Golf Players

Full Swing Golf Booth PGA Show 2024

In this video Garage Golf visits Full Swing Golf and their booth at the PGA Merchandise Show 2024 to showcase what’s new at Full Swing Golf and what people can expect from Full Swing Golf in regards to options in 2024 and the future.

#garagegolf #fullswinggolf #pgashow2024

Hey fellow garage golfers Roland and Gilbert we’re at the PJ Merchandise Show 2024 we’re here with Ryan with full swing offl how you doing Ryan good thanks for being with us man appreciated it thank you thank you you so um on the channel obviously you’ve seen us do a

Lot of things and we’re going to show you today what do we got here we got the full swing kit studio is that accurate you got it a full swing kit it’s what you’ve seen tiger out there using on the Range that every major he’s played in

Lately then we got the full swing kit Studio that we’ve Beed together so it’s an all-in-one DIY solution right gotcha so we we’ve SE it the full swing goes how far behind you as a golfer uh for this setup right now we have it 8 ft

Behind and then eight uh since we have our ground projector a little bit more but uh you can go as short as eight and eight if you want to have 8T in front 8 ft behind and then of course we always say leave yourself a foot off the wall

Gotcha so we need a minimum at least 16 ft of total ball for it to be able to read all that kind of stuff and then a foot from the wall so you need about at least minimum 17t roughly total okay gotcha all right so um tell me a little

Bit more about the full swing kit uh what kind of software does it work with that works integrated with which programs so full swing kit just give you guys a quick background that’s radar power uh also has a a high resolution video camera built in there that video

Camera is really just for target alignment and then it’s going to actually give you swing replays as well um 16 points of club and ball data no stickers needed no special alignment tools needed everything uh if you’re not looking for game playay goes into our free app that’s iOS so on your iPhone

Your iPad also can do it through your app watch which I personally really like on Range um as far as software goes every full swing kit comes with a E6 connect for uh iOS got uh Perpetual pack included so that’s five courses plus uh 15 practice areas what you’re going to

See behind me is our proprietary full swing Golf software um and that’s part of our full swing kid Studio package okay that’s going to be 15 Premier courses eight of them are going to be featured on the PGA tour the other ones are going to be from tiger Woods design

Where we’re going to have exclusivity there uh Tiger’s been part of team full since 2015 I think some people have heard of him right yeah every now and then and then uh some of the other courses will be uh Jack Nicholas signature designs as well so some really

Good courses we have spy glass in there some courses that normally you wouldn’t think would be part of the included uh package so that’s going to come as part of the laptop uh that we’re going to provide when you get the full swing kit Studio okay talk to me about the studio

Package what are we looking at for what we see kind of roughly here yeah so we offer uh package we offer a 10ft wide stream package and a 12T wide stream package um with PC included that would start at about 9500 okay um for this exact setup a 12T PC package that’s

Going to be about 15,000 all right so that’s pretty much what we see so we start as low as say 5,000 if you want to use this with something like a net or screen if you have it and then we work our way up to the full Studio $155,000

It gives you all the bells and whistles the courses um is there a way to add on additional courses if you want to as part of this package with an extra fee or how does that work now so right now we just launched this on Black Friday actually so we’re still looking at

Exactly what our how we’re going to roll out uh additional add-on options for everybody um our larger you know what everyone knows is for our full swing simulators uh that are installing the homes of tiger Gary Woodland right Jordan Speed uh we have 50 courses on

There um so we’ve taken some from there and brought it in here so there’s always options to expand uh we’ll let you guys know as soon as we have uh some packages available and how do youall do it when you when it’s one of your design courses

Or how does that work as far as I’m going through that process and having that replicated on the screen now that you know is it something that they go to and actually visit or oh yeah uh all of our courses are officially licensed so this is not us just saying hey it looks

Like this course we’re making sure we’re working directly with the course we’re flying drones getting elevation data collecting reference video and doing approvals with the course so that every detail down to if there’s a certain bench that they want to really make sure is included that’s on there so

Real detailed package that’s why when you hit it on the green you’re going to see the same roll out that you would have in real life hitting square like I know there’s some that you have to keep it at a certain area how um where you

Lay on the ball the great part with full kid studio is we make it real easy we have a nice little Turf extension here off the back keeps you down the center line um and then when you’re out on the Range uh when you set up your target

Line we have some nice little wickets to kind of guide you on where your ball should be placed but you know on Range unless you’re having a 5 hour grind so you really aren’t going to have to move that around got it got it all right well

Appreciate it we’re going to be doing a review on the full swing kit here on the channel here in the future so keep an eye out for that if you have any questions reach out to us anytime roll in at Ryan appreciate the time again

Thank you as always Ryan and we’ll look forward to seeing you guys on the next one till the next time keep on going thanks Again That’s super cool man no so watch this part so that’s Yeah

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