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Stoney & Jansen – Aaron Glenn Has To Show What He’s Made Of Next Season

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Well with Dan Quinn becoming the head coach of the Washington commanders that means that Aaron Glenn does not get a head coaching job again and it means that uh unless something strange happens he’s back for year number four as the Lions defensive coordinator and probably this season maybe with the

Exception of Cam Sutton and Jerry Jacobs at time times Aaron Glenn was probably the most polarizing person on the uh Detroit Lions roster you know so to speak yeah um he took the most heat correct uh a lot of people think he did a really good job basically making a amazing batch of

Chicken salad uh because the the roster especially in the in the in the secondary was awful um and they were top three I believe run defense yes but they were like 25th or 27th in pass defense if I’m not mistaken uh 19th in Total Defense 23rd in points allowed okay so 248 539

9797 what would the Lions have to do in your mind for Aaron Glenn to earn year number five well they’ve got to show so first things has to happen he’s have to get some more players and and I don’t mean just yes fill the roster you’ve got

To get more dogs on the defense it’s another Edge rusher and it’s a cover Corner a number one corner whether it’s through the draft which I know could take a little time to develop and and get their feet wet and get get playing at a high level but it can be done um

And and and they just need more support more players to be able to do things with because at the end of the year we saw a shift from trying to get whether it was Aiden Hutchinson Al mcneel uh the cast of characters up front to put pressure on a quarterback along with the

Linebackers here from here and there to a much more aggressive style bringing pressure from Corners safeties nickels and they were you know in the at the last six seven games they did a a much better job of pressuring opposing quarterbacks but it put a strain on the

Secondary so it’s it’s a risk reward that we’ve talked about if he gets another playmaker in the secondary two Playmakers let’s say a safety and a corner and then you go and you get an edge rusher I would expect that they would maintain especially with the hiring of

Terrell Williams as a defensive line coach and a run game coordinator on defense the top three top five status in stopping the run but I would expect them to be a top 10 team in in Total Defense and they were what 19th in Total Defense

M top 10 yeah okay and and and if they’re 12 am I going to say he’s fireable no but that’s my expectations going I’m not going to sit there and say well I I want him to be a 15 no I want him to be a top 10 defense and I think that’s

Possible I would want that too I think we all would want that uh to me if they have a similar record and the defense doesn’t prove let’s say to the you know top 15 I’m okay with that as as long as you know and don’t forget statistics are

Deceiving a lot of times you give up points in garbage time offensively sometimes you score points in garbage time you’re playing prevent Ys accumulate it all the right but you know you know even eye test you can tell if the defense is good and the lions run defense was good statistically and it

Was pretty good eye testwise secondary was bad in both right yes 2485 39 9797 uh for lion fans what would it take for you you to you know say you know what Aaron Glenn’s done a good job he should be here for year five he’s going to be here for year four unless

Something happens yeah what what were your expectations and I think the other thing we should ask too is and I and I do believe that most people want or I think Aaron Glenn should be back because he is going to be back but are were you

Hoping that he would get the head job so that you could without having to fire someone without having to quote unquote move on from someone that you could get somebody else as as DC I mean I know there are tons of people there are tons of people who feel

That way absolutely I mean there’s one sitting eight inches from me right yes but that’s a that that’s close 20 inches whatever whatever it’s go he’s sitting next to me all right not an arms length away yes okay 5T whatever I mean five yeah well let’s Ju Just so we can please

A 6 feet 60 in 72 in 6 feet apart anyway um yeah and I I know gov has has been very vocal that he was hoping he would get a head coaching job so that you can move on and and hire somebody else defensively I think he’s done a good job

With with the cast of characters he’s had to deal with he has shown that he is stubborn at first which you I I’m okay with you want a guy that that buys in and understands his philosophy and is willing to stick to it but then eventually you’re going to have to make

Some changes if it’s not working and he did well they did that when they fired Aubrey Pleasant now whether that was whether he just went along with it or it was his idea you know I have no idea that was just a Dan Campbell you know

Yeah but basically in the end they went to okay we’re going to be a Bend don’t break defense and we’re going to try to stop you in the red zone honestly that’s what they and to me that’s that’s not a way you have a great defense that’s picking the path of least resistance

True but and in point the evidence in the three years look what I don’t have a problem with him being back I the the thing is is yeah I wouldn’t have minded if he got a head coaching job because I’d be very intrigued by the options

That they could get at DC um I don’t know what it’s in the DNA of Aaron Glenn in terms of having a defense I really don’t I look the run defense got way better this year you got to give him credit for it I just think he I’m just

Questioning okay I I think when a guy has defenses in his first three years of DC that are all in bottom 10 points allowed in the league which is the most important defensive stat it is a game about points who scores the most how many you give up all that that you have

To hold him accountable I and we have a coaching staff over the first three years where an OC was kicked to the curb right away and that was the right move and uh positional coaches have been but it seems like he gets more rope and the

His bottom line result is not very good the one that matters the most I think there needs to be signific Improvement like he has got to get into the upper half of points allowed this year they gave up a 100 more points on average more than the other three conference

Finalists that’s huge it is huge that cost them home field advantage especially giving especially giving up those yardage to Nick Mullins and those guys I mean and they had there’re still wins I understand you’re giving up points but it’s all about the win yeah but it’s also jaded a little

Bit and you play the game and you by the final score right and all that two of those games they allowed six points against the Falcons which their offense was horrendous okay and Tampa hadn’t quite found its offense yet and there was a big drop in that game by the way

Yeah so I they give up over 23 points a game this year to to answer though your your worry or your concern that they went to the bend but don’t break which is very frustrating and I remember when Wayne font’s defenses used to have that in this case though because of the Loft

On this team lack of freaking Talent on especially in the back end I don’t think he really had a choice except do what they did benman op break and occasionally you know have to run some blitzes and things like that just to be different because if they rent with a

Standard or whatever his defensive philosophy is they would have been torched even more All Season don’t you think yeah um and here’s the other thing in terms of what I expect from this defense because you’re going to be facing a number of quarterbacks that are mobile obviously if if Justin Fields is

Still in Chicago even if he’s not if it say it’s cable Williams he’s a mobile quarterback Jordan love is a mobile quarterback um you’re going to be facing Dak Prescott um you’ve got other guys that you’re going to be facing that are mobile quarterbacks he needs to find

Answers some of it’s Personnel other is how do you keep a mobile quarterback from beating you and extending all of those first downs you want another stat sure I’m wrest seen my case on points allowed in the playoffs they have up 26.6 points a game that’s not great that was higher

Than the regular season and two wins and they also 23 in two games which was this team average over the year right and then in the game against San Francisco it was a turnover on the 20 yard line there were a number of different things that allowed them short Fields

Opportunity dropped interception yeah I mean yeah I mean look but I’m sure that goes both ways too so you know yeah but but is it on the defense to give up okay maybe you could stop and give them three if you get if they get the ball on the

20 yard line versus a touchdown but how much is that how much are you going to blame the defense for giving up a score in that situation no I know I I tend to agree but I mean like but then you go the other way with offensive numbers

Sometimes they actually had good field position too so I’m saying team-wise that stuff kind of go so then what it comes down what’s it come down to the win yeah you use the Loft argument though why why isn’t some half of it on him I I I feel like there’s some pass

Being given here I just do because the bottom line number is not good and it’s not going to win you a Super Bowl go find me a team that won the Super Bowl that gives up plus 23 points a game I know that you just don’t find them so

There’s a lot of work and I agree Talent is a problem okay and how about youth the Youth of the talent I the talent might be there and so that’s where I have no like I think he could potentially be a better head coach than

A DC I just think that’s the kind of Coach he is when you start hearing about him in the leadership aspects and and stuff I just I don’t know I I desire to try to have a raven like defense here and I see absolutely none of that well I

Don’t think they have especially in the back end those type of players like Kyle Hamilton you know yeah I mean no they don’t have that that type of guy but they could have yes but they don’t and so you’re you’re looking at it going was he taking after Jameson Williams by

The way before Hamilton yeah he was yes he was I want to say he was like 15 or 16 you take Hamilton though then are you taking branch and I think a case look Hamilton has another year under his belt right I think you could make an argument

Right now on who’s the better player is right there probably Hamilton because he had such a good second third season here or whatever but yeah it one of the best in the league Yes again please hear what I’m saying overall right you’re not saying he’s a bad coach I I think there

Has to be a real real evaluation and he’s going to stay and he’s going to be the guy but to me this is the biggest thing facing them and I have concerns maybe it’s not fair because I don’t have any evidence but you know what they are

Friends and I and I just am picking up I think I have a little evidence on this team okay well his friend DC is getting more chances and the result aren’t there and also the organization’s amount of rope that they’re giving to some of their draft picks and these are things I’m looking

At this offseason yeah but we we played the audio from Dan’s press conference um on Monday and and it was I’m I’m not going to ask Greg to pull it up right now but it was basically the production has to be there it’s players and fall in

Love with your guys you can’t fall in love with the guys because eventually production will right will will taper off right we’ll find out next year like un people like that who hadn’t panned out yeah they have to be gone if there’s no production yeah there’s no reason for

Them to be there still Exactly


  1. If A G. Does what I think he'll do with continued development of current players plus a influx of new talent forget year 5 he's going to finally get a head coaching job

  2. They hit on a key issue at the end. I don't know if the coaches are carrying out Holmes wishes but every player Holmes drafts gets to stick around, some way beyond their sell date. Is that Holmes being stubborn? I think so. Onwuzurike has no business being on an NFL roster and if it was any team but the Lions he'd already be handing out keys at Avis or some other such pursuit. Paschal is another second round whiff. Unless he takes some major leap next year what we have is a guy with sixth or seventh round skill dressing every game because he was drafted in the second round. That Jefferson kid Holmes picked, the RB in the seventh round? He's still kicking around the practice squad. And I have a feeling that this Martin Kid he way way way over drafted will eat up three spots on the bench until his full four year run is done. 330 pounds my ass. Maybe on the Moon. Holmes has made some solid picks, but his misses have been on the defensive side, especially the line, and that includes vets like Harris and Brockers who were total wastes.

    I give Glenn a bit of a pass because he really hasn't had a lot to work with. But the man is right. Campbell is always heaping praise on Glenn, giving him game balls, talking him up like he's Vince flippin Lombardi. Ben Johnson? "Yeah, Ben called a good game." That's about it. If he has ever given him a game ball I've never seen it and it's always about execution with the offense after a loss. The defense? "Yeah, we got a few things to clean up." Then it never gets cleaned up and the next week? "Yeah, we got some clean up to do."

    I like Coach, I really do, but he has favorites and he has pals. Glenn is his is guy, his pal, so unless he gets a HC gig he's here as long as Campbell. End of discussion. He came here with him, he'll leave with him. And there are players like Cabinda who get the same treatment. Again, there isn't another team in football, well, maybe Canada, where that guy gets a roster spot. Here? Sh*t, not only does he get a spot, he gets activated for playoff games when others sit. Sorry, I ain't seeing it. But hey, at least these guys have put a good product on the field. But I have the same fear when it comes to taking the next step. 23 points a game ain't gonna get it done. They have a good offense, but it's not the greatest show on turf good. If they don't improve, and Glenn gets to stick around for 2025, well then you'll know, it's a friend thing.

  3. i dont wanna be mean. AG is an idiot. hes not very bright. he reminds me a lot of hillary clinton. where he is talking and you are waiting for something intelligent to come out. and after 10 minutes you say, well, it just didnt happen. because there is nothing. AG isnt getting head coaching offers for a reason. hes stupid.

  4. If they can improve from barely a top 20 to around top 10, they're a Superbowl contending team. Then, I think both coordinators end up leaving.

    AG made some good changes last year on the whole.

  5. Look guys we have Jordan Love in the division. We better get a 1 and 2 corners that are top notch. Or we are not going to get any more divisions.

  6. Ag need some talent to coach cause cleary he can scheme a good game and make very low rated players play at a very high level

  7. I don't mind holding AG accountable if you give him players, but we're not there yet. We still have holes. The defense has improved every year since AG took over. If you fill the holes, my expectations would be top half next year, top 10 in 2025.

  8. Im not a Arron Glen apologists. But one thing no one is talking about is how we lost are defensive line coach from last year. And we really haven't brought in the players on D. We did get the defensive line coach from the titans. With the players the bring in this year i think he will be fine.

  9. He’s not a good DC. yeah the corners sucked but he left them on islands every game. Go rewatch the seahawks game the past 2 years and tell me he schemes up a defense well.

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