Starting Your Downswing The RIGHT WAY | Very Important!!

Starting your downswing with your hips or your hands is a question I get asked on a daily basis. Today I share with you my thoughts on how best to tackle this very difficult subject with all the clarity you need to execute the very best downswing to make perfect contact with the golf ball, to lower your scores and hit solid golf shots.

I hope you enjoy!

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to use your club shaft
2. How to create more club speed
3. Help your golf swing create more lag

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple easy golf swing.

What starts your down swing is it hands or hips I’m going to tell you exactly what you should be doing a question I often get asked whether it’s on my skillist lessons or in-person lessons what starts my downswing do I turn my hips first or do I pull the handle a lot

Of golfers have been desensitized in the way they would feel about moving weight around their body what I mean by desensitized is that they’ve been educated in a manner that they’ve got on board with because of what they see with golfers on the TV often what we

Will see is when a golfer gets to the top we’ll see their pelvis unwinding and when we see the pelvis unwinding we often believe that the driver in a downswing is the hips then we get Ben Hogan if you’re a Hogan fan you’ll then get him in a video saying that he just

Turns his hips just turns his hips to shallow the golf club so we’ve got the best players in the world when you slow their golf swings down with the hips turning first then we’ve got Ben Hogan one of the greatest swingers of the golf club in various opinions to

Saying I just turned my hips and then all of a sudden we get the amate golfer that goes out onto the range turns his hips super hard and then he gets the shanks and massive slices so what are we missing well first of all when you think about the chain of

Command from the feet the feet are the first thing that will activate first in a downswing purely because that is the traction of your downswing that is the traction of movement if you were to lift yourself up into the air and as you’re in the air someone shouts to you rotate

You wouldn’t be able to do it because got nothing to push off of so when you are swinging a golf club at the point that you move that Golf Club away to create energy in that club there will be activity with your feet of some kind some level because you need some energy

To get things moving if we lifted ourselves suspended ourselves in the air it would be much much slower in a way of of us moving the golf club away and even if we did get to move the golf club away we would be twisting and doing all sorts of

Things so understand then that when we get to the top of the back swing and we start to see a golf club moving down it is inevitable that we will see hip action starting first some sort of leg action starting first it would be really really exceptional to

See someone moving the arms with absolutely no motion of their lower half but that’s not to say that the golfer is not feeling that the handle is pulling as hard as the lower half is moving I got a little drill for you so the the band’s back out and all I’ve got

Is my tour bag here as a prop to pull the the band off of so what we want to understand is that in a inner back swing the forearm moves up in front of the body the forearms rotate and we do have a little bit of movement across the chest as well again

Depends on on how you’ve built your back swing what you feel but in my world I’m always looking for a golfer to the best of their ability to have arm lift some forearm rotation and to keep the orientation of the handle very close to their chest to the center of their chest

So as you start to move the golf club down as we start to move down if and I’m going to come back to straight because essentially the arm lift the forearm rotation and uh some body rotation takes it to the top so I’m just going to take

Away the for the the body rotation so in in a down swing we’re looking for the pelvis and we’re looking for the chest to move at the same rate now I’m going to take away the arm lift that we get in a back swing so now all I’ve got

Is my setup and I’ve got some forearm rotation so I’ve taken out the arm lift and I’ve taken out the chest rotation all I’m left with is my hands underneath me with some forearm rotation of which we’ll see see in a back swing then what I want you to do

Is put the hand in front of you so you’re in setup you’ve created the forearm rotation about 45° of forearm rotation and I’ve just put it back down underneath me so just to recap we have arm lift forearm rotation some travel across the chest and then we make the

Top of the back swing arrive so I’m taking the rotation of the body out I’m bringing the arm back down and there it is then I’m going to put the band in my hand so at this point here it’s the equivalent to me being at the top of the back

Swing now how quickly you move your lower half will dictate how quickly your chest then starts to unravel which will then dictate if you don’t move your arm at the same rate you’ll then start to get a bigger differential between the rotation of your trunk and the arm getting left

Behind Now understand that the fastest thing to move initially will be the lower half therefore the top of the the tree the handle that is far away from the feet will be the slowest thing to move so when we see people unraveling quickly and we see the golf club being left

Behind that’s not to say that they’re not trying to pull on it so what this drill gives you is an opportunity of feeling and this is where you can just hold it with your right hand a feeling of how you can unravel and pull the band

And as you pull the band band you’re looking to keep the orientation of the hand to the middle of the chest the same so this is now my feel in the top of the back swing if you want to make it harder go further down the band pull the band closer now you’ll

Feel more load in the shoulder now what I want you to do is rotate and pull the band more and as you do that you’ll see the resistance going up in the bank as the bag’s moving but also you’ll start to feel how much more you’ve got to pull on the band the

Minute you don’t pull on the band can you see how the arm gets left behind once the arm then gets left behind at the top you then get this trapped orientation on the way down let’s get rid of the bag and the band let’s hit some so we’re going to take the golf

Club back in our left hand and by the way you can do that drill with your right hand as well slightly harder cuz you’re going to have to cross your hands over and start pulling it so my advice get the band tie to a railing and pull it from there it

Was just for the sake of being out on the Range and being able to do this stuff if you’re out in the US you’ll have bag stands on the Range if you’re in the UK on a range you’ll have some sort of um St in that you can tie it to

So now excuse me so now all of a sudden there’s the forearm rotation that I’ve got so arm lift forearm rotation some track across and some shoulder turn I’m take all of that out and just put my hand back underneath me now what I’m

Going to do is I’m just going to try and unravel and as I unravel I’m not going to pull my arm now if you’re looking at this face on in slow motion which hopefully my edit has come out nicely you’ll see how the arm gets left

Behind now what I’m going to do is I’m going to pull the arm and unravel now when you see me pulling the arm and unraveling and I’m doing this in slow motion you’ll now see that my body still moves quickly but my arms got some Activation so that sensation is exactly

What I’m trying to feel at the top I’m trying to feel some lower half activation and I’m trying to feel some handle pull so that down at the bottom I start to get it all matched up so when we think about do I start with hip turn first or do I start with

Handle first absolutely neither of the above we always go to the top we always understand that the energy coming through the feet and the pull of the handle pull of the handle and energy through the feet will start to get us all matched up down at the bottom

Then when you start putting that all the way through with a golf shot you’ll start to feel that in change of Direction you’ll start to feel the hands and the arms start to harmonize so if you’re looking at what comes first apply that little drill and

While you’re here do go check out my body Speed video because that will give you even more insights into how we use this lever system to up the speed in your down swing and make you hit it even further I think you’re fine that’s good coaching


  1. Great video Stuart. So would you say feel the left leg pushing back and away from the ball and target in the downswing right away as we pull the club?

    I’m not saying that’s how it then happens but in that effort maybe it helps load the left leg before it pushes that way in the second half of the downswing?

  2. So many YouTube golf instructors advocate turning hips, leaving club behind, separating hip turn from body, etc since I have been afraid of casting club I have tried to follow this instruction without success. I now only watch your instruction and my golf is improving recently dropping 2 strokes off my handicap. Pulling club handle and and turning hips together has helped my swing. Keep up the excellent content.

  3. I find it interesting that some instructors are now conceding it’s ok to use your hands even from the top. The body movement is an essentially a reaction to your intention and the balance/ support it requires to meet that intention.
    What now intrigues me is what the hands should do. You and others advocate a pull. On the other side of the argument some advocate a throw from the top.
    Both parties demonstrate “conventional “ looking swings and good ball striking. It will be interesting to see what wins through but at least by removing the over emphasis on body action they are making progress.
    It took golf instruction 50 years to accept that they were totally wrong about path/ face effects on the ball. They reverse engineered the golf swing from video and concluded the body started the downswing with passive hands. If they were doctors they would be struck off.
    How can hitting a ball with a stick be that complicated ?🏌️‍♂️😀
    Sorry, just a rant from a retired golfer who spent too long following poor advice.

  4. It’s always been a thought of mine that people get confused by interpreting ‘pull/pulling’ in an incorrect way. I always think it’s helpful to have an analogy of the type of pulling. For example, one person might interpret pulling as arms in isolation because the club is light, like pulling a Victorian toilet chain. Another person might interpret ‘pull’ as how one would pull a church bell by using the whole body weight and musculature to heave a heavy object downwards.
    There are clearly other interpretations possible depending on each individuals pre conception/existing strength and therefore perception of effort.
    I think this is why your videos of pulling on the weight machine is a useful illustration.
    Just commenting this because I feel like the word ‘pull’ is used more generally but frequently in instruction, without sufficient explanation of how.

  5. Another great video. I really liked the four step backswing. Turn 45, lift, across chest, turn. On the downswing, does one fire arms down from the top, thus achieving the "pull the handle" intent?

  6. I would like to hear you discuss the direction of hand movement in the up and downswing. When pulling the hands down, do you feel the hands move more on a vertical line or do they move on more of a diagonal line towards the ball. That is, does the body rotation solely handle the lateral movement and hands solely handle vertical movement? There is an optical illusion here that creates the arc of a swing, but I'm not sure how to see through it.

  7. I listened to your advice about my left arm feeling like it was somewhat pinned to my left pec. This did work well. But I hit the ball the best when I started pushing down on the handle right from the top. I did that at the same time as I was pulling the with my body.

    The thing is I don't get the feeling of pulling the handle towards the ball line.

  8. Thanks Stu, the syncing of movement is clearly important to avoid spinning out with the hips or leaving the arms behind. Why do I hear from everywhere about the 'squat' as the 1st movement that triggers transition? What are your thoughts on this please? Great vid as always

  9. Nailed that one STU…especially the syncing of the arm and leg and shoulders ..all working together ..makes that turning through with my left side we worked on seem very logical ..instead of swing down trying to swing past the ball then continue turning ..the pull really does help the face .square up especially with the driver for me not leaving the head behind very much ..and this will make it even better..will watch this one a few times certainly explained the Pull ..factor ..cheers GM

  10. Stu, this is eye opening. So many YT coches advocate turning the hips and letting the arms be passive or left behind in the rotation. This never worked for me as I've always felt better with active arms and hip rotation both working in tandum. Now I know why. We amatuers need to be very careful who we watch and listen to on YT and even in personal lessons, unfortunately, many don't know what they're talking about or they're just following the trend of the day. Again, thanks for the education. Cheers.

  11. This is timely. I've been working so hard on some other elements that the pull was falling out of my swing. I put it back into the mix of essential ingredients and all is tasting so much better. Thanks, Stu.

  12. How on earth does this guy, who started this channel in Dec 2021 and currently has 390 videos available, have fewer than 11k subs when everthing he teaches is spot on? 🤔

  13. Hi Stu… Loving the content. Feeling quite lost in my golf game at the moment and would love to start from the basics again. Is there a few videos you could recommend to watch first to get me playing half decent golf again please

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