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Crystal Palace interested in Kalvin Phillips loan deal | ‘We could offer regular football’

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Roy Hodgson says Crystal Palace would be very interested in a move for Man City midfielder Kalvin Phillips, should he be available – but only in the loan market.

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Roy hodon has been talking about today admitting that Crystal Palace would be interested in signing Calvin Phillips on loan and he believes that Palace could offer him the perfect route into gasai Gates Euro Squad but he knows they won’t be the only Club interested once again you know there

Will be Financial restrictions who knows whether the club feels that they can afford that but if you’re talking about the level of player I don’t think there’ll be many managers who would not say yeah we’d be really happy to have him come to the club if they are purely

Going to sell him then I wouldn’t think we will be in the market if they are going to loan him I would like to think that possibly we could put our hand up and push ourselves forward and what we could then of course offer is you know probably the chice of playing regular

Football in the Premiership in the buildup to what is going to be a very important summer for England and and obviously for him but we might not be the only Club in that in that uh position so look guys Roy very keen on him so my question is Roger does he need

To leave City I put myself in that situation I would want to go and play football uh he’s he’s a massive talent and game time I’ve seen it over the years some players aren’t that bothered about playing they’re just sat there and and and earning money me as an individual I

Always wanted to play games and if I wasn’t playing I would look to go and play so uh the fact that he’s he’s talking about it and wants to go and get football um obviously with a massive summer coming up he’ll want to be on that plane there’s no question about it

So um I think it’s a good thing if he does um Roy hodgin said there that I can’t see us being the only one so if they want to get it done i’ I’d do it quickly if I were them because as the window goes on you see it every year um

People hijack moves and uh will just swipe him cuz he is he’s a massive Talent it’s interesting I was watching his body language at the end of that game I mean it was an epic win for them wasn’t it the weekend against Spurs for City but you know it looks like he’s

Really in the team so how dis difficult is it when you’re you know mates with everyone and then you you’re not being played so you kind of almost have to go for the good of you well it’s difficult because you listen they’ve probably got a great team spirit there great

Camaraderie and he’s and they win a lot and they win a lot a lot of trophies but winning and not being actually not being on the pitch you don’t feel like you’ve really contributed you know it’s it’s difficult you know I’ve been in that position where I’ve been in teams that

Have been successful but if I haven’t played a huge part in that you don’t necessarily feel you know you don’t feel like you’ve really achieved it so for him I think he’ll definitely want to go I think that there’ll be a whole host of of clubs that want to take him and I

Know Calvin and I know that he wants to play football I know he’s not the type of person that just wants to to sit there and just pick up his money and he’s happy with that well you know him then so would Palace fit him I think

Most teams in this Premier in the Premier League would fit him I think that he could walk into most teams and and do a great job for them because he has he’s proven that he’s a he’s a premier league player he’s a a top Premier League player hence why

Manchester City bought him in the first place and I think he’s been unlucky in the fact that rodri who plays in the same position has been so integral to everything that Manchester City do I think that’s kind of gone against him but that doesn’t diminish him as a

Footballer it just means that his opportunities have been very limited who else wants him we know there are lots of clubs interested he no surprise he’s one of the the top talents in the Premier League who’s not playing on a regular basis but Juventus were the first to to

Show their interest and in the last few days we’ve learned about the interest from Palace confirmed by Roy Hodson now Everton a possibility West Ham have been big fans of Calvin Phillips for a long time and of course Newcastle as well they’ve got an injuring now to

Joe Linton so that could change the dynamic there so I think this is one that could actually go right down to the wire certainly teams are not playing a lot of games at the moment so I think that’s one of the other reasons why there’s not as much activity this month

Because teams are are not playing game after game after game they know that if they wait who was that making a big old noise Michael bridge to me a if they wait they they it’s not going to have a big impact in terms of uh games so yeah

I think it could go right down to the wire it will be a good option for him Crystal Palace and a good option as well uh for Calvin Phillips but I think he might just buy his time and see whether Newcastle firm up their interest and

Whether one or two other clubs come in but it could be a difficult deal even if it’s a loone deal because of the the sums involved okay you’re slightly off putting me there with all your body movements going on you’re right I’m fine yeah yeah it was it was just interesting

Because Roy Hodson was quite open today in his press conference but he also talked about PSR as well and praising in Steve Parish okay he understands the frustrations fans have and want in terms of wanting more but he said in the last transfer window I thought the club was

Very sensible in what they did they were very happy with the players they brought in I’m 100% behind what Steven Steve parish and Crystal Palace and what they do as frustrating as it must be because we have mentioned their clubs have been what about this club what about that

Club so as interesting that then Ro brought up to down yeah I mean he wants him potentially on loan but it could be with an option to and if their if clubs can’t afford Calvin Phillips you know we talk about the loan fee that’s what interested me Roy it was refreshing how

Open he was today on it yeah might want I think the city might want them to pay his wages so that might be a sticking point for some claps um what do you get with Calvin Phillips then Roger what sort of player did you get when he comes

Along quality for one um Allin 100% it just I think certainly if he goes to to a palace team He he’ll calm things down he box to box he’ll be up and down work rate will be through the roof um and just bring that that that age of quality

And and as as Aon said he’s at city for a reason he’s an outstanding footballer um when you’re not playing we’ve said it look you just want to play football and um I think he would be a a really good addition to that Palace Squad does he

Have to play I mean I say that because because we all know G Southgate sometimes picks players that aren’t potentially playing regular football but does he have to play do you feel to get to those euros and stay in that Squad I think he’ll be there anyway but I think

That he’d want to play because you want to go to that tournament and do yourself Justice you want you don’t want to be a sub either for the tournament do you exactly but the the best way of going into a tournament is coming off the back

Of playing a a season or at least it’s going to be half a season now and you go into it match fit a match sharp if you if you’re not playing games you don’t have that match sharpness and you don’t want to be trying to get there throughout the tournament and of course

He wasn’t fit for the World Cup he just come back from that injury he was included in the squad wasn’t fully fit he’s 28 now he’s at the peak of his powers he’ll want a big tournament at the Euros so I think he needs to play football I think he wants to play

Football and you ask what you get if you’re saying Calvin Phillips you get a great lad as well he’s a brilliant character and I think he’ll be great for any dressing room as well as what he brings on the pitch just Michael because you know Crystal Palace really really

Well sell them to to Phillips what would he get if he went to Palace um I mean London first team football every minute a key figure of a team a well supported football club one of the best fans in the Premier League um and well Gare sthk

Loves Palace who can go watch them nearly every week but you want deadline day as well so outside the training ground so those are the days yeah yeah um no I mean I just feel it you know be down Kevin Phillips might have a decision in

The final way but I bring it back to potentially PSR what clubs could potentially afford that initial loan Fe as I say it was refreshing for RO hodon to say it you’d get a guaranteed start there but you know obviously K Phillips is coming off the back even when I it

Was interesting I looked at Kevin Phillips when they won the club World Cup so little involvement but happy happy happy yes and saying he’s very much part of that team spirit isn’t and they all look like mates so that might be also something that plays on your

Mind his personality as well he’s just one of those lads who lights up a room he he’ll come into training every day with a smile on his face yeah so I think he he’d be a great signing for any team in the league if you if you look at

Palace I know it was under different management but you look at how when Colin Gallagher went there and how it propelled his career he’s now captain at Chelsea yeah you know he went there they played in a system and he was able to show his quality which enabled him to go

Back to Chelsea and to be doing what he’s doing now that could be Calvin Phillips you know if Calvin Phillips is to go there and and play for the next six months you know who knows what what opportunities could open up for him come the summer if he’s if he’s to leave

Manchester City


  1. Wouldn’t be surprised if he stays, warms the bench collect his pay check & medals for the rest of the season & gets on a plane to Germany for the euros

  2. More likely to go back to leeds than Palace nxt season i think..he deserves a bigger club than palace, shame Newcastle cant afford him. Thought juve were interested and thats not a bad move untill the end of the season then other clubs will have a new transfer budget

  3. Great Man management lol i wonder how the current palace midfeilders feel about roy guaranteeing one of their starting places to a player that might not even sign….

  4. Phillips is a mid table player no knock to him. He has to show out in training to prove he's worth starting every match

  5. arsenalshould be on this phillips deal like fly on shtttttttt. arsenal have no worthy midfielders after rice and partey

  6. Has to leave city what kinda question is that? Think city want another Martial – no space for benchwarmers in that team Man U should take him for free FFS

  7. It must be nice for man city to sign players like Philips and Nunez and kovich at just extreme prices and not really have to care it all financially and just get somebody e else. The world from man city's eyes must just be rainbows and butterflies everyday

  8. Kalvin Phillips is not going to the reason England win anything 😂😂😂 he’s sat on bench for city for years

  9. Pep is not playing him for a reason.. simply not good enough 😂😂 just because he's an England international you guys are not criticizing him

  10. Over rated cannot get his place at man city slow and does lose possession good player in a poor Leeds team another overrated Englishman

  11. Philips should never have left Leeds….and he never was England squad material ever….there are far better English EPF & EFL players around better than Philips, but never selected by Gareth Wokegate 😮

  12. This is turning out to utter scandal what the hell happened to Philips, just goes to show how a big club can destroy your career.

  13. Would Manchester City be willing to let Kalvin Phillips sign for Newcastle, who are direct rivals at a European level? Juventus would be interesting, though, I imagine, if Pep Guardiola still has Phillips in his future plans, playing in the Premier League will be more beneficial due to the vigours of the English top-flight.
    Since I'm a Palace supporter I would obviously love to see Phillips strengthen our midfield – especially with Cheick Doucoure sidelined with an achilles injury. The likelihood of making any permanent signings seem unlikely, given the way Palace conduct themselves on the transfer Market, so a loan move for a proven talent in the Premier League, who also has their own motivation to cement their place in the England squad for Euro 24, would make sense for both parties. I suppose you could say the same for Everton, who have played some brilliant football this season. 
    Neither club is threatening Manchester City's chances of gaining silverware, and both clubs are in need of reinforcements. However, in my biased opinion, seeing Connor Gallagher reap the rewards of his loan move to Selhurst Park, Phillips could replicate that success at a club that needs him as much as Phillips needs a club to realise his chances going into Euro 2024.

  14. Initially I thought he'd be better at Brighton because of the system.
    But they like young players.

    Newcastle never made sense. Different type of system and player.

    But Palace is a really the perfect fit.
    Like to play and be on the ball and he fits in well.

  15. Palace's best holding midfielder, Doucoure, is injured for the rest of the season, so this would be a perfect fit. Would prevent 18 year old David Ozoh from getting experience though. He has looked beyond his modest age in his few appearances so far.

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