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PGA Tour wants to bring in the casual fan…but at what cost? | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

In this week’s edition, the guys discuss the off-course happenings at the Phoenix Open and debate whether Tour players had a right to be upset with the increasingly rowdy fan behavior. #GolfChannel #GolfChannelPodcast #pgatour

0:45: Rex’s worst-ever behavior at a sporting event
02:30: Was this an aberration, or a sign of things to come?
05:00: Did the fans actually cross the line?
10:00: Tour keeps wanting to attract casual fans – and this is what casual fans bring.
14:00: Something has to give: Play the Super Bowl on Saturday, or move the Phoenix Open finish.
17:00: Nick Taylor’s win boosts the, uh, International Presidents Cup hopes.
20:00: Scottie Scheffler’s putting is still a concern.
25:00: What are we eating in L.A. and [checks notes] Stamford?

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PGA Tour wants to bring in the casual fan…but at what cost? | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

Hello and welcome into this edition of the Golf Channel podcast with Rex and lav Rex you are in Connecticut I am on site here at the Genesis Invitational but first a lot to get to from the week that was in golf Nick Taylor Wins in a playoff over Charlie Hoffman at the

Phoenix Open but that wasn’t Rex the real story from the week the real story from the week was debauchery booze Shenanigans fan fights player fan interactions it appeared to be a mess at TPC Scott so everything that we love about the WM Phoenix Open just now apparently it’s too much first question

What’s the most you’ve ever drank at a sporting event uh not enough to do some of the things that I saw last weekend but I I will say I mean I I have I have been the worst version of myself at a sporting event and it was a high school

Sporting event at that and to this day I am mortified the way I and I can tell you exactly what game it was it was like against Winter Park it was my middle son sophomore year Winter Park was a really good lacrosse program and they beat him

In overtime and all I kept seeing and this is man this is such a deep dive into my Twisted psyche I if you know anything about Orlando Central Florida like winter park is kind of where uh all the executives would stay from the Golf Channel and the rich folks the rich

Folks the rich folks yeah and lake brandley is not that’s just the way it works out anyway all I kept seeing in the Winter Park kids faces is th those are the people I don’t like that I work with and so I wasn’t necessarily screaming at the Winter Park parents I

Was screaming at whatever my version of I thought the Winter Park parent was and to this day and it was because I had too much to drink and my wife has never let me forget it and I’m mortified I was my the worst version of myself I couldn’t

Apologize enough all that is I say all this only to point out that I’ve never slid down a hill a mud covered Hill with my shirt off I’ve never done a flip into a bunker I’ve never gotten to a fist fight I’ve never done any of the things

We we saw last week however I don’t see the problem with it and we can talk more about that but yes it was out of control but hasn’t it always been out of control the question Rex is is why was was this year an aberration was this year there’s some

Extenda circumstances that ratcheted up all of the debauchery you had some delays obviously the the MD the MD slides were pretty atypical but you had a woman fall 20 uh 20 ft from the bleachers on 16 potentially a dangerous scenario there so it it’s it’s an interesting scenario because the PJ tour

Finds itself kind of leaning in to the entertainment aspect especially now with the3 billion dollar strategic Sports Group they’re going to want a increase fan engagement but they don’t want this particular fan engagement we’ve always talked about the 16th hole at TBC sass is kind of the model what golf aspires

To be right tapping into the mainstream sports fan and not just the hardcore golf fan like you and I so what was different this year is is was was this a was this a one-year deal or was this kind of a systemic issue that now needs

To be snuffed out I H co-hosted go today this morning with our friend Todd Lewis and it was a lot of fun and I went into that meeting this morning with just a headful of steam because I think you and I have had this conversation before I

Had very very clear thoughts on and it was really based more on player reaction specifically spe Al that video and in case you guys haven’t seen it Zack Johnson was caught in a social media now become viral video fussing at fans and ser me don’t Ser me Billy H was not

Nearly as clean when with his comments towards some unruly fans and my take was and again this is kind of a recycled take because I truly believe that goof talks all the time about wanting to be a mainstream sport it talks like the buzzword the last three years since Liv

Golf became what it is is bringing in New fans creating a new product making things more fun making things more engaged essentially mainstream right that’s what we’re trying to do here they’re trying to get paid like main they’re trying to get paid like mainstream mainstream Sports looks like

That smells like that cusses like that slides down a muddy hill with a bare butt belly fat belly like that all of those things that happened on Saturday at TPC Scottdale that’s mainstream Sports I get Zack Johnson doesn’t like it and Billy horo and I have a monsoon

Of respect for their level of aggrav but you need to choose which is it going to be are we going to have austa and we all love Augusta and there’s rules and you follow those rules and you know you’re always walking on eggshells or do we want to be more like TPC Scottsdale

In my understanding I thought we we wanted to evolve as a sport to as your point to your very very good point to get paid like a mainstream Sport and if that’s not the case then what are we doing here now I came into the meeting

With that head of steam and then which which which to be to be fair I’m I’m kind of in agreement with yeah I think you and I have had this conversation yeah players were not violently targeted they signed up for Phoenix Open and Zach Johnson who obviously had that Kur fuffle that was

Captured uh in a social media clip he also talked to the reporter from the Arizona Republic and said I’ve I’ve been going to this tournament for the past 21 years I know exactly what it’s going to be they cross the line every single year and yet I continue to show up again this

Was not a signature event there’s no mandatory requirement for top players to show up these players are using to put themselves in the environment knowing full well it’s going to get like that and so I I’m not I’m not quite sure what they expected and I’m not sure if if it

Rose to the level that was unsafe for players or or like ruining the competitive atmosphere uh no I don’t think it ruined the competitive atmosphere because it is what it is to Zach’s Point like this has not really evolved to your point is yes these were extenuating circumstances and

We had chance Cosby who’s the executive director of the Thunderbirds the organization that runs it and I I actually reached out to chance I’ve known him a long time and I think there was a reluctance for him to come on the show today and I reached out to him and

I’m like hey bud like we don’t want to beat you up I’m kind of on your side I feel like it should be this way and chance immediately hit me across the face with no I I need to get in front of the players essentially because he knows

His I think he knew that players were going to be watching this in the locker room at Riviera because they want answers on this and he goes I need to get in front of them and tell them what happened on Saturday won’t happen again there was a lot of Contrition coming

From chance Cosby and the Thunderbirds and I’ll give them credit and so I had to I felt like I needed to soften my stance a little bit because all right if they felt like things got out of control but it was more circumstances like I think my question to him was is this

Just bad luck or was this really bad behavior because I felt like this was more about bad luck they had more rain there than I think anybody can remember in a desert and forever and that sort of limited where fans could go and it sort of sort of backed everyone up into

Corners one of those Corners being the 16th hole which is always crowded and always loud and it only became more crowded and more loud it made parking more difficult it made everything exponentially more difficult and because of that things kind of came to a Tipping Point now and again Thunderbirds credit

They ended up cutting off alcohol sales unprecedented on Saturday and they ended up closing the gates on Saturday also unprecedented so I think they took steps but again I understand that you don’t you don’t like people screaming in your back swing but trust me anyone any baseball player that’s ever gone to

Yankee Stadium will tell you g it’s ugly man like they’re so mean to you they say things that you would never repeat to anybody that’s Sports I just I just went to the Georgia uh Florida basketball game two weeks ago with my 5-year-old son cam we were sitting in what I

Thought was a pretty good section with a bunch of donors and the things that this she was probably 65 or 70y old woman was shouting at the players thank thankfully cam does not understand that type of language but it was it was shocking to hear and that’s a college basketball

Game players who really aren’t getting paid all that much and if they are uh it’s probably pennies compared to what professional athletes are getting but again the the players they may have been targeted vocally but they weren’t they weren’t harassed physically there was no interference with the game and if you

Look over the course of the tournament and I think it was definitely a different Dynamic of what was shown on Str social media versus what we’re showing on the broadcast but but but again you didn’t have you didn’t have any sort of physical alocation you didn’t have uh either Charlie Hoffman

Who was surging to get the lead or Nick Taylor who eventually overtook him none of their shots at least down the stretch were affected you can understand Rex right like a situation on let’s say 18t 72 hole of the golf tournament and you have some belligerant fans either

Berading or having ill-timed shouts at a player who’s trying to win a golf tournament he snaps it in the water and that’s how he lose like that’s kind of like the disastrous scenario and I’m actually really surprised with how uh gambling has has kind of proliferated uh the the golf world that

That has not happened where you have not had a tournament solely decided by lone heckling fan but we did not H have that scenario if the fans want to beat each other up if they want to drink until they’re stupid and fall down in the mud

Uh if you know you had the unfortunate situation where someone falling out of the stands that’s kind of that was pretty unpress presed for this tournament at least if they want to behave like idiots let them behave like idiot idiots it’s only an issue if it affects the comics the competition we

Have that at least to the at least to the level that in my opinion things need need to be changed no and I actually wrote about this in my Friday column and I got terrified on Friday night after I’d already filed the column because then the reports came out about the

Woman who fell out of the stands on 16 thankfully not life-threatening and I would never support that let’s just be absolutely clear but my point in my Friday comment was look we we talk all the time how we want to make this game more fun if you need a boozy blueprint

Like they’ve figured it out at TPC Scottdale and then this this happens sort of this transpires and it was interesting because if you go back to the live golf event which was in Las Vegas I don’t know if you saw the the clip of uh John ROM on Saturday and I

Think it was on the 12T which is a part three he must be miserable right now because they not only are they loud and are they boisterous and they are in your face they won’t stop talking like you and I both know his caddy Adam a little

Bit and Adam was pleading please let my man hit God just please just just silence and and that did not happen at all so this isn’t necessarily a PGA Tour problem and again this was live golf in Vegas during Super Bowl weekend so they were kind of asking for that there as

Well no but but but the counter to that Rex is those are the exact fans that these tours are trying to bring bring in yeah we all know golf fan is a 65-year-old old who’s watching and you get bombarded with advertisements from 2 to 6m that’s targeting that particular

Offence these are exactly exctly the folks they want to bring and when they bring them in they throw up they throw up their hands outrageous and they need these these people need to go back their shanties you’re gonna go with shanties are you all right very good R rip chubs

Uh good stuff I I think we’re we’re both in agreement on this one and look I I appreciate where chance Cosby and the Thunderbirds are coming from that this clearly got over the top but this is the way it’s going to work out like things

Did not go perfectly in Las Vegas at the Super Bowl trust me we don’t hear about them because people are just used to drunks at the Super Bowl they’re used to people falling down and getting in fights and sliding down Hills on their bare bellies at the Super Bowl so it’s

Always shocking when we get this at a golf tournament and look we’re gonna be at the Masters soon enough and we’ll be at the US Open and it it will be golf as we know it I’m just I I have a hard time wrapping my mind around okay somehow

We’re going to take the one thing on the PG tour that seems to resonate like you want it to and we’re going to dial that back that makes no sense to me but but of course chance Cosby in his position he’s the executive director of the of

The Thunderbirds he he’s he’s going to be in a position where he’s he’s going to cow toow to the players because he wants to have the best field possible they actually had a pretty strong field then Victor H Victor howand wded Sanders jofy wded to kind of nurse some injuries

Uh the year before that it was a signature event they had basically the best field it’s can possibly ask for on the pach tour of course now he’s going to try and re it back and make some alterations for 2025 because he wants to make sure that you don’t have a

Situation like Zack Johnson who’s saying I played this tournament for 21 years I I don’t think I’m coming back next year if that’s kind of the mindset or the mentality for Zack Johnson what is it for a more competitive player like a Jordan spe or Brian Harmon or Scotty

Sheffler who they don’t need to play Phoenix they like to play Phoenix they like the golf of course the like the atmosphere it works out well uh on the West Coast Swing but if it means kind of putting up that and having a weak long headache yeah you could probably skip it

So I can see why a chance Cosby would kind of want to make some alterations even if I don’t necessarily agree with it uh have you ever gotten drunk to the point at a sporting event where you did any of those things that we’ve mentioned no

Because I like to stay firmly in control so you’ve never done that really I’m a psycho I’m a psycho all right uh moving on to the bigger question question and I think I called this uh remote control gymnastics I don’t know what your experience was like on Sunday night now

We did not do this pod on Sunday night the way we promised because of the super row because Super Bowl because you were traveling early this morning because I was traveling yesterday we we didn’t want to we didn’t want to take away some of the audience uh no we did not want to

Steal any of the audience from the big game uh I don’t know how you did this it was supposed to like look Phoenix was supposed to be over long before the Super Bowl ever started because of all the weather delays and well it usually ends at 6 and the game kcks

Off 40 so there was a there was a 30 minute window 40 minute window whatever the case there’s almost always a playoff it seems like and there’s almost always a playoff and we had weather the whole nine yards I don’t know how you handled that it was really really difficult sort

Of sliding between those two things because I had to pay attention to the golf I mean it’s my job I’ll admit it but I kind of had to focus in on that I couldn’t just parachute in on the golf and then focus in on the game it had to

Be the other way around it was not easy so uh You’ been my backyard I do have two TVs I had both of them operational one of them one of them however had the audio for the Super Bowl and one of them was on mute uh I can I can leave to your

Imagination which one was which that would not have been a huge hit uh to hear the dser tones of Dan Hicks uh with the Phoenix Open but I I watch I watched I watched every shot uh five the lastic holes Nick Taylor like it was it was

Great theater but again there is no world in which this tournament should be ending 30 minutes before the Super Bowl it sounds good in theory like it’s a it’s a great idea in practicality it just does not work this thing has to end on it absolutely has to end on Saturday

I’m gonna do this another way and I know you’ve made this argument a lot actually you’ve made the the very good sustainable argument that there’s certain weeks out of the year that the PGA Tour just needs to embrace a Saturday finish this is probably one of

Those weeks like just get out of the Shadow just just be done with it and moving it you’re making me dizzy I don’t know why you keep moving your stop just stop sorry you’re good sorry uh I’m going to and I’m not even going to steal

This take I’m going to give him full credit so stugots from the Dan levitar show with Stu gots he he he came up with this a few years ago and I I actually spent some time thinking about it and it dawned on me today his argument was the

Super Bowl should be on Saturday or make Monday a national a national vacation holiday national holiday whatever the case may be one of those two things first Super Bowl Monday so one of I would be again the tour needs to consider more Saturday finishes but I

Think the Super Bowl needs to be on a Saturday there’s no reason why it it it’s not like it would be the same huge party everyone would still tune in and it would still be the the mega event that it is on Saturday versus Sunday the only difference is you don’t have half

The world I can tell you being in the metropolitan area this morning waking up and having to drive Todd Lewis to the office because Todd Lewis doesn’t like to drive and apparently I’m G to be his driver this week having to drive Todd to the office there was no traffic on the

Road you want to know why everyone was at home recovering from the Super Bowl yeah I’m with you we had this exact debate last evening about this Super Bowl should be on Saturday like if are are you going to move the Super Bowl on Saturday you can move the Phoenix Open

Is Saturday I think I would just settle for the Phoenix open on Saturday but in this in this mystical World mythical world where the Super Bowl is going to end on Saturday yeah like I’ve got two kids one’s five one’s two I’m putting them to bed after the halftime show they

All want to dance they want to listen to that the people who were over they also have young children they got to get to bed I had a 4:30 wakeup call to get to California in time the Genesis Invitational and to record this very podcast and so yeah there’s a lot going

On would I love to see it on Saturday yes but clearly there’s reasons Beyond tradition I’m assuming I don’t know what they would be because the viewership you would think at 10 o’clock on a Saturday would be much higher than the 11 o’clock finish you had on Sunday where people

Have to weigh you at least have to make the the calculation do I want to stay up and and risk being tired for work on Monday or do I want to continue to watch the rest the game on Saturday you do not you do not have that issue now I want to

Circle back around to the golf real quick before we we move on because we’re quick to do that and you did watch it uh Charlie Hoffman coming down the stretch was caught by Nick Taylor uh it is interesting that Nick Taylor winning in this fashion suddenly has everyone

Excited about the President’s Cup and I almost had to giggle that who’s who’s who’s excited I mean again internally this morning at meetings Todd L my my my cohort my my partner in crime this week he was very excited about what this means to the President’s Cup and I had

To stop the ey roll Emoji halfway through the conversation because I know I I probably need to to give it a beat man like let’s let this play out but my my inner reaction was yeah man it’s great like he can he makes clutch putts

He did it last year at the Canadian open to become the first Canadian in however long to win the national championship if you look at what he did he made 44 feet of Birdie putts five of his last six holes he heard coming down the stretch like wow what a great performance trust

Me when I tell you that doesn’t mean anything when we get to Royal Montreal I wish it did I wish I could manufacture some sort of excitement I just don’t see it I I mean I believe on our season opening podcast you predicted another shellacking at the President’s Cup and I

Believe you I think you already called that it was going to be a dud and like you could make the argument that this should be a a fairly competitive international team you got you can do that every time Jason day sun JM Nick T Nick Taylor now another Victory on the

PJ on the PJ tour minw Le an exciting young player foreign soil for the American team I’m just not seeing it the only way that this does not work is if is if the Americans show up disinterested which they wouldn’t why would they show up disinterested they’ve they’ve won this

This event every time other than 1998 they do not want to go down in history as the group that lost for the first time in nearly three decades like I just I I don’t see it I do think it will be competitive but to to to equate Nick

Taylor’s Victory into to now more enthusiasm or expectation or excitement for the President’s Cup I’m I’m sorry I’m just I’m just not buying that one I mean and and look I I I want it to be close you’re right and when I was predicting it was going to be another

Dud because they’ve all been Duds like I can’t suddenly change history I mean you could only base on what you know and there’s nothing in the decades long history of the President’s Cup that leads me to believe that okay the international is about to make this one

Close and I love what Trevor did I love what Ernie Ells did before him and what Nick price did before him but for whatever reason and it shouldn’t be on paper this should be much closer than it actually is and it never is it’s such a disappointment and that’s the writer cup

Never seems to disappoint and the President’s Cup always disappoints and I don’t quite understand why now another one of the conversations and I did want to get your thoughts on just the idea and I asked paig McKenzie on today on the show about this what I saw from

Scotty Sheffer through trying to do the math on this 54 holes we can keep going up almost to 64 holes led me to believe that okay he’s going to win three straight like this is going to be really cool he’s gonna be Scotty sheffler coming down the stretch and and do all

Those special things what I saw over those last nine holes is starting to become alarming to me because I did think it was funny he missed two four-footers and his body language was the exact same with those two Miss four-footers as it was when he almost

HED out for a hole in one on the 16 16 yeah which I’m like that kind of tells you everything you need to know that in the back of his mind I think he’s resigned himself to I need to hold this out from 164 yards because I can’t make

A four-footer well I think slowly but surely like his putting is breaking him it’s not quite as desperate as what we saw last summer with the memorial where he was finishing routinely you know losing nine or 10 shots the field on the greens it’s not quite gotten to that

Point of desperation he actually has made strides we look at the stats he has improved with the work that he’s had with Phil Kenyan over the past couple months but the the at least Trend that we’ve seen in the small sample size is that on the weekend when the pressure is

More intense when uh there’s there’s more riding on the outcome of the putts the stats are kind of reverting back to what we’ve seen over the past year and that’s an alarming Trend it’s easy to make puts practice rounds it’s easy to make puts over the first two rounds when

You’re a little bit Freer but I think Sunday on the back night team to scota with a great chance to win three in a row was was a prime example of what Scotty sh’s putting has unfortunately become how many times do you are are you like checking stats over the course of a

Sunday round and you know you’re just doing notes you’re trying to come up with the best ideas you possibly can because I had one yesterday and I actually scribbled it down I was so proud of myself I went back two seasons and Scotty Sheffer has not finished in

The positive and strokes came putting in back-to-back weeks in the last two years like I went back tournament by tournament just to look technically not even technically he did finish in the positive in back-to-back weeks now however it’s hard for me to sit here and argue that that was a good thing with

The way he finished I think he picked up like 0.1 Strokes so essentially the argument I think we’ve always made is if he just putt average just putt average and he should he should win eight times that’s not that’s not quite accurate uh not this particular week but I think on

A on any given week if he were to do that on a regular basis if you do if he does what he does t to Green which is first in Strokes Game T to Green that’s his Hallmark that’s what he does and then you don’t give anything up on

Putting don’t gain any but don’t give anything up it’s just zeros across the board I think he probably wins one out of every three events because he hits the ball that well I mean with a track meet which Fenix open was I think the playoff was what a 21 yeah under that

Was and that was with some pretty rare weather conditions over the first couple rounds yeah like track means you need to be above average the average putting weeks aren’t going to get it done but in US opens major championships certainly if he’s anywhere middle of the pack even

Just slightly above average like I still think Scot is gonna have an absolutely massive there’s no there’s no indication that his ball striking is slipped what whatsoever or that it started to leak into his long game you see that right Ricky F was a prime example Jordan SM was a prime

Example where you’re putting so much pressure on the putting that begins to effect ball striking Sky Sher is still putting up tiger ass numbers uh at least tiger in his prime it’s just not translating yet I do I still think Sky sher’s gonna win three or four times

This year on the pizza tour without without a question okay your audio’s gotten worse as we’ve done this you’re looking around you’re clearly in an uncomfortable spot too close to where the players walk into the locker room you don’t want to do a hot take you’re clearly worried about LA traffic this

Afternoon I’m gonna leave let you finish up on this what are you looking forward to the most this week Tiger has his unveiling of his apparel on Monday evening named Sunday red some sort of version of tayor maid’s apparel curious to see how it looks how it feels

It was such an iconic red and black look we actually need to get uh to Sunday with Tiger Woods he’s gonna be here in his hosting capacity will he be here as a player as a signature event this is the first one we’ve seen this year re

Where it’s a 70 man field but you do have a cut you do have a 3 six old cut the top 50 in ties plus a 10 shot rule the Tigers got to get there first but I’m Cur I I think I’m most curious to

See sure how he plays but also how it looks and how it feels uh Steve Sans was on golf today and he he said and he was he CS this as all right I’m making a bold prediction that Tiger Woods is gonna make the cut and both Todd and I

Looked at each other and go only 20 guys are missing the cut like I I I I don’t know that you’re really going out in the limb like look we know Tiger Woods has been slow made the cut last year made the last year I know I I don’t think he

Had really thought that one through we got him after a red eye so we we sort of sort of picked on him a little bit uh won’t be Barbe won’t have anything on the grill this week but you are a foodie where you going um I’m staying in Marina del re uh

So if anyone’s familiar with the area please do hit me up with some recommendations got to grab Seafood I will be grabbing uh some tacos I forget what the name of takaria is but it’s right around the corner from where I’m staying I do uh real quick from the

Super Bowl I made pork belly burn ends uh most of the attendees did not know what they were or had never had them before huge hit huge hit smoked them the day before put him in the back sealer uh put them in the fridge overnight did

Like a water bath to to to warm them up the next day and then I fried them for four or five minutes to get them crispy on the outside well done tender in the middle they were an absolute like they’re really they’re really R like you can only eat three I actually

Ate more than I thought I thought I was only gonna be have two or three I definitely put back like seven or eight which was in stark contrast to how I have been eating over the past three weeks after getting my cholesterol numbers back what did you have uh from

The residence in in Stanford uh I got here pretty early yesterday there’s a direct flight now from Orlando to White Plains by the way leaves at 11:30 lands about 2:30 so I got in here plenty of time and I was feeling under the weather

So it you I’m not going to show you my bed but I laid my bed pretty much all afternoon and W like I said I played uh TV Gauntlet and tried to go back and forth this is now the second time you’ve been under the weather in Stanford

Connecticut any connection any is that is that a coincidence or no it’s been going around my house I actually took not one but two covid tests if anyone is curious I do not have covid I just have some version of the flu and so I it came

Down with I actually got it two days ago so I’ve been sort of battling it uh felt a little bit better today and hopefully we’re fine tomorrow when it snows in Stanford we’re expecting three inches of snow overnight I see you have your sunglasses there I have my tobogan hat

We should go ahead yeah go can we take a can we have someone take a screenshot and just in podcast this way that’s a perfect look Sunny La it’s supposed to be beautiful all week at least until Saturday where we may have some rain showers it is but it it will not be

Dogged by the weather that they have had on the tour the last couple weeks with the frost delays and the rain and Phoenix and of course you were at Pebble with the monsoon that rolled in there it should be beautiful week Sunshine the stars are here I’m sorting to think it

Might be me should be a great week yeah think it might be me yeah it might be following me around all right we will have a podcast Wednesday night when we will look ahead to Tiger week Riviera signature event everything else but we just wanted to recap with this week you

Take it easy try to get away from the players locker room and not get in trouble and we will see you Wednesday afternoon and folks will’ll be uh round tbling as we tend to do on Tuesday on golf today make sure you check out rex on golf co-hosting

All week long all right thank you guys for listening back in a couple days preview


  1. I live a mile from the TPC in Scottsdale…The WM Phoenix Open is now officially too big and too drunk. Simple solution: Fewer people, more behavior standards, and a limit on how much alcohol is sold. The behavior was worse than portrayed on television. Really not what should happen at a golf tournament, even one attempting to tap into the main stream sports fan. Bigger is not necessarily better.

  2. To answer a question posed in the podcast, "Was it bad behavior or bad luck?" Simple answer: Bad behavior. Face the truth, guys.

  3. i believe stadium golf (and well served patrons) is A part of the future of golf. perhaps all tournaments need a 16th (perhaps even a permanent structure with grass, retractable roof, etc which holds 25k+ people). the facility can not only be used for the tournament, but even a Wednesday night (TGL style format) type of exhibition in some cities. but we need to figure out how to control it.

  4. watch Spieths PGA Tour LIve rounds. he had a few issues with fans shouting in backswings. like 18 Fri or Sat. Lav is so dead on here with sports betting. when is the "Birdies made over/under" for a player going to begin to effect the desperate fan?? it may not even effect tournament outcome. you can say "grow a thick skin". sure. but its not a simple debate.

  5. The players had better get used to it and be prepared!!! This is one of the few interesting golf tournaments of the year on the PGA Tour these days. I've been a fan and have been watching since the mid 90's, and the Tour is BORING and monotonous. They had better do something better than Phoenix, albeit it is an interesting one and different. Horschel and Zach Johnson are pansies.

  6. If you want a party type feel LIV has the set up for it. A 4 hour shotgun tournament is just long enough to have fun but not get sloppy drunk. You could be at a pga tour event like the WM open for 10 hours a day… way to much time to drink.

  7. Long delays probably didn't help. Nothing to watch, so have another drink. No, make it two. Or three. Or four. Maybe not selling alcohol during delays in play would help?

    OTOH, I was at a symphony concert recently and people kept talking while the music was playing. Damn, people, you aren't watching a streaming broadcast in your living room. STFU!

  8. Americans have no class when it comes to rolling down mud and pissing themselves on chairs, but heckling who cares. Zach Johnson is a country club softie

  9. There can be a balance. No one wants Augusta, but there has to be a level of decorum and respect between fans and players. Golf is golf no matter how “mainstream” they want the experience to be.

  10. I was at the LIV event two days, the Jon Rahm situation is not even close to what happened in Phoenix, the fans were not acting like idiots in Vegas

  11. I guess these guys don’t know the difference between golf and the big 3 sports, if he thinks a player batting is the same as a golfer teeing off he has no business in the golf world!!

  12. Baseball has always been that way. Football has always been that way. Hockey has always been that way. Golf is not and has not been that way. You won't even see that crap on the LIV circuit. It was a complete sh%$ show, period. I honestly hope 80% of the players, especially the top players, refuse to play in it next year. It is golf.

  13. Close off all alcohol sales 2-3 hours before the end of play each day. Baseball has a similar rule. I think they shut it down after the end of the 6th or 7th inning. Only allowed to purchase 2 drinks at a time and servers need to have the power and ability to refuse those who appear to be impaired, ie "cut off" Security needs to remove those being stupid/dangerous. @9:34 "If they wanna behave like idiots, let them behave like idiots" is one of the most ridiculous things anyone can say. You just cant have that at any kind of legit tournament. It sets a terrible example and if not addressed, fans will stop coming, sponsors will pull out and worse…players will not play and the tournament itself will risk getting cancelled. Sure, have a few drinks, have some fun, but this weekend in Phoenix clearly crossed the line. Its too bad that the drunken actions of so many have overshadowed the OUTSTANDING golf we saw, especially on Sunday where it took a 2 hole playoff to decide a winner.

  14. Thoughtful commentary. Great podcast.

    Last season I think 4 Canadian pga tour winners. This season 1. 6 weeks ago asked my Toronto buddy, over under 2.5 Canadian wins this season? He very bullish, bullish about President's Cup as well.

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