Golf Babe

Hilarious Golf Encounter: When Being “One Hole Behind” Means More Than You Think!

#shorts #story #funny #humor

A gentleman enjoying a round of golf at a new course found himself disoriented about which hole he was on observing a lady playing ahead he approached her to inquire Excuse Me Do you happen to know what hole I’m on he asked she graciously replied I’m on the seventh hole and

Since you’re one hole behind me you must be on the sixth grateful for her assistance he resumed his game later on the back nine he encountered the same confusion and sought her guidance again I’m on the 14th she informed him which means you’re on the 13th once more he

Expressed his gratitude after completing his round he encountered the lady in the clubhouse and offered to buy her a drink as a token of appreciation as they chatted he learned she was in sales prompting him to share that he was also in the same profession curious he asked

What she sold to which she replied if I told you you’d probably laugh assuring her he wouldn’t she revealed I sell tampons bursting into laughter he explained it’s not what you sell that’s funny I’m a toilet paper salesman so I’m still one hole behind you

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