Golf Players

Rahm on Potential Win: “Ask Me Again Tomorrow” | LIV Golf Mayakoba

Jon Rahm meets the press after his second round at LIV Golf Mayakoba, and breaks down his chances at a team and individual win in his very first LIV Golf League start.

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Okay everybody let’s welcome John ROM the captain of Legion 13 currently at T2 you’re at nine under you shot four under today you had another great round tell us about your day fantastic day uh on uh on a much suff for Golf Course much tougher conditions uh a lot windier

Where you know in a plays where fway are this narrow um I managed to keep it in play very very well I played really good Teeter grain was a great day and the key the key highlight to is is how many of those necessary part putts I made 5 6 7

Ft to you know to keep those pars going and not give up shots right and then at the same time making the birdies that I needed obviously so um it’s really really really good fun round of golf uh I’m glad to you know was happy to finish

A little bit better those two shots on 18 and one were fantastic is too bad too bad it couldn’t capitalize but with how hard it was playing you know I’ll take the somewhat easy par um at the same time really proud of my team uh it’s

Kind of a surprise that it was towards the end when I saw a couple more birdies happening and and you know the guys finishing strong and found find ourselves in second place so could and be prouder um and hopefully tomorrow you know we can we can keep it going every

Day get a little bit better and have a good Sunday and give us give ourselves a chance to win that’s great John I don’t know if you saw we announced our uh partnership with Google technology partnership with Google and pmy with our any shot anytime uh new application that

We’re going to be launching tell us what that means to live golf to have a partner like Google I mean it means if Google seems the potent sees the potential of live golf uh I think it should be certainly eye opening for other people right um

Being able to basically go on the app and be able to see any shot at any time it’s not only great for the fans and The Spectators out there I’m a golf fan as well and I’m somebody who usually goes back and tries to see it so I’ll

Definitely be using it as well so selfly for me is fantastic right I know my family back home you know you can’t always be seen the shots that you won but now they’re going to be able to actually be watching the shots I had uh so you know I’m really happy to hear

That this project is going to be is going to be launched and actually happen I think it’s it’s great for golf it’s great for all of us and selfishly great for me and my family I love it uh English but his M it’s C sure um John you just mentioned obviously your team

Made moves of the leaderboard today what would it mean to get a team win on your debut weekend with live compared to an individual win tomorrow I you know I think if any of that happens tomorrow you can ask me the same question I’ll give you a better answer

Than right now cuz I can just give you a generic could would be amazing uh but if if either of one or both happen um you know I think I’ll be better qualified to to answer it but like I said I’m really proud of how the

Guys finished you know I know Caleb had it going at one point struggle and then finish with a birdie and five and I saw his part on six must have been really close from going in and uh same with Terell nine is now playing easy and to

Finish close around with a with a birdie was uh was very clutch to you know to pick up those spots so uh very proud of them and hopefully I can keep doing what I’ve been doing hitting the ball great and give myself plenty of bird chances

And uh I’m still going to need a low round tomorrow to catch haing right he’s clearly playing good golf and he’s probably not going to make it easy as actually my next question you said yesterday in your press conference that it’s going to take a lot to catch him

After his 59 yday how did that affect how you approach your game today did you feel that you had to be more aggressive I was really happy when I woke up today went to breakfast and saw that it was already windy just because if you have to catch up the harder the

Conditions the easier it’s going to be to make up shots right if if we have a day like yesterday he can still play a lower level than he did yesterday and shoot five or 600 which would require the rest of us to go super low which is not the

Easiest but I think you can manage your round on a windy day shoot on their par and you know he could have easily shot shot over part right obviously he’s still a great player and managed to sh on their part but I smiled cuz it was

The best way to to if anything take a few shots of that lead which is what happened today so hoping tomorrow again I can no matter what the conditions are I can I can post a good round John can you take us through post round yesterday in terms of like your

Duties as Captain what did you do did you give a rousing speech obviously Legion played great today well I don’t think after I did media and I got back I didn’t see two of my teammates still one of them I didn’t see until I saw him on the

Range uh cuz I mean we’re still individuals they have things to do people cope with the around a little bit different uh the only one I saw was Caleb and because he was one of those that wasn’t feeling great uh and I was making sure he was eating food after the

Round so uh you know cuz I’ve been on that spot where you know you’re a little nervous maybe your stomach is not feeling the greatest and you you don’t want to eat but me and Dr ARA had to explain to him why he needed some calories to be able to perform the rest

Of the week and uh I was a bit of a sergeant last night and this morning making sure he ate all the food he needed to and I’m glad it worked out right so we’ll probably be doing the same thing right now uh I did send them

A video this morning I don’t know if they saw it or not I think uh I think they did and clearly it worked out so that might be my dude in the future keep finding motivational videos to send them and uh hopefully keep finding good good

Ones I want to get dos obviously not being here the first two years you haven’t done the three rounds counting in the final round we’ve got four rounds counting for the first time what are your thoughts on that no nobody gets to hide tomorrow really uh I haven’t experienced anything else

So I think it’s better cuz even if you don’t have your best two first days your score still matters so there’s nobody going to be out there just kind of like eh today doesn’t matter what whatsoever right like you you can be in last place and still post to seven under

Which individually might not make a big difference but you can help your team win right so I think is I think it was the right move because it’s uh it’s going to make the team championship even more exciting so yeah I’m glad they changed it last question how important

Was it or is it to be in that final group be able to stare at Walken you know know that you’re kind of going obviously got Dean there but going mono on mono type of that you know I’m just happy that on my first start I have a

Chance to win is that simple um after having as much time off as I did uh you know I’m always confident on myself but I wasn’t sure I was going to come out and to start this way I’m I’m very very pleased so uh I’m going to keep doing

What I can do right I HW is going to keep doing what he can do right so it’s not like it’s going to be a boxing match in that sense right um especially if we have a windy day like today it’s uh it’s a lot harder to focus

On the you make it a lot harder on yourself you focus too much on the other players cuz you can have somebody from behind like Dean today had a six on their part round going which was absolutely spectacular in this condition so you never know uh there’s always

Going to be somebody behind that is going to shoot low so you still have to go out there and post a good score we switch to Spanish down uh for For for for For e okay for is Normal For John good luck tomorrow as your hunt down your first individual and team win thank you thank you so much


  1. On PGA tour it’s often a struggle to find online , a players thoughts post round . Glad to see Liv and its players making it easier for fans to access post round analysis by the players themselves . Thank you

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