Golf Players

Sergio Garcia and Joacquin Niemann agree to extend their playoff in pitch black darkness | Mayakoba

Sergio Garcia and Joacquin Niemann agree to extend their playoff in pitch black darkness | Mayakoba – Segment from This Week In Golf with Chris McKee and Jay Aaron.

For those that didn’t watch um you know Neeman and Garcia in a playoff and uh Darkness was setting in it was Pitch Black out there and they were going to say okay well let’s come back tomorrow and they gave them both the option and they both gave the nod said let’s do it

Just I mean that gave me like these tingles just your thoughts on that moment me too yeah like you never know how this gonna gonna play out because like all it takes is one of the two to be like no it’s way too dark like can’t really see let’s do it tomorrow but

Sergio was actually the one he was like no let’s let’s do it Waco let’s let’s do it and I feel like uh Waco like Sergio is like one of Waco’s Idols like and like when when you’re your idol is telling you no let’s let’s go let’s go

And finish this thing off like you’re gonna follow his lead so 57 holes down and they still can’t be separated and now it’s decision time Sergio wants it here we go here we go good on them a real sense of theater between these two and we go again for a fourth

Playoff hole and that might be the most popular decision all day today with the crowd here in Maya COA

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