This Tour Wedge Secret discovered by a Long Driver #golf #golftips

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Thanks for watching when I was out interviewing Barry Hensen who’s a tour pro on the Asian tour and played in the US Open last year and it’s really good after we did our short game video I asked him hey how do you hit better wedge shots like partial and even into

Full wed shots from say like 50 to 120 yards and he told me something really surprising he said I should go see Dan McIntosh who is a long driver because Barry said one of the best tips he ever got about controlling his wedges and hitting them more solid more often and

Getting the distance right came from Dan had something to do with tucking his tail and uh using the ABS in a different way or something like that so Barry and I did our videos then we did a long Gym series and then after that we went to this secret location where in the

Storage unit Dan has his setup where he camped out for a very long time and kind of figured some things out about the golf swing and they’ve been really popular on the channel so let’s go to Dan mcintosh’s tour wedge Secret so basically you know you yeah you can

Actually uh do what I was telling okay yeah this is what I want to do okay I know what I want to do actually get your um get your wedge Dan wedge yeah just because like when I was doing videos with with Barry he was he was talking

About how keeping this tucked and when you’re hitting wedge shots can make you a more accurate wedge player so I think it’ll be kind of fun to to do a a wedge accuracy video with a long drive guy yeah like just a wedge or I would say

Like like a gap wedge okay thanks for watching Everybody when I was doing those videos out in the Coachella Valley with Barry Hensen and I told Barry hey I’m going to go see Dan and he said you’ve got to ask him about his wedge stuff that he does because this is

Interesting because Barry uses this out on tour and I was a little put off because I was like well he’s the long drive guy right he’s like yeah but his distance wedge Shuff is really good I’ll give you my version of it and then you tell me where I’m right or wrong you

Know he talks Dan talks a lot about loading the the slings and kind of engaging your core and Barry was saying that when when these wed shots you hit these wed shots you’re actually kind of feeling like as if you’re taking your belt buckle and pointing it to the sky a

Little bit through impact and I was like well sounds like the people don’t want to hump the goat or have this come in so you give me your your idea of like this kind of stabilizes the wedges for you yeah so uh for me I do have a

Predominant kind of arch lower back so it’s like a lur dois right yeah yeah so um kind of tilting that up and squeezing the core uh really helps to stabilize uh the upper body and lower body so now when I’m hitting a wedge I I can I can

Use that core to separate my upper body and the lower body and when I’m not moving much of my legs I can better judge the distance in the contact with my wedge right okay cool let’s see you hit one like what would you hit what

Would uh yeah so this is a 100 yard people love to see 100 yard shot yeah so this is a 52 100 yards uh with a 52 is about a 3/4 swing for me that’s so you’re going to feel pretty contained in your like in your hips so what I call a

3/4 swing is moving my upper body with without my lower body at all and then turning everything through a full swing would be moving it to the stretch point and then taking a little bit more and then how would that relate to this move you’re talking about as far as so I’m

Just uh engaging The Core Road ating the upper body back kind of and that pelvis tilt is staying yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t move never yeah once it goes like that you’re in trouble yeah so so it’s not necessarily that you’re tucking it under or that you’re arching it back

It’s in a position where you can uh hold it okay yeah so here we go I’m just going to stretch it Engage The Core oh pure all right 97 yards little jacked up oh ball speed 97 I thought so that’s 128 yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s awesome yeah

Do that again um so you want me to try to hit 100 yards or just do the move you only hitting 100 okay so if I’m only hitting 100 I will kind of take the legs out even more I got kind of going a little bit closer together still making

Sure I get into that good position in the core where I can turn the upper body leg stay stable once I get to the stretch point the legs start it and I just turn everything through nice oh really good okay I’m going to try that and let’s let’s see if I can

Get some faults and fixes here yeah okay this is this should be good for this okay so we are going to go Dan always talks about the stretch point so that’s like as if your hands and sternum are going together and once they feel like

That’s about as far as they go then you go together yep okay yep so for this we’re tucking you’re not even really tucking your tail but you’re giving it some pressure that way yes right okay yeah and I’m maintaining that pressure through the whole yeah you’re

Maintaining that so that you can you can rotate yep perfect okay getting a good stretch and you’re connected all right good student yeah straight shot 107 it is number really good uh what do you think Dan how was that it it was perfect okay yeah and so

What club is that for you it 50 50 mhm so maybe if you had 100 yards and uh you only you only went to the stretch point but no further yeah you know then that could be your really nice controlled Club back of the green pin where you can

Bounce it up there or into the wind I mean imagine if you took your four wedges your three whatever wedges and then your P wedge um and you knew your distance on just stretch Point only exact let me see what your distance with

With that what is that a 52 this is a 52 yeah let me see what your stretch Point only distance is on this one stretch Point only oh so straight okay so 120 about 120 yep all right I’ll try I’ll try that you can kind of feel this Crunch and

Some pressure there and right there is about my stretch Point actually a little further a little heavy let me try another one good actually going to be a good shot but yeah 100 yards yards okay let’s try that one more time that could be really good for this

Club felt great Dan let’s see 100 yard so I think for me this a 50° wedge I always thought of this as like a 120 Club just taking it to the stretch Point only that’s we can see we stayed in the screen so it brought the flight down a

Little bit and it’s spun at 8,000 so that’ll stop yep that’s really handy yeah so just think about I think a good homework assignment for me and for you guys at home is start to feel what that stretch point is if you don’t understand that we we have other videos about it

But basically uh the exercise to do is when you go here and let me know if I’m saying go ahead let me go when you go here and you move your hands and your sternum one you’re right there that is the point at which now my lower body

Wants to start coming with it but that would actually be what feels like the top now when you do like your stretch Point only swing we see you go all the way but that’s because there’s some momentum we see you go further but is that that’s kind moment yeah yeah

There’s some momentum and also I’m I’m taking it back a lot harder I’m I’m getting bigger stretch and you know you can look at you know me or you or Rory maroy and we’re all going to have different points at which we max out that separation M so our goal is to

Increase that that stretch over time final thing I want you to do for me because I think that’ll be instructive of this kind of inertia and momentum I want you to do show us the stretch Point slow and kind of statically and then hit a shot because I think that’ll kind of

Clear some of the confusion about like well you he says that he is only going to hear but I can see him going further so do it really slow just in kind of like a demo okay yeah Mike you can swing around even to face on yep so I I am uh just

Starting by sending the upper body back okay I am feeling like this all stays in front of my buttons like you just mentioned and so that way I’m I know I’m not just sending my arms and not my upper body so go really really slow and show me the point at which you

Start to feel that your lower body wants to I would say right here so at that point I would send the lower body and and let the hands okay so so yeah you’re more flexible than me for sure then yeah that’s cool yeah but the more you do it the more

You’ll get oh okay yeah so here we go going to do that same swing it’s about my 120 shot oh yeah you getting to the stretch point and then turning it around the other way and then perfect 123 awesome so good so so glad I came

Out and did this it really fun if you guys are interested in more about Dan uh go to Instagram he’s got a lot of uh cool content out there and he also has this really cool charity company that he does these uh golf tournaments is like

Really boost the um money that you can raise if you’re having a golf tournament thanks for watching everybody be sure to click the Subscribe button it really helps the channel


  1. While I can appreciate the outside of the box ideas. The "secret" to better wedges is sub 30 launch. The best wedge players on tour are all sub 30 launchers. Meaning they launch their wedges at or under 30 degrees. This provides optimal trajectory, spin, landing angle, distance control, and is repeatable. If you notice the spin on those wedges was mid 5k. That ball isn't stopping on firm greens. The spin should be in the 8-9k range at 100 yards. While I understand it's a 3/4 swing which takes spin off. A full wedge launched sub 30* should be in the 10k plus range. Which the tour pros don't want and work tirelessly to take spin off.

  2. I do this with my gap wedge and love hitting its 100 yards. Sometimes I feel like it is left arm parallel

  3. “Alright good student” After he loads his legs in backswing and completely ignores instructions lol

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