Golf Players

I Investigated Arizona’s Worst Rated Golf Course

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#joshmayergolf #golf #worstrated

We’re here at the worst rated golf course in Arizona it’s a little after hours here everybody’s gone home for the day but there’s a QR code you scan the QR code it’s 15 bucks you can play as much golf as you want pretty fun I’m not

Sure what this is over here lot of dirt not a ton of green uh clubhouse is looking very inviting we’re going to be playing a little three-man scramble myself Sam jagod Murphy we’re going to see if we can shoot nine under show you guys every scan of this course let’s get right to It Game plan I’m going to play this entire course and then at the end of the round I’m going to try and give it a five star review without lying dude honestly not a bad looking first hole so you said N9 under is our goal 9 under is the goal

You think might be I think that’s going to be really hard because the greens are not great here there’s a lot of like uneven dirt patches and stuff so like us reading off each other’s putts I don’t know how much that’s going to help but

I’m down to give it a try what what’s the ORD that we should go with here I feel like you lead off home course here okay all right of course the vage LA it off far all right back at the green I don’t know if that rolled off the green or

Stayed on Murphy want me to go little rip Murphy from SoCal or from NorCal but living in SoCal Murphy’s actually a stick so we’re going to be riding him all day also maybe a little bit overdressed for stripe shell but I like that it got enough

Just short short I like what are these trees called weeping willows than you right I like the looks of them like they they just look nice A little thin well the good news is that was probably like a 160 yard pitching way that was bomb yeah that was kind of

Smashed okay uh you’re still on the green though we putting let’s do it yeah this also does this double as uh first be golf no it used to be a disc golf course the disc golfers won it back but I’m happy it’s a golf of course cuz I

Love playing out here all right how we how we looking over here some nice like green sand there okay I’m just going to try to lag it up there ready okay who I think you played that D yeah come on come back left oh my great putt great putt nice putt all right

Well hold on oh wow okay quick real quick there’s no such thing as a gim me out here tell you what the the green like you can see the grain of the grass is like growing in just every direction there’s different types of grass popping up all over the

Place let’s go first whole Impressions from the T box it looked really good once you got down get a little bit closer get a little magnifying glass up to it little bit Sketch I was also told there’s somebody on a bike that’s rolling around check in to see if people actually scan their QR code and paid so hopefully he’s out here is he out here now you I haven’t seen him but yeah so don’t don’t lie and try

To get out here for free cuz he’s always hiding you never know where he is but he’s always out here waiting hole number two is really fun it’s a similar distance to Hole one but it’s got a giant slope on the back that all just

Feeds so as long as you don’t go too long you can kind of throw it past the pin and it’ll roll back could be a chance for a hole in one which get us back in contention for nine under part three car I get a hole in one I’m giving

Away car uh 2003 Toyota Highlander who doesn’t want a 2003 Toyota Highlander you leading us off murf sure do people call you murf yeah I really like that I really really like that do they get the car one us so you can you can pledge to give

Away a car if you make a hole in one on the channel other people have done it but you have to be the technically I’m the only one that accounts for but if you want to play if you want to go ahead and say right now hey I’m going to give

Away a Honda Prelude if I get a hole in one you can I say like I said other people have done it not to be a doubter or a hater I I’ll give away a car if we shoot 900 a day no stop no we’re going

To do it and I and if I make a hole in one I’ll give away a car sure 2015 Honda Civic white PR new battery new transmission as of last Week D carrying the squad right now that’s I know I know everything there is to know about this course so I got to help the boys out till they figure it out par three carser I’ve got my Toyota Highlander 2003 on that ball right there Vice golf shout out

Vice oh my gosh that’s two Thin SE in around made contact like right right there that’s right where you want to do it that’s no one it should break this way it’s all I’m saying okay oh okay good putt just didn’t really turn I didn’t even just got to hit it

Got to hit it that was terrible yeah oh there’s no way that doesn’t break Right maybe like underestimated how tough it would be to put on these greens they’re not not really grass it’s pretty much just sand that’s been painted over kind of tough of grass in between but it’s definitely not just like a solid surface so it’s a little bit tougher to

Put on than than I thought hole three is uh 100 48 Par 3 we’ve got a beautiful hotel just over the fence so don’t hit your ball right pin is on the center of the green and it all falls this way aggressively this way dude that’s going to kick left

Huh that’s going to kick left huh that I mean it’s an uphill putt it’s a long one but I got so lucky I think I hit a tree and it sent it back onto the green yep okay yep speed right in there uh we got nine here I’m getting

That PE wedge out of my hand there it is there we go that is so good good my hands aren’t stinging after that one that feels good not a bad spot in like relation to the pin but a bad spot cuz we’re just like on the sand okay she

Snaps fall fall oh wow that snapped I thought that was way right but that thing well we’re great at making pars so okay so I think I think this is kind of what goes to show I saw the scorecard I saw nothing was like really

Over 300 yards I was like oh we can shoot nine under yeah but given like the conditions it makes the course so much harder this is a tough course solely because yes the greens are so unpredictable and and that’s why I said you can’t survive getting up and down

Here because you’re probably going to two putt even if you have like a five putter like literally a putt from herey it could break like five different directions yes it’s tough to yeah okay Sam I doubted you but now I just make That for the not so great reviews which I understand as the greens are the way they are it’s kind of hard to beat this course for a couple of reasons one if you’re a beginner this is the best place like I when I first started playing golf

I would just come out here and just Loop this track all day there’s no pressure it’s just fun and then the starting entry cost in Arizona golf right now the winter is like 100 bucks this is in kind of the heart of like Golf Country in Arizona Scottdale tene even M around

Here are 85 bucks in the winter so 15 bucks man ain’t bad it ain’t bad car for caddy strategy the green is on the other side of this big old dirt Hill so if you want to try to hit the green it’s 274 away we have to hit like a high cut

Around all these trees to land on it and there’s water straight right so and you can’t hit more than like an eight iron at that water or you’re going to roll the whole Fairway and fall in the water so we either got to hit like a eight or

Nine iron down the middle have a wedge in try to get uping down for birdie or we have somebody hit a nuke over the top of like a driver yeah so hey sh went out in the middle just grab a nine iron and smack something down the middle yeah I

Don’t hate that yeah let’s get something out there safe so we got to wedge in and [Applause] then I mean are we blocked out there or we good we might be blocked out there okay those trees might be hanging over our wedge there so if we can get something farther into the left I chunk that one pretty bad so maybe one more layup man little Steve Nash little

Little Jason kid o little finger roller yeah I’m in little audio trouble here Mike’s cut out um but not a whole lot with this shot here basically just thinned it through the Fairway kind of like we’ve been doing the past three holes uh Murphy tried to hit a big cut

Here to put one on the green actually hit a really good shot but it just came up a little bit short of the green and ended up going in the water pretty hard dog leg right and then water and everything on the green slopes directly into the water ain’t no joke dude strip

Show ain’t no joke okay so I’ve been told low cut I’m going to go with the 50° and I’m going to try to hit it under these branches hopefully it works back the right oh my gosh did it go in did it actually go in no way thank God that I thought that

Thank goodness that wasn’t a part three or I would have just lost the only car I own I promised too much dud we got can we go look yeah I mean I feel like I’m going to keep it rolling I’m going to keep it rolling I literally hit a tree

Branch in the middle of that shot what’ you hit there I hit a 50 I’ve never hit a shot like that my whole life bro that was a 50° that I tried to cut low and I didn’t and I hit the tree and it went straight in did the tree deflect it

Knocked it down that is ridiculous what a what a what a course to do this at bro there’s the pitch mark come on baby there’s the Mark she’s in there dude let’s go that’s a eagle Bo so sick let’s go shout out to the tree brother those weaping Willows dude that’s tree assist

Right there it’s cuz you complimented them on hold number one I like what are these trees called weeping willows think you’re right I like the looks of them like they they just look nice weeping willows they returned the favor we’re now two under let’s go dude let’s go

Right back in that that might be my best golf shot of my whole career dude actually it was lucky but that never happens on my channel either that’s that’s good stuff let’s Go we made a good shot at the right time cuz we’re on to what’s called by me and my friends birdie Bend we’ve got three holes of easy par 3s uh overwater one of them is like a 60 y so we can get hot right here make a bunch of birdies in a

Row can magic happen twice in a row no okay that’s okay nice bro is it looking good be the number yeah Bud there we go literally I’m going to swing with this on I’ve literally got a ball marker flew into my pinky there I’m like love I’m going to

See how that works okay it’s not that it’s not that awward dude what are we doing rochet oh don’t go the highway what up oh my oh you’re good you bounced over the other wall into the apartments what are we doing okay we’re close though we’re

Close I’m still riding High Sam J Goa Eagle check this thing out you can’t play this while it’s raining this is a canal the freeway is right there people take pictures here and stuff oh yeah wedding photos oh stay stay up how far out uh right did you have it

Um at least a cuup I want to say it’s probably a cuff and a half stay up no stay stay up there we go nice Par see this this is the birdie switch it was off it’s now been turned on Birdie on this hole coming right now you’re so excited to say that I know I had I had to say it again this is birdie Ben part two birdie Ben it’s a about a

100 yard hole we do have to hit off the mat but probably better than the dirt a little deep but nice all right High somehow 98 I Got Dirt Off the mat let me see that yes full dirt off the mat oh I I hit it off

The mat and I still took a div dude what are we doing pi oh oh oh I did kick oh my somehow that ended up in the water but that thing almost hit the stick Murphy gave us a pretty good looking birdie here his ball stuck right in

There didn’t move a centimeter this is going to be a slider this is a good shot but this thing is just cruising left go ah that was perfect that was the line hey I feel like Murphy’s got this now he’s got that in two pretty good

Reads oh how did that not go in Dang this hole 7 it is 143 yard great shot great shot nice in there okay probably would have been a pretty sick frisbee golf of course yeah this golf sorry hey drive through it you got this you might get a kick off the hill here we did you see it our cop’s like

Sticking out of the edge of the hole go Sam what are you thinking come on Josh oh oh go oh it made it over what a but I wonder if you can see I feel like that maybe slow the ball down just got to give a little more Speed uh hole number eight par three 123 yards and this is like a turtle bat kind of green here left bad right bad so we got to keep her on the straight and narrow and try to get on The Dan Dude what are you doing dang you suck brother that’s really good yeah that’s really good murf dog long is it long just off the back I already hit it thin so you don’t have to this time okay I took care of that oh My on yeah let’s go let’s go baby on now nice you say don’t go don’t go I don’t want a hold one here I don’t want a hold one here Green’s looking green but it’s looking a little bit sketch I will say little bit sketchy oh dang it Murphy tap it in tap

It in come on how on Earth come on Josh oh feed like I said bab come on unbelievable bro we got Par Four here dog like right uh 230 yards I’m being told right now signals behind the camera I’m going too high too high we’re trying trying and cut one around the

Trees oh my is that too much or is that that’s either a little too far right or it’s on the green I think that was about per that’s what I was trying to do that rarely happens when I think something up in my head and actually that was to

Fruition I think that could be really good that felt pretty good got a little two iron actions just going to try to do the same thing little cut over the trees oh that was sick dude I think I hit a tree though I’m going to try to do

The exact same thing I think Josh gave us a good look so I mean dead straight but hey I hit it dead straight actually like was a pretty well struck ball good so Josh had a pretty incredible shot Par Four remember that his bull is greenside here just I

Bet you bro I bet you landed right in here and it just rolled right off oh my gosh come on oh my gosh dude okay get scooting got a go it’s going let’s go 500 I think that was our first putt we made all This


  1. Cheap par 3 courses are the bomb for working on irons and contact. The course name is awesome too 😂

  2. What’s your metric for worst rated golf course out of curiosity? Guy comes out shits all over somebody’s hard work and their livelihood for clicks.
    Soft ass.

  3. There is something so charming about these courses, there is one like this by me that I practice on and depending on the day its empty so you have the ability and time to make a couple circuits and drop balls around and practice shots/chipping/pitching etc.

    Its raggedy, there are tire marks on the 7th green that have yet to be fixed in the 2 years I've been playing there and some greens have huge patches of sand like this course, but damn if it isn't fun and a great way to practice and learn for beginners.

  4. Great video! But the worst-rated course in Arizona definitely has to be desert sands! Also, they have a free course out in Apache Junction, but it's all dirt haha.

  5. This was so fun!! I wish I was more hyped up about the eagle, but I just couldn't believe I hit a tree and somehow it worked out… Best (luckiest) shot I've ever hit!

  6. 2003 Toyota Highlander, hopefully, its in storage by the time you all get a hole in one…lol and two it is over 20 years old you can register it as an antique. Well at least in my state. Crossing my fingers!!

  7. It's unfortunate they don't have the funds to improve the course. It's a nice layout and the dudes running it are super cool. If they could just get some financial backing they could really have something there.

  8. I would definitely play here. Not the best greens but it looks like it would really make you take chances off the tee.

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