Why Golfers Can’t Get Enough of Callaway Golf Balls: Chrome Soft, Chrome Tour, Chrome Tour X

Check out the latest Callaway golf balls, including the Chrome Soft, Chrome Tour, and Chrome Tour X. These new 2024 golf balls are designed to improve your game and help you hit straighter and longer shots. Upgrade your golf game today with Callaway’s top-of-the-line golf balls!

#golf #callaway

I have in my hands the new golf balls for 2024 we have the Callaway Chrome soft we have the Callaway Chrome tour and we have the Callaway Chrome tour X now I have already hit a load of golf shots but we have the Callaway Chrome soft it feels very soft off the face which is not unsurprising because it is the softest most squishiest golf ball in the range of these four balls it does feel very nice off the

Face and it feels nice and solid but we do have some spin differences when we go up to the tour and the t x and we’ve got the bounce test with the Chrome soft and then we go to the Chrome tour slightly higher pitched and then we go

To the Chrome tour X and even higher pitched that’s because the Chrome tour and the Chrome tour X are progress rively harder inside now the reason we’ve got three different compressions is the slightly slower or medium speed players will squash into the ball it will squash and release off the face if

That slower swing speed golfer tries to squash into the Chrome tour X they’re not going to get it to squeeze as much so it won’t squeeze and release off the face so you tend to see less distance at the top end of the bag but the benefits

You get at the bottom end of the bag when you’re near the green could outweigh those losses that’s why I like to look at the difference at a 50 yard shot because most golfers can can produce a 50 yard shot with some form of wedge and the difference in performance

Is surprising and the Chrome tour with that slightly firmer feel than the Chrome soft still feels nice and solid off the face but it doesn’t quite feel as bouncy and then we go to the Chrome tour X and it definitely sounds more clicky higher pitched it grabs in really nicely

From 50 yards I don’t normally see that much stick on the floor so when we look on the data here we’re in and around the same area now that really is dependent on my delivery and my skill level to be able to produce this but we’re not seeing massive differences from one ball

To the other but we are seeing 7 and 1/2 8,000 and 9,000 spin the Tor X spins way more which is delightful and on that same distance shot the peak Heights the highest point the ball reaches is 21 yards on average with the Tour X we slightly higher at 25 yards with the

Tour and 23 yards with the Chrome soft so that Torx spins more and it launches lower now with the X line of golf balls in most brands you tend to have a slightly bigger core thinner cover the bigger core that’s harder because the outer cover is nice and soft and the

Inner core is harder there’s more deformation and Reformation of that outer layer so that cover just moves into the grooves and snaps back a bit quicker with a softer ball it doesn’t move as much it just stays on the face it doesn’t have that friction but we

Have 100 yards and we have the Chrome soft and again it feels nice and smooth off the face it doesn’t feel like it’s that hard to work nice and soft gets up there it does have a decent amount of spin it’s just very impressive how much more spin you

Get from that Torx now we do have quite an impressive story from the Callaway company where they’re going in on the quality assurance and the quality of the golf balls that they produce they’re throwing away a lot of golf balls that aren’t good enough to meet their

Standards they’re doing a 3D X-ray on the golf balls before they hit retail and some of Manufacturers are only doing 2D checks so all those golf balls that just aren’t quite centered the ball the center of the core isn’t in the middle they’re literally just not letting them

Get to retail they have to meet quite high standards we go into the Chrome tour from 100 yards doesn’t feel too much different I know there is a difference cuz I’m jumping from one ball to the other once you choose a ball on the golf course you

Wouldn’t even know and then the Chrome tour X from 100 yards and I do already have quite a nice pull of data I’ve already got quite a lot of shots from these yardages with these golf balls I’m just illustrating it a little bit for you now this year as

Well they are offering a lot of different designs on the golf balls so even though we’ve got different models we’ve also got different patterns on each ball with me I’ve got here the truis the new truis it’s a nice thick line there which I like isz now I don’t

Have to get my alignment Aid out and put the pen mark on it I can just go oh that’s thick enough I like it when it Parts these markers are more visible when it’s going down the line and then you’ve got your normal like triple track

They have refined this a little bit made this a little bit pointier on the ends there so when you’re putting it just moves down the line again it just saves you drawing stuff on there yourself so we’ll check the spins out in a second like tolerance is fairly similar between

The three slight variation just from my ability very similar dispersion ring again you’re going to land the ball in a very similar spot it might be that you get more performance out of the driver with the Chrome soft and you don’t mind sacrificing a little bit of spin with

The wedges just to get a bit more out of the driver if you’ve got really fast swing speed then you might benefit from that higher spin with a wedge and not lose anything with the Chrome tour X at the top end of the golf bag but we’ll see that shortly carries very similar

Dispersion very similar 3 two two very tight speeds very similar so I’ve replicated my Pace into the the ball pretty consistently Chrome soft from 100 yards we’re looking at 10,700 on average of Spin and we’re looking at 73 Peak height Chrome tour we’re looking at very similar Peak height couple of yards

Higher slightly more spin not massive amounts more so that’s another 500 revs of spin from that range again still with the Chrome soft we we’re nice and healthy so again the benefits from here you’re not losing too much with the Chrome soft against the tour so remember

That 11 222 average Spin and then we jump up again 11632 average but we’re getting into that 12,000 area nearly on a few shots again similar carry just that extra spin that we get from that Tor layer cover Peak height 74 pretty similar to the

Other two to be fair in that same sort of bracket so it’s more that 50 yard shot where that Chrome tour X just launches that little bit lower stays under the wind and flights a little bit better launch angles actually quite similar between the three so the launch

Angle and the peak height are two different aspects so even though it’s launching at a similar angle it’s staying down while it’s in the air on that 50 yard shot on this 100 yard shot staying very similar if we flick back to the 50 yard shot so the carry here down

To 50 yards that launch angle was much lower on the Torx and then progressively higher into the Chrome soft and we normally get something where we get lower launch and higher Spin and higher launch and lower spin in a pool of shots where we’re comparing things

When we change one component and if we have a look at the Chrome soft with a 79 from 190 chrom soft Chrome tour Chrome tour and then the Chrome tour X again it’s just that slightly harder feel I don’t mind it we get progressive differ between these golf balls we get

Lower launch higher spin with the Tor X quite a bit down in launch angle quite a bit up in spin that is a big difference like 5,000 against 6,200 that’s a big jump just from a ball choice so for me my spin rates with my irons are just

Lower than I would like so if I just choose this golf ball it gets to it being ideal on tour they’re looking for about 7,000 because they want the ball to stop on the Green in retail we’re normally looking for about 5 1 half thousand cuz we get deep decent stop on

The green but we also let the ball go further cuz it cuts through the air a little bit differently so it depends on the golfer which sort of side of the spectrum I’m trying to get to because sometimes that 7,000 spin can cost yardage and most people like the ball to

Go further but I don’t want it to get below 5 1 half th000 spin because then you can’t hit 65 and four iron because it’s not spinning enough to stay in the air so I like it to hover about 5 and 1 half thousand with a 79 ideally so for

Me I choose this I’m good if I choose this I get more yardage I got that 187 with it again two degre variance two degrees variance two degre variance it’s just the golf ball Choice that’s giv us more spin more stop less spin less stop carries further rolls more carry shorter

Stops quicker what are your priorities i’ got very similar dispersion rings I’m not jumping too far away from the braten track with each ball but looking at these Peak Heights here like the yellow is definitely the lowest one blue is the highest one actually and actually I get

Less curve but there is a slight difference in direction as well red blue yellow and we’ve got red blue yellow but let’s give the driver A bash I have got the Paradigm AI smoke Max slightly more forgiving head I’ve got a tow weight in here I’ve got it on minus one Loft with

The Denali 6.0 this driver isn’t perfectly optimized for me so whatever comes out comes out but we’ll see what the difference in spin rate is between these three balls again this feels a lot softer with a a slow to medium speed swing you might get a bit more out of

The Chrome soft because you get a bit more squash and release off the face to help it Propel itself up there when you’ve got faster swing speed you need that harder core cuz you are going to put more energy into it you need that harder core to get it to squash and

Release cuz the softer one will squash and release too much and not quite release off the face as good as they could in theory and then we go Chrome tour good solid strike I’m trying to hit this green trying to see how close I can get to it 290

Carry ah nearly On The Fringe not bad and then we go Chrome tour X again that hardest core of the three golf balls definitely sounds a little bit different similar sort of like flight characteristics little bit more spin so that high spin with a wedge that highest

Spin from 50 yards that higher spin from 100 yards and that higher spin from 190 continues into the driver I’ve seen other golf balls that spin more with the wedges spin less with the driver this one just spins more with the driver let’s see how much so Peak height wise

The highest point the ball reaches that the Chrome soft is 107 height against 112 height with the Chrome tour slightly higher 107 112 and then with the X we’re again Lower 107 was the highest the x is a lower flighted ball it doesn’t reach as high a point in its peak height

Through the entire bag so I’m seeing a lower bull speed from the soft for me again I think cuz that core just doesn’t react to my speed as well so it’s not coming off as fast I’m getting more speed as I get to the X because it’s

More suited to my pace and to the ball again a different swing speed you might see the reverse of this progressively more spin as I get up to the X same as the wedges same as the irons that ball spins more through the whole bag for me

That extra spin here costs me some yardage so what I might be looking to do is get the benefits of the extra spin with my wedges and my irons but I might need a different driver to get that spin back down if I can get the spin back

Down but if I get fitted I need to get fitted with this ball if I get fitted with this ball then I can optimize the flight from that could be Loft could be shaft could be angle of attack could be all sorts of things but if I’m going to

Choose that golf ball I want to get fitted to that ball to bring these numbers into these numbers if I can get this spin rate to this with the shaft and the Loft on the club I’m going to start getting more distance but keep the benefits at the bottom end of the bag

However dispersion 5 43 hitting areas is fairly similar dispersion a little bit bigger with the Chrome soft possibly because it’s squashing onto the face and staying on there a bit longer the X just getting off the face quicker so it’s not getting distorted by other factors it

Can just get in the air a little bit sooner I’ve kind of just made that up but that’s what I feel likees happens but again Lower launch more spin this ball launches off the face lower consistently through the bag and even though it’s gone faster it hasn’t gone

Further so at the minute I would quite enjoy that Chrome tour because it’s like a good midr but I kind of want to get the extra spin benefits from those wedges but I do need to compare that Chrome tour X to a shrien z star XV get

In the comments if you want to see that video well I quite enjoyed that as I always do the balls are impressive the story about the consistency of manufacturing is quite impressive all the different lines that you can get on the different balls you can almost

Choose the ball that suits you and then choose the graphics that you want on the golf ball they’ve got lots of choice around that they Rock up in the UK at about $47.99 per Bo box so they’re not the cheapest golf ball on the market same price as the titless pro1 again one

Of the main things I want to put into everyone is choose a golf ball use that golf ball at least in competition for the whole season so you don’t get any surprises I can I really want to encourage people to do that if you use a different ball use it in general play

Use it in stuff that you don’t play competitively in if you want to be consistent golf balls change a lot choosing one ball on the first and a different ball on the fourth it’s going to react in different ways how much bides is dependent on which ball it is

But even within the same brand we’re seeing quite different results here on a windy course on a heathland course on different types of golf courses you’re going to need a ball that performs better for you low spin is normally quite good on Links Golf High spin is

Normally quite good on target golf where you maybe got small greins you need to stop the ball a bit quicker but enjoy your golf and I’ll see you on the next video


  1. Chrome Soft was a great ball. The LS was amazing, but it didn't stop well enough on the green. The X was cool, but there was no real benefit. I would be interested in trying tge chrome soft tour. Do they have them in Tripple Track??
    Well… I will add that on my short list of balls to try

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