Golf Players

Matthieu Pavon Makes History, Nelly Korda Defeats Lydia Ko in Playoff, and Thorbjorn Oleson Cruises

On this Winner’s Circle Edition of Big Drive Energy, the guys recap a historic win for Matthieu Pavon at Torrey Pines, Nelly Korda surviving a playoff with Lydia Ko, and Thorbjorn Olson running away at the DP World Tour- a weekend where the Hojgaard Twins both finished in 2nd place on their respective tours.

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[Applause] [Applause] Big Drive energy Winner Circle Edition on this Monday the last Monday of January which means next week we’re going to be at wasted management and I cannot wait for some it’s actually really nice here in Denver so I can’t complain um but when it was like five degrees for like a week

Straight 30 felt like shorts and sandals weather now it’s like 60 I might be going a little getting a little par three action in tomorrow afternoon I’m feeling it oh I dude I gotta take some outdoor swings before we play golf next week absolutely have

To uh yeah the the driving range I don’t know if I said this last week but the driving range I usually go to out here it’s flooded uh I don’t think they’re like super urgent to fix that problem it’s just a lake um I don’t I don’t

Think they’re out there draining it or anything and it’s like high 30s low 40s here so it’s not great and it’s been kind of windy and cold um I mean it’s not terrible I’ve hit golf balls in worse weather but uh yeah it’s kind of underwater right now so unless I go

Inside to like a simulator or something I might just be coming out super super dry super Rusty to Arizona and trying to play some golf so we’ll see how that goes I I don’t forecast it going well uh you know expectations are the thief of Joy so I’m

Just going to keep those puppies low and if I play some decent golf I play some decent golf so yeah just [ __ ] lock into it you never know well happy Monday to those of you all out there if you’re tuning in um little new thing we started

This year will be on every Monday and Wednesday uh Monday we’ll kind of recap what happened on the weekend this week uh PGA Tour are finished on Saturday so we’ve got a recap of that we’ve got some DP World Tour info and and then uh Nelly

Corda another win for her so we’ll recap all of that and then we’ll finish this pod up with our Mulligan of the week which I’ve got a few options here um it’s been every time like I love having a segment like Mulligan of the week because shit’ll happen to me and I’ll

Just randomly go to notes app in my phone and start writing [ __ ] down like some bad [ __ ] every time and I’ve got like a long laundry list of bad [ __ ] that keeps continuing to happen to me and when I say bad it’s it’s pretty minor for What could really be happening

To me but uh I love having a segment like that and we’ll finish up every pod on Mondays with Mulligan of the week if you’re tuning in on YouTube make sure you hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up let’s get some bubbles going it’s only you that makes the bubbles

Bubble Boy Bubble Boy come on where is it God this camera no bubbles on no bubbles on this Monday that’s all right weird well let’s hop into how your weekend was first just personally and then we’ll talk about Matthew pivon and his win at the Farmers Insurance

Open yeah it’s I mean it’s been pretty good I’m kind of sticking pretty hard to a a relatively strict diet um of like no carbs so that’s pretty much what we’re doing it’s not really like I guess super stringent other than no carbs uh but it’s tough like trying not to eat bread

And [ __ ] like I haven’t had a just a regular ass piece of to sandwich bread in over three weeks so I’m pretty proud of that um because it’s just something that you’re so used to eating on a regular basis so you don’t even think twice about it what are you guys

Laughing about what the [ __ ] [ __ ] there’s a fly dude and it’s just like and it’s like in the [ __ ] uh whatever the window sill and it just keeps catching my ear I’m waiting for it to like dive bomb Marissa as we sitting here she just I thought you were

Laughing at me not eating bread I thought you thought no I’m I’m proud of you for not eating bread how like what uh what’s your current lunch now are you just like eating leftovers you making like different dinners and then just having it the next day because the diet

Thing that we’re on is The Leftovers are awesome relatively speaking it’s just nice to be able to like eat something that you’re allowed to eat for dinner that takes a little more time to cook uh we had shepherd’s pie the other day and I swear to God um my wife was in the

Kitchen for no joke an hour and a half she got through like six chapters on her [ __ ] book me and soya were on the couch napping and she used every goddamn utensil and um you know [ __ ] pan and everything that we own that’s how bro the dish stack the next morning I was

Like [ __ ] this is too much I I do not like this because we can’t put our new pans in the dishwasher strict rules um and so yeah I’m just like over there [ __ ] got gloves on an apron doing dishes uh but yeah what’s your what’s your lunch look like now cuz dude that’s

The thing I miss too I haven’t had bread in the same amount of time and I just love like I’m missing Subway no free ads like something fierce oh by the way I just got to say I’ve only been to the Subway by the office one time and it is the wildest

Subway I’ve ever been a part of uh I watch a kid throw his sucker on the the the floor of that place actually Marissa was there with us um this kid throws a sucker on the floor and just picks it up and Pops it right back in his mouth and

That’s when I knew that place wasn’t for me uh but quality Subs I mean you know I I can’t complain that or or JJ’s uh once again no free ads but their bread just [ __ ] slaps like thinking about it just gets me going uh but anywh who for lunch I really haven’t been

Eating lunch like all have a cup of coffee around 10 o’ I guess it’s I guess you call it lunch but I’ve been eating like a yogurt with a little bit of granola and like two or three hard-boiled eggs at like noon um and then I go to the gym at like

1:32 o’clock uh do a nice little executive workout little hot tub little I actually do cardio and lift a little but then I do the hot tub the car the sauna um and then I drink a protein shake um just one of those those ones

You get at Costco like 18 bucks for like 30 of them uh those are clutch so I drink one of those afterwards um if I’m feeling ambitious I get a $12 uh mocha Madness from Lifetime Fitness which there when I first started going I uh was getting one every time I

Was there and it was like a $250 a month uh protein shake budget which I didn’t think was super realistic uh long term so I went to Costco and got the protein shakes there much less expensive and then I usually I’ll have like a snack or something else like 5 six o’clock and

Then we eat dinner around 7:30 or 8 uh so that’s kind of what it’s looked like I’ve been having some like just turkey and cheese um you know like rollup deals whatever and the best thing for me and we’ve talked about it on the Pod but horseradish is like one of my favorite

Flavors of any anything so I just throw like some horseradish sauce in the middle of that zero calories like it for something that has no calories it probably has the most flavor of anything possible that and like mustard I love mustard too because I just love throwing like some spicy mustard in there

Whatever uh but those have been kind of my snacks and stuff and then dinners we just been going protein vegetable and that’s it and my guilty pleasures I have like two this sounds like the lamest [ __ ] I just hated when that came out of my mouth but I’ll have like two or three

Little chocolate covered pretzels from Whole Foods for like dessert so that’s rashing them out and just put them on the counter and then you’re like oh only one left no the other night I got all drunk and killed like half a bag but that was uh that was

On a Satur so I will say Saturday is like kind of our cheat day this is actually where my story was going um so we went and had Italian food and I I wouldn’t say I went like Hog Wild like I didn’t want to end my life when the meal

Was over because that’s usually how it goes with Italian food at least for me is like you need to stretcher me out of there or just take me out uh one of the two so I didn’t go crazy but I had um ravioli I had oh I had Barat ravioli

Which was very good um and we got like meatballs as an appetizer just two giant meaty clackers uh so that that was pretty fire also uh but then I yeah I was just a little buzz when we got home and got into that bag of pretzels and [ __ ] went to town

Can’t trust myself yeah our diet there’s no my guilty pleasure right now is applesauce that’s like the best I can get unsweetened cinnamon applesauce but it [ __ ] slaps dear God that’s sad and like those dried Apple pieces that’s like the the only sugar you can really

Have are like there’s like two or three fruits and that’s about it but I am feeling better physically and I’m starting to see a little bit of results so once that starts to happen you kind of become addicted to it so now I’m like no [ __ ] it I’m fine there’s little

Things here and there where this diet just makes it kind of unsustainable for a like a lifestyle change instead of a diet but I think after the month is over and after we leave Waste Management cuz that’s the last day is the Monday before we leave next week so when we’re there

In Arizona I God knows I might come back looking like [ __ ] John Daly um but for now like we’re gonna go and try to have stick to a plan a couple days a week like Monday through T Monday through Wednesday Monday through Thursday something where we eat like

This and then Friday Saturday Sunday you know don’t go full [ __ ] Country Buffet but get you know back to eating at least some of the things that I enjoy for instance my my dairyfree [ __ ] gelato has been out of my life since since January rip dairyfree gelato gel

Boy is calling your name dude I I drove past to ice cream gelato the other day and I [ __ ] yelped I was so sad I was like [ __ ] this second I thought you just said ice cream that way and I don’t know what ice cream gelato

Is that’s like the lame no it’s like it’s heard the the the place is called i period scream period gelato I got that and it’s still corny as [ __ ] it is either way uh yeah I I really haven’t been dabbling in in the desserts very

Much but you know every once in a while you gotta we also last last Saturday because we went to the the Flyers game uh Flyers AVS and I had a Philly cheese steak and then Missy just wanted to double down and we ended up getting our

Favorite pizza that night so it was W yeah yeah we went off the rails on last Saturday um and then there was just leftover pizza it staring me in the face in the uh in the fridge and there was three leftover pieces and I’ve only had

I had one on Tuesday and I think we’re going to throw out the rest the shitty part is is like it’s like kind of artisanal pizza and it’s like 35 bucks 40 bucks a pie so it’s not just like your dog [ __ ] you know $5 Pizza that you

Don’t mind throwing out it’s kind of like damn this is like a 8 slice of pizza I kind of feel bad throwing it out but at the end of the day it’s for my health so I just gotta [ __ ] toss that [ __ ] in the trash and not look back lock

In um other news and notes for my life thanks for asking uh no I’m just kidding but I your boy here is first place in the playoff uh pick them league for not the one we do together but the one I’m in with our boy Rod our old uh member at

The golf course Rod oh damn yeah so uh first place is $1600 so I just need to have a strong Super Bowl but I went perfect uh on the weekend I had Kansas City plus the points and the under in that game I had Detroit plus the points and the over in

The second game so clean sweep for me uh this weekend on the the uh pick them league so now I need to go into the Super Bowl and I believe there’s a couple of other things to pick it’s not just the game in the under uh I’m leaning towards San Francisco in the

Over right now with a one and a half point spread uh but I hope that gets to like I hope by the time the game starts I predict Kansas City will be like a half a point favorite or maybe a point favorite because yeah whoever makes the

Odds can’t get torn a new you know what hole again like this past weekend giving Patrick mahom and the [ __ ] Chiefs who have been in three of the last four Super Bowls four and a half points against a team great the Ravens are great yeah but Lamar Jackson’s never

[ __ ] proven anything and Mahomes has proven everything time and time again so hope they get that sh figured out that’s my Mulligan of the week so let’s save that um okay we’ll talk about it yes I I do like your uh I like your pick them um

I will say that I was tweeting about the Lions because I was rooting for them and I don’t know if your wife was drinking last night or hammered absolutely hammered she was a little drunk um yeah she was letting you have it yeah she was like popping off and I actually thought

It was funny like I was just dead ass honest with why I don’t really like the ners um but having said that I will act like I’m the biggest Niners fan in the world uh in two weekends because I hate the Chiefs more than I hate just about

Anything in this world so um whatever to see them lose I am with like well you know you know one thing I appreciate about you is she woke up like feeling super like sorry towards everyone she was a giant dick to her brother as well uh and just everyone that texted her but

The one thing I appreciate about you in general is you’re one of the biggest [ __ ] talkers in the entire planet and you but you take it like you’re not the person that’s going to get ass hurt when somebody [ __ ] talks you because you throw it out but you can also take so I

Just want to let you know manto man I appreciate that in general both being your brother and having my wife drunkenly throw [ __ ] Niner slang all over at you no it’s I I mean she deserves it like she deserves to talk that [ __ ] I was just rooting for the

Niners because it was a or I’m sorry the Lions uh because it was a good story but like my main gripe with the 49ers and I told her this via text message is they have not won a Super Bowl yet and if feels like everybody’s crowned Kyle

Shanahan this genius coach and you know all of the they’re given all of these accolades it’s like it it honestly feels like they’ve won a Super Bowl in like the last five years if you would just listen to how they’re talked about amongst everybody in America because everybody treats them like they’re the

Next the second coming of Jesus Christ and it’s like okay well they are very good but win a Super Bowl and then we can say you’re that good you know what I mean 100% yep they they’re the faes every year they’re uh this super talented offense you know great

Defensive players stacked on both sides of the ball it’s like win a Super Bowl and then I’ll I’ll give you your flowers yeah 100% And and you’re not wrong I the only thing I wanted out of last night obviously other than the Niners winning if it was any other team I don’t care

Who it is I just want whatever team won that game to beat the Chiefs yeah and as much as the lions like came out and you know [ __ ] blitzed him from the start and then you know one turnover and all of a sudden everything went straight downhill some stupid mistakes from the

Coach but he coaches that way you live by the sword you die by the sword I just don’t think the Lions would be able to beat Kansas City and I’m not saying the Niners will like I hope they do but I I believe they have a better chance than

The ners beating KC so that’s just my personal opinion but I I hope anybody I if it was the [ __ ] Carolina Panthers I’d be rooting for them oh absolutely uh how much did you like that late touchdown though because if you had the Lions covering that got you over the hump

Right there so yeah I wanted him to kick the [ __ ] field goal that would have worked too but either way no I think the touchdown was fine it worked out fairly well for me no it worked out well but I’m saying they could have they could

Have stopped at like the 30 kicked a field goal and then had more time to go for the onside kick and then score a touchdown and it would have been the same they still needed both of them so I was a little more nervous that they were

Going for the touchdown when it was like fourth and goal and they fin you know that was made it made it a little more nervous for me well in real time a lot of people didn’t realize it like I was watching the game with Missy and when

They ran it and didn’t get it on third down and had to use a timeout I was like that’s the game the game’s over like Barron getting an onside kick which is basically impossible now um it was definitely like a lackluster end of the game for how exciting it was to start

Like it looked like you know how can you be down 17 at halftime and then with two minutes left in the game you’re up by 10 like holy [ __ ] what a I mean and there was collapses on both sides of the ball for the Lions and I’m not a [ __ ]

Football analyst so I’m not going to get into it but uh I’m sure a lot of Detroit Lions fans want Josh Reynold out of town uh Josh Reynolds pretty quickly because he basically lost them the football game in my opinion dropping that that first fourth down conversion pretty much

Ruined the game for them um from a momentum standpoint because then everything was just coming up ners like you know the the IU catch everything I’m not going to keep going but obviously they they won the game there in the first half though the Lions offensive

Line you have to admit was moving the ners defensive line like Montgomery was not getting touched five six till he was five six seven eight yards downfield which was insane like I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that kind of like run blocking display and I was like this team could

Beat the Chiefs like if they run that well because their defense is not great and that’s why you know that was Dan Campbell’s reasoning for not you know going for it but uh or for going for it I guess and not letting them have more opportunities because he knows his

Defense is not that great but uh at the end of the day I think it’s probably the two best teams that are in there uh I it’s hard to say the Chiefs are a better team they just have the one best player in the world um and their defense

I I gotta respect their defense like they they shut down the Ravens pretty well so anywh who that that was pretty much my weekend just watching football watching golf uh getting punched in the gut once again I actually tweeted earlier in the week after we put out our

Pick I was like who’s going to bend us over this week uh tune in to find out and the answer was Nikolai hoard um just I I wouldn’t call it a collapse so let me let me hear your thoughts were you able to watch some of this coverage yeah so I watched

Basically the entire final round uh first of all it was nice to get back to an event on the PGA tour just in professional golf to watch that wasn’t just an absolute birdie Fest the whole time guys were struggling to make pars guys were struggling to you know keep

The ball in the Fairway I mean some of those Fairways dude were unbelievably tight just looking at the coverage I don’t know how you hit him especially on some of the par fives and uh Matthew pavon congratulations to him so he’s the first winner on a like a PGA Tour sanctioned event since

1907 from France um and so it’s kind of insane to think that like there you know some of the names I read you know professional golfers like they’re kind of Jean vander’s probably like the most famous um especially for his collapse but it was fun to watch a golf

Tournament with guys not being able to just run away from the field and he really had to make a an incredible Birdie on 18 after Hoy guard put the pressure on him um but what did you think of the tournament overall in terms of I saw a lot of tweets especially

Friday Saturday mentioning like this is not good for the PGA Tour look at this leaderboard look at the these names and you know pavon and hoard both played last year on the DP World Tour mostly and actually pavan’s story is kind of crazy before I get into that like just

Give me your thoughts on the leaderboard going into the weekend what it means for the PGA Tour and you know it’s not this isn’t a signature event or anything like that but like did you have that same feeling taking yourself out of our golf Minds where we kind of watch and know

Who a lot of guys are just your casual everyday PGA Tour fan tuning in to that on Friday afternoon like who the [ __ ] what’s going on here oh for sure like if n hoard wasn’t one of my picks for the week I would not have been able to care

Any less uh about the tournament this weekend unfortunately because and that’s that’s the shitty part is it definitely drives ratings when you have those big guys at the top of the leaderboard but that finish was still just as good as like any finish you’re going to get it’s

Just with three names we’ve never heard of before so that is kind of the challenge for the PJ tour and uh Monday qualifier info Monday Q info on Twitter he’s very good at highlighting these stories about players that are not you know the the top 10 the

Scotty Sheffer the Jordan spe the Justin Thomas the Xander schoffs the world and that’s kind of the direction golf needs to go into more because it gets you familiar with these dudes like Matthew pavon uh well hoard’s somewhat of a national name now that you know he

Qualified for the ryer or he was chosen for the rider Cup last year um Nathan lashley’s won before on the PJ tour Jason Jason knp uh is a rookie Steph joerger was another dude he was in the final group and nobody had ever heard of him before so the Finish was great but

Yeah from a a standpoint of like a stacked leaderboard it definitely left something to be desired um yeah so I took this picture of the the TV on Saturday uh this is when joerger and pavon were both at 13 under so you had joer pavon fow hoard hosler aberer chafl

Kevin Yu Parker cudy and Jake knp and other than chafl and fenal none of those players had won a Tour event before this year abber has won and then other than that everybody on the top of that leaderboard has zero wins and I think there’s two ways to look at

This a lot of people will say oh that’s cool a bunch of guys are getting their chance to win for the first time uh but there’s something about just watching Golf and seeing a guy like Tony fow shoot up the leaderboard and want to root for him you know taking the betting

Aspect out of it as well which obviously we wanted Hoy guard some people I think fall on both sides of the coin and as much as I want to fall on the side of the coin of guys winning their first event and this was like a life-changing thing for Matthew

Pavon it’s it’s not as fun like I would have loved to see like shaay up there at the top and then fow Jason day who was my pick him for the oneandone league who’ve missed the [ __ ] cut will alatus is a guy that kind of came through on Sunday you know guys like

That where you recognize the name and I don’t want to be that way but something about me and watching golf is just I kind of gravitate towards that yeah absolutely you definitely want to gravitate towards names that you know and are familiar with um and the shitty

Thing too is like I mean I hate to knock the PGA T once again but it just seems like week in and week out their coverage um is just so like singular when you have cameras all over the course and you somehow like did we see a single shot of

Nathan lashley’s final round not because I did not even realize he was on the leaderboard until I looked at it um Jason nap um canap I don’t know if it’s you pronounce the k or not and hopefully it’s Jason it’s Jake my even better just his whole [ __ ] name his name may

Be Jason he just shortened it yeah Jake for short um we didn’t see like a single shot of his final round really uh so there’s just so many guys um like that played well on Sunday and that is the one thing that’s tough when you have a tougher course like this on

Tour is it’s fun but you’re also not going to get a guy like vaulting up the leaderboard like the lowest round on Sunday was five under so that got Nate Lashley into a tie for third but uh you’re not seeing any 62s you know

61s and in all honesty I I’m not like a huge um Tory pin’s guy like it just doesn’t look that inviting to me and you can just like see how thick the air is out there and I would just know my ball would be going probably 250 260 yards um

So it just makes me like hate that place like I’m I’m not huge on it it’s just a big pretty straightforward I mean besides the landscape which obviously you got to give kudos to the landscape it’s on the cliffs outside of uh what it’s just north of um San Diego I I

Forget what it’s called coasta Mesa whatever don’t give a [ __ ] but the landscape is amazing other than that though the golf course for me is just kind of me like I I feel like it’s somewhat overrated and obviously it’s a big name um golf course so they continue

To play the PJ Tour event there but it leaves something to be desired I will say though 18 is a great finisher uh um just so much room for so many things like you could like with all that thick rough up the left side you can stomp

Behind your ball um and really give yourself a lie so I I mean there’s just so many crazy options down the stretch you can fluff it over in that rough I mean that rough was insane though they said it was five inches it was longer than that because I’m pretty familiar

Five in yeah it was up to your knees if knee if my kneecaps are five off the ground that’s how high it was um but no it was crazy thick like I I forget who it was but somebody hit a ball in the rough and it took I think 30 people like

Five minutes to find it and I oh yeah Colt no was talking about that I think it was uh Tony Fe no maybe it was Xander but yeah he’s like it just took us so long to find this ball and they’ve got the whole [ __ ] staff out there [ __ ] stomping down and that’s

The tough tough part too is like you want to be careful of like stepping on it and making it worse but that rough was absolutely insane and and that place I think they do that because they want to have you know the US Open obviously

Is is in Ro semi- rotation there and I think it’s next year is it really so yeah I think I don’t know I I will I won’t I ain’t gonna lie I have no [ __ ] clue I haven’t checked that far in advance I just know where they’re at

This year and don’t ask me because I can’t tell you off the top of my head um the some funny stats or just an insane comparison that uh I saw and bookmark bookmarked from Wednesday first round of the tournament the North Course players combined were 179 under par and the

South course players combined were three underpar in one day that’s insane yeah like just the discrepancy that just goes to show you how crazy golf is in general but like those that’s the same property for God’s sakes yeah yeah and I mean Tory Pines is one

Of the longest uh courses they play on tour so it does make sense the South course especially it’s the tougher of the courses um it makes sense that it’s you know that hard but like you said to to play two golf courses that week and have one be that much easier than the

Other is pretty insane um and the crazy part was was Nikolai hoard shot 5 under day one on the south course had probably like the round of the week um but I will say for how impressive Nikolai hoard was his swing is like it’s pretty wild I

Don’t want to get too technical but it’s very flat and his hands get very deep at the top of his back swing and then he kind of dumps it underneath a little bit he gets really caught inside and then he ended up hitting I think on Sunday he hit like four or five

Fairways maybe six like not very many Fairways and he was just hitting this big push and that is clearly means your swing path is too far inside out uh so there’s I think there needs to be some sort of adjustment there and it’s honestly impressive that he’s as Elite

He is at the game from that position because that’s a pretty tough position to be good from I’ve taught people from there and they’re not near as good um obviously but he’s just got a a unique move at it and he just needs to get some of those things sorted out but the

Dude’s 22 years old like it blows my mind I I can’t believe I was like isn’t he 25 or 26 and they’re like yeah he’s 22 I’m like holy [ __ ] because he’s been out there for a few years already so it just kind of naturally feels like he

Should be in his mid 20s but uh just a a crazy finish down the stretch yeah so a couple other notes I have before we get into Pon winning and we’ll get this clip up too of him taking a little French Stomp little French bread stomp on the [ __ ] rough so on

Thursday which was cut day this week uh colinm more CWA was at was one under par and the cut at that moment was three under par and it was pretty much like almost all the way everybody’s already in he’s 275 out and needs Eagle to make

The cut and the announcer I didn’t know I don’t know which one it was he goes this is why you practice so much for moments like these and I’m like dude you think a [ __ ] open champion ship Champion gives a [ __ ] about missing one cut on the Farmers Insurance open in 50k

Because of uh you know like I was just like dude what kind of comment is that like if it’s a guy that’s never won on tour before a guy trying to keep his card different scenario but a guy like Colin morawa doesn’t give a [ __ ] about

Missing one cut at Tory Pines because he had he was a couple underpar he didn’t make Eagle didn’t make the cut um but you know just it was just a funny comment because I’m like dude I I get you’re trying to like get people to like maybe have some thoughts about M you

Know what making the cut really means on tour paycheck no paycheck Etc but Colin morca is not a guy that I think was overly concerned with that and it’s also you know from watching Thursday night as well or the night of the cut Harris English basically had a chance to if he

Made birdie there was 17 guys that were all sitting at the same number that weren’t getting a paycheck if he makes on the whole so it’s kind of crazy to think about guys sitting in the clubhouse watching that and being like oh [ __ ] like do I get to play two more

Days of golf do I get a paycheck or am I out of here and all rides on one guy and you you wonder if like you know they’re not communicating with him but if Harris like looks up and sees you know he’s t65 or

T66 um and needs to make a birdie to get in but then gets a bunch of other guys out uh you know he’s obviously playing for himself but if he gets in and gets keeps a bunch of other guys in uh you know maybe he does it for does it for

The boys one time wants the boys to play in the weekend with him yeah you never know he could be taking one for the team um all right so Matthew pavon uh we’ll we’ll get this clip up here of his horrible lie which uh he actually quoted

The ball came out like a feather and uh if you’re wondering why make sure to check our pot out on YouTube Drive energy golf but there is the clip of him here um taking a do you think he tripped here was this an incidental step or what’s going on here because that

Looks like a quick short step followed by a quick left right also behind his golf ball um The Players he was playing with are 100 yards back and you know TV cameras are everywhere especially when you’re leading an event but looks pretty non-incidental to me if you know what I’m saying

Yeah he looked like a place kicker like lining up a a football like he took the two steps in stomp behind the ball and then went straight back from there um and the funny thing is is like we’ve all been there where especially I’ll say more like high school golf when you

Think you might be in a [ __ ] tight spot and you’re like I’m gonna get out ahead of everybody and you know whatever it is I’m going to figure this out before everybody gets here like oh million percent you [ __ ] get push cart and you start moving at like five

Miles an hour as you’re they’re all dinking around in the Fairway trying to hit and you’re just like the out you’re going up to the out of bounds stakes and you’re like doing this move you’re like ah looks in [ __ ] hit it as quick as I

Can oh yeah we’re good that was in everybody does that [ __ ] especially in high school it’s [ __ ] it’s a free-for-all out there with a bunch of [ __ ] pre-teens and [ __ ] playing a% and I feel like Matthew pavon just got caught in the moment where he was like well and realistically nobody could see

Where the ball was anyways so like everybody said on Twitter tough to tell where the ball is but that step definitely looked intentional unless there was a big scary spider on the ground that he wanted to kill but there was definitely a pretty heavy step what looked to be right

Behind his golf ball so yeah the fact that honestly the fact that he pulled the shot off is crazy regardless but stomping behind it definitely helps that a little um and the fact that the shot had like any sort of spin on it uh because technically that’s what creates spin is

Friction between the golf club and the golf ball and if grass gets in between there uh that impedes the friction and therefore takes spin off of it so it definitely looked like he caught that one pretty clean and it didn’t quite looked like he was like swinging an axe

Like he didn’t come in vertical on it in order to clip it too clean so uh yeah definitely a little suspicious um if I was Rasmus I’m sorry Nikolai hoard I would be uh I’d be take it i’ I’d be throwing the challenge flag on

That [ __ ] and uh I’d want to see a little review of that action yeah real quick note Rasmus and Nikolai hoard finished both uh second place in their respective tournaments on the DP World Tour and PGA Tour this week both 22 years old twins T2 second place like pretty impressive

[ __ ] yeah twos were uh all in abundance for the Hoy guard twins real quick on Matthew pavon so he’s a DP World Tour member and was for seven years without a win until he won in 2023 the Spanish open then he finished with five birdies

In his last seven holes at the DP World Tour Championship to finish T5 which got him his PGA Tour card for 2024 now he’s got a win on tour under his belt in just his you know fourth start of this season and is going to be fully exempt for two

Straight years um this guy didn’t turn pro until or he didn’t start play playing golf until he was 17 years old he came to America got some lessons for golf this is just goes to show you his dad played soccer in Europe for like 12

13 years so uh the genetic pool is in his favor in terms of that but when he started to become a pro golfer he’s ranked 890th in the no an amateur he was the 890th best amateur in the entire world uh and now he’s a PGA Tour winner at a

Place you know a pretty storied place in um Tory Pines and Farmers Insurance open wasn’t that crazy of a field but there was definitely uh there’s definitely a good enough you know top top end Talent there to be in a little more of an impressive win than like a an opposite field event

If you will yeah for sure and actually the funny thing was um you mentioned that stat about him get just sneaking in uh at the final DP World Tour event to get his PJ tour card I actually think when he made that run he booted out Rasmus

Hoard I think rasas was the first guy out to not get a PGA Tour card out of that scenario because of Avon’s run that he had um at the end of the uh tour finale of the DP World Tour so kind of a crazy thing it would be so cool to like

Play on tour with your brother speaking of Brothers on uh the DP World Tour there’s a there’s this dude named nacho Alvar alira Spanish guy um and then there was another guy on the leaderboard on the DP World Tour um and his name is Manuel elv alira alvarro what however you say it

And they’re brothers and they live together so I just think that [ __ ] is so cool to have brothers out on tour and obviously uh not obviously but there’s never been brothers that have won the same week on separate tours but I would feel like that’s pretty uh pretty slim

Chances of happening uh would be probably one of the coolest things ever if they were able to pull that off but uh just crazy what some of these young brothers are doing out on tour like you’ve got a few pairs of them out there now so yeah we’re no longer young and

We’re not absolutely not doing anything on any sort of tour just talking about it um just here just here talking about it I wonder maybe Rasmus was a little OB he’s got some maybe some uh some hate towards pavon after that missing out on the the PGA Tour and then Nikolai loses

To him like Matthew pavan’s just the the Hoy guard twins [ __ ] Kryptonite at this point yeah he’s Enemy Number One in the hoard Family household they [ __ ] hate that dude um but they’re from Denmark I want to say yeah um and I think those people are pretty nice so I

Don’t know how much hatred like I will say Rasmus was clapping when he made that putt or godd damn I mix up their names all the time Nikolai was was clapping after pavon made that final putt to win so Gotta Give him credit and I honestly thought that Nikolai almost

Knocked that eagle Putt in and I would have been just over the moon like I would have shot through the roof if I would have seen that [ __ ] yeah we still we still did get uh eight units back on Hoy guard’s bet so just not the 35 that

We were hoping for in the win um before we get to the DP World Tour and the LPGA Tour winners from this past weekend want to tell you guys about our great friends over at bet 365 every single week we do our picks on bet

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Ridge Distillery I have been hammering the Breen Ridge Distillery pair vodka I started my day off yesterday with a pair vodka soda absolutely delectable uh you don’t have to mix it with anything it could be it could just be pair vodka water and it goes down so smooth and pear is such an

Underrated flavor for me just it’s my top three for sure I I think we’ve always been big pair guys uh I don’t know if we just ate a lot of them growing up I was a big fan of pears and still am uh but yeah peir Vodka it’s

Like a it’s like a cheat code like like you said you really don’t need to mask it with anything else you don’t need like Club soda you know you just get a little Fizz in there but a little Paar vodka and just regular club soda absolutely fire yeah so I’m mashing the

Parav Vodka you can mash the parav vodka or one of their High Rye Mash whiskies one of the top whiskies in the entire world one of our favorite whiskies still got to get down on the powderhound I haven’t yet um but I will uh I I’m feeling better now I’m I’m looking I

Haven’t been in the Sip and whiskey mode in a little while so got to get back to that at some point um but I’m the only whiskey I’m going to be sipping is Breen Ridge Distillery make sure you check them out if you’re in Colorado you’re

Doing a little family trip you’re up in the mountains check out the actual Distillery they’ll go through show you how the Whiskey’s made there’s great food uh and parking up there one of the few places in Breen Ridge that has parking according to Mitchell Smith and

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Vodka or any type of vodka um they have blizzard there’s just so many options so check it out Breen Ridge get it in all 50 states all right DP World Tour torbor Olsen uh his first win in a couple of years just won last year are you sure

About that I looked at his official world golf rankings and I think he won last year okay well he won last year um oh yeah it’s his third year in a row with a win on the DP World Tour but it was it was 20 it was 343 days ago when

He won the Thailand land classic in 2023 so I was almost correct 365 days in a year 22 days off sue me fair enough um and he so he’s go ahead go ahead I was going to say he’s converted uh seven of his 8 54 whole leads or

Co-leads on the DP World Tour um it’s his 15th professional win worldwide and he is also from Denmark so Denmark boys had a great week top of the leaderboard on the DP World Tour is just a big Denmark flag yeah so a few things on the DP

World Tour notes um have you realized how small their purses are in comparison to the PJ tour yeah it’s kind of crazy to look at the difference between a winner on each one and now it it’s one of the reasons where I was like why would they want to

Move from the DP World Tour to the PGA Tour I mean we as Americans we think everything is better in America but real reality if guys grew up in Europe and love you know being in Europe why wouldn’t they want to play that tour for their entire career well look at the

Payout and that’ll give you one of the reasons yeah I think uh Matthew pavon made as much money as the entire purse was for the DP World Tour event this last weekend so that might give you somewhat of an idea as to how much money

Um is on the PJ tour versus the DP World Tour a few other things uh torbor and olon I feel like he was pretty popular six seven eight years ago I want to say he made a few made at least one Ridder Cup team if I’m

Not mistaken uh and then it kind of felt like he fell off uh but it is also crazy he’s in the uh I think he’s 57th in the world right now which it really doesn’t feel like he should be that high uh but I guess you know you win once a year for

Three years you’re doing pretty well for yourself um another note is I don’t know if this is still his name but I know it used to be his nickname is thunderbear and that is like the coolest nickname I think you could have like that nickname I don’t know where it came

From but it [ __ ] hits so I’m just jealous of the dude’s nickname and his name is pretty cool torbjorn like it sounds like he should be jousting with somebody on a horseback thund thunderbear is fire yeah that may be the best nickname I’ve ever heard yeah top five it’s up it

Looks like uh you well you were watching a little bit of the DP world do broadcast Rasmus hoard hitting three-wood from 280 out oh yeah he the the announcers on the DP World Tour are so funny and just their I feel like any English accent just makes [ __ ] better um but he was

Like thought you’d have a crack with the big chief he was talking about hitting driver off the deck and I was just cracking up I’m like I don’t think anybody in America would say that [ __ ] so uh you just get little good little nuggets when you watch the DP World Tour

Yeah dude DOD is it’s becoming a thing now again it’s like a it was like a trick shot thing for a while uh our boy Tanner uh T pillows he used to [ __ ] DOD it all the time like an absolute lunatic uh Taylor Made Taylor Made white

Burner and he’d [ __ ] hit this piss missile cut but he could hit it yeah no I used to hit a some dods back in the day um but the tough thing is is I mean I wouldn’t say it’s easier now but trackman has definitely made it more uh

Viable for guys to go driver off the deck because they can get their angle of attack a little bit better um versus like I used to hit so far down I would take a divot with my driver and that thing was just spinning like crazy and

There was no way I was getting it out there further than my 3-wood so it was kind of pointless but if you can sweep it off the ground pretty well it’s going to go you know probably 20 30 yards shorter than your uh driver off of te

But if that’s longer than your 3-wood then [ __ ] it like I saw I think Max homo went driver off the deck at Tory Pines so um it’s it’s making her Resurgence yeah it’s uh there was a funny there’s a funny guy on Tik Tok now that plays golf with like jords on and

He did this whole thing about how to lay up um and he [ __ ] he goes into like shooting the middle of the Fairway with your Rangefinder trying to find the biggest area and then he’s like you take your six iron and he goes full Sam Gary

And just throws it down the Fairway uh and then he goes then you pull your driver out and you pull your tea out and then he [ __ ] hits his tea into the Fairway and he goes and you throw that thing on the ground you go DOD and he

Just like plows one it was pretty funny I think he’s making a little run on the on the golf Tik Tock but yeah he’s got like Jorts up to his mid thigh um and is wearing like I believe like your typical uh is this the tattooed kid with like

The cut off shirt yeah the cut off plaid shirt yeah um that was a great story though thank you for going through the whole thing all right let’s get into actually a great story and that’s Nelly Corda um winning this past weekend she so this is like her homecoming event uh she’s from

Bradenton Florida where this is played uh her ninth win and she hasn’t one since 2022 so uh she was the one that I was thinking of when I got a little ahead of myself with our our friend torbor olssen um but she was leading going into the final round and then shot

Two over par um and Lydia Co tied her and then they went into a sudden death playoff and she won on the second hole um but she even said she got quoted saying I thought the tournament was over going into 17 um then she said I kind of

Just gave myself a chance I knew if I rolled the eagle in I had to Birdie the last toll so she finished uh Eagle birdie and um now she’s keeping liia Co out of the Hall of Fame for one more week so remember we talked about last

Week Lydia Co was one point away from being Hall of Fame eligible on the LPGA Tour um she’s still now one point shy because she hasn’t snagged that point and Nelly Corda took it right out from under her um yeah I I didn’t really understand EX exactly how that worked

When we talked about it last but I guess it’s automatic bid like when you get to 20 wins you just are in the Hall of Fame like right then which is kind of weird to me like there’s no waiting period there’s no nothing like okay Lydia

You’re in the Hall of Fame now even though you’re still playing you’re like that that I don’t quite understand I like that there’s a benchmark like once you get to 20 wins uh you know you’re pretty much an automatic bid but give it a little time to season not just you

Know just throw her back up in the Hall of Fame and you know keep going that sounds like something right out of like the MLB’s Playbook you just do it on like the worst possible time where nobody’s watching and nobody cares um and yeah I I mean her Nelly finishing

Eagle birdie was insane and then winning in the playoff but Lydia is gonna get that 20th win um you know it’s just a matter of time and the fact that she’s only 26 also blows my mind uh real quick fun fact I was looking up driving

Distance es on the LPGA Tour just out of curiosity um so Nelly cord is like 60th on tour right at 250 yards uh a drive average um the lowest the just take a gander at what the shortest T player on the lpj tour hits it so and this almost like this is

Almost like a I don’t know if the stats completely correct because it seems like fishy uh is it start with a one no okay 205 yes Ariana Janar this season so far is averaging 205 off the te and the next closest is like 237 so I don’t really necessarily know

How that makes sense like it almost is like did she not play driver the first few weeks like did she break it or what the story is there because if you’re by far if you’re 30 yard shorter than the next closest on tour I don’t know how you

Maintain uh keeping it a tour card especially if you’re hitting driver 200 yards and you know you have a 350 yard Par Four and you’re hitting like a seven iron or not even she’s probably hitting five hybrid five iron like how can you make birdies hitting driver five iron

Unless you’re just throwing these little darts out there like 100 m 100 m hour ball speed just on a string it just doesn’t make any sense to me so I’d have to look a little bit more into that but isn’t that wild like I think the longest

Player on the the ladies uh LPG tour hits like 287 uh so definitely further than me especially at sea level um I’d be probably like middle of the pack on the LPG tour for driving distance maybe towards like the the top end uh but it’s it’s a tough

Scene for me out there I I would not want want to play with them yeah no 205 may just be like maybe she’s got the driver Yips and she just hits like you said hits three-wood all the time so they don’t even have like they have one

T- shot of her driver and it went 205 into the rough um but kind of yeah kind of crazy to think you can play professional golf hitting it that short off the tea but she’d clearly [ __ ] dog walk me so I’m not gonna talk any [ __ ] um speaking of driving distance

Before we get into our Mulligan of the week uh I figured out me and Mitchell workshopped it that last week so I got my I got dog walked I’ll just use it again uh in my league round but luckily my teammates carried us and we got three

Of the Four Points in the match um but Mitchell and I workshopped this because I had been thinking about it all night it kept me up a few of the t- shots that I had hit at the simulator and turns out the ball does matter on the Sim and

There was a few drives where I no joke looked down and it looked like a uh a Top Flight that it hit a cart path 35 times in a row and I was just like it’s a I I thought out loud or out loud to myself inside to myself and I was like

Th this doesn’t [ __ ] matter this ball doesn’t matter and I was making swings where I was getting like 116 uh Club head speed ball speed like 165 and it was carrying like 230 and I was like I was [ __ ] fuming and I was like I is it that it’s the fact that

It’s [ __ ] sea level we played some course in Baja sir like California and I I was [ __ ] pissed and the guys we were playing with like one of the dude that was like the lowest handicap cuz that’s how you play like low vers low mid vers mid uh

He this is the true like handicap round keeping because it’s match play um he shot I had the low gross in the group but he beat me three and two and he shot like 43 or 44 but he had a nine on a par five and in match play it doesn’t matter

He just like kept pumping him out of bounds so basically just like gave me the win and then afterwards I thought you [ __ ] sandbagger I was like no wonder this guy keeps his like he had like a four I was giving him like four shots and nine holes um so I was almost

For sure sandbagging yeah that’s [ __ ] I’d be like why don’t you just concede the hole don’t hit you know three out of bounds and take a nine because that’s [ __ ] yeah so he he beat me uh I’m going to come I’m actually not going to play the next two

Weeks cuz I’m going to come see I’m going to be in Philadelphia this weekend uh and then next weekend we’ll be at in Arizona but I’ve got a nice twoe break I am going to hit the range hit the Sim uh in practice but now I know that the ball

Matters um I’ll be making sure that I’m teeing it up with a good one before uh before I hit because those drivers I was it was driving me nuts I was like I’m swinging hard and I like the numbers looked good and I was like why is this

[ __ ] going nowhere so now you know the more you know when you play simulator golf all right let’s get into our Mulligan of the week uh Marissa’s got one for us this week as well do I’ll just start it off um we’ll go with a simple one you

Know we talked about yours uh a couple weeks ago and your incident with my bathtub well now it’s my turn uh my inside of my right knee is currently fully purple about the size of a [ __ ] softball uh I tried to step in and and I

Kind of like it’s one of those things where you don’t want to go fast into the into a wet tub because that obviously can spell disaster but like I was going so slow and then I started to slowly trickle my foot that it just kept going

And I [ __ ] my knee just ripped the side of the tub and immediately I just gave one of the like oh like [ __ ] I know that’s going to be a bruise and we’re like a week and a half out and it’s still massive if I wasn’t wearing these

Tight ass joggers I’d put this [ __ ] up on camera but um it hurts it hurts a lot so uh Spencer’s tub to us zero that thing is sketchy man you got to look into getting some sort of like handicapped handrail what is that like uh something certified where it’s like certified

Handicapped um EPA or something like that um well I thought my tow rack was that but it’s currently Hanging On by the last [ __ ] screw because of your ass so well it was either that or I was I was going over like the Kool-Aid Man head first onto the [ __ ] bathroom

Floor so oh yeah oh yeah I had to do something to save myself and that it was just the Panic do the splits [ __ ] rip your taint grab the the towel rack and hold on for deer life so I’ve been there um okay so my Mulligan of the week

Uh I know it’s a little lame because we talked about it but I just was F bought into the Ravens actually being legitimate um and able to beat the Chiefs and obviously I was proven wrong like we have a group chat with some of our friends and one of our buddies is a

A Baltimore fan so that’s how you know you really can’t trust him um but he was like I bet the Ravens plus or minus 10 I don’t think four is enough I think they’re going to blow him out and it just kind of like dawned on me that people actually legitimately thought

That and I started to think the same thing I was like we’re going to watch the Chiefs go down today and right the the first offensive possession for the ra Ravens I immediately like felt sick to my stomach I was like this is going so poorly the play callings on the ra

Play calling on the Ravens end was absolutely tragic and uh I just don’t want to have to sit through another Chiefs Super Bowl but here we are it’s it’s like a fever dream just waking up and the Chiefs are good every single [ __ ] year and especially this year

After the middle of the Season it looked like they were you know falling off they were out but you just can’t count Patrick Mahomes out like how dumb of me to to think that his team was gonna lose yeah it I was on the Chiefs like I

Just kind of knew just Lamar had never proven to me anything and like you said Lamar’s a fraud after that first drive I will say though he wasn’t as fraudulent as he could have been Z flowers made some [ __ ] dumb plays if they score that touchdown there that’s a completely different football

Game oh absolutely well I will say I was thinking about this I I think the worst position in like professional sports is to have a quarterback that is your franchise guy that can’t get over the hump because you it’s not like they’re making a change it’s not like they’re

Going to go away from Lamar and be like you know we need to go in a different Direction they’re just going to do the exact same thing next year and hope that the outcome is different and like how many times can you do that over and over

Again so I would honestly rather suck uh than have a team that wins 12 13 games a year and I know can’t get over the hump of winning in the playoffs and going to the Super Bowl yeah like Buffalo Bills are in the same exact category right now

And yeah Josh Allen I would put Lamar and Josh in kind of the same boat I will say that Lamar’s gotten more help from a team standpoint than Josh has gotten with the bills uh but yeah it’s just a a tough scene for anybody that thought Patrick Mahomes was gonna [ __ ]

Down his leg he’s just like I mean it’s they’re already talking about him as like the best quarterback ever and he’s what 27 years old yeah like he’s had we’ve never seen a run like this it’s makes me sick yeah well Brady did this but he did it over a much longer period

You know he’s one six and hopefully Mahomes never gets to that point but yeah it’s pretty unprecedented that basically every year you can wake up in July and pencil the Chiefs in for the Super Bowl no matter who they they could get [ __ ] all for receivers like they had

This year and still end up being in the Super Bowl all right Marissa Mulligan of the week time tap in it’s bad it’s bad it’s bad [ __ ] lay it all out there this is the time um so I think Spencer Knows Mitch I think you see maybe you’ve

Seen a little bit of it but I’m awkward as [ __ ] so like there’s not a lot of things that I like I don’t want attention at all on me so if I can just be like someone who no one pays attention to that’d be great but I was

Trying to be nice for my husband so I was going to go get him some granola bars because he wasn’t feeling good so I went to king supers and I couldn’t find those things at all finally find him after like 10 minutes already frustrated and this man comes down the aisle and

He’s singing like out loud really loud so I’m like oh well what a nice voice and he like so I kind of smiled but like I didn’t look at him um and he stops in front of me and he starts serenading me really loud um and he’s telling me how

Much like I’m great and he he I’m love it first sight like whatever and people start like filing like are stopping to watch this happen so I’m like turning super red so I panic and I like pretty much like backwards walk my way out of

The aisle like no no no like I’m good I get to the end of the aisle I Sprint all the way down to the other aisle like I’m running like I’m running trying to get out of there and he catches me on the other side to finish singing to me I

Panic instead of being like mature and being like no no no like I’m married thank you so much I dropped the granola bars where they’re at on the floor and I ran out of the store oh my God I did not get granola bars from my husband I

Refused to ever do something nice for him again and um I I need to be escorted in and out of the grocery store from now on no I I feel that I uh I kind of went through something similar today I was in the hot tub at lifetime I know it’s like

All my stories are from the gym that’s my that’s my get out of the cage a couple hours of the day but um I I wear my airpods in the hot tub and this dude just started talking to me when I had my air I’m like I’m like dude and he was

Like staring at me and I didn’t want to look over cuz I knew that he wanted to talk to me so I was just like looking forward pretending like nothing was happening and um then I look over and it’s just a full wi conversation I’m

Like this is why I wear my airpods so I can avoid this [ __ ] so yeah there’s really no way to avoid like a public thing like that you just gota like you said uh not run out of the store and drop the granola bars like he probably

Thought that you scared the [ __ ] out of him or I’m sorry he probably thought he scared the [ __ ] out of you when you just didn’t know what to do yeah I definitely made a bigger scene than I needed to but I Panicked sometimes you just panic and drop your [ __ ] and [ __ ] dip out I’ve done it a time or two yeah there is certain times where your brain just like shuts off and you just got to get out like you you’re not thinking logically there’s no like logically walking your

Way out of this it’s just get me the [ __ ] out of here yeah the fun fact is I do it pretty much every day but it’s fine I’m working on it I’m gr we should just change it to Mulligan of the day for her I think that would be pretty

That’ be a pretty fire segment just seven days a week we could have something new I haven’t even told you guys about my sniper Falls yet so those were fun too oh not sure what those we’re uh we’ll save that for a little Waste Management Monday um Mulligan of

The week thank you all for tuning in to another episode of big Drive energy Winner Circle Edition we will talk to you guys on Wednesday we’ll have a little preview of the weekend events um and get into some other golf related activities because this is a golf

Podcast big Drive energy check us out on Twitter at Big Drive energy on Instagram at Big Drive energypod big Drive energy golf that’s enough big Drive energies for me that’s enough big Drive energy for you today we’ll talk to you guys on Wednesday [Applause] peace

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