This BUNKER Shot is SO EASY Anyone Can Do It | Golf Legend Tom Watson

This BUNKER Shot is SO EASY Anyone Can Do It | Golf Legend Tom Watson

we’re going to talk about the basic bunker shot what most people have in their bag is a sand wedge a sand wedge is designed to hit the ball out of the sand and the reason is is it has a flange the flange actually is higher in the back of the club than the Leading Edge and that’s where you want to hit the sand you want to hit the sand on the back of the club like this so it skips through the sand the way you set up for the bunker shot is you aim left and open the club face to the right of the target you open the club face up about this much you open your body up to the Target you aim left you aim the club face right of the target you’re going to swing left to the Target along that line but since the club face is open the ball will come out at the Target you open your body up to the Target you aim the club face right of the target the ball will come out at the Target and then you swing Along your body line like this

We’re going to talk about the basic bunker shot what most people have in their bag is a sand wedge a sand wedge is designed to hit the ball out of the sand and the reason is is it has a flange the flange actually is higher in

The back of the club than the Leading Edge and that’s where you want to hit the sand you want to hit the sand on the back of the club like this so it skips through the sand the way you set up for the bunker shot is you aim left and open the club

Face to the right of the target you open the club face up about this much you open your body up to the Target you aim left you aim the club face right of the target you’re going to swing left to the Target along that line but since the club face is

Open the ball will come out at the Target you open your body up to the Target you aim the club face right of the target the ball will come out at the Target and then you swing Along your body line like this one of my all-time favorite sand

Lessons came from Claud Harmon who taught you how to get out of the bunker with only one hand but he was trying to achieve there was to hit the the sand with the back of the sand wedge like this with an open face and make sure

That the the handle of the club the grip of the club never either LED or came from behind like this that’s a death for a sandshot is either have the handle too far ahead or too far behind by doing it with one hand the club always came back

To where the handle was pointing at the middle of your body doing it with an open face produced results like this open your body up to the Target you aim the club face right of the Target and then you swing Along your body line like

This a sand wedge is designed to hit the ball out of the sand and the reason is is it has a flange and that’s where you want to hit the sand you want to hit the sand on the back of the club like this so it skips through the sand


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