Golf Babe

Common Sense with Joey Barton – Episode 1: Tony Bellew

Anthony Lewis bellu born 30th of November 1982 yeah so you me and you the same 82 yeah listen mate I’m buzzing to have you on thanks very much for having me um obviously we’ve known each other feels like forever mate but but but I remember as I say seeing you out and

About in around the city and then for me watching you go on to fulfill your potential I think as a as as an evertonian who stood on the GL the street to see you win at gooderson and and obviously I’ve never seen a boxing match there so to you know to see the

Old lady um with that crowd in and obviously the way you got the job done um was incredible then to see you go and do what you did and I think you go from kind of reaching your uh Pinnacle in terms of fighting a goodon which you

Dreamed about to go on and to make sure you look after the next generation of bellu to come with the you know the daid day fights and not be on try try me best but if Dave Dave got a now one the most important thing I’m doing now is trying

To teach them to not teach them but give them the same amount of hunger in the drive that I had so I’m not I’m fearful of give give give give give with me kids and I’m trying to harness it back and push them and push them so everyone will

Think oh Bell you’s done well and his family a great yeah we we’ve done well we live in a nice GFF we we’ve we’ve got things that they’d like in life but I’m struggling with this part of my life because I’m trying to teach them the

Value of things so me me 18y old lad is now in University he’s had the job since he was 15 so he’s been working in lot souls in town in made shop he works every Sunday he’s a good kid doesn’t drink uh he doesn’t really do much he

Studies he does his things but then he needs to rock it up his ass to get going so and that once again is that he’s so relaxed if he was any more laid back he’d be asleep and he’s these are things that and I constantly find he spends his

Money on on traines and clothes which does me absolute capping but what you do because I’ve created these monsters and now I’ve got a I’ve got a try and teach them so the way we grew up as kids and it’s tough and you fight and you you

Have to ear every single thing you’ve got is it bad that we’ve give our kids the easier way out I I have the same I think every parent out there has that dilemma I always remember reading um there’s a a guy called waren buffer um who I think his big company was beer

Halfway and they would like him him Bill a Gates and somebody else will be like changing who’s the richest man in the world from time to time based on what whatever stocks and shares are going up and he and he was faced with the Dilemma of obviously the same thing but leaving

Billions to his kids and he said um he’d come to an agreement with them that for every dollar they end he would give them a dollar but he wouldn’t give them or leave them anything as well but every year he would tot up how much they made

And he would meet it dollar for dollar um because he wants to teach them that habit of working hard for yourself and being self-made and there’s something like kids from from our background you were you were wav tox area yeah I’ve just drove down up AAL on my way here

Different completely different um demographic to to Major you know major parts of the city yeah um and again the scouters have that you know whichever part of the city you’re from they kind of have that selfmade determinism in them to go to get out and make something of themselves in the in

The world regardless of you know whether you get a mom or a dad or whether you don’t I think I think we we set out on a course I don’t know whether it’s a benefit or or a or a negative whether you know you get this fire in your owner

I don’t know I mean I mean you’re right when you talk about Dem demographics of where we’ve grown up I’m from the south end of Liverpool I box and trained and represents the North End of Liverpool you couldn’t have got a different place you couldn’t have got like my mom’s

Black my dad’s white I’m from a mixed race family uh and going to the North End of the city was just it was a it was a shock to spend so much time with this so going to Scotty road yeah from Lodge lane from Smith down Road it’s just a

It’s an eye opener it really is uh but at like I’m trying to get me kids to see where like I go back and get me air cut in the same place I’m from so I get me aircut the top of me my street uh at

Obes once once a week or once a fortnite and I take my kids there and when they go in the shop they are they are ease now and and the sound but when they face went in it was like oh the backs are against the wall they with a little bit

What’s going on around here because everyone’s coming in I your dad they’re letting on to you they know you and they’re like they’re just the they’re acting different to what the kids have seen before and they’re saying things and they’re doing things that are different than what they’ve ever seen

Before and they didn’t they feel great now when they go in because they’re obviously comfortable with it but when I first took them and I could see the difference in the shock in the face and and looking at that now I just need them

To feel the way I used to feel when I was kick grown up like you could do but that’s the thing to isn’t it when you’re saying where did like it where does the fire come from it comes from a billion different things that can be you know

Adjusted on on the way up and I always believe everybody’s individual like you you know you rather have a fortune in some people’s eyes where you have a a mom and dad who provide lots of opportunities for you and um you know you can go to Great Schools and all all

These head starts that people can get in life and then you have people who who actually get nothing so you know really bad um upbringing but turn out to be superb people because of the the scarcity and the lack of things and and when I look at I’ve only been alive 41

Years same as you when I look at the world I meet people from all different backgrounds all different spectrums and some of the best people you’ll ever meet yeah were was starting with some of the worst and you could ever be dealt and vice versa some people who were born

Into um a lot um turned out to be you know really bad degenerate when they got older and everywhere in between you know I’m lucky in terms of I went to Sport and chance Clinic when I was like 21 22 with a guy called Peter k for for anger

Management and they were alcoholics drug addicts sex addicts etc etc in there um I was in there for anger manage anger management and that really broaden my horizons you know as a young person you think you know everything you know the area you grow up in or the city you grow

Up in and that was the thing for for me I I always remember obviously I’m having my career and playing but I always remember I keep an eye out for Lads at met obviously as I say probably knew your 17 18 19 20 a little bit better as we got a bit

Older but growing up in this city being from where you’re from you said there your mom being white and your dad being sorry your mom being black and your dad being white being an evertonian yeah um did you feel did you feel that in the

City could you like cuz you know if you walk past me in the street I wouldn’t go he’s a black fell I would know because I know you but like you must be stuck in people people must say different things around you than they what would maybe

Around someone that for all my life until people obviously then kind of knew or I would make it known well even yeah yeah even if you’re going right across the city there and working in the city center you get on the so I’d get the 86

Or I’d sometime I’d walk up Smith down world and get on the 27 or I’d get the bus 86 to the 27 if I the bus from the 27 on Lodge Lane outside outside to to liary to the Scotty Road it’s like going the best way of explaining it it

Was like going back in time yeah it was like by the time you got off got on Lodge Lane and by the time you got to Scotty Road it was literally like you gone back in time because it was like what’s going on here I mean there’s not

A brother in sight and and everyone’s just just like the words that come out would just be like as if it was normal yeah and I would be like and when you say racist I’ve had every possible racialist name you could possibly imagine and they they in the end it just

Becomes noise well that’s what I’m going to say you just become immune to it yeah you do and until you start sparting or fighting and then it shows you you really wasn’t immune and you take it out on people okay so so I always thought like obviously can imagine when you’re

In the the professions we in yeah like for you every fight you you know you either got your home crowd or some when I looked at your resume some of your places you’ve been to thinking K Smith fight of the weekend obviously you’ve been out to Quebec to fight Donna

Stevenson I do remember being at Newcastle when that when that fight happened and for for me when I look at that ago when you get outside the boundaries of of your little area like for me it was football as I say lucky enough to to to get into EV Academy and then a

Metal ad from nle Liam the four and then a metal ad and and then before an know way um you know you don’t see color cuz all you see is the Sportsman for you in in in boxing but did you start trying to play footy in school was you would you

Want would you always want to be a boxer no I always want to be a footballer I mean I the dreamed of being a footballer I can I can play a little bit I can hit a ball with both feet and comfortable and and with both feet but I wasn’t very

Position center forward all right D what a man as well what a man dun’s my friend nowadays and he’s a great person he’s a great fell but yeah I spent I spent a lot of time with Duncan and I loved him but as a kid growing up he was

Me but then you used to I I had stories about you and dunk on the on the bag at bellfield did you used to go in same with ever oh no so I was never in bellfield little Legos he always rips me about that because they always the older

Lads so as when I first started going it was down to David Mo all right so H I went in there to do some kind of I just came Pro and I went into Finch Farm to do some kind of Media stuff and at the time I just lost me strend and

Conditioner I basically had sacked him I didn’t think he was doing a good enough job uh and wasn’t opening enough doors for me as in what facilities we should be using things like that so were you was you rund was that you were saying

Who was your gym at the time I was in Manchester I’d had four fights to professional uh and just before me fifth fighter it goes into Finch farm so it goes in and I done me press stuff and I’m talking to Tim Kyle I’ve met him for the first time

And uh at this stage these had come and watched one of my earlier fights uh TC [ __ ] Mela was with them and I think I’m not sure if baz was there or not bainy H there was a few of them so anyway I got talking to them and they were chatting

And stuff and then a week later I find myself Finch Farm after the fight and Billow come over to me da Billow was the head coach at the head Fitness coach at Everton at the time and he says to me uh how you doing lovely to me and I said

Listen do you think it’d be possible if I come in here and use your ice bath to recover from training said because we obviously haven’t got one in in thing when he went I don’t know you know I’ll have to run it by The Gafford ask The

Gafford if that’s okay so it took a couple of weeks to get the answer and uh he come back and he said yes you can use the facilities at the training ground as long as the players aren in and I was like that soundos one L recover just use

The ice bath on SP and everything I would go in straight away use the ice bath get off and go out H so that went on for about two or three months and one of the days I come in I think they were training on a late afternoon I come in

Like and I was obviously there so the lads have seen me I’m in the adjusting room and I’m like oh [ __ ] these walked in here I shouldn’t really be here anyway they’re talking to him in the ice bathroom starting to get to Old and back and forth uh and that’s how my

Relationship started with the players I then asked the coaches I told I went and seen billows sort at this stage now no way around Finch Farm H I don’t really know the players but I’ve been there for like going there for a month or whatever

Have you I seen Bill said listen I said I’ve lost me stand the conditioning coach well once again like I always say I’ve lost him to nice for but now everyone knows I sacked him so I’ve just blew it up now but I said lost me condition coach I said and I’m looking

To find the Str is there anyone you can suggest or recommend and he went what kind of string condition you do and I just said whatever’s going to make me faster stronger than sharper and he just went oh okay he said uh let me give you a call I said

Okie do sound so I left and I got a call back off that night and he says to me uh I’ve spoke to the gaffer and asked the gaffer if he’d let me train you Er When you obviously when I’m not training the players and the gaffer said J’s give

Approval for you to come in and use the actual gym and I thought wow okay sound so then before they knew it I was then training with Billows and then a INE of it and then there was no longer a barrier between me and the players I

Think the Gaff must have liked me I was quiet I I came in I done my stuff and I just got off out I didn’t want to didn’t want to get to know anyone I didn’t put myself myself on anyone I just went in and came out there from the manager

Perspective he’s got a lunatic eonian who can uh if the players have been sh on the S can put the fear of God into the I then started like I used to turn up me Little P for me me PTI 407 that done 16,000 miles on the clock so I’d

Come in and they’d be laughing you know and as time went on the years when I got to know them I spent time them we’d have the night we’d have the other night out or Christmas night out I’d be invited if I wen’t fighting uh and it it took a

While for me to sink in that you know what I used to think they were superheroes I used like these are EV it’s evid players and for the first year I was like these are Kings of the world and this is the best thing ever getting

To know them being around coming in from train and I’m talking to them I play Ed tennis sometimes with the physio stuff it’s some of the players that keep in playing Ed tennis and it was brilliant and then it wasn’t until about a year I realized and thought you know what it

Finally clicked at me Tim kale said to me once he said you do know you’re the same as us aren’t you and I said don’t be stupid lad and he went you’re exactly the same as he said you just you’ve got a different job and I said I just don’t

Get he said you play Forever in football club he said and you punch people in the face and I was like and oh yeah but that’s that’s all I’m really good at I said you actually play for Everton football club and it took a it took a

Long time to think in I thought do you know what he’s right and ever since that day I don’t think I’ve never been Star Struck yeah I I just no I don’t believe anyone is anything special I just think people are good at the jobs and the

Professions I’m not saying you know this I’ve met I’ve been in movies I’ve been around Sylvester Stallone and lived with him alongside him for three months I’m just not go to the not really looks like Sylvester it’s just I’m just not like it was them weird that that CC said to me

Then he says to me you’re the same as does and I just thought you know what you’re you’re right I punch people in the face you kick a ball the same things that make you tick make me tick like you’re not great I’m not great you’re just really good at football that’s what

You always get into obviously being in the industry for as long as you can you see people come in from music and sports obviously I was at City I had nine years at Man City and and Ricky atam was was flying in at the time so um I know ker K

Is and all them Lads I used to go up and do do a bit of training with was my nutritionist K crack isn’t he yeah K CL CMP when he was that him he made fortunes C made Dorian Yates first was it Doran Y and then he moved on from

Dorian Yates then he made CMP all CMP and now he just he’s happy and he’s he’s still involved in I got all the CMP into into footy did you and he I love kry I always wind him up when to see him saying I never got a dropy cuz like what

Happened was um there was a lad I was training with uh Carlo um Satori um who ended up going from Newcastle with Sam alad to Man City and had had done a bit bit of rehab and K had got me into the CMP stuff all the uh recovery shakes and

All that and the uh the peptides Pepes we used to get the Shavers yeah pre-out and um so when I’d come uh left City uh sorry when I went back to Newcastle car left and went to city and he told Man City listen this is the best product put

It in yeah and then at the time City had another physio who was wearing with England so he took it to England and next minute everyone took it and and then I think he s the comp I know I don’t know what’s happened with with the

Uh it’s it’s it’s everything’s got to be a batch tested and stuff like that CMP was and there’s another company uh that’s got everything batch tested that I I use and stuff but once KY sold CMP I was like I’m moving on now I don’t CMP would be my whole career well that

Brings me around nicely because I watched a Saturday night Callum Smith is obviously fighting art b b you sayf bet BF who’s 38 39 yeah Russian fight dagani fighting out of Canada yeah cubec City and I watched the fight um obviously spoke to brador who’s a good mate of the

Smiths and said that he’s going over he said we didn’t get our visas in time so record it got up and watched it Sunday morning and I was shocked at the the condition of both Fighters because I know you obviously you around the city and know how professional cuman is top

Professional obviously was intrigued you know for the fight cuz you know the level um AR has been at I just couldn’t believe that the Nick he was in and 39 at 39 listen the like the the muscle definition I don’t mind that some Fighters some people just get that

You’ve got fantastic genetics and genes but the fact of that you’re getting stronger and and more clinical at 39 just beggers belief so so I seen your Tweet after I’d watched the fight but during the course of the fight I was just like doesn’t look right and and also it it it brought

To mind so and I’ll go I go into it because I think Combat Sports and football and and how they’re linked I also remember and people say vul took the fight on short notice but volkanovski makev won in in Australia where it was very very close fight they

Both had full camps and M had done something with rehydration um in the aftermath of the fight to makev against volovski 2 and I know Alex took the fight on short notice and I know makev Was preparing for Charles Oliva but I’ve been out to like Nas and

Abu Dhabi and and Facilities to train in we know with them Lads Ramadan there’s there’s a big difference in protocols test and stuff like that and availability and have you seen the documentary us on U to watch it but I can’t bring myself to watch it so just

Know what it’s going to well again and in yours in my sport I I I go back over my sport then going I wonder if you know X Y and Z player and people missing tests and and again I don’t want to drag it in that that is a totally different

Domain but in your sport you know if I get smashed in a tackle I might have to go and get a bit of surgery but I’m going to go home and see me misses and kids unless well mattier now saying there’s a rising people Dro and dead

And you’ve got to take on board what he’s saying because he backs it up with stats well again yeah um and we’ll get to that we’ll get to that definitely to but in your sport lad I I always remember when it was on ITV and it was the great Chris

Eubank and Nigel Ben and Michael Watson and he always remember seeing that and then what happened to Michael in the aftermath um J mlar Nigel Ben J mlar and Nigel Ben um Spencer Oliver Spencer Oliver and so but again in your sport you know in the Olympics in the

100 MERS or the 200 M you know someone’s quicker than somebody else to race in your sport there’s there’s collisions people used to take the piss when I’d say you go Tony Bell you just wants to get home Sav to his wife and kids and

It’s a run and joke it’s on social media it’s a laugh but I went pissing around when I said it when I used to be in press conferences and and you get to a level I’ve being zo fighting and you’re fighting the elite the best of the best

Once you’ve being a world champion you’re you’re a world champion you’ve been there but when you start facing top boys I mean I’ve gone in the ring and I’m genuinely not knowing if I’m going to get on because I know sometimes they’re better than me David day such a

Puncher if he tees off on me if if he if he con if he dazes me for a half a split second the next one’s put me in the ground and that’s I said this today I was on talk sports actually today with Michael uh Simon Jordan and Jim Jim

White yes Jim White and uh they said do you think the fight was stopped to early with Callum and I said no I thought it was stopped at the perfect time he said some people think think it should have been stopped ear I said well just let me

Tell you now that referee that was in the ring with Michael Griffin he’s the best referee in the world without a shadow of a doubt and he went okay what makes say that I said because he refereed my fight against Donal Stevens and he saved me life there Donal

Stevenson it so hard and I was half literally half the man I am right now because did you have to boil down ohaz unbelievable I would never make any excuses he beat me better man beat me on the night but that’s the one time I’ll say where

I’ve lost a fight and I’ve gone with a genuine lost fighting I’ve gone I do know why I’ve lost it but he still beat me he’s a better man there’s only one time I can ever think of me whole life and career where I’ve gone everything

Was sound and I lost and that was Alexander us well I was looking through that I was going through your record obviously I remember the cleverly loss and then obviously got a chance yeah I never ever think he beating me so and that everyone asked me about that loss

And I just go I didn’t lose to him but so and and I shown it in the rematch but so in in my mind I just go I’ve only ever lost to Two fighters ad Donna Stevenson and and Alexander usk but I half knew it was common against

Stevenson because I knew I had two rounds in me at best and by the time I got the ring I had one round in me so is that the because it was in cubec wasn’t it it’s in Quebec but so did you get your traveling right did you get your

Prep right where did they go wrong the preparation right is just to I grown the weight I’m I’m 6′ three and I’m 12 stone seven I walk around in them days 15 and a half Stone and and I’m not 15 and a half Stone I’m fat so right now I’m 16

And a half Stone and I am a bit F it’s crazy though that boxers just get to kill themselves on the weight and and again you get such a big Advantage from it I had 10 Pro I 25 26 and I become mandatory Challenger for the WBC title

And I’m now 30 or 31 and in that space your body’s just gone it’s it can’t do anymore and I say I used to fight the 12 stone 7 but i’ be walking around the 15 half Stone if I remember me whole amateur career I fighter heavyweight I’ve got three ABA titles I’ve

Representative the country all around the world at 91 kilos which is 14 Stone four that’s the exact same thing as is in Cruiserweight in the professionals but I just thought when I 10 professional you know what I can get my weight down because I’m weighing in the

Day before as an amateur boxer you weigh in two hours before the bout three hours at Best you have a weigh in and then you’re about fight three hours later you can’t afford I couldn’t have waigh in 12 stone then four 12 and a half Stone then

Four three hours later i’ just not been right but me thinking stupidly was thinking I can weigh in the next the day before 127 and I can rehydrate to 14 down s and I used to do that most times against Stevenson I couldn’t rehydrate properly because I D myself at the way

But it’s it’s that’s beyond it I just lost and I had I gave it everything I had me Camp was really good but by the time I got in the ring mate I was I was done well that’s the Mad thing for you because you can go into what what’s your

Average Camp eight week Camp 10 we camp I us to do so it depending on wey weight was for light heavyweight I would do 14 weeks but it’s 12 weeks really the 14 weeks the first two weeks is just to attack weight it wouldn’t be boxing incentified it wouldn’t be anything to

Do with a game plan it wouldn’t be anything to do with I were going to work the camp it would just be to get in and lose weight for two weeks and then after two weeks I would probably lose a stone in two weeks so that would be the first

Of three stone I’d have to lose and then it would be literally for the next 12 weeks it would be two pound a week each week so that’s the thing I remember Ricky ballooning in Waiting between fights Ricky Aton I remember he had a big problem in terms of you know he

Trained hard but he he played it he played even harder and and when I look at certainly went it just crossed back into obviously boxing you know when I go through I don’t want to drag boxing through the mud but when I go through it

I go oh God you’ve got Tyson Fury who’s had it should be he failed test Canelo failed tests and you go through going oh my God if this is all like if this is all the big HS is this is this your Peak Fighters imagine what the younger ones

Are doing what do they look up to well well again it’s almost like you’re getting into the py pyin um world of if you don’t um if you can’t beat them play in that gray area then you can’t even get recognition to get fights to get I

Was very fortunate that I lived a dead clean life and I didn’t so you see me as a youngster working on nightclub doors H I wasn’t in the nightclubs that that often I didn’t party that much H I was very fortunate like that and and listen

You’re the same as me you you knew that we’ve probably had enough live examples of people who were really really talented and thought they could have a foot in both camps and be a party boy and be a sportsman and I’d seen loads of people who were really talented in at my

Sport football who thought he could be a Jack thead and a pro and it just blew up in the faces so you’ve obviously seen that in in from a fighting perspective M have the most talented kid I’ve ever seen in me whole entire life his name is

Joseph s Joe S yeah there’s no be no one no one can ever show me anyone more talented than him he is the the best example of a pure boxer you could ever wish to see with a punch yeah he could really punch but then just day-to-day life and Liverpool’s night life catches

Up with you and and that’s all it’s down to really because he is the the best T I’ve ever seen people forget that like that’s the hardest bit of course that that staying in and and again you know promotes that job but our culture our so

When you think about it to if if someone’s born what’ you do go for the Bevy someone what’ you do someone gets a promotion in wareh horse sacked what you do everything we do is around it and again when you do well you know what you

Said earlier where you go back we as scouters you don’t want to leave the people behind who’ve made you the person that you are I always remember George Arison saying um The Beatles have obviously got as big as they had and had to go around the

World because they were that big and and a lot of the things that was label at them was how much they changed and he said that was a sign of progress you should change as much as you possibly can when I think about our Sports they’ve allowed us to travel all around

The world your sport my sport are true meritocracies because it doesn’t matter um where you’re from what religion you are what sexuality you are you just want the best players in your team to give yourself the best chance of win the game on a sat in your in your profession you

Know you don’t care about the person standing opposite yet this is just somebody who’s in your way between feeding your family or achieving what you want to achieve in life so how do you go from Tony bellu loving football wanting to be a young Duncan Ferguson and tearing around the amateur football

Scene in Liverpool to getting into fighting just to impress me al er I come from a different kind of background so all my friends are still the same friends I’ve had in school but my dad left our house when I was 10 uh a brilliant father just not very good at

Being an husband uh was a brilliant father Father Like I said my dad left a 14 so like I say and that that’s a pivotal time in your life especially when you’re 10 because you know why he’s left you understand why he’s left H but you you you don’t really process it that

Well so who’s in the house there so you you’re the man of the house no my eldest brother goes my eldest brother at that stage was living with his beard at the time ER my second elder brother was our Westley so he’s five years older than me

I’m tell he’s 15 he’s just finishing school uh and then he goes to college or six form whatever it is and then so from the ages of 10 to 13 I’m not the man of the house the elder brother is then me brother gets to

18 uh 181 19 then he goes to University M Hampton and at 13 I do become the man of the house but the minute my dad leaves and I join senior school I meet a gang of lads who I just grow up with so from the age of 11 and basically it

Sounds funny but you’re raised on the street or in new census yeah Caro playing table table tennis or table tennis indoor football pool tables you just that that’s your life and then like I wasn’t even that keep out of trouble don’t it it does but that’s until the

Youth cup finishes and then I wasn’t one of them I wasn’t one of them kids who like who had to go from the youth club straight home right because 90 I mean 80% of the kids in the youth club they go from the youth club straight to home

There’s there’s a there’s a 10 15% they well there’s 20% obviously I’m saying 80% but 5% just go and do whatever they’re do and it’s not really bad but then the other 15% they they’re getting up to stuff and they’re doing whatever have you staying out just being kids on

The street and I was one of them with the 15% just out doing things whatever playing around with your mates and that’s how we really pass the time yeah I I I I can relate to both of them in terms of me m and Dad split up when when

I was like 13 or 14 so I went with my dad to me to my grandmother’s me n was quite strict but my mom was quite easy going you know I could so I could I could see I could I could have a foot if

I stayed in no not really but there was a little spell where I could so if I wanted to play in that little Gap I could say I’m staying in my mom’s okay so but I realized I was like I I actually needed the discipline so so

Then of me n my dad went my dad was playing for NOS Le United and and doing his thing working and when Mom Dad split up it was pretty much me n who brought me up and my dad was out and then he went to work in Ireland a little bit

Later so mean brought me up and she I’d say she’d say what are you doing I’d say right I’m I’m stay in my mate here so she’d want to know me mate’s mom’s number so there was no point even sign a bler and if I tried to pler there’s a

Few times where to be a knock on the door and being like some some girl would be babysitting be a few sitting off and someone would go you n’s at the door just kills you though stre just evaporated so in the end of the it’s not

Even where turn on when I look back at it now I go oh my God like she just kept me on the straight and narrow at at a time that was key and I seen a few weeks ago you talking about did you lose your grandmother or something a few weeks ago

My came my was similar so my dad left but he still a part of me life massively I mean he goes to jail again but he comes out and everything sound but ultimately mean is is helping raises with with with me and she’s always around and I

Mean I’ve never been scared of me any man I mean I was scared of me dad do p in the world I was ever scared of as a kid gr I wouldn’t cross me half until I learn to fight and that was at 15 once I

15 I wasn’t scared than nothing on no one no man not even me dad he didn’t scare me because remember we Spar together and I done his ribs with body shots and I just knew from 15 I if I can do number if I can do him mate I can do

Anyone that that’s always the I just never had a fear so but me N I respected me n i loved me Mom and I I adored me mad as a kid growing up but I Fe me n cuz me n like she was old school and

He’d always want not not you she would never she never tonian yeah she was yeah I’m madonian minan was yeah ER M wasn’t interested in a little bit about football minan was that’s why I Craig me eldest brother support was down to minan and me mean’s brother Henry so she was

Just mean was brilliant as a kid so when me m me mom would have to go to work M work and talk to the sports center that’s where she work face for many years and everyone knows we M from Talking Sports Center then goes from tox the Sport Center to the pikon Sport

Center so if I’m not in the youth center I’m in I’m in the one of the leg senses playing football in the weekend or just doing something I’m just ending to stay out of trouble it’s only until I get to the age of 15 and I get P excluded from

School once I get thrown out of school and expelled I’ve got them folks on boxing at this stage i’ I’ve had a couple of well I’ve had one amateur fight ER I’m in stock with JBC because the guy who used to run stock with JBC

Worked on the door for me Dad ER Mark Kenny one my dad’s Dorman and I ended up just going to kind I tried to return was it Tosh was it Tosh field was there but the a coach was Mark Kenny and smogger all right so but Tosh

Was Tosh used to help them but then SSH would go missing for weeks at a time or do whatever then he come back and stuff like that was when he was younger so boxing M fan think I had four four or five fights for KY farm and then I

Fought a really good kid in me fourth or fifth fight he he buted me sorry he spattered me face or buted him as hard as I could in the face I got disqualified and thrown off the ring and chased and then upon that I went to

Return to ABC and I think once I went to return to ABC that’s where everything changed because that’s where I then understood I’m good enough to do this for the so who’s who’s training in there with you then in ABC so I walk into rund ABC there’s a guy called Jimmy Albertina

H and this when used to have Al on so Jimmy Jimmy created he cre myself I shouldn’t say created because I obviously go to him as a novice box with three or four fights under my belt he creates the likes of the Smiths he creates Joe S he creates Joe mnal

De h Michael witty just C really good Fighters out am the city the only one I remember in the city I remember obviously it’s bit before my time remember John Cony everyone used to talk about John Legend um and then I remember you kind of Robin Reed and was a to Tony

Dodson just start when he’s Paul Stevenson was he another one Steve old is then you got have Sher Andy Andy paon all there’s all different Fighters and great fights from our city H there’s lyy as well there’s all you know from Over the Water I’m saying I remember it going quiet for a

Bit it was like a bit of a all you came through yourself Paul Smith after Jim it goes quiet for a bit and then D Matthews comes along so D then lifts us back up and D has a few big wins then Paul Smith comes and then Paul Smith has a few good

Wins and it’s it’s kind of there’s no one really doing it for and floating now I T Pro and there’s now there’s not much hype about me when I face T pro Nick Pete wrote an article in the Echo saying this is the most excited I’ve ever been

About a Scout Fighter 10 professional and H he doesn’t actually make me Pro funny enough to funny story behind but he doesn’t make me Pro debut but he writes in the paper I’m telling you now this kid’s going to be something else he’s made for the pros and that was

Before me first ever amateur fight cuz when I came Pro I was someone who was loud and I was Brash I’m saying you had a good amateur pedigree though just looking through there really good amate pedigree I’ve had 47 fights 40 wins 32 what about um Olympics and all that was

You ever close to them no I wasn’t good enough for the Olympics people will say well are you not how you be world champion if you I know but it’s I’m three time figh yeah I’m three-time ABA Champion I’ve won a four nation’s gold medal H I’ve won various medals going

Now places and stuff multin naations medals ER but on a on an international amateur box and circuit when it was if it was now and it was 33 have been great the flatten people because it’s in that last minute You’ always get them you always get them it’s very rare you’ll

Score a knockout in the first two minutes of around so always in the last minutes of the thir that you you’ll find them switched off dwindling or whatever have you and it was 4 twos with me as an amateur and head guards on and it was

Just it was a game of tick yeah and I just went set out for it and I was I was the best amateur in our country I was really good and out to me three ABA finals I knocked out two of them so I was stopped two of them one of them I

Rended unconscious that’s where the bomber came from it yeah that’s the nickname comes but to go to Olympic games you’ve just got to be almost perfect like there was so many boxes you’d had to take I mean Stephen Smith was brilliant Step Smith was someone I remember St I think Northwest young

Sportsman because he’d done really well in terms of getting far yeah cuz that was my faced awareness of of uh the smith brothers and then someone went out there’s a load of them obviously you know Callum Liam and and and obviously Paul but but again in terms of um

Amateur when I look at the Olympics it was and and it’s a weird scoring system isn’t it because I remember seeing Mayweather say he got robbed at the Olympics did to off it’s a different sport like I know it’s like saying football and rugby are similar because

They both played with the ball and from the outside women football and football start off it’s just they’re different sports yeah they’re just different sports and amateur boxing and professional boxing D like I was made to fight a profession I love fighting see I knew that I I knew

As a young player I’m like I’m going to be better suited to to the when the crowd are in and it’s points on the line and I never got all that like Prestige or a younger age but I don’t know something me it sounds similar to what

You’re saying you just knew you were built for the pros where some boxers are the other way yeah listen to some like there’s Lads out there who were just amazing amateurs and there’s nothing wrong with that that you just that’s what you’re set up for that’s what you

Well it is cuz you w [ __ ] earn as much money of year you won’t but you’re still a good still a good boxer but in the pros it’s it’s it’s about people te up and people some people take this the wrong way but I don’t care what they

Really think in in the professional game no one really cares to brutal business and believe you me you’re Saturday night entertainment you’re not more yeah gladiators Gladiator you’ve got to understand that when you’re stepping for the and I always got that so I don’t mind as long as you’re paying I’ll be

Your Saturday night entertainment but don’t expect no more from me don’t expect no less but I’ll give you everything I’ve that’s the thing obviously we play Saturday Tuesday s so so the opponent’s changing you prepare specifically for one opponent for you know 14 weeks sometimes do you find it

Easier to fight someone that you don’t like as opposed to someone who you maybe respect or like or is it just business doesn’t bother me I mean I don’t like you the minute you’ve been put your name to mind signed a contract the minute the fight done I don’t really like it I

Fought two people in my life I actually liked one was Danny McIntosh I knocked him out in the fifth round I liked him I don’t know why I liked them I still tell them I’ll speak to him on social media I liked him I just did and another kid was

Called Danny price I liked him I didn’t want toate him so where did you work out whether you liked them or not in the buildup to the fight or no you don’t really know them I I was on squads with Danny price and I knew him he was me M

We’d live together amongst in a squad for the GBS things and G around the world and different places so I actually like Danny was a lovely lad as for Danny mag I didn’t really know him I got to I just we knew each other from the se you

Know you’re fighting I’m fighting I’m like every you’re like every you kind of know you’re going so for me I I certain positions or whatever even if I played with people in training Jo the week like I might have to play against you in a couple of Seasons cuz

We Mo so you’re always always thinkers you’re a big competitor you’re always competing I would imagine you I don’t I haven’t been in your house but I would imagine you and your Lads are competitive on on the golf course on the PlayStation on theive the kids always want to push it

And push it but I’ve always found that Weir about footballers with you like I stay in touch with quite a few of the ever Lads the older Lads so and I find it mad that you don’t stay in touch with each other well again yeah if you make

Load of friends in footy it’s very seldom that you it usually LS don’t play that much you end up being loads of mates with everyone the lads who are playing there’s only 11 lads who are happy on a Saturday in in any club anyone who tells you anything else

You’ve got the wrong environment the wrong culture I just couldn’t believe it like I so I’m good M with Rie well if I was a couple of years older than me went to school with he was in our school be it’s Tony me me boss me was at me Miss

40th couple yeah I see I see the and I love catching up with him so he’s home now and you know what funny enough I’m looking the DAT the 15th day I’ve got to catch up with him fishing no I’m not going fishing start me off on that absolutely SP the from

Side where me IW a pen where from obviously you’ve got the blue Bel so you got Li Road the blue belt where it’s jard and all that and then the village and then it to on the Johns we were kind of in between I just can’t believe it he

Loves fishing so much and I I’m just pretty brutal really I see lad what’s the pointing on fishing you’re only throwing it back in do you know what his his nickname in school was do we it so I wonder I wonder if that’s got no calls

Him it now or any you all call him IO but he was always called do in school and he always kept himself to himself always dead quiet just I just remember him in sports day he was just used to just win their day year sports day all

The time for for a white lad he was Grease Lightning you know fastest white boy you usually know when when you see a fast a white lad running away from the black lads you know he’s quick that’s like V and that you’re like my God the

Very yeah when when you see that that’s when you know he’s got to se it and pace so when I look at uh um obviously your amate career so do you T Pro have you always been match room Eddie Eddie all I started Pro with Frank wner first uh

Seem the main man Frank he’s back he was and he’s coming back now yet but when I first came Pro with him he had Joe cagi he had Amia Khan he had Ricky Aton and then uh they were leaving him uh for whatever have your reason and then I’d

See him going through C battles n mm and all that n mm one time he actually N M’s the only I’ve ever known him as a big big promoter and he just let him go how good was he though Amed like when you look back at it now everyone was what

Tuning in almost like he was like McGregor before McGregor you were tuning in to see him get his head punched in sometimes because of how it all originally stems from the same place in mammad Ali obviously but they’ve all took it up a notch and they’ve all tried

Different things but I mean no one ever was he was the Engles wi he he is nassy M it was originally from Brendan Engle then he moves on obviously to the likes Emanuel Stewart Oscar Suarez like that but he’s a he’s a Brendan Engle fighter and he will always be remembered for

That Brendon he is the one Nassim hammed is the guy who put the Engles on the map now people will argue and say it wasn’t it was HED graah HED graah before him but HED graah never won a World title H bom was greater fights as HED bom mcra

Was and he was absolutely amazing you got Johnny Nelson Kell Brook and all that coming out there n put on the map I say you can talk about Kell Brook you can talk about Ryan rhs Junior do you remember this do you remember the Wade

Smith in town when the new one got done and you went up the stair the rock wall up here and at the top you had the fway you could bend a free kick Like Beckham or it was nazim Ahmed this was before like PlayStations and all before anyone

This when you get the bus to town and literally walk around town all day doing yeah trying to not get filled in yeah not get filled in or try and H get something out of bullies on the S Yeah well yeah yeah see see what you your

Sticky fingers could Pi I was never brave enough on I used to go I I knocked about with some heavy shoplifters so they they had the stickiest fingers you’ve ever seen I’ve seen that and and again it was it was a skill unfortunately for them it it’s not

Really Aon sweet was a bad got a couple couple of Bon bonss in my mouth and Ley so so for me growing up there hammed was the first kind of Bruno and Nigel Ben and Eubank had seen you know Steve Collins and all that and think Joe kagi

But now Prince nazim was the first one where I’d seen a big sports brand in terms of crossed over into boxing which at the time boxing wasn’t that was a big deal as well he got one of the biggest deals in the world he got the biggest

Deal in boxing from a brand like that in the world but it was sky as well he was like the he was the face of Sky he was the face of a de this he was just everywhere and NZ was absolutely fantastic I speaks of NZ he’s a good

Fell is his son his son his son looks to be quite an exciting prospect so yeah he looks to be a he’s got it he looks like he’s definitely got the swager on the on the the polar bar like his father had but you’ve just got to wait and see what

He can actually do listen he might be a replica of his father I genuinely think when I look at the likes of Conor Ben I’m just like the kids a double of his father I’m not saying obviously he’s going to do what his father done but

Believe you may he is a carbon copy of his father he is just the way he moves the way his body drops and the shoulders drop he’s a little kilometer I mean if he’s if he’s anywhere near that he’s going to be top level I say the moves and the

Physicality and the way he hits and the way he does things he is but will he have the same devastating effect of his father probably not not because there’s very few people can but as far as the moves go he’s at his most dangerous when

He’s H he can really bang he does have a lot of similarities to his father but we’ve also seen and I have to say this because I got you on ri’s lad who I think it’s I think it’s arable for a for a son to especially in the fighting game

I think it’s hard it’s hard in 40 but for the son in the fighting game to go and follow the dad and we’ve seen it with u a few Mexican boxers was Chavez’s last Chavez Juni obviously Mayweathers um one of those um and when I look at it

I go you know and I seen Campbell it was definitely a fight to watch where I thought I don’t think he’s won there no and and I feel for Campbell I really do because listen he’s literally he’s still hasn’t found his name with Conor Ben now

He’s got his name he’s Conor Ben’s he’s no longer najo Ben son anymore he is literally he’s his own entity his own name Campbell hasn’t flown that ship yet and I think it’s the same for very few Fighters I mean Chris Eubank J he’s flown his dad’s Nest he’s he’s his own

Entity he’s he’s no longer Chris eubank’s son for the people from our age group we will know him as Chris Eubank some but he’s he’s he’s his own person to the Next Generation yeah he’s the Next Generation he’s Chris Eubank yeah but is he in is he in the Chris Ubank

Category or is he still in the Jake Paul category I mean he’s gu you he’s beating good Fighters I was guttered because obviously um beefy lost to him last time although the know was the big thing was he in the best of shape to fight him it’s not he’s in the

Best of shape it’s just not him yeah well I thought that I don’t want to make excuses for him and take away from Chris winning the fight cuz don’t just watch one fight from the first one that’s all you got to do don’t make excuses I don’t

Make them for him I know but once you cross that white line in our game people don’t care whether your ankle strapped up in game you get KO I agree M and I agree but but to be brutally honest just go watch that fight and watch that fight

Tell me he’s the same fell well there’s big rumors about callum’s rib in the um in the fights at the weekend isn’t it but then people people coming back with it is but then you go is he being stopped on a body shot so when I when I

Fought us I had a damage rib but you know what no one cares I always think do damage shot when you play you never f f with fath never you know you always you always got some of you’re patching up and imagine if you a training and sparing at the L

Last in the last five fights of my career I had a serious injury going into four I won four out of the five fights and the fight that I lost I was it wasn’t perfect but he didn’t pick up in any injury the fight that I had the

Worst injury and I give the best performance the day day rematch oh sorry and the fight goodon Park I had I detached me floating rib me Rib was when I got in the ring goodon Park I genuinely thought he’s going to touch me with one body shot me me H cage rib cage

Going to snap and half and if if he would have it would have but it just just get on with it it’s very you spot on what you’re saying and you know this because you’re expect to go out every Saturday people expect you to train from Monday to Thursday like an animal and

Then lunatic go in every challenge push and push and pushing training and then getting on Saturday and be what scar for day and be flying fit and be what now you could have CA cold you could have got it it just if I’m being totally honest if you’re an athlete who prepares

And push yourself to the Limit now I wasn’t very athletically gifted when you look at me aesthetically I don’t look great but I can fight like folk and I’ll never never be found wanting when it comes to fighting but you can’t expect me to be have that attitude for 12 weeks

And then come in SC yeah you wasn’t like an AJ or even a cleverly who who were like looks amazing look look like a men’s elf model but again in your in your business it’s about uh putting people’s Lights Out it’s not about how many how many muscles you’ve got um but

You playing every week you there’s not I mean I can count on one hand out of 80 over 80 fights amate and pro I think it’s over closing on 90 odd fight amateur and pro I can count on one hand how many times I’ve gotone in a ring and

Being 100% yeah on one hand I I can remember seldom um after about three or four games into the season where where you’re playing and you feel great because even to get a preseason what you’re saying last six week eight week preseason usually the first 10 days two

Weeks are about getting the nonsense of the summer that you’ve just had out of the I mean it’s changed now now in terms of the level of professionalism well again and again for me having unique experience of and it leads us on I I w’t planning on talking to you about it but

Obviously Anthony Walker’s death in the city um for me it was it was really difficult because I had a lot of like good mat man who were black who were like what’s going on here and explain it to them and obviously you see the other side of that cuz you obviously scared

With both communities obviously um for me what you said about you know your your brother-in-law’s parents and their family I think about G Walker and obviously the decorum and the way she’s handled herself because um I’ve never had I’ve never had a conversation with a

To and I know at some point down the line you know that that could well be a possibility and um you know for me to to live in the city and one of the reasons I wanted to get you on as as one of the earliest guests is because obviously

Growing up in the city growing up as evertonians growing up in the luxury really of competing in sports yeah you know the racial boundar is just disintegrated for me doesn’t matter because as I say for me you were judged on what type of player you was are you

Good enough what type of lad you was you know could you compete could you take the banter you know you know what was your gear like could you dance what what you know could you take the the stick that was inevitably going to come your way as as someone who was competing in

Sports on the Liverpool scene and as I say for for me um you know col got I always remember my dad played for NOS Le United and um Joey jbo you might know Joe um his dad played um as a defender in the team and then

There was a lad who played on a Sunday called Keith [ __ ] is he suger’s brother I don’t know Joey jib you there I think there’s a joey jib a who about our age within a few years of was it was his dad so he must be in the 60s Al at least

Brother um and then they had cuz I ended up being good mates with Kevin Olen who’s from y way and obviously he was a great Captain for us at Newcastle Kevin boss and they were Nick a see on the Sunday cuz obviously people forget about Liverpool it’s a hot bed of football and

Sports but the Sunday scene in Liverpool you know the national Cup game certainly when I was growing up you know people were getting paid a wage to play on a Sunday who were professional footballers that still got on they’re not getting professionals and like well people are

Getting paid to play on Sunday leag games and that’s what ties me back into you cuz I always thought um obviously there was a lot of players who were good on like good footballers but weren’t quite good enough to to make it as a pro

Yeah but could earn a wage on a Sunday and and um obious still Lobster still got a wage bill now well well I remember Liam Liam Smith beat in a Eubank and then did he miss a pen in the Sunday cover or something the day after Liam’s

A good player Liam can play there’s loads of them me there’s loads I mean I played I didn’t play that kind of standard and I’ve gone absolutely Dreadful of late but uh I I played for Ed Jill’s first team and I wasn’t good enough for them to be honest I hated but

They pick me for the first team and I had I had they going because only made played for the second team and I’d want to score goals and have a laugh and do funny celebrations on us you know what I mean if I’m if I’m scoring goals which I

Could get the odd goal well I’d score most weeks in the second team but in the first team you get like one and two games one in three games and i’ just be like I’ve got to run everywhere and just run the lines and you know I’d be super

Fit because I was boxing and i’ just be I just constantly be chasing the ball chasing the ball or like get it holded up take a couple of smacks until I have to say someone list not the next time you trying to do me I’m going to do you

Proper and it’ be great but yeah there there’s been some top players I say Liam’s a good player Liam can play but there’s loads of them our city you’ve got to be one of two things coming from the city you’ve got well one of three things and if you’re not one of

These three things then you’ve got a problem you better be good at football be able to fight or you better be able to tell a joke yeah if you can’t do one of them three things you’re going to have a problem living in this city I’m telling you now because the joke’s going

To get you out of the trouble the football’s going to make everyone love you and the boxing’s just going to make everyone stay even the grandmothers as you say I’m thinking about my grandmother Julia and your grandmother there they they tied all three boxes on that obviously my devonians and and

That’s a think what obviously you VI the medium of football you bounce into all different people as I say from music and Sport and art and obviously um you know for me the big thing that jumps out about is how everybody’s like frustrated footballer or would have played um I

Always find that you know certainly your boxers are mad keen and they’ll try and play as much footy as he can to stay fit and I always remember the first time I went into I in AB ABC and um went in the gym and I was all right I was Rough and

Ready I could handle myself on a football pitch and remember going in with Bri Fair long and you have to do SE for like two or three weeks before you could Spar I always remember going in for the first bar and um there was a lad

Who I had fight in in every in in the streets I and he’d been going boxing for about two years I’ve been playing 40 and he just jabbed me head off and he ended up swinging a kicker him and got kicked out the sparing and then W allowed to I

Had to do the S then for another month as punishment and I thought I [ __ ] this not doing this so we just went back to 40 and then I used to always go and do the s in the offseason with the lads like Lee M Lee molu and all that who

Were all like amateur boxers um I think K Le had a few fights but he would he would be the one who’ fight the up and comeing lad yeah so I think he was just W on everyone’s uh on everyone’s resume um and then at what point you Noto that

You you go okay right I’m knocking I’m knocking the the football’s a hobby I’m going to I can think I can make a few Shilling and make an name for myself in boxing here I play 40 and me B used to go on to me so I have a it before but

There’s no way I’d have done what I’ve done if it wasn’t for me misss there’s just not a chance in this world that have stayed on the stet now well you always say behind every great man there there’s an even they say that but how many genuinely do you see

Because of the lads I’ve seen and the people that have grown up with without a success especially in my sport there’s not that many great women behind them and then when you do find that great woman behind them it’s you see a sad ending in boxing so they end up leaving

Them because I don’t know there’s the fame not there but so many boxers that I see especially from our city and other and even other places the women end up leaving them but again it’s the same in football loads of lads get divorced when they retire now is that you know the

Best days are behind them or is that the Devil Makes work for ID start the all the time now and you feel you found the again you think you think you love them but they’re going out five or six days a week to training and they’re not in the

House and then all of a sudden the day 24/7 and you realize he’s [ __ ] annoying actually but I was fortunate so you you miss as you said that 9 or 10 I’m not yeah so so you’re very lucky to meet the love of your life that early no

Well she went me from then I mean I would be laugh and joke about that if I m not a chance last but her elder brother was my mate Neil and I used to go around knock at their house knock but Neil was like three years older than me

So I been knock and say your neiling and and she go yeah and then believe you me there was no interest there when I was 10 and she was nine obviously but man you no no definitely not I can’t believe I’ve seen that picture pay for

It a go through SC I can’t believe seen that picture I mean I’m sure you’ll get on that at some point you know youve brought it up but that’s just mate that’s different cultures Mate different cultures I know different cult okay M that’s not a culture that that that’s

That’s nonsense Behavior so I don’t care what you say that that’s I have to be careful saying that after Jeremy V come for me they I don’t know I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about but I seen that pitch and you can’t be uh bing

Them you can’t be giving them up at 16 Ming them marrying them at 18 dating for two years no M them but again comes Tom I’m kind of with you cuz we’re from lipol and it’s a different set of rules but playing with Lads from all over all

Different religions in in their culture you know man I think is a practice a Muslim God made man yeah and then man is woman’s made for man’s benefit well that’s not very World well because we come from a matriarchal you know your mom your n what does what does a child

Know it’s 16 Jo I mean what does a young girl know is any man any man of of an age over 25 20 any man over an age of 20 years old approaching a girl of 16 is is weird M it’s bad well well I I always think

About being in in primary school and and then going into seniors and I can remember being in seniors 14 15 you must have been the same and some of the older birds in school were getting picked up by fellas in cars T now when I think

Back to what the [ __ ] going on there well well again but you at the time you know you didn’t you didn’t I didn’t make the cars anything me at 16 should should be protected yeah from from men because there is dogs and beasts on this planet and they shouldn’t be allowed young

Girls should be protected that’s 16 a young girls need need needs protect and not releaseing to the world what does she know at 16 what does she experience what does she what can she learn what is what has she got in common with a 35y

Old man what has a 16year old girl got in come with a with a 25y old man nothing absolutely nothing strange no and no one can break it down and say well religion dets a 16-year-old child has got nothing in common with a 25 year

Old man and now I don’t even know how old he is now but whether he was if they been D what are they talking about when she’s 16 what and he’s 35 what what is the conversation consistent of I mean was coronation stre could this week she

Has never seen she’s just got off Nickelodeon never mind got a nation Street well she can’t remember a world where there was no internet m she she you know you have to plug your modem in it’s truly frightening me it really is but this is the way we live I before

That I i’ put a tweet on on today because I’m massively influenced by Christopher richin great Christopher richin I didn’t agree with him on everything but like incredible mind and he said about certain religions not really being compatible with the culture that’s already well the culture that’s

Already yeah and then he he he went even further I think he was a famous atheist and he would debate all different religious people about the the merits of um I got a kind of omnipotent God in the sky or whether it wasn’t um for me I’m I’m born Roman Catholic obviously Joseph

Anthony you’re Anthony so imagine you’ve got a bit of Catholicism I’m I’m a Catholic but I don’t really you’re a Catholic you’re not I don’t practice anything I mean I’d like to believe there something of the stuff I’ve witnessed as a kid which I’m sure you’ve witness things in your life

There’s not much left to believe in me what you believe happens when when you when you I have no idea I believe I I believe in karma all right so I believe in you be a good person then then good things may come back to you

You might I don’t know but I you give out good listen I I’m not as stupid as to say everyone that’s that good people or bad people CU I’m a good person I’ve done some bad things I’ve done things I’m do Jordan Peterson say that it’s not

About a strong it’s not simple it’s not a not about a strong man you being capable of violence it’s when strong men are capable of violence but decide not to use yeah and I get that and listen I’ve be I’ve done things that I’m not proud of I’ve done things that are

Really bad and and stuff like that my life so is everyone yeah but on the whole you have to like anything you have to weigh it there’s like a scale believe you me mate I’ve done far more for people than I have done well again and

It’s a daily scale isn’t it because you know look at some of the people out have I don’t want to really name his name but like people who’ve been given knighthoods and stuff as if they were doing loads of good stuff and it turns out that you know there was stuff

Brushed under the carpet by people and and again the world we live in 2024 we’re born 1982 so you’re born tox of and born e and Liverpool’s coming out of the kind of austerity you’re the tox of RI I remember so you must have been you must have been seeing all that

Growing up as we approaching seven hillsb happens the next year is Italian 90 and then the conflict starts in in in the Balkans in you know um the UN going in and then the Iraq War and then like it’s a mad time to be alive when you

Think about it you you grow up probably the same as Meo where you because of what’s happened to the people of the city in in the early 80s before were consciously online certainly where you lived because you you know I remember driving through tox and it was a long

Time before the scars of what had happened in in that area had gone um and then hillsb coming on the back of it something that United the city you know because of the lies and the smear campaign that was that was um set upon the families um what your what’s your

Earliest memory of of kind of football do you do you still remember the street parties where there be an EV leol Cup Final or semi-final and the be a party in the street no I so I was born in toxo I was raised in wavery so you know from

I think I was two not CH the side Smith down road so I’m OB talk to the Portman Road she got Liverpool Aros and the big Park and all that there for you though not far I mean that’s uh I think that’s three HS of M from my man’s house

So yeah three qus of mile near there uh wasn’t too bad I mean I don’t remember parties I remember I remember having a party in 95 for everon C final yeah the Cup Final all together now yeah that was amazing uh I did you go the final yes I

Was at the 95 final uh what else do I remember what your what your memory of going to gooderson me first ever game with arig arra took me in Peter Beasley scores twice pet Beasley scored twice I don’t remember the game now where did you sit which end Street was the

Park I’ve only just found out now well I done that thing with Football Focus and me brother that’s we said I’ll tell you how we got into that first game he snuck me through his legs double click but I don’t know how he done that because I was probably half bigger than

Him get a little double click and just he said he said I got you through me legs me mom used to go mad so I think so me ERS then if you remember the Glad stre then you used to have the little Junior evertonian cards that you could

Get because it used to have do you ever remember being category a in category b games so if man united played everon it was a category a game he’s 10 years older than me though so he remembers so do you remember like Robert W and yeah

And prey pry yeah so this these were the uh the Glory Days of Everton obviously when we were when we were like Beadle came and was like a a rare of Shining Light and then Keegan managed to get him to go to new hassle in the champ and he

Forged that relationship with Andy Cole where they obviously got promoted and then went on to kind of build that great gold machine wasn’t he well I was fortunate enough to play with Coley at Man City but I obviously grew up like as a kid you know whichever team was doing

Well you wanted the kits so Newcastle at the time had just come like come out the championship with Kevin ke I only knew them because if you remember he paid a million quid for Beadle off Heaven he did yeah and I was gutted cuz we were crappy for he and then he gave

Us a little bit of a ray of Hope he’d scor some great goals and then as quick as he was here he was gone and then I followed Newcastle because Paul bracewell was there and obviously Bley had gone I was like what what are he up to and then next minute Newcastle just

Caught fire and this lad who did signed from Arsenal via Bristol City Andy Cole who became obviously British transfer record when they sold him to man united and as a say for me doesn’t probably get the credit um he deserves Andy Cola in terms of the the goal scorer he was M he

Was a great goal scorer I mean everyone always hops on we miss chance and stuff like that you know what he was at black B with Neil with Dan so he was there for a while and he got on so I’ve met him a couple of times and there was loads

Remember meeting David D Damian Duff all them cand because I used to go in and watch Neil train and Neil obviously take me in and go my me to we go boxing on with you see him come up and stuff like that I always remember Donnie taking the

Piss uh and it’s funny yeah he’s a funny cat oh M he was around the bend him he was funny so so Dan youed two being fit as theves and you go to school together yeah we went to went to senior school together and then Neil went to yeah he

He he got in didn’t he and at that time so that was You’ made it night and defs night and they werei them three were thick as Steve so they lived in they were three of them in a room and that was almost it was it’s

Almost like you were kned you you were going to make it you know again it turned out to be I think a bit of a cha for some of the lads like the pressure that that went on it obviously Dani went on to have a decent career and was one

Of the ones who made it out of L Shaw but never probably didn’t never probably got to the level he probably expected to there was the def who was the brilliant Defender was Tom KW was he Tom was there well Tom’s my cousin he was brilliant

Tom got in never Tom never played a game in the league never never played the football league G he was a brilliant player he got in um who else you Nick BBY I think was in there Franny Jeffers maybe was in there Michael Owen I think

Saul Campbell was in there um but again it never got like CLA Fontaine in France which is a similar setup had still produced still producing players for the French national team out of it is it really and we’ve gone a completely different way and we’ve done away with

It we’ve gotmy and you know we’ve gone a different way and let’s be honest I think the England land team is probably as strong in terms of talent as as I’ve ever seen in in my in my generation I don’t think we’ll ever see a street footballer again though like a Rooney

You mean yeah is that your class as street football Street footballer see again do you think Jud Bellingham is a street footballer I think Jude’s capable of of being the best in the world I think he’s going to be the best player we created I think he’ll be the best

Player we’ve I think he I think when he he’s going to be up there yeah I think he’ll be the best player in one’s ever had yeah I think I think I think he’s going to be in there what that kid’s doing at that age it’s just it’s truly

Frightening told me about him I’ve been made to CR Garden a long time and Craig Gardner told me he must have been 15 16 Craig Gardner said I’ve been playing football with the best kid I’ve ever seen me life and I would get a grip guards and he told he said I’m telling

You this kid is something else he said I’ve never seen he’s got everything hone really when said he said to me before he went to Germany he said to me there was all the clubs who sniff around but no no one want us to just put up the money for

Him and the German club did well there’s the big thing now isn’t it in man man united me and rolled [ __ ] out and fagy didn’t get long enough with him so he’s put one back across I think it’s John M you’ll know from Everton who went to

Manu okay so fy’s put one across him saying they were they were intent on showing Jude and his family all around Old Trafford and fagy had been wheeled into to Jerry Maguire you know seal the deal and they’d only given him say five or 10 minutes and then whis them

Everywhere and the kid ended up not signing and [ __ ] is furious with John M over it cuz he believes if they just left him in a room with IM me they got them a sign but Li I thought Liverpool were close to getting him for B I’m told

Is Dad is Dad’s a copy but I don’t know see his dad’s quite active on social media I got told I said on James English I think he was like an FBI or FBI MI5 negotiator turns out his dad’s not he he’s like a a copper I think I think

He’s similar background to you I think his mom’s black and his dad’s white is it from what from what I see is brother looks a good player Jo as well who’s he’s just moved on yeah but I do agree with you I think cing Jud there’s only

One lad I’ve seen the the lad who played for the USA who was at uh used to be at Arsenal who was at Valencia I think he’s moved to maybe Milan or something in between U Musa he was the only one who had seen go up against them and shut him

Down um but I’ve watched you probably 25 times now and every time he’s just got better and better he’s just I’ve never seen the going to stop him until his injury God forbid he doesn’t get one or I think it’s going to get one at some point every major player don’t all get

An injury at some point it’s can you think of one Superstar player who’s gone his whole care without one Serious injury no there’s not there’s not it’s gonna it’s goingon to Har Kane hasn’t had loads though when you think about Kane has missed a load of time has he

Yeah somebody he does get them injuries cuz he had a few was he was he on sideline for England a few times um I’m not I always har Kane someone look to AG he tends to always T he had one he had a bad one for totman

Because he got he’ll got a few it’s like when you look at sheir sheir was quite robust but had a couple of long termers he knee he had he don’t he was never the same if you remember Alan sheira Southampton early part of blackb he he

He was off the shoulder and and you know could get away from Defenders and then d as CR and T kind of a Powerhouse backup Striker and evolved there I always remember I played with Michael Owen obviously at Newcastle um Michael was Greece lightning wasn’t he when he first

Broke through 17 people forget that changed 17 he scores that goal against Argentina at a World Cup wins a Balon door not long afterwards think that and then the player that he was at Newcastle he was a completely different player he had to alter his game it it must must be like

Watching a boxer fight a certain style as a young fighter and then completely more off into a different style of fighter toward the end boxing that does happen because the reflexes go fter the first thing a fighter loses is speed of speed of timing and reflex so they do

Change uh Fighters that have seen in that Floyd done it but was able to navigate his way through his career and also he picked the right people at the right time but if he if he just carried on fighting the best available opponent he’d have lost but he doesn’t as style

Adapts as he gets older and he picks fighters who are a little bit slow because if he just keeps fighting the fastest and the quickest guy he’ have had problems because his reflexes are gradually slowing down so so I always remember going um i’ come back from a

Broken foot and I went I was up in Newcastle and I ended up at the back end of me training going having a couple of weeks with KY K using there J and it was when Ricky Was preparing to go fight Floyd yeah up in hide so he used to go

In there and have the little um the chicken salads and all a little Cante and great little gy like proper um you know and then he had the little B room for Billy Graham and obviously Rick was in there and he was preparing to fight Mayweather and obviously you know Ricky

Was unbeaten at the time and Mayweather was obviously doing his thing you know were there were schedule for this fight and I was saying with in terms of the gym and popping in watching Ricky train I’ve never seen anybody training for a fight like that he was doing on the

Bound bar bag over it back in the ring 40 jumps a minut incredible and he was training 15 rounds of it I remember doing I think I got to about eight to 10 rounds in the end and I was just like how the [ __ ] he doing this then he was

Going in having a session so I I remember I was potting cland obviously wanted Rick to win because I’d known him for a load of years he was and then I’d seen him train for the fight and then obviously was Joe Cortez was the ref out there and Ricky never recovered I

Watched the at documentary that was a brilliant documentary on skyp it was a cracker and knowing him a little bit and seeing him in the interim years and obviously when he was maybe not doing everything right and then seeing him looking like he’s getting himself back

Together but it didn’t it hit home to me how hard the loss to May whoever was oh kill it’s a killer you know he took you know Ricky was again I don’t want to talk about McGregor but taking thousands to press conferences 20,000 he took 20,000 to Vegas the arena

And only held 10 well I went to watch him against Castillo was it I went went out to watch him um prob one of his best ever wins yeah I was out there for that fight and then obviously I was desperate for them to do well in the maywe the fight and then

Seen um obviously as well GE cuz you in your game you you’re invincibility you’re unbeaten you know that thing of I can’t be knocked out that that that bravado almost is what makes you really really dangerous and again I I want to get you onto this um that’s what you

Have to recreate yourself so so I want to get you onto this obviously Joshua Anthony Joshua who’s who’s obviously um you know back on after that win against was it wildon was it who f last time round looked like he had a bit of confidence back he’s going to fight

Francis andu correct I wouldn’t want to fight Francis andu would you I won want to fight a in a boxing ring not a problem but but again yeah in a boxing R in a in a cage believe you me that is the most dangerous man in the whole

World no one nobody in the world in the streets nobody in the world no man with two arms two legs on the streets is beating Fran and G in a fight well Tom aspor and Jon Jones will probably have something to say about that and now I’m

Big fan of Tom and I love and Jon Jones The Greatest Mi martial AR of all time but mate I’m telling you now on a physical level I ain’t never in my life seen anything like fellas were saying the same thing when you were fighting um

Day for day say but you got the job done so so you know Aspen Jo think he can do there’s only one way to lose in a boxing ring and that’s by getting well two ways obviously you’re going to say the body there but the 90% of fighter end with

Punches to the Head now there there game plans you can put in place like as I said before aesthetically I’m not great I’m not the best boxer I’m not the biggest puncher I’ve just got a really good box and brain on my shoulders and that’s what

It’s the only thing in the world to know so I was able to formulate a plan alongside my Coach Dave cwell to beat David day now I knew I could do that that’s not a problem but if you’re saying to another fighter get in the the

Cage with Fran and garu there is 20 ways he can lose that and it’s just an absolute nightmare facing him physically he’s by far the strongest physically his weight his his power his endurance mate I haven’t seen him dropped yet or flattened I haven’t se and well his

Wrestling was was suspect but he he’s way to improve cleaned up on that so what he does is he’s not the greatest wrestler but his story is incredible story incredible his takedown defense is really good and as actual that’s just his takedown defense but to take you

Down you can’t stop him taking you down he’s too powerful Joe so when we W so obviously McGregor um and Mayweather was the big one obviously in terms of the Breakthrough wasn’t it where a boxer crosses over I know we’ve had them I know we’ve had them in the UFC in the

Past when UFC was starting out and they were still trying to figure everything out but in terms of recent memory you know and McGregor obviously you know sells a fight like no one else well tour and everything and before you knew it amazing at what he does how incredible

And you were drawn into the fight and then I’m looking at that going and on Art if that’s in the street Floyd ain’t getting in 10 seconds it’s over as soon as Conor wants it in a cage that’s over as soon as Conor wants to be over but

I’m not going to lie it’s going to disappoint if you L that could have been over whenever Floyd wanted it to be over that went as far as Floyd wanted it to go Floyd Mayweather in his whole career has never walked to the center of a ring

Just put his hands up and walks someone down ever in his life he doesn’t do that so you think he’s that far ahead of Conor in terms of the his boxing capabilities that he’s made it for the fans it’s almost like the wrestling a WWF or whatever basically just

Done everyone knows Floyd Mayweather is is an insane Gambler I will guarantee you now you will find the exact round he W bet done somewhere in the world for absolutely ludicrous amount of money make of that what you will but I will put my my house

On it he being getting there he picked that round mate he knew exactly what he was doing so it it’s just insane well i’ seen I’ve seen Connor last um the last fight in in sday when obviously um all Joe Parker caused a big upset with I’ve

Met him a few times now I seen him CAU saying what about Manny Pacquiao he wants to fight Manny Pacquiao because I seen Cristiano was kind of caught in the middle of the year I was talking to two of I just didn’t he was a speciman by

The way he Cristiano he he impressed me even more so standing in front of him next to him shook hands said hello talking to Connor because I’ve met Conor a number of times I love Conor McGregor he’s brilliant at what he does uh well at the first time I met Ronaldo and I

Was taken back by the size of him yeah I thought you a lump you you’re even more impressive now because to do what you’ve done at the size you are it impressed me he’s massively he’s a uni I mean 21’s right hand side and then he

Switched over and I believe it or not Portugal versus England under the 21s he wasn’t the just the other Winger was Ricardo kesma who just signed for barcelon for 27 mil so I buzzing because the kesma was on the opposite Wing So I think Gareth bar was playing Left

Midfield for us I was playing right Midfield so Gareth had kesma first half I was buzzing I had Ronaldo and obviously second half I got I got booked in the just at the end of the first half and the Portuguese coach switched them over to obviously for kesma to take the

Piss out of me and get me sent off but end no he ended up uh ended up staying on the pitch I don’t know how but negotiated Christiano Ronaldo me he just a specimen but for the fact that he’s still going and then that’s that’s the thing you we talked there about that

Street football and you know I think I think the the best example of a street footballer for me coming from our country is probably Rooney Wayne Rooney the best we’ve ever seen and coming from another country he probably maradon maradon is probably the archetypal you know Ain who’s become the best

Footballer ever he’s the he’s the like Messi doesn’t give you the same feel does he looks a bit more packaged a bit more like you know l yeah the Barcelona Academy po yeah just he’s like perfect in he mad’s like he’s tripping over to Le and then also let’s remember the kicking

[ __ ] out of him as well oh yeah all again completely watch the challenges against and you just like have you seen the tackle in the bill bow game where they where they doing bad I mean nowadays they get S died for some of them challenges you mean and that’s what

People forget obviously with with them great ex players and the compare it’s you know you must run into it in your right to how people try to compare Xbox this xboxer with this boxer yeah you know and you go you know with the nutrition the training and everything

You know you know obviously The Scouting as well the ability to be able to watch you know a boxer on the internet of and prepare for them as opposed to vhs’s coming in from like Kazakhstan or something you don’t even know it’s him and you don’t even know it’s him and

Someone else stands up and it’s completely different fell that you’re fighting on on the night but again in the amateurs and that’s where I remember you from I always remember you know when you see someone doing sport or you always keep your your eye out for them you know especially in an incestuous

Kind of everybody knows everybody kind of city like Liverpool is where you know one of the good and bad things of the city is how many people are jangling and worry about what people are doing or see what he’s up to so for me as I say when

When I’m looking through and and I see you go on and I’m going okay my God this is a massive fight for him I always remember the cleverly fight so I always remember to building up building up and I think it was almost like you with the

Antithesis of of each other in terms of you didn’t have all the looks and all the six pack and all the the mark in the presentation and obviously you know cleverly did I did degree he had the looks he had the degree that was it yeah

Mad mate I mad’s degree and I didn’t and and I just yeah I couldn’t stand them I still can’t stand them even though you went CU When when when you lose to a fighter I would imagine in boxing you might never get the chance to get that

Lb well I shook hands with him after the fight and uh and I basically put the Rivalry to bed I thought I won and I told him to his face I thought to one I said but I’m not going to lie this is a really close fight it’s going to go

Either way it’s just what the judges like now I’m by far the better boxer than he is I’m just a better fighter better skilled a bigger puncher he’s quicker throws more punches but I’m a far technically better gifted figh I would always have you as I had you a bit

Nastier than him when the go got when the go got tough which I I think I’m Audible and I’m quite open about well I used to be you have to be in your sport just as a kid growing up where you are and especially when you get into the

Sport I’ve got to get into and in Liverpool you’re going to get challenged on that sport until you know because people be like he’s he’s such and such he’s a boxer or he’s Tony Bell and you’re going to get caught in our city mate believe you me you are going to get

Called out on it time and time again until literally they’ve seen you fight yeah well I’m looking at that 2011 that’s the echo Arena yeah and and I take it that so you go from being 60 and0 there after back of two wins against over McKenzie yeah to your face

Loss just come off Champion talk me through that it’s it wasn’t that bad so when I don’t get the decision I I me one thing you can do in you can you can’t lie to yourself so you know when you’ve finished and you’ve lost fights and you

Go in the amateur I i’ felt I’d lost her I knew I’d lost it and I’m half broken absolutely half broken but I went home after the cleverly one and I weren’t that bothered cuz I was just like I’ve won that I know I’ve won

That in me heart of hearts I know won you a expect us to do as well as what you was in the fight blow out everyone expect him to blow me away and when I’m out boxing him six rounds in I think I’m I think seven rounds into the fight I’m

Like five2 up yeah something like that in my mind I’m I’m way up after seven rounds and all I’ve got to do is keep boxing now I lose a few rounds now in the second half of the fight cuz I’m getting you lose a few rounds because

You know you’re head and you and you’re trying to manage it out I don’t want my head but I’m also I’m tired cuz the weight’s killing me I I just know making 12 stone seven as soon as I got to 20 that you made that you made 12 you it’s

Nuts but I’m tired and in the back end of every fight of 12 stone seven and it’s just a way it’s going to get me but I knew I’d done enough in the early rounds to fight and so in that fight you’re 127 you boil down to get a 127

Obviously 127 for 2 minutes all right and what are you in so you’re weighing the day before the fight here yeah you’re when you’re getting in the ring on fight nights when you’re walking out with your roll B and that what are you weighing there by 14 Stone just just on

14 stone or just under 13 10 minimum wow you can see why people think it’s so dangerous for the boxers with them weight Cuts see then I never used to do weight like people are doing it now so people lose 10 pound on the day way yeah

Like big mad water drains crazy make need drain waterers I never done it like that I would lose two pound a week every week and then if I got to fight week and I had any more than four pound I know I’d be in trouble so how was you with

Your diet and your dedication Kerry C was the best nutritionist in the world kry was brilliant for me and he would always say you can lose more and you can do this you give me chicks and I go carry it I’m just going to be around

Two or two pound he said that be four pound of the most on fight week and he’d say to me if you can get to that I’ll get it up it’s not a problem and it was only when I fought Adonna Stevenson when I ended up nearly dying because ER for

The cleverly fight I’d made we but it’s it just catches up with you especially if you as get old metabolism slows down as well it’s a bit easier probably when you’re and your testosterone level start to drop as well especially when you lose weight because your body’s going into

Fight or flight mode your body just goes well I’m getting rid of that we don’t need that and that’s when it starts making it harder but the honesty for the cleverly one I was all right I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t feel any kind of sadness

I wasn’t gooded I was say sometimes so boxers walk around feel like they’ve let everyone down cuz with a boxer you you’ve got to sell this what people miss with boxers sometimes you can win low all these fights but if you don’t sell tickets and you don’t get this audience

And I remember this as I say with Ricky because he had the Man City following behind him and you know he was a he was a a ticket seller he went into depression so he felt like he’d let everyone down and I get that but I didn’t feel it after the cleverly fight

I felt that after the Adonna Stevenson fight so again I’m I’m going I’m just going to I’m looking througho obviously in terms of that that was the face for me the first loss would always be the first speed bump in terms of all right how you going to handle your first

Injury how you going to handle your first bit of disappointment and I I always remember the fight and I remember because I was invested in you in terms where I want you to win and do well I always remember thinking he’s [ __ ] done well there cuz I remember the

Buildup to it almost like you shouldn’t have been fighting cleverly as if like you were how was was British and Comm Champion he was world champion and people just lik its levels and do you think that comes down to as I say because you wasn’t this manicured

Fighter you know this Rough and Ready kid from lipol I’m not I’m not e on the eye I I say whatever I want to say I I don’t H I’m yeah I’m just I’m a scouter who just doesn’t care and and I swear live

On TV and I come in stackis and I cause trouble and I’m a la M he put the LA M SC down basically you know just do whatever you and no one really likes you and and you know what I’m not going to lie I kind of fed that image I kind of

Fed and I should have in hindsight I should have kind of distanced myself from but I didn’t any different though do you’re just getting on trying to try do your best if you don’t like me S so is that that your first world title shot then yeah so are

You thinking there I’m going to get another one or are you thinking that’s my chance gone or you thinking I need to [ __ ] knuckle down here and if I can get back in position I’m good enough to win one at that stage I’m just thinking

I want to get paid I want to owe my money because I know I’ve won but I don’t I know I think I’ve won and I’m a pretty good judge on boxing especially when it comes to scoring bouts and stuff and I’ve won that I’ve gotone studied

The fight studied the fight three times over and I know of w i don’t get it so does that annoy you then because I know boxers a lot of your pces are linked to the winner gets a bit more than the loser does he no it doesn’t work like

That but you sign a contract and you want to get paid so I’m waiting to get paid for quite a while and then there’s obviously a c there’s a c battle that goes on stuff like that I get on me do and and and then I break tires a Le

Frank one and then I was that the store that broke the camels back with that so I leave Frank Gordon after that and then after that I go from the to match room and Eddie in all right and then but then it takes me a long time I like Eddie

People get get a bit of heat don’t it takes Eddie will tell you and a class Eddie is a friend and I don’t have many in the world now people say why is he amaz or you kiss ass whatever well I had the fell at me wedding uh and I only had

Me closest to friends at me wedding H so it’s just I get on with them I’m not stupid if we wen’t in business together we’d never have been friends we’re from totally different backgrounds different places in the world different upbringings but there’s a common ground

That we found and we get on and the most important thing is we’re just honest with each other now we’ve had many of an arguments we’ve had ma of times over arguing about whether it’s a money whether it’s arguing about what I should get what I shouldn’t get on opinion is

The strong opinion and he’ll stick to it and we get on but the most thing and the one thing I can rely on is he’s honest and what he says you get you know what you do get what you Shake Hands On never I never had a contract with Edan never

Signed a contract which is absolutely insane to think for the level espe in that game cuz you about SK left right center with promoters fighters to to become a Sky Box Office fighter and be top of the bill and then the promoter them works for you to not have a

Contract with a fighter is just on a of I was a sky boxer with fighter three huge pay-per-view box office events back to I’ve done four or five in total box office events which have all been massive successes all made Sky Millions upon millions of pounds not for one of

Them Fighters I have a contract with the end that friendship that yeah it just comes down to we shake hands and we agree on things scout scout I don’t know a scout thing that Scout is there’s a few Scouts I know who were very very principal like

That and they prefer almost that way away with a Dy and breed well again you know there is a there is a load about like that who who whose we is is a stronger Bond as as you I’m going to do something I’ll do it and a stick to it

So once I go to him it takes me two years I didn’t trust him and I just thought you they’re all the same these promotes I don’t TR I can’t is that is that an overhang of of your previous experience with people previous experience in the Pro game and then and

Then going and speaking to Fighters so going to speaking to Fighters like Johnny Nelson speaking to Fighters like Richie Woodall Ricky Aton and Mia KH speaking to these people and learning from their experiences remember listening to a Teddy Teddy Atlas podcast when he talked about that kind of

Politics that goes into boxing and now belts and people’s ranking and again I think that’s this where boxing has to be very very careful because for a long time the best St and fought the best as we were talking on there you know for me Fury fighting and ganu was

Kind of like okay Connor and Mayweather have shown the the path I felt sorry for Francis because he was a champion and obviously Dana and the U UFC didn’t look after him at the level he wanted I mean they did but he should be be paid a lot

More I agree but the the Monopoly Dana White’s got on the UFC is that’s what he’s created that’s his brand that’s his organization I think it’s horrendous how much to get paid couldn’t pay not horrendous how much to get paid because it’s what you actually generate Conor

McGregor gets what he’s worth when he fights in the UFC because he’s because they know he generates that much so he devises his own side deal with them yeah which you’ve got to take your ass off to him and just give him all the credit in the world to Conor McGregor because he’s

Not stupid whereas franu saying I I generate this much in the UFC GW as a matter of fact you don’t you’re an amazing a fighter and you do bring something to the table but you’re not Conor McGregor and I get that cuz he isn’t no one wants Conor McGregor no it doesn’t

Sell made an example of with you see the one thing I’ve got to give the UFC credit for and like I said before I think it’s wrong that they’re paid fractionally what they are you know don’t get me wrong they still paid millions they are multimillionaires

These Fighters and they do get paid in millions of dollars each time but I must say that someone like Dana White has gr the UFC to such a level that it’s it’s unbelievable mate I mean when the biggest ever fighter and the greatest fighter of all time just goes on walking

Away and he just lets him in Jon Jones you’re just like what are you going to do how are you and then he just creates another one like he’s not Conor MC just walks away and he goes no problem I’ll just create and the UFC continues to

Want and that is down to Dana White’s well we’ve lost kab be walked away they do walk away and it’s a constant wheel but the good thing about Aro is the best fight the best or tend to I know though but but again it I think boxing has had to be careful

Because for a long time the best seem to be in boxing avoiding each other you know pick you know like when I think just about Golovkin and obviously Canelo and all maywether and you know for me and and I show me Agia but I grew up on Tales of Leonard ha Hagler h

And obviously theer told Jiran the Four Kings and the book that’s written about they’re all fighting against each other the best of the best and then grew up watching as we talked about earlier you know Steve Collins Chris hubank n Joel Ben K zagi you know

FR as a fan of boxing that’s all I am all of Combat Sports you want to see the best play the best you want to see Ronaldo or Messi or mbappe or what that that’s what any fan wants to see and the fact that we’ve got fiori and ghu and I

Was the same as you like Francis is going to get his head jabbed off he’s not going to get near Tyson which he should have and he actually won the fight if we been honest I mean even if he didn’t it was a model Victory listen it’s a model listen he

Does far better just because you do better than everyone else it doesn’t mean you’ve actually won but I’m not going to lie ER I give I give F A draw the best it was close it was close I mean listen you’ll know I’m not I’m not

Going to lie I was very relieved when fy’s arm got lifted because it’s just an absolute makes mockery of our Sports so I I I think I’ve watched the i’ watched the FY documentary so I watched it obviously he’s done a bit of an Aussie Osborne type of documentary and you know

There’s he’s clearly a a mad cat in terms of you know he’s actually a really nice lad no in terms of his mind’s hyperactive but it he turns up to go and see the World’s Strongest Man and he goes right we’re all going to Iceland to

See him and gets there with all his mates and he’s not even in the country like he hasn’t think he holds a phone ah head to see if he’s actually in it’s just very impulsive so I’m looking at it going obviously theanu fights in Saudi Arabia they’re obviously getting

Absolutely weighed in for it um I’m thinking and ganu is like okay this is my chance to shock the world so he’s going to be highly motivated in in in incredible shape and I Tyson is tough to read because even if he goes into a mad Camp he doesn’t you know look in

Incredible shape he’s like me and you to no matter how hard we train lad we’re not getting on the cover of man’s elf we just have but not but at the same time he says he has a mad camp and then weighs in a career of just so so again he did look

Massively like he he’d not given it Francis the respect he was he just weighs it Jo Joe the scales never lie so when you say I’ve had the camp of me lifetime I’m not going to there’s no other way get the scales will tell you all right so and again it’s it’s

Dangerous in your game because you get in that ring no one cares whether you’re 100% fit or 80% fit or 70 or carrying an injury you’re either getting sparked out or you’re sparking someone else you get no one gives a bollocks because on the on the Thursday at the Press G

You’ve being gone I’m in the best shap of my life I’ve had the best Camp of my life and you you boxes the best lies in the world yeah because they sit in front of the world at a table and go I’m in the best sheep ever well so and on Art

And and this is not trying to downplay inu’s fighting qualities percentage wise Fury at 50% Fitness less I don’t think it’s down to the fact of how fit he is I’m not lying he’s been training and doing whatever he’s just thought to walk in the park and the worst thing in

Boxing is once you get it’s like the best thing I can like in a two and relat to is when AJ foughts Andy Ruiz so when AJ fights Andy Ruiz in New York I’m there I’m ringside watching the fight and I can’t believe what’s unfold in

Front of me eyes AJ way in he’s supposed to fight jel Miller jel Miller fight Falls to Big Baby Big Baby next thing I think there’s about three weeks or two weeks he gets called in because because jelle’s failed the drugs test whatever have you oh he had he one he fails the

Drug test he’s on all kinds of drugs I mean he’s one molecule away from being the Hulk that’s how many drugs he’s got in the system x m I’m telling you now he was unbelievable so AJ weighs in and sorry he’s at the press conference with

Andrew Andrew reiz asks him for a selfie can we have a selfie I can’t believe this has happened he just played everyone for the fool he’s also small in he Ruiz for heavyweight as well he’s small and he basically looks like Johnny Vegas yeah

He was a bit of a dumpl that is the best way to explain him he was Johnny Vegas asking for a selfie and in AJ’s mind AJ’s trained now he’s in unbelievable shape he’s ready to do his job on Miller he’s got a new fighting he’s just a

Little fat fell and that’s what in AJ man now it doesn’t matter what he wants to say in this I’m in the great whatever his mindset and this is what this what people will never understand until you’ve been in a boxing ring once you tell yourself he’s done him easy night M

He’s just getting done when it gets hard you can’t switch and reverse it you I don’t know why but well we’ve all we we we’ve all done that in sport on ter it’s hard because you realize oh oh [ __ ] I’ve I’ve massively come in with the wrong

Energy yeah and and now I’m trying to change that’s what he done against and D in the first fight and and and and Tyson Fury just done that against fanu might have been thinking he was in fight shape but he’s got in Fran’s gone on the back

Foot not doing exactly FY just expected him to run on like a cage andone start swinging for the lights he didn’t he went on the back foot counter punched Fury and hit him with a few shots he’s not the biggest punch technically he’s not even a big puncher in boxing Inu

He’s actually just a really strong athlete and very powerful looks like he’s a quick laner as well he he’s L he’s l in the basics I’m I’m quite confident and saying the British champion will beat Fran andu right now right I think Anthony Joshua will knock Tyson I think Anthony Joshua will knock

Franu out but again this is the thing for me this confidence thing of you know I know we look better last fight but again I hav’t seen what happened with Fi and obviously you know when’s a big dude AJ I think it’s it’s a brave fight fors

He gets clipped listen to but he’s not a big technically just punches on you’re well more qualified than me what I will say is is one thing andu will be is mentally more is mentally stronger than a lot of them cuz what that man’s been through what that Fell’s been through in life

Since he was 12 what he’s been through in life he’s on mentally he’s on a different Stratosphere to all of these boxers and all these Fighters that’s one thing I’ll say so is there a party bosz him for him that he got a Payday against

I’m made up FR should I I’m made up for him because I’ve loved watching him since but again where does he go to so so let’s just say Joshua continues his progress and does what you’re expecting to do I expect Josh to stop Franc G then I expect Franc

G to L back in the UFC right and I Johny Jones I don’t think I don’t think there’s no coincidence why Jon Jones all of a sudden reappears when fan gner goes missing out the UFC do you well it does seem a bit of a coincidence it but also

Question Jones fled everyone the the greatest mix martial artist ever I agree with that there’s no way Johnny Jones fears anyone I’m telling you there there’s no coincidence he came back to the UFC with but you know that mindset more than anyone he’s undefeated there J

Jones he is but listen he’s been pushed to the Limit and did he did he be gson the first time I don’t know it’s it’s a killer fight and there’s been other fight where re was a re was a b re fight was was a really close one but but again

Was he in that thinging of what we spoke about beat I’ll beat him easy and then he’s got into the because a prime Jon Jones is like he’s formidable but Joe it’s the only man I’ve ever seen able I mean how do you think Jon Jones is gonna

Beat francen G because he ain’t knocking him out I’m sorry on I genuinely believe that man is physically strong enough to separate your arms on a joke he is but that that’s where Jones wins the fight on the ground yeah but I just not you not keeping him there he’s just too strong

Like he’s he literally he’s I I know and listen it’s a fight you all want to see I what we do get to see did you see when he fought Dereck LS the wind off the punch that missed his chin put him down the wind of the i’ I remember being in

The Hilton must have been a show one you must have been fighting on it in the Echo and um I remember meeting an Joshua in there and I just was just shocked by how big he was L like and and when when he was struggling and Ruiz and obviously

People were going he’s this and he’s that and I’m thinking you don’t realize how big that man is like you know and I know and I know you and I always remember they were saying there was one point where they were saying would just fight if you kept on doing and you I

Remember you saying you’re joking AR you the size of him he means he’s massive I wouldn’t go anywhere near him but and but again on the flip side of it Josh is an animal but you just a mindsets got a lot to do with all sports but again I’m just going to pull

You back there because on the on the other side of that Joshua andaru leads us into a man you have fought Alexander us fighting Tyson FY for Undisputed champion of the world yeah you’re probably one of the few people on air who can give um some kind of understanding because

Everyone thinks usk’s small no he’s not he’s the same size me he’s six foot and he’s a bit I’d say he’s heavy and know he’s not but everyone2 goes you go well F’s too big he’s tiny like he’s not small to be fair I don’t think Tyson

Fury is 6′ n so lomachenko’s Evon Vil lomachenko and this Ukrainian um like almost like a boxing genius where his dad had them training all different ways hand ey coordination went into ballet ballet and all that as a young man and usk’s part of the same

Kind of stable same kind of or be he’s been in and around them but he has actually doesn’t train him so he didn’t train him for the AJ didn’t train for the but he comes in now and again I’m pretty sure the father will be part of

The camp for this so would you say to usk’s the best fighter you you you’ve faced no one’s even close in terms of skill set in terms yeah the power the power is not a big thing even though he stopped me I mean listen he made me that

TI me n to stop me in that going out for that eth round but he is just so good like I can’t explain to to face you rounds to work it out like download you well after eight rounds I’m up on the cards on two cards and on the Ukrainian

Scorecard I’m drao so I’m up after with eight eight round fight I’m open he’s very R well I don’t think he’s ever behind that after halfway through a fight so my boxing ability once again the only good thing I’ve got I’m I’m beating him to the punch I’m counter

Punching him well I’m drawing them in I’m making them make mistakes but it took so much energy Jo to do that what you have to be switched on all the time like it’s like he’s constantly there it’s like there’s no there’s no break in the there’s no break there’s no

Movements his feet were so good like it’s only that much space that between us this front foot is always that that far away from me it’s never that close it’s never that far away it’s always there and it’s at a range where he can

Just go hot bang hot bang and and so is that is that superb ability toe is that superb understanding of fighting it’s it’s normal to him so he’s that he’s done it for that long it doesn’t hide him to do it whereas it’s never been

Done to me people have tried to do it and app play front foot pressure but I’ll just step away and come back but and my feet are good that was the one thing about me I had good feif for box and you that’s off the bat you were

Playing decent foot decent football or I kick booxed as a kid so I was always light on me feet and me kicking was too bad but then I loved playing football uh and football does make you move sharp foot movements I say it’s like people want to see you say both play football

As as speed as irrelevant on a football pitch I know people laugh at me say it’s not the same no you’re right because if each has to twist and T and run I’m sorry he’s not going to get it there’ll be players on a football pitch who on a

Football pitch are faster than you same bolt because they twists in they go faster plus your first two yards in your head as but don’t get me wrong if any of them get into a 10 me R oh yeah he’s going to absolutely leg them but again

He be the stand he’ be over the adverti n and in the stand we’ve all played with them headless Chens were quick J in I know I know exactly what you’re saying like he is raw speed and I’ve seen him play in charity games and once he gets Going’s

He’s gone but again as you said the stop start of course stop start and then the Twist and the Tain him but in boxing the footwork is it’s a technical thing and then you’ve also got to do your study you’ve got to know what you’re watching

You’ve got to see what you approach for and that was the one thing I add in me favor there’s only there’s only a very few trainers now who study the game like I was doing it when I was fighting Ben Davidson’s one of them could who’s train

Anony Joshua now they study the game religiously and they’re like they’re like H was he he was fur’s renissance coming back he help Tyson come back and he’s a good coach now I I think more of him because of he’s so thorough with his anal with his analysis of the fights and

How he breaks Fighters down don’t get me wrong you can go too deep with it and but I think he goes so deep that I mean he figures everything out I used to go I used to do the analytical side them and analyze them and break them down i’ see

The flows before they even make them had no certain drills and patterns that in play before they were going to do it so when I thought hey I knew so much about them from we it’s very similar to our world in terms of studying the opponent looking for those weaknesses in them you

Know watching previous do but ultimately then you’ve got to be able still got everyone has a tto so every even all the best players out there you must be the same when you prepare for a fighter you’re looking obviously we’re all aware of the stength and goal right he’s

Really good at that you know we can’t let him pull pull a you know get five yards pulls the trigger from there whatever um so you’re always I always found you know similar when when you’re watching your Stevie Gerards or preparing for Patrick Vias you’re looking at more of the strengths going

He’s good at that he’s good at that yeah but you you’re basing your performance around where you do see those chinks of light to go all right he’s brilliant at all those things but that’s where I think I can get them whether it’s a you

Know a sa combination or um maybe if you you know for you boxers it’s all faint isn’t it then ultimately you’ve got to actually be good enough to pull it off and when you’re in the ring with someone like usk um I’m I’m good enough and I’m

Doing it for eight round what seven rounds and then I go out at the end of round seven I get on the stool speak to the legs me coach called well and he said are you tired and now bear in mind i’ spoted 12 15 rounds on the Friday

Before the fight flying with three different sparting partners and was beating them up giving it to them now I was exhausted so think do you think that’s the tempo he’s getting you to fighter it’s just what he was doing to me the pressure he’s putting on you

Or the nervous energy of knowing you were facing somebody at that level he’s not a puncher but and then you say I’ve been fighting at that level for years so when you’re fighting David a he’s the former unified Cruiserweight Champion the world he’s the former heavyweight

Champion of the world I’m no Strang big scen he’ lost he’d lost his a of invincibility had he he had but not to you cuz he was bigger than you he was heavyweight but the two comeback fights he had he just smashed Two Fellas and knocked them both out at East and and

Everyone’s going oh my God David a back look at the shape he’s in look at how great he is but then cuz I beat him oh all of a sudden he’s washed up I thought you beat him in in the psychological stakes in the buildup to it as well I

Thought the first fight it’s hard because as ailles snaps and there’s no just no getting away from that I mean Ju Just talk me through that to in terms of you’re in the fight and and obviously you’ve said a lot in the buildups and he’s a bigger fell than yeah in terms so

You know you had the ball fight a bigger fell once again he actually the same dimensions as me he’s 6’3 I’m 6’3 because he’s got an half road that nearly touches the ceiling he everyone goes I always I cuz I remember him fighting the French fell David I John

Mark and he had a he had a he had a tough night with him yeah and they were talking about him being heavyweight champion I remember he fought the big massive Russian Nikolai Val like the big zombie big big beast he was but he was huge he 7 fo biggest heavyweight

Champion ever and and then but there was was always the thing about David day not being big enough to to fight the heavyweights cuz he was like a blown up Cruiser I would I would actually say he’s one of the biggest if not pound-for-pound the biggest puncher this

Country’s produced AB one of them as a puncher like the headache I had after four days after the first fight he just kept whacking me on the back of the head but but I never even when you fought him I always thought you were even though

You were a cruiser way I always thought you were a bit smaller no I am me frame so he’s got more muscle but it’s mad when we work together now far bigger than him all right but when we were fighting the muscle mass on make of that

Whatever you will he was he was when we weighed in at that fight you can see it the way I’m just standing there looking look at him his NE beautiful body we at your style a little bit as well because I don’t think people ever give you the

Credit for how good of a boxer you wasn’t in terms of tactician strategic everyone wrote me off and I think I was like8 to one with the bookies in in a two race it’s Madness but it’s just so and I get it I was like I understand why

He’s all writing me off but what youed don’t see is that I’m used to fighting and now David has greatest ever strength and what he has over every fighter is it’s his it’s his speed his speed is what catches people because they don’t see it coming now I’d been fighting I

Guys’s two Stone lighted than him so believe you me they were all quicker than and then I was cruiserweight world champion guys were just as fast as him now because he’s now a heavyweight so that heavy go heavyweight took a little bit of a speed away and I would I was I

Told Johnny N I told everyone in sky build I was saying to them you don’t understand he’s not going to catch me with his speed it’s not going to be a shock don’t get me wrong if I get greedy and I get over anxious and he clocks me with a

Clean right hand I’m going a kill oh know you box his head off I think that I think that’s what what shocked everybody was how easily you out boxed him well in the first fight before the first five rounds in the first fight it’s just a

Bit of a I’ve wound him up so much he comes in the show so I know his temperament already he wears black shorts with the face fights whenever David puts black on it means he’s he’s really angry he just wants to take your head off and he’s going to get R he’s

Going to knock it out when he sees fit I knew that because I was wise enough to appoint someone who was in his team Dave C was part of Haymaker promotions I knew that in the buildup all the way through and Dave would feed me little bits of

Information all the way through so the minute I knew he chose black was the minute I knew his head was absolutely [ __ ] so he gets in the ring and I’d wound him up M i’ really really annoyed him in the whole buildup so and how much how much of how much of that

Psychological because I always remember reading about Leonard and he said had chased his Ms down the street in Vegas and started shouting at his M and he said he he got back to the hotel and his M had said listen he’s abused you know he’s faily abused me in the street he

Said I just wants to kill him and he said he won the fight off the back and I came in with that mindset i’ done the same thing that W up that much and he literally wants to kill me then look at how he comes out in the first Bell he’s

Swinging for the for the lights and I’m just making a Miss slip roll slide and after five rounds I think he’s three to up just purely on aggression I’ve won two rounds but he’s won three and then we come up for round six and if you’d

Ever look at the fight look at round five at the end of round five at the end of round five I’ve looked him and said you’re [ __ ] now I’ve said you’re blowing up your David someone had a little spell of inactivity like what happened to him because I remember who

Beat him someone gave him a he shouldn’t have lost he lost a Klitschko Klitschko he lost a Klitschko and then he went miss him for a bit and he just had a lot of time off then he comes back because he won the bells off that big rush and

He wns it off he wins it off value then he he has he fights Johnny Ruiz in First Defense in Manchester if I’m wrting thinking he he smokes him no he fights Monty par first he smokes him then he fights John Ruiz he smokes him then he

Goes into the fight with Nicolai valv sorry with Vladimir Klitschko after defending his heavyweight title twice I think I’m right in thinking that or it might be another way round but he them three fights are close there or thereabouts anyway you can Google it anyway so then after all that he he lose

To Klitschko and he goes missing for the year but then he comes back and he looks absolutely amazing he’s put on a load of muscle he’s in great shape and he fights two every weeks one called Mark deori who fought the other week and

He smokes him in a round or two I think and then he fights a fellow called gir who’s another unde heav he fights two unde heav back to back and he’s now staking claim because he wants to fight David he wants to fight Anthony Joshua

And Sky have got this all set up that when he smokes me he fights AJ all right and everyone knows about it and everyone’s in on it and H Eddie even me own promot thought I was going to lose Eddie was pretty honest once again I said he’s always honest

You see are you going you know you’re obviously going beat him I’m Champion I’m bringing Sky David previous two fights against Mar but you’re also thinking I’m gonna get Wade in to fight him yeah well I’m fight I’m world champion I’ve made a first defense against his made BJ Flores and and I’m

Out of negotiation he they come to me first and off made me an offer David day f David Day live on H it was live going to be on BT well TNT now I reject the off and say no this before I’m world champion I know him on as radar now but

The best part about it is is I know he wants to fight me because he sees money in me so once I’ve become world champion he’s now fighting on channel Dave yeah remember Channel Dave I watch channel Dave it’s a great Channel I watch it when Bull’s eyes it’s absolutely

Brilliant look at what you could have won so so I I was watching that now when I when when I’m now world champion my name’s up in lights and I’m defending me world title so I’m now a viable option for dve to get back on Sky Box Office

Because me David is box office material but I now know and and I’ve gone to Eddie and I’ve SE Eddie so has he been [ __ ] you off for years have you no he just he asked me to join hay maker promotions again and said to me fight me

I’ll give you a fight on the undercard then you’ll fight me in a heavyweight bout but I wasn’t I was only European champion at this stage and he’s just thought it’ll be a few quid and you know that’ll be a fair and I and I’ve G no

Rejected the offer but then once I’m world champion he’s seen the real valueing me then he’s seen big big money and pound SS and he’s just thought I’m going to be a walk in the park and to be fair like I said before at the end

Thought I was going to lose sat down at a table like this meeting Eddie and said right we’re going to fight David day this this and this I said you’re going to sort it out eight to one for the two hour contest L the way W the only one M

It’s absolute mad so he just I said to him if you don’t think I’m going to win the UN now he said I think you’re the best Cru in the world I don’t think you’re the best heavweight and it’s going to take the best heavweight in the

World to beat daid day because of how good he looked in them previous two fights so he actually took a less percentage than he usually takes because he thought I was going to lose so that’s why I say to these honest we shook hands

We done a deal H I beat day of the day but like I said before did you have a remat did he have a rematch close or you just that’s where the money came in so for the first day of the day fight I made five times more than me whole

Career combined so he’s think he’s going to flatten you then if he doesn’t even put that’s what I’m saying that’s how cocky was that’s how that’s how arrogant and and we get on we’re not mate we we are I suppose I seen that thing a few

Weeks ago where youer an I heard you say he was better than an he [ __ ] wins you [ __ ] beat him twice no what not it is I’ve beat him twice and and you can’t beat someone tce he doesn’t beat you once better now if you if you said

To me I’d face T eight 10 times I’ll beat him nine times out of 10 he’s gonna get he’s going to catch me at one of them with one of them two out of two he hasn’t know n I’m not stupid if I him 10 times he’ll get

Me one out of them 10 but I’ll beat him nine out nine times out of 10 which which on a whole means you’re the better fighter but I’ve got no quams or claims he’s a better fighter than me because his K will go down as a better than me

But I’m I beat him every time but what he’s done in his Lads have played the games who have got the number but have had a better cre trophies unified unified every UniFi your sport different cuz the only there is a when you’ve run into each other like you have you know

Who’s the best fighter I know but but people will look at David a Creed look at man they go he’s well but as a city played loads of players would have gone if you went if you didn’t have them in your team and it was just me and you on

The cou you’re losing but you and you finished above us because you’ve got better but in your game no one can argue that cuz David day might think i’ done X Y and Z but at the end of the day there’s two but then he’s got he’s got a

Actually got a better resume than me doesn’t matter you punch his heading when you beat him I know twice as well but but I do but like I said that that’s me and that’s how I look at boxing it’s just it’s boxing is a very specific sport where you’ll go right I’ve beat

David a twice but I don’t think I think the fight as he’s beat you I wouldn’t have beat yeah and that’s CU Styles make fights it’s like when it’s when you are playing in a football match it’s like if blood if Fen beat Liverpool tomorrow a full them better than Liverpool to just

Beat them but in your sport it’s Mano Mano it’s one one like so our sport you can argue there’s there’s there’s a lot more variabl beat me your sport when when that cage door closes or the ring and and everyone leaves you find out who’s the best and you on two occasions one

You go do you know what he’s had a bad night so you look at as I say Liam Smith and Chris Eubank you go as Liam Liam had a good night in the first one Chris had the bad one and then the Opposites happened in the second one so you

Natalie would go is going to be a Trilogy you look at yours and you go well for two n you can’t really have a fight and I think that but then people at the same time then go to me well didn’t really beat David did cuz you

Only had one leg and I go okay but in the second fight yeah but he didn’t to the start of the fight I know said and if you remember as we’s where before the first fight was you have no say in this fight this fight ends when I want it to

End you you you’ve got there’s nothing you can do that stops me doing what I want to do and and and he genuinely believed that like I said to him we’ve sat down since the fights have all finished and and I’ve gone to him why didn’t you ever put a rematch closing he

Said tone he said if you would have told me you were going to win I’d have said you are insane but again as a fight you’ve got to have that mindset haven’t you you can’t you can’t believe or you know and I know everyone says to me oh and I go no

Listen on a Friday in the hotel you think [ __ ] hell this you playing tomorrow this is all you know that that that fear comes in I can’t imagine for you Lads cuz you’re going oh my God I might have going to get knocked out so but he didn’t have that and I didn’t

Have it to be fair like when I before the night before the first fight me I was made up I was so happy in the ring before the first fight I was dancing to his walk out music cuz I love l vanr so you know you’re ready to go though as

Well is that is that Supreme confidence and also to let’s be honest he’s got everything to lose cuz everyone’s if he’s eight to one on he’s expected to get it out up to see me get me head smashed in and everyone’s there and then slowly but surely i t them and they go

From boo me in to Che which is the ultimate that you that’s uh maximus in the in the Coliseum lad in it that is the ulate in his on his patch in London me it was it was nice but then as I say the rematch it puts it all to bed and

Then and then I do him viciously in the rematch get with him in five rounds don’t take a single punch that is for me the best performance of me career yeah I thought I thought you would even better I had so much going on in me personal

Life as well it was a mess after losing on Ashley so is that happening at the same time that happened in between the two fights my God I lost me build yeah so so I just want to pull you back I don’t know Ste Stevenson so you fought

Cleverly yeah so that you you got a chance of being well Champion doesn’t quite go to plan 2011 then you’re back up to fight um Adonna Stevenson know at the time I remember car and this no one wants to fight him yeah so you’ve got to

Go into qu backyard yeah um and as you say doesn’t go to plan so you’ve now gone for for the world title twice but again you being you you haven’t you’ve gone back then and you you beat cleverly a a couple of fights later make fight make break I remember I

Remember it being you know if I have lost that fight M career would have been over and I also wouldn’t have done the Rocky movie because that was on the table and I said if I lose the club fight I’m just going to disappear so so

In in in terms of size of fight and what it meant I know there was there some big fights in there but in terms of what you’ve got at stake the the second cleverly fight oh it was probably a four in a road what was expected on me I say

I had the movie for creed contract on the table at me house and I wouldn’t sign it until I had four clever in rematch because they offered me the the gig 14 weeks before the cleverly fight so I had that on the table to be a movie

Star no one knew about it I kept it hidden from everyone no one knew me wife knew and me rightand man knew nobody else knew in anywhere anywhere else in the world no one knew n had so theone Ryan cooler director F mad when you think about the Rocky film think you

Were going to be in a movie the studios sorry the chairman Le Bill K right now so is are the rumors true there was rumors that you were the last one who went in to see uh that Weinstein to get a roll you know in the uh

Right you’re not WR you’re not [ __ ] well you I come in being in a pine box way before is he dead or is he alive no he’s still alive I to put him in a pine Hey listen You’ have to that’s what You’ have to do to get a roll clearly didn’t

It you mean makees you look through old movies with a with a slightly different slant on it I think so yeah I had that on the table a cre contract and I just had to get past cleverly who everyone had thought had beaten me well I knew

I’d beat him and I just knew as soon as it was a cruiserweight he had no chance at all so then I just bulldozed him in a terrible fight just bullied him for 12 rounds roughed him up got rid of him H and then I went off to do the movie

Creed came back after that ER won a few more fights then won the European title which was a hard fight European title against Matas masak in London yep and AJ dillian white on the card you must have had a good Christmas Day 2015 that’s 12th of December so you’ve obviously

Killed yourself and OB won the fight I had two scratched eyeballs my face was a mess after that fight one of my hands was fractured well broken sounds polish is he Master polish just F Chris bam Smith and was was given it to him for about six or seven rounds and then just

Stopped off a body shot I might be more than six seven rounds but he’s still going now still going and then and then obviously Mumbo uh goodu and then yeah and that that wasn’t going to I remember the early round did you get dropped first round me know

Snapped and dropped in the first round what are you thinking there when you like kicks ER you stop him in the fifth no stopped him in the third the third so I just I FL me I was just so nervous for that fight I’ve only been nervous for two fights in me life

Me first Z cars and you’ve dream of how how you yeah me first fight I was n for for was a guy called Rob beach in height and sweet height and sweet out in our village height and Village yeah all show best ever fight was a night and sweet ER

I fought Rob Beach and and I flattened him in the third round I dropped him and stopped you know what it’s going to sound mad I used to always go to them I can almost I’m almost certain I was I was there sto the JBC was fighting in a

White and purple vest cuz all the all the clubs are come wouldn’t he cuz there was a lad who was a year older than me St lacken lived next or but one to me and his dad FR Al Frank was ABA never went into the pros but he was a ligh

Aweight and as I say uh brim Fong and Eugene Fong and all that they all they all boxed they were in our school my granddad on me on me n side Tomy KW was Navy boxing champion I think and if you ever remember Peter KW was like was stra

World champion or something was fly he something else yeah he was like um but growing up they were like that’s our cousin and he was like a was seven stones boy the choir boy yeah so so me me Granddad Tommy kurew and Brin started

Out in ABC as I say I give up when I got jabbed in the face a few times and I didn’t know what to do with it I thought I can’t have Good Feet like you can’t have it all well I always thought it was

A bit safer to play football I my belief was if if you’re in school and you were big and strong but you couldn’t play footy you you ended up going into rugby or Rowan or boxing why you have to be hard to roll well well not not to much

Hard but big and strong to and then we had a we had a wrestling coach by us uh Tony Collins who I think still British under 70 I think he’s like 70 and he’s under 60 or under 50 World Roman greo wrestling this preate UFC all M Lads

Ended up getting into MMA and all that a little bit later on but for me it was either football boxing the military or crime they were the only options really I understand that one mate yeah we didn’t have many options and when I see now all the ball games and the boxing

Club’s going and the community center’s going you know and I seen the thing and I want to get onto it to there knives down gloves up the the charity is it a charity you’re involved we down gloves up well do you know I’ve I’ve stepped back because we’ve done the football

Match and at the minute I’m stepping back we were doing really really well getting kids into full-time employment stuff like that and then there’s just been so much go on that I’m not going to put on here but I just people’s agendas have changed and and I don’t know where

I’m at with it now I’ve never took a single penny from it if anything it’s cost me a fortune with me cost getting Here There and Everywhere doing things missing days of work missing weeks a work at a time and I never took any money I never had any money paid to me

And then I just I don’t know everything just seems it’s up in the air with it all and I been politicized or it’s lost bit political and also just the people that started the thing off I just don’t know where they’re at and then as I say money plays a factor

In everyone’s mind and and you know what Joe to be honest I never done anything for it for money all ones do just give back to where I’m from this city I’m passionate about helping the kids because this government’s aren’t going to help us government’s everyone know of

The waer Gap do you think we a [ __ ] well you seen that with the HS to to didn’t here in terms of you know all these plans for the North and and connecting north to south and we’re lucky as I say we get out and see the

World via being good at sport and meet loads of people um and you realize just what a great City Liverpool is but then also how it’s been left behind by you understand tce the amount of money and funding is given to the South and is the north twice the amount it’s an absolute

Disgrace there is a huge North and South divide you can feel it but Southerners don’t really know it they don’t get it it’s just it’s just up here we we know so when I was when I done the jungle recently like I basically gave it to

Farage I said Grace I said I hope margar thatch is B in hell I said I hope she’s on fire right now what’s she done to this country what she’s done to our people she tried to turn us on our own turn us against each other took away the

Mindes took away the docks took away everywhere we can earn money and make our country stronger you just you just victimized us you just just done us over make that’s the thing isn’t it I mean the people of Liverpool um you know the resilience in in spite of kind of what’s

Gone on as I say for me a huge finger I don’t know about you a big turning point for me in my life was um Co I’d always been I grew up as I say I can remember hillsb I can remember you know just moing about as a kid and and obviously

You know you grew up certainly height in where I’m from heighten our um former MP was was Harold Wilson so heon’s one of the only towns I think it’s the only Town that’s out the sitting prime minister obviously labor prime minister but Noley I think has got the second

Highest unemployment rate in the country and at last checking it it didn’t have a six form provision so if you want to get into six form you have to go outside the B so you know in terms of opportunities for people if you’re not creating

Chances to get a job or get a higher education to get a trade what opportunities he given them and as we know to in in Liverpool you know you can easily get in in trouble even if you’ve got great parents and they trying to do everything you can for

You because you know the the the the challenges that life throws at you um you know not everybody’s talented that you know for us it was sport we we we managed to find a boxing club or a football team to te up at and you get a

Coach who believes in you and then you realize oh my God I’m actually good at this and I’m getting some self- Weare from it and as it as it is we end up going and making an name for ourselves and providing um opportunities for our

Kids that maybe we never had when I get into kind of your career you know a career that you know when you get to the end of it if you’ve been really really good you can have very very um harsh long-term injuries because you know we se you know

The CTA and you know brain damage dementia we we’re getting a bigger people are talking about those head and balls too many balls now I at the near I was in the near post no one cares about boxers me but it’s totally different for you lads of everyone’s going on about

Rugby now and certain Sport and CTA and they’re going like kids shouldn’t be heading football you worry about that though it’s coming me I know it’s coming I’ve accepted that I accepted when I signed up for it and it’s just I’m going to have to deal with but what’s the

Point it’s better to be a lion for a day than a raft for a lifetime so we go into sport no and you know we’re going to get injuries I’ve got broken bones obviously not the level you have broken bones knee operations blah blah blah but I can’t

Imagine when you know the brain is the target for you you’re trying to punch through the back of someone’s face into me bra’s got that much Su coming but you don’t see like there’s loads of boxes I me too are quite punch drunk you can see the effect on them and and I

Don’t see that with you no you don’t put is that a good plastic surgeon I wish but it’s coming whatever whatever trauma’s happened or whatever damage has done to me inside me scho but you can’t obviously see from the outside looking in but I do know it’s done so as far as

Eyesight goes I had amazing eyesight when a first time professional I’m at the stage now where every single year on me medical me eyesight decreased so I’m like that look the steud bottles I’ve got on now I know I know I’m a couple molecules away from needing the bins but

I the proud part of me just can’t monks I know it’s going to completely change me face me demeanor how people look at me ER people might think I’ve lost the tack or or a little bit of no they say your temper gets a bit shorter than you

Say what you think so if that’s [ __ ] you God no you’re going to be like the nanof what’s the um Catherine Tate you that’s I always think if I get Dementia or anything happens to me I can’t imagine what my filter would be like I know what listen I know it’s coming and

I accept it when I signed up and I don’t make any well I’ll tell you what’s terrible when you see fighters who have had injuries and then they try and sue people later on in life and I’m seeing it go through a few different things now I think it’s

An absolute disgrace listen mate you know what you signed up for yeah you you know you’re putting your body on the line don’t you when you play any any sports Especially Yours any contact and and football is a contact sport I understand it’s completely different to fighting in

Combat Sports but you know what you’re signing up for and so do I so I accepted it mate I I chose to pursue this mad career and I’ve and I’ve done all right in it and it’s worked out well in the end but by the time the

Shake starts and me memory gets even worse than it is already then I’ll know it’s listen you signed off for it lad it is what it is and again you know I think back to I’ve been reading a bit of Jo jaww well recently and he’s talking about the working conditions in the

Minds in 1930 and the wages they were getting and the trauma in the bodies and the life expectation you know in in terms of us being 40 now and and relatively good health or you look relatively healthy to know you’ll have a few aches and pains on these cold

Mornings but in terms of you know what you’ve achieved for your family you know in terms of the platform you’ve given your kids and and hopefully their kids gone forward you’ve you you’ve changed a generation of bellu to hopefully hopefully to be whatever he wants to

Give them the opportunity I’ve got a kid at University I’m over with them I’m absolutely amazed I’ve got my eldest Bo in uni he’s in Manchester uni and he studying physiotherapy he’s a super bright kid uh one youngest has got a chance me little one me other little so

I’ve got me 18y old arore then I’ve got arobe H then I’ve got Carter and then I’ve got Carson so 15 then 11 and then three so it’s sorry four now actually all boys four boys me say takes a real man have a girl so I’ve got no [ __ ]

Chance I’ve got three boys and a girl so I’ve got a girl mixed in there the girl the one I don’t worry about am honestly that’s right well again I’ve got all that to come wor fear was a girl so me and Dan’s kids are are similar well very

Similar AG we had our first kids together and our second kids so do you have kids young then yeah your yeah so my Elder is 12 so you’ve gone sick 24 so I thought I was old at 30 like a couple of my M had kids kids at like 19

And 20 and their kids are older now and I don’t know you just do the way you do it what comes nly a week between me and Neil and uh and yeah our kids have been going same time but when he had the baby when he had the this little girl you’ve

Seen on the kid’s voice she’s an amazing singer well he’s a good he’s into his music his family Musical and stuff like that Dad done the uh so he he he is he playing for Grenada did they see him has he gone play qualifiers for he’s

Probably n that’s n team but I think I’m not might have retired now I think must be as old as me I know he’s still going I think I don’t think he’s retired internationally he might have because I think he just just on a tour recently not long ago we were together on

Saturday night we had a night out Saturday so yeah our Miss is dead close mates and I me and him obviously best mate but yet once he had that little girl that was him done and then my silly girl wants a girl but you can’t have a g

So is that you done no more said said that with the last one me get that Miss miss that baby though my is the same way she’s four years old m i mean she said go and get the snip I said You [ __ ] do that to dogs and OES you’re not doing

Not to me well you know what happened to Bruce Jenner after all right don’t happened me that was after I’m saying I was winding me no me I’ve been saying me m to can me [ __ ] G no I’m still saying to me misss like are you sure cuz

She’s like no I’m sure but she it doesn’t sound like I think she is but it doesn’t sound like my says once a week I think we should again I said don’t think we should but again if you’ve got four kers which it sounds like you’ve got me

I’ve got you should bring the best into the world if you can to I just want to tidy this up so I’ve got uh the gooderson fight which for me I remember seeing you face in in the win and and obviously for me I just remember thinking ising be rich derby um Richard

Potter Derby Potter Derby don’t never forget Potter Derby got me out of he’s got Derby poter I don’t mind so so um he doesn’t even know that’s said di dad he doesn’t know speaking to you today um so you go through obviously BJ florish you mentioned off the back of

That and then you I I remember in you do a an interview and you said then I was making money for me family obviously the won the world title it was no longer about until I won the world title I was just chasing that g being a world

Champion I wasn’t I wasn’t fighting for money I know that sounds stupid but I had a dream as a kid then let’s be honest in that fight there at good you’ve you’ve achieved your that’s what you’ve damed about that was liong dream and then so where did you go from me I

Ideally I’d like to have retired I me m has got up on I thought along my car on a bank holay Sunday in gon Park the 29th of May 2016 and in an Ideal World I’d have retired after London that left h on his chin but I was so far away from

Financial Security I couldn’t but I promised there on the Monday sitting there reading that Echo with with me on the front page on my knees crying with WBC belt and she said that’s it now you’ve done it all haven’t you and I went no what your mean I said we’re so

Far away from find I’m old school I don’t believe him he misses having to to put it work in to keep us financially so she’s so son so so I know I know exactly what you’re about here you like to pay for dinner I saw misogynistic misogynistic so you like to

Old doors open you like to pay for dinner and I believe every man should do that believe in splitting the bill [ __ ] mine going to your bed the world Chang Bill 60 30 ni out the P now I mean get a grip I mean she

Likes to laugh and joke and go I PID for dinner a few times you know no you [ __ ] didn’t yeah and there there’s something nice about being a provider it’s kind of that that old school princi be a security me whether it’s Financial barrier but then you sleep near the door

Yeah so if you go to a hotel room the man should always sleep near the door I’m not in the hotel room because I’ve put that many things against the door before they can even get in anyway you know what I mean I’m awake it seem as a bit strange for a man

To be a man and be a strong man and say look I’m here to provide and now and I don’t like that well I am and that’s the way I look at it so when I won the world title I told her we’re still far away

From Finance we got a heavy mortgage on this house it was a nice house that we had at the time ER but I had every mortgage and I said now I’m not chasing World titles so I’ve achieved me dream I had that dream before I had any kids I

Had that dream before I was with her and and she knew I was going to give me life to get to that dream of being a WBC world champion did you class the WBC is like you got that was the is that is that green and gold belts that’s the one

Muhammad Ali holds up that’s the one Mike Tyson parades that’s the one Floyd Mayweather ranks above them all every that’s the one Sugar’s got in the pitches and in the in the grand pitches in the great boxing pitches you see of a fighter holding a world title it’s the

Green and gold belt they all have that’s the one they all want John Cony me hero you know and the greatest fighter lipol one of them that he’ve ever produced what’s he got hold of he’s got hold of a WBC green belts Paul hodkinson what belts he got hold of they’ve all got

This green and gold belt and I just like Julio say asz they all hold it and I just wanted that belt you pitched yourself I didn’t in that gym killing yourself I had no real interest in any other belt I’ve got a tattooed on my arm

You know it’s on the inside of my bicep here so that you’re a well Champion you know what I mean so again even if it’s WBO or know there’s there’s two other is IB IB the WBA does the WBO does the ibf and the WBC you’d set your mind that’s

The one you wanted I want go belt and I always set about that’s so when I said to a right of she went to me because she thought I was just going to retire but this what shocks me I’m going to go on because you only had 34 fights 30 wins

Three losses all right the 34 fight obviously Us in Manchester and then you don’t fight again after that I know so because I can’t be the best no more and it’s no longer money I’ve got to double digits them in in the big ones so then

I’m just like and and is that the thing of I can’t be what what you you’ve been before in terms of tax challenging once i’ become financially secured and i’ secured the family in the business was up and running and we we’ve put everything in place that I that I

Set out to do USA comes along I was retired yeah after beting David day the second time I was on me honey moon I got me plan was to get married once I’m fully wanted plus it sounds like your Miss saying yeah that you got you cuz

She still M she still in good order she doesn’t want you to go one fight the fights it was the only time I ever sent it away cuz he said he was going to put me in a coma and I’m pretty honest and I said she said to me why is he saying

That a and I said because he he’s got the capabilities to do it so she left and she went to Dubai for the fight she didn’t like it because can’t be nice you can’t you know I think my kids didn’t really see me play football towards the

Back end but it can’t be nice to watch it that get punched in the face that’s someone like him HB someone like him says they’re going to do damage and he really wants to hit and you know he does and he means it then you know you think

You take precautions well well again your mom and dad kind of you know they don’t want to see you get it and you know but your dad kind you know they kind of expect boys to be boys but then your wife thinking my God this this is

This is the bread winner this is the fell who we built our future so my dad was a bit different my dad was close to me all the way through my career and he’s very close to me now my mom is my mom I love me mom and she’s brilliant

But your mom has never supported me on that stage of fighting because you’re already a baby she doesn’t want to see you get punch in the face so she she’s never going to attach herself emotion to that kind of version of me and she she

Used to think I was always too soft to be a fighter when I was younger K grown up and then she realized once I’ve left on once I’m out of how aible I can be I can be I’m when I’m in that fighting environment in that world I’m horrible I

Can be the most vicious and most ruthless person ever and when whenever I’ve got to be nasty I can be really nasty I can be really bad but she’s always seen the nice side of me and yeah me Miss always seen the nice side because she always thought I was too

Soft me and I get why she thought that but it’s only when she’s obviously looked into things and seen what I’ve done and seen the things I’ve I’m capable of that she okay well let’s [ __ ] off yeah well you’re capable of chaos but obviously you know you the fact that

You don’t do that or you’ve controlled it or you’ve sharpened that into secure your family Miss knew both sides so she knew I could be the devil and then she knew I can be that she knows when I’m home and I’m in the four walls I’m the nice person ever but like

I said I’ve had so many different times in me life and she’s been witnessed at all of it so she’s how do you find that now though so in terms of like obviously that’s different when you’re 24 25 30 32 how’ you find that now because for me I

Always think if I was to have a little game of 40 with someone even though I’m 41 people are going I might best than Joy Barton of for you whatever that is for you do you find you like and and I know you’re a bit bit of a silver fox

You like me you haven’t gone down the uh cherry blossom and TR of defy the age like some of the lads do though gracefully go all gracefully no no um no surgeries see I don’t like that fighting instincts in yeah but also it’s in me

But you’ve got a mellow as you get older it’s it’s in me but like they don’t see that no more so like as I said I’m not fighting for not no more I’ve got I’m all right I’m I’ve done I’m talking about the The Lads on the street the

Next Generation come yeah they see but I don’t I don’t I don’t put myself in them circles don’t put myself around because I know what’s going to come as I forese problems I don’t yeah you don’t look don’t try miss somebody you fight or flight I think I just St I just stay

Away so like I said you about me misses she’s knew me since we was kids she seen me and she’s seen the things I’ve had to do with my skin when boxing’s not paying so they she knows them things and so I just stay away from any kind of trouble

In me life cuz I don’t need it so when you get if I was someone to challenge me today in this modern day I’m not going to lie it just be over in seconds CU and I’ll switch just like that and and I’ve got I’m always going to have that in me

I think people forget that I seen the one of um is it the lad who for Frank Bruno when he’s the doorman and the lad’s chaping up and it was Francis julus Francis Julius Francis he Mike Tyson sorry Mike Tyson he gets angry but again I see he’s wearing on the door

And the g just Madness and he’s just gone to he’s just gone clipped there’s one for you and he’s just a skip he just a so so I’m going through yeah and I’m going through toer Dany fighting or football big dun we spoke about everything Your Love of everything we

Spoke about that that um that it’s not a disease or such is it but your dad chooses a team for you and then he just attaches on to it you know even when we got money and we thought he we go we’re going to be like man city

We’re going to be like Chelsea somehow We’ve Ended up and again I’m just throwing us back to this point with 10 points deducted as of yesterday and it’s now looking like we might get another six points tapped on as a stone chonan you know um I just think they’re making

Disgrace City I love man city but I’m like 115 charges not 101 anymore but did you read the the latest from a couple of days ago I don’t mean to infuriate you there they said by the time CU City ofi the best lawyers in the world the

Premier League in August this year are going to change the rules so by the time it actually gets head for city they’re going to have Chang the rules that Everton and Forest are likely to be punished on this time around which just so because they’ve dragged on that long

The rules are in effective no more what did you so so what man city have done and again I have to say allegedly although what man city have done is when they’ve got the charges they’ve gone out and hired the best five lawyers in the world at at this level now they know

They only need one or two to work for them but theyve stopped the others from being hired by the Premier League or by anyone who brings an objection so when they when the Premier League get it over through through all the headles they need to get out to get the case head get

Another block it on they just so they’re just and again as we know in the world unfortunately Money Talks um but again Howard Everton uh dealt with and given a points deduction and then Everton and Forest again a dealt with and given but looks for another points deduction before man

City’s original 115 charges have even been a it’s just not right listen it it’s once again uh money does talk but make an example of the scouters but again you see that see that Sports how do you get 10 points right for for a charge that okay obviously we breached a

Few rules but how do you only get nine points for going into Administration and get 10 points for breaking one rule I mean I don’t know how Chelsea spend a billion and and they say oh that’s okay and I don’t know I don’t know where this ffp begins and and obviously from

There’s a big thing coming out in France now got sent the other day um that the French government have been caught in cahoots with PSG about their avoidance of paying tax so how they’ve paid say Ibrahimovic he’s been paid 8 million pound a season put another 8 million in

An account in dollars in in one of the these Arab countries where they’re set up so actually what they’ve said they’ve put through the ffp actually hasn’t turned out to be right and there’s big you know big things that guardiola’s paid in a dollar account elsewhere as a load of

City players and we know that skull dugery goes on in sports it’s always going to happen it’s always going to continue to so again dopen in in your sport is you know you know as I say Canelo fi all had fail test Arthur BV B he has actually had

Well he’s had an adverse finding but he didn’t have an adverse finding against call me had an adverse finding the F before and obviously we’ve got Conor Ben I need to sort you about Conor Ben cuz when when I put up i’ seen you Tweeting

About um the fight sat and I thought the same I thought Mev and I thought they just looked beyond normal which which when you’ve watched IUS and you’ve seen what happened with those Russian athletes um it does certainly raise questions about was that a fair goal a

Square contest and and again we’ll never know we’ll probably never be in position the other one is is obviously the financial doping that comes in cuz in football you know is there an element I I do think there’s there’s been teams whether it’s blood spinning Liverpool with the asthma inhalers and then of

Them you know there’s been roads of rumors with the Cy and Dr Fuentes who was linked heavily with Barcelona when he done well in Real Madrid which makes sense because big money big business um leads you on to then other kinds of open in in in our sport clearly we’re looking

At Everton and you’re looking at it going will they’re being punished for Financial doping that’s why they’ve had a points deduction that’s what the fa or the the Premier League are saying I haven’t got a clue but as the guy said so if you can afford killan

Mbappe in Ireland surely we should be working out ways to get these players to the Premier League not ffp you know the Newcastle sa the owners now can’t spend what they want to spend because of all these um documents and strad that totally honest though they’re going to get whoever they want

Um like like City you’re doing they just tie it up in court if they can’t and you’re never going to get to the justice anyway so by and then before you know what the rules are going to change then guess what the old rules are ineffective because they’ve dragged it on for that

Long well this is what’s going to happen with Co by looks of it because they’re not have any inquiry now till after the election and again look I know I’ve taken up loads of your time and you’ve got a family there and buzzing you’ve come on Molly was meant to come on Molly

McAn but obviously because I’d said about the female commentators and um i’ used the poor analogy I think cuz you want to in a few could she got a fight coming up she didn’t want a distraction did she say no did she no no she’s just

Said look Jo it’s a bit of a distraction I don’t want people turn on me cuz I knew we’d have a solid conversation I thought it’d be a great conversation because she’d give us perspec commentators um I said they’re just killing the game in terms of you don’t

See this so much in boxing in terms of you don’t see ex- women boxers really commentating about on the boxing given a technical breakdown I know I’ve seen like natas Jonas and yeah um I’ve seen the your presenter in the box and but imagine that’s because it’s hard for a

Female boxer to explain what it feels like to get punched in the face by a boxer a male boxer and the velocity um for me I really struggle with female ex players women talking about the men’s game just based on the athletic how putting the speed and I just go you

Don’t know what you’re on about you actually don’t know what it it the men’s game is just moving at a speed you can’t even comprehend so I um to to to raise a bit of awareness to the issue I compared to female commentary and pundit to I said the serial killers the basically

Maer and football fans ears so I compared them to Fred West and Rose West which I knew Jesus Christ Joe [ __ ] sake which I knew I was only I was only poking the box but I didn’t mean Joe Fred West [ __ ] H lad well I I wanted

To get I wanted to get it I get I wanted to get the attention and it worked clearly it got the attention you’ve just labeled a couple of beards serial killers yeah and I did I double down on it a bit further cuz then I super imposed both of the Reds over Fred

And Rose West Christ what’s up with you I want to have a laugh and a joke and have and not everyone gets out of you I mean I told Guy even get that one you sick bastard no it wasn’t it was a bit over the top in terms of proving me

Point but as as I knew the media would they took it literally where I was like you know they know wasn’t saying that I was trying to get me points across of um every time I turn the TV on I even turn you won’t you’re not going to believe

This this morning so I’ve Ted over I was watching Sky Sports transfer talk and they obviously had two women on and a fell who was 100% gay a European football expert and an Indian or Pakistani guy talking about football transfers and I was just like who the

[ __ ] are these what they on about so I flipped over from that to the crown green balls on on BBC 2 and they even had a woman commentated on there and I know nothing about Crown green balls but she was do me eding when she was talking

So that that’s where it started as I said loads of people have ran for deals cuz they think I’m going to go on to some mad tangent but to honest to God I’m I’m I’m so thankful for you to come on I came in I said to thead I said to

The lads um obviously when Molly went because I thought I need to get two people on to start who’ll definitely both punch me head in so I thought about bombers there all day he’ll smash me head in and I thought who else can fil me in but a female and obviously mul was

Um for that life are you well and and again I’m opening to get her back on but you said look I’ve got a fight coming up I just don’t need any distractions she knew we’d be all right talking um but as it was to as it worked out better get

Getting you on just to talk no doubt I’ll be trying to get you on in future because there’s we could be here talk for hours and hours thanks so much for coming absolute pleasure thanks for having and I’d love to get into obviously the stuff you were doing there

Cuz I I do feel it’s important for us we we’ve been lucky we had a talent that we developed enough people believed in us whether that was our own parents or coaches to give us opportunities and we kept proving them right but we’ve also got a Pathways for the next Generations

And the people to 100% more people in the city need to give back more and I just think there’s ways and means of doing things and and not I’m not saying to people have to put their hand in the pocket CU I don’t put my hand in me

Pocket but I give something that’s far more valuable in that and that’s time yeah something I can never get back and I’ve gave I gave weapons down gloves up just so much of me time like I I gave it everything I possibly had ER and you

Know I said just want to help the kids in the city they’re not as for forunate as I was a kid and people will laugh at that saying that because I think I was very fortunate to have loads of Youth censors growing up I was fortunate to be

Able to get on the bus go into the different parts of the city and not have any problems because of where I was from or the color you was and it’s not the case now you can’t just get on a bus and going anywhere because of whether it’s a

Stupid post code holding your back or whether it’s because of a certain style or whether someone’s got a knife or whatever have you and I really do feel for them kids whether the youth sense or not because there’s not enough going on people kids have got to stop thinking that I’m going

Out on the street and spending time me mate you know why cuz we’re playing a game on PlayStation together that’s not going out mate yeah you’re not seeing your mates when you’re sitting down on the PlayStation playing in a group chat on on Call of Duty that’s not seeing

Your mates seeing your mates getting your ass out the house go knock on his door see if he’s in let’s go out I don’t know what you’re going to do when you walk out that house or what you do when you come out of his house but walk

Around do something see something get some exercise play for the parents like your parents don’t want want them to go out because of the dangers that L out there I mean you know speaking to a couple of mates of mine who who were down in London like what’s going on down

There but then obviously was it Tony Dodson some relation to Tony Dodson this week because I’ve spoke he’s okay he’s on the way out seen you Tweeting about him I’ve spoke to him and uh and I’ve had a few facetimes with him Little an’s the loveliest kid going uh

Was a very promising fine young boxer that I’m just hoping that hasn’t been taken away from I think it might have uh where he get stabbed in the heart twice in the heart two wounds this the thing you can go and do boxing MMA martial

Arts you can beat and then they had a couple of a couple of fisty Cs by all accounts in town ER and he’s obviously you know done a couple over with his fists and then someone’s just come up with a blade and stuck it in his chest

Twice not once but twice and he’s very very lucky to be alive so you know and and not that’s not going off a c else that’s going directly from his father’s mouth so and I’m speaking the truth instead there’s so many different stories going around but he’s all right

Now he’s on the menend he’s still in a lot of pain but I’m going to get to see him this week most definitely and uh I’m just so happy and so so lucky that that he’s here me because his dad has been through a really tough life mate Tony

Dods and his dad been a mate of mine for a long time and I’ve known to an awfully long time so yeah I’m happy he’s all right in his little babies okay and again touches back to that you know knives down gloves up weapons down gloves up or whatever it is um just

People need to as the say you’re not playing Call of Duty ad you can’t just press Start people you know been through my life some of the nurses as you know we I say we both share the same B in Richard Derby AA Derby and some of the things the stories he’ll

Tell you of as I say these kids go into these these police rooms and giving it the big and the big bollocks of L no comment Pig and all that [ __ ] and then the coper just goes listen me your phone ping there there there that’s you there

Do that’s you doing it you’re going to jail for the rest of your life all the tears come on then tiny tear start and then it’s all of a sudden I’ve starts telling on the meets and then and then everyone’s going to jail it’s no kind of

Like so we’ve grew up with loads of them and the amount of lad I me who who were good footballers going and then you know the the Tony Montana drag and that was cooler because it was quick it was a quicker way to quicker money but also you know the discipline dedication

Squidling yourself away living like a Spartan to become what we ended up becoming um and when I meet them now and I talk to them they go hell you had your head screwed on I’m like I just didn’t want your anything to do with your world

Cuz I just fought that quick anything in the world anything that comes quick mate never lasts anything that comes quick so whether it’s money whether it’s anything that comes quick it just doesn’t last and and there’s no there’s no shortcut to success there’s no shortcut to it and

And you’ve just got to in in Implement that on these kids because social media I genuinely believe is the worst thing to ever happen to this world I just think it’s an absolute deter but it could be it could be where it could be

Used for good it could be us in the best way but I just think Joe I think it’s being it’s destroying the kids because what social media done is take away the journey and deliver the destination no kid wants to take every kid just looks at now what card you drive what watch

You wear what your out like you know what private jets you getting on but no one’s seen that so you know the private jets and and the money and the cars and the big house and the watches and the kettles that’s yeah but you didn’t just

Go from there to there there’s been a journey where you’ve gone slowly slow but everyone’s forgot about the journey and everyone just sees the destination and the the will they want to start here and then just go tomorrow I’m going to be there but again I I look at and go

Social media course that but but again if you switched on and you and and you you you tell you tell people the right message which I’m open via this podcast to get out and speak to loads of people just to give the people who tune in a different perspective that there’s no

Shortcut to be successful as you rightly point out there it’s Champions are made as you say when nobody’s eyes are on it this is the problem now because even if you’re making your way you’ve got to have a presence you’ve got to build your following and and in your game you know

Ticket sales they you know I’m seeing some boxers now is it the lad um young paty Lacy and there’s the boy from sto who’s done really well who’s just who’s just uh what’s his name takes all the Stoke following with him uh he’s fighting on Sky he’s

Definitely on the room adamine no no he’s like a rangy boy um begin with a h is second name sto boxer Stoke boxer oh Nathan yeah he’s got a crowd like The Stoke fans are going with him yeah I mean you got to follow him be and

Stuff like that but I mean doesn’t Patty do a lot of tickets P do a l TI we’ve got a kid in Liverpool uh little taner little Jack T little Jack T mate he’s going to be he’s going to be a monster and believe you me he’s a beast but there’s

So many of them but ultimately you’re going to have to overcome the demons and then these streets in this city May if if you don’t stay out of them they’re going to eat you up well it’s not just that so if you look at like I look at

McGregor now I’m so open he comes back against Chandler and he is he is back like he is but then you think how much money he’s got how big he’s got sends the sport it’s hard to keep a you get to the point it’s no longer about money for

Someone like him it’s no no but I’m saying so it’s hard to keep your head on it’s hard with all that distraction it is but Conor’s smart and I’ve got to give him credit with you I’ve met him now enough times and spoke to him enough times where people like him he’s

Fighting and he understands it’s not like when I was getting ready for usk I understood and realized something at the very last minute I haven’t been fighting because it was world champion I want to be world champion I haven’t been fighting and chasing money because at

This stage now when I’m in the buildups of the USC fight I’m like I’m financially secure I’ve won a World title why are you why I’m sitting in a traveling Express for weeks some weeks on end and I’m sitting there thinking you don’t need this you don’t

Need who cares about how many world titles whatever that you’ve won it you defend it you’ve done it and I just thought it took me all these years 20 years getting punched in the face to go I’m here because I just love fighting yeah I actually do well that’s what I

Was going to come back to you on the trainer the talent all that and then all of a sudden what’s the famous quote every boxer has a plan until he gets punched in the nose and everyone thinks Mike Tyson said that but it wasn’t actually

M so but that’s the thing when you taste that blood or you get that that shock to your system that’s where all the training goes out the the brown bomb everyone’s got a plan till he get punched in the face and Joe L is the first person to ever say Mike tyon just

Made it famous and then I actually stuck it on a book which was very bright not my choice like but the uh the editor’s choice I wanted uh fail to prepare prepare to fail PR fa to fail that’s the m so I’ve got that so listen thanks for your time thank

Thanks so much for coming in greatest start with with the boxing world champion


  1. Got 2 hours in and was really enjoying it, but the constant interruptions became unbearable Joe. Let the guests speak a bit more mate. Good 1st effort. 6/10

  2. Glad you got yourself a platform on here Joey , keep telling it like it is mate . Also think Bellews story is brilliant and he’s also a good role model for lads from the estates . From a Red.

  3. Fantastic interview! Two ex sportsmen with bags of charisma and common sense. Much better than the brainless tripe on the mainstream sporting media platforms

  4. You beat up your misses and kick her when she’s on the floor. Won’t last long on here lad. Poor from Tony for coming on.

  5. Good listen but i will say one critique – joey talks over his guest quite a lot, learn to be quiet and let the guest speak because it was starting to get on my tits.

  6. Joey, great interview but please let Tony talk. You kept on interrupting him and therefore, stopping his great stories

  7. Stop trying to say islam and big artur are cheats this is petty keep the same energy on benn, he aint knocking people out , and also nigel pissed off without taking a drug test after the mclelan fight talk about that

  8. I know you from football but since hearing you on Pearls channel and on Triggernometry you sound like an intriguing guy who has experienced and read a lot and has some very interesting things to discuss. Keep bringing on others, get pearl on, get Francis and Konstantin on, get out there as i love your point of view.

  9. Remember John the ice cream man changed his song to match ov the day think it was for1995 or 1996 Everton winning the fa cup

  10. This is one of the best podcasts I've ever seen!

    If you're a Scouser and interested in boxing and football, this is a must see/listen to podcast. I'm a Liverpool fan and still loved hearing all the stories about Evertonians.

    I've been lucky enough to meet both Tony and Joey in social and business environments and can honestly say that they are both top men who do a lot for their communities to help youths that most people will never know.

    Both giving full insights into their childhoods, careers, families and friends, as well as their highs and lows.

    This podcast will teach you what you need to know about making it to the very top of any sport.

  11. Good to see 2 guys who haven't let money change them down to earth and are old school , non of this new day snowflake shite

  12. Good stuff. Two working-class boys showing their wisdom, articulate and thoughtful, not like the caricatures the media might present them as – especially Mr. Barton, who you'd had started a war after stating an opinion not in line with current ideology. As for former acts of violence, well, that's not great, but it's not something many in the media would understand, how the local environment can profoundly affect the brain's neurobiology. We get older, we learn, we change, and so does the brain. It's called plasticity. Joey looks like a person who has changed.

  13. You get one life if you’ve got money spoil ur kids so what what people think as long as they no the rights or wrongs in life

  14. This is the content I need ,can't wait. Please make audio only for when we're on the move 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  15. Well done Joey, you have a fearless attitude and are a great talker. Keep seeking the truth and ignore the haters. Your the perfect guy to get some politicians and the likes on and ask real questions

  16. Great podcast. Can't wait to hear more. All i would say is just to let your guest finish the answer. There was a few times when you jumped in and steered the conversation away when Tony was half way through his answer.

  17. You've gotta let him talk Joey and stop jumping in and bringing everything back to your own experience. Gets a bit frustrating that Tony can't fully answer a question before you cut him off. Other than that really enjoyed the podcast and looking forward to the next one

  18. You keep cutting him off Joey… he’s half way through points and you interrupt… I feel like I’ve missed interesting things he was halfway through saying

  19. If it weren't so pathetic, it would be hilarious. Joey came to the realization that he lacked the intelligence, wit, likability, knowledge (of anything), or charisma to engage in mainstream punditry or panel discussions. Instead, he opted to harass women who have careers as football analysts, aiming to attract fellow racist, sexist, homophobic, neanderthals to listen to his podcast of absolute drivel featuring Z-list personalities for nearly three hours. It's ironic how Joey initially sent supportive messages to female pundits until he recognized the potential for profit from appealing to "our country" buffoons. With 30k views in four days, it's as pathetic as I initially stated.

  20. Hi Tony can you help me get Ray Gilbert on the grass at Goodison inprisoned for 36 years and that man was innocent. we owe him that as Evertonians and human beings

  21. Was never really into boxing until I saw Bellew smash Haye, I watched it because I couldn't stand Haye. Great interview watched both fights in the background whilst watching.
    Joey I'd love to see Neville on 😂

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