Golf Babe

DRIVER ADJUSTABLE HOSEL TEST | Testing Different Hosel Settings

This driver adjustable hosel test features University of Minnesota golfer Bella McCauley testing her gamer Titleist TSi3 driver in a few different adjustable hosel settings. Through the Titleist SureFit driver adjustable hosel, Bella is able to dial in her driver through 16 unique loft and lie settings. But which hosel setting is right for her, and how does performance change with a different setting?

0:00 Intro
1:57 Gamer Setting (C4)
5:37 A3 Setting
10:06 D2 Setting
12:27 Data & Conclusions

In this video, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald and University of Minnesota golfer Bella McCauley conduct a Trackman Test to see the differences in various driver adjustable hosel settings on her gamer Titleist TSi3 driver.

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Hey golfers I’m Drew Maher second swinging golf joined today here in the tour van by Bella mcau she is a member of the University of Minnesota women’s golf team and today we’re going to be uh hitting some drivers at different settings so we’ve got Bella’s gamer

Driver here which is a Titleist TSI 3 and we’re going to play around with a different uh a few different settings on the Titus Shir fit hosle so um first Bella let’s talk about what you’ve got set up right now obviously a TSI 3 but

At 9° on the stated Loft but what do we have for the hle setting there yeah exactly so for my setting I have C4 which is basically set up for a high fade and so I have a natural draw swing so that setting kind of helps me um even

It out if you will and hit a little bit straighter so um the settings catered perfectly to my swing um kind of helps the draw be a little bit more controlled so yeah and if you’ve seen any other videos that we’ve had of of Bella on the channel hitting driver it’s a pretty

Consistent just always the draw a small little draw there but so today we’re gonna kind of have some fun with this and this I’m not exactly sure how this is going to go because um we will be 100% sure to move the settings back when we’re done so that you’ve got that C4

Back in your in your driver at the end but we’re going to go using the shfit hle chart we are going to go from C4 maybe to a strong draw setting which would be the A3 and we might go down to say D2 which would be almost a low hook

If you will so we’re going to really mess with with Bella’s settings here a little bit just to see how much of a difference it really makes for someone um of her swing caliber so yeah it’ll be interesting to see especially with my already draw swing see what a extra draw

Setting we’ll do to it but yeah maybe put Mr Aaron Roth’s fitting uh uh I guess testing here yeah fitting abilities to the test here so um you ready to hit some shots here we’ll start with the standard what you have in your driver already so we’ll get you

Comfortable there perfect let’s do it that little toe maybe yeah I think so I just thought I just figured the low spin on it there it is that was better yep there’s that draw yep maybe a little bit low on the face there uh yeah

That was a little bit low yeah I saw the spin that timeo up a little bit that’ll happen y but it still is out there comfortably and right in the middle that’s kind of the goal to have misses that aren’t too too bad MH see that one’s even still I think

That’s still in the Fairway even even that I know that was a little bit more right to left than you hoped for oh it’s close still very much in play all right all right a little bit more right and left that’s okay let’s get a let’s get a one or two more here

Okay there’s a good one right there yep oh all right interesting little bit more dispersion but yeah we got a big a bigger bigger Gap here bigger uh yeah but I think so there’s there’s there’s that high draw that you like to hit right and actually for most of the shots

It was up there and again I’m going to note this is a very very skinny Fairway on this screen um you’re not going to typically get something that skinny that you’re actually hitting on the golf course but um and then yeah just a few that hung out there and didn’t quite

Draw for you no big deal there obviously um so see we’ll take out a few of these here we’ll go with this one maybe this one here yeah and then this one was the one that you just kind of missed a little bit but we’ll kind of keep it there for now um

Okay so here’s kind of our our dispersion to start with and so for you you you have it in this setting because you kind of almost with your draw you almost want it to start out a little bit right and then come back right that’s

Sort of your goal so what I’m afraid of or I guess not afraid of but what I’m anticipating will happen is when we move something here into a strong draw setting um that ball won’t start right it’ll start left and then move farther left yeah um which so I’m I’m what I’m

Going to look for is the dispersion circles to kind of move that way but exactly let’s see how that goes I’m curious to see too yeah there’s a reason that you’re not it’s not on your driver right now so that’ll be interesting to see I don’t think I’ve I’ve had a draw a

Setting on it in like ever so yeah have you played did you play Titleist before the tssi 3 because this is you did okay I’ve been with Titus for actually like a really long time yeah all right so the first thing I want you to do is put that club down and tell

Me what you see do you see that club potentially I don’t see a ton of difference but if anything I do I can tell it’s like set up a little bit with a closed face like a little B more for the draw um at least compared to what I have yeah

Yeah that’s probably what I anticipated the other thing about this setting is it’s actually showing a tad bit more Loft so what I anticipate too is it might even launch a little bit High yeah see there’s our I mean we’re we’re two shots in and and both are

Left of the the center line so far y there’s there’s some turning right there yeah that’s a big left it’s kind of what I I mean that’s kind of what I thought might happen oo yo there’s some more left the consistent left I think it’s again

Yep wow you maybe missed that one a little bit too I did not hit that one good but yeah that one was hit better all right still the draw yeah well the the D that’s a good drive I mean that one was good yeah that one’s

Really good uh the only issue is going to be the these ones over here yep so I think for the sake of being fair to both will take this one out here perfect um so now we’ve got our two and you can definitely see how the the trend

Starts to kind of emerge I mean the farthest right ball that you hit was about 20 yards about the same as or as you know on the dispersion map right as far left yep as the farthest left ball you hit with your C4 setting exactly and

That’s kind of one of the things for me is um it might not look at here but typically like my Miss on the golf course is left and so minimizing that um and being able to actually like almost Miss right on the golf course is kind of

The goal just because um it’ll kind of offset what my normal yeah I mean I think what you’ve done with what what the C4 setting does for you as I I think it does create a one-way Miss which is huge you know if you if you have a a bad

Swing you know which way it’s going to go you know it’s going to go out to the right and if you know you fully commit to that swing the worst you’re going to do is maybe hanging out a little bit to the right exactly but most of the time

You’re going to get that draw on the middle and now with this A3 setting you even had a couple there that were kind of that low almost duck hookie if you will and that can be disaster so um all right so I’m going to mix it up here a

Little bit and we’re going to go from A3 to D2 oh goodness D2 now is even yeah this is a this is going to be a much lower Loft but also draw favored so probably even worse for you than this one was so this might be this might be really

Bad let’s see that actually will probably be worse low and left this is not what we need not the combo we need I should probably clarify too for the viewers this is absolutely the opposite of what we do in club fittings we want we try to fit you what’s best for you we

Do not experiment with things for fun the things that don’t work for you but this is just for the video yeah and I think it shows how sometimes people mess with settings and they don’t really know what they’re doing um and I think it just shows how important it is to have

It like specifically catered to you I think there’s also I think one of the things that we hear all the time from from golfers and customers is that they don’t mess fit at all and sometimes they’re missing out on something that could be much better for them that’s now

Again we’re kind of showing the extremes today of that’s possible yeah but you know there’s big differences that can be had by just making some adjustments with the the hle that’s on your driver so the technology is so nice now where that’s like possible why not take

Advantage of it you know right right and that’s the thing is so many times like you know golfers will come in here and it’s I got to get a new driver I can’t hit this one straight I keep missing it to the left or I can’t miss it to the

Right and sometimes all it is is you don’t need to spend 400 bucks on a driver we just got to make a quick tweak here new setting all right so this is the D that feels even worse yeah right away she knows it okay oh goodness that’s a little bit of what I

Expected this is the D2 setting again and this is so the last setting that you hit was A3 which is a degree and a half higher than standard and this one is actually a 3/4 of a below standard Loft so you’re hitting a driver now that is this driver

Is now set essentially at 8.25 de yeah goodness do you see okay so you said you could see subtly that the club was closed yeah with the last one do you see that still here or no I I still see it in comparable to this I don’t know

That it’s like obviously less Loft like that’s not something I’ll see okay um I don’t notice that but it’s I can definitely tell it’s a little bit close compared to my normal setting we’re definitely seeing that’s I mean hey that one that one works like it

Works but it’s not great it’s funny cuz you probably hit that ball and you’re like that feels pretty good you know and yeah it’s one of your I mean objectively one of your I guess worst smash is good it’s just too far left it’s just taking off a lot lower

Like really low and that’s like a control draw but like so low with like yeah it’s low which you’re going to you know if you’re on a dry golf course that one works but if you’re on a a soft course that won’t that one won’t go anywhere that one could be good basic

That one felt good yeah that one could be good there we go it started right so that helps do you feel like you might be doing a little bit of manipulation too as you swing trying to oh yeah yeah yep cuz it feels so foreign to like I

Can tell it’s closed so then like coming up in the swing like I better open this up like that was well hit um definitely lower though again just so low like like smash Factor Great that was probably the best actual strike that you had smash Factor like super good I mean looks like

1.48 was the average yeah I mean you’re hitting them all really good good so let’s see just so low yeah we I mean we’ll take out I guess this is maybe the wor they’re all honestly they’re pretty they’re all hit pretty well just for the sake of it

We’ll take that one out so yeah here’s what we got now for for this map so we’ll make this one bigger and you can see that Trend kind of starts to further go left we got more Yep more balls over here off the Fairway left in

This kind of Bunker here you did have the one really good one up here yeah um worth noting on distance you’re still King with your actual C4 setting um I also wanted to show the average uh line or launch angle excuse me because we saw that really dip with this when you went

Down and Loft so the ball was not going nearly as high the result of that is not carrying near as yep so it’s funny cuz right now I mean you could look at this and I think without knowing what setting was your your gamer setting I think you

I think most people would put you right at C4 exactly I mean you can see here even from the C4 to A3 that’s a 10 yard difference in carry like that’s huge yeah and this it’s funny because I think you know the A1 setting is the standard

You know on the shfit hle and so your C4 is not a drastic change from that it’s just a kind of slightly higher ball flight maybe slightly towards um a fade bias but it does show how a little tweak like that can I mean it gains you 10

Yards of carry distance um and if you’re playing a really a setting that’s really not right for you you might be losing out on a lot more than 10 yards carry exactly um and then also as we bring up that dispersion again we can see here we’ve got basically two of your best

Three drives of the day here were with your C4 gamer setting we had one here with this D2 that you you smoked but I think anybody looks at and this is a small sample but I think the C4 setting is right for you for many reasons here we’ll stick with that yeah

Yeah I think I think I would recommend that too um and I better make sure I replace that on your driver before I get yelled at but um yeah I think it’s it’s one of those things I think we’re always going to encourage golfers to you know

Even if you think you’re hitting the ball pretty good off the te maybe it’s just experimenting with some of these things on your driver it might not be a Titleist it could be a different brand and maybe one of these other settings actually does work better for you

Obviously Bella you’re pretty dialed in and you work with Aaron a lot and know this is what I need um but this was pretty fascinating and I think you probably know hey nothing draw bias is probably not what I need right now no exactly and it’s just every swing is

Different I think majority of swings often like actually fade um just your average golfer and so sometimes you might need the draw bias so just knowing what works for you is really important and um definitely something to take advantage of absolutely well uh Bella thank you for the demonstration here and

Hitting the shots which was really good um I’ll just quick take the driver back and we’ll set it back to the far thank You


  1. Why did you not try the open, but higher launching B-4 setting..?
    Spin was still too low on the C-4 setting, quite confident that Isabella would benefit from a little more spin and through that getting an even longer and more forgiving driver

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