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Time To Apologise To Scott McTominay!?


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Adam McKola

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Yes people what’s going on Welcome Back to the channel so Manchester United got a big big win yesterday Scott mctom with the goal to give Manchester United that result against Aston Villa and today I’ve read an article by Lori Whitwell in the athletic which says Scott mctom

Seven goals have won US 12 points I’ve also been inundated with messages DMS tweets all sorts saying Ma you need to apologize to Scott mctominay you need to apologize to him and with these stats from lry Whitwell will get stuck into his article as well I’ll tell you why

Maybe I was half right but I do owe him a little bit of an apology and we’ll get to that in a little bit but first of all what a result for Manchester United because if we don’t don’t beat Aston Villa even a draw which isn’t a bad

Result against Aston Villa who a very good side but if we didn’t beat Aston Villa Manchester United in my opinion would have no chance of getting Champions League football for next season and we know how important Champions League football is to Manchester United so getting that result was vitally important I thought our

First half performance was very very good our second half performance not so good we allowed Villa to grow into the game but when you have um you know people pop up and take their opportunity off the bench light Scot MC t with that fantastic header you know we got the

Result in the end um and I think it was a very well earned three points for Manchester United and you look at the run we’re going on at the minute it seemingly like we’ve picked up a little bit of momentum we’ve got luten Fulham coming up man city in the league as well

That’ll be a true test for us um and then obviously in between that we’ve got Nottingham Forest in the cup so you know the next few weeks are going to be vitally important for our season but I thought yesterday could have been a season defining result if we can back it

Up now we’ll get stuck into this article remember it’s in the athletic and it’s by my good mate lry Whitwell so even if I disagree with him I still love lari so uh I’m not going to go in too hard on him but yeah um let’s have a look at

This he says there’s many ways to gauge a players importance to a team lots of them immeasurable Spirit courage energy Scott mom’s value to Manchester United has for much of his career been calculated using these kinds of unquantifiable terms and I’d argue as well spirit courage look energy is a

Midfielder I’ve criticized a lot for not being a very good midfielder not being great in the Press not being great in the tackle not doing enough with that physicality um and often hiding behind opposition that’s what I’ve criticized him for I also feel like when we play

Him we lose a lot of control in that Midfield area so to see him coming on as kind of like a box Crasher I think that could be the best position for him but let’s get let’s get stuck in anyway to this um it says then comes down to this

Campaign where his influence on ten AR’s team can be boiled down to quite remarkable empirical level by scoring in the 86 minute of Aston Villa mctom turn a draw into a victory continuing a run where every one of his seven Premier League goals this season has meant something to Manchester United those

Contributions have equated to an extra 12 points for ten hog side the most by any player in the division and without them United would be 12th in the Premier League now the list also includes the likes of son hung Min who scored 12 goals earned 10 points Dominic sanki 13

Goals nine points and erling harand 16 goals and eight points now I dislike those kind of stats a little bit like those contributions have equated to an extra 12 points and without him we’d be 12 I find that not true really because we wouldn’t be playing with 10 men you

Know what I mean and if we had got rid of Scott mctom in the summer brought in the funds maybe we’ bring in a better midfielder and someone that brings more control you’re also avoiding and you’re not discussing the times where playing him from the start in Midfield has

Resulted in a lack of control for Manchester United and Midfield and therefore cost us points so you’re not taking away those points as well which I think you need to but what we’ve seen with Scott mctom is maybe I was wrong in terms of saying get rid of him

Completely I just didn’t want to see him in Midfield and if we’re going to continue to see him there in Midfield playing every week week in week out then maybe that’s not the one but is he is he ericon Hog’s secret second Striker Anthony martial’s out and leaving in the

Summer and we’ve seen this guy come through like The Reincarnation of Duncan Ferguson that goal against Villa fantastic we’ve seen against brenford you know crash in the box and that’s the thing if we’re going to find a place for him where he’s coming off the bench and

He’s playing up top somewhere trying to get us a goal in the last 5 10 minutes fair enough but there’s been times where we bring him on for casemiro we bring him on for mayo and we put him in the Midfield area and we immediately lose

Control and in that sense I don’t need to apologize for that because I still stand by that Scott mctom isn’t a very good midfielder in terms of a team that wants to be in possession and also wants to win possession back quickly but we could have found his spot being the guy

To come off the bench to Chuck into the box when we need a goal and he’s also a player that came through the academy all those kind of things so he obviously loves the club and all that um and you do need you know a few of those in your

Team as we know we’ve seen Manchester United’s record it stretches back so so far of having an academy player in the squad now I still wouldn’t mind you know this will boost his value maybe you could sell him in the summer for 40 50 million I don’t know but if we’re going

To use him like that an auxiliary Striker fair enough if we’re going to play him in the Midfield not quite for me so I do feel like this is a little bit misleading in terms of he’s won us an extra 12 points well has he because

All has been times where he’s lost his points by not being a very good midfielder having said that I do owe an apology in the sense that I wanted him shut I wanted him get rid of him and if we didn’t have him in the squad in the

Team maybe you know we wouldn’t have those goals off the bench because we haven’t been able to rely upon Anthony martial Being Fit um and firing we haven’t been able to do that for an awfully long time unfortunately um and we needed someone to step up but my

Problem comes when he’s playing in Midfield every single week I don’t think he’s that good in Midfield um so I do still think we need to bring in a few I did a video the other day 10 players that could leave we still need midfielders you know there’s talk about casemiro

Potentially leaving Erikson potentially leaving those guys were to leave and we didn’t replace all of them and we see Scott mctom playing in Midfield on a regular basis I’d be worried I’d be very very worried about that so I think the stats a bit misleading but also have to

Give credit where credit is due and the seven goals from him this season have been massively important massively massively important um and he also seemed like a good lad to have around the squad but it’s a half apology I think is it is that what I’m doing right now it’s kind

Of like a half apology in it all right maybe I didn’t mean everything maybe I was wrong in terms of getting rid of you but I feel like I’m right in terms of you being in Midfield and US losing control on a regular basis I think that

Happens and I don’t want to see Scott MC starting and that’s kind of remember after the brenford game he scored those two goals he scored the two goals yeah we we stick him in Midfield every single game it doesn’t make sense to me it doesn’t make sense to do that because

You’re then like you kind of you you kind of losing the option to have him coming off the bench and and scoring goals for you you losing that option um but also you’re losing control in Midfield so keep him on the bench keep him as a Super Sub keep him as someone

To bring on when we need a goal but please don’t stop in Midfield so yeah half an apology from me check out that full article from lri Whitwell um I think it’s a very good article and it’s interesting as well uh to get like the

Debate and the topic going uh but let us know what you think um should I be giving a full apology to Scott mctom um should I not be apologizing at all um am I right in terms of him in Midfield compared to him crashing the box and

Getting forward uh let us know your thoughts in the comments below make sure you’re keeping it locked I’m not sure if you’ve noticed we had a little bit more content being pumped out on the channel at the moment um so go and check out all

My all my recent videos as well we had a review uh from the mara sporters club uh with those guys yesterday as well up after the game that was incredible um so go check that out um go check out the last few videos we’ve uploaded and let

Us know your thoughts on Scotty to hotty anyway I’ve been having Cola I’m out of Here


  1. I think he's best up front.
    He has the defensive ability of Maguire which doesn't suit our play and the offensive ability of Weghorst, but is physically better than both.
    He's not a midfielder imo and could a far better player, if he can adapt into a new position.

  2. Hey Adam Yesterday i met Ole in delhi and such a humble Guy and our legend , surreal feeling hopefully One day Man utd will do a pre season in 🇮🇳

  3. Yep he’s way too disrespected. He is your granit xhaka. All throughout his Arsenal career xhaka was played as 6 and he was horrible defensively but for that final season when he played further forward we all saw what kinda season he had. I see the same thing with McTominay. I find it strange United persist with goofy looney tunes who does nothing when you’ve got this animal just sat on the bench

  4. Jersey looking good on you Adam🔥
    Spot on views mate, don't want him as a midfielder. Would prefer him to come on with 15 mins to go as a second striker

  5. I don’t think any of us dislike Scott as a player we just acknowledge we get run through the midfield when he starts if Scott can come on for Bruno it would work very well hell I would start him for Bruno the way he’s been playing lately

  6. You need players like McTominay in the squad, this is real life, you cant have World Class internationals as 4th/5th choice midfielders earning 6figures a week on the bench… in real life clubs have and need players who know the club, have the right attitude, have experience, versatility and can effect games, he has those, and is the type of player real life managers want in their squad, maybe not fans, but fans are fans, and invariably fans no f*ck all. And he will have to start 2/3/4 games in a row sometimes, cause this again is real life and burn-out/ injuries/suspensions happen to first choice midfielders… and when they do he has the ability, talent and provable track record of stepping in. You dont owe him an apology, but you need to recognise that youre just a fan, and youve been wrong LOTS of times about things, and will be going forwards, so perhaps think twice about lambasting players who are good for the club, cause most fans/people are weak minded and will just blindly go along with what youve said cause you have a YT channel…

  7. Hopefully we keep on using him as in impact sub. But i have a bad feeling it wont be long before we see him starting games in midfield again 😮

  8. I love him, he’s never complained, never spat his dummy out, he knows his place and when he gets his chance takes it! It takes a big man to admit they were wrong Ad! 👏🏻💪🏻

  9. We got Sabitzer, Mount, Casimiro whom he kept out for weeks when he first signed. This season has seen a massive fall off in Casemiro. Basically Mactominay importance has been up there this season compared to the 3 I have mentioned.Eat crow Adam cos no one else has done what Maca has this season.YES A FULL APOLOGY WILL DO NICELY MATE.Finally what does Fernandez ACTUALLY contribute to the MIDFIELD?

  10. Cept for Scotland he does work in midfield. He plays at top of a box with mcginn and mcgregor n gilmour hustle n dictate…he just doesnt work in a 3 man MF

  11. I dont understand. You say you owe McTominay an apology….does he know who you are or something? Does he even know you exist?

  12. "if we got rid of Scott Mctominay and brought in a better midfielder"…..wishful thinking mate, apart from Bruno, when did that ever happen post Fergie Era? How much would we have got from selling Scott? 30 million was the bid from West Ham and we would be bringing in nothing better or someone from the Dutch league

  13. Couldn't agree more. In an ideal situation, we'd cash in on him in the summer and get in better midfielders that can help us control games better.

  14. Sour grapes I’m affraid Adam. The lads a solid squad player. Done everything been asked of him. Your more wrong than you know

  15. Great player to have in the first team. Won’t complain, won’t pout, not going to go off on midweek benders. Sit on the bench being positive then desperate to show what he can do when he plays.

  16. And we keep control pf the game with Bruno spraying hollywood passes all the freaking time?? Why dont you ever speak up on Bruno? Nevermind marcus.

  17. The point about McTominy and Maguire is that they are always fit and always available
    That’s why managers like keeping them around, as the show ponies spend all their time in the sickness room

  18. I think ETH may have backed his way into uncovering McSaucy’s best position/role as a super-sub to throw on when we’re chasing a goal. He’s not a midfielder, and never was, but he has an undeniable nose for goal. United and ETH would be smoked without him right now.

  19. I love McTom, but he is not good enough to be always in the starting XI for United. But if he is an impact sub, or squad rotation player, to play in cup games, against weaker opposition, or when we need a presence in the box, he is a good squad player to have. He just is not, and will not be a DM or CM in the classic mould… use him as a target man or a a player who comes into the box from midfield, but you need to have cover for him because defensively, he is a disaster waiting to happen. No shame in being a useful squad player and playing to the players strengths.

  20. Tbf, unless you can literally quantify how many points he's directly cost us, and back that up evidentially; then you just can't say that.

  21. I like him coming into Bruno’s place at CAM far more than him coming in at the 6 or 8 role that much is for sure. We didn’t lose control against Aston villa, because we still had 2 holding midfielders behind him.

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