Golf Players

Josh Allen Super Bowl interview

From Yahoo! Sports at Radio Row in Las Vegas

Hanging out with Josh Allen joining us on behalf of Subway we’ll get into this because let’s be honest we’re going to play a card game it’s called what’s in the cards okay so this what we’re going to do I’m going to give you it’s a little higher lower I’m going to show

You a card you tell me is the next car going to be higher or lower if you it right you get an easy question if you get it wrong you get a hard question and I’m going to figure out how out of this I can get treats all right good all

Right so I’ve got a deck of cards you can’t see but they’ve been shuffled card number one comes up at three so all you got promise they’ve been shuffled they’ve been shuffled you I’ll shuffle them and again in front people the athletes are conspiracy theorists right because he’s not the first person to

Imply we rigged the deck all right higher or lower than a three higher higher he says he took a minute for that eight that means you get an easy question how long did it take for your feet to thaw out after the game against the Chiefs I’ll tell you what

When when you get temperatures that cold you get in the shower after the game and it’s like sticking needles in your feet it is the most painful thing ever and I I have bad circulation in my toes so I feels like I’m got little ice blocks

Down there so it took probably a good hour and a half you have bad so like in the game or you like wiggling the toes trying to yeah it’s it’s it’s tough and we got like the little feet heaters down by our feet that don’t really work

They’re there but doesn’t do much I don’t know how I feel about the fact that I just said wiggle in your toies to a starting quarterback in the NFL are we supporting a dome now on the like putting the roof on the stadium after you were that cold it’s Buffalo you got

To have it Outdoors look at that that’s why he’s tough I’m not all right higher or lower than an eight this is a tricky one that’s going to be lower okay that’s going to be lower he says and it’s a queen ah that means he missed this one

Earlier today we talked to one Stefan Diggs who informed us that before every game you throw up true or false that is 100% true okay we are we working on this I I don’t know what it is I don’t know it’s not like I’m nervous it’s

Not I don’t know I think it’s honestly Primal and I think it goes back like a hungry Warrior fights harder and I think uh my body just naturally does it I got to go get it out it actually does some good things for me I don’t cramp up

During the game it’s it’s there’s some weird benefits to it so uh I did it starting my second year in the league and haven’t looked back since okay so it started in there so this wasn’t an always thing like was there a day where you realized like this is well I always

Had the urge to do it and I never committed to actually throwing up until I was sick one day uh it was Detroit Detroit Lions my second year preseason in Detroit and I was like you know what like I’m just going to go throw up I

Wasn’t feeling great I did it and I had this weird sensation where I’d cramp up after throwing in my thumb and after I threw up I didn’t have that anymore so I was like maybe that’s it so I started doing it and fixed it special spot on

The field or just wherever no it’s usually in the bathroom oh okay that’s that’s right after we come in from pregame does it change the eating habits before yeah I don’t really eat all that much um on game days if it’s a 1:00 game I don’t eat anything if it’s a night

Game I’ll have a a light breakfast but just knowing that it’s coming back up anyway so why put it in there yeah that’s fair all right higher or lower than a queen lower yeah he goes lower it’s a king oh and you watched me Shuffle so you know that this is not

Rigged okay so there’s a lot of conversation about Josh alen right like how always has from the day you were drafted everybody has a Josh Allen opinion even this year everybody has a Josh Allen opinion how do you shut out the noise do you hear the amount that

People constantly talk about no well about halfway through the season I just kind of got rid of all my social media I deleted it from my phone and I didn’t look at it and it was actually kind of freeing but there’s one thing I’ve always told myself like anything that

You or anybody else in here can and will have said about me I’ve already said it to myself good and bad I’m I’m a pretty uh notorious negative selft talker which I think that helps me you know um so I’ve heard it all from myself so whatever anybody else says it doesn’t

Really bother me I love that Insight that’s actually amazing so now we have higher or lower than lower he’s going to go lower it’s a nine he gets it that makes it an easy question what is it about Bill’s fans that make him so incredible the passion the passion the

Energy that they have um again it’s 5 degrees at kickoff in Kansas City against Kansas City and they are out in full force shirts off screaming as loud as they can they tailgate like no other um I had a buddy that Keith Mitchell who’s a a pro golfer he’s a Georgia

Bulldog and he came and he tailgated with some people and he said that’s the only place that has an SEC like atmosphere and I think that’s that’s pretty cool you knew about the wildness of Bill’s Mafia we all do did you know about the kindness I just want to take a

Second to point out the philantropy they’re giving the things they do did you have any idea that was part of the culture I mean I had a slight idea um the year before I was there I was Andy Dalton helped them get to the playoffs he threw a late touchdown yeah and they

Contributed so much to his uh Foundation that year so I got there the next year and obviously I’ve got to uh basically start my own little Foundation the Patricia Allen fund at oai Children’s Hospital and they’ve donated I mean I think we’re pushing three or4 million now in donations which is unbelievable

It’s it’s fantastic all right so higher or lower than a nine lower he goes lower it’s a push higher or lower than a nine it was promise he goes Ace oh Ace see I I rigged the game now I get to make it higher so I can no I’m asking you a

Tough question what gets you guys over the hump let’s be real we know the expectations how do you get over the hump yeah we got to we got to make one more play um and that’s that’s myself you know if I if I make one more play

During that game who knows what’s going on now you know I don’t I don’t like being here I don’t like no no fense Ste I don’t like doing these interviews right like I I don’t want to do this stuff um I’d rather be getting ready for

A game on Sunday and we’re going to keep pushing and keep fighting and keep finding trying to find a way to to get over that home here’s the toughest question of all did I did like I mean you’re here with us on behalf of Subway

Did I earn anything out of this so let’s we now the cards are mine right oh my God now he gets the cards this this guy turned around so that’s a one that’s a one so we’re going to go one we’re going to go one okay that’s a two okay now

He’s got a three these were shuffled this is that’s crazy oh man Subway’s making noise that’s crazy tell us about Subway while this is making noise yeah so they’ve got three new products uh we’ve got the go and open it I can open this you can have

These for you this is warm they are warm they are fantastic we’ve got the foot long cookie we got the cinon foot long churo it’s going yeah the anti ANS foot long pretzel which they’re all fantastic and uh it’s actually a pretty hot commodity and literally they are they

Are warm I burnt my mouth on one earlier so this is amazing uh follow-up question do I have to share like you you know about being a great teammate does it yeah look at look at your crew here of course I think they all deserve something hry Josh I’m hungry man

There’s enough okay okay all right rank up for me your favorite cuz you’re going to tell me they’re all great but I got churro pretzel didn’t even hesitate cookie churo pretzel man thanks for hanging out with me thank you so much appreciate it

1 Comment

  1. I love you Josh!!! You were the best thing ever to happen to the University of Wyoming. #17 Forever. Go Pokes,💛🤎 Go Bills!!! ❤🤍💙

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