No1 Drill to Create Effortless Speed in your Golf Swing.

This is my No1 drill to help amateur golfers create more speed in their golf swings, effortlessly. It’s called the “Handle away” drill and I learnt this from my coach and Mentor ​⁠@MalaskaGolf . Your levers (hands, arms and wrists) are a major speed producer and most amateur golfers don’t use them effectively enough. All you have to do is point the handle away to your right handside in the backswing and then point it towards the target in the forward swing.
This creates the hinging and unhinging of the wrists. Modern coaching is telling you to constantly not use the hands and keep the hands quiet through the swing. I understand that thought but the 99% of golfers out there need to learn to use the hands and Wrists effectively.

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For my YouTube subscribers, I’m lucky enough to be a Malaska Golf Certified coach, I am the only one based in the UK/Europe. If you haven’t yet subscribed to ​⁠@MalaskaGolf and his amazing website then use the discount Code BAKE20OFF and save on your first years subscription.

Have a great week and I’ll catch you soon.

Okay welcome back to the channel and this week I want to just give you a little drill or a little tip that I had to give to somebody the other day who was just struggling a little bit with what we call the lever system um and they were um working on the principles

Of having to hold the angle through impact and they were chicken winging it a little bit and they were losing a bit of power a bit of speed and ionically when we did it with them they actually gained 10 yards in distance this drill um and it was more effortless they they

Said this is so easy to do all right and it’s about using the lever system now I get into a lot of trouble with this from comments and so on but you know water off a Ducks back to be fair I’m too old to worry about it

But the the RIS this is your major lever um producer okay this is a major speed producer right your lever system is in vital the the hinging and unhinging of the wrists and the club swinging around your body uh with your levers is is vital to building speed and we’re being

Trained and I get it I you know there’s no there’s no there’s no right way or wrong way if it works for you then great do it all right but I’m trying to give you a different approach and it’s a much easier simpler method that I found and I

Was one of these guys I was you know trying to hold the the Angles and be arms straight and everything and forcing everything to happen when really it should happen naturally yes the arms the arms are straight past impact but then they hinge up again and re hinge and

It’s that lever system that creates speed and power it’s the same as if you’re throwing a ball you know you have a natural lever system that the right wrist Works back and hinges through and the softer that is the more speed you you can generate all right that it’s not

Though you throw it rigidly you know you don’t you don’t freeze up that do it with your your shoulders it just doesn’t work all right everything has to work and you if you notice your if you notice when you throw your arm goes past your body it’s not as though they all go

Together you know we talk about sinking everything up yes it’s true to a certain degree but they they still have different roles to play and it’s vital all right so very simply one of the best tips that I gave is to create the lever system and

I like this one myself is you grip down on the club it’s called the handle away drill all right so you grip down on the handle so that I’m I’m virtually on the shaft of my club from here and you can see I’ve got quite a bit showing at the

Uh the bottom here you’re not going to hit a ball like this but this is just going to educate you just to get a feeling of how much leverage leverage you need all right so as I swing the club back I want to get a feeling as

Though I’m pointing the butt end of the handle away from me all right and it’s a handle away so I’m pointing the handle of the club away from here it’s then going to unhinge and then I’m going to repoint the handle especially on the follow three this is the one that most

People would struggle on really is that the butt end of the handle is pointing away from me towards the target let’s say all right so handle away handle away all right it’s going to feel should I use the word flicky at the bottom it’s only going to feel that way because

You’re not used to using your hands correctly and and also as well when you’re just doing this you’re not really using your body much and we don’t want to yet your body will be involved and that changes the release pattern once you start getting the body involved once

You start moving this into it the release happens here somewhere not here but it will feel like it’s earli and you’ll feel a bit flicky at it that’s because you’re not used to using your hands and arms all right so grip down the handle and just feel handle away

Handle away all right this is the one where most people struggle they can’t create this L shape here they tend to be stiff or their arms are coming up or it be all manner sorts of different things and it’s really going to feel different to what you’re used to doing and then

You can sort of put this into practice with hitting a ball so you can take hold of the golf club okay okay and then you can just sort of practice handle away handle away all right you can abbreviate the swing if you want to three quarter length half length whatever suits you

Really but take your time with it so you can start off nice and slowly so handle awake handle away okay and you can really feel the the the speed of the club whipping through um it’s just a good good practice just a good practice thing to do so just one more time

Just going to go handle away handle away and just get that feeling of the hands and arms and the lever system working so handle away handle away okay my handle’s pointing towards the target here you can see over my shoulder so I’ve allowed the club to fully release through all right

It’s a great thing to practice on um and it would definitely help you to generate a bit more Club head speed uh some some pros if you want to take it a different level you can do this so they put a t peg in the end and try to point the T te

Peg away um I’m sure you can use your imagination though to point the handle away handle away if you can do that I promise you you will gain a bit more speed especially if you’re lacking a little bit of speed at the present moment all right anyway hopefully that

Helps you uh I’ll catch you again uh on another video please remember to like subscribe and share it as well please I’m trying to grow this channel as much as I possibly can I enjoy making them uh and I hope you enjoy watching it anyway catch you next week


  1. Respect to you Matt. Sometimes we have to think outside of the box to make things come together. I sometimes teach (especially to beginners) things and elements that are fundamentally wrong just so that they can get a feel for something & have them master it, then later come back and tweak it. Works wonders. I might just try this with a few newbie’s 🍺🍺

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