Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 79-70

We have officially reached the 70’s! What Golf Balls had promising features but just couldn’t do anything great? Let’s continue our Countdown of the greatest Golf Balls I have ever Tested! Did your top golf ball make the cut?


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00:00 Intro
00:43 79
1:19 78
2:29 77
3:19 76
4:24 75
5:07 74
5:16 73
6:19 72
7:12 71
8:05 70

Hey what is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back and we are now continuing on the rankings of the 100 golf balls I’ve tested as always if this is your first video you’re seeing or if you need a refresher please look at the video in the description and this video

It’s only about 2 3 minutes long into it that I describe what I’m banking basing these rankings on a swing speed and what what the categories are and how I came to this conclusion so please check that out before you watch it that way you know how I’m coming to these conclusions

Based on the ranking so let’s get right into this as we’re continuing on let’s get into 79 number 79 Callaway Diablo Tour I didn’t think the Callaway Diablo Tour would be this far down it’s actually a pretty good value three piece golf ball you can usually get like two

For 45 which is like 2250 a dozen really good good value to be honest with you uh but unfortunately the numbers after going back and looking at this review and seeing what they were uh seeing how the the durability was everything was really mediocre there just wasn’t

Anything there to push this golf ball with a score high enough to get it to climb the ranks at all so unfortunately it does sit toward the bottom number 78 the tailor made soft response again another one that I really wouldn’t have guessed when I tested the scoff ball

Three years ago I thought it did pretty well cuz I tested the tour response with the tour soft um and you know obviously the tour response was way better but I didn’t think the tour soft was that bad but after ranking it and going through and putting the numbers in

Crunching the data going through all the metrics this is where it fell um I I don’t think it’s a bad value I think actually when you can get them on sale it’s an extremely good value but again just not great numbers durability was just all right and there just wasn’t

Anything as far as those testing numbers via nineiron seven iron hybrid driver none of those categories had anything high enough for it to really just Propel it and get it higher which that’s the thing you got to remember about this list is that you know if something had

You know 106 mph ball speed with the seven iron if that gets to 108 instead of being 79 this could be 62 I mean it could jump up that high from one Club 2 mph that’s how that’s how close these all are so I do like the soft response

I’ve used the soft response but unfortunately it just doesn’t stand out enough and it gets toward the bottom 25 number 77 B52 bomber yeah that’s a shame that the B-52 bomber is one spot above the soft response I I don’t like the golf ball at all it’s one of these cheap

Golf balls from Walmart you can get 15 for $15 or something like that dollar golf ball um they feel tough they’re just a really cheap distance golf ball there’s just too many other golf balls out there like Top Flight and noodle and and there’s going to be a lot more trust

Me but that’s just what we’ve covered so far that are in this hey casual golfer come byy it lose five or six of them and you only lost six bucks who cares you know you Ro this is by far one of the worst ones I’ve tested it’s honestly one

Of the few golf balls that if I found one on the course I would probably just not even use it I’d probably just throw it back in the lake or throw it in the woods like I I don’t have any use for it at all uh it doesn’t feel good doesn’t

Play good just not good number 76 mauno RB tour 23 model so this is really weird so you’re actually going to see two different mauno tour models you’re going to see the 22 models I tested and then you’re going to see the 23 models I tested and what a weird flip because the

22 models the RB tour was really great I really enjoyed it loved using it great numbers uh the X model n didn’t come off the club H I didn’t care for it at all uh then we got to 23 and it was completely the opposite the X model was

Just jumping off the club I mean it was one of the most fun golf balls I’ve ever tested and just the regular tour was awful I just couldn’t get any numbers with it I mean I know there’s a lot of experimenting going on with Muno because

I mean let’s be honest they’re kind of an underdog in it they’re trying to propel themselves make a name for themselves so they’re they’re trying stuff and that’s awesome I don’t I don’t discredit them for that but the 23 regular tour model was bad for some reason it just didn’t respond to my

Swing speed at all um and I’m even using mauno clubs with it so it should have been I mean it was a match made in heaven and it just it just didn’t come through number 75 Bridgestone bxs another one of those Bridgestone Tour golf balls that maybe just not for my

Swing speed not great numbers really good durability uh value is just okay I mean it’s it’s in line with the other Tour golf balls it’s around almost 50 a dozen it’s somewhere in the mid to upper 40s um just not great it’s not a brand I trust more than others I do trust

Bridgestone but just not you know it’s just not my favorite go-to you know what I mean and unfortunately because there’s nothing that propels it up higher across the club board I just don’t know where to put it yes it has great durability but if none of the clubs are jumping and

Unfortunately I’m losing distance there’s not a lot I can do number 74 Bridgestone X I mean just take everything I just said about the last one and apply it here it’s it’s the same thing I mean bridgestone’s really fallen into this category number 73 Union green t- bird so the T-bird

Model is actually the two-piece model offered by Union green now the pin drop was actually I believe in the bottom 10 it was one of the worst I’ve ever tested uh just did not enjoy that one at all but however the two-piece distance golf ball offered by Union green um isn’t

That bad I mean the value is actually pretty decent I was able to get some awesome distance with the driver off of it um it just didn’t compress that well with the lower clubs like the nine iron and the seven iron because it is firm it’s very firm it’s very rockish um I

Don’t know why all companies are doing that now trying to make this prov1 clone where it’s firm and it’s hard and it’s like it’s a two-piece distance golf ball we want it to be soft I mean of course we do but the t- bird also has a really

Cool design I mean with a name like T-bird I’m a big lonard Skinner guy so I instantly fell in love with it I like how it’s different you know it just looks different the logo looks different the tbrd on the side looks different um I like the dimple pattern it’s cool it’s

A cool golf ball and it actually has some decent stats to it uh so that’s why it got a much higher spot than the pin drop did number 72 the Titus prov1 2020 so when I tested the prov1 the 2020 Model A few years ago it didn’t respond

That well and honestly it’s kind of one of the things that propelled this channel you know that the the idea of yes everyone says you should use a prov1 but if you’re an average swinger it might not work for you and it didn’t the 2020 model didn’t at all work for the

Average swing speed it wasn’t that great uh it felt a little heavy it didn’t come off the club well I didn’t get a lot of spin with it you know I mean there were other golf balls that were significantly better that I had tested um and so I

Wasn’t really that impressed but I also made the case that if I could swing an extra 5 to 10 m hour it might actually make a huge difference and the other thing is the durability so the durability although you know it was still good being like an 8 out of 10 I

Expect a lot more from Titus they’re usually a lot more tuned up so that’s another thing that just didn’t get it higher than being in the 70s number 71 Callaway super soft yeah I know a lot of you are going to kill me for this one I

Every I look a lot of people really love the Callaway super soft and I’ll be honest with you I don’t hate it I actually love them a lot I love the matte look they come in all kinds of cool colors um they they feel really soft and Squishy you know if you’re into

That kind of thing um they’re actually pretty consistent they’re really forgiving my problem is I think it’s just a swing speed issue I think I really overcompressed the golf ball when I was hitting them uh which resulted in them just not going as far not having as

Much spring off the club not having as much spin off the club um and so the numbers overall were pretty mediocre and so there just wasn’t anything to hang my hat on so the durability wasn’t bad it was actually pretty good especially in some of those map models I tested but

There wasn’t anything performance-wise with the clubs they could get it higher than still being in the’ 70s number 70 maxfly trifly yeah another golf ball I wasn’t really a big fan of I when I was going through my uh Max Fly phase it’s like I

Tested the tour and I was like oh yeah pretty good torax yeah you know pretty decent and then you the straight fly and I was like oh awesome yeah and then the soft fly I was like okay yeah that could work for solar swingers yeah and then I

Did the trifly and I was like who’s this for you know I was like because it’s just the straight fly is such a good golf ball the soft fly is such a good golf ball their tour levels are good golf ball I can understand the idea of

Hey we need a threepiece non urethane ball that kind of fits in the middle but to be honest with you at $29.99 a dozen just spend the extra 5 10 bucks and get the tour model I mean it just doesn’t make sense not to I understand the

Trifly is kind of trying to be that middle ground but the numbers weren’t that good the feel was significantly worse than either side whether it be the straight fly or the Tor models uh and it just put it in a place where honestly I’m surprised it got this High because I

Haven’t recommended it to anyone all right so we made it through 79 to 70 as always keep watching to keep saving and keep learning until next time as always I really appreciate you being here and next time we’ll be counting down 69 through 60


  1. I too really want to like the Supersofts but they are just too squishy for me. Even with putting I have to put more speed to get them to go. I read somewhere that the matte creates more friction which slows them down.

  2. i only use the Callaway Supersoft in the early Spring or late Fall or the Srixon softfeel I am an 8 handicap and am 59 years old LOVE golf my other Balls have not been mentioned yet curious to see where they land on the list cheers from Vulcan Canada

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