KEY Move to Release the Golf Club through Impact (and create compression)

This key move will get you hitting golf shots that fly long and straight towards your target. It can easily be used by amateur golfers to correctly release the golf club through impact while helping to create compression.

In this golf lesson, PGA golf pro Kerrod Gray and Marno Vorster show you a move to square the golf club for much more consistent and straighter golf shots.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 Introduction
0:30 What should the lead wrist do through impact?
1:30 How the wrists create power in the golf swing.
2:00 The position of the club head in the backswing.
3:20 The position of the clubhead through impact.
3:45 How rotation affects the clubface.
4:45 Don’t copy the Pros!
5:20 HIT it HARD, STOP it QUICK (drill)👈
7:00 Key move to Release the Golf Club at Impact👈

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All right Mano so let’s talk about the relationship here between compression Y and the release right we see so many amateur golfers they get themselves into this position here right we see bit of this extension cupping of the lead wrist then all of a sudden the club heads

Coming and having a bit of a low Point too early and too high and then rising up kind of like pulls up too quickly yeah big time so now we were just talking about the kind of the awareness of exactly what the lead wris should do

Through impact and what we see with the professional will be tend to see more of a flattening or a bowing at the moment imp 100% so a lot of people feel like first of all just understanding the release a lot of people think they just

Need to close it up but how you close it up is is quite important for me and I use my left Knuckles quite as as a kind of like a guideline because simply if if my left Knuckles just goes down to the ground what happens with the golf club

Yeah it releases a lot of people think they need to do it a certain way but if it’s clearly like a a palm down shot versus a palm up shot it’s it’s kind of like a a open Club face versus a closed Club face so first of all just

Understanding that at impact if we can get that left Knuckles feeling like we’re pulling them under what happens to that Golf Club it just squares up yeah yet like you said now we getting that Bowie wrist feel yeah all right and we can still have that compression a good

Example is if you take a towel yeah and you flick it yeah you create that extra bit of speed if you’re just going to drag a towel yeah there’s no real speed in there yeah if you take it and you flip it I can only flick that towel if

My Knuckles goes goes down and it snaps never it’s not really going to snap it that way but if you flick it down all of a sudden look how quickly you can you can release that Golf Club but that’s not training the hands to do that well call is the tow flick

Method All right so when it comes to the release light uh let’s talk about the simplification of this which would be that if we were removing the frontbend element of golf so let’s say that we’re in our dress we stand up the club face right straight up and down correct now

If I was isolating the movement of the club head without moving my chest we would see that the club head would move in a circular fashion behind us in which by this stage of the movement right we can see that the club face has somewhat

Turned up to the sky okay now it is not in a fashion where it’s like all the way down here because then we can start we manipulate the wrists and yes there are nuances of this of how the wrist Moves In This fashion as well but as a

Simplification it would see that from this set position the club face would tend to face up to the sky in the back swing correct now on the way that comes naturally a lot of people think they need to initiate it that comes naturally if you exactly exactly so if you just do

It well that toe of the golf club that kind of like works up to that position at the top that is a natural movement please do not try and do that that that is something that would would happen normally we we’ll find that players if they’re got a secure hold on the golf

Club but they got long soft arms as they pivot the golf club due to the weight of it we can see that the toe is going to rotate around itself we’ll tend to get into that position now as the golf club then comes through pertaining to the

Release if I am then mimicking that motion on the way through we’re going to see that the club face will tend to turn down to the ground yeah now this I think more than anything is where players have a misconception around what a pro does because they might see this beautiful

Freeze frame of the club face matching the pros spine angle by this section of the Swing but one thing to account for there is the rotation of the body correct correct right so if I get my body facing back down towards the golf ball talk to us about what the the club

Face does so as you swing down quickly quickly go there you you cannot physically get your hands in a good position here if the body doesn’t turn correct so you need to understand that rotation is key in order to get those hands through the ball the body needs to

Turn yeah all right I can’t get shaft lean and getting my hand and my Knuckles down the body is not accommodating that sure so we need to understand that both things there comes at once so when you swing through and we kind of like get that left Knuckles down the body keeps

Turning now there’s Freedom then I can start kicking that right knee in and we and we can work to that to that finishing position at the top we’re going to talk about if the amateur golfer is not rotating the face actually needs to be let’s say their body’s not

Rotating the face actually needs to be more turned over than what they would see with the probe because most amates are trying to get it down into this position like they would see with their favorite golfer by chicken wing correct and their elbow goes up correct and the club club just

Cas stays open it’s just holding off yeah so if we’re talking about the knuckles here right yeah we take the front band out the club face goes up if I stop my chest from rotating what’s going to happen is the club head is going to release the face is going to

Turn down and the Knuckles turn down correct right so that turns nicely now into the drill that you were saying about the little punching feeling because what this encourag you to do and there’s a great drill out there called hit it hard and stop quick is your only

Way that you can control the golf club and the manage management of the face there is to ensure that your body is pivoting and rotating through otherwise it’s going to do this motion here so let’s use that as the little drill exercise for this video here is just

These small little videos of where I feel like I’m exerting some Force almost like a whipping sensation you kind of want to feel like you’re like your Club does not go higher than your than your left hip so if I stand like that there we go yeah you’ll be you’ll be surprised

How much speed you can generate yeah from like I said that that towel snap I mean if if I’m not turning my body now if I’m just standing in this position here I mean I can if my my club and my my wrist snaps there actually a lot of

Speed and all of a sudden a Punchy shot can go up to 50 60 yards by not really using the correct muscles here so if you make that big swing with early stop I think that’s a great way to control it rehearse it yeah absolutely so I’m going

To get a little bit more of a feeling of this and as I do so I’m almost envisioning that I do have a towel whipping at the moment of impact my chest is turning the face is shut let’s clip one down there and see how it comes out same little

Feel yeah you know what it felt really strong off the face and for such a short swing yeah right a very nice exertion of energy almost a whipping feeling correct down at the moment of correct and don’t don’t be scared to maybe if we’re talking about the release don’t be

Scared to maybe hook a few left like overdo it really feel quickly grip the club for me if you take if you take your your right hand you put it underneath that left Knuckles MH so take yeah there we go now quickly make a back swing for

Me just get in your position there make a back swing and as you swing down M swing slowly down feel like that that right hand is pulling those Knuckles over under what happens with that golf toop now at the bottom almost goes the other way correct and you you need to

Really feel like you you pull it don’t don’t be afraid to kind of like overdo it to get you know we always talk about the the feel versus real topic right we we need to over exaggerate this feel obviously in a golf being full shot is

Not going to be that way it’s not going to be that OV exaggerated I’ve never I’ve never seen that draw I love that so you get the fingers place it on the knuckles here we go and then even just through the force of the arms naturally moving into position those fingers are

Pulling gets pulled underneath the knuckles underneath and I can see that the face is turning down and definitely feels like it’s going to go left so correct let’s let’s hit one down there if you think about all the good golf Strikers Brook SCA I think DUS Johnson

They all they all get to that position at the bottom that’s really good there yeah that feels beautiful so that’s the feel let’s see the real let’s let’s let’s do it h a few left there we go there we go so nice little exaggeration there exactly face

Close to the path felt very compressed mate love it good job well done

1 Comment

  1. Very nice. Very nice detailed info. Explained in a way that most golfers can understand. I will keep that drill in my head. Never heard of that one before.

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