NBA because let’s be honest the Raptor is no longer relevant after a 138 to 100 drubbing by the Pelicans um okay so I want to start with OKC because the

Raptors have just seen OKC and I’m think about OKC now is obviously they’re going to make the playoffs right this is the first time they’re going to be with this core with this group back into the playoffs and I just want to know what you think of them as like a playoff team

Cuz clearly in the regular season setting right now they’re winning they’re beating all the teams they’ve got tons of impressive wins they’ve even beaten lots of teams like Philly Denver etc etc whoever you want um but how do you see this young OKC team fairing in

The playoffs like what are going to be some of the strengths and weaknesses that are about to be revealed when a team goes to the playoffs for the first time I mean it’ll be fascinating in this sense when they get to the playoffs trying to figure out you know how are

They going to handle Josh giddy not really being a shooter and nobody guarding him and and two giddy credit he has shot the ball extremely well lately he does you know he has games where he’ll hit three or four threes but I really think teams are just going to be

Like cool man if giddy knocks us out of the playoffs we’ll live with that they’re going to pack the paint and really try to crowd Shay who is one of their strengths but it becomes a different in scenario in the playoffs as you guys know when teams get to kind of

Lock down on you sit there Scout you and look for every weakness and how they can kind of exploit it it gets it gets challenging and I think one other issue for the Thunder that’s really massive right now and maybe they address it at the trade deadline they’re one of the

Worst rebounding teams of all the good teams out there and I think that’s a massive concern for them they’re pretty small in terms of just size after chat it gets really really tiny pretty quick and I think that’s a very concerning situation for them in the playoffs

Because that’s going to matter that’s a huge part of it in the playoffs is rebounding and I think they need to make sure they figure out how to Shore that up and all that I think they’re good I don’t know if they’re ready to be conference Championship or or conference

Finalists yet but I think you know trending in the right direction in terms of addressing that need I think most people would agree with you that yeah they get they got to get another rebounder they I I like Jaylen Williams number two but if he’s your if he has to

Be your backup center in every matchup you’re you’re maybe uh in a bit of trouble there where do you land in terms of this kind of philosophical and I think we have an idea of where s prey lands on it but but for our purposes you know this philosophical of well they

Haven’t they’ve gotten a playing experience but they haven’t been to the playoffs yet and maybe there’s some value in letting this group as it is get to the playoffs see where the weaknesses emerge see what other teams try to probe and then addressing it in the offseason

Once they’ve had a run through it together versus hey you have a pretty good idea this is a thing now you have more assets than you could possibly ever use get something done here because you really do have a window here and who knows how many how many years that that

Window is going to be where do you land on that kind of patience versus acting now as the thunder come out of this next stage of the build I think it’s I’m a little bit more in the act now but not in the way I think other people are

People want to make have them make a massive move I’m like yo like this is just a small move just get a another big guy you’re looking at a backup big I mean you know uh maybe it’s something as small as Andre drumman I was texting friends the other day going like you

Know this is actually while watching that Raptor’s Thunder game you know Yak purle might make a lot of sense you know I think there’s a lot of that kind of stuff um in that area and again they have so many assets they don’t have to

Make a massive move right now I think in the long run I think yeah just see where you’re at but I think if the right opportunity comes and it’s not as uh major of a cost I would make a move we know this is a problem we have enough

Data in this in the uh uh queue it’s not a small sample size or anything like that we know this is going to be an issue for them they if you can address it address it especially if it’s not going to cost you much yeah and I think

That there is something too with like for example Burtons right this year year is on the books for 17 I think 16 next year unguaranteed U partially guaranteed partially guaranteed yeah like you only got so many chances to trade a play like that you know what I mean like you get

To essentially take a guy who is not doing anything obviously on your roster take one of your literally 40 picks and go get somebody who can help you right now I think the worst thing is for this group because they’re they’re moving in such a good direction and they’re on

Such a steady rise like the first playoffs is like a wakeup call for so many team we saw that in Toronto for a long time for example Raptors would have like 56 win season and they’ll be in the first round one versus eight against uh

The the Pacers and it will be a seven game series and it’ll come down right down to the wire and that was actually considered a breakthrough because the two years before that they lost in seven to the Nets and they got swept by Washington like for a young team like

You don’t want to see the win taken out of yourselves now clearly OKC is more talented than that Raptor team but yeah like get a big get somebody who you know um maybe a little bit more size on the wing as well I think like most teams can

Use a little bit of that um and and maybe even a guy who I guess secondary scoring wise because you saw what the Raptors did which was Sant a double at Shay you know in the first half it was when he got inside the three-point Arc in the second half it

Was before he even gets in the three-point Arc yeah so who is like are you guys confident I guess that there’s a secondary score for okia there that’s can already take on that role well and I’ll kick this to Mo but as a pivot you know how different does what the Raptors

Tried to do to Shay look if Jaylen Williams is available like like your confidence level Mo in Jaylen Williams being that guy for OKC and feeling the need of an extra secondary scoring option when healthy I think he’s that guy in their future I think that’s you know whether that’s something that he

It’s going to be the consistency of it like he has to grow into that I think we see that I think he can definitely be that guy there have definitely been games we’ve seen where he’s come in and really kind of helped you know extend a

Lead or or put them in a better position or cut down a lead with Shay on the bench you know I think he’s very possible you know in that second kind of ball Handler sort of Creator second scorer scenario for them and I think you

Have you know a guy like Chad who you know he’s going to play in all this space that Shay’s gonna build you know and create on his own I think all of that stuff kind of helps them in that scenario sort of kind of come together

In making sure they have that second and third option in that area and I think it kind of waffles between the two guys you know between Jaylen Williams and Chad Homen as to who’s the two guy that night but I think in the long run I think

Williams is set up perfectly to be that guy okay so OKC is there like so they’re obviously going to finish top half of the conference maybe even finish number one they’re tied I think number one right now with Minnesota last time I looked at it um is there a bogey team

For them that could really scare them because like for example the rap play the Pelicans last night I’m looking at the Pelicans I’m like damn this team is huge they could really give you a team some issues you know um last year they ran into Minnesota who gave them a lot

Of issues with their size so uh is there a Bogi team for potentially that you see what the team as is I mean one team I’d be kind of afraid of if I was them was is the Lakers you know I think you know the Lakers have already beaten them

Twice they got a lot of size and you know LeBron’s LeBron and we know he you know assuming they’re healthy they’re they’re really a problem matchup for those guys I think it becomes a very difficult scenario for them in terms of how they have to play and how they have

To go through things and I think the uh that that would be a team I’d look at and then just yeah any team would size I think another team though that right doesn’t have a ton of size but is a problem for them also is the Clippers I

Got to watch the Clippers beat them you know up close and personal here in LA and I think that’s something that’s you know that’s three guys that can light it up at any moment that they have it’s very difficult and as good of a defensive team as OKC has it’s it’s hard

It’s hard to stop everything and then the Clippers just kind of coming off the bench got a lot of Firepower so I think those are two teams i’ I’d be really worried about if I were the Thunder okay let’s talk about the Clippers sorry I got one more on the Thunder before if

That’s okay yeah uh so MO obviously break down a lot of X and O I saw you post a video on your Twitter of the key atto that the Thunder ran to get um Aaron wigin that bucket at the basket to to force overtime in that last game

They’re number two in the NBA in points per possession coming out of timeouts and dead balls obviously some of that is offensive talent but what else is it about them that makes like there are other talented offensive teams better offensive teams than OKC who aren’t as effective in those atto situations what

Is it about the Thunder and Mark dagno that that’s made them so effective there I think it’s Mark dagnal stuff willing to use Shay as your screener like how many teams do we know in that instance or hey we’re getting the ball into our best player’s hands I mean they run Shay

Off a down screen and then he just turns around and sets the back screen for Wiggins knowing that hey the defense is going to collapse on him this is the play this is going to be open and I think that’s a uh uh willingness to just

Say hey we’re going to do all sorts of stuff in terms of that all Five Guys on the floor for I guess when you’re inbounding the the fifth guy can’t be uh can’t shoot it from the taking it out um but I think you know there the

Understanding of hey we’re going to use everybody and put everybody in good positions we’re going to understand how the defense is handling things and we’re going to counter to that and I think Mark dagnal that’s the reason why he’s probably going to be coach of the year

Yeah that play by the way was was great because OKC does run a lot of like guards setting screens or Wing setting screens and I think it was similar in effect where this is the same reason why Steph is such a good screener it’s like

You don’t want to help off that guy guy but if you are that guy is then setting a screen you are creating a two1 Advantage essentially cuz that man is never helping off a shay so in this case I think it was Dennis shoter who didn’t

Want to get off of Shay just like we’ve seen instances countless instances of Steph setting back picks things like that um okay I want to talk about those Clippers as well clippers in the last 30 Games 25 and five in their last 30 Kawai in that stretch averaging

57% shooting from the field 51 from three 92% uh from the foul line you don’t have to tell anyone in Toronto that Kawai is good there’s literally a kawhai Leonard jersey hanging behind Blake’s head there but um yeah first off is this a the best Clippers team we have

Ever seen and B are the Clippers the best team at least on paper that you see in the entire Western Conference uh they’re the best team since the first time they got together I think this is the best Clipper team since the first Paul George and and qu

We kind of get lost a little bit in the fact because they blew that 3-1 lead against the nuggets in the bubble but before the whole stoppage of the season they were one of the best teams in the NBA so we get a little bit lost but

They’re right in that mix okay this team might be a bit better but it’s comparable in that sense uh as to your second question I don’t just think they’re the best team in the Western Conference I think they have the best roster up and down you know I think the

Celtics have the top six players in in you know the best top six but I think after that the Clippers can beat them I mean they’re bringing Russ is coming off the bench and is doing a great job in the pace Norman pal is not getting enough love for potential Sixth Man of

The Year and I know that’s another former Raptor for you guys you know I I do have concerns in terms of their bigs with zubach kind of being a little bit injured but you know they they have enough Firepower I mean I didn’t even talk about Amir coffee’s been phenomenal

For them this season F solders you know yeah you got you got so much you know for this team I think they’re a lot deeper than I think people realize and I think that’s one of the things where I look at them going like they have the

Best roster and you know again it’s with them we have to look at it assuming good health you know it’s it’s such a big thing and we’re going to knock on wood for them but like I think they have a legitimate chance to win the championship this year yeah and to your

Point about them versus the Celtics I mean they the two teams did play each other recently I watched the decent amount of that game and it was in Boston and the Clippers won 11596 it’s kawhai and Paul George against the two guys that Boston people pretend are kawhai

And Paul George O oh by the way the shot fired the Kawai stats are absurd and I think to bring this up with you because you know you were formerly um a video coordinator with the Spurs I think one Kawai was there I remember that’s back

In 2019 we used to bring on the I was not there I was not there when he was there I missed him oh well you missed out on this okay this key stat so Ka Leonard in the in the games that he’s played obviously he’s missed a lot of

Games in his career in the games that he has played kawh Leonard has won 73.4% of all NBA games that he has participated in right what so essentially he’s a walking 60 win team that’s what 73% means and to put that in comparison Kevin Durant has won 63% of

The games he’s taken part in Lebron 65 Steph Curry 65 clay 67 I put clay in there because Steph and Clay they have a slight you know not perfect overlap even the big three Spurs that he was part of obviously Tim Duncan 72 mon job 72 Tony

Parker 71 kawhai is at 73.4 it’s better than Kareem at 69% for his career so I don’t know I just wanted to appreciate kawhai of all days but you know an unbelievable stat okay that’s absurd Mo I even threw at him the one guy that you would think the one guy synonymous would

Never losing it’s even a higher winning percentage than Mr championships only Patrick Macau who’s at 72.4% yeah that was a great curveball you threw at me because I was like who did I forget here Bill Russell he’s like no Patrick M M uh who also has a

G-league ring in addition to uh count it count it yeah yeah yeah no the Clippers are Clippers are incredible I mean best team in the league like are you almost there with them I’m I’m getting there yeah like like I feel pretty good about them I guess my the one concern is

Always you know can they stay healthy uh Mo if other than health because that obviously applies to everyone and especially when you have kawhai and Paul George other than that what is what is the thing that could trip the Clippers up obviously the West is so good that

Like you might just lose a series and be a good team it’s not that big a deal um is it the fact that you know it’s it’s a TY plumbley backline but but behind zubats is it that man spot where you know you’re maybe not as as comfortable

Night tonight as you’d like to be what is the one thing that you you think could trip them up I mean I wouldn’t mind having one more shooting big I know Ty can kind of knock down some threes but adding one more maybe a guy like Kelly oen at the deadline might be

Something that would be a a great move for them in that sense and I think that would be a uh I think make everybody feel better about their size one but one other thing that might trip them up and this has nothing to do with who they can

Trade for or whatnot is you know we just got to make sure they get the right James Harden in the playoffs I was gonna say because that’s that’s that’s going to be the concern that everybody’s gon to have and something that’s fair in that sense of like we just have to make

Sure it’s it’s the right Harden that shows up it’s the Harden that they’re getting now yeah I mean totally different players James Harden and KY L for example but like you know when the Raptors finally won the championship he was like third leading scorer you know

What I mean like KY as your first leading score you’re not winning much in the playoffs as your second leading score there’s a ceiling for what you do in the playoffs as a third score all of a sudden you have a lot of good things because you’re depending on him for the

The the table setting the the playmaking the defense things like that same thing for James right now I mean the James is obviously way better for a player than than Kyle but like yeah you got Kawai and PG now and now it’s like in a totally different context as compared to

What he was in Houston or Brooklyn or or or even in uh Philadelphia as well and you’d hope that the whole season is enough time for him to see the vision and buy in right like yeah and like hey you’re shooting a career high three percentage because like when you’re a

Distributor and then you relocate off the ball you’re getting wide open looks that you before you would have had to take like a seven dribble step back to get that shot off and now everyone’s worried about all the 40% three-point Shooters you’re surrounded with um man

It’s uh it’s tough to imagine a team defending against that that Clippers team if they’re uh if they’re in good shape I guess the Celtics would be maybe the team defensively and mo i pivot to that because you wrote a terrific piece at the athletic about their defensive

Innovations just a couple weeks back this doesn’t have to have to be Clippers specific but when you look at the playoff landscape are the you mentioned the Celtics maybe have the best top six but with what they can do defensively with everything they’ve experimented with defensively is that the team you’re

Most confident in their kind of malleability and versatility on the defensive end yeah I think a lot of times we talk about offensive versatility but we don’t really focus on defensive versatility and I feel like that Celtics team is lean in hard into their defensive versatility playing Zone

Having true holiday guard centers you know and and and allow porzingis and Horford to roome I think there’s a lot of different sort of things that they’re doing and playing with and obviously manto man they have solid Defenders you know across the board I think it’s

They’re the one team in the East like I’m very confident again healthy with their top six like that’s a team that’s just going to be a tough Force to to reckon with come playoff time like they’re they’re so strong in that sense and just seeing the stuff with the

Embiid injury the Bucks haven’t really figured it out you know I’m not a 100% in on the Cavs I’m the Knicks who I’m I’m really enjoying I still feel like are a scorer away um I think you know it’s it’s looking at just kind of their main competition I kind of think it’s

It’s lining up nicely for the Celtics yeah um another team I it may be lining up nicely for are the Knicks who finally caught a loss over the weekend um they had been just mowing down every single team no matter who they had in the lineup um yeah I mean assuming Brunson

Or assuming like obviously Brunson stays at this rate which I think he will and then that uh that Randle returns and Randle by the way is is is a big X Factor for the playoffs because we’ve seen him have wild ups and downs in the

Playoffs um yeah how do you how do you see the Knicks as a playoff team because they are way deeper than before and they have a big Wing stopper now in OG who can actually you know which you actually need to go up against like Boston like

Uh even Cleveland if they face Donovan Mitchell no one has guarded Donovan Mitchell better than OG for example uh you know Milwaukee against Giannis etc etc so yeah how do you what do you what what’s your outlook on the Knicks yeah I’m really high on them you

Know I love the OG trade for them you know uh it’s uh another high IQ defensive player that tibs loves like this is the kind of guy like tibs would create in a lab you know and I think that’s sort of the the scenario and we

Saw because tips was playing him like 40 something minutes right off the bat yeah so I think you know the Knicks are right there I have a question of can you win a championship with Jaylen Brunson being your number one guy and it’s not a shot of Jaylen Brunson he’s small guard he’s

Got a lot of stuff in his bag a lot of plays a lot of movements and and and and a lot of stuff that he can finish with but I just feel like they’re like one One Wing score away and if that guy could play some defense would be helpful

As well but One Wing scorer away one guy who they give it to who’s 6667 can get his own shot off of just about anybody like that would be you know the situation where i’ look at it going there’s no reason this team can’t win a championship that’s they are just that

One piece away can I give you the the counter to that Brunson averaging 31 last year in the in the Heat series Brunson averaging 24 despite the injury uh in the was he injured no he wasn’t injured um 24 in in the the Cav series

As well like I I hear you they do need a secondary score but maybe if Randall plays better and maybe because the overall team is now shooting threes at a crazy high rate too like can they like in the aggregate between those two give up that like secondary scoring that they

Need because Brunson I’m not worried about Brunson individually but as to your point they need a second guy I mean do you really feel comfortable saying Randall no and that it’s just I know Randall’s had a good year I’m not trying to take a you’re right massive shot but

Just in that sense of it’s very up and down with him and he’s been really good this season I mean Allstar and everything but you know it’s it’s very EB and flow with him in that instance and there are times where it’s like okay now he’s gonna try to start going

One-on-one and some of his decision making is not the best it’s a little bit tough for me to see that being the uh uh a consistent guy that I would depend on in the playoffs got you all right Mo before we let you go here it is trade

Deadline week uh let’s not hit the Star level guys let’s leave the dejonte Murray Zack LaVine types out of it you’re film room guy is there a more under the radar player that you would like to see moved at the deadline that you think could really help a team but

Isn’t going to maybe grab the Murray LaVine level headlines well I already did the yaka purle one with you guys so that one but I think uh Dorian finny Smith is gonna be a guy listen it’s gonna be Wing guys yeah Dorian finny Smith Kyle kosma um those are the types

Of guys that I think will will help a Contender if they get moved to the right spot and I think it’s um not the highlevel star stuff I think those are the names that when they get moved you’re going to be like oh wow they landed there like that’s a good move

That’s a good pickup for them and I think that would be the the types of names I’d keep an eye on um can we Circle back on the aqua protto thing yeah you want you want to Workshop that a little bit so for show man we got time

For a team like OK see Davis Berton pcu’s expiring contract to make the money work cleanly and then some picks my way yeah I mean first off not looking forward to seeing either of those guys on the Raptors I know they’re in a they’re in a tough spot but I I don’t

Think there ISU 905 is going to go crazy though goodness yeah you know what yeah might as well sure go ahead but yeah I mean what other can we I I guess I would like a prospect from theirs rather than just getting like like what’s the best

Prospect I can realistically get back in there can I get Cas Wallace is that way too much just a hard no not they’re not giving you Wallace what about us man Jang do you think they they didn’t like is that too fringey I mean I think for them they

Would just go okay the price is too high like this is the problem with the amount of assets the amount of the amount of assets they have they can kind of just go like no we’ll just we’re we’re good we’ll just roll with what we have and

Then we’ll make an adjustment in the off season like I don’t it’s with prey of all guys like I think a a prey msiri uh trade call would is probably one of the worst calls you could probably be on like the amount of like stalemate between the two of them you know not

Walking away from the table over Lindy Waters the third right like you know there’s going to be you know it’s going to be like a the star down in a way where it’s like okay I don’t know you know who’s going to Blink first and I think that’s probably one of the harder

Things to get a deal done I mean there could be a deal done though that’s the thing they have so many pieces but I mean that’s how they got to this point in the first place the thing and the thing the Thunder are going to think is

Yeah we’ve got so many pieces we could go somewhere else yeah you could go somewhere else I suppose but as Messiah said you know jakob’s a top 10 Center you know it’s always worth it to trade a first- round pick for a starting level Center um hopefully there’s an

Opportunity there if not I don’t know man by the way if the Raptors trade yaka portal we might win like 10 games next year it’s pretty tough The Helpful thing about any of these scenarios is that like like with so many of the Bruce Brown scenarios we’re going to we’re

Going to kick around and have kicked around it’s hard to make the salary math work without making the acquiring team like lose a piece but like the Thunder have do this is why Thunder and nicks are so easy to do this for they have do Burtons and they have Evan for it’s it’s

A human trade exception there you go the human trade exception um Mo I appreciate and po yeah the Human g- League trade exception okay Mo I appreciate you for joining us on the program anything you want to plug before you go uh just stay tuned to everything you know on my

Twitter feed articles at the athletic Bleacher Report podcast nerder she wrote part of the athletic NB a show um yeah that’s really just kind of stay in locked in that way you everywhere man go read ex and mo such a great name stop stop of the jimmies and Joe’s

All right we’re gonna take another break let Mo go I’ve been your host W you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sportset radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports radio network I’m your host

Wil we’re going to go around the NBA me and Blake Murphy uh but before we go around the NBA and talk about teams like the Cavs like the you know the Warriors the Clippers the Celtics uh things like that um like you just recently dropped another mailbag which by the way I got

To commend you man the turnaround time on this was absurd because I saw the Tweet going around last night you know hey I’m going to write a mailbag you know send me some questions blah blah blah I’m sure you got like a 100 and then like this morning it’s already done

And up on so well done Blake yeah thanks to everyone who sent questions in I got I think 79 of them they didn’t all get answered this is like back in the Raptors Republic days I would answer every single question and the mailbags would be like 8,000 words

If I do that here or if I had done that at the athletic when I worked there I would have got fired so uh I had to be a little bit more selective also rare rare for me to post the cat on Main but uh I

I did uh I did that as well wow you’re putting your cat on Main yeah uh I’m not going to make the joke you think I’m going to make good I’m not going to do it do it I’m not going to do it uh yeah so thank you to everyone who

Sent questions in didn’t get to all of them I tried to focus on the deadline related ones but I want to throw some of them at you will go ahead who’s getting traded and for what that’s that’s most question that’s most of the mailbag questions who’s getting traded for what

No um okay so let’s start with this one this is tra for some piece on the Lakers okay so this is uh let’s frame it this way rank the likelihood of guys getting traded so Bruce Brown Chris bu Dennis schruder Gary Trent were the main four

Or that and auto are kind of their own thing off to the side but I’ll throw some th and auto stuff at you as well that and auto are like the you know if we need to make salaries work or something like that or maybe we like

Jump in on a three-way deal kind of like you know um someone gets desperate has a trade exception here’s a future second like a a like second no offense to those guys yeah um that been Bing though Bruce I would probably say 75% okay um I would

Say Chris based on a your reporting B Doug Smith also saying it but also see the fact that he wasn’t used in so many of these games recently um it’s got to be pretty high as well but let’s say like I think other people have reported

It as well now too yeah so let’s say you know 65 other people have bumped another five percentage points on there Denis I think probably like I would say less likely than than less than 5050 like maybe like 30% kind of thing like if a great deal come like what what does

Minnesota to put on the table for you to be like let me let me get rid of Dentistry okay so we’ll do that in a second finish your thought on the ranking here but I I do have a and then Gary um I don’t know I mean what are you

Going to if you’re not getting a first round pick for Gary I’d rather hold on to him keep his Bird right so let’s say 25 yeah Gary is still the hardest for me to read like it was hard to read like last year at the deadline I thought he

Was the likeliest to go and then they decided to buy instead right and then everyone thought he was opting out and he picked up his option instead to to try to kind of bet on himself and then there were reports that he was signing an extension and I was hearing the exact

Opposite um so I still I still can’t get a read on how much this team actually likes Gary longterm but I’m with you I think he’s young enough and the bird rights are valuable enough that if you don’t get the offer you’re looking for um you just take it out but okay so

Let’s focus on Bruce Brown Chris bue and Dennis shuder then okay so the shuder there’s there’s uh John Kinski reporting that the the Timberwolves are monitoring Dennis shuder among some other options it’s hard to make salary math work with the Timberwolves because they’re first of all longer term they’re headed deep

Into the like into the apron so they’re not going to want to add much long-term salary and Dennis is owed his his full contract for next year at 13 million um and you’re not getting Nas Reed who’s the one guy who makes the the contract math work I also sorry to some people

Who asked this specific one on Twitter I don’t think you’re getting Leonard biller like they could have just signed Dennis shudder as a mid-level free agent in the offseason it’s tough tough to see you getting a first round pick like a guy who was a first- round pick out of

It didn’t Le he slid in the second well did he slid in the second I the rappers definitely like Leonard Miller um yeah yeah you know but unfortunately there were injury concerns with Leonard around the time of the draft and so yeah that’s why he slid but I think there’s clearly

A talent there um again somebody that the Raptors have been known and made aware of like basically if you play in the whatever um in any case if if I can’t get him he’s been good in the gag I give up nille I don’t think so no I

Don’t even know what else I really want so here’s the unsexy deal that that I came up with okay um Dennis shuder and Jaylen McDaniels so you get out of McDaniels second year now we talk but this is what you’re getting back and this is mostly just to

Make the salary ma work and take back next year salary so that the Wolves aren’t too deep in attack you get Troy Brown Jr Shake Milton Jordan McLaughlin and Utah’s 2025 second no I’m good that’s that’s the best I could come up with for Minnesota because I don’t think

You’re getting NZ or nille it’s definitely enough for me yeah no no way man wow um yeah let’s just hold on to done this it’s fine okay yeah um on the Chris bue side yeah let me throw this one at you so we have a I don’t think

Anyone has said specifically Dallas is interested in Chris bue but Dallas is interested in guys who sound like Chris bu description wise Long Tall fours would you flip him for ran Holmes ran Holmes makes a little bit more than Bush and has a player option for next year

But you get your own 2025 second round pick back like Dallas owns Toronto’s 2025 second so you figure you’re probably going to be not great next year you get your own second back how do they even have our second I don’t even understand um I think the Spurs traded

It to them okay and something else sure um I got to take on rash Holmes who can’t get minutes for the the Mavericks uh I mean if you basically you’re saying I’m I’m dead side I get right Chris basically you pick up you get your own

Second back which is going to be in the 30s next year probably to basically to turn bue into Holmes Holmes makes a little bit more but the contract runs the same l value-wise i could see an understanding but I’m gonna too close to Chris no yeah William That’s my boy man

That’s my boy Chris you want me to trade him for rashan Holmes no you know what no actually no on principal alone because again you stop him from another year I mean you I suppose you can move him as an expiring salary I mean the the second round pick the it doesn’t appeal

To me as much because again the Raptors have so many picks right now that like it’s not realistic that all of them are going to come in of course that is definitely a value added if you’re going to have a your own pick that’s going to

Be like maybe 35 36 or something that right but yeah I don’t know man damn we really developed Chris and then now we’re just moving him for bad money and our own pick to come back in the second round yeah it’s a it’s a tough one but

Like I I don’t I guess we’re not even using him like I realistically that is the value based on the way you used them this year for sure like he he got two DMP CDs in a row and you pick up a a pick of like the other that’s romes go

To play the the other year they traded Matt Thomas and Terence Davis for like mid second rounders right like yeah yeah right yeah um okay so um Auto or Thad for literally any second Like A team’s like hey take the for any second top 55 protected let’s go ao’s bio candidate if

He doesn’t get traded right like like they’re they’re sending him to a contender via bio they should okay bye Felicia wow um thanks Derek so uh a Bruce brown one to throw at you and so Zack low on the low post and I’m paraphrasing here um but he was on and

Said something along the lines of like hey the the Sixers are still operating as if MB will be back for the playoffs but his opinion is he wouldn’t be surprised if they if the win Now dial got turned down just a little bit with the MB question mark it’s a huge

Variable of course it would be yeah Bruce Brown for Marcus Morris to make the salary math work you pick up Jaden Springer in a 2026 second they don’t have a lot of draft like they’re not I don’t think they’re giving you okay um interesting you like Springer right he’s

He’s he’s I like Springer a lot defensively yeah he’s he’s defensive player got some iism to him he’s got almost nothing offensively right now but you could you could maybe find your way this is this is really your type yeah it is my type man this should be your like

Uh your Tinder profile your Bumble profile looking for 65 uh guard skills find me on uh yeah no but seriously yeah uh it’s not a lot you could probably do better than than that for Bruce brown but it it gets tough to make the salary math work no I hear you

I hear you Philadelphia like would I think I’d rather call the Lakers I’m not going to lie to you I like the Lakers guys better okay what about okay so you like the Lakers guys better than the Springer and a future second what about Lakers guys

Versus you could get forier and you get one of the first but it’s like it’s not the best of the first like you’re not getting Washington’s first that’s not protected until 20 rather do that you’d rather get the first yeah okay um and only reason for that is just because one

Of those distant future firsts like things could change you know what I mean like I don’t know it might look bad now but it might be better later you know yeah I don’t know um here’s a bit of a weird one but the Raptors out for this

The Raptors have 9 million in wiggle room under the tax they also have a big trade exception mhm they could just take money back from someone to help them out with the tax nir little is not playing for Phoenix at all he’s only with that he’s only 23 years old he’s got a

Long-term contract but only at like six seven million a year would you take him just for the sons would save like $25 million no absolutely I would that’s another way to use the kind of cap flexibility uh that you’ve built here um sure was uh those are my kind of trade

Scenarios for you um so I walked out of this with some fringy person on the Lakers yeah um maybe rashan Holmes and a your own second round pick yeah uh and maybe you get an the steer little for free which I that’s the problem I’m happiest about there are a million ideas

That you could throw I’m just giving you some I’m trying to basically set the market where like I some obviously this time a year some of the things I get sent are like you could pick up Lowry Markin in for Bruce Brown and nothing else like no that’s not happening like

You can or or like you get Nas I mean who knows maybe I’m wrong and you can get Nas read for Denis shter i’ would be I would try my first ever backflip live on the show if they they walk into our s line I’m sorry Yak I’m sorry but um um

So here’s another question that came up a couple times that’ll throw at you and this isn’t this isn’t specific to a player but the Raptors now have a little extra draft Capital let’s say a team wanted Bruce brown or wanted Gary Trent Jr something like that and was willing

To include a good young player but you got to attach draft C Capital to Dennis or Chris or Gary or whoever it is is that something you would be open to or is that too quick a turnaround from you know hey we’re rebuilding we got to take

A longer view here it obviously depends on who the young player is but I’m not opposed to it again the Raptors hold potentially four first round or four picks in this year’s draft um they hold Detroit’s for second round pick which is most likely going to be the 31st pick by

The way are you ready to wait a whole day to to see the second round because the NBA split the draft into two parts are you excited to go back to oio the next day I’m trying to I’m trying to get to Brooklyn man or New Jersey or

Wherever they’re gonna hold the second day yeah catch my man at stakus um yeah but yeah I mean I I probably would because again they hold what uh two picks Indiana’s pick the other pick that they got back from Indiana in the first round that’s probably going to be the

Clippers pick yeah so it’s probably going like 27th maybe even 28th style of pick uh and then the Raptors honestly at this rate look like they have a strong possib ility maybe better than 50% of holding their own pick at the end of the draft Yeah so if they got to sixth last

They would have a 4 we still not sixth last after uh no they you are now you are as if as if I don’t cover the team too they’re they’re now a game worse than the Grizzlies man trying to distance himself from the brand yeah so

I believe that would give you if I’m remembering right a 46% chance at keeping your pick oh god wow that’s top six protection that was irresponsible only two games behind the Blazers now in the reverse standings though I thought you think if you called the the the the

C or the the the Spurs again last year and you were like top six we can’t do but we’ll give you top 10 you think the Spurs are really walking me from a top 10 pick no look at all the other stuff they got yeah they would have been like

Ah fine you know what I mean like dude the top six in in a like it’s so hard you basically need to have one of the two worst records in the league yeah they really did think they weren’t going to be bad this year though right like that’s the that’s the thing I

Get it um okay this is uh you can choose kind of the the ass the player here would you give up anything to get Nick claxon and have his bird rights versus just chasing him in unrestricted free agency this summer sorry give me that again sorry so Nick claxon yeah apparent

Like reportedly some degree of available from the Nets unrestricted free agent after this summer would you give up something to get him in now see him a little bit have his bird rights versus just trying to sign him in the offseason I’m not talking to Big gu

You’re not you’re not getting a first to do that I don’t know Yak got that that is true yeah I mean well we’ll get over that maybe never um but no I think I probably just rather take my chances yeah and ify I think that the thing

That’s tricky there is you bring him in you essentially tell yakob hey you’re going to the bench which essentially you’re compounding with like and by the way yakob is not a bench Center like he is a starting level Center so you’re putting him in a bad position you’re

Seeing if he fits you know and of course once you attach that pick to get him you’re like essentially completely committed to resigning him you’ve given up a lot of your own leverage in that it’s fine if it’s like the PAC is giving them some picks for Pascal because a

Pascal probably wasn’t going to just sign their up in Fr agency anyway but also B the price is the price you’re going to pay the max for him it’s not so much fun when you pay the first for yaka peral and now you’re absolutely dead on committed to resigning yaka Perle for

The highest price you’re you’re committing yourself to over bidding everyone else so you might as well just not commit yourself and then bid what you feel like is a good amount in free agency so probably no yeah I think um I also don’t need to see Nick claxon fit

Quote unquote in Toronto like yeah I know what he does I’d also I kind of think you’d then move on from Yak if you really believed Clon was a or I don’t want to do the thing where like you can’t have two good players on

A team but like yes yeah at some point you would probably I mean at some point they’re probably going to explore o over the life of yak steel at some point anyway okay uh let’s pivot do a little bit around the NBA stuff all right cool

Um the Cavaliers are 14- one yeah in their last 15 games if you go to the NBA standings page right now it is crazy how many teams are read the Knicks just lost so they’re 9-1 in their last 10 the Cavs are 9-1 in their last 10 have 1 six in a

Row and have won 14 to 15 the Clippers have one nine of their last 10 um how are the Cavs getting this done like they’re they’re getting back to health now but even a healthy Cavs team I believed in the defense I don’t know if

I believed you’re going to go on a 14 and one run and be the number two team in the East right now obviously the number one reason is AA Mitchell the number two reason is Jared Allen the number three reason is nobody has any idea how they’re this good Sam Merill is

Like stealing the ball and then pulling up for three over top of like long Defenders he hasn’t missed a shot I remember even seeing him in summer league and I was like damn Raptors lost to the Cavs in summer league it’s gonna be tough for Grady dick because he got

Outplayed by Sam Marl guess what Sam Marill is just like apparently good now um irrelevant number 60 pick in the draft really yeah that’s a great story man that’s a really great story number 60 in the draft and also number 60 in the Pokedex for Mr Merill there’s a

Pokemon named Merill I I figured yeah but I have 44.3% on threes um Dwayne Wade is also or Dwayne Dean Wade has also become a pretty good shooter at like 40% he’s paying Dean Wade maybe Alex’s favorite tweet of mine of all time um he’s become 40% from three but

Like this isn’t a good three-point shooting team overall other than those guys well I mean you do have stru who’s you know the threat to move and he had that 20 point quarter against the Raptors didn’t make the top five wor losses by the way he’s only at 34% of

The Season though from yeah yeah exactly cuz he takes a lot of contestant movement ones rro has not missed like pretty much since coming into the league now in the rotation I don’t know man they’re just they’re again to think they’re one loss away from the the you know Sergeant Baka scarf essentially

Yeah 14-1 is upur but I have no idea 16th in offense but second in defense the defense obviously I think makes a lot of sense offensively it’s a lot of Mitchell like carrying them like he’s scoring 40 whenever he wants now um The Warriors last night made a lot of news

So number one they won a game when they only made four threes look the news was they won a game the news is that they won a game um the funny thing was Steph made a huge three down the stretch there to essentially clinch the game for uh the

Warriors you’ve heard that one before the net crowd going nuts like absolutely wild as if it was a crowd at Chase center it’s like look we’ve got a Valentine’s Day home game coming up it was very reminiscent of Jeremy Lynn here on Valentine’s Day during Lin sanity

Where everyone was just like no we’re Jeremy Lynn fans today yeah and by everyone you mean like all of Markham was in the building I was in the building you were in the building I was a season seed holder then really yeah on a date on Valentine’s Day for that game

Like hey shorty you want to come see the Raptors give up a gamewinner in an all time Asian Aman moment you want to see me yell about pick and roll coverages going under against Jeremy Lynn when he’s this hot you’re Rick car yeah yeah and um yeah anyway Steph does the

Walkoff interview by the way with the Nets broadcast just so funny like yo whose game was this was this a Warriors game or a Nets game but yeah anyway um the the postgame quotes from from Klay Thompson though he did he he was benched once again he was benched um when they

Played the Grizzlies last week as well and he said quote are you kidding me you go from you know one of the best players you know to this basically it’s hard for anybody um do you feel bad for Klay Thompson it’s hard not to yeah I mean I

Feel a little bit bad for him because like the way things work now is that like it’s immediately you know let’s forget what you did and and yeah it’s It’s a cruel business and like that’s what the money is for Etc um it’s tough though man it’s got like you were

Thought for a very very long time that you were part of this core that would never leave and you win a bunch of rings together which you’ve done and you have a statue after and things like that but unfortunately he’s the guy who declined right as free agency was coming and as

This team clearly needs an injection of some sort and look it’s not like Draymond hasn’t gone through his things this year either um but it’s tough man and like it’s also probably got to be tough as an athlete to still feel like you are that guy and like hey bad Klay

Thompson is still shooting 37% on threes bad Klay Thompson is averaging 17 right now I’m just saying like shooting 37% on threes yeah um and he takes at least five bad threes a game yeah I do wonder if he’s feeling a little bit scapegoated a little bit where like there’s maybe I

Don’t know I mean it’s a new scapegoat every week it really is they got a whole Farm of goats well now that Draymond has stopped punching people uh he’s no longer the escape code and draymond’s back to being the plus minus God I mean he’s really important to their success

Yeah everyone knows um so I feel a little bit bad for clay yeah it’s also like like he had the knee and the Achilles injury so like this back to back got this isn’t just He’s 33 and declining it’s like you’ve tried to hold on and fight back and things like that

So I I do feel for him a little bit um but this is the game man hey this is the game you’re right um I appreciate his transpar too that’s the thing too it’s like I I like that Clay is open enough and secure enough in his legacy to talk

About how much it feels so terrible for him right now to drop off from that but it happens to everybody man and and I when people think back on Clay I mean he’s going to be in the Hall of Fame he’s going to be you know he’s going to

Have tons of money in his career he’s going to be living out on a yacht like he’s going to be good I mean in the meantime though it’s got to be difficult to fall off from that level because again it’s always a Splash Brothers you don’t even hear Splash Brothers no more

It’s just St you know what I mean and I think that that part’s also difficult too but speaking of that part Patrick Mahomes um who I guess you do a lot of media for the Super Bowl um he said if I played basketball I’d be just like Steph

Curry so um I’m like a novelist NFL fan as in I watched just the Super Bowls so I know obviously who Pat Mahomes is because I’ve seen him there before but yeah I mean explain this com to me and just explain Pat Mahomes to me as a

General NFL fan so first of all Mahomes is if not the best quarterback in the league top two quarterback it’s him it’s him and Lamar Jackson so okay um he’s also I haven’t seen him in I haven’t seen him in the Super Bowl sorry it’s uh

It’s a ton of fun but basically the best way I can it is the twos versus threes in the NBA and run versus pass in the NFL have kind of followed the same path on a similar timeline where passing pass no no just like passing volume has

Increased in the modern era and at first it was like an analytic thing but then it was like no this just makes more sense like you can cover seven eight 15 yards with a pass and the way you can’t with a run you’re going more three four

Yards at a time so the way that passing volume has taken on a bigger importance and what Kansas City has really done uh and so Mahomes and Curry have that par and then stylistically Kansas City really pioneered a faster pace of play where not only are we going to pass but

We’re going to pass pass pass pass pass down your throat and like you you don’t have time to catch up and your defense is gassed by the end of every drive and we we don’t care about controlling the clock that much we want to run it on you

And that so I think that’s where he kind of sees the parallels um in addition to yeah he’s got he’s he’s headed for another ring here you know so what which one would this be if they win again this weekend I have to double check is that

Is that four now for him he has uh he has two champs this would be three rings so he’s one shy step if he wins this one yes but he’s also like uh he’s still only 28 which for a quarterback is pretty well I can’t wait to uh I can’t

Wait to watch Super Bowl you got Super Bowl plans real quick yeah watch one my brothers oh sounds great you going to enjoy Usher at halftime user I can’t wait man a town peace out all right uh that does it for us today I’ve been your host Wu you’ve been listening to the

Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new YY spicy soup it’s time to get fired up make sure you find the Raptor show where we listen to podcast subscribe and please rview the show thanks once again to producers Mark BFF Amon producers

Dereck randale Jennifer o David say J manat thanks to Our Guest modil we’ll be back to talk Raptor mwall tomorrow


  1. Scottie being named an All-star giving the fanbase A positive day for amidst all the negativity and losses the team is taking rn.

  2. Boucher is 1st in bench points? Yup lets tell the story the analyst love the one where u only see what u want to see in a delusional half story approach to a proper perspective.

  3. If this was Fred with the all star nod, Lou would of been jumping out of his chair 😂😂

  4. I want to like Darko and give him a chance, but for a supposed "players coach," he seems awful at managing his roster.

  5. Good break down.
    The scenario with packing Bruce up with picks gets us where we need to go.
    Personally, I think the mock trades section illustrates for me why a 3 team deal is the best option for the team. Two team trades only bring back picks or longshot players. Our tradeable assets will fetch more if we package them up. This also allows us to get established players rather than picks. I genuinely don't think we're after picks or green prospects. So, moving a guy like Bruce solo doesn't move the needle. Packaging our experienced players makes the most sense.
    Brown can't be packaged with other players from our team but he can be packaged with players from a third team. That's the path to young players who fit Scottie's window with upside.
    Moreover, Scottie is a phenom & can handle playing with guys who are further along. So, why are so many mock trades going after green players & draft picks? It makes no sense IMO. If we're building around Scottie, we don't want a team full of guys just entering the league. Gradey will be great but he proves this to me. We're better off aiming at players who are more mature & have had some measure of success already in the NBA.
    Great pod. Exciting week.

  6. You think Boucher owes Darko money, looked at his wife wrong. Darko playing McDaniels over Boucher bothers me. If Chris is used to his strengths he is fine, Darko doesn't do that though. I think he is starting to lose the room. Potential is there we need to get back to how we played first half of OKC or the Miami win. Rollercoaster quarter to quarter is not it.

  7. The Raptors have been completely dismantled with removal of Key players how can ANYONE expect any better results…no height no mature bodies except Scottie and Barrett and Poetle the rest are small…hopefully something changes by Thurs..

  8. We don't need picks. We need a good player, like Herb Jones & SRP or 2 for Bruce. If that's not there keep him b/c we have leverage since he has a team.option.

  9. I want Schroeder to be gone. Let's see how Datko do w/o him. The IQ & Schroeder combo has been negative but he still have them together on the court. His pennant to have so many guards on the floor together post Pascal's trade has resulted in demoralizing losses. Not to mention guys who fail to defend but only care about hunting their own shots & DS is the main culprit.

  10. How about this fun fact… Kawhi haven’t lost to Miami Heat since game 1 nba finals in 2014 Spurs vs Miami Heat.

    He has beaten the Heat every time he played against them since 2014.

  11. JM doesn’t get any minutes under DR and he’s frustrated but if you haven’t played at a high level you won’t understand which explains your comments shame on both of you!!!

  12. Boucher is 1st in bench points? Yup lets tell the story the analyst love the one where u only see what u want to see in a delusional half story approach to a proper perspective.

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