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[Free Show] Wrestling Open 2/8/24 featuring an 8-Man Tag Team Match & JUMBO Grand Prix Quarterfinals

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1. JUMBO Grand Prix – Bobby Orlando vs. TJ Crawford
2. Aaron Rourke vs. Griffin McCoy
3. Gabby Forza & Kennedi Hardcastle vs. Paris Van Dale & Shannon LeVangie
4. JUMBO Grand Prix – Kylon King vs. Tyree Taylor
5. JUMBO Grand Prix – “Big Boofa” Dezmond Cole vs. Brad Baylor
6. JUMBO Grand Prix – “Fancy” Ryan Clancy vs. Steven Stetson
7. Waves And Curls, Bryce Donovan, Jermaine Marbury vs. Big Business & Stetson Ranch

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He is certainly strange but one of the things about his unique personality is that even though you can’t predict him there is a method to his own Madness you and I might count to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 he might count it 1 35 2 it might

Be all jumbled but at the end of the day he always finds a way to get to 10 he finds his way there he’s kind of like a rug rat but I’m going to let that pass well that is another story for another time I’m guessing that Bobby has not

Been to the church during his time I mean he could definitely pass by he’s more all welcome to the church well that is something that we will talk about during this broadcast tonight Tyreek Taylor goes oneon-one with kylon King in the past Tyreek Taylor has gone in there with ichon and

Dustin flash Waller 2third of the miracle ones he rounds that out here tonight as king Bobby has just crowned himself I mean typically it’s more of a king Brad situation here but we’ve moved on to King Bob but this is the unpredictability that we talk about look at TJ Crawford not my

Mom as TJ Crawford telling Bobby Orlando you’re not my mom if you don’t know what that means I’m still trying to figure it out after a couple of years that’s so rude you’re supposed to respect your mother and father that’s a commandment oh great hey big fact you may call yourself the big

Bread but after I’m done with you you’re going to be toast what how could he he said he’s going to toast him you like Dad jokes brother greatness that’s just so I can’t believe he could say such a thing this quarterfinal matchup is underway and one thing Bobby

Does know if you didn’t know this there are no time limits for the rest of the tournament so he doesn’t have to try to rush and get in there he can take his time and play a little mind games with TJ Crawford and it’s going to be hard to

Transition game plans but I don’t know if Bobby has a game plan he just does what Bobby does gets a shot right to the midsection tumbling over is TJ Crawford as this crowd loves Bobby Orlando if I wrote down Bobby Orlando on a piece of paper

You would read it and think I was speaking another language but no matter what the translation is he always ends up making sense he always finds a way and as much as I say he might not have a game plan the first thing he did beautiful net breaker to get to this is

A big shot to the gut hooks the leg almost heading into the semifinals which take place next week I cannot wait to see who will be joining the winner of this in those semifinals we have eight by the end end of tonight we will be

Down to the last four and it’s hard for me to believe that Bobby Orlando won’t be one of those four right now you have a hurt TJ Crawford he seems to know exactly what to do to keep him reeling charges over TJ Crawford desperately hanging on oh look at that sending Bobby

Neck first into that top rope into that steel cable and follows it up with a big boot got him directly in the side of the head that can mess up your eyesight and can cause swelling in that left eye there is a knee right after that eye TJ

Crawford saw that Target opening up he went straight for it and that is why one of many reasons why he is called the silver sniper he is very hard to shove off once he gets control of a contest even something as simple as a lateral press he immediately slams The forarm

Directly over that eye puts a foot drags it into the eye even with the choke leaning into that side of the face this is going to be very tough for Bobby to see after a while and Bobby Orlando even though he is unorthodox having just one eye going in

There it’s going to be very difficult to see that Silver Bullet spinning back kick coming if you only have one eye your depth perception is totally thrown off and TJ Crawford knows it absolutely Big Shots now to the chest and then you see he’s taking the time to still get a

Foot to that eye I do know we’re going to hear from our wrestling open Champion big bacon Brad Hollister later tonight he is not here in the building but you know as well as I do TJ Crawford entering this tournament in my mind there has to be a grand plan for him to

Go all the way and for him and big bacon to ski yeah no this is what they would consider doing business and honestly I don’t think that’s what the people of the wi Eagle deserve they deserve an awesome finale and an awesome contest well if they have it their way they are

Going to be the only big business in professional wrestling as TJ Crawford back on the assault with Bobby Orlando right now beautiful sleeper hold and uh once again TJ Crawford of big business doing everything he can to take the air away from Bobby Orlando you can hear the crowd here

Rallying behind Bobby Orlando use that hashtag let us know what you think at home as we are heading toward the finish line for the jumbo Grand Prix TJ Crawford wants to be the one taking the Tony Rumble Memorial Cup home with him and TJ Crawford As We Know he’s gotten

There he’s been the number one Contender before it’s going to be rough for him to get back there but big no saw that one coming able to stop Bobby in his tracks missed Bobby Orlando rolling out of the way TJ Crawford missing yet again and Bobby back to hisp in this qual

Match no rolls through count of two oh blocks that shot goes for that Silver Bullet he missed but Bobby Orlando did not on the shotgun Drop Kick the back of the head of TJ Crawford right into that midle Buckle it’s a serious issue hits the clothesline in the corner

Bobby Orlando wants to show that he belongs at the top of the Heap here at wrestling open makes the cover but only gets a count of two TJ Crawford whether you like his attitude or not has shown that he is one of the toughest that wrestling open has

And also one of the toughest to beat after having your ribs all ruined a couple Sundays ago to take such a low backstab and be able to still kick out that’s the toughness proven in your statement by TJ Crawford he was able to win a week ago with those taped ribs

Still taped up and he is still persevering here and he wants to go into the semifinals big clubbing blows immediately going and TJ a big shot to the temple out of the corner thought he was going for that Olympic slam went forward with it hits the running knee is that it makes the

Cover Bobby Orlando out at two and TJ Crawford is beside himself unorthodox to save the least from TJ Crawford but he went back to the game plan that was working for him in the beginning these big shots to the face and the right side of the head that’s how he’s going to

Find Victor if he does ton and TJ one of the things that he has been working on for a long time or was at one point when he teamed with fancy Ryan Clancy is that temper but Brad Hollister said let that temper come out get as angry as you want

To and TJ starting to show signs of that but he’s actually holding his composure I think one big thing Hollister taught him is how to utilize that bullet call rage and point it properly oh slips out does Bobby there’s a back elbow to the second rope that’s the cutter tries that

Sick trick cutter but no there’s a back breaker by TJ plays him out is he on to the semifinals that’s it out at two and TJ Crawford is I rate it was seemingly academic but it turned out to be Collegiate more difficult than what TJ Crawford could have assumed and

There is that temper that Brad Hollister encourages to come out but now the only rage in his eyes is staring right at Bobby Orlando oh wow what a violent kick directly to the skern him in the chest and now slowing himself down trying to reain his bearings because he knows a chance at

The semifinals is at stake and those educated PE going to work he knows how to kick oh he blocks it spins him out there is a right hand from Bobby Orlando and there is a chop Bobby is Contin continuing to fight here with a shot at the semifinals that stake hold

On Bobby’s on the floor it’s the dive to the floor he nailed him and he is not done he knows he needs to go for bro with a chance at the semis at stake Bobby going to the heavens and no he got dropped down and that is a horrendous

Landing for Bobby Orlando you do not want to post to the middle of the legs that is not where you want to be that’s not how you want to feel TJ on that second rope looking to send Bobby crashing down and out of the jumbo Grand

Prix but Bobby with other ideas in mind Bobby in a good place oh my goodness it’s that Power Bomb s trick cutter is that it is he in the semis Bobby’s in TJ gets the shoulder up Bobby is in shock so am I so are you brother

Greatness that was the Home Run shot that was the hilberry through that that was a half court shot that’s everything Bobby had it was 2 years of feeling like he couldn’t get over that line and once again TJ Crawford denying him that chance to head to the finish line of the

Jumbo Grand Prix whoa there is a double chop to the throw oh he hit him with the Silver Bullet not like this he’s done TJ’s into the semifinals the time of the Fall 9 minutes 40 seconds here is your winner advancing to the semi final round of the tournament the silver sniper TJ

Crawford it took another shortcut shocking for TJ Crawford to be able to pick up that Victory but TJ Crawford now finds himself as the first of four semi finalists in The jumbo Grand Prix brother greatness is a step to a all big business title Affair and I’m not sure

If anyone in Worcester is uh hoping to see that as Bobby Orlando now has to go through his mind of coming up short in a big spot once again I think it was a robbery you saw that double chop to the throat by TJ Crawford but for Bobby it

Probably doesn’t matter at this point for him Griffin has something to say I can’t believe they got a top guy around all these Bottom Feeders well um time I checked we’re on top guy time I tell you all week I’ve been feeling hella disrespectful you want to act like this is Aaron rook’s return n it’s the top guys return a and these people may have love you I don’t

Care cuz nobody on this roster is put in that work like me no one on this roster has Superstar potential like the top guy no one else has International World Tour games like me r no want to feed me your boy that’s fine cuz his time just run out well there you

Go Griffin McCoy sees himself as a top guy and to see someone else come out here and get that kind of response to a return that has to anger you that has to mess with your it and your ego if you are someone of the mindset of Griffin

McCoy well here we go Aaron roor one onone with Griffin McCoy who do you think this type of matchup favor brother greatness honestly I think Aaron’s in the driver’s seat right now this feels like a home game for work and right now McCoy seems to not be in his normal mindset the first

Several minutes of this contest are really going to determine what McCoy can and can’t do with that aggravation Aaron RoR uh went on social media today and uh well go check out his social media and see his response to Griffin McCoy I’ll let you uh go ahead

And read that yourself I’m sure en Joy you know brother roric always has interesting comments and sensibilities and the crowd here kind of alluded to what he said so you can you can well big slap from the top guy that everyone claims to be at the bottom of the

Barrel ducks that shot Griffin McCoy a fantastic athlete in Peak physical condition but so is the dime piece Aon Ro both strong individuals wow just stepped directly on the spine and very arrogant side to who he is Griffin McCoy I think sometimes that can be his downfall though it’s all about how you

Utilize that we talked about it with TJ Crawford earlier about using that rage and aggression what’s McCoy going to do going to do with that attitude and with his uh particular sensibilities and thoughts regarding himself there’s a shoulder block decides to make the cover interesting and look at that athleticism

And a uh a little message the dime piece saying I’m going to show you a little bit of a Time piece here hey the dime piece decide to take a a p of the gluteus maximus and wow the athleticism sticks The Landing beautifully executed in a big

Drop kick directly to the nose right on the money only a count of one though Griffin McCoy has been very well traveled up and down the East Coast continuing to ply his trade and to improve his stock so he is very tough going everywhere and anywhere he can to

Compete Aaron RoR letting Griffin McCoy know however this is my time toight and he’s showing that right now big guzzle big big stto and now roow it’s looking oh no going to that second rope oh but there is a back elbow he might have been thinking moonsault there

I don’t know what he’s thinking now oh Griffin McCoy takes the foot out almost took himself with that strike but Aaron RoR goes down on that top rope and now Griffin McCoy has a very clear Advantage here in this one-on-one matchup and it’s always scary to see a competitor Take a Tumble and

Immediately grab a joint roor immediately grabs the left knee we saw how poorly the leg landed on those those elevator cables essentially through the top rope it’s going to be hard to really do anything involving the lower body now there is a chop and now Griffin McCoy

Stalking roor going to go with that Irish whip into the opposite corner hits the big boot and Griffin McCoy wants to show everyone here at the White Eagle what top guy time really meets top guy drop kick from the man that they claim to be at the bottom of the barrel

Griffin McCoy violently assaulted Aaron roric in the corner and right now Aaron roic is going to have to find a way find a way to get that separation he had a great opening opening up Gambit but to be stopped on that top rope was very diff

Oh look at that right into the gutbuster beautifully executed and with that type of hike coming down from that angle makes it even worse gets a count of two Griffin McCoy is a step away from beating a superstar and making a name for himself and letting wrestling open know that perhaps

Top guy time is more than just a nickname and the time that he’s on his proper transitions it was quite beautiful seeing that bat breaker directly into the net breaker to immediately go after that chin lock he’s doing everything he can to to Halt any opportunity Anor may have for a comeback

Here roor McCoy use that hashtag let us know what you think huge eight-man Tag Team Action in our main event coming off that electric Above the Rim championship match one week ago Germaine Marberry is going to be in there in that main event but right now Griffin McCoy and Aaron

Roor looking to make a big statement as as far as future Championship matches right now McCoy once again that arrogance and it could cost him here almost snuck in that Victory and I say snuck in that is a great technique I don’t want a downplay what Aaron RoR

Almost had there as he is on that apron there’s a right hand tries to go for that spear but Griffin McCoy had that one Scout 5 minutes of the lapse of the time limit five minutes remain as this match has a 10-minute time limit a lot of matches

Tonight do not but this one is our traditional open 10-minute time limits so you going to go in there and you’re going to move fast it’s a different kind of pace you have to take big wow there is a double stomp to the lower back is this

It no Aaron roor showing how tough he is and Griffin McCoy starting to maybe think that Aaron RoR has a lot more than he bargained for entire face and demeanor changed the minute that the announcement of 5 minutes passing popped up that’s what a time limit can do to

You it changes the way you have to go about the pacing of this contest we’ll see the difference between this match and the matches that are happening later tonight throughout the wonders of time he is trying to bend Aaron roor backwards we know how flexible and

Athletic Aaron roor is but he’s going to need a lot of toughness to get through this because Griffin McCoy is in a very ad vantageous position this is once again that chin lock he’s had applied several times and W big Miss sweeps out the legs all work needed was an opening

And there it is Big Shot to the chin from Aaron the dime piece again hitting him right in the button wow gets McCoy down and right big larat big clothes line look at the leg Lariat as well Aaron roor on the comeback Trail after that German

Suplex big German RoR is down in he K straight off the dime piece is feeling it here against Griffin McCoy gearing up here as this match presented by Island auto here in Worcester and Griffin McCoy’s chin might need some repairs after that the dime pie big shot and now goes straight to

The back of the back of the head here we go Aaron roor getting primed and ready maybe going to try that moon salt but roor is beaten he’s battered can he hit this now it’s the moons Sal beautiful beautiful Aaron roor is your winner the time of the Fall 7 Minutes 24 seconds

Here is your winner the DI King Aaron R that is a statement victory for the dime piece Aaron RoR big win big return and big things coming for the [ __ ] ER an exciting win you can hear this crowd and Worcester showing their appreciation for the return of Aaron

Work we are going to see what Gabby Forza and kenned Hard Castle can bring to the table but let’s not downplay the fact that in a short amount of time I think their attitude stinks but Paris Vale and Shannon Lei have made themselves a very formidable tag team we

All have various opinions when it comes to the bratson but there’s one thing we have to focus on the hard kits of Paris the hard kits of Shan leeni they know how to take down Gabby Forza they know how to hurt TR hard well Parris van telling Gabby Forza try

Again and a very rare PG chant from this crowd saying she’s a chicken and I agree yeah know they’re they’re they’re definitely getting closer to the positivity I hope that they would I got to love the wi even look at Gabby showing off that strength early immediately with that gorilla

Press and the rolling the athleticism and that shoulder tackle into the corner Shannon leeni is a f fantastic athlete but Gabby Forza is showing that she might be a force of Nature and she’s throwing her around like her name is tornado Shan Lei getting that leg up oh

Going to try that athleticism I talked about oh boy that’s the power of Gabby [Applause] Forza and I don’t know if you follow uh if you follow Forza on on social media push pressing 165 lbs for three reps like that’s like two of you well technically

Three cuz I am 16 to5 so she she did it to me three times it’s not good well Kennedy Hard Castle bringing it to the lower back of Shannon Lei and that’s what I’m talking about even a couple of months ago she wouldn’t have even known this crowd

Existed not because she dislikes anyone but she is coming out of her comfort zone or moving into something a little different yeah we’re seeing what candi’s really all about Kennedy Hard Castle now has changed and I think for the better but this hit might not be for her here

Comes Paris and there goes Paris after that Clos line as Kennedy even though she and Gabby Forza might wear different types of clothes they are much more similar than they think goodness gracious big smile on the face of Hard Castle as Shannon lei throwing that crown down not happy with

It and well what else is new these two have not ingratiated themselves to anyone in Worcester quite frankly I don’t think that was ever their goal their goal was simply to befriend each other and move forward and uh these two are trying to utilize that quote unquote friendship to again isolate Kenedy

Hardas wait stopping that suplex is Gabby wait Gabby picked her up oh look at that battering ram from gnome Castle the The Gnome Castle two feet to the face and now a double ax handle directly to the net but Harris jumping Gabby from behind par for

The course with her you can be as big and strong as you want but two arms to the back of the head going to try that monkey flip no but hold on there is a Power Bomb from Shannon lavangi onto Kennedy Hart Castle makes the cover and cutting them down taking away all

Momentum arthy Bratz yeah the Bratz utilizing their numbers to their advantage separating Hard Castle from Forza and immediately getting that violent Power by and right now stifling Kenedy Hard Castle with violent feet directly to the face the nose and the nose in the eyes Shannon bringing Hard Castle to her

Feet this goes much deep deeper than just professional wrestling this Cuts deep for years and years for someone like Kennedy har Castle who during her childhood or teenage year she felt like she never quite fit in one specific place but now here at wrestling open with a friend like Gabby Forza she feels

Like she has finally found a place for herself she is in she is now home after years of looking for one Worster loves her but this foot to the chin isn’t something that speaks to love and Paris Vanelle and Shannon lavangi spent their formative years telling people like

Kennedy Hard Castle you can’t sit at our lunch table and they’re continuing to do that here at wrestling over I would love to see their yearbooks all this popularity they claim to have I don’t know how much they were liked in secondary school were you popular in high school surprisingly yes well that’s

Because well anyway I’ll leave that one alone there’s a cover count of two says referee Bill Thompson I feel like a compliment was coming my way but right now Paris Vale in total control yes yeah AB I was definitely going to compliment oh hallelujah our director John Roy still has drama

For seems like he actually does I think I touched a nerve accidentally sorry John that was just joke as here we go the brats not joking around at all they want to take down Kennedy Hart Castle pick up the victory time limit 5 minutes remain oh look at her just enjoying

Every single second of what she’s doing in there that’s why this cuts a lot deeper than just trying to win a tag team match they want to continue to embarrass Kennedy and Gabby that’s all they want to do and bars Hard Castle they’re already proven incorrect Kennedy

Has friends they popped up leave the woman alone but no they’re still trying to bully they’re still trying to be rude and they’re still trying to be disrespectful it’s sinful Paul in every high school movie you can think of the good guy finally takes down the bullies

And the bully leaves them alone in this movie the bullies like Michael Myers just keeps coming back and that is what the brats are they just will not leave these two alone well I tell you right now when Gabby for gets an opportunity she’s going to make sure

That they want to be a star instead Shannon and Paris whoa Paris runs into that boot right into the throat there’s the back elbow oh ducks that shot but no Kennedy uses paris’s leg against her own partner and Paris immediately looking over to her friend forgets about candy for a

Moment big swing in the net breaker now she goes all three competitors in the ring are down Gabby Forza the only one standing but she is on that apron just begging for a chance to get into that ring Gabby jumping waiting for that tag waiting for an opportunity here it is

There it is here comes Gabby Forza and the brats are in a lot of trouble nothing but power in those Clos lines and Power in the is a Jer goodness gracious dropped her on her neck Shannon is decimated the Becca head right to the middle and now we’re flying baby Splash

Into the corner going to try to muscle her a little more it’s the power slam that it Paris at the last second breaking it up and she needed to hit Gabby’s boot to do it usually you see them try to go but she needed to just inch her way to stop

That Victory from happening she barely shifted the weight of Gabby off of that left shoulder of Shannon but now Shannon’s still in a terrible way as Kennedy now motivating herself as she’s ready to go wait hold on Harris out on the apron grabbing Kennedy oh

Look at that Shan and rate the eyes of Gabby Gabby can’t see th went directly into the eye of Gabby and now she’s not sure what she about to do Kennedy trying to assault Shannon no no Gabby just ended up spearing Kennedy I don’t even know if she could see she couldn’t see

And she got her now Shannon taking advantage oh my goodness Gabby dumped out onto the floor and the brass just stole it the time of the Fall 7 Minutes 58 seconds huro winners the Troublemaker Shannon leeni and the always trending Paris van Gabby Forza was unceremoniously dispatched but

Immedately goes in to save her friend Kennedy Hard Castle and that was Shannon leeni taking advantage the referee’s back was turned and Shannon raped the eyes of Gabby and Gabby I don’t even know if she could fully comprehend what she was doing as she just charged ahead

At what she saw in front of her but unfortunately Shannon pulled Kennedy in the way and Gabby ended up spearing her and that cost them the match but I have a feeling this is not the last we are going to see of this by a long shot but

Friendship still stands in the middle of this ring great contest terrible result well unfortunately for them they are back to the drawing board I just got my confirmation that I don’t think he believes a single word Tyrie and brother say all he saw was Tyrie beat flash Waller and Tyrie beat

Ichibon so kylon King is coming in here perhaps in his mind for Redemption against tyru and right now kylon King the first thing that happened with us in that ring just now runs up to us and says that he doesn’t trust us he doesn’t believe in

Us he just the rudess of Kyon King immediately but I understand it well why do you understand listen I get it we’re doing things differently you think that we’re still stuck in our old ways we are trying to be that’s R well listen there

Is a lot at stake here as you know this is a very personal matchup given what has happened over the last couple of months but a spot in the semifinals is still at stake yeah I get it this is a big contest for both competitors but I

Think we should still have a level of professionalism in this contest that’s what the church is all about love care and respect what in the Well Done Ty that’s what we talked about I was about to say kylon King can ought hold on this might be the end here

Get him get him Tai Tyrie cannot underestimate the strength of kylon but kylon cannot underestimate the athleticism of Tyreek Taylor and that’s all part of the game plan I tell you Tyreek Taylor’s coming into this contest utilizing every tool he has to show his light to help these people and to show

Off the church as these two in a very different type of feeling out process usually a feeling out process takes a lot of chainlike wrestling but in this case they’re just trying to hit home run shots here oh goodness it’s okay and I don’t know if you heard Tyreek Taylor he

Said to Kyan do you want to see the real me cuz Kyan keeps questioning what Tyreek Taylor and the Church of greatness is all about he just saw the real strength of Tyre Taylor oh he just found out what Tyrie is all about courtesy of a running shoulder tackle from the linebacker of

Praise hey maintain your composure oh good Lord forgive me for using the lord’s name in vain but in that situation brother I think it was warranted I’m glad he did cuz he needed to pray for him we need to call the father Lord to come down and assist this gentleman assist Kyon

King as this crowd in Worcester has done a full 180 on Tyrie as you mentioned the Church of greatness did things much differently over the past calendar year however over the last couple of months you and Tyrie both agreed that a change was needed it was necessary and much

Like that book you held on your way to the ring I feel like you have unlocked even more potential in Tyreek T when you’re allowing God’s light to shine out of an individual you will see more than their potential you will see the Lord within them and that’s what we’re seing

In Tyree Taylor over the last month or so but I think we have also seen the potential of kylon King continue to grow after that victory over Brian malonis last week but after that kick to the gut you can’t unlock potential if you can’t breathe as going to be very difficult

For Kyan K to move forward in this contest to execute both the moves of strength and athleticism air is required Paul Crockett brother greatness is here with you quarterfinal matchup in the jumbo Grand Prix who is going to join TJ Crawford in the semifinals and like I said do not underestimate the strength

Of kylon we saw what he did with Brian malonis a week ago and that I was in such great surprise in that contest oh no one Lord Tyrie sends kylon King flying into that rope with the pound makes the cover but how does kylon King get the

Shoulder up cuz Kyla King’s a heaven of a competitor he’s athletic he’s strong there’s no surprise for me because that’s the kind of man kylon king is kylon King practically went to heaven after that pounce and listen we’re trying to get him there in the softest

Way possible if he will so allow it but right now we have to live this contest before we can worry about saving the spirit and he is hanging on oh my goodness gracious as kylon just bounced in midair goodness gracious this is turning into a massacre

Right now it’s all right pray about it Tyree pray about it you did what you needed to do God bless you hallelujah hallelujah Tyreek Taylor I feel like at this point he could get a 20 count after what he just did to kylon King here in this ring two

Of the damnest things I have ever seen we’re just looking to find a victory we’re not trying to hurt this man we are up to seven Tyreek Taylor 5 minutes have elapsed in this quarter final match up to eight up to nine but how how did Kyan find the determination forget about recovering

And getting into the ring the will to continue to get slaughtered like this cuz this is the man that Kyon King has become over the years we’ve seen it in tag team title competition we saw last week against balonis this is what kylon king is about in my opinion he is one of

The most talented individuals in the world of professional wrestling and we understand that as members of the Church of greatness old school nerve hold here from Tyrie Taylor and that might be all it takes but kylon King showing why he is beloved here in Worcester two years of gutsy performances here at wrestling

Open but he can have all the guts he wants they might be spilled all over the ring when tyre’s done with it it’s quite possible but all we’re looking for is the win and to show a level of respect but there’s more disrespect from Kyon King and look at kylon saying give me

More give me more I want it and asking you shall receive tylon King asking for all the the smoke and he is engulfed in flames we keep it together that’s not what we’re doing today you seem worried here that’s not the mission it’s not about being worried at this point it’s about

Making sure that he wins this match in a spiritual fashion well he has kylon lined up here oh kylon up and over he got the turnbuckle directly in the nose come on Ty Here Comes kylon no no no no no he dumps him down kylon King is

Alive and he is back in this quarterfinal matchup come on Tyreek pers kylon King Tyreek Taylor jumbo Grand Prix quarterfinal who is going to join TJ Crawford in the semifinals this one is living up to all the height Taylor last thing I thought was that he get exploded across the ring by Tyler

KCK but we are prepared we are the church and and the Lord will carry us let show the footprints in the sand right on the mat that’s that close line there’s the rising knee again tries that high kick oh no into the inagi he hit it we scouted the first

But not the second come on Ty kns the clothes line no hits one of his own Tyrie goes down klon King is a man possessed get out of there get out of there Taylor oh boy oh no oh no here he comesa he hit him with

One oh my goodness oh no into the moona from tylon King semifinal spot on the line tylon is giving it all Healing Hands to you Tyreek Healing Hands come on Tyrie pray with me PA pray with me Tyrie is in the ring brother green is going to

Have a stroke kylon King going to that top rope looking to punch his ticket into the semifinals on Tyrie in a bad way yes Tyreek caught him Tyreek calling for it standing Ur anagi that’s it that’s it oh kylon King getting the shoulder up somehow and so right this is what we

Expected from Kyon King but I didn’t expect this much determination durability I didn’t expect the strength of pylon and now Tyrie perhaps digging down a little deeper knowing that every single shot he has thrown kyon’s way kylon has survived and asked for more but I think there’s only one trip Kyon

Can make if Tyrie wants to head to the semifinals final judgment no he’s out of the way no oh my goodness he got him with the German suplex how got folded up he look like an accordion come on Tyrie rise up like Lazarus I said don’t underestimate the

Strength of kylon King we just saw it what’s he doing now oh gosh no bra Buster no Kyrie out at two but kyon’s not done oh no this how he beat malonis frog Splash he’s going for one more going up for that moonsault no he missed he missed Tyreek got out of the

Way huge Larry and kylon got practically decapitated and now he’s about to take a trip to the Brooklyn [Applause] D Hallelujah Tyrie is in the semifinals good time of the Fall 10 minutes 25 seconds here is your winner advancing to the semifinal round of the tournament the linebacker of Praise Tyre tayor Tyrie

Taylor has shown what he can do once again but kylon King has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of after that incredible performance but unfortunately for him he is not on to the semifinals it is Tyrie Taylor who heads in to the last four man what a contest what a matchup and now

Tyrie offering his hand to kylon King and I’m a Believer I think you should do it but I’m not the one in the ring I’m not the [Applause] One who’s out it’s KY King what a [Applause] Performance my of the congregation [Applause] tonight we saw one of the most durable one of the most powerful one of the most athletic one of the most able professional wrestlers an independent wrestling KY K show everything that he [Applause] has K Ty and the linebacker of Praise Tyreek

Taylor gave everything he had the linebacker of Praise Ty Taylor show everything that he had the love back pra Tyreek Taylor shows what w master has to offer so tonight we offer something new Eaton please step on down if you will thank you for your presence for

Your presence for the Pres my brother all we want to do is help you get to the point in which you believe in yourself the same way you used to amen we want you to believe in us the same way that we believe in you and we want you to believe in your

Ability be become number one the same way that these people here in west of Massachusetts here the White Eagle here every Thursday night at westling open believe in you so allow us to give you that respect allow us to give you that love and allow us to help you become number one number

[Applause] one is he going to [Applause] accept and I think he’s seen through and is a believer like I am and a lot of people here in Worcester are now as brother greatness uh a little a little energetic and happy that ich bond has accepted but

Nonetheless I think this is a step in the right direction for Ichibon here after he has been spiraling out of control in recent times and even though he shook the hand I think there’s still a small part of him who especially after the hug with brother thinks maybe maybe I should have

Eyes in the back of my head but all the eyes here in the White Eagle were on Tyreek Taylor in that incredible performance he is in to the semifinals of the jumbo Grand Prix listen I’ve always stated Brad Bale has an interesting way about his move he shows

Off his Beauty he struts around a bit but he backs all of it Up he certainly does back it up he and Ricky smokes are one of the most exciting Duos that I have seen in a long time they were a step away in only their second or third match as a team from becoming iwtv Tag Team Champions but

They have said it themselves we just get better every time because even if we come up short with the titles on the line the next time out we’re going to be better are we going to be better after that and individually these guys are frightening they have mastered the art

Of singles competition and they are still growing and they’re still young beautiful Brad bayor beautiful in the ring in every sense of the word and we already seen that in the early goings of his contest as here we go caller and elbow tie up I have a feeling this

Contest is going to be a little different than Tyrie and Kyon I think even though both are very exciting athletes Brad Baylor is more of a traditional old school type of wrestler and you can see what type of athlete bof is the only thing old school about bof is is hip-hop dancing

Styling as he is uh showing off his dancing style is that what that is uh in Barbados we call that walking up a a what walking up walk to to walk up what does that mean is to rhythmically move the waist and there’s a sleeper hole well we can talk about rhythmically

Moving waste another time big bua wants to head into the semifinals as look at that over goes Baylor and there is a drop kick on the money by big BofA Brad Baylor is on the back foot that high angle of that drop down really made BR Bay struggle to gain his footing he’s

Going to try it faked him out and made it look good the big booer might not be my favorite individual for respect to his decision making but I am so proud of this young man for his ability to grow despite everything that’s been thrown against him myself included he is quite

The athlete and it’s good to see him grow the way I had hoped he would back when we first engaged and Brad Bor looked like he was begging off a little bit but that didn’t work as bua continues his assault here in this quarterfinal match of the jumbo Grand

Prix and this match might end up being a real short the way that bof is rolling one shot after another he is on fire right now you can say that about this match you can say that about his career he has been on a

Roll as he’s going to try to go for that leg drop oh no off the ropes he bounced and Brad Baylor feeling very confident as he follows it up with a Clos line and good on Brad Baylor he stayed right on top of BofA in transition huge

Larat turns BofA inside out and look at him turning his attention to the faithful at the White Eagle here for wrestling open that is something that has worked against Brad Baylor in the past however I don’t think he cares I think he gets more confident and more cocky as

He goes along and you see it build up and build up and there are pros and cons to that level of confidence he is moving without wasting steps with the exception of the time that he is showing off he is able to believe in every motion he makes

Ah and sometimes it worse again you like right there there’s a chop from BofA he is going to fight with everything he has to get back into this one shoulders down kick out by and an aggressive one at that great sunset by bua now with a big shot directly to the

Shoulder Baylor out of the way using his athleticism and look at that strength with the power slam twisting BofA down and almost heading into the semifinals it was quick and it was subtle but BofA tried to stop his momentum seem to have hyperextended the shoulder and elbow

When he did so in the corner now he’s grabbing at his RIS and look at this aggressive I talked about old school but more like old school rule Breakers from back in the day and of course when you train under someone like Paul Roma you learn those tricks of the trade yeah

There’s no trick Roma’s not going to teach you especially if it’s before the year of 1996 and that includes every breaking R motion you can make Irish whip into the corner up and over goes bua he’s going to try to get back in this but his luck just ran out after

That shotgun drop kick by beautiful Brett is he into the semifinals BofA says no and after the battles that Buffa has endured over the last year including with Tyrie Taylor we know that there is a lot left in his soul here with a shot at the

Semifinals at State you might be able to defeat the body you might be able to defeat the mind of the big boover but the heart and the spirit of this young man is immeasurable we have to be careful about messing with that this crowd rallying behind big BofA

Brad Baylor now taking it down to the mat this is as old school as it gets he wants BofA to have no opportunity whatsoever to have his wind about him if he does get a chance to be on the comeback Trail Brad Baylor is showing as

You said that perhaps he has the mind of a 19e and grab baale doing the right thing a lot of people end up in this kind of hole they don’t put the weight on the head and you see what that does gives him the opportunity to drag bof back

Down and Baylor continues to talk to BofA and he continues to talk to the people here of Worcester Brad Baylor is not making any friends and he is smiling all along the way right now these people definitely not fans of beautiful Brad Baylor and considering he’s kicking the

Rope in their Direction and pointing his face towards them in a disrespectful fashion I can’t really blame them right now off the ropes Buffa with the reversal into the sleeper hold he’s trying to take his back right now BofA and lands directly on his feet Beautiful by BofA lands on

His feet picks him up and slams him down BofA has that chance at the comeback Trail but does he have his wits and his wind about him to try to make his way into the semifinals really showing off his ability Brad bayor wasn’t able to land

On his feet BofA now I I sincerely believe that Baylor might not be able to handle the onslaught that’s in route Buffa sensing the chance sensing his opening and another right hand he is fighting with everything he has and doing it with style [ __ ] fing forearm and another one sweeps out the

Legs picks him up sits out slams him down and Buffa wants a little bit more meu and now we’re looking to roll a leg it’s in route bua hits the leg drop makes the cover out at two says referee Scott Robinson BofA needs a little bit more to

Knock off the young 19-year-old upcar this contest has been emotionally and physically draining for the Big Boo for Desmond Cole and right now he’s trying to find that last gas to get victory over beautiful grab Bor reversal but no buffo was able to see that one coming spins him around glancing blow on

That leg larat but nonetheless it was a shot he caught Baylor what can bua do now to try to make his way into the semifinals it seemed to me like the side of buffa’s foot hit the chin of Brad Baylor small surface area leads to a

Knockout oh no he got caught caught with a spine Buster bailor’s not done for face lock fisherman with a bridge bua gets out at two and Brad Balor can’t believe it bu’s eyes opened up at the last second he wasn’t there but the lights turned on that two

Is he going to be able to head into the semifinals with Tyrie and TJ not by throwing a tantrum like this he’s not I got to tell you Brad Bay’s face got real ugly by the time that kicked out I don’t know we call him beautiful anymore oh and look at this

Disrespect he’s showing big BofA this is not a way to punch your ticket into the semis this is the arrogance working against him big body slam to [ __ ] as he lets this crowd at the White Eagle know what he thinks of them and the disrespect he continues to show to Big

BofA but this isn’t what Brad should be doing I get it I get Mind Games I get connecting with this crowd in a fashion what is Baylor talking about here is he going to try a a moon salt we don’t know what he might have learned recently but

I’ve never seen him really oh there’s BofA bofa’s up he caught him B is stuck super kick into the German bofa’s back BofA in charge BofA big shot to the side of the head caught him on the chin Baylor’s out Baylor’s out oh he kicked out brother greatness I

Can’t believe it this quarter final I thought bua had Bor dead DS knocked out gone and out out of this tournament but beautiful Brad bayor proven that he deserves to be counted amongst the very best bua has his eyes locked on to Brad Baylor he has his eyes locked onto a

Spot in the semifinals but can he lock in and get the job done right now trying to lock those legs around the outside of the Rope definitely thinking about some massive slam from up here we’ll see what typ going up to that second rope heading into the heavens is he going to crash

Down down oh Baylor pushes him out of the way bua comes right back he holds on is not done he is [Applause] not and now Baylor might be the B bua desm Cole he’s rolling and BofA looking around plotting his next move oh boy here we go oh my goodness

Gracious up and out to the floor he takes down Brad Baylor and is his spot in the semifinals going to be cemented he is on a roll the aggression on the face of the big boofa this crowd was stunned and now they’re getting behind their big boofa Des oh what is

Baylor doing here shoulders down on the roope is fever on the Rope you got to be kidding me the time of the Fall 11 minutes 42 seconds here’s your winner advancing to the semifinal round of the tournament Brad Bor a typical disgusting display from Brad Baylor he is into the

Semifinals cheating along the way putting his feet on the Rope what a despicable human being oh and look at this this girl makes me sick the Big Boo of Desmond Cole gave everything that he had in this contest he gave everything that he had within him he might have needed something a

Little extra to get past the hard and violent ways of Brad bayor and Brad Baylor makes me even more sick as he is on to the semifinals of the jumbo Grand Prix he just stole it and crush the spirit of big bua along the way really tainted victory

And look at BofA usually this is a point where he can recover feel the crowd here but the only thing he is feeling is let down and cheated after Brad Baylor beats him to head into the semifinals in Buffa I have a feeling he’s going to want a

Piece of swipe right in the future but I think his only f Focus here tonight is how can I get past this man who haunted my life for so long 2 years ago and right now Steven ston trying to haunt fancy Ryan Clancy with another negative memory surrounded around the

Ranch a loss here in the jumbo Grand Prix if you’re an English speaker out there maybe even not an English speaker you probably could hear what they said to Steven ston they have a lot of nasty things to say here at the White Eagle that’s right they’re babes in Christ

They’re trying to get it together here as this St well my goodness I felt like I got slapped in the face right there brother the disrespect here we go usually Ryan Clancy would use a lot of fancy old school technique but I think this is

Going to be a scrap they get ready for a old school punch to the Noggin fancy Ryan Clancy not going to stand for that level of disrespect as now Clancy stomping out Steven ston and I think he wants a little more and you have to imagine this was part of

Some kind of strategy but everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face right on the money fancy Ryan Clancy got to do this two years ago and I don’t think he Minds if his ticket to the semifinal is punched at the expense of the one and only New Jersey

Cowboy but huge KN chop just shuts down fancy Ryan Clancy I felt that in my heart and the other thing that that ston hat family fortune can buy ston is the best training the best chefs the best diet he has a wealth to be the very peak of his game here in the

Quarterfinals tonight the fancy Ryan CL see he’s worked intimately with Steve ston he understands what he’s about and he’s using that knowledge now as here we go holding on to that top rope oh look at the strength goodness gracious as Clancy almost dumps on to the the fans at

Ringside almost Falls all the way out of the ring and fancy R Clancy trying to drop drag Steven ston right out they’re out on the [Applause] apron and right now NY Ryan Clancy trying to set up for a pile driver right on the apron but Steve statson no hey and fancy

Riot Clancy drops right down to the ground as Clancy goes down in a heap on that wood floor ston now in the the ring and Clancy down at ringside trying to recover and you hear Steve ston screaming out once again that that was for the ranch fancy Ryan Clancy is down

He’s not well and uh I’m not sure whether or not he’s going to be able to get off of this wooden floor to be able to get back into this contest Steven ston looking directly into IW TV’s land looking directly into every person inside the wi eagle and

Letting them know that he thinks he’s better but fancy Ryan Clancy coming back in the ring to show him otherwise now big shots Stomps directly to the chest of fancy Ryan Clancy followed up by a European uppercut and another here in the corner Irish whip into the corner Clancy goes down hard

Stetson standing a top of Clancy with a chance to go into the semifinals and right now Steve ston trying to show off utilizing a stance typically used by fancy Ryan Clancy and the White Eagle letting everyone know how they feel about it right now Steve ston set up for the F

Irish whip big shot to the back of fany Ryan Clancy in the Conner goes hard into those turnbuckles Ryan Clancy having flashbacks to two years [Applause] ago and right now taking the hat off from an individual here in wer here in the wi Eagle this is not what wrestling

Open is about this is not what we stand for here but Steven ston going way too far and now trying to grab the legs of fancy Ryan Clancy and possibly take his head off my goodness as ston enjoying the work he’s doing here in front of the

White Eagle in front of the faithful here at wrestling open as he wants to head into the semifinals here tonight big elbow drop slightly below the neck into the collar bone of fancy Ryan Clancy he was lucky to kick out in that moment as Stetson and Clancy now battling with everything that they

Have they both want to head into the semifinals of the jumbo Grand Prix tournament who is going to be the one to get the job done ston is in control but that is what here about he obsesses about control here at wrestling open and that control is what’s driving

Him throughout this competition driving him throughout this tournament this Victory here means control for Steven stepson and control for the r right now Steven stepson utilizing his control and now taking to the head of F Ryan Clancy huge knife edge shot as statson putting Clancy on that second rope and

If he can send Clancy down he could have that control that he cves right now making his way to the top about to now control the head if you control the head you control the body and right now he’s thinking big old superlex fancy finding a way to block it

Despite being on the TIY top of that corner ston losing his balance and I’m not sure what Clan going to do from this position oh no set up power bom FY Ryan clany the power the power but no ston directly to the gut shut it down oh goodness they are both down on

The four taking the ultimate risk with everything on the line they’re giv everything they have in this contest both men collapsed broken shells of their cells violently cracked and broken apart like a puzzle piece down on the ground in front of us Steven ston fancy Ryan Clancy quarterfinal contest who is

Going to be the final semi-finalist all of those matches will be here next week but right now who is going to join TJ Crawford Tyreek Taylor and Brad bayor I have to tell you it’s 81’s game at this point both men struggling simply to respond to Tyler Callaway’s Tad count there’s already a

Seven now they’re both in as they both beat the count and they want to take each other down and get that final spot next week in the semifinals eyes are locked punches are being landed and right now it’s look like f might have a little bit more mustard to come along with that

Sou Clancy unleashing ston with a big chop and those knifed shots been shutting down fancy all night oh oh my goodness big back body drop there’s another one and Clancy regaining control and taking it away from Steven stepson Big B body drops in Stereo the old school play is

Having that performance and now we’re looking for more power oh there’s a reversal from ston no back and forth they go not an advantageous position for Steven’s Destin at all but no another reversal how there’s a reversal these two now do so well face first into the turnbuckles oh goodness

Gracious no high cross body hooks the leg that’s it STS and gets the shoulder up at a count of two I tell you Paul crcket that was as perfect of a lateral press as you can execute within a contest unbelievable action these quarterfinal matchups have exceeded expectations with everything at

Stake the final semifinalist is going to be decided who is going to take it between Clancy and [Applause] ston Clancy calling this one but no STS and reverses incredibly fired up behind this was the C oh no wait fancy he’s got him he went for that side rushan ston held on to that rope wow s him in the Power Bomb it’s the Power Bomb is that

It oh my goodness Clancy gets the shoulder up just barely and the control that ston is obsessed with is still not fully in his his grasp I need to have the fraction the decimal or the integer to be able to break down how close that kick out was incredible incredible ston

Could not only control this tournament but he could control the spirit of this entire crowd here at wrestling open he could break them all and right now he’s trying to break the will and spirit of f CL in this quarterfinal match oh when for that northern Jersey larat he tried the drop

Kick and he missed we see FY righty what with those drop kicks there’s a reversal sweeps out the leg going to try a figure four no drop down drops it off the ropes leap bro here the drop kick he hit it Clancy is into the semifinals good

Time of the Fall 10 minutes 28 seconds here is your winner advancing to the semifinal round of the tournament fancy Ryan Clancy unbelievable victory for fancy Ryan Clancy he is number four he joins TJ Crawford Tyreek Taylor and Brad Baylor in the semifinals fancy Ryan Clancy gutsy performance against someone he knows

Quite well and now the ranch doesn’t have the spot and the ranch is out of control as Clancy talking to one of our loyal and young fans here tonight she is thrilled that ston is out and so is everyone here in Worcester [Applause] tonight Clan’s in [Applause] the great performance Someone is going to pay for this someone is going to pay for this stepen Stetson saying someone’s going to pay for this what does that mean you look in his eyes he’s insense stepen ston I don’t want to pay rich is dancing here tonight I saw John Roy wiggle finger

It is Main Event time the big business and ston Ranch are huddled [Applause] up oh well there’s TR you did you teach him how to dance like that well listen I’m out of helped with everything above the waist call it in Barbados well that that wasn’t working up that was

Something else oh okay twering out that was American I can’t believe I said that out loud anyway you did here we go for this electric main event here tonight Germaine Marberry bringing Bryce Donovan into the fold you want to talk about Scouts and analytics teams I think that’s a genius move by Germaine

Marberry in waves and curls we got every hairstyle in that corner we got waves we got curls we got pros I’m not sure what’s to called a beautiful main that is Bry Donovan but I’m very excited to see this contest 1 2 3 look at that it’s like a real basketball team I

I think they’re Miss from the 1950s but he’s a small forward out there you’re not a small forward definitely not definitely not who are you thinking I don’t know but not me yeah well here we go Jaylen Brandon starting things off with Victor Cruz Brick City and waves

And curls have been on a collision course for a very long time it’s like they circle around and keep meeting each other again perhaps they could be the next Challengers for The Eliminator cup Tag Team titles held by brickson I think it would definitely be earn they went very

Far in that tournament and now wow suplex in uh waving at the ston ranch and big business in the corner he showing big business his gluty as Maximus let him know he thinks about them in the process Brad Hollister the wrestling open Champion Brick City The Eliminator Tag Team Champions they want

To show they are the Elite of big business and right now we’re showing the way that come we deal with CR Jordan oh well there’s a shot to the midsection and that foot colliding with the stomach of Trayvon and then the head to the jaw oh look at that big

Waves and there’s the curl snap hair take over big business is getting tossed around this ring by waves and curls right now brother Flapjack executed call him Denny’s big tag over here to Jaylen Brandon as Here Comes Brandon off that top rope Victor really wants to get over

That corner in a hurry and he’s not going anywhere right now big elbow to the Elbow want to snap something as here we go big business in a bad way and here comes Bryce Donovan I know he and Bobby Orlando would love a shot at those

Eliminator TCT te tites all 6′ 5 and a half of Bryce Donovan coming straight down with an elbow and that is a very high angle to come down from that moment where height means height and now the allstar of the team I’m scared of you as Here Comes Danny miles on the receiving

End of a couple of arm drags from the former number one Contender to the wrestling Open Championship but I have a feeling after Marberry told big bacon last week this is far from over that maybe he could get another shot and I have to say he would be the servant I

Cannot say that Brad won that match in a clean fashion beautiful Mamba Splash hits the splash Ry makes the cover gets a count of two here in this huge main event with so many different moving Parts considering that Germaine Marberry a week ago was a centimeter away from

Becoming the wrestling open champion and I believe what was his 44th match as a professional in a matter of a few months this time in October you couldn’t tell me who jerine malberry was now he’s someone that many people still consider to be the number one Contender for the

Championship I have to agree with those people I think he is uncrowned as the number one Contender he was robbed of that Championship a week ago but that is what Brad Hollister does that is what big business does here at wrestling open and right now Bryce Donovan trying to

Fight his way away from Big Business and uh the Stetson Ranch in that corner as Hammer Tunis and Danny Miles going in there The Regulators of the ston ranch wait no there’s a tag and here comes Germaine Marberry forearms are flying mberry is having it and there he goes he broke his

Ankles ankles down knee is out and the dunk is at secur dunks on Hammer Tunis does Germaine Marberry like zck in Orlando breaking some glass here we go hits the Splash in the corner makes the tag to Bryce Donovan and now they’re going to go with a little double team action a power

Forward and our sensor at [Applause] work here comes Danny Miles there’s the tag to Trayvon Jordan they’re taking turns dunking on these guys look at him they’re balling what a maniac [Applause] the point guard’s in Splash on three of them one left this is turning into a dunk contest this is amazing everyone’s

Out what the the center is down the powerboy is down the shooting guard is in the air in the corner taking them all down waves and curls Bryce Donovan and Germaine Marberry are running the show here in our main event this is what I call a allstar game

This is basketball this is wrestling open Germaine Marberry perhaps the uncrowned number one Contender as Danny Miles with the referee oh what is happening here Marberry goes down and just like that this Unholy Alliance taking control of the contest but this can still have a heavily result

All malberry would have to do is find a way to persever get away from the ran get away from The Regulators get away from Big Business get away from Brick City as now Danny Miles longtime veteran in the ear and in the mind of Germaine Marberry Marberry has been on an

Unbelievable run but this is where someone like Danny Miles can really live up to the name on the back of his tights and be a Dream Crusher for jar Jermaine Marberry and this is how it starts getting back to basics calming down this wide Eagle crowd and slowly taking the

Energy away from Germaine mberry with this great joke this crowd continuing to chant defense something I never thought I would hear in my life at a wrestling show but forget about defense Danny Miles with some Crush offense I find it a little bit offensive right now St

Slamming his foot into the side of the face of malberry and there’s nothing these fans and Benny can do about it as Victor Chase bringing Marberry back to his feet he desperately wants to get over there and make that tag for his team to have a chance because right now

Big business in the ston ranch are doing what they do very well they found an open they took advantage and they don’t let go and right now great tag Brick City in control and now they’re motion big boot by Victor Chase Cruz makes the cover count of two and I wonder what

Brad Hollister is thinking as he watches at home he tweeted out am I under the basketball outfit again because he was a few weeks ago it shocked everybody I hope someone check to make sure that Benny was indeed Benny based on the way he’s moving I believe the sentient

Basketball is is indeed the correct one yeah way too athletic for Brad Hollis for that basketball right now I mean it’s bouncing up and down in a way that I don’t think a man should well Hammer Tunis looking to bounce Marberry off the mat bring home the victory for this Unholy

Alliance this Alliance is quite interesting they’ve been rampaging all over mberry beating him down stepping on his face and hurting him straight down to his tippy toes oh what is that letting out for the business I’m going to be sick as that is why I call this an Unholy Alliance for the business

Ridiculous it’s capitalism it’s something makes the cover does Hammer Tunis Marberry out at [Applause] two this crowd continuing despite the odds to Rally behind Germaine Marberry and that is why he went from a tryy out participant and winner in November to the number one contender in here in our

Main event tonight it’s been just a a quarter in terms of business and Germaine has already made it to the very top of the list this Crow chanting defense here Marberry needs a lot more offense tries to go into those ropes Hammer tun is grabbing the hair but not before a

Jawbreaker he got the throw and the throw needs to tag out to a wave or a curl or a ponil as Victor Chase yelling out to this crowd saying defense huh well I think they’re going to go for some signature offense no there is the tag to Jaylen

Brandon and jaylen’s in Big Shots flying to both sides of Brick City Ducks the double close line wear in Flight oh no oh he got caught wow double drop kick and there’s the tag to Trayvon look at that double low down from trayon minutes remain got him they

Connected super kick by Jaylen the D was a three big super kick slams down Julie Cruz waves and curls have taken this contest into their own hands right now they’re flowing they’re yelling it’s amazing curls oh goodness goodness hits the load out but Danny Miles gets in there and

Jaylen Brandon celebrated a little too early yeah definitely a little too quickly especially when you’re facing half of the ranch and half of their business it’s for the business y’all as Jaylen and Danny Miles fighting their way to the floor Victor Chase in there with Trayvon Jordan Trayvon taking on big offense

Violent forearm violent head butt directly to the chest and there we go Europe European uppercut Trayvon and Victor in there by themselves the chaos has rained in this contest but here is Barberry he got a tag Barberry is legal we have a double superlex in route Hammer Tunis though no here’s Hammer

Tunis oh boy he’s making Power Bomb but goz choke slam by Bryce Donovan he’s down mberry Jordan still trying to get something to go but big knees to the chin here’s Danny mil what is he’s calling for Julio Cruz here as they are still jockeying for position on that top

Rope they just took down Victor Chase but more importantly they took down Trayvon and Marberry that’s good mathematics two for one special br oh my goodness for broke and takes them both down you San knocks everyone down everyone’s off the ground the mat is still have the bity see the green this

Has completely gotten out of control here in the main event who is going to take this one home as all eight are down the only person still up is Benny well they are all trying to reassemble themselves here in our main event as this one I think is going to break down once

Again violence and SS here we go it’s Warfare it’s like the Warriors At Con Island punches everywhere everyone coming out to play in this one here’s Brick City in waves and curls down goes Brick City waves and CS in control Julio Cruz just rolled out oh boy oh we’re about to have some

Flight good in Stereo to suos from both hle both the ways and the curls everyone’s down on a toall back on the floor but wait what the hell is this Steven STS in his back out here this isn’t a heavily encounter Steven ston earlier he said someone was going

To have to pay oh what is he doing out here wait what hey what the hell is going on the Kelly are out here what the hell are they doing For Heaven’s Sake and they are fighting all the the Kelly just fighting all the way to the back and now stetson’s arguing with

Benny Benny the basketball I’ve never heard Benny speak while ston is yelling something this one has broken out of control Bill’s point at both of [Applause] them he ejected them both Benny’s been bounced out of the Arena he ejected both of them trying to get some order

Here as this one continues to break down and Brick City are in the ring and they have moreberry isolated taking advantage of the confusion there’s price there’s a super kick Julio Cruz takes down price Donovan big four up there’s malberry oh he broke his ankles rolls through wait he has the ankle

Lock he’s trying to cinch it in Titan there it is bullet sension he has it cinched in Julio Cruz he’s struggling he’s trying to hold on for big business he has it locked in there’s br up Marberry gets the win the time of the Fall 14 minutes 52 seconds here are your winners

By submission the team of waves and girls Ry Donovan and Germain mberry that is a way to bounce back after that heartbreaking loss one week ago for Marberry he just tapped Out Julio Cruz and I think forget about uncrowned I think Marberry should get another shot at bacon this is what the

Great ones do they might always win the finals but they find their way back to the Mountaintop and Marberry with something else on his mind Brad holler after everything I need one more shot [Applause] sh when ready Bren right here Marberry saying Brad Hollister if

You want to get dunked on any any time any place you come on down and you meet me and quite frankly brother greatness I cannot wait to see it one more time there a match that’s deserved it’s one that the people here at w are waiting for Marberry potential future

Champion well Germaine Marberry and Bryce Donovan Standing Tall here in our main event tonight waves and curls will run off by the Kelly I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot more of that down the line but brother greatness what a night of action we have had here you will not

Want to miss the semifinals next week


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