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Trevor w/ BHA’s Armed Forces Initiative | Ep. 57 | Good And You Podcast

#GoodAndYou? We owe Trevor a GIANT thank you for making the trip over to join us for an awesome interview! This guy knows his stuff and is doing great stuff for the Armed Forces Initiative with BHA. Be sure to check out the website and get involved if this is something you’re about..

The Good & You #podcast is just over one year old and we’re having a blast with it. If you get a laugh here and there, or learn something when we play trivia, please do us a favor and #like #subscribe #share #comment and all that stuff!

Then maybe hit the website and buy some of our gear or visit the Partners page and check out the folks who were kind enough to give us a discount code for the kick ass stuff they sell!

Welcome to the good and new podcast where the sponsors are fake and the hosts are buzz and we say your feelings and join the [Applause] Show throwing a lip pillow upper decky lip pillow yep top Chad [ __ ] you Chuck yeah [ __ ] Chuck what’s his name Schumacher Schumer um probably Amy’s dad did he yeah oh God they’re both awful so that makes sense did uh that go through or is that going to go through no zins

For I can’t see how it would go through you wouldn’t think big uh nicotine would let that happen yeah I mean they’re okay with people shooting up heroin in safe spaces giving them free needles but can’t throw Zin in the things they choose to be upset with politicians unfuckingbelievable

Did do you have a rough guess this is off topic how are you doing good in you pretty good in you uh we’re jumping around so there’s an interview coming later Trevor with BHA AFI you’ll find out everything you need to know incredible interview great interview

Coming up in a little bit here so we’re doing our beginning part now whatever um do you know how much money estimated it would take to end homelessness in the United States oh boy now again this is estimated via social media so probably nowhere near accurate but less than what

We sent to Ukraine exactly Big Time less it’s actually just a little bit more than what we’re about to send to Israel Israel Iran they’re all the same I have no [ __ ] clue Iran is the one that is not friendly right now oh got it h my

Mistake um dude I saw CRA have I sent you some of the videos from this like Warrior whatever blah blah blah Instagram account that’s like live footage or video from war zones no dude a guy got I they just shot swiss cheese like shot 30 times into him today as he

Ran up on him with a knife I did see that and I saw that on a yeah yeah in Gaza or something yeah yeah some Palestinian 14-year-old Palestinian kid trying to stab and what is IDF ID Soldier yep and then yeah oh my god dude it was brutal like it literally watched

The guy die like Faces of Death type stuff yeah trying to like get up and then like another 10 shots and then head just down I like to go on a to get like Packers news and well I do like on Ax as well but uh formerly known as Twitter oh

To get like Packers news and NFL news and then I get like people getting shot in the head and dude there’s a there’s an X account that’s like strictly uh Chicago Street violence oh and it’s brutal no thank you oh my God so yeah this is a family show um we’ll get to

The light-hearted stuff later um housekeeping we may have talked about about it may have not in the interview portion whatever uh supposedly our landlord Bo shout out thank you for the studio uh by houses from him supposedly Bo did not throw the snowball on episode 56 was probably that guy in the truck

Who I don’t know who that is I don’t either um so [ __ ] that guy whoever that was yeah like if that would have broke the window what the [ __ ] yeah Jesus our landlord would have been pissed dude um and our rent check wouldn’t covered it no cuz we never sent one um other

Housekeeping uh oh people probably think that I was an idiot when I listened back you had mentioned that the Brazilian was 32 years old when I said P oh P definitely not 32 and rip way to go I did not catch that nor would I have even

Connected those two things but it makes sense when you say it now um Trivia episode great feedback Greg Cam and Stu excellent guests mhm they were very happy with the like being part of it uh I think we need to make that a reoccurring thing like the five of us

Hash Five Guys not the place with the Burgers and Fries um maybe even if we can get uh popc can in here too the whole golf Spectrum o yeah that would be a six sum that is tough to beat six dudes who couches six dudes two couches

And I mean that one seats three I think we can squeeze popcs girthy member into that um so yeah shout out to those guys thank you and to all the listeners thank you very much have you looked at our YouTube subscribers recently I have not

Where are we at we are over we’re close to 80 holy [ __ ] I didn’t want to tell you because I did a boosted like promotion on YouTube and that secured us roughly I think it said 10 or 12 I mean I can take a look at it it got us some

Extra views but because of the10 or $15 spent it’s attributing those new likes or subscribers to it so I haven’t got my tits out yet because of it I didn’t even know that you could boost on YouTube and technically I didn’t know you could boost on any of these except had it not

Been for you it’s a newer thing they used it’s like a promotions tab that’s like I feel like I’ve never seen it before used to from what I understood had to have like a much more significant Channel maybe it’s like a time thing like you have had to been around a year

At least and I don’t know but all of a sudden it was there and I tried it and it worked so now do we have to start making shorts for Mitchell yeah Mitchell loves the YouTube shorts uh Jeff Clark shout out Jeffy he has a YouTube channel that he posts all

Sorts of different videos and shorts for whatever reason because he likes it he’s got some stuff that’s got like 20,000 views whatever like he’s getting some like high quality views you’ll have to share that with me I will and he posted some of our stuff when I sent him the

Clips he so yeah um yeah we’ll have to do some more YouTube stuff other than that for housekeeping I think that’s it yep go watch the Trivia episode or listen um stick around for the interview that will be after this yes brand new person in both of our Lives never met

The guy before yeah um very knowledgeable very cool and let’s get into the stuff do I start national day or you start with birthdays I don’t remember Oh I thought you were just about to tell me that you did national day also no I definitely

Have birthdays okay I do we start I I mean national day seems like it makes sense yeah to start that way yep and I had these prepared for you and Trevor so you just get all them I did as well yeah I you were going to be first so he’s a

Busy guy time crunch so that’s why he’s not dude he drove an hour to get here for an interview for an hour to drive an hour back to do an hour and a half to two hour seminar on trapping yeah so busy guy [ __ ] dedicated man yeah good

For him um on the seventh this comes out February 7th uh National periodic table day okay National Ballet day all right Kyle I need you to tell me if your life depended on it which of those could you become an expert with periodic table I’ve at least taken a chemistry class

Okay so you’re comfortable with that more so than ballet yeah now what if I said it wasn’t performing ballet but you just had to be like an expert ballet historian I have zero interest in it so like there’s okay there’s 0% chance that could happen you would learn a [ __ ] ton

About the periodic table yeah what do you know about it right now anything cuz I don’t know anything yeah like it’s got the elements and stuff and of the like uh that part uh twetter codes or whatever for them but like iron is Fe okay there you go

That’s what I gold is au oxygen or is that silver or silver h e i I don’t remember I just always liked looking at the table and like trying to like pair stuff together to make slur words or bad words yeah that’s what most people did in chemistry um all right that’s the

Seventh so you’re going to be a periodic table expert yes congratulations thank you uh birthday’s on the 7th we’re going to do word association oh boy uh there are six of them just not that it matters but uh Chris Rock turning 59 slap Ashton Kutcher turning 46 Mila James sper turning

63 Robert California that’s right okay um closeted Steve Nash turning 50 dribbling happy half century to Steve yeah uh gu Brooks 62 um Chris Bridges or no what’s his name Gaines Chris Gaines Chris Gaines Matthew Stafford turning 36 loser those are your birthdays wow um trying to think back to James sper

Besides the office what else is he famous for uh I cannot remember what the name of that other show was that he was on um it was like may I don’t know anyhow like the only one I ever watched was the office the office and would you agree

When he had the party at his house or whatever he was kind of like into making Ryan do some weird [ __ ] or whatever like there’s something talking about dripping mutton juices down his chest there’s something going on there uh all right on the eth um I want you to tell me how you

Would celebrate each of these okay fat Thursday are you familiar I’ve heard of Fat Tuesday but not fat Thursday so supposedly fat Thursday is the last but isn’t Fat Tuesday the thing for Lent yeah it’s the day before Ash Wednesday which is when lent starts so

Why the [ __ ] did Fat Thursday come up because I was the same thing but it’s like the exact same thing the last Thursday before so is there a fat Friday a fat Saturday a fat Sunday I guess maybe uh so you know what it is whether it’s incorrect or correct how would you

Celebrate if you’re going to participate in the um what do you call it abstaining from goodies or food certain foods by living my life because I don’t give anything up for Lent okay uh I see I thought I could get something interesting out of our guest like learn

A little bit about him like how he would do it um National Iowa day what would you and Cody Weber I’m shoot web attacks so that’s on the eth remember everybody if you have Cody Weber’s phone number in your phone reach out yep uh maybe call after 9: because he’ll be

Sleeping until at least 9:00 a.m. yeah those are it those two those are the two I picked for the eth not a bunch of cool [ __ ] all right so birthday’s on the 8th so you have to take one of these guys on in their respective sport who do you

Think he would stand a better chance against Klay Thompson turning 34 Paul Wright aka Big Show turning 52 o or Kimbo Slice rip oh god um definitely not Kimble slice and rip for sure some of the greatest like YouTube videos when YouTube was first becoming a thing

Seeing him beat the [ __ ] out of people in backyards yeah what was that it wasn’t it was just like backyard brawl or whatever back yeah that sounds right yeah um cuz it wasn’t not the homeless one made he made it to MMA yeah yeah he was on a season of uh The Ultimate

Fighter yeah okay so definitely not him much respect to what he does um I mean Klay Thompson would beat me in basketball for sure the Big Show would probably kill me but I feel like I could make that more entertaining especially if it’s not like real wrestling or real

Fighting so as long as you don’t have to like give him a sulex or anything oh God no I mean I would go top rope on him I’d kick out his knee or something you’d be like Rey Mysterio compared to him yeah I’d take that wow how old is Big Show

Big Show is turning I think it was 52 I thought he would have been older than that yeah2 dude I mean he’s like a Great Dane though his life expectancy is I mean CU he’s so big yeah it’s lower he was in um did you ever watch Royal

Pays is that a TV show or a movie is a TV show about like a concierge doctor on the Hamptons or Long Island or something he was in like a half a season of that it was really weird to see like him playing a just some like boyfriend of Ro

MH huh all right on the ninth you have to pick two of the following and combine them for a date with your better half okay so you’re G to pick two of these things to celebrate on this day oh okay for for my mind was on like people

And birthdays so I’m like I don’t know how that’s going to work so you and your your wife going to have a date we’re going out on a date and we have to do two of these things yeah okay National Pizza day okay National bagel and locks day okay Welsh language music

Day international winter Bike To Work Day and National read in the bathtub day that just sounds like you’re going to ruin a book uh I’m I guess we’re getting fat we’re eating bagels and locks and pizza have you ever had bagel and locks before yeah yeah yeah good stuff love it

I really thought you were going to do pizza in the bathtub Pizza in the bathtub while reading to her yeah we don’t really read to each other that’s not something we typically that’s what I would pick for you to do okay and then have to ride your bike the next day I’m

Also not a bathtub guy you don’t take baths no I don’t remember the last time I took a bath do you like hot tubs no I don’t you don’t yeah I really don’t like bathtub or hot tubs H you don’t like bathing I like showering yeah uh quick shower or do you sometimes

Indulge in a nice sometimes I indulge yeah yeah got it good to know birthday’s on the 9th you’re going to Blind rank net worths okay uh there are jeez had to give some context CU I think this was for him just in case oh there’s four of them five of them five people

One two three four five people five people Michael B Jordan turning 37 he had some movies recently what the [ __ ] was he in where he’s like a army dude or secret agent or something I’m gonna put him I put him number three three okay Joe peshy turning 81 God I don’t know

Has has he been in anything recently I mean he’s getting residuals for sure he was in um I think he was in uh oh God Martin scorey on Netflix Oh So something recent yeah uh crap I bet he’s been the Jimmy haa one okay I bet he’s been stacking his money

A little bit I’ll put him at two two I might have those two backwards the first two saquan Barkley turning 27 he’s probably more like three I don’t think he’s going to be number one I’ll put him at four even though I know he’s not going to be number

Four Charlie Day who the [ __ ] is that always sunny and Philadelphia and horrible bosses oh oh yeah um damn the one who’s got like the meme of the going everywhere I he’s worth a lot but I guess I’ll put him at five Jer Alexander turning 27 Oh Happy

Birthday J Money going one but he’s probably not all right let me revise now quick I’m just going to pick a new number one um I’m going to say pesi is number one sequan number two Jer number three Jordan four and whoever five I have no idea who you how you just

Did that um so the actual number one Joe peshi oh okay I had him at two worth 50 million what that’s it yeah that’s it I guess he’s number one he’s number one saquin at number two worth 45 million Charlie Day oh [ __ ] worth 30 million Michael B Jordan worth 25

Million and Jer Alexander wor five million which because he hasn’t been paid out yet yeah on his contract which is weird because he was averaging what is it his average is like 20 million a year or some [ __ ] like that isn’t it yeah so he would have got got at leite

This might have been from like 20 like right after he signed the contract so he hav not be up to date so we’ll say mine was correct your revise was probably very close yeah all right um oh housekeeping from last episode Donald driver’s birthday I missed Donald

Driver’s birthday yeah son of a [ __ ] happy birthday to great one oh dude he was awesome Buckle Up Click at her ticket um do you think that’s why Jer does the strapped probably not he I don’t think he put that together but it’s a good theory makes me feel better

About seeing it he’s probably like dyal dri the only guy that I probably couldn’t have covered so yeah do a seat belt in honor um the 10th International so let’s see yeah International cribbage day okay National flannel day and this is where it it’s interesting I want you to pick which day

You’d celebrate and tell me who you would celebrate with okay so you’re going to pick one of the two days I need you to name three people that you’re going to celebrate with that probably apply to the day or that are a good cribbage player whatever the first one

Needs to be a family member or friend okay second one needs to be a famous person all right and the third needs to be a character from a movie or TV show so are you going to play cribbage or you going to celebrate flannel day we’ll do flannel day okay uh family or

Friend famous person actor from a movie or a show okay so it’s going to be you for the family or friend mhm famous person Paul bunion nice and then from a movie or TV show that was the other one yep uh so just a character um God who’d be a cool one to

Hang out with I have one in mind trying to telepathically tell you who it is right now um DED shoot I could see him making his own flannel yes so that’s a good [ __ ] you trying to Al Borland oh [ __ ] that would have been a good one flannel master dude that would

Have been a hell of a golf orome yeah Paul bunion off the tea um wouldn’t want him putting though probably has no no touch at all exactly like I’ve heard on the golf course from somebody I don’t know who it was um might have been a perfect stranger when they have a bad

Putt or just a not good touch let’s say I know what’s coming here hands like a lesbian brick layer that’d be Paul Bunning around the green yep um have you ever played cribbage uh Yeah we actually so I played in like I don’t know Elementary School I think and then

Hadn’t played in years and I don’t know how but Jessica’s like oh we should like play cribbage or whatever bought a cribbage board you can play with two three or four people I learned that yep um we have not played it yet Addison and I played one time but I need somebody

Who knows what they’re doing to rete me because trying to like read the rules and play that’s not fun yeah dude YouTube University yeah there’s got to be an influencer on there that’s playing topless or something yeah cuz watching cribbage on YouTube would not be if there’s not anyone doing it that’s what

This has become you and I learning to play cage on YouTube there we go there’s our next video uh Jeff trademark that please oh Jeff had great feedback on he listened on his trip to Disney he downloaded it and I caught him right before he was getting on the plane for

Something else I told him hey Trivia episode download it listen on the flight and he text me mid-flight he must have paid for the Wi-Fi just to text me he said this is [ __ ] money yeah exactly so shout out Jeff for listening on the plane oh so he did like my questions

Then yeah all right he did not like him to my knowledge I don’t know all right well Jeff that’s what you’re in for when you play next so birthday’s on the 10th we’ve got a CWC situation going on Lovely was this going to be for Trevor no this was going to be you

Okay all right so we’ve got Elizabeth Banks turning 50 who’s that um the only movie that I can think of that she was in oh wait no she was also Cody Banks secret agent or whatever no uh Zack and Mary Make a Porno who was she Seth Rogan

She was meie oh uh and then she was also in uh ah the one where Paul rod and Stiffler like have to oh like with the kids Role Models Role Models yeah she was Paul rdd’s uh girlfriend in that that’s awesome she’s kind of a [ __ ] yeah so she’s turning 50 uh George

Stephanopoulos turning 63 he’s uh like a political pundit and now I think he might be on like Good Morning America or something is that the kid’s fake ID name from Vegas vacation no that’s papadapolis or whatever right I don’t know and then uh Instagram star Mia Khalifa turning 31 that’s what it said

On the Oh isn’t she like a only fans are like porno lady too though yeah she was in she was in porn she was in porn okay yeah yeah well but she’s in Instagram sorry she’s such a [ __ ] sinner I’m going to have her clintoned okay um and I will quitus the 50-year-old [ __ ]

Elizabeth Banks yep and I guess yeah married poopus or whatever his name is George Stephanopoulos him too he’s got to have a little bit of money and oh I I bet yeah I don’t know he’s probably into some like weird crazy [ __ ] goes to some cool parties maybe I mean politics yeah

They do if czy stuff the one in the wheelchair what was his name uh if he was right was like Stephen Hawking no no no the the younger Congressman oh um when he was talking about how there was like drug and orgy parties in Washington

DC [ __ ] is his name oh I can see his stupid face too I bought a t-shirt of his he was the like super Republican one right yeah yep yeah he had a t-shirt with his like little weird chair wheelchair logo and like on the front of

The shirt it said cry more lib yeah which I thought was hilarious did you watch the new Dave Chappelle on Netflix not yet so he has a joke about oh [ __ ] his name just came and left St no but he had a he had a joke about him

And he found out this guy oh my God I his name is on the tip of my tongue Christian um but anyway he found out about it and uh he came to one of uh one of Chappelle’s shows into see yeah wield into it to hear the joke or

Whatever and Dave was like blown away that he had heard that he did a joke about him and like still came to see it he’s like a lot of respect for the guy so Chappelle said that on his special yes he explained this yep Madison cawthorne nice Madison c yeah

Um you said something on oh what did we dude Mr and Mrs Smith the show the show have you watched is it on prime prime okay have you watched it I have not amazing Childish Gambino right [ __ ] amazing yes now if I were a pig I would say the co-star could be hotter

But I’m not and who’s the co-star I don’t know some Japanese lady um she’s I mean sometimes she looks kind of attractive I don’t not for me but she plays a good part good [ __ ] show highly recommend Mr and Mrs Smith finish the already was eight or nine episodes first season uh

Familyfriendly not so much some kind of gory death weird scenarios but hilarious and like action and really good there you go give that one a watch then um what are we on the 12th the 11th the 11th the 11th supposedly is pro sports wives day okay is that also the superow

Celebrate the I think the 11th is the Super Bowl isn’t it if that’s Sunday I need you Su I need you to pick three Pro Sports wives to invite to your Super Bowl party any sport just the wives no husbands coming with so I maybe can you even think of

Three Jason Kelsey’s wife she seems pretty cool do you know her name if anyone wants to look her up just look up Jason Kelsey is it Kylie SS K Jenner no not that one um so her okay um Gretzky’s daughter the one that’s married to uh Paulina Dustin yep Dustin Johnson

Um God who else would be a cool one Brooks capco’s wife seems like a psycho so not her yeah she’s like if Mom’s wife was hot yeah just annoying slightly less annoying I think probably um and then we’ll go with uh somebody to kind of tone it down

Let’s go with Kurt cousin’s wife she seems like a weirdo nice Christian um X Factor what are they bringing as like a dish to pass or like a party favor each one of them uh Kurt Cousins wife is bringing communion nice um paulina’s going to bring I don’t let’s just say sushi for

Some blow and who’s the first one I said oh Jason Kel wife she’s gonna bring Philly cheese steak yes nice it sounds like a good party yeah got a wild child in Paulina you got like a friendly like kind of like booy but still like you know chick with Kelsey’s

Wife and then the bible thumper probably loves getting thumped yeah oh JJ watt’s wife maybe oh pro soccer player too yeah she sub her out for uh cousins yeah she play soccer with the kids yeah like go distract them for a little bit yep there you go all right birthday’s on the

11th um you can only listen to this person’s music for the rest of your life you going with Cheryl Crow turning 62 Brandy turning 45 or Kelly Roland turning 43 Kelly Roland Destiny’s Child just [ __ ] no her solo career [ __ ] Destiny’s Child oh okay she got like one song two or three

Songs that one with Nelly um oh yeah [ __ ] like Middle School dance like just AB Banger yeah slow dance material um damn what the hell is that song Cheryl Crow I don’t know how long until you just drive your vehicle right into a goddamn brinch abundant I it’s between her and Cheryl Crow

Brandy is no way know how Cheryl Crow because there’s more instruments and stuff to it I guess right do she have a full band yeah well I I think she even plays like guitar or whatever okay I might have [ __ ] that up but yeah I’m GNA stick with it Kelly

Roland all right Rolland Roland um on the 12th sick of food waste day so specific to eating your leftovers and not wasting food okay as specific as you can be brand how you make it what you do what this that whatever I need your top three leftovers in order from worst to

Best from worst to best like my but yeah 3 to1 of leftovers that I care to eat mhm uh Pizza obviously well that’s not going to be worst I guess I got to go reverse order Mhm can I do like a group of foods sure so like okay we’ll go Thanksgiving leftovers three mhm we’ll do pizza two M and Bratz one really C cold brats love a cold brat just no bite no still on a bun with all the aunal oh you put everything

On it I like a plain BR I’ll do it hot or cold just wrap that squeeze that bun around it so tight and just yeah are you I’ll put stuff on it too onions no ketchup mustard um got good mustard I prefer a good mustard I

Mean I’ll do yellow mustard in a pinch but what kind of pizza is your favorite leftover pizza like brand your saying or pizza place any anything um like if you were hung over whatever and you woke up on a Sunday morning or you know Sunday late afternoon or late morning and you wanted

Some [ __ ] leftover pizza what do you want to open the fridge and see all right so I like pizza Hut cold more than I Like It Hot okay so if I’m going with cold pizza I’m probably going to go with like pepperoni lovers Pizza Hut Pizza Hut stuffed crust or I’m not a

Big stuffed crust guy okay pan pan crust is that the thicker kind yep is your mouth watering right now bit Yeah my stomach was growling before we started recording so yep that’s it for the 12th all right don’t waste your food people yeah don’t it’s terrible starving kids

In China and the US for that matter yeah no we’re not going to feed them though just send money to Ukraine all right so this one I’ll tell you the birthdays and then I’ll give you the scenario so Robert Griffin I third turning 34 RG3 RG3 Tony Ferguson MMA fighter turning 40

Okay Joe Rogan recently said that he was in his prime probably the best person in his weight class like ever so you have to have RG3 be the Packers quarterback for a decade or you have to go three rounds with Tony Ferguson and we can have Favre

To Rogers to love oh God so I’m replace I’m rewriting history yes ah no I can’t do that [ __ ] I was going to say like yeah that makes sense though I’d have to re because I feel like we wouldn’t [ __ ] up RG3’s injury now I don’t necessarily

Love him as a quarterback but or person yeah he’s kind of annoying he’s annoying as [ __ ] I think he could could have made it work if he didn’t like get put back you know do the campaign to come back and fix his ACL with Nike and Rush the

Rehab and then came back got hurt blah blah blah blah blah if he didn’t play for the [ __ ] RW at that time um but no I’m not going to rewrite history let that guy [ __ ] murder me it’s only three rounds he’s smaller than you assuming um I got to live through all

That right like I’m not going back and just making a decision then okay yeah I mean he was he was one of the smaller weight class guys let’s just say 150 below the belt gouging eyes anything and everything no holds bar prison fight all right there you go uh um on the

13th it is Canada’s agriculture day okay okay so based on the information from this website about Canada’s agriculture day tell me what you think their top agricultural produce is the website listed Seven Things what do you think Canada’s top agricultural produce is what are you considering produce does it have to be like

Vegetables and fruits or just a plant that’s pretty pretty much what it is yeah cuz I was going to say canola but I don’t the way you look at me like I wouldn’t consider that produce but what the [ __ ] is canol like the oil yeah yes

It’s the plant that they make canola oil out of okay why do you know that cuz that’s number one I don’t know if it’s number one it’s the first one they listed so that’s not what the answer is yeah that’s part of it I thought you

Said I just had to name the first one right or the top name a yeah a few of them whatever comes whatever else they make yeah [ __ ] wheat yep uh oh [ __ ] corn not on here um apples maybe I don’t know nope uh so you got the first two they listed which

I don’t know if these are in order or not but canola wheat barley soybeans rice potatoes and sugar beets huh would not have pegged them to be big beat guys no that is it oh you got birthdays birthdays on the 13th who would you rather hang out with

Jerry Springer rip he could be alive uh Randall Moss turning 47 or Peter Gabriel turning 74 who’s that the singer what did he saying um God was he Walking in Memphis Peter Gabriel see what some of his bangers were play one for us um in your eyes Sledgehammer privati he was Sledgehammer

Really what is that play it if this is the same Sledgehammer that I’m thinking of This music video I’m pretty sure that’s a sperm cell swimming around Greg doesn’t have any of those this is the song I’m was thinking of Peter Gabriel [ __ ] Randy Moss you’re going Peter Gabriel who is the first one Jerry Springer he’d have some stories I bet Dude Jerry Springer’s probably buddies with Peter G Gabriel so I’ll just run that risk I’ll pick Jerry Springer I don’t know that I’ve heard the song but I love it you when it gets to the chorus you’d know it okay but those are your birthdays those are the birthdays some good birthdays

National day of nothing crazy but we got some stuff in there Valentine’s day next week our episode releases on Valentine’s Day any plans anything in the works that you can or cannot say ah no you got big plans I’m gonna have to talk to the MS

Because her birthday is the day after so spoiler alert for birthdays next week and you got birthdays no I had birthdays this week I have birthdays made it um I made one off camera allegedly I I really didn’t see it but apparently it’s in there no I’m

Pretty sure that was still recording so oh it was [ __ ] if only I knew the guy who edited the video um yeah that’s uh that’s about it I think interview coming up next enjoy um follow along on their social media go to their website do all the stuff we’re going to share a

Bunch of [ __ ] um yeah huge thank you to Trevor yeah you got anything else I don’t no great interview yeah so here comes Trevor with BHA and AI all right we are here episode 57 the good new podcast with uh Trevor from the

B h a a fi did I get all those right yeah yeah it’s it’s a mouthful it is so Armed Forces initiative that’s kind of your part of the back country hunters and Anglers right yes exactly okay um so yeah let’s start with if you’re watching you can see Trevor if you’re just

Listening um we’re doing a cool interview with somebody that reached out I believe was it somebody that you work with reached out or I can’t remember right away but I think it was my social media manager okay probably reached out yeah guys reached out and I was like

Absolutely let’s make it happen and finally were able to do it so uh small overview or whatever of backcountry Hunters Anglers and the AFI stuff um yeah so we’re coming up on our 20th anniversary uh kind of founded in 2004 a bunch of hunters and Anglers two of

Which were veterans at the time um talking about they’re on a hunt in Oregon and they were talking well there’s you know Rocky Mountain uh goat Alliance there’s big or the wild sheep found Society Foundation whichever that is um rocket rmef Ducks Unlimited obviously like all these species specific

Organization but with the public land the public water that all these different creatures need to survive and thrive on the landscape there’s no organization protecting that landscape and then access to that landscape as well so out of that idea Backcountry hunters and Anglers was was formed I

Think they had 16 members at first and uh now we’re up we’ve got 157,000 supporters something crazy like that wow that’s awesome nice work yeah yeah so um as far as the armed forces ini is concerned so that was started out of an idea by one of our board members

Jeff Jones um so he got back from Iraq uh in 2017 2018 he spent about three months of of his life like took off work just he called it bluegill therapy where he’s just throwing a fly rod around little indicator catching bluegill on the three-eight fly rod and he had this

Whole uh what’s it called when you talk to Congress like a testim testify to Congress testimony to Congress that sounds right yeah is it where he just calls it blug therapy and it’s kind of like there are a lot of people doing the same thing at the same

Time but putting a word to it was uh like adjunct outdoor therapy for veterans so it’s it’s therapeutic but there’s no you know psychologist psychiatrist there present it’s just the act itself of being outside in a participatory or a uh an engaging manner in that natural cycle that he found very

Helpful and he happens to sit on the board of backcountry hunters and Anglers and he thought well why can’t we do this in a more professional uh capacity so we started looking at Back Country Hunters Anglers we started looking at how would we engage the military Community are we

Already engaging them what does that numbers look like or what do those numbers look like so in 2018 we did our annual membership survey and we started looking at the first time we ever asked are you a veteran activity military National Guard Reserves or gold star

Family member and uh at that point 12 and a half% of BHA members did fit into that category okay now the reason that’s significant is because if you look at the general US population only between uh it only has between 3 and 7% depending on the the survey you look at

As fitting in that population so Without Really Trying BHA is doubling yeah that our membership in that specific demographic so looking into those numbers further this is where I start to get involved first as a volunteer now currently on staff um they start reaching out to veteran members of BHA

Like hey why do you like about this what don’t you what are you doing and uh we get into this crazy statistic where at least one member of each state or like state chapter of BHA is a member of that Community whether they’re activ dut National Guard or reserves Gold Star

Family so not only are we appealing to more of this demographic than we should be without trying but this key demographic are some of our major doners they’re some of our major volunteer leaders they’re organizing the like riverbed cleanups public land cleanups Sage Grouse reintroduction whatever it

Is right so now it’s okay well Jeff Jones this is a great idea but also Al just from a business standpoint this is where we’re getting a lot of our like we’re the military Community kind of uh what’s it punches out of its weight class there as far as donations as far

As the amount of volunteer hours as far as just overall commitment right there to conservation and I think that just comes from some of the core values of Service public service and just uh you get out of the military where every day there’s a mission and then all of a

Sudden you’re done and now there is no Mission and they’re just they’re ready to that demographic as Community is ready to cling to something and it’s like a natural progress of I’m that hunting fing whatever prior you know active duty or being a part absolutely most of them were the um or

Most of most of our participants have hunted or fish at it at one point uh but they’re like myself where I didn’t hun or fish the entire time I was in the military and it’s because you’re year of training year of deployment year of rest then you moved you have training your

Deployment rest then you move so you’re always in a different state you don’t really know the regulations you can’t store guns in the the barracks like privately owned firearms on base some bases allow hunting some bases don’t there’s always a crazy like process to

Go figure out if you can hunt so even if you private hubs gets up the courage to go ask his boss like hey do you know where I could hunt or fish around here um first of all I did not get up that courage because the guy Scream is paid

To scream at me every day and we’re busy but uh even if I had gotten up the courage he got here 6 months before I did he has no idea either you know so so a lot of people are dealing with that same scenario where they might not just

You know take the time or worry about trying to figure it out while they’re active absolutely and then you have the whole other kind of uh a dynamic of like the Infantry Special Forces dudes that uh like I I was infantry like and I didn’t want to I didn’t didn’t ever want

To go hunting again not that I had anything against hunting it was just no way I’ve uh I’ve carried a gun around the woods before that’s work man like just you know you do so many years in the military and it kind of takes the

Fun out of it and it took my dad and my brother like basically just dragg me out of the house like no we’re we’re going to deer camp you’re coming like okay to where it’s like oh wow this can be fun again like this is this is not terrible

Good for them for doing that for you yeah yeah so it uh so it work it worked out but um that’s mostly the participants we get are kind of along that same vein where yeah they’ve fished before yes they’ve hunted and then once they get out of the military they’re

Kind of back into it they’re tiptoeing and then once you get them to one event they’re like oh wow this is a great time like so but anyway yeah so we started doing that that research is BHA 2020 or 2019 we got a big Grant to start what

Would become the Armed Forces initiative 2020 we hosted our first event which was for 18 people in uh eastern Montana teaching uh mu deer hunting because that at that point Muer tags were over the counter in Montana so teaching a little bit of spot and stock a little bit of

Glassing a little bit of like food preparation and then a lot of hey here’s where your hunting license dollars go here’s why this public land swath exists here’s what you can do as a member of this military Community to help ensure this opportunity continues to exist because because that’s the goal right is

You show them something new or something they haven’t seen in a long time they get so excited about it so enamored just so you know ate up with the process of whether it’s Hunting Fishing trapping whatever that they can’t help but get engaged and uh then you teach them just

A little bit enough that they can go to that Department of Natural Resources meeting or that fishing game office meeting and say hey as a veteran or as a member of this community I enjoy you know the SA Croy River Watershed because of XYZ and why it’s important to him and

Just that that statement that vote of confidence is a little more politically there there’s not a lot of people that would uh that when you come like hey this is a veterans issue like that would oppose it on either side of the aisle right so it’s it’s a win for BHA it’s a

Win for the individual veterans and uh yeah from those 18 people I think we’re up to uh we’ve taken we just crossed the 6,000th participant Mark later so that’s really cool so before before we get even deeper into that stuff let’s learn a little bit more about you so you talked

About like you were a hunter fisher joined that you know uh service and then stopped and got back into it so like did you grow up in Wisconsin you grew up hunting and fishing here like what is your story from from the womb to now

Sure yeah no so I did not grow up in Wisconsin I grew up in uh in the Ozarks of Missouri oh yeah yeah so I didn’t move up here until 20 uh 2020 right before Co hit uh my wife uh I’ve been married for a long time wife you work

For Jason baitman down there in the Ozarks no no the uh I know that show came out now now everybody like guys I served with are just like oh that’s where you’re from I’m like yeah that’s how they know you sure exactly but uh

But no so I grew up um I had my dad who was a really like Avid duck hunter like he deer hunted did all kinds of other stuff but really duck hunting and goose hunting was his thing right we had Labradors in the house um and then my

Mom’s brother was a a big kind of houndsman like he liked running [ __ ] hounds he had some coyote hounds so I got to go do that and then my dad’s brother was a big uh like Upland guy so we got to work into like the Southern Southern Missouri Quail uh we cross the

River into Tennessee Kentucky Illinois and Hunt Quail over there and so I kind of got a really good kind of spread of of all these different types of uh of hunting which was great um really enjoyed it but uh let’s see yeah I mean I was skipping school in high school to

Go go goose hunting and stuff like just you priorities normal kids kids um then graduated high school joined the military didn’t really Hunter fish again until 200 17 or 18 would have been my first fall okay so I had you know an eight-year break there yeah where just

Didn’t didn’t really get into it took me um yeah then 2018 I had that or it must have been fall of 17 because I got out in 16 so fall of 17 would have been my first like hunting season then by and then that winter I got my my first like

Bird dog that’s really mine right like you know you have family Labs you worked around bird dogs but it this one was really mine got my first bird dog and then I got another one then I got another one anyway and so now uh living so I run Irish Setters okay

Okay so I think uh I truly think they’re the best of both worlds um they have webbed feet like a uh like a lab very water uh water friendly Birds they’re very or water friendly bird dogs they’re very uh the cooperation level is very

High I think and and I don’t I am also a Stern to defender of all bird dog breeds are great you just got to pick what color you want yeah like they’re a little different but it’s whatever you’re into uh Iris Setters just work for me they’re very good like turn off

For a family dog so they can turn it off and be in the house and lounge around they can turn it on they’re going to work for you in the boat they’re going to work for you in the field they’re just really enjoy them so nice Kyle’s

Got gsps right yep two short hairs yeah perfect so when you said it’s your first honey season like deer season like in 2017 or whatever was your first like deer hunting or like duck hunting and everything that was my first time hunting since being in the military yeah

Okay yeah so I I mean I’d hunted deer and then it was also my first uh we were looking at hunting on this Farm in Illinois and uh Illinois out ofate tags are $550 and I I don’t know I’m not like a great white tail Hunter but I’ve killed

Some decent bucks killed a lot of does and uh I was like well for $600 I can get an over-the-counter elk license in Wyoming so I’m I’m just going to go do that need to chase another white tail and see what happens so started to get

Into Western hunting and did that for a couple years and now I’ve got a system worked out where I had West at least once a year oh nice yeah different states and different species wherever I can I can draw a tag or whatever but I’ve got a pretty good point buildup now

To where it’s it’s okay I know I’m going to draw somewhere right very cool so do you cut your teeth on public land then or yeah so um my I would say probably about 80% public land uh Mo I don’t know where ever you draw the line between

Public land and public water because a lot of that’s like you have the Missouri River you have the Mississippi River where it’s public water and then there’s like waterways that go off of there that aren’t technically part of the ri public water but they’re not on above the high

Water marks they’re not private land either and Y we did a little bit little bit of of Towing in that the gray area a lot so nice very cool so now you’re you just had an event um this weekend right for B AFI yep so we had a uh it’s called the

North Country Icebreaker we kind of trade places between hosting that in Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin uh I think next year it’s going to be in North Dakota for the first time which would be great um but essentially it it’s one of my favorite events that we

Do um because it’s I not I mean I like ice fishing never did it in Missouri moved up here in 2020 really enjoy it it’s well you have to find something to do in the winter up here it lasts forever you got to get out so great time

But uh we have seminars on like outdoor camping we’re building campfires on the ice people sleep out on the ice tents they big big uh like fishing contest and then you have like uh different uh what’s the right word there I guess seminars uh we had Ryan eird at the last

One who does the pike spearing decoys okay if you haven’t seen that guy great supporter great dude but he carves him out of wood and it’s he’s talking about like cutting the hole what you’re looking for what kind of water depth uh you folks talking about like the white

Fish like this is how where you going to find gonna find white fish this is why like basically if it’s an ice fishing or winter related outdoor activity we’ve got a a person a guy guy or gal talking about how do you can get better at it so

You do that during the day and people are taking a breaks we’re gr grilling hot dogs grilling burgers had a big F fish fry like nice and there’s raffle prizes and stuff for fundraisers but so if somebody wanted to like join or like go to that um event can they as just

Like any uh you know member of the public can you go to that you got to sign up first how does that work to like be part of what you got going on yeah so just like any of these conservation ORS we prefer that you’re a member you don’t

Have to be a member to attend but it’d be really nice if you were a member uh for the military Community $25 a year you get four uh four issues of the magazine I think we do like a fifth bonus issue uh I don’t know you got to

Talk to Zach Williams the editor of that sometimes he puts it out sometimes he doesn’t I think it just uh I’m sure he has a schedule I just don’t know the schedule but anyway so you get the magazine but uh all the events whether you’re remember or not are posted on the

Website it um I’m shooting for 12 weeks in advance but cut me some slack about 8 weeks in advance is probably what the average comes out to so but if you’re just prising that website every now and then like just make it part of your C of your your clickthrough during your day

If you’re sitting behind a computer if you’re on Instagram or whatever head over um I think just for the AF the Armed Force initiative portion just for us we’re doing 186 events in 2024 W for we have spaced for 2847 participants I think so you kind

Kind of cap each one like what your volunteers can handle and so cuz most of our events the what we were calling dual skills camp or the learn to hunt learn to Fish Events like this Icebreaker one aside like that’s kind of more of a fundraiser and that’s just like a let’s

Have fun but most of them uh we’re trying to say below 15 participants because it’s all based on how many mentors we can get so like for turkey hunting our big game we do try to stay to one-on-one Mentor sometimes two to one participant to mentors because if

Somebody’s out there so during the day you’re learning what does turkey sign look like how do you turkey call why is this type of plant important to Turkey habitat why are we here kind of thing and you’re learning kind of that how to turkey hunt in this example um and then

In the evening having dinner around the campfire we’re chatting we’re talking about what’s the North American model of wildlife uh conservation where do your hunting license dollar goes how is this state’s Turkey population specifically managed kind of those uh the more the why to hunt or the why hunting works for

The United States and why it’s different than the European model or the African model right um so that’s how these events go what when we started it was i’ we put a bunch of research into an e an effort into like a 10-person white tail

Camp in Chan Wisconsin as at one of the events I set up and we get three people to sign up and I’m like golly like and now like we just grown to the point where if we can take 10 people we probably get 50 or 60 people that apply

Oh wow so now we have now we’re in that awkward position of our our uh Capa our what’s it called our desire or need whatever it is has kind of outgrown our capacity to where I we probably we get about 6,000 applicants for the 2800 spots that

We’re going to have this year oh wow so that’s that’s where we’re at looking so now this year my job is the first year that uh kind of everybody in the field is now fully trained they’ve all hosted one event they’ve all like seen one event hosted with me there all these

Volunteer leaders in each of these states and military installations different parts of the country um are conducting them 90% on their own I’m going to go to a couple and like kind of like help supervise help run it mm but that’s what I’ve done for the past two

Years is go like personally train people like this is how you run an event this is how I do it this is how the insurance works all the the boring stuff that makes it easy so this year now that I don’t have to do that I’m working on

Fundraising is my main goal is how do I go find more money so I don’t have to tell you know 3,000 people no right right yeah nice so you you have a trapping class right after this that you got to head to right is that part of the

Same thing or is that something else so that’s a that’s something we’re trying this year we haven’t really done it before so it’s an online three-part class I think we’ve got six of them this year so this one is part two of the trapping clinic so part one was hey how

Does trapping fit in the North American model why is trapping effective and then just like trapping safety kind of like very limited entry level tonight is uh land trapping so I kind of broke it down to land trapping and water trapping excuse me so tonight we’re going to talk Bobcats Fox coyote um

Badger I think we have a Wolverine and a wolf part coming up so it’s a little bit of biology on the species where to find them and then trapping clinics and then next Monday the same time will be a uh will’ll be water trapping so we’re going

To talk Beaver we’re talk muskrat mink I think I’ve got raccoons lumped into that same kind of thing just because I always catch my raccoons near water but the reason uh we started doing that is to try and expand it past so it’s the same classes that we give at our events right

Like whether it’s a water file event or a trapping event or whatever we’re in those same like kind of doing our top six classes so we have a trapping class we have a fly fishing Class A how to hunt big game class water fou class an

Upland class and a uh the other one is how to is like DIY public land like kind of a basic let’s go do this class right so those are our top class I think that I felt like are just the most dialed in so that’s what we’re presenting online

They’re free for anybody so instead of presenting to you know 10 people in an event I can teach us class and I we have 54 people showing up oh nice it’s not as good as as in person it’s never going to be on Zoom but it’s ideally mik my goal

Is that somebody who’s a little curious about trapping pays no money comes to this event is like man that was a good time I’m going to invest $25 to become a member of BHA I get $25 they get a little information and next year or even this year I guess yeah this year

Technically they sign up for a Trappers education course in their state nice so nice so does every state have a chapter of BHA uh 40 well so every 49 states have a chapter of BHA we are missing uh Hawaii and then we have four Canadian territories provinces whatever that also

Have a chapter okay um and then for AFI we have 46 uh chapters well we have 46 detachments uh because like legally they are distinct from chapters according to r501 C3 so I got I got to stop saying that but uh I’m new to this I don’t I don’t have

A background of nonprofit stuff I’ll figure it out but uh anyway yeah so we have 40 6 uh kind of regional detachments for AFI um to where almost anywhere in the country outside of Hawaii Utah and Nevada you’re 90 minutes from from an AFI event or from an AFI

Person that can help you walk into this because the goal then is part yeah let’s host these events teach people how to fly fish how to hunt how to how to get Outdoors right MH and then other part is hey I’m private hubs and I just got transferred from Fort Brag North

Carolina to Fort uh I forget what the new names are fort Fort Jackson South Carolina or something let’s go fort uh Fort Lenwood Missouri right or leonardwood Missouri and I’ve never been to Missouri before in this example what can I do here so now we have somebody

That yeah I’m I’m from Missouri I’m a veteran even I’m a Navy veteran I’m not part of the army but I can talk to you to turkeys and the Ozarks I can talk to you about white tails and Smallmouth and all the other stuff yeah that’s a great

Resource so just somebody something that you can somebody you can call and it’s not you’re not starting all over every 3 years when you move right right so oh we also have uh a club in Germany a club in Korea and a club in Japan wow wow well

Those are our biggest like overseas kind of kind of areas yeah so then with that like you can call and get information is there also like a network where hey I can go out and like maybe show you the ropes like yeah MIM me out we’ll take

You out to this public piece or whatever absolutely I mean that’s the goal I’d say out of uh the 46 regions I probably have 37 that are real good like green light they’re going to do everything they can they’re perfect and I’ve got the other I don’t do math in public

Whatever that is less less than 10 folks are still still learning or maybe they’re really good at fishing but they’re new to hunting or they’re really good at hunting but they’re new to fishing so they may not be able to tell you exactly where you need to go or what

You need to do but they’ll get you part of the way there or they’ll know somebody who can help you with the rest of it okay nice that’s awesome are these mentors like are they very similar in terms of like they’re either retired from this or they’re still like working

Like private sector like are they just all over the map of like your different mentors and everything yeah all over the map some folks are um still active duty military our guy in New Hampshire is he’s about ready to finish up his 20 years in the military but he’s been in

New Hampshire for the last three um he’s like this is where I’m going to retire like let me take this job I’m pretty good at this uh and then you have folks like uh in Kirtland Air Force Base and New Mexico who our guy who was running

Who started that whole Detachment for us there is now getting transferred over to Florida he’s still active duty then you have veterans like our Navy veterans in Montana and Washington and Idaho that are just running their own stuff they’re always going to live there they’re not getting transferred anywhere so yeah I

Mean it’s all across the Spectrum cool nice so what what stories do you have whether it’s Hunting Fishing um that’s personal or part of BHA AFI that like come to mind like I sent you that outline you know like and set on there’s like some hunting stories or fishing

Stories or anything that comes to mind that’s pretty neat that you’d like to share um yeah I was actually I was thinking about that on the drive over and I’m like man I don’t I don’t know it’s not that you don’t have good stories it’s like they’re good to you I

Don’t know if they’re good for other people um I’d say one of one of the cooler ones that we had was 2022 right yeah 2022 uh we did a uh kind of an intro to Western hunting class and eastern Montana uh which is is an analou Focus Camp because those are easy to

Draw easier to draw than uh I mean they’re not quite over the counter but they’re I think it was like 50/50 for for a Montana resident if you’re going to draw it so I teach people how to analou hunt and uh we had not I want to

Say immediate success but like day one everybody like we had people out in like one one-on-one mentor to mentee ratio like all the mentees except one shot an analou on day one like okay well so now the mentors get to go out and like you’ll see something a little bit

Different they kind of like not quite switch roles but now they’ve got the participants have gotten to participate in the and now they’re going to watch an expert at work kind of a little bit which is still valuable right so the mentors got to go if got to go uh try

And fill their tags the next day and then the third day which was the final day like we still had one mentee participant who didn’t have a tag and uh I I was sitting at Camp uh just got done dropping some other people off and I’m watching this Watering Hole it’s about

Half a half a mile away from camp but it’s it’s relatively flat Rolling Hills kind of high uh Short Grass prairie ecosystem and I watch you know about 20 analou come down and I’m like man if I had service I would call that guy and be

Like hey you need to get back to Camp like we can we I will help you like let’s go and then as if like on Q the dude pulls up him and his mentor were in another spot and uh just the way that it played out like uh the mentor had like

Split up and he was trying to like kind of walk across this Ridge thinking the analou would see him and then head back towards instead analou did analou things and started walking towards the guy and he’s like he got within like 100 yards and he’s like all right well I’m going

To shoot it yeah so then we had like H that’s not a good look one but uh I don’t blame him he’s hunting things happen right but uh so anyway so grabbed that participant his name was name was Eric and we start chasing these analou

And they get uh we get down to the watering hole and they’ve moved off since then and we’re like looking and they’re getting they’re going under this fence to go into private all right well we can’t chase them but there’s probably more coming along the same direction right so we start walking probably

Walked another half mile and we see one Buck just kind of trotting around on the Prairie out there like at least 2 miles away which is cool it it’s always cool being able to see that far I I like it but uh we see another truck coming by

Guy gets out of the truck cuz there a lot of Road hunters in in that part of Montana because it’s legal guy dumps out of his truck runs out to like a fence post you see him put his rifle on on the fence post to balance I’m like oh well

This analou is got to get get shot um dude shoots nothing analou books but it’s like book and tour WS us now so I’m like okay it’s like a mile away at this point that guy get you see him like do the whole gives up gets back in his

Truck goes to find another one I’m like okay cool well Eric Let’s uh let’s figure this out so we start kind of trying to use the landscape and keep hidden and uh it just starts like the cover just starts petering out and getting lower and lower and lower and

Then like you’re down to just Sage Brush which is about knee high so we’re just crawling and uh oh I forgot this part so Eric was uh kind of Rec recomended and put forward by the camp by another one of our participants who we I knew fairly

Well at that point who had come to a camp and then was like Hey how do I help how do I volunteer so then he’d been back to all other camps like a cook and then eventually as a mentor himself so he recommended Eric he’s like hey this

Guy could really use it and at that point we’re like yeah good enough for me so but that guy was a pilot so Eric I’m thinking Eric is a pilot um like a helicopter pilot from the Army totally cool but maybe doesn’t have like the ground or the the rifle experience or

Anything like that so so so we’re crawling I’m immediately impressed he’s not complaining at all like I see him kind of wise a little bit when he crawls through a cactus and I’m like I’m like man this guy’s pretty tough I’m like he’s he’s on it I’m excited he’s he’s

Acting like it’s the last day of a hunt which is good and means he’s into it he’s involved um but anyway the sage just stops and we just like on the edge of this mud flat and I’m ranging this uh I’m ranging this uh this analou buck and

It’s like I don’t know if it’s the heat coming off cuz it’s like unseasonably hot so I don’t know if it’s the heat coming off but something is just throwing this off to where I’ve got like I’ve got to like raise up above the sage

And try and get a clear line of sight and uh what it come it came back at like 400 and I’m like [ __ ] we shot out to 300 on the first day like trying to make sure everybody was zeroed everybody’s comfortable CU these come with pre- instructions right where I’m like you

Need to be this amount of physically fit you need to be able to shoot here like this is pre-work that we’re going to make sure you’re okay with the camp so I’m like Eric he’s at 4: we only practice at 3: are you okay he’s like I

Can shoot four for like okay hell yeah if Eric’s good with it like and and he’s got this super fancy rifle that’s uh well that’s the other thing that’s side note is a lot of our participants are uh like our a on average our participants leave an event or for an event they

Spend $600 of their own money on outdoor gear which which is a lot when you say like we’re doing 2,800 participants CU that’s 2,800 times 600 is whatever like 140,000 or something crazy it’s a [ __ ] ton of money yeah um sorry I cured no you’re fine I think I’ve done it three

Or four times now but uh but anyway so we’re at the edge of the cover we cannot go any further we’re crawling I’m just eyes pressed into my B nose like sweat is running down like you’re just grimy because you’ve been crawling through the Dust for half a mile and Eric shoots

Right in in line but just low kicks up dust buck doesn’t move it’s beded down um going through the motion like hey let’s calm down this happen take our time rck safety off let’s call this 450 because I’m like he’s close he shoots 450 Zips over its back and I’m like it’s

Like right he’s right in line with the the money right right where he should be he’s just high or low and I’m like okay 425 let’s try it again but after the second the buck stands up now and is like walking off so I’m trying to get

Him to trying to get him to slow down yeah or uh do anything and then he’s out five 600 he’s just he’s just out he’s gone and I’m like so I’m getting ready to do the uh you know the hey man it’s hunting that happens don’t beat yourself

Up like I’m sure I raised it like lazed it wrong gave you the wrong range I should have should have known that like consoling him but so I come up to a knee and I have this big like white Cowboy head on cuz you could tell by my

Complexion the sun is not my friend but uh cuz I mean I’m Missouri you could kind of get away with a cowboy hat but it’s definitely not cowboy country you know so but I literally just wear it for whenever I’m on the Prairie either bird

Hunting or hting cuz I can’t do I can do a lot of uncomfortableness I can’t do sunburn I hate it but anyway so I take this cowbo head off I’m like WIP and sweat and I’m just kind of holding it here but so it’s a big white circle I’m

Not even thinking about it this antalope starts turning around at 600 yards and it’s like I’m like what the hell is going on I’m like stay stay down Eric but I’m like on a knee just like hiding behind my my cowboy hat with my Rangefinder just kind of propped up next

To it like thing just circles around and comes back in from 600 yard it gets to 400 and I’m like I’m reading I’m reading a range of 400 yard Eric but he’s still coming let’s hang on 300 200 125 and I’m like Eric is at 125

He’s going to figure it out any second that this is not I am not an antalope you got to take the shot Eric’s like well I want him broadside cuz he’s walking straight towards us comes into 87 yards and then kind of figures it out

Where he just takes a half step to where now he’s quartering two and I’m like Eric that’s all you’re going to get boom like I didn’t even finish the sentence oh nice sent it dropped him he took like 10 steps and uh wowed over it was a

Super cool experience um Eric uh like butchered the animal put it all put it on our backs walked a couple miles back to Camp like he’s all smiles he’s thrilled um just a cool experience was for everybody involved I’ve never decoy I know you can decoy in yeah like you

Everybody’s seen whatever Steven Rella do it like it it’s possible but I’d never seen it done never done it and then you just kind of do it by accident but um it was pretty cool and then the coolest part though is uh talking with Eric I’m like

Hey is this something you think you can get involved in like you interested and he’s like yes this is amazing um he’s like hey can I still go get an elk tag I’m like no well elk season was mostly you know in September last month uh he’s

Like well I’m going to go after elk let’s let’s look at that next year so him and and his mentor that wasn’t me the other mentors like they kind of talk through it they talk about what elk is and so he goes out on his own and on

Halloween I get a picture from him of a bull elk down oh wow awesome like packed it out of himself like oh wow yeah and he’s I don’t he he’s he has retired from the military he’s old um not two I would I’ve never packed an elk out by myself

But just making multiple trips that was uh yeah dude so one cool event with the Pronghorn two it looks like it’s working he’s buying another hunting license like if if we measure that as the bare minimum entry into being a conservationist is just paying in year over year like he’s doing that that’s

Success and he’s finding success using what we taught him oh um I forgot this is a little embarrassing I’m like hugging him I’m a hugger I get excited when like I’m like [ __ ] a right Eric I’m hugging him I’m shaking his shoulder and I could tell he’s a little uncomfortable

I’m like all right I got to stop but I just I’m probably about 80 times in the packout and the butchering process I’m like I’m so proud proud of you I’m just so like it’s all I can say I’m just like and it’s like the guy who is very much

My my senior like more life experience I’m just I I wasn’t trying to be demeaning I’m just like God like just staying behind the gun after those misses and readjusting and keeping your cool like there’s a very for any hunter that’s impressive but for a new Hunter

Especially y I was going to ask so had he hunted much at all before that so he had hunted growing up um I want to say he was from Washington State so I guess black tals would have been his main okay main thing maybe mule deer depending on

The side of the state maybe but uh but anyway anyway so uh he finally we’re about we’re about a quarter mile from camp and he’s like you got to stop I’m I’m like and CU just like the fatigue is setting in yeah and I’m like

I’m sorry Eric I know I could tell it’s bothering you but I just I I can’t help it like it was just amazing I tell him the whole thing he’s like well Trevor you know I spent eight years as a Army Ranger in the snip in the Scout snipers

And I’m like no but that makes a lot more sense I’m thinking Some Like helicopter pilot pulling off an amazing shot and is like no that was the most Comm that was the easiest shot I’ve taken in a long time that’s awesome good for you Eric like that is awesome so

Yeah that is a good story so he is you know like he said he’s bought in he’s interested he’s helping now like do you see somebody like that if that’s happened years previously like is it like just a few more years and they’re like interested in being a mentor now

Like they get to that point where they like flip a switch and now they’re into it so right now we have about about 37% of our ipants come back to a camp in a uh like not a participatory measure cuz we I I there’s no hard and fast rules

Some people need more than more push than others but uh we haven’t had anybody come as a participant to more than three events normally you come to one event you get excited and you want to come back and like hey well you can be the cook right because I’m I’m not a

Great cook I do hot dogs hamburgers and here’s a deli meat sandwich that’s what you get um so if somebody wants to come back and cook that’s great they want to come come back and they’ll talk about their experience or they get a little bit more where it’s like hey I’ve been

Doing this for like we had one guy who left an event and within a year he was a fly fishing guy on the Yellowstone oh W retired army guy like that’s his that’s what he wants to do and got really into it and works for him so obviously yeah

I’m going to bring him back as a mentor for these fly fishing camps like yep works out you do this every day it doesn’t take too long to get to get good at it um yeah so 37% of people come back in some in a instructional capacity or

Assistant capacity w that’s really cool that’s really good and then some go to places like uh like Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance or Ducks Unlimited which is also fine like getting the military Community invested in conservation is the goal right like ideally I would love them all to come back to BHA and give me

Thousands of dollars is and to keep running this program right but no I don’t care if you go to Ducks Unlimited and you’re happy and you’re just ate up with water foul hunting that’s awesome man good for you go elk or whatever they’re probably going to be you know

Talking about how that your event your you know whatever seminar or anything like helped them along the way gave them the drive yeah sure sure cuz I mean it seems like if you can tell somebody something like that like you’re you know Eric his story and explain it to

Somebody else who you think could benefit from it like you’re not going to like not tell him that story and show them the BHA AFI so that’s really cool right yeah so so your guys’ events are you kind of 50/50 hunting fishing or uh it depends on the mentors and what they

Want to do um the way I’ve explained it to our volunteers is if you are doing something that will make a conservationist out of members of the military Community then you’re you’re in Mission whatever you want to do if you’re really into trapping let’s do a trapping event really into fly fishing

Let’s do that if you like to troll for salmon on Lake Michigan let’s do that like whatever you’re into and whatever you feel comfortable kind of Hosting that’s what we’ll do so it turns out right now I I don’t know in 2022 it was about 70% fishing events uh that was

Mostly an insurance thing though cuz I was really pushing fishing cuz it was so much cheaper cuz that’s our biggest Bild I mean we pay 60 Grand a year on insurance oh wow but uh maybe you know somebody that can help out so have to think about that I think

2023 last year we were closer to 50/50 and I think we’re going to be like 6040 hunting to fishing this year okay um not an intentional move just uh go where you do what you can plays out yep nice so do you have like do you work with um I know

It’s a lot of like public land stuff but do you ever do like land owners or private land like people like do you know um Doug Duran from Wisconsin here that’s got like sharing the land like that’s like a group you’ve heard of that yeah so I’ve talked to Doug dur a few

Times he has not been interested in having us come out to his farm um not trying to call him out it’s his land he can do whatever he wants with it um but no uh not that I’m against private land I think that would be great uh the issue

That we run into it with is you’re teaching someone to hunt in a way that’s repeatable right so then like if you’re going to do a private land event which we do do private land event events a big piece of it needs to be how to identify

Where am I going to hunt next cuz you can’t just we can’t do you know you do four deer hunting deer hunts on one person’s land now that person’s getting 40 calls a year can I come hunt right like you gota we got to teach him how to

Go find areas of their own so like the one the event we’ve done in Shaban Wisconsin in the past um which is sponsored by uh oh no pamper Chef there you go almost forgot it oh wow yeah so pamper Chef has has given that one to us

Um for while cuz they own this big swath of land it’s actually interesting story so the woman who invented pan Chef the brand Pampered Chef y um like then sold it millionaire now like you sell a brand like that you’re doing very well planted all these crazy flowers big Gardener

Like not a hunter not an angler loves to Garden so she has this like sprawling landscape of garden but now all these white tails and shabo are just eating out it so it’s like a mix of public private where like we have stands she has stands set up on her property she

Hired a uh BHA member of Wisconsin to be her habitat management specialist where he’s managing like so he gets to do all this like quality your management stuff measuring he brings hunters in from all over like they have a goal of taking x amount of deer off this property then

You have private land or public land around where he’s also like kind of setting up barriers so like ideally deer have to pass in front of a hunter to get to these super expensive like flowers yeah so it’s one of those like this woman uh has been more than supportive

Like super friendly she was hesitant at first and uh she’s just like no this this is working like super respectful like so I’m not I’m not against private land events it’s uh a big piece of it has to be all right when you go hunting next time how are you going to access

Land whether that’s requesting permission or a class on just onx how to identify stuff oh and anybody who comes to our events gets a free onx onx is a big partner oh wow that’s great that’s awesome good on them to do that yeah they’re they’re wonderful are any other

I was going to ask like sponsors like any other sponsors you want to talk about or mention or shout out we get we get so many great sponsors um but coming from you know doing two or three events a year it seems like we’re we’re huge

Now but we’re still very small uh our first sponsor ever was fhf gear and they’re still a sponsor they’re huge Paul over there and then Rick Hutton and um Jake I’m gonna forget Jake’s last name but there’s only there’s only three people that work there oh really so uh

They’re making all that fhf gear stuff and they’re they’re they’re big uh Rick and Jake are both veterans and then Paul’s a police officer officer and yeah wonderful support like as much stuff as we could ever want they they give it to us we actually are the only place you

Can buy their stuff other than through them and first light I have a special sweetheart deal so it’s on our website if you’d like to buy it really cool and the we speaking of the website it’s BHA AFI or is it AFI what do you have to do

To get to it yeah so if you wanted to be super lazy with it you just type BHA into Google and then the first one is going to be Boston Housing Authority don’t click that link then the second one is going to be like beta hydraulic

Acid don’t click that one but the third one is Back Country hunters and Anglers you can click that uh you can click around you look at all the different programs we have like hunting for sustainability women in the woods all these ways of kind of connecting folks with public land public Waters public

Wildlife uh and then under programs you’ll see the Armed Force initiative as one of those available programs click the link that takes you to my page uh there’s spelling errors but don’t just ignore those um read fast have a couple beers before you go whatever and uh donate generously yeah donate generously

But then there’s like a little bit about us what’s our mission uh we’ve got like a Blog which is you can read stories of the events we’ve just done uh we’ve got a leader list where you can see Hey where’s my closest person to me how do I

Get involved uh events tab uh what else we got oh we also we manage an archery range on Kirtland Air Force Base so that’s got its own tab there station on Kirtland um really Co the it’s the only archery range on Kirtland on Kirtland Air Force Base so H awesome got to go

There so what do you have for events coming up this year yeah so the couple that I well one the kind of just not a curveball so we were planning on every year we do a priority landscape event so I’ve been kind of treating those as like marketing events because it’s something

We haven’t been good at traditionally so last year I really heavily invested in having some videographers some camera folks come out and just do some like 5 to 10minute videos what is the Armed Force initiative what do we do why should you care just so those should all

Be ready by May of this year I mean I’m not I’m not a film industry person I’m sure we could get them much faster but we’re also not paying top dollar or sometimes at all um so but anyway so those priority landscape events is what what I’m kind of calling those so same

As a regular event I just highlight a strategic like National level landscape so two years ago it was The Boundary Waters cuz we had that uh copper sulfide mine that was proposed up there so this is one where let’s really highlight the importance of this landscape let’s talk

About well the small mou population the walleye population all this cool stuff and while this is such an accessible Wilderness Area for the eastern half of the country it’s amazing last year um BLM is going to was 20 yeah 2023 last year uh The Bureau Land Management is

Coming up with a new um a man like it’s not a field guide but it’s their Resource Management plan I hope that’s right uh which is how they’re going to use this BLM land in Alaska and it’s like 13 million acres and the the test plan or like the draft plan that was

Released was like they want to open 98% of it to oil and gas or and Energy Drilling which not not against oil and gas like I I drive an F-150 I need gas but uh just 98% is a little much when the prior plan was at like 30% like even

Like you could sell me on 50% 60% I probably wouldn’t uh wouldn’t say anything but 98% is a little rough right I mean you’ve got doll sheep up there in that 13 acres you got moose you’ve got Caribou you’ve got um crun Dolly vard and Artic gring all these just crazy

Cool species that uh like people don’t remember this well some people do but it took Caribou once when we made the the road from uh from Fairbanks up to Dead Horse Alaska for that pipeline it took Caribou 10 years to cross it oh wow yeah

For 10 years they did not cross it cuz they’re and and that’s them as a species just used to wide open tunder they’re not they they do not react well to chains so like we’re going to change like what happens when you put 98 like a

Bunch of oil rigs on 98% of this land or even solar fields or anything like that like I don’t know how it’s going to mess with them but it’s going to mess with them yeah right like and uh but anyway so I took 10 veteran well 10 partipants

Up there I kind of say Veterans as a catch all but in this case six of them were from Alaska and that’s one of the biggest crimes I see in the Army is you get station in Alaska for three or four years and you don’t get the $155 caribo

Tag or it’s like a $25 MO tag I’m like good Lord guys yeah so just teaching them like hey here’s all the logistics like it is more logistically of a challenge to go hunting in Alaska but once you do it once you’re like ah that

Was not that big a deal so like even for me lower 48 guy um going to Alaska 1,750 bucks over the counter tag public land that’s not much more than you’re going to spend going to Idaho or Montana for an elk yep and it’s a super cool

Experience so um that was that was the event we did last year so for this this year uh the one that’s on my mind right now cuz I’m just starting the planning process we are highlighting the Short Grass prairie ecosystem uh we just got a new CEO at Back Country hunters and

Anglers and uh he’s really engaging in policy he’s jumping in and I love it um seems like a great dude uh I don’t I’ve only known him for a month but it seems like a great dude so far uh so he wants to highlight Short Grass prair ecosystem

We’re going to talk Farm Bill we’re going to talk the state of the birds report from last year which has uh Upland game birds being 30 they’re 30% less Upland game Gamers today than they were 10 years ago two major causes are habitat loss and the second almost as

Much is uh the increase in miso predators in the landscape so that’s a nest raing Predators raccoons skunks possums armadillos [ __ ] like that y um so just we’re going to talk about BHA engaging in fence removal and replacing with Wildlife friendly fence we’re going to talk about Sage grous sharptail grous

Prairie chickens um tentatively right now it’ll be two events that highlight this we’ll do one in South Dakota focused on prairie chickens one in eastern Montana focused on uh Sage grass and then you’ll run into sharptail grass both of those places and those are like three native bird species that have been

Here since the Pioneers that are really they’re honestly they’re all hurting to the point like um Nebraska and South Dakota are the only places you can hunt prairie chickens anymore oh wow like it’s a it it’s wild and sharptail grous are well like I said 30% down over the

Past 10 years for all Upland species Sage grous you hear about all the time but just kind of bring some awareness to this pretty unique ecosystem and uh it’s interesting that’s uh my favorite area I love the Prairie um I mean the mountains are great but uh what’s there’s a quote from Theodore

Roosevelt to and he’s writing a letter to John M and John M is talking about like how these mountains in yusan are the greatest thing ever and just like oh yada y y mountains mountains mountains I get it man people still love the mountains but Theodore Roosevelt’s

Response is he’s like anybody can love the mountains their beauty is self-evident it takes a true conservationist to love the Prairie cuz it when you look at it you’re driving past it 90 M hour in Montana it’s it’s monotone it’s brown there’s nothing out there but if you stop for an hour and

Walk around like there’s snakes there’s prairie dogs there’s jack rabbits there’s an antelope there’s big Muer out there like it’s a really cool spot so I’m excited for that one that’s that’s my biggest one I’m excited about but I want to say we have 20 Upland events

Almost 26 uh water fou events planned across the country 15 or 16 turkey events white tail events forever got those all over the place but yeah we got events all over so we got an offshore or an inshore fishing event in South Carolina happening in like two three

Weeks nice cool you going to that no okay no I’m trying to 200 days in the field the past two years like each like I’ve been uh I was just going to ask you’re married right I’m married with two kids and I am uh oh yeah I I I mean

She a military spouse she’s wonderful but uh I mean you get home like there’s multiple times where I get home I’m ditching up our like Big Game Gear throwing the dogs in the truck I’ve been my Upland gear I’m home for like 12 hours and I hit the road again and I’m

Just got to quit doing that uh yeah two two year I mean it was worth it we got everybody trained up everything’s going well uh I mean you know we went from 200 participants to 2,000 participants a year and three years so it’s working but

Hopefully now I can do a lot more of uh in Wisconsin stuff where I’m either behind my computer on a zoom call or I I mean I am going to Pheasant Fest this year to try and try and uh drum up some sponsors some corporate stuff like

Ideally what I want is I want to be able to say to Like Chief Upland gear or I I don’t care Irish Setter boots somebody say hey I’m doing 24 Upland focused camps where I’m creating minimum 10 people per Camp 240 or whatever that is new Upland Hunters that are all going to

Go home and spend $600 on gear MH there’s going to be first time they’re buying gear they’re going to buy whatever they feel comfortable with whatever I tell them to buy we have historical data that says this for $10,000 would you be our title sponsor cuz I’m going to turn around and give

You 100 Grand with our business you just give me 10 grand worth of gear ideally I would want I would want you know a monetary donation because that helps with with the bills like not that I mean I’d be very happy with gear y but monetary would be great too so that’s

What I’m hoping to get out of this year is just do a lot of these shows get a lot of these meetings talking to groups that uh bigger companies that can afford to throw 10 or 15 grand at us and know that they’re going to get a bunch more

Yeah business from it do you do have you been to the show in the it’s in the Dells now the um Open Season Sportsman’s Expo I think it’s called it’s in February or March each year it’s like the third year it’s been in the Dells used to be the Madison uh deer and

Turkey show wasn’t it mve that up there no I know I’m going to the Wisconsin waterfoul Expo in August okay so yeah this one’s coming up I think it’s either end of February or somewhere in March yeah so just look for that Open Season I’m going to Google it ton of people

There ton of companies there and it’s you know not too far for you to go to no absolutely that’s that’s the ticket right there um man otherwise I’m trying to think so yeah you got the website that’s got all your events you know it’s not restricted to military it’s for

Anyone and everyone that wants to donate or participate you got to apply and um yeah you what else you got you anything else question wise um I guess you just going to are you going to be at rendevu this year AB Minnesota it is in Minnesota it’s going to be a great time

I was been on the phone about it almost all day today um it’s going to be interesting it’s uh the first time we haven’t had it in in Missoula in a while and I’m really excited about that Missoula is great but uh think we’re

Going to get a lot more people in uh in Minneapolis at Missoula just because it’s so expensive to get there right I mean it’s $1,200 plane ticket versus a $400 plane ticket flying what the hell is this tell me what it is I don’t know

What this is ah it’s a good call I should uh yeah so Rendevous is kind of our uh so modeled after the original kind of mountain man fur trapping Rendevous that used to happen in Wyoming every year where all the fur Trappers come down from the mountains and spring

They’d sell their Furs and they’d get rich and they’d spend it on booze and new rifles and and female company and all kinds of stuff just a big party so that’s kind of how it started um and we over the past 20 years again this our 20th anniversary we’ve kind of morphed

It from a hey we started like let me thank all our volunteers this is how much land we’ve protected this is how much habitat work we’ve done all this great stuff and more just like a thank you so much for your work so now we do it where Thursday night is all the

Volunteers leaders kind of show up we give out Awards and it’s thank you so much for all all you’ve done this is amazing then Friday and Saturday we bring in sponsors donors all these groups and it turns into a we’ll have like a blood tracking Clinic we’ll have

An ice spearing Clinic we’ll have a turkey calling contest a public land access panel where you just get up there and watch six experts like Randy Newberg Steve Rella Ryan Callahan like all these like people who are experts in their field talk about how you can be a better

Backcountry Hunter and angler right um and then everybody heads out Saturday night and we’ve made a lot of money we’ve ideally made some better Backcountry hunters and Anglers and uh Sunday all the staff stays and cleans up that’s uh it’s what most people don’t get about Rendevous is it’s a lot of fun

But the staff gets there on Monday and we stay until Monday and it’s we work from about 6:00 a.m. until about 1:00 a.m. every day so like you get to you get to Saturday night and uh you’re like wow the entire staff is hammered it’s like no we’re not we’re sleep deprived

Entire six days of caffeine pills and and Red Bull what you’re seeing here like it’s wild I’ve I’ve not made one yet but with it being so close I might have to make it this year I would definitely uh make the time to come up um just the people you’re going to meet

Like that’s the best part about BHA like well first of all the best part about BHA is that they have an armed forces initiative second best part about BHA is uh everybody you meet is somebody that you there’s a value to have in two or three drinks in a 20-minute conversation

With right like that’s you’re going to learn something somewhere and everybody is just so friendly so welcoming into this like come come with an idea for something you never thought you’d be able to do what you want to do like Wyoming mountain lion Arizona quail something crazy right you’re going to

Meet somebody at Revo like you’re like anybody you talk to at Ru at any point you’re six connections away from somebody who’s going to tell you how to do that like I never thought I’d go down to Arizona and quail hunt that was before I worked for BHA but first BHA

Event like oh yeah you like Upland what do you like to do well I grew up doing a lot of quail hunting now I’m doing some rough gr cuz I live up here I’d love to get to the Southwest though like that seems really cool and two or three

People later like that person is introducing you like yeah this is Bill Bill runs four pointers out of Tucson and he would love to take you out and Bill like never met you before in his life he’s like oh you like Quail let’s go get some Quail I’ll set the dates

Drop your pins it’s just it’s amazing and it’s it’s for anything it’s for Elk it’s for Alaska Caribou it’s mountain lions like whatever you want to do strip bass in New England like there’s somebody at BHA who is an exp ER at it and they’re so passionate about their

Expertise that they can’t wait to share it with you that’s the coolest part about BHA that’s awesome nice we’re uh I think approaching your hard stop line so we want to wrap it up here thank you I really appreciate you coming on you’re extremely knowledgeable on everything

You’re talking about so it’s nice and refreshing probably for our audience instead of listening to me talk so doing my best so yeah you’re doing a great job and we’ll uh definitely share stuff on our social media Point people in your direction hopefully we can run India at

Rendevu or something that’d be kind of cool yeah I’m always up for it I’m uh this year at rendevu I’m kind of a floater where if I’m not setting up tables and chairs or serving drinks I’m available cool I’m here to make connections and make people glad they’re

A BHA member that’s my job so awesome well yeah I mean that’s that’ll cover it I mean I think I can see in the future us maybe having a uh another interview with you you can bring somebody else with too and maybe talk about a hunt or something who knows

That’d be great we could do we could do it at Revo have 40 or 50 people that bus trip ready to go do it write write it off on your text absolutely awesome uh and thank you for your service too yes thank you it was my pleasure guys thank

You pretty good you good you

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