The New MOST FORGIVING Iron In Golf!

The New MOST FORGIVING Iron In Golf!

Matt Fryer Golf shares with you a set of irons he thinks could be the most forgiving irons for mid to high handicapper golfers.

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In my hand I think I have what will be the most forgiving iron for the mid- handicapper to high handicapper golfer this year take a look at them before I tell you what this iron is though guys I want you to hit the Subscribe button for me down below loads of information to

Help your games and get better and enjoy it a little bit more let’s find out what this little beauty is so for a long long time I would say and probably a lot of people would agree with me comment down below if you don’t the the Ping G range

Were the easiest to hit irons out on the market whether you’re a mid- handicapper high handicapper I’ve even seen some low handicappers using them they were just easy to use get away with toe strikes heel strikes low strikes they just launched well and did what they said on

The package they were forgiving but I think this iron here is changing it and the iron in question that I think I will see in a lot more mid to high handicappers backs moving forwards is this one the Wilson Diner power iron so when we’re looking at that mid to high

Handicapper iron I think sometimes what we get is a little bit of a stigma of the irons looking a little bit ugly chunky cumbersome clumsy were probably words that I would ha used when describing those irons and they don’t look sexy but I think this Dino Power

Iron as we actually put it down behind the golf ball as we see it in the golf bag as we’re actually looking at it it looks like a you know it looks nice and it doesn’t look like those things that I just described firstly when you actually

See them in the back now there’s the flashes of the the dino power um logo bit of red there behind a little bit of a carbon PL the standard and the the logo of the Wilson Staff emblem that we’ve seen for many many a year now that

Looked really smart and even then just the chrome finish that the irons have they look like a smart and even when you look into the CB versions of these which are more aimed at the player they just look like a slightly larger version of those so they’re not looking you know

Sort of ugly where if you were to compare it maybe to a ping G range sometimes because of the back on them and the the hollow of the head they look a little bit clumsy look a little bit ugly to me is where these they look quite sleeky

The stealth now obviously these aren’t aimed at me they’re aimed at the the mid to high handicap a bracket but even then once I get them in hand and I I put them behind the golf ball I know that these I are going to have a lot of offset but

Again from that chrome finish that they’ve got on them and the way that they sit behind the golf ball they don’t even look overly chunky one of the things and you don’t really see it that much anymore but you would tend to see maybe more in the longer

Item would be that as you look down on the golf or from above in your playing position a lot of the higher handicap R you see the back of the club almost this part the the back Edge almost sticking out because in these models they’re trying to get weight down low they’re

Trying to see that they’re spreading the weight across the head so then the launch is helped and the stability of the head is helped and thus you sort of lose that nice look of maybe a blade where it’s narrow it’s slim it looks compact you forgo that for the

Forgiveness aspect but definitely in these ones when you when you do put them down and even when you’ve got them in hand the looks behind the golf ball whether it is you know a pitching wedge a seven ion maybe a longer iron the the five ion the six ion you love seeing

That sort of chunky back end sticking out there which for me when you see that on a golf club it is very off-putting but definitely the looks wise they’ve really they’ve really done a great job of getting that to look you know just like a slightly larger version of the

The players it also another thing that you would be looking for as you look down on these it do comment down below for me is this going through the mindset of a mid to high handicapper is the top line of the golf club so when you get it

In behind the golf ball this part of the golf club here we see when we put that behind the golf ball it looks again from the sort of chrome finish and then this brushed Chrome that they’ve got where the grooves are and the top line Looks

Quite Sleek it looks very thin so it doesn’t look like sort of clumsy large effect behind the golf ball you get it in and as you’re looking down on it now it does look quite appealing and like I say the offset I know it’s there but

Because of the way that the finish with the the mirrored finish on them reflecting back at one another it doesn’t seem that it’s there as much I know that there’s a lot of offset there but it doesn’t look like it which is quite appealing really when you got that

In from there knowing that I’ve got everything I need behind it but also got the looks that are sort of making me think well that looks a bit ugly though I don’t want to swing this thing I’m actually it’s quite appealing on the eye when you get it even behind the golf

Ball take that P up nice there going in the hole was Miles the next thing which is really impressive and I think again which will translate into why we see these being quite popular is the feel of the golf club they aren’t a forged head they are a cast head a strange thing

Behind here which actually isn’t generated for feel it’s actually generated for the Forgiveness on the face but they have What’s called the power hole could have maybe come up with a better name but it’s these three lines behind the club head but from a sort of

Standpoint of when I look at these they look like ureth inserts that have gone in behind the club face and like I said they design for more of the variable face thickness to ensure fast ball speeds and forgiveness but it all tricked my mind into thinking well they

Look soft so now they’re going to feel soft and even when you’re hitting shots whether it be a full shot whether it be a chip around the green with some of the shorter clubs maybe an eight a n ey a wedge they do feel quite nice of the

Club fa and obviously depends on what gol four you’re going to be using that will impact that but they’ve definitely got a good feel I’d say just from a cat Club head than the shafts that they’ve got in them the kbs’s they they do feel like a good solid hit and there’s

That real bit of authority behind the strike knowing that it’s g a little bit of power in there and it’s got a little bit of stability doesn’t feel too harsh on the off-centered hits as well when you do get it a little bit more towed and a little bit more heel because of

How the face is designed which I’ll get on to in a second the actual strikes off the center they don’t feel as harsh and you you’re not getting that horrible shaking Judy horrible feed back up the shaft that you would do maybe from a blade which if you’re that sort of

Player who would be using that he might want that but from a player who’s not consistently finding the middle maybe you’re getting the face a little bit all across it you want to still feel that you’ve got something that feels quite relatively nice and they’ve definitely

Done a um a good job of that in these din Powers the next thing which the din powers are featuring is the technology in the head now I referred to the power hole a minute ago change that names which is again helping with variable face thickness so what they’re trying to

Ensure in these Dino Powers is that for any misstruck shot whether it be toe whether it be heel whether it be low on the bottom you still getting good speed off the club face he’s still going to get some distance also what they’ve got and what they’ve done is study where the

Average golfer is hicking the golf ball and 80% of the strikes are actually coming from the toe to the center so with the variable face thickness the way it’s actually spread across the face around that section from toe to heel it’s still producing really really really fast ball speed for that type of

Strike so obviously if you are a mid- handicap player a higher handicap player and you fall into that category you want to know that you’re still getting that good strike from the golf ball also what they’ve done as well if he increased the moment of inertia throughout these irons

Just changed to a semine here that’s see how this goes but the reason for that being is that they want to see less Twist Again Edison his aimed at that I’m not striking it gray all the time when I do I know what happens but when I don’t

I want to see that I still get a little bit of forgiveness there I still get a bit of playability oh that sounded powerful and you get that good launcher even like that one there it’s popping up in the air it’s getting out gosh it’s

Long as well is a long golf club that’s what we want from a mid handicapper a we want to have you know not loads of Technology packed in there claing that it’s going to radically change how you play the game we just want to know that there’s a little bit in there that’s

Going to help us on those bad shots which they’ve done here we want to know that it’s going to launch up in the air we’ve got the weight around the heel the toe the sole of the golf called the bottom of it further back that’s going

To a in that stability and that launch we’ve got that and the’re packing quite a punch as well when it comes to the actual flight of the golf ball with this variable face thickness it is seeing that it does deliver like I say a slightly faster ball speed on those

Off-centered strikes I’m just going to another one off like I said earlier that sound it sounds solid it sounds aggressive that was a tow strike I’ve just had and like I said not made for me but seeing that it’s up into that 170 category for a 7 iron that

Swung a little bit slower that’s still getting out there that is what I want definitely from something like these and I’ve taken these out on the golf course as well and I’ve hit some shots out there and even from what I see in the Sim when I’m hitting balls and I’m

Getting good distances what’s noticeable I think for me out on the golf coures that they launch they just get up in the air these sort of things and from being a golf coach and seeing a lot of my students being in that mid to high handicapper I always thought that that

Was one thing that when you gave that to a player when you saw them hitting that good shot with a a nice Striker and it was soaring up into the air and getting some distance that was a real sort of winning moment for that player these are definitely doing that that launches up

There partly due to the Club had designed also the shaft options that you can get will Aid that as well being a steel or a graphite availability and different weights in those to see if you are swinging it a little bit slower you could get a little bit of a health there

But definitely out on the course that was one thing that really yeser feel was there and I was getting a distance that I would expect but the ease of actually just getting the golf ball up into the air whether it be a pitchy wedge a seven

Iron a five iron it was quite easy to to make that hacker which is like I say for me where the mid- handicapper would probably cherish that quite a lot I think the big thing that we have to talk about which is I think where Wilson probably come up trumps in this

Category maybe because they’re a little bit of an unappreciated or recognized Brands oh man they have one of the most Majors ever in history Fallen a little bit out of favor in terms of the big boys when we think of the tailor AIDS callaways Titleist pings you probably

Put Wilson maybe in a rung underneath those but when they have to compete on price they are straight to the top of the pile when we’re talking about those other brands because if you looked at what a set of ping g430s would cost you for the same as these would in five to

Pitching wedge you’d be pay out £840 as well if you were to get these in a fire to pit your wedge in the steel shaft you would only be paying out 57 9 which is a massive saving so much so that if you were thinking well I want

These I actually I might need a fairway wood or a rescue wood if you look at a rescue wood you’ve got your five iron depiction wed and you wanted to go and get a full hybrid to help you and you wanted to throw a DA power one of those

In you could do that if you wanted to then think well actually I need something to put on the greens you could get one of the Wilson Staff infinite lines in your bag as well and still have left over to buy a couple of dozen golf

Balls all for the price of one set of items from one of the big manufacturers that’s decent that is a big saving for an item that is doing the same as what those others are doing I think the beauty with them as well after we’ thought about prices that they are in a

Lot of retail stores as well you can go to your big manufacturers over here and you can also get that custom fitting availability on them so whether you are a steel whether you are a Brite whether you need a a light to sh shaft whether

You need a regular or whether you need a stiff shaft you’ve got that availability you’ve got CH options to change the grip as well you’ve also got the options to bend the heads in terms of flat and upright that can be done also when you’re ordering these CPS so you know

Knowing that and knowing that they’re coming in cheaper as well and also they’re a great looking Golf Club they feel good and they perform like they would why would you not try these irons for me it’s it’s almost a no- brain it is a no-brainer I mean that was poorly struck

And as you can see on the uh Sim I’ve hardly left the middle of the the range here at this point a lot of shots that are going straight they’re launching up and even if we just throw a few numbers up there of the sevene and the wedge

That I’ve hit they do it they actually you know they perform and for me that is where you want the mid- handicapper to be they’re probably looking for something that isn’t as expensive cuz you may just getting into the sport where you’re thinking well I don’t want

To spend loads cuz I don’t know if I’m actually that good to get enough spent on the irons that way maybe you don’t want to spend loads because you don’t think your game warrants spending that I’ve heard that quite a few times and something like this a quality brand a

Quality Club at a quality price they’re doing it for me so for me the Wilson Dino Power irons definitely want I think that if you’re in that bracket the mid to high handicapp it you should be looking at something like this they take a lot of box is price feel look

Performance they’re getting those so if you are trying ions and you want to save a few PS maybe take a look at the Wilson Staff D power guys I hope you enjoyed that video as always do remember to hit the Subscribe button and see some of our other reviews just over here


  1. I use G400’s not changing them anytime soon. I know low handicap players who use G series. If I was looking for new irons, I’d consider Wilson. Very underrated despite having a great history.

  2. I use the Cleveland hi bore turbos, I couldn't care less how a club looks (maybe because I'm so ugly myself) I play off official handicap of 5 and only care how they perform which is brilliantly. I have no hesitation in recommending Hi bores to any level of golfer besides maybe scratch and pros.

  3. I have the wilson D9 forged irons, I always struggled with my cobra ltdx irons but since getting these my golf has improved a fair bit, I had zero birdies last year and was strugglibg to break 100, i got my wilson irons in november on a black friday deal and this year I've broke 90 twice already and have 5 birdies on the board already, been playing my best golf since changing my irons.

  4. My old Callaway Diablo ‘Edge’ irons are ridiculously forgiving. Hit the ground 3 feet behind the ball and up she goes. Almost.

  5. Wilson clubs are underrated, who cares about how they look when you're enjoying your golf more? I use Wilson launchpad irons and they're ugly as hell, but I've played my best golf ever in years.

  6. I’ve been using these for just under 12 months, they’re a great iron at an incredible price point. Very long and forgiving.

  7. I have the Ping G425's and from the camera angle these look more chunky, the topline looks huge.. I don't see that with the 425's.

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