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RB Reveals the 2024 VCARB 01

Toro Rosso / AlphaTauri have now been reborn as Visa Cash App RB. It’s a hell of a team name, but in terms of online launches, RB’s was a bit of an odd one – but they do break the design streak with a full livery instead of 50:50 carbon fibre. Bryn Lucas chats with Jon Noble to discuss the team’s goals, what Laurent Mekies can bring in his first full season with the team, what Yuki Tsunoda needs to push for, and whether this is Daniel Ricciardo’s last chance in F1 or not.

#rb #visacashapprb #f1

0:00 VCARB 01 Launch
0:27 A Strange Launch
2:35 What Visa brings to F1
4:02 Team Shakeup
5:42 Who is Laurent Mekies
9:20 Car Thoughts
10:58 Push Rod vs Pull Rod Explained
13:10 Carbon Fibre Liveries
15:08 RB’s Goals for 2024
18:59 Yuki’s Future
20:15 Lawson 2025?
22:03 Red Bull’s 2025 Seat
24:15 Daniel Ricciardo’s Last Hurrah?
28:11 Red Bull’s Close Partnership

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It’s a new dawn for the team previously known as Alpha to as they launched their new 2024 Challenger the vabb 01 in a somewhat confusing launch but gone is Red Bull’s fashion brand after four seasons instead sponsors visa and cash app have stepped in creating one of the

Weirdest F1 team names to date the Visa cash app RB I’m Bren Lucas and joining me this time time is F1 editor John Noble to talk through everything we’ve seen from Vegas to start with John um you weren’t that impressed really with the launch what you talk us through your

Thoughts yeah I mean you call us a new dawn and it was Dawn for us because we’re up at five o’clock this morning trying to work out what on Earth is going on um yeah I find the whole thing quite confusing really we’ve got this kind of a new team new sponsors New

Image reinvigorated push you know two great drivers um you know a launch on the Las Vegas boulevards you thought this would be something they’d be kind of shouting from the rafters and going all glory but you kind of logged on this morning no live stream not much images

Not much warning on what’s Happening no interview set up very little information uh and I saw a few tweets from there were a couple of journalists there uh and then suddenly we get an email popped with the images that were released before the actual car had been launched

In Vegas so there’s an event going on somewhere we don’t know much about it um I think I had k Lamar and baby Keem or something I’m not so big on my um rap stars but uh so this this big event but not much communication quite confusing

Because you have you know teams make huge efforts for these launches we had the Saba Stak Saba um launch in London on Monday you know press conferences speaking to people great deals with embargos then a nice event revealed the car great Alpine exactly the same thing

Um they want you to speak to people they want you to kind of understand what the team is about speak about the hopes aspiration all that sort of thing and this has been nothing it’s definitely one of the most bizarrest uh you know people have complained about the name saying it’s

Quite a strange name but it’s quite a strange launch to be honest yeah I mean what I won’t say is that just before we started recording our producer torren made an appalling joke when you said about um was it baby what Keem baby Keem and he said it might not have been him

Actually but anyway said uh was Daddy Keem there to much hilarity but it’s the fact you had to Rite your notes to find out who these rappers were because you know it’s it’s a weird demographic isn’t it who are they trying to appeal to do

You think that they trying to go down a different route to other teams I would I suspect so I think Visa is obviously this first step into formula one big big corporate sponsor um I think A lot’s being kind of pushed out of America from what I understand you know there was all

This big kind of doubts about the team name what was happening delays on when it was going to get announced uh then they didn’t announce things and it was rolled back and then it kind of did come out so I think dealing with with a corporation like

Visa uh is it kind of a different game from perhaps some other sponsors who’ve got used to the ways of working of Formula One um is Corporate I mean it’s great for Formula One to have a big company like that it’s great for the team to have a backer like this but I

Think it’s this big push for the the American market we’ve seen um which is all well and good but if you’re a you know hardcore Formula 1 fan based in Europe and that’s still I still think that’s the vast demographic of Formula 1 fans you want to hear from Daniel

Ricardo today you want to hear from Yuki s do you want to know what this team is pushing for uh and there’s been you know almost virtual silence Beyond an image an image or two of the car yeah you watch out 2026 will be the Ferrari AMX

Car or something like that you know but it is it is a bit odd like you say we haven’t heard from the drivers maybe we’ll discuss that in just a bit though but what have you learned about the team there’s been a lot of changes within that team over the last few months

Really with a new CEO and a new team principal we’ll come to a little bit later on but what can we learn about the team itself in the structure yeah it’s a kind of a refresh for the team um I think last year’s competitive performances I think you know they were

Potentially probably not the slowest team at the start of the year but were well down towards the back I think then you know bit of Reflection from Red Bull um under its kind of new CEO Oliver Mina just in terms of you know what is it doing in its form one operations it’s

Got Red Bull winning virtually everything um committed huge amount of finances to Red Bull power trains for this Bright New Era for the Red Bull team so that’s all well and good but I think they looked at what was alfha T and you know pound for Point actually

Cost them more money than Red Bull you’re thinking why are we investing all this money so I think there’s a lot of kind of Deep dive into what is this team supposed to do it was originally you know the proven ground for junior drivers kind of shifted a little bit

Away from that now you know Sergio Perez they took us their option for thepp and they didn’t want a youngster there so that’s kind of shifted and I think as a result they realized it needed a need an injection need to make more of that technical partnership with Red Bull

Needed kind of a a refres at the top so France toss out uh in came Peter Bayer as CEO uh and Laura mechis from Ferrari’s new team principal um they’ve pushed on they’ve taken Daniel Ricardo experienced driver alongside Yuki those as I mentioned closer ties to Red Bull

And I think it’s just a push to get this team moving mov forwards let’s just stay with mey for a second I was fortunate enough to interview him at the Autosport Awards back in December and he seemed like a thoroughly nice chap what can you tell us about Laura mechis because some

People might not know who he is no yeah I mean I totally agree thoroughly nice chap um I’ve spoken to him many times in The Paddock uh I’ve spoken to him outside the paddock you speak on the phone occasionally um yeah ex Ferrari I can’t it official title racing director

Or sporting director but effectively the the team manager at Ferrari for a while he was previously FIA um moved to Ferrari in some controversial circumstances because uh some teams weren’t especially happy that he’d come out of the FIA because you get kind of all the information from all the teams

And then you join a competitor some teams weren’t happy and I was Googling recently just looking at the the background because RB’s actually taken Tim Goss from the FIA so there’s been a bit of a controversy so I just Googled last time this happened and who was happy and amazingly the most outspoken

Person is Christine Herer complaining about mech’s going to Ferrari so it’s amazing how the kind of the the World Turns in some respects but he’s understands the game of formula one understands how teams operate understands things from sporting perspective and I think in Baya and mechis they kind of cover the Spectrum I

Think the job of Team principal now is probably too big just for one person um we’ve seen it McLaren how how it works so well you got Zack Brown on the the commercial commercial front the front face of the team speaking to public the fans approach and Andreas Stella

Fantastic engineer great with the media um works out you know good team player motivates the team pushes the team forward I think it’s these these compliments I think sometimes a single team principal can get overwhelmed with with all that’s happening and I think you know the mech is Bayer lineup at RB

Should work really well yeah it’s a similar parallel to football I suppose isn’t it where you used to have a manager and now you have a head coach and sporting director that sorts out all the signings and stuff like that it kind of allows people to thrive in their best

Position I guess is the thinking yeah I think it’s you know the spectrum of the job of Formula 1 team principal now so so large there are few who can kind of get away with it but you even look at Red Bull itself Christian Herer um and

Helmet Marco now they may not see um agree on everything uh they may have differences of opinions about where they go but they each fulfill a slightly different role in a slightly different Arena um and potentially you know take away there aspects of the job that Chris

Hor doesn’t want to do doesn’t like to do uh I understand for example you know he doesn’t particularly like phoning drivers up and telling them you’re out you’re not good enough we’re getting rid of you whereas I think for helmet Marco we know what he’s like with drivers can

Be absolutely brutal um so kind of he can fulfill a role that Christian Herer doesn’t especially like to do you see with Zach and Andrea Stella um and even you know Toto wolf in the past has done certain aspects of the job but kind of the more technical sides goes to the

Technical director who perhaps is an elevated position at Mercedes like James Allison so it’s kind of the the James Allison toasted wolf both fulfill these kind of slightly different roles I have my script here this opening this opening chat really about the team was supposed

To have taken about 5 minutes or so I think we’re 10 minutes in and we’ got more more to chat about but let’s let’s move on slightly to the car itself because as you say it was a confusing launch and it was all I think you refer

To it before we started rolling as something like uh it’s like having a Formula 1 grand prix behind closed doors and not broadcasting it to anyone it was a fantastic event but no one got to see it so let’s talk about the car itself the delivery and what we’ve gleaned what

Are your initial thoughts yeah we’ve seen some renders of the car and I think a few images have appeared on social media um from people at the launch but it’s hard to check hard to check the details but we can I’m sure when these cars appear at the

Test you know they have the bespoke parts on but you get a you get a vague idea of what it’s like and I think we what we see is just that slight transition towards Red Bull so last year from the Singapore Grand Prix pretty big revamp on the alatar uh they took red

Bull’s rear suspension some kind of Arrow concept shifting more towards Red Bull and this year’s car’s The Next Step it’s gone pull Rod suspension at the front so has that that pull Rod front push rod rear that Red Bull and McLaren have used um we’ve seen Saba go down that route as

Well so I think that’s fast becoming the the preferred route for Formula 1 a lot of the concepts on the the new RB or VC carb 01 uh similar similar to last year um but interestingly you know we have a big focus on side pods we’re always

Always looking at side pods and what have people done um and this car if you look at the kind of the inlet area which is one one of the I think key areas for performance it’s gone very much down the Red Bull route step change from last

Year probably more similar to the rb18 than last year’s car but um I think you can just just see the kind of the personality of the Red Bull with this new Challenger just briefly talk to us about this this change in the setup with suspension because I know you’ve written

A really nice article on Autos sport about the pull Rod suspension and how it’s slightly different probably better for aerodynamics but it’s not it’s a bizarre concept flipping the suspension upside down if you could just give us a kind of a top line on the differences between push rod and pull Rod suspension

Yeah I mean it’s it’s all to I mean it’s quite quite complicated and I haven’t got bits it’s much much easier when you do Graphics just to explain it but it’s basically where your your main components of the the suspension are so if if they’re low down when it goes over

A bump that basically is being pulled and if they’re at the top and it goes over bump they’re being pushed basic it’s very very simple terms and I think Adrian NE could probably explain it a lot better than I can there um but we’ve seen seen this concept I mean in the

Previous generation of cars push Rob was better you can access components a lot better um it’s not so good for center of gravity that’s not really a consideration um as much but you go for pull Rod it’s tucked quite away inside the car quite difficult to access um but

You’re getting a lot of airo benefits now because some key components are out of the way uh and I think teams are fast realizing that you know one of the key aspects to getting air performance with these cars is is again get rid of the air around the tires you’ve seen the

Front Wings going for outwash some of the FIA tried to stop teams doing but it’s happening and it’s all about channeling there you want to kind of power the air that’s going into the under the floor um that then kind of gets charged by the side pods and the

Diffuser um and that’s your your key to Performance so it’s basically it’s an arrow arrow thing even though uh it was James Kei s technical director I said to him you know he said normally you would wouldn’t do this thing because the suspensions Inside Out Back to Front

It’s a really weird thing but for Arrow Absolut no brain well I reckon you can pat yourself on the back there John because I think we all know all understand at least to a degree the difference between the push rod and the pool Rod now so thank you

Very well well done well done it’s early in the morning and you got through that little uh Little Nugget that I threw at you there not in the script should add as well now let’s go back to the The Livery because we’ve seen a few liveries revealed so far this season and I’m

Pretty much a bit meh with all of them you know they’re all going for this this naked carbon with a little bit of color whereas V car RB or what V whatever they’re going to be called I have no idea it’s a commentator’s nightmare this but there’s

Some color here is that all going to be stripped back come Bahrain testing I don’t think be strip back strip back for testing I think teams are fairly once they’ve locked into their Livery for the launch it’s unlikely to change unless they realize they’re dramatically overweight um I think you know teams

Have been struggling to get down to the weight limit we we found over the winter for example that even Red Bull when it roared its way to the 22 Championship was nowhere near the weight limit so it was struggling uh so much that all the teams are on the edge we’ve we’ve seen

You know the paint not be used and bare carbon fiber IDs just to bring it down to the weight limit I know some people don’t like it you know a lot of criticisms that this isn’t what formula one should be bright colors and all that but equally what I quite like about

Formula One is everything’s about performance you take everything to the extreme ultimate performance that’s what you know it’s what drives Innovation what drives the best brains it drives the best Engineers gets the most out of designers and if the best performance means you don’t have any paint on the

Car then that is part of that kind of that magic of Formula 1 um you know you can argue the cars looking too similar um RB have done something slightly different but maybe it’s something that will change for 26 we get new RS lighter cars um not so difficult

To to get down to the weight limit but I like this this extreme nature of Formula 1 where you know things should be decided by. one seconds because that’s what makes it so great could be some bizarre rule brought in for 2026 says every car must have this amount of on or

Something random like that just to to make it a bit more lively I think it’s a it’s a nice looking car actually I think they’ve they’ve done a good job with the Livery it’s um you know it’s a bit bold it’s a bit Brash we quite like it it’s

It’s got something about it but let’s go back to Lauren mecky and you know he mentioned that they’ve got a new team principal in his position and he’s taking over kind of mention what sort of person he is but what can he do at the

Team what must he do at the team to help drive them forwards I think it’s about as Red Bull have done it’s about energizing that team um I think it’s kind of making the most of the opportunity it’s got so it’s working out how closely aligned it gets

With Red Bull um you how much of the the Red Bull components that it can take it wants to take I think it’s about making them most of the kind of the different departments in the team you got your fenza factory they’ve got aerodynamics in B there’s some Personnel working in

Milton Kean so I think it’s kind of plotting the the long-term path for this team to to move it forward I mean the the step up the end of last year was pretty impressive because alatar went from you know near the back at the start

Of the season to be annoying some of the kind of Front Runners towards the end of the the campaign it was quite a dramatic step forward I think it’s about building on that I think it would struggle it was going to struggle to break into those top three four teams because you know

The likes of Red Bull Mercedes Ferrari and even McLaren are you know quite tough nuts to crack I think over one winter but I think it’s about building Foundation Stepping Stones to moving forwards because the competitive is now of Formula 1 is just incredible that that Grid’s closing up there’s no room

No room for error uh yeah no room for error means maybe some of that paint’s going to have to come off oh there we go again I mean the alpha T last year as you say finished e overall they they had some decent points scoring and I think

That there’s the the top three then there’s the middle pack and they’re either at the back end of the middle pack or the very very top of the backpack if that makes any kind of sense to you it’s h it’s an interesting season looking ahead has has mechy’s got the

The tools to achieve more than they did last year I think they should get into that that kind of the problem is the Midfield doesn’t really exist anymore um I think you’ve got I think from we I think Hass are going to start and have openly admitted they’re probably going

To start at the back it’s been a you know big winter of change at the team they struggled a bit with the car last year they’ve not been able to make the progress they wanted so we’re predicting has to be there Alpine’s gone for an all

New Concept with its car and the launch was quite was quite lowkey and the message seemed to be we’re going to start the season a little bit on the back foot but this car’s got some big developments I think they’re already talking race two the developments are

Coming on to push it forwards so we may see Alpine you know pegged back towards that that pack but in front of that who knows Williams is supposed to made a big step forward the top four five teams all look really really quick so there is no

Real Midfield now and I think as Zack Brown um mentioned when they did the delivery launch uh last month he said this is a new Formula One the cost cap has closed everything up and in the past a back marker team you could forget about them you don’t need to worry about

Them in q1 but every single team now is a threat for Q3 so everyone needs to be on it um and I think the margins are so small that if you get everything lined up you know you can be there fighting for points impressing or you can be

There kicked out and Q on and pretty depressed well let’s hope there’s not too much depression come 2024 the end of 2024 for any of these teams but let’s talk about the drivers then now there a bit of a a frustration that we’ve not really heard from the drivers at this

Launch CU we’d love to know their thoughts their opinions that kind of thing but let’s touch upon first of all Yuki soda so both of these drivers contracts end at the end of this season Yuki soda enters his fourth season in Formula 1 had some good results last

Year six top 10 couple of eights in there so he’s he’s a proven quantity Now isn’t he going into an F1 season but with his contract up at the end of the season what can he do to maybe get himself a drive in the same seat come

2025 or even somewhere else in the in the RB family or maybe another team entirely I think it’s building on on what he’s done I mean I think last year’s quite difficult to understand you know where where Yuki really stacked up because the car was Ultra difficult the

Start of the season um you know Nick the struggled massively with it didn’t didn’t last much long once helmet Marco got on the phone um then we saw Daniel Ricardo come in looked quick um then obviously had that crash in xanor was out for some races Liam Lawson did a

Great job as that that car came on so saw some progress from Yuki but I still think that the juror is out in terms of you know just how good is he does he have the the consistency now you need to perform over a full season is he one of

Those drivers that can be Sensational one weekend and struggling the next so I think just about building on that because the key in Formula One now with the way the grid is so close that you can’t afford to have off weekends you need to be on it every single race

Weekend if you’re going to score the points that are going to push your team up the Constructor Championship yeah and I guess with people like Liam Lawson you mentioned him coming in when Daniel Ricardo got injured last season he came in and he was very impressive it has to

Be said so there’s a lot of drivers now waiting that have gone through the F2 route that come through Formula 2 and step into a Formula 1 car and can almost do the business straight away yeah absolutely um there are I think racing drivers now arriving in Formula One a

Lot better prepared than they have been in the past um but also I mean I think Liam did a sensational job especially in zanville jumping into the car on the the Saturday uh getting through qualifying going through the race no huge tremendous dramas I think he just looked

Solid and he he built on that um and I think you know earned his reputation uh Reserve driver this year but I think he’ll he’ll do that kind of the preparation phase that will make him a contender for next year um but I think you know Oscar piastri has shown how you

Need to approach becoming a a rookie in formula one that you’ve got to have that year of testing in old cars testing understanding performances the tweaks you need to do how foron Car Works how the tires work all this sort of things so the piastri route I think now is the

Preferred route probably for most people that you know it’s a year out a year of testing development understanding a team then you’re ready to hit the ground running as a rookie uh rather than jumping in and having a kind of a bit of a shambolic rookie season because you

Don’t really know how things work yes but you end up in the route that H went a few years ago let’s just stay with Yuki for a second because obviously you haven’t got a crystal ball that we can see it might be under the desk I don’t

Know and I don’t know if you’re a Gambling Man but would you imagine you have got crystal ball is it just over your shoulder so much stuff up there nice nice can you grab it down for us for a second would you say that uh if

You were to you know use your power of of looking into the future and all that magic that you have that we’ll see Yuki in a car in 2025 whether it be with v carb whether it’s going to be with Red Bull or someone else uh I think he’s got

Every chance of being on the grid in 25 but but I don’t see him as kind of the the key one of the key players in the driver Market um I think in terms of the the kind of that that Big Red Bull ecosystem um I think a lot depends on

How Sergio Perez fars against Max this season if we see the Perez that started last year is quite strong pushing Max on winning races and you know the days that Max wins he can at least finish second then I think he’s got every chance of

Carrying on um with the team if we see the Sergio Perez was kind of towards the Well from Miami to two or three races from the end of the season where he really really struggled then I think they wouldn’t carry on with him and they’d look elsewhere um then I think

They’ probably look first to see how Danny Ricardo’s done just in terms of the experience um the last harah uh and then outside of that from what I understand Alex album’s top of their list of kind of outside contenders to come in I think they’re pushing to

Get an option on him for 26 at least because he’s under contract for 25 so I think Redbull will see probably albon and Ricardo as their main options for going forward if Sergio Perez isn’t there um and that if Ricardo gets it then I think Yuki would keep that seat

Probably Liam Lawson would step up um if Ricardo’s not their man and Yuki hasn’t performed and I think Yuki could have the danger then of being replaced by Liam so I think there’s a his future in form next year isn’t all down to him

Um he’s got to keep his head down but I think there’s a lot of lot of pieces to to shake out um in a driver Market I think is going to have a few more explosions yeah absolutely interesting though you mentioned Liam Lawson a few times there so it seems that no matter

What Liam’s probably got a decent chance of sitting and racing in in a Formula 1 car come 2025 let’s move on to Daniel Ricardo though because we know Daniel Ricardo he’s been around for a very very seems like forever in fact he’s been around for such a long time the the

Grinning Australian what does he have to do to prove himself and does he have to prove himself this season I think established himself as a team leader he’s got the experience uh he’s won races in the past um I think the the momentum he had hoped to get last year

Was kind of derailed by what the crash in zanol and the injury um so he came back he hasn’t really kind of got his feet properly under the desk and and pushed on I think he needs to show Red Bull he’s he’s the right man to get that

Kind of the probably the last harrar in Formula One um it would be kind of a nice Circle to his career if he ended it at Red Bull having a a successful period um but he needs to needs to dominate Yuki to do that thing he can’t just sit

There and be happy finishing behind Yuki and not stamping his authority I think with his experience um Speedy shown in the past and whereas in his career he he needs to establish himself firmly as the team leader uh to push it forward if Daniel Ricardo goes to Red Bull for 2025 big if

On this capital I capital F if he does that would Daniel Ricardo be happy with playing second fiddle to Max because let’s face it I don’t think Red Bull are gonna flip an order around for an aging Formula One driver when you’ve got someone like Max who’s firmly in

Contention be happy to play second field to Max but I think he’s in a different phase of his career now from when they were last together and there was you know perhaps a a feeling sometimes that the team was you know favoring Max or looking more towards Max which I think

It’s just natural natural in any team when there’s one driver that’s performing so well you always think there must be some explanation as to why this is happening but I think he’d go to Red Bull more open eyed about the opportunities open eyed about what he needs to do uh open ey understanding

That you know teams it’s quite rare actually for teams to deliberately favor One driver over the other from the off and deliberately Scupper the second driver things just things just naturally happen for various reasons um and the attention I think he’d be in a much better place to deal with it than

Perhaps he was last time okay and what about other teams elsewhere would he do you think that Daniel Ricardo would naturally stay within this Red Bull family or would he look to some other team out there I think I think one of the key key drivers for this Market is

What happens at Mercedes seat in 2025 and I think there’s no easy answer right now and probably even Mercedes don’t know what they need to do um because I think if Kimmy Antonelli Andrea Kimmy Antonelli you know shines in Formula 2 this year we have some fantastic season wins a

Championship then you wonder whether Mercedes would feel it’s ready right for him to step up to form one immediately in 25 or does he need a kind of that George Russell type spell at another team to to learn the ropes and step up so I think that’s the key decision they

Need to make and if it’s not if they push Antonelli to another team for one year or two years they’re going to need a a stop Gap solution um which probably isn’t a driver hoping to build a long-term career at Mercedes but you could see someone like Ricardo slotting

There you could see an kind of albon or ass signs or Sebastian vettle or Fernando Alonzo just someone who’s in a different stage of their career um to go in there so I think there are opportunities uh and I think Mercedes will be speaking to all these drivers

And I’m sure all these drivers and managers have been on the phone to Toto so I think it’s an unclear situation as to what’s happening there at the moment probably I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s four or five scenarios that Toto’s got on his desk right now about

What to do John let’s just stay with the VISA cash app RB for 2025 now Zack Brown has said that there’s you this gray area between the partnership Red Bull and this vcob team now I don’t think we can ignore the fact that they are intrinsically linked but

What’s it mean for vub can they be their own team or are they just going to remain as a Red Bull junior team I think they can be their own team but the the route to success for it is to make the most of that Red Bull relationship um I

Know you know McLaren aren’t happy about it um but I often think in in Formula 1 that uh you can tell when a team’s making progress because they’re annoying their Rivals and competitors um so I think the fact that um RB’s been under the spotlight for the RTI of Red Bull

It’s been under the spotlight for hiring Tim Goss from the FIA um so I think it shows it’s making steps that are annoying competitors and if you’re annoying competitors you’re probably doing the right job in effect the way you go around it um I can’t believe for

A second that Red Bull and RB would be doing anything outside the regulation I think everything will be done totally within the rules um but on one side there is a you know a wider question to be had about should a team or an Anthony own two teams in Formula One because

There are clear advantages to having two teams um you can run you can gain on marketing fronts you can gain on you know Distributing Personnel to keep you know your some of your some of your personnel away from competitive you just put them put them within keep them in

Your own big Global structure um so there are benefits to be had but I think that’s that’s a much wider issue and that goes to fom kind of FIA level we have to see what happens over the course of the season now before we wrap this up

John I’ve been asking most of the contributors that come on most of my guests that come on to this whether or not it’s a hit or a miss so VC carb 01 is it a hit or is it a Miss according to you and why well I think the liver is a

Hit I like the hit the launch a miss the team could be a hit but we don’t know yet because we haven’t spoken to anybody um so I’m G to have to do well probably somewhere in the middle actually I think today could have been a bigger hit but

It didn’t happen that sounds like fence sitting to me John you can’t get offence firmly planted there straddling that fence well it’s been an absolute pleasure as always thanks for joining me so early in the morning yeah it’s a new dawn Isn’t it nice nice yeah a new dawn

Beautifully put well thank you so much for joining us for this one we now halfway over halfway through the Formula 1 launch season John joined us very early this morning for this chat and we got another one coming to you on Monday when ason Martin do the honors so make

Sure you join us there for that one and the rest of the launches with the big guns coming all next week thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe we’ll see you next Time


  1. Meh, if journalists are annoyed because they aren’t invited to a splashy event or don’t know modern artists… i’m okay with that.

    I don’t care how they announce their car, it’s race day results that count.

  2. Paint Job or Cover-Up??? — why could we not extrapolate, suggesting that VISA did not wish to see its Cash-App prove to be a Red Bull Debit Card, in the uncertainty of which decision Red Bull Racing was going to have to make on that same day regarding the Christian Horner enquiry… The Irony of the matter is that RBR too seemed to have backtracked from its Friday 9th of February arbitration on the Horner case… So is this all Bull…or where is the Beef?

  3. Cash App has the money to sponsor a Formula 1 team, but not to pay a designer?
    Square with a dollar sign in it? and the most basic green?

  4. Jon's lack of recollection on Yuki's performance in 2023 is disappointing..
    Coming into 2023 he was barely treading water in F1 and had all the pressure on him to show his boss Marko that he was worth keeping. He was the de facto leader of the team and had to produce in a car that was quite frankly, dog ass trash for most of the year. That car had no advantages at any track (unlike the Williams) and Yuki still put it in the points or literally just outside the points in a year where 5 different teams made a lot of noise in the top ten and all of them had 'MUCH' better cars then Yuki's Alpha Tauri. 5 teams with 2 cars a piece and only 10 points placing positions available, do the math…
    It also goes to show that teams need to stick with their young drivers for at least 3 seasons. It takes time to learn your craft and most of these young guys are driving turds to begin with. An F1 car is wayyyyyy different then even an F2 car and it takes a lot to get on top of it while they get barely any time at all to practice in it. Then they're shoved out there against veterans with much better cars and of course they aren't as competitive. So with guys like Sargeant, who did show some pace last year, he just needs more time in the car and in F1 to gain the experience needed to piece together weekends more consistently which is much harder to do in bad equipment.
    Also Zhou will be heading into his 3rd year next year just as Yuki did this year, so lets see what happens. You never know, he could pull a Yuki and things start to click.

  5. I think Tsunoda will beat Ricciardo and will surprise a lot of people this year. He’s fast, now has the confidence and the experience, and I also think this car will be a lot faster and easier to drive than last seasons offering.

  6. I don’t think I understand what you’re confused by Jon.

    Launches are all just a load of corporate guff about sponsors, “new energy”, “bold new colours” etc. and have been for about as far back as I can remember. All we really learn is what the new colours are, which could literally be an email.

    All the drivers ever really say is they want to do as well as possible… does anyone expect to learn intricate details of the car or, well anything really?

  7. Unsure if Jon has gotten the message yet, but FOM is (sort of) trying to expand US Viewership. So crying about having to get up at 5am to watch a launch (doin your job) is pretty weak, considering the rest of the world has to put up with start times based on EU times. Try watching F1 from California (~3am start times).

  8. lol, seems like a certain amount of British Biased Media were not invited & are pissed they didn’t get any content!

  9. The RB program got messed up because Danny Ric decided to leave RB waaaaay before they expected. They weren’t ready which is why Pierre & Alex were rushed in too soon. I wouldn’t hate on the program TOO much because look now, now there’s too much where Liam is sitting sideline waiting for an open spot.

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