Golf Players

CLUB 54 POST-ROUND SHOW: Wrapping Up a Wild First Day | LIV Golf Las Vegas

Highlights, player interviews and more on the Club 54 Post-Round Show from LIV Golf Las Vegas, where it’s tight at the top of the leaderboard.

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Live from Las Vegas the city that never sleeps best entertainment in the world so much to see so much to do and what an incredible round one we just had Paul Casey doing his thing hb3 with a big day everyone is cold here in Vegas but everyone’s excited and we’re here to

Chat about it a perfect day one if you ask me welcome to Club 54 post round show we’re going to get right into it with all the fun right here live in Las Vegas welcome to Club 54 post round show I’m your host Christian Crosby and

Joining me in this cold is the lovely live golf commentator suan H suan thank you so much for joining me in this cold it’s actually to be honest it’s not that bad now CU we have the sunlight on us right now well listen I just spent the

Last six hours in the cold and uh you know don’t say I don’t do anything for you no I I appreciate it s how how do you have any tactics before we get into this in the cold like what keeps you warm out there what are you doing how do

You do it layers plenty of layers and uh some hand warmers in my pocket actually but you know it’s one of those things where you feel bad for the golfers out here right it is difficult to to try and swing the club in this type of

Temperature I mean some of them are more used to it than others uh depending on on where you grew up playing obviously Europeans are probably more used to it than the Americans but yeah it is a tough day it’s windy out there it’s it’s cold it’s no fun but good golf like a

Lot of great it was so hard to everyone was doing well today so I want to talk about it you had a chance to follow three guys today one of them being John Rah now he had a day maybe he wasn’t hoping to have but I want to know some

Of your insights from today following him around yeah was a heavy heavyweight group that I had eight Majors between all of them five belongs to Brooks um but John today he just didn’t have his best you know he felt just everything felt a little off timing was a little

Off with his swing uh wasn’t quite hitting the driver as well as we saw him last week ball striking wasn’t quite on point didn’t make as many putts but still manage a underpar round it’s just what good players like him do they just hang tight they get a number out there

Try and get on the par um and and not pull too far away from the lead yeah so we’re going to actually look at some of these highlights you were also with Brooks today and something happened with him we’re looking at John here some of the highlights from today a little

Struggle um was there anything else you noticed that was going on maybe was it just would you say an off day obviously for a normal golfer this is a great day right but for John um what did you notice with this you know it’s just look it’s a quick turnaround from Mexico

Right and a massive temperature change the driving range is not as uh big in terms of access to warmup and practice he can’t really hit drivers uh at this driving range I don’t know if maybe that played a part into his mindset maybe wasn’t as comfortable with his driver

Today uh but this is him here beautiful shot there that’s beautiful right there yeah he’s I mean he look he pulled together a great round of golf as he would he’s very impressive and um stayed very calm seemed pretty happy and relaxed out there actually I was just

About to ask his spirits how was his uh morale after it seemed like he was totally fine yeah he was I mean look you can’t play great all the time right and and for these guys when you don’t have your best on the day you just try and

Grind it out get the best score you can and then move on work on the stuff that you need to work on I’m sure he’s probably at the driving range or maybe on the putting green right now and yeah right now and trying to just sharpen things up again for tomorrow and that’s

What you do so you’re with Brooks kepka as well his team is doing great right now uh individually what what did you see from Brooks something happened today you mentioned to me off camera that’s right I mean he he unfortunately had his driver crack overnight and so he put an

Old driver in today with I guess a shaft that isn’t suitable for him uh as I mentioned the driving range here you’re not able to hit drivers because of how how small it is yeah uh so he wasn’t able to try it out and so he took it out

Played it with the first three holes and was like nope he missed all them right and was like never seen it after the third hole so um three Woods for him obviously that plays a huge disadvantage especially into the par fivs uh but you know he still played a great round you

Know and and and these things happen they happen in the game of golf and you just have to kind of go through it decide that okay this is what’s going to happen I’m going to hit three Woods be prepared to hit longer irons into into holes be more patient with yourself

And it seems like that’s what he did today took the opportunities when he can and just played smart when he couldn’t definitely got to have that mental resilience let’s take a look at some clips from Brooks day today uh hopefully will we see you in the background

Somewhere soon where are you at over here hiding hiding shivering in the Vegas CT now this is a shot on the fourth was a great way to open up his round beautiful right there and this is at four right yeah curling left to right putt for a birdie

Here that was very pretty to watch I I was stunning behind him there there you go this was a great looking shot in the air I thought he was going to hold it for a second was right at it so good that’s that is phenomenal that’s so cool you get to follow these

Guys Bryson Des Shambo let’s let’s talk about Bryson he was the third player you followed today any cool Insight that you have for any of the golf Geeks out there that want to know I mean he’s got so much information in that brain of his um he’s very passionate about the game of

Golf he’s very passionate about growing it as well um you know I spoke to him on hang time and he’s very passionate about bringing a younger audience making the sport more accessible for people um and that’s what he he wants his legacy to be you know that’s what he wants to to

Leave the game of golf knowing that he grew the game uh but he’s he’s a talented player look today he just didn’t have his wedge game on point um was tucking it left for a few of them and with his length especially in a golf course like this you would hope that he

Would take full advantage of that and I think he said that to me in his post Brown interview when I talked to him on the first screen he said he just didn’t have his wedge on on point but he’s also very surprised that the lead isn’t as

Far ahead as he thought that it was going to be at the start of today he said he saw a 59 out here he still sees a 59 uh that’s possible out here and look I wouldn’t surprise me if he goes out there and shoots 59 tomorrow right

Now I I want to dive more into your chat with him you also did a hangtime segment with him which we’ll talk about a little bit later but first let’s look at some highlights from today got to get get the Highlights y’all all right from Bryson to Shambo here we go and

Uh always love uh some commentary from suan look at look at this all this is a long range here on the 15th down this hill curling putt there you go look at that so well Judged this is his birdie opportunity on the 17th look at that wasn’t making any putts all day right there that’s right all right so we mentioned hang time we know you had some time with him and I remember you mentioned just earlier he’s really big into growing the game I remember

Watching the segment and just hearing about how much he wants to grow on social media and just expand the game to people who may not know a lick of thing about golf so I’m excited to see it take this out check this out it’s a clip from Hang

Time hey what’s up we’re here at Las Vegas country club for this week’s live golf event I am just making my way to the 10th T to meet up with captain of crush’s GC Bryson dambo let’s go well Bryson it’s been a long off seon but you were so busy um pumping out

Content for your YouTube channel what’s your goal for that uh brand new Wess growing uh fan base of hopefully not only just The Crushers and myself but but live in general I want people to realize who I truly am and hopefully we can provide some great entertainment and

Great content for people to enjoy well what’s the true you this is for so long I was presented as this scientist sort of person the problem is that I I have a lot more I’m deeper than that and very emotional as people have seen before and

It’s a good thing I I’m passionate I care about the game I care about growing the game so my goal is to get from home 100 million golfers to 150 million golfers and that’s that’s the goal just growing it and creating great viral content fun content that people can enjoy Worldwide make sure you guys check out uh hang time with suen that is a great clip there uh that we shared and there’s more that’s not it there’s a whole bunch of it with Bryson so make sure you guys tune in to that we’re in

Vegas and we are out in the cold right now big thanks to suan hang stick around for more we’re going to talk some more golf with some special guests stay Tuned Vegas baby come on man I’m pumped it’s Party City you know I think it’s going to be really cool to to showcase the talent in a place like that yeah I mean I think Vegas could be unbelievable being so close to the strip so many people are in town I’m

Definitely very very excited about that live golf to Las Vegas week of the Super Bowl is one of the best things that we could have done those fans are the same fans that would really enjoy and appreciate what live golf has to offer we’re going to Las Vegas country

Club it’s a golf course that I really like you know it’s in my hometown right on the Strip it’ll be popping very excited about playing out of home because my record at home is pretty good yeah I think could get a lot of people could get noisy Vegas Super Bowl weekend really

Won’t get any better than that as you can see a whole lot of people are excited out here in Vegas the social media is going crazy Las Vegas showing out y’all from Smash GC I mean look at the crowd it’s it’s exciting you guys I wish you guys were here who are

Tuning in the fans are crazy y’ I’m just going to keep it 100 with you from Bubba Watson when in Vegas you go see the golden knights looks like they had a good time there at the game got to make my way out there prettyy cool hearing

Fans chanting for Danny Lee in Vegas # Liv golf keep the tweets coming guys we love them and we’ll throw them on the show uh but let’s get back to the action here in Las Vegas Club 54 post round show I’m your host Christian Crosby and

We have some special guests with us from Legion 13 coming up next all right and joining us here from Legion 13 Caleb serat and of course my OG favorite Jerry I’m freezing and he played in short sleeves today kid Tougher Than Me Caleb thanks so much for

Joining us today super excited to chat to you my first question to you is how has your experience been at Liv so far you have had so much going on overall how’s the experience been for you yeah there’s look there’s a lot of moving parts to to deal with right especially

When it’s all catching you by surprise right it’s just you go from like having a really really calm life with you know family and friends and in college and enjoying it to like everything in the world coming at you so fast so uh you know the experience has been un the

Experience has been unbelievable but what’s been more unbelievable is having like an amazing team out here around me to to be able to help with all that to say the least yeah and yeah so yeah you had another Stellar round just like you finished last week you started off

Strong again today let’s take a look at some of your highlights from today’s round starting where we got him you you got the rund down here Christian Caleb take us through here uh these moments right here this is yeah I had a mud ball

In the woods I hit a bad t- shot and punched out the front and I’m not usually a chip in guy but blind squirrel found a nut I guess yeah but you you spent a little time with uh before the season started when you were when you

Signed with John ROM with him and he showed you a few new shots he did yeah well my my uh my short game was very limited before some of that so um I’ve learned a lot from him already now what’s going through your mind on on

This one right here just at two yeah I’m just you know I’m just kind of doing my thing right like I’m sticking to the same stuff you know I’m sticking to my same plan I’m not trying to change anything about my golf and uh you know

It’s if I play well it’s going to add up here too I think what would you what would you say you’ve learned the most in your short time here with John and the team right what would you say just how good like the the biggest thing I’ve

Learned is just a lot of how great the players are right like of course you have your you have your top your top guys right you have your ROM you have your DJ you have your your cam Smith and Bryson but like you know you nobody talks about all the other guys that

Played on the PJ tour forever right so it’s it’s super deep and you know it’s very easy to have an average day right and get past um it’s not it’s it’s not just topheavy that’s one thing I’ve learned so I didn’t expect that coming out here so everybody’s unbelievable and

Uh good to learn from couldn’t agree more you have a you have a great captain in John Ron but you also have a great coach and your college coach in Brennen Webb and he gave you some some advice before this when you made the decision to do this and and he said always

Remember no matter what everybody tells you that Caleb’s thre is good enough to be there that’s it don’t try and listen to too many people and how is that treating you so far yeah you know one thing that we’ve talked about a little bit is like it’s it’s great to be able

To learn right and and to um you know a ask ask all the guys that have so much experience questions but at the same time like I find myself the more questions I ask the more I feel like I’m subconsciously making my self feel unprepared and I I’m trying to convince

Myself that I am prepared to be out here I am prepared to learn um but you know it’s it’s been crazy I’m still learning as I go you know I really am this is only week two of a lot so your friends and and teammates just a couple weeks

Ago they’re a little warmer than we are right now they’re down in Puerto Rico and they’re uh gathered around watching you on their phones on their devices they got a little triangle oh that’s cool look at that that’s super cool pretty cool you want to talk about just

The dialogue you’ve had with some of your friends ever since you’ve joined Liv and and some of the conversations you’ve been able to have with them you want to chat about that a little bit yeah look my teammates and and friends have all been in great support of everything right like uh it

Was a big team decision coming here and um you know I couldn’t be more pleased with uh that decision and and everybody support around me so they’re they’re still my best friends you know nothing’s changed well we actually uh I think we have something special from we might have orchestrated something we got

Something Jerry right yeah let’s take a look take a look at the screen hey rat we’re here at the airport in Puerto Rico I just realized I have your laptop in my backpack it’s it’s not like you need it anymore but like when you get back to no I have

It hey what’s up Caleb hope everything’s going well in Las Vegas but we’re finally here in Puerto Rico and I think it’s time that I take over number one and I appreciate everything you’ve done what’s up rat we just got to Puerto Rico we miss you uh it was nice getting

To the airport this morning and not having to go back because you left your driver’s license or wallet or whatever it may have been there was uh there was no lies in any of that that’s all um past experiences that’s incredible Caleb thank you so much for your time thanks

For joining us in this post round show uh and the best of luck to you yeah thank you so much the all right and here’s some tweets on the social coming in about you Caleb Venom written all over him impressive and only at 19 years

Years old you’re good to go I got to love that the fans are definitely going crazy I love talking about Caleb to to Jerry um just watching him in Maya Koba and the resilience he has at such a young age absolutely impressive also make sure you guys are

Throwing in some tweets some social media action we are glad to take some of the social media action there um Jerry thanks for joining me in the post I want to talk to you a little bit we’ll talk about my prediction earlier you put me on the line remember I think the aces

Are right there aren’t they they came in hot too I believe they’re right there absolutely almost like every member of four aces in the first three uh three holes were at the top of just to show you how big of an expert I am the team

Stinger was the one I picked in the fantasy league yes they are last it’s okay Jer it’s okay Jerry you can’t always be right we’re going to take a look at smash highlights let’s take a look at smash GC all right Jay I would love to to hear some of your input here

Jason cra right there just he’s just a quiet quiet uh assassin if you will he plays so well so often he’s about as solid as a teammate as you’d ever want and there’s no course that doesn’t suit him with his power I mean what what does it take to just

Consistently show up like this a bulldog mentality and a lese fair attitude that you don’t really care when things go bad now here is the guy that’s going to make the difference if smash contends for the team title this season uh because he didn’t have a good season season last

Season you there was a lot of talk as he passes primes he hav’t a good golf left in him all that matters is what Grant McDow thinks and he believes he still has great golf ahead of him and uh and Brooks kka believed in him as well to

Add him as a final member of that team for 2024 it’s so fun watching this team what would you say you would see uh now that we’re we’re kind of scaling back about predictions what do you what’s the future you see for these guys smash is

My smash was uh Smash and Crushers were my predictions for the year I’m a smash guys so they uh they were my predictions for the year but like I said a lot of it is how Grand McDow does this year and a lot of people have a re are are buying

The stock now and then selling it later well we’ve been talking about Grand mcdal and our very own Rachel Drummond is over with GMAC right now check it out hello gmch great round four under PA five birdies we’re going to look through some of your puts today here we go on

The b-roll this is going to give you all the positive vibes for tomorrow right let’s get the b roll going Kind of a Funny Day in the greens today a little bit I kind of hold a few that I shouldn’t have hold and I missed a few that I definitely should have hold

But um that’s go that’s true I’m not I’m not sure why I S so surprised I so surprised um but I mean obviously looking at the looking at the highlights there obviously a lot of pots going in first and foremost these greens are Ultra Pure here at Vegas country club I

Mean the golf course in great shape great shape good speed the green good speed the greens are good speed and um you know like I say you can see there’s some of guys making pups so um you know I feel like I left a few out there in

The green so um definitely got a little bit of work to do as I move into tomorrow let have a look some of the makes there’s your name and light there we go here we go first one of the day like I say I mean the greens were a

Nice speed so you know you’re really quite a lot of grain in them as well um so you really had to use the grain to try and feel the RS this is 12 hole one of the things I’ve noticed about these at how good your proximity was you were

Hitting it close yeah I hit it actually my iron play was was was pretty on point all day and and like I said kind of a second ago I felt like I made a couple of these that I certainly shouldn’t have made and I I missed three or four kind

Of inside 8 ft that I felt like I should have made I actually finished off by missing from about 2 ft on my last hole today but um you know they are they’re Ultra Pure Ultra P Cent cup how much did Ken help you on those greens funny Kenny

Kenny typically doesn’t really read the greens much for me um but uh I got him to help me on the greens today and you know what he was actually he was on form he’s on form typically I give Kenny my caddy I’ll give him a little look at it

You know early on in the week I’ll let him read a couple and I’ll just typically he just gets benched that’s him done for the for the rest of the weekend and he gets just to hang out but um you know I feel like I wasn’t seeing

Them super well early on in the run today so I kind of pulled Ken in and I felt like he was seeing them really well so that kind of helps me commit to my lines commit to my reads but you know one of the big things we kind of worked

On in practice a couple days ago I really felt like last week in myoba I struggled on my left riters a little bit and something I’ve been working on my putting is I’ve been kind of setting my body first to the line and then setting my the putter head second and I felt

Like on my right left as I was really aligning myself very well but for some reason on my left right putts I didn’t feel like I was lined up very well so we did a bit of work a couple days ago and I felt like my lower body was very open

And my upper body was kind of shut so I wasn’t seeing down the line very well and you know alignment and setup as you know H is so key to how you how you align the putter head if you’re if you’re in great position you know you can look down that

Line and align the putter head really well but if you get like out of shape your eyes and the putter head are just not kind of in sync and you don’t really align the putter head very well so something I worked on was really trying to trying to set the putter head down

First on my line make sure I get my lower body a little bit more shut and then just balance up my upper body and I really felt like that helped me today on my on my left r or and that is all routine you’re talking about there GMAC

How important is routine in putting yeah routine is huge in putting you know I you know we were talking about Putters I mean I’ve been using this same putter for actually 18 years um you know Odyssey pop the Face Art and pop a new one in every now and again but um you

Know for me you know putting’s been one of the more consistent parts of my game for the last 15 years and routine is really important you know like for me I’ll talk you through my routine real quick but uh you know back here I nearly feel like I’m

Trying to visualize the pot I’m trying to visualize speed because obviously you know you can’t have a read without speed um you know so I sometimes I’ll come back here I’ll nearly kind of feel like I’m throwing the ball down the line I’m trying to see I kind of put in curves I

I’m not really a guy sometimes if you ask me on a breaking pot where I was aimed I I I really wouldn’t know sometimes but I’m I cuz I see the curve and I see kind of where the ball enters the hole so like here I’m seeing this PP

Entering kind of 7 7 730 on the clock face if you like and then I try and just match my you know come come here set the putter head to match that entry point of the hole feel my speed so I look at the P I’ll look at the hole something I’m

Trying to teach my little seven-year-old boy the minute you know when he’s having his practice strokes the target tells you everything you need to know so you’re really looking at that hole trying to feel feel the pace feel the speed and then really trying to get in

With the ball repeat what you just saw something I love about your putting and your setup is it almost seems like you get the toe down initially how much does that help the strike it’s something I teach my students for sure you know I I love the whole kind of like you know

Like you say high hands like a Steve Stricker you know one of the greatest Putters probably ever and uh you know for a long time and for me what it does I feel like like it kind of locks my wrists in and it kind of helps me it

Helps me kind of have more of that big muscle uh putting stroke rather than kind of handsy and armsy so I kind of feel like if I get my hands high that locks my forearms in and I try and pop with my upper body a little bit more so

I think it’s a it’s a good way to put I’m going to set the scene you get uh Las Vegas country club and you’ve got to get a climatized to the greens what process do you go through to help with Pace read green reading yeah I mean so

Something I do in practice rounds I mean it’s unusual I mean I’m I’m a big ball roller so when I’m in a practice R I’ll visualize some of the pin musicians and I I’ll kind of roll I I’ll roll balls and I and I write down what I see

Typically what I you know typically the ball will react exactly how I my eye sees the pup but every now and again I’ll roll a ball and I’ll go hold on that did something a little weird um you know and I’m visualizing pin positions this is the uh the party hole the eighth

Hole I’m assuming we’re going to have a back left in one day so I’m kind of I roll and I kind of visualize some of the lines and and that really just kind of helps me come the weekend um and then I keep keep a library of these books my

Cat Kenny does uh over the years sort of like a little putt Library um you know of rolls and putts that I’ve hit and uh that really helps me dial into the grains a little bit you know sometimes when you come to a new golf course you

May be looking for like a general pull of the land we talked about the Grain and the greens this week depending on what surfaces what type of grasses you know what the General Pool of the land is there’s just many ways to read putts and on a week toe basis you have to

Decide which it is like I said grain’s quite a big this week I feel like and uh I’ll continue to really be looking for the Grain on the greens to help me read these and how do you judge that it’s so hard sometimes to you know know how much

It’s going to bake how much the grain’s going to come into play have you got any tips on that yeah for sure I feel like you know if you read a PO and you know you your eye sees left right and then you come to the low side and you look

And you see it very dark and you know the grass is coming this way so you’ve got slope and you’ve got grain going down the slope so you probably have to read a little bit more into that I had a couple reads today where I felt like I

Saw one thing but the grain was slightly the other way that’s the worst you know you’re like no when you see one thing and it does exactly so typically you have to try and then straighten out your read a little bit you know go with the initial pull but know that the grain’s

Going to hold it up a little bit so you know it really comes with skill and experience and just kind of being around the world and seeing different types of conditions different types of situations and uh you know luckily I’ve I’ve H A Few Good pots over the years um I need

To hold us open beat tiger you being modest I I’ve hold a few okay ones but uh I need to hold a few more good ones this weekend so I can try and compete here and uh great day for smash obviously proud of the team proud of the

Boys um you know Pro really happy the way I played today and and looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow like I say I felt like I left a few on the greens today and I can definitely uh see some low scores out here this week

We can well we love watching you see you play really well so string lines tegs do you do any drills like that yeah I saw my run the clock guy I like I like tegs and uh Jeff Pierce who’s Brooks Copus puttting coach uh right over here he

Actually helped me dial in my kind of R the clock drill this week I instead of putting to a hole we just went putting to a tea just to try and just to try and really dial in um you know my my focus and my starting lines you know so six

T’s are on 3 four feet just a te in the middle and really just trying to you know instead of making six in a row into a hole trying to hit that t six times in a row so just dial in the The Starting Line DIY in the alignment a little bit

You know to me Brooks scop is probably one of the best Putters in the world right now and uh you know I was trying to I was trying to get some information off Jeff his coach which which is the great thing about go what did you get J

Give us some gold yeah like I say just putting into that tea they they really don’t use the whole much from inside 10 ft um you know putting to teas uh on like I said I think one of the great things about live is that we get to

Operate as a team we get to learn from each other being you know being around guys like Taylor Gucci won three times last year Jason kraak who’s a a world class player and obviously Brook’s you know five-time major Champion you’re trying to just soak little nuggets from

Them you know obviously I’ve been around a long time myself I you know I feel like I know a thing or two about a thing or two but you’re always you know this a bey beautiful thing about the game of golf you’re always trying to be better you’re always trying to learn you’re

Always trying to you know pick something up from the best players in the world and you know the the the beauty of of live is that little team element where you know you you just operate you know as a team and you try and make each

Other better let’s see one more one more and then GMAC very special we’re going to get you to rate some swings quickly after but let’s see let’s see you roll the rock okay let’s see got a 10 footer here get the poter head down line that correctly shut my lower body down Square

My upper body oh he doesn’t miss I need to make some more of those save them save them right where is the monitor we need to rate some swings where is the monitor I want to see another one the monitor’s gone missing I need to do a bit of work on

These anyway so I’m happily happy enough so another thing I noticed is ball position it is directly below your sternum yeah so I mean I think like we talked about earlier alignment and setup you know where your eyes are positioned really dictates how you align the Potter

Head and see down the line so you know I think everyone’s ball position you everyone’s a little unique a little different one of the great things about putting is there’s aund different ways to do it you know just look around the putting green so many different ways to

Do it but um you know for me I like my ball position slightly forward to Center um I like my eyes slightly inside the ball and I like to try and keep my head as still as I can that that powder head just work that’s another bit of gold I

Teach my students you throw a dart inside the line so exactly that get your ey line I just have never seen a great Potter in the world have his eyes beyond the ball to me it’s always on the ball or even in the inside of the ball so you

Can see that line better right are you ready to rate some swings be kind okay of course of course let’s go who we got the superp cam 74 ooh that’s not bad that was all right a little over the top but I mean doesn’t go left from there

This makes this see let me see I like that move that’s a good move keep doing that the face he’s good more happy day uhoh posture issue here this guy needs to stand up a little taller oh yeah yeah yeah he ended up nice and Tall but I

Think he needs to start a little taller get those hands a little higher uh yeah okay posture fix that little this is an interesting driving wrench uh oh I’m not sure I’ve got that shot I got to be honest with you Spencer spency hustle it’s a good looking golf swing actually

That gives me anxiety we don’t want to know where this ball landed most likely but that’s uh that was on point that was on point oh here we go a little lify in the Box Wing but I I like it I like it I got a couple I got a

Seven-year-old and a nine-year-old who are you know hitting a lot of balls right now so I love seeing kids fall in love with the game get after it get after it doesn’t matter what it looks like right now hit it hard hit it far and we’ll figure the rest out later

That’s kind of what I try to tell my kids you’ve got all the gold dust today thank you so much for sharing so many nuggets and keep playing great it’s great to have you on yeah no thanks Rachel and look forward to having a good weekend thank

You all right now we’ve been talking a lot about the individual’s performance today but let’s talk a little bit about what team to watch check this one out y’all probably six or seven teams that could they could win the thing and you wouldn’t be surprised TK look really

Strong every day it was some someone shooting like five six on the par I learned how to win and they just kept winning T is so deep you know like they go one through four as good as anybody obviously The Crushers we won last year extremely solid Crushers of

What they did last year feel like you had to pay attention to they’re the ones on the mountain top right now they holding the trophy they got their hands on the trophy nobody else does you know the Fireballs are going to be a strong team this year having pooch

In there who’s who played really good in the second half of the season is going to be a good team I’m only focused on our team to be honest with you that’s that’s the only team I care about what Brooks has done with smash that’s definitely going to be a team that we’re

Going to be battling out quite a bit this year any team that Taylor G happens to be on is obviously a team you got to kind of watch out for I mean they’re going to be super strong The Stingers are always a very strong team they’ve won tournaments

Louis coming on really strong four aces are always going to be the Four Aces they’ve created that name they’ve created that environment Four Aces obviously with Dustin and them are always going to be strong in the addition of Harold Barner they got I mean great four players it really is everybody

Right I mean it it’s tough there’s so many teams to be looking for I mean i’ would say all of them is a save answer and here’s some more social gain time for Aces you called it you called it Jay they’re too tough and too good to

Lay down for too long I I couldn’t agree with you more I want to talk a little bit more about today and uh and I want to talk to you more a little bit today about the individual play uh we had Paul Casey just put on an

Absolute show it it seemed close between everyone but Paul Casey really just it today yeah well I mean we we have a bunch up leaderboard at the top with some sevens and then a bunch of fives and a ton of fours and threes but Paul

Case is a guy in his mid-40s now who’s who’s had a tremendous career on the PJ tour he’s had a tremendous career in team play at the Ryder Cup and but unfortunately between all of that he’s a guy who’s extremely fit and has always been in fantastic shape and it’s always

A fit guys who gets hurt because he’s battled more injuries than than most players have uh that’ve been through what he has so he’s healthy again I think the Liv League schedule really really uh helps him to perform his best because there’s not as much we in tear

On the body doing this and there’s no doubt he can play that kind of golf every single day he’s got a lot of great golf ahead of him he even said in his interview to the Press earlier in the flash area my speed’s still the same I

Might be getting up there in age a little bit but my speed’s still the same so there’s no reason I can’t play the same golf well let’s take a look at some of his highlights here Jay I’d love to hear from you about him but check it out here we go Paul

What a day 12 yeah 12T part three and there it is it’s up it’s in the air I forget the distance here but when you see a guy stare at it that long you know he likes the feel of it you know he likes the line of it and that

Was nearly perfect it doesn’t get any better than that really right yeah but no matter how good you hit it this club has to cooperate you got to get the putter working in in order to really take advantage of it otherwise you know

You turn a a good 68 or 69 with a with a hot wand and then a hot bucker game as he did here at 18 into a really low round of 63 I watched him hit that too there was he had a member of his team

That or his group that was making their way around the lake and he like he wasted no time hitting it I think it’s like he wanted to get it over with and he just Jarred it then the big Bender here at five oh my goodness yeah finds

The bottom of the cup those are the difference makers those type of putts are ones you feel like you should make but rarely do you make many of them and he does it again right here at seven look at this making it look easy uh-huh [Applause] all right now that was individuals let’s

Take a look at the team leaderboard here from today any range goats up top uh U line shot four under par 66 his score didn’t count that’s how good they played today that’s insane yeah that is insane that’s a that’s a nice throwaway score to have I mean also what excites me is

Just we we have no idea what’s going to happen in the next two days and with these scores anything seems like it can happen right of course it’s getable and then four scores counting on Sunday those become extremely volatile we saw it last last week on Sunday for the

First time counting all four scores how quickly things could change uh but the they’re all keeping an eye on it make no mistake about it it means a lot to these guys definitely a great day for the Four Aces as well great day for the Four Aces

Uh who would you say needs to make the most adjustments after watching today from a team I mean Stinger down there at 200 under is just Unthinkable they are such a consistent team and so talented and and that just shocks me really but uh yeah so obviously range goats doing

Their absolute thing today uh let’s look at some highlights from the range goats check it out and here they are that’s that’s Matthew wolf BL at 13 with the shorts on then there’s Z line and bir 17 earlier in the day with the rain pants on but he

Took those off and he has shorts on too I don’t know they’re absolutely nuts to be playing in shorts beautiful yeah I don’t know how they’re doing that but they’re doing it and that’s Thomas Peters but it was uh it was it was the captain Bubba Watson who hasn’t had his

Best stuff since rejoining live after the injury and surgery and he he’s finding it he’s dialing it in look at this one right here he’s fun to watch play I know you haven’t watched him play a whole lot but a lot of guys try and hit the ball really straight he can’t

See straight he doesn’t hit the golf ball straight every shot he sees to curve he’ll stand on The Fairway with a wedge or sandwich in his hand and see a 20 yard draw or 10 yard slice I don’t know how he does it but that’s the way

He plays it it’s Artistry got to love that Bubba actually uh he jumped in our show earlier to our pre-round show saw that had a good time with him earlier and here are some social tweets here range goats are absolutely clicking today goat gang I like the goat gang

Thing I got to love that what is a group of goats called uh you know is it herd I don’t know that’s a good question go yeah he’s he’s nanny goat though he is the king yes falling out there all right and look at this range goats are rocking in

Vegas I got to love this all right we’re going to take a look back at what happened in Maya cober those were warmer days for us Jerry um a little bit but let’s take a look back at all the action in myoba take a look day one of the 2024 live golf

League is finally Upon Us hold on a second there’s a new sheriff in town John ra is marching with his Legion 13 the wind is in his sails staggering display today by W nean wo nean to continue this culating round of golf 59 for the Chilean 59 yeah did I see that happening let’s just say

That the cavalry charge is on W Neeman must be just sensing the footsteps behind him wow this is far from done John ra you know you just know how badly he wants it are you not entertained this is gripping stuff in mayaa Mexico Legion 13 AR Maring okay looks

Are ride for another bird Legion 13 of the moment are going to win going away this is going all the way John Ron ends on 17 and 18 with bie on both likely just a two horse race now now has this to seal his first live golf title it was just thr the away yeah a little firm on that line and so it continues we will have the seventh individual

Playoff 5 holes can’t separate these two and it’s back to the 18th T we go for a second playoff hole between Nan and Garcia well he knew the minute he hit it it wasn’t enough it is getting really dark a real sense of theater between these

Two Sergio wants it here we go and we go again for a fourth playoff hole no other grain of grass on this hole by now right about now his heart just sank what a great scene well for the fourth time this year starting won nean to win stuning show of character from Roy

Nean in almost complete darkness the Chilean shines [Applause] bright way to finish being able to be right now right here it just feels awesome and yeah I mean there there are golf goats up there and he wins his first live golf title I hope everybody knows what I felt

Like I already knew is that you know we’re definitely a force to be reckoned with and uh hopefully this is the first one of many you know I can’t think of a better way to start my my pro career and the only thing I’m worried about is that

I’m I’m going to wake up and this all be a dream so um very you don’t have to worry about that but so pinch [Applause] me I never gets old watching that wacon Neeman celebration in myoba and Legion 13 with the champagne in the dark so legendary and here are some tweets from

Uh a fan of tqu GC winner of the mayakoba battle look at that uh nean looking like an absolute Legend there in that graphic did a great job in Mya COA uh we have a fun little segment called listen up where we miked up some of our

Guys throughout the day I love this I think you will too check it out I mean if it if it’s if it stays like this I think the 54 is good because it feels like it’s more down 27 cover I mean as long as we as

Long as you get that thing in the air I think it should be good yeah just be aggressive on the line yeah just trust it yeah so I mean we want to see we pitch this 80 80 is playing 95 just feels like it’s dropped a little bit

Compared to what it was so i’ definitely I’d play it 95 i’ take a bit off it be aggressive on the line as well mate what I caught it before and it clasp open and I think it’s gone it’s gone bigger I’m just moving I don’t know whether you can

Move it though yeah you’re moving it right now I one Linker it’s a one Linker 85 front 90 pin there’s not really much going on around it might just sit it yeah but I don’t there’s only a couple yards of Breeze there I wouldn’t play for anything at the

Minute i’ almost play the number not far off the number 90 total on the left side of that l i mean there’s not a great deal of win there at the minute but okay come on see your shot mate I know they they’re heavy as well aren they no they’re

Not it’s got a thing on all right got to love to listen up and we have a special guest here Ben Baller who joined us in our pre-show uh some would say one of the greatest Jewelers of all time has made jewelry for some of the most popular music artists and more Justin

Bieber to name a few but he’s also a great friend of Bubba Watson who uh you follow line today is that the case talk talk about it Ben it’s funny uh Bubba got a chain from me today and uh his manager was worried that it might be too

Heavy and I was like no it’s just like it’s like the perfect amount of diamonds and um so uh I was was going to go walk with Bryson I guess and they’re like no you’re going to walk with Bubba nine holes and I was like all right cool and

Then he was sticking them like G is crazy Fairways and after the second hole he’s like hey man it’s got to be the chain and I’m like no man come on and then he went on like a little birdie run two three birdies in a row and I was

Like oh my God it’s the chain he’s like let’s go and knocking in the putts knocking in the birds and then went to the party hole and it it was crazy cuz we were walking in a tunnel and he’s like hey how long you walking and I was

Like uh nine holes and he goes all right finishes the nine hole and he’s up um almost T1 and he was climbing up and he did was he was T1 for a little while and as we’re leaving at the ninth hole he goes where you going I was like I got to

Go to another hole he goes why don’t you stay for a little bit and I didn’t know the the superstitious thing he’s like no I’m dead serious so why didn’t you stay is it because you have some duties to do I had I had to do some content so and

That’s my boy but I felt bad but he was running T3 range goats a number one so it was like a nice little good luck charm I felt good about that you actually had something important to do here with Liv with some of your jewelry

Tell tell the fans who may not know uh what you were here to do today so today um I presented the three new uh players uh the live promotion coins so that was really cool C JY and uh Kieran and they were super excited they’ seen him before

In Abu Dhabi I couldn’t make it there cuz it was um I had my kids Christmas program during that time but uh you know um I was able to customize their names and Laser them and they’re ecstatic about it so that was kind of cool to see

These dudes you know come in and I don’t think they’ve ever seen you know a $15,000 you know piece of jewelry that’s you know it’s pretty crazy and there’s a tweet there we got to look at him when we were over there and Abu Dhabi sorry you didn’t make a

Trip it was actually quite a bit of fun but those are really really cool as is pretty much everything you have made I got a question for you though Ben it’s a little deeper than a lot of stuff we’re talking about if you don’t mind Bubba

And those guys all these players are so committed to doing stuff outside of golf to help their community and so much to help kids and and you were a influencer before influencers were are were influential you also are have been a hugely successful business person and a

Very artistic man as well what advice would you give young people to who want nothing more than to be successful in whatever their chosen Endeavor be it Arts Sports or science or what have you what advice has been most influential for your success I think that one thing

That I did is I never followed the pack and I kind of kind of created my own path and even though you know I just think that adversity is good I think the obstacles are good you know and um one great quote I like is uh when you lose

Don’t lose the lesson and I try to embed that in my kids you know head and everything else and if it comes too easy then you know it’s not going to stay for a long time and I really TR really truly believe that and I think some people

They mistake my age they think I’m like 36 or 37 you know and I’m in my 50s now so you’re what I’m 51 man oh my God yeah so you look reallyis I use a lot of SPF I use a lot of SPF what’s your skin care routine is

My next question now geez so you know I think um when when people understand that uh you know basically I’ve been putting in grind for over three decades you know so this wasn’t some overnight success they say every overnight success takes you know 10 years and it’s been 30 years and so

It’s not like this is this has been a long journey well you’re also a korean-american who played college sports in basketball and football at a time when that wasn’t common I mean you had obstacles I was the first Asian-American to ever play two sports at my university in history so that was

Crazy and and yeah I don’t have the genetics you know to be uh and it was funny I remember when I was going on my recruiting chair they’re like I you know and back in the day in high school you played both ways in football so I was a

Um I was always a corner and I played Safety a little bit but uh I was always a um I was a running back my freshman year then I went wide receiver and that’s where I became like that’s where this you know the the where the eyeballs

Came on to me and then when I got to college I was like I’m 180 lbs man I don’t want to get hit by these big dogs I’m going to do the hitting so you know I felt like cornerbacks had to have more skills you had to be a wide receiver

Except doing it running backwards so I decided to do that and I think um it just didn’t work out but the the basketball thing was was always a great thing too and um I just had to work I felt like I had to work extra harder now

Some people might hear your story right now who are watching who are just discovering who you are and say well how did he get into golf now you explained it a little bit earli in our pre-show but I would love for you to talk a little bit more about your journey in

Golf how did you land here in golf you’ve helped with music producing albums that have went platinum over 20 albums that have gone Platinum you played college sports you’re obviously a very successful Jeweler now golf how well like I said earlier um I was with a

Really big sports agency uh XL and uh they represent tiger uh Max hom Justin Thomas um uh colura CWA uh you know some small time golfers like that and it was funny because they never pushed the golf thing on me and then again I said Taylor

M had reached out would you like to do a collaboration and then uh we did these uh you know 300 gold Putters for $700 and they sold out in 6 minutes wow and I think 90 yeah 6 minutes sold out and they’re going for like a th000 right now

On eBay and the funny part was 90% of my fan base doesn’t even play golf so I think they just had him just as like trophy pieces I was like no use them wow so um I finally uh decided to play a little Golf and uh that was uh May

2022 and in July I had my first hle in one did you really yeah where at at Weddington oh wow and I’ll never forget yet um they thought that I was being robbed so the police were called cuz I was screaming so loud and these people I

Was on whole three people on whole 8 and they saw so when a police came I was at whole 7 and I was like d what the hell happened here maybe someone got heart attack I didn’t know what it was they said what’s going on I like they were

Like we heard screaming and everything I was like oh I made a hole in one they’re like oh my God man so got to love that so you’ve you’ve been playing with a lot of stars you know you’re not just playing with anybody you you’ve had the

Opportunity to play with some of the best golfers in the world and some of the most famous people in the world let’s talk about that yeah you know um I think my third proam yeah so my third Pro I play with John Ram play the farmers and we won so taking home the

Trophy great at Farmers was pretty crazy you know that was definitely that was an experience and yeah I’ve had the I’ve been blessed to play with Bubba um play with Brooks play with um I mean there’s there’s a lot of people you know even on the like during the offseason you know

Uh SE Kim invited me out to Dallas I went out to play Byron Nelson with him and and um I actually he put 28 times I put 27 times he’s like what the hell you know he shot a 68 or something though so you know but uh yeah I’ve got to play

With some really really amazing people a lot like you know I mean dozens of pro pro tour players well look at that ring there uh what is what is the process in creating I mean don’t give away your secret sauce or anything Ben but well the basic process is one

We get the idea of the Ring two I create a hand wax mold once the mold is there the mold gets um you know it gets melted down and turn into cast it into into uh gold okay then once it’s in Gold we drill diamonds I mean we drill holes

Okay and then from drilling holes we set the diamonds right everything gets set then from there we do a high polish finish and depending on what kind of Inc like that ring look if you look at the championship rings even behind D shambo’s name and Crushers we made sure

The logo was exact even a little skull and then behind that I Ed the dimples of the golf ball as a background to really make it extra special so what what is a creative process are you are you weighing in with some of the guys are

You getting some input from them or so like let’s say for instance Gordon Ramsey he’s not going to sit there and do every single thing right he’ll lay down the foundation right and then you got the people doing some work and then you’ll come in and do the final final

Polishing you know what I mean like even Dr Dre when I worked for him you know he’d lay down the the the the original track then someone comes in starts playing a piano he’ll direct them do the you know conducting and stuff and then come in like all right let me wrap this

All together and that’s what I did and and basically um you know um I think I was telling the story to the promotion guys a lot of people don’t know that um I took one year off of jewelry completely took a year off I didn’t make

Any jewelry I didn’t want to I was uninspired and I was thinking about retiring I just was playing golf two three times a week I was going everywhere playing golf and my comeback was to make the the LIF championship rings wow I want to talk to you more

About your relationship with Bubba I got a lot of questions Jerry probably does too and speaking of Bubba we’re going to take a look at some offseason access with Bubba Watson check this Out everybody’s excited that’s what everybody wants to do that’s what what impressed everybody about live and coming here is they can be a team and goes back to high school days goes back to college golf you dream about being a GM or a franchise owner and then you

Start doing it as you know me and you’ve had many hours of late night conversations trying to work this out and then when Taylor said to me about the 10-year process that’s what got us thinking about hold on he said 10-year process well why wouldn’t we go get this

24 year-old that’s on top of the world in the same headlines of Victor hlin and morawa yeah I mean that’s a that’s a big piece I think that man is good and he’s he’s young there’s movement there there’s trades there’s new people coming in just like other sports there’s new old U

There’s people switching teams that’s the thing about a small roster right you only got four people people call you Matt Matthew wolf Wolfie I’ve said like I want the team to get off on the right foot here so what do you want and he told me essentially like his mom calls

Him Matthew Matt spine but Wolfie is what most is probably the most common so just so you know he’s giving me permission to call him Wolfie now Bubba Watson and the range goes them boys look good and who’s this guy right here Ben that’s your boy talk about it

Where is this from that’s from uh Rich Harvest Farms live Chicago he uh was on my podcast and it’s funny I’ve done over 400 episodes of a my show and that was the best interview I ever done wow ever that’s a big statement at 400 episodes

The people you have on oh I’ve had some massive people but I didn’t know that we shared a few things some of the anxiety and thoughts that things anxiety got so bad I thought that I was going to die I have a heart attack or something just

Other things that we had shared and I think that uh we connected really close there and it was just a great I felt like bobber Walters it was just an amazing interview it was crazy that’s amazing so I want to talk to you a little bit about you have a golf

Nickname I want you to tell the story why you have it and who gave it to you so my coach at the time Rond Del bario he’s uh um he was a tour player for a little bit his uh I always played better on the back nine by like five to

11 Strokes okay so they call me back n baller Back N Ben you know Back N Ben I love it so yeah that that was uh my nickname and it was like funny I was like I’ll take it and no matter what to this day last 45 rounds yeah no matter

What it’s always been the other day I shot a 48 at Trump and I I was like yo this is crazy I might not break a 100 then I end up shooting a 38 on the back two over wow it’s better to be a closer in any sport absolutely all right let’s

Take a a look at your this is a bad drive but let’s let’s let take a look at how the coach is doing with you set up is awesome okay yeah very good action going back you could get a little bit more shoulder turn but it’s really cold

That day hey but you know what though it was still 2 47 cent of the Fairway wasn’t bad it looks good it’s doing your thing Ben good lag really good lag held the angle late yeah the funny part was it still made the center

And uh what’s his face went OB so I was like all right well we’re in I made 12 for 14 Fairways yesterday that’s what you said ear that’s that’s awesome and these are not big wide Fairways and no obes out of you no obes okay that’s impressive that’s impressive

Very impressive Ben who would you say your your favorite celebrity is to golf with oh that’s a good one yeah like who who Who’s the most good time fa loves his golf uh Justin Bieber for sure Justin Bieber yeah for sure you got to elaborate on on that one Ben what why JB

Um JB jg’s been one of JB’s uh his best friend that runs company with him is from Jupiter so he’s like been like with him and and funny thing was Justin was with my coach a long time ago and I think that we just kind of forget about

Everything and learn a lot about ourselves on the golf course a lot of parallels with life there and like the Integrity part comes in there too right yeah and you know be like there is for four right I’m like hey bro don’t check me man you know like funny but it’s it’s

It’s it’s a good time man so cool to meet you really cool thanks for all the work you do for us as well thank you so much for joining us Jerry Foltz you’re stud you’ve been absolutely phenomenal and thank you guys for watching us here at Club 54 postr round show I’m your

Host Christian Crosby and we’re closing out here from Las Vegas until of course tomorrow we’ll see you at the pre-show have a great day and stay tuned peace N


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