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Red Bull’s Christian Horner under investigation for alleged inappropriate behaviour

Red Bull has launched an investigation after allegations of inappropriate behaviour were made against team principal Christian Horner. Horner denies the allegations and will remain in his role while the investigation continues.

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Well we have pretty bare details at the moment Mike and and we learned of all of this because of uh an article in the Dutch press an article in the telegraph which contained a report about these allegations being made of inappropriate behavior by Christian Herer allegedly uh concerning a member

Of of Red Bull staff and what I can say to you is that that Christian Herer strongly denies these allegations and he also remains in his job as both team principal and chief executive officer of the Red Bull team while this investigation is ongoing what I also understand that it’s the the Austrian

Parent company which are are supervising this although they have employed an external body to to carry out this this investigation I’ll read you the statement which which came from Red Bull headquarters in Austria rather than the racing team in Milton King and it’s this it says after being made aware of

Certain recent allegations the company launched an independent investigation this process which is already underway is being carried out by an external specialist barister the company takes these matters extremely seriously and the investigation will be completed as soon as practically possible it would not be appropriate to comment further at

This time and and as I say to you Christian Herer has made the the briefest of responses to this but he said I reject these claims entirely uh although he carries on in his post as team principal and chief executive at the moment with the new season first approaching um Craig

So where are we with this has Christian Herer actually said anything yeah no just just just just that uh I’ll have to to wait to see if if if anything more comes out from from Red pool’s headquarters in Milton keing later on this evening because of this

It’s it’s becoming in the public domain widely within the last couple of hours but other than to say that he rejects the the allegations completely that’s all that that we’ve heard from him but uh I mean this is one of the the most important figures in in Formula 1 he’s

Been Tim principal at Red Bull from its formation in 2005 he’s entering his 20th season with the team and and during his time in charge of course they’ve won four successive Constructors and drivers championships with Sebastian vettle three drivers championships and and two Constructors championships in this latest period of dominance involving Max

F stappen so we await further comment from him but Red Bull vowing to to get this investigation done as as as soon as they can I would imagine they would hope to to conclude it before the season starts but Red Bull are launching their car uh on the 15th of February just next

Week so they’re on a very tight schedule and


  1. It only takes one (in this case female) individual (perhaps wishing 15 seconds of fame!?) to grab the headlines that the Sky Sports of this world are glad to latch on to! I might be wrong, but this will end up being a non-story!

  2. Only an employee is upset how Christian leads the team. If they don’t like it then go elsewhere. Christian has done the best job at red bull

  3. So, it seems like someone wants to get rid of Horner. Is this an attempt by another team to slow Red Bull down on the race track?

  4. If Horner goes then Newey will leave. I'm wondering if all this is linked to Hamilton heading to Ferrari!!! Could Hamilton have been told that Newey will join Ferrari in 2025, that would be enough for him to leave Merc. It could all be a linked chain of events, the Horner issue could just be the next step of the Ferrari plan?!!!

  5. I'm no Horner fan but your accusing him of something , I hate how the media can cast a shadow on a man without any evidence this is disturbing and his kids are gonna go threw it because his gonna be tried by media.

  6. So this is the end of red bull racing f1
    dietrich has passed away and now horner will get the sack.
    if adrian leaves, only max is left.
    as a red bull fan, this is is devastating.

  7. There were reports of a power struggle between Horner & Marco in October last year. The Verstappens are very close to Marko. This story was broken in a Dutch publication.

  8. Put it like this the season aint started and guess who's already won the championship vettle. Another boring season I dont need to watch it or be a fan maxs already won.

  9. My impression is the female employee was not doing her job or not doing it as instructed, Horner was monitoring her and trying to get her to perform to expectations, she resented it and decided to sling some mud. Happens in management all the time. The confusing part is why Red Bull in Austria have made such a big deal out of it. It could turn out to be a power play as some have suggested. I would like to see the female investigated and see if any ties to the parent company emerge.

  10. There are things really questionable. First the fact that Red Bull on purpose leaked the information on an investigation on Christian to Dutch media instead of keeping it internally. The fact that Jos and Christian have problems with each other. Most likely because Jos wants everything to be in favor of Max. The fact that Helmut wants Horner out too backed up by the Austrian part of Red Bull. I highly doubt if Christian is as guilty as they try to make him look or if he is just a victim of internal struggles. The other big question if Christian is fired or steps up will be what Adrian will do. He and Christian get along very well as Peter Windsor said. Adrian most likely won’t go to Ferrari because of the Italian politics within that team. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mercedes will give Adrian a call to try and lure in Max in ‘26. Adrian also might retire.

  11. @redbull fires Christian Horner, hires Gunther as team principal, and sell second team to Andretti 😅

  12. Red Bullshite! It's Red Bull Racing head quarters in England not Red Bull head quarters. Red Bull head quarters is in Austria! This is another non story!

  13. surely if hes being investigated he should be suspended until hes found guilt or not guilty

  14. I believe all this to be lies he is a class1 team principle someone has got it in for him and I hope this will be proved he has been impeccable to f1 over the yearvloves he's job I hope he stays to me this is sabotage wish christian all the best of luck just proves what damage can be done to someone because of jealousy that he has been totally devoted to he's job and does it amazingly well good luck again christian

  15. Exactly paid right money people will do anything won't they even if it slurs someone for life and he should be protected innocent untill proven guilty I can imagine how he feels given everything to make the team great and this is what he gets and done get me stated on totobwho always gets he's own way throwing tantrums on live TV

  16. Every time I see him in photos with ginger spice he looks soulless for some reason. Never a smile, almost like he is hiding behind something? Is it just me?

  17. Funny there has never been a case of controlling behaviour by a male team member splashed across the media in all the years of motorsport. Suddenly there are lots of females around and guess what happens, it didnt take long.

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