Do THIS to Free Up Your Golf Swing for Astonishing Results

Improve your golf swing by changing your posture! Don’t copy PGA Tour pro Adam Scott’s posture – instead, free up your swing with easy adjustments. You’re about to discover a straightforward tweak that can significantly enhance your swing—a change so easy, you can start today. Golfing wisdom often gets tangled in complexity, but at its core, improvement is ripe for the picking, waiting just within your grasp.

Watch this video for astonishing results on the golf course!

Our body is not designed to move dynamically either in rotation or forwards when we’re locked in this position. And this has become the sort of common instruction in modern day golf really for a number of years.

And that in particular is one of the reasons why I totally and utterly screwed my back up. Because it was all about locking into this position with the hips and the pelvis.

How to have an easier golf swing and better short game with one simple golf tip to alter your set up a tiny bit. Watch this to start your swing easily

Effortless feeling golf swing that gives consistent iron shots, powerful drives and more confident and better short game technique can be yours! Can a set up adjustment really do all of that to your golf game? Yes indeed it can and I need you to test it out because if you are not already, you should be.

⚠️ Transform your golf game
✅ Watch me next
▶ This Easy Downswing Move Makes The Golf Swing Easier
▶ This Easy Tweak Starts Your Effortless Golf Swing



Here’s what we cover in this golf video.

STOP inconsistent golf shots with driver, irons and chipping and here’s what you learn in this golf lesson.

A Quick change to your POSTURE for Effortless golf swing
How to hit iron shots more consistently
Get less effort better results and get through the ball for more distance


I’m going ti show you how you can go from hitting bad shots from chipping, pitching, bunker shots and full drives with your golf swing are so much harder and inconsistent because of one error when it comes to the set up.

How can the angle of your lead foot toes cause so many golf swing faults? A restricted upper body, a slide, an over the top golf swing because of and over-dominant dominant side to your body.

And easier golf swings are achieved by flaring the toes out toes and flow will give effortless power and consistency… Instantly

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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I’m going to show you something that every golfer can do today to improve their swing and that includes you this is one of the lowest hanging fruits if you will as far as it comes to simple golf Improvement but we’re human we’re golfers we tend to over complicate

Things the industry tends to over complicate things while your wait to shift to the inside of your right foot and keep the club face square and your left heel planted and the V between your thumb and forefinger pointed to your right shoulder and the club grip gently

Like a and your left shoulder under your chin allowing your hands to rotate through the impact area and maintaining a stable lower body position while finishing with your belt buckle facing the target with your rear elbow Hing so we really need to find some principles

Some keys that we can repeat that we can use to be consistent and it starts with the foundation of a solid repeatable I’m going to say that word a lot setup because it’s not just about repetition it’s about enabling your body to move as freely as possible and when you do that

You won’t have to manipulate your swing anywhere near as much as you’re most likely doing right now there’s a few keys that we need to be able to execute when it comes to a repeatable setup it stance width it’s the angle that we’ve got it’s the arm hang and it’s also the

Lie angle of our clubs we have to adjust to to those and those variables might seem difficult to manage but when you follow a couple of keys that I’m going to show you you can repeat them much easier you’ll move better and you will hit the ball better and the best thing

Is you can practice a lot of this at home today right now so there’s going to be three ways that we can get down to the ball okay it’s going to vary a little bit how far that is depending on the club that we have but there’s three

Ways that we can do it one of them is going to be from bending from the knees okay that’s how we’re going to sort of address the ball is bending from the knees however when this happens too much we sort of see something like this where

The swing can get very rounded and we get over the top we also have an issue of stalling because the legs just aren’t moving properly we’ve haven’t got an athletic posture you know we wouldn’t really do anything in life when we’re sunk down like this okay the arms are

Sort of very close or they’re a bit too far away and it causes a lot of movement unnecessary movement that we just don’t need and that’s overexaggerating a little but it’s to emphasize it and you don’t need anywhere near as much knee Bend as you think and if you’ve got too

Much knee Bend it’s probably because you’re not doing the latter which we’ll see in a minute the other way we’re going to get down to the ball with the club so we got the club in our arms here the other way we’re going to do it is

The most common way is is bending from the hips so we Bend from the hips here sticking the rear end out and you know then flexing the knees we see that description of how to get into a athletic posture how to set up like Adam Scott or whatever it might be now the

Thing is when we set up with these very rigid angles we are locked into position here our body is not designed to move dynamically either in rotation or forward when we’re locked in this position and this has become the sort of common instruction in modern day golf

Really for a number of years and that in particular is one of the reasons why I totally and utterly screwed my back up because it was all about you know locking into this position with the hips and the pelvis locked here and then trying to turn turn The Body around that

And then it’s like oh you know you’re not getting enough turn you need to turn more so you need more Mobility so you start working in the gym working on all these Mobility moves trying to increase your range of motion or if you don’t do that your swing can end up looking very

Much like choppy like this or you’re going to do one of the big common faults if you’re rigid here what it’ll do because it’s like a overcompensation you’ll stand up through the ball and have that kind of early extension and not make that good contact and that all

Stems from having a rigid locked position we can’t rotate we can’t move from this position there is a Third Way A Better Way an easier way we want to be able to lower ourselves from the thoracic spine here being able to lower ourselves there has a number of benefits

And I’m not going to be able to cover them all but if you look at golfers of days gone by you’ll see that Jack Nicholas Ben Hogan uh Arnold Palmer many others before even Nick Faldo before we started getting into this Millennium and it started to get a lot more rigid now

You might say why does this work for pros they are all standing like this well they’re the exception they have the ability to be mobile they have the ability to work on their strength and fitness they have the ability to move as they need to it doesn’t mean that it’s

Optimal and it’s certainly not optimal for a vast majority of you like probably 90% and at the end of the day we want this to be easier on the body to be able to produce more effortless consistent goal swings so what we want to do we want to lower ourselves from the

Thoracic spine a little bit here and you can just sort of do a little test we’re just going to stand pretty neutral with our lower body a little bit of flex and what I’m going to try and do is just lower keeping my hips in place I’m just

Going to lower down from my upper back all right and one of the main benefits here as I showed you with the the backside sticking out and that rigid we can’t make a good turn we get stuck and then we have to overcompensate when we have a natural sort of flexion here what

Can happen is it’s going to be a lot easier as we go back to add that little bit of extension we’ve got I’m exaggerating but we’ve got that room to extend and that is something that’s very natural if you were to just throw a ball you wouldn’t stay here and throw it that

Way you would you know you would throw the ball like this you would get up high you would create some extension but you can only do that if you have room to do it literally from your upper spine another aspect that is important when it comes to a repeatable setup is the

Distance that we have our arms from ourselves in relation to the ball and that’s where you know different L angle is going to affect us that when we start to set our you know perfect setup that’s more natural the arms are going to hang in a different position than if they

Were you know if we were bending from the knees too much okay or like you know what can happen is if we Bend from the knees they often sort of go out a little bit too far that way because we’re trying to reach and kind of create room

If you will likewise if we do the overe exaggeration of the typical setup that you’re being told to do with the sharp angles and you know I keep picking on Adam Scott but the thing is Adam Scott has unbelievable Mobility like that’s just naturally him he doesn’t need to

Wind turn up rotate his hips that much to be able to get an exceptionally big rotation and range of motion most of us can’t I mean I can’t do what he can either so we have to allow for our own physical limitations and just be

Realistic if we have you know a bit of low doses here sticking that butt out and very rigid what is going to do is cause those arms to be a little bit too close to us here which is going to cause a bit too much of a steep swing and a

Compensation you know trying to make room or coming across the top or early extending because we’re out of place here and the more we have variables the more inconsistent you’re going to be but if we have a neutral position where we’re bending from that thoracic spine

And we’re a bit more neutral than the pelvis here the arms are going to hang a lot more naturally and then they’re going to be in more or less the same position yes they’re going to change for different lengths of clubs a little bit but it’s going to be in the optimal

Position the neutral position position to be able to make you know the back swing and the turns and the through swings that we want there’s other benefits to this as well but doing it you’ll start to notice you have a more free flowing swing on the back swing and

The through swing but I’m going to give you a really neat drill that you can do at home right now against a wall that’s going to help you calibrate it find yourself a wall now obviously here in the Go studio there’s a couple of weird angles so just find a regular straight

Wall that you can use if it’s got a skirting board that that’s great um or what you call it baseboard you Americans um if it doesn’t you want to sort of look at maybe a club length difference uh or Gap from the wall to your heel approximately there but for the ultimate

Test we’re trying to get the heels as close to the wall as possible and we don’t need a club to begin with but what I’m showing you is that if we put our heels right against the wall here and I’m trying to sort of lower down to even

Touch my knees okay if I try and touch my knees I can sort of do it by bending my knees a little bit but I still have to sort of tilt over at the thoracic spine okay that’s sort of cheating but that as we’ve talked about is not going

To be very optimal for a golf swing likewise the most popular way of getting down to the ball is to hinge at the waist to sort of push the hips back and tilt forward okay if I do that to try try and touch my knees what’s going to

Happen is I’m going to sort of be pushed off and fall over again all of this is about calibration about balancing a repetition that we can just stick and hit every time to give us the power and consistency that we want so we’re going to go with option number three which is

To allow ourselves to bend from the thoracic area but what we’re going to do and why the drill is so important is going to overemphasize that sensation for us but we’re going to try and keep our pelvis our backside our lower back on the wall kind of as much as possible

All right what we’re going to do is now Flex from the thoracic area and touch my knees but keeping I’m trying to maintain touch as soon as it comes away right that’s about there I’m touching my knees and that even though it’s a little bit exaggerated is much

Nearer the optimal setup position for nearly every single go swing you’re going to move better you’re going to hit it better from here and every time that you practice this at home pushing against the back against the wall just lowering yourself from the spine lowering down to here and you can adjust

Your stance stance width a little bit to to replicate your actual setup okay but you’re going to keep rehearsing this movement keeping your lower back thoracic spine down nice and slowly and what you can try and do then is hold a club I haven’t quite got enough room

Here but you’re going to hold a club up and you’re going to sort of lower yourself down okay until you touch the floor with the club the more you do this the better it’s going to be every day just find a wall just spend a couple of minutes working

On this drill to find your primary optimal balance point with a neutral pelvis because when you do this your swing will improve and you’ll start to hit that setup position every time you’ll be B balanced you’ll be more Dynamic and when we add on a couple of

Other elements which we’ll get to in some other videos you’re going to be in a really good spot trust me you can use that daily and even without hitting any shots you’ll start to calibrate yourself your setup when you approach shots you’ll have a more neutral natural

Position that you hit every time there’s going to be more neut here more natural and that nice lowering to be able to get the back swing and the wind up you want and the through swing it’s going to make the whole thing a lot easier so use that wall drill start calibrating yourself

And see a better swing now if you want to improve another facet of your game helping you get a little bit more rotation check out this lesson see you next time

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